Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, May 10, 1900, Image 2

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OSO. D. CANON. Editor.
W. Parker, an old resident of
la dead.
B. A M. band of Ptattsmoutb
ita formal debut Sunday.
Overton Epworth league realised
M at the bar recently held.
Western Nebraska Stock Grow-
ktlon met at Alliance May 8.
1ft o, drunken fight on the Poca
Bird Head waa ibot and aeri
of the two bucket ahopa at Ne
l City ha been cloaed for want
aaloon brawl at Lincoln, BUI
y shot and perhaps fatally
Ted Sullivan.
Smpklns, who atole a load of
from a farmer near Madison,
Lincoln for a year.
t citizens contributed 112 to.
Nebraska's fund for the relief
starving people of India.
Reeves, while fishing; last Run-
Mar Madison, waa accidentally shot
tat let by a careless hunter.
W. Ik Wilson of Virginia, the
of the Wilson tariff bill. Is vlsit-
J. Sterling; Morton at Arbor
Joel Barker of Falrbury has re
I as pastor of the Methodist
l there, to accept a pastorate In
I standing quarrel ended In a
at Howell, when Joseph Slama
shot Frank Chady and then
own life.
41 Bros.' circus and menagerie
the show season for 1900 in
Island. This aggregation la a
Infant child of John Blgnell of
tried to swallow a peanut
and it lodged in his throat He
i terrible agony.
M train dealers' convention was held
sat AMfcorn to arrange for a uniform
ejsnfc f prices for grain to be paid
ssOSB gtfce Missouri Pacific road.
Harder of Millard, who dlsap
recently with 11.000 belonging
Omaha Elevator company, has
gathered in at Cheyenne, Wyo.
' balloon ascension and Indian
at Decatur was witnessed
targe crowd In spite of the steady
of rain. The ascension and
was a success. ;
' i
on the dot the new St
Portland trains on the B. A M.
Alliance and a large crowd
at the depot to greet the
flyer. It was the first day-
passenger train seen there for a
Sheriff McBride at Platts-
arrested a man giving the name
WKHam Hamilton, who had six gold
en gold watch chains and a
Colts' revolver. The Jewelry
In Wahoo and officers took
to that place.
d Conner, who shot A. E. Cal
at the latters' ranch near Hy
on Sunday, was lodged in the
Jail at that plaoe by Sheriff
The latest reports show that
is net seriously hurt, the bul-
glaaeed from a rib.
nnty's term of court began
wit Judge S. H. Sorn-
presiding. The term will not
5o vary long one. as there are but
raats on the docket, one of
a criminal case that has been
the court several terms.
Mohn, a fanner and stock
"3ar. WOO found dead la his barn, a
-jmwOm east of Bsrtraod. A coroners
the eaase of death to
use of alcohol.' De
ft brother of the late Chas.
la a runaway 'tw
tsoal committee Is making ar
s Is for the coming district
XSSmmr oonrentlon of the Oerman
t&tZZXSa pteoopel church, which will
'iy-tll Humboldt on Tuesday. May IS.
" t 3 sjaaitir of delegates, and one
-' 't '3 nottvo missions rles from the
,1 j f CMm and Corem are expected
"' 'U 4 ant aad take part.
aa hour er two all
) r of n gang of hoboes who
" trai to work on the streets at
sUnsh aad refused' to work
Xh$ ssoror ordered then taken
"tV Oe Jail, when they will he
' :J to Osrve thotr fall time on
water diet, unless they
t mn ta regard U work.
I C-J lock c trsJI.
v. -r'Taft karoo tn
v i .:cai f
fcaf n, heteadBg to the
f Crg. farmers, northwest of
Y sumon front their bom
YrS "tSm mm roJooi and
-t ra easss sac is
Self-preservation Is the first law of
society, as well aa the first law of
physical existence. A monopoly tends
toward Industrial aristocracy; It tends
to dfeate a condition wherein a few will
BeAtKOl ap the means of production and
few-Sftai that control from generation
to generation, while the mw strug
gle for a bare living, with no hope of
progress or independence.
The Influence of concentrated wealth
Is so great in the social and political
world that a governmfnt of the people,
by the people and for the people tan
not long survive if Industrial Independ
ence disappears. When the monopoly
Idea is carried to its natural and log
ical conclusion we will have a govern
ment of the trunts, by the truU and
for the trusts, with a large majority
of the people more helpless than they
are under an absolute monarchy.
There is no hostility to capital In this
country. On the contrary, everybody Is
desirous of accumulating that valuable
thing called capital, but there is hos
tility to some of the methods employed
by those who possess large capital to
overreach those who possess less cap
ital. There Is some hostility though
not as much as there should be to
New Jersey,
the great breeding
ground of the trusts, reported at the
close of the fiscal year in November
that It had chartered 2.000 corporations
with an aggregate authorised capital
of tt. 401.409.000. No such figures as
these had ever startled observers of
the times.
Of these the greatest were the
Federal Steel company, with 1100,000,
Me of capital; the Distilling company
of America, tl2S.oeo.000; the newly
formed Standard Oil company, 1110.
OMOO; the American Steel and Wire
company, SH.OOO.ftW: the American Bi
cyrie company and the National
Tube company, SSt,Q0O,OM each; the
Continental Tobacco company and the
Amalgamated Copper company, $75.
seo.OOO each; The American Hide and
Leather company the the United
States Worsted company, M6.O0t.0M
each; the American Ice company, M0,
00,000; Republic Iron and Steel com
pany, tS5.0M.9iW; American Foundry
company, MO.OM.000; National Steel
company, tW.OOO.OW; Rubber Ooods
Manufacturing company and Ameri
can Tin Plate company. IM.otO.OOO
Below these figures were eleven cor
porations with no.ON.000 or more;
eleven at H0.000.000; thirteen at I2M00.-
thirty-three with flO.OM.OO
Dsiawsre has begun to nee the ad
vojtfkjs to a outs In fostering those
o j t UsHnns Under a new law of-
oCMrtor advantages to compa
"j Oi huff saoital the Bloc Hen
fcstehed M1IXMM of ohor
; Crch- Jfsw Jery rrrenur
ward those who use large accumula
tions of capital to corrupt government
and purchase special privileges, and
then use the power acquired to destroy
competition and trample upon the
rights of weaker members of society.
There is some hostility toward thone
who, in the acquiring of capital, have
not furnishefl to society an adequate
return for the capital acquired.
If soc iety Is In danger the danger does
not come from thone "who are without
means and who wlnh to have it without
work," but from those who have
means for which they did not work.
Bismarck in addressing an audience
of farmers a few years ago, told them
that they would have to act together
in order to protect themselves "from
teh drones of society, who produce
nothing but laws." If we could today
divide the people of the United States
Into two clasuws placing In one group
the producers of wealth and In another
the non-producers, It would be found
that the non-producing produced far
more laws than the producers. So long
as the non-producing element control
legislation the laws will be more favor
able to those who speculate than to
those who toll. W. J. Bryan in the
New Tork Journal, July 2, 18.
from a year's Incorporations waa ITS,
000. A recent estimate shows that S.M7,
000 men earn their living in the em
ploy of trusts.
We have no right to say that com
petition or combination and aggrega
tion are In themselves evil, or that
they necessarily produce evils, so long
as we have had no experience of a
social organisation where it is possible
to have competition and combination
and aggregation free and unrestricted.
Our laws now, by restrictions and by
direct grants, give some men advan
tages which others do not enjoy, snd
this has always heretofore been the
case In every country and in every
kind of civilisation that has existed.
In my view the evils of which there
la such loud complaint are due to the
restrictions created and the special
privileges granted by law, and the true
remedy for the evils will be found In
removing the restrictions and abolish
ing the special privileges. Tom L.
Johnson, at Chicago Anti-Trust Con
Our course la forward, not backward.
We shall not tear down the great de
partment store and go back to fifty or
one hundred small ones, with as many
owners, to take its place; we shall not
destroy the labor saving machinery In
order to Impose the burdens of uaeleaa
toll npon humanity. We are coming to
ee that a social prodiirt should h
t A
socially owned. We , (shall understand
that men are brothers, and must live
brotherly. No other course Is possible.
The trust principle, instead of being
destroyed, must be utilized; Instead of
being a privately owned curse, it mut
be made a publicly owned blessing.
As the inevitable result of competition
Is monopoly, so the legitimate product
of the competitive system Is the trust.
TVvien who own the trusts believe
In Brotherhood for those composing the
trusts. The trust as it stands today Is
the Great American Brotherhood, Lim
ited; we must amend the title by strik
ing ofT the last word, Mayor Samuel
M. Jones of Toledo, at Chicago Anti'
Trust Conference.
I challenge any one to take Issue or
point out wherein the policy we have '
adopted In Ohio is other than a right
eous one, and a fitting course to pur
sue namely, the proper Investigation,
punishment, and even death of these
potent and omniscient trusts whenever
they have forfeited their right to live.
The remedy for the wrong is vested
directly In the executive officer of the
state, the attorney general of the
United State and the highest courts of
the respective sovereignties.
It needs no new government; It needs
no political platform. The evil neither
requires free silver nor gold standard,
double tax nor single tax. It needs
men to execute the laws that we have.
It needs the courts to weigh out ex
act Justice against the rich, powerful
antf mighty, with the same even hand
that they should to the poor and de
graded pauper. F. S. Monnett, former
attorney general of Ohio, at Chicago
Anti-Trust Conference.
Imperialism and Expansion Costly
For Unele Sam.
Washington, D. C (Special. Th
republican leaders are eager that con
gress shall adjourn by June 10, and Iht
present program Is to have the appro,
prlatlon bills go "through by the first
week In June.
The Imperialistic policy will cause
enormous expenses next year. Every
appropriation bill haa been Increased,
and It Is probable that as great ex
penditures will be authorised as was
spent In the year of the war with
The appropriations for this year are
Legislative, executive and
Judicial f 2M74.M1.U
Army 111.000.34. U
Navy , l.M0.l.7
Fortifications 7,001.411.00
Indian ......... 7,121,201.06
Diplomatic and consular., 1,741.401.71
Pensions 14S.MS.M0.0t
The poatofflce Ul.M4.MO.7t
District of Columbia .741.Slf.il
Urgent deficiency l.iU.60t.M
Add. urgent deficiency.... I.4M.M0.M
Agriculture S.tOO.000.00
Sundry civil K.OOO.000.00
Military academy MO.tOO.M
Oeneral Deficiency lO.OOO.OOO.Of
Total ........ ..........MT,7I7,Ml.ii
The appropriations for the con great
preceding the war with Spain amounted
n fM.S?I.MS.4.
ff Attempt la Made To Arrest Him
Ho Will Treat Would Bo Cap
tors Aa Brigands.
Washington, D. C (Special.) James
R. Hoverelgn. ex-master workman of
the Knights of Labor, will resist ar
rest when he returns to Idaho. He
stated hie position in the following
"I shall return to the Coeur d'Alene
mining district of northern Idaho in
a few weeks, and if, after I arrive
there. Governor Steunenberg's martial
law deputies attempt to arrest me
without a warrant, as they have sev
eral hundred other men during the
past year, I will resist such arrest, if
need be with my life."
Bartlett Sinclair, the representative
tf Governor Steunenberg In the en
forcement of martial law In northern
Idaho, in his testimony before the mil
itary affairs committee made the start
ling and remarkable statement that
luring his entire martial law operations
in northern Idaho the civil courts In
lhat district have been free and unob
structed, and that his application of
martial law In taking away the liber
ties of the people was simply a matter
of choice and caprice and was not done
because the civil courts were In the
least obstructed or hindered In the ex
ercise of their constitutional functions.
In fact, he acknowledged the arrest
snd imprisonment of an officer of the
L-ourt itself, whom he kept In prison for
nearly three months without warrant,
charge oi trial.
These and other statements of Sin
clair seem to have aroused Mr. Bover
tlgn, and when called upon by a re
porter, he said:
"The first guarantee of this govern
ment to its citlxens Is the right to life,
liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
That guarantee Is supported by the
fourth, fifth and fourteenth amend
ments to the federal constitution, and
insures to every person security from
arrest without warrant, against the
lurrender of life, liberty or property
aithout due pocess of law, and against
imprisonment without due conviction
it crime. -
"Blackstone. whose commentaries on
English law constitute the foundation
af American Jurisprudence, says: 'Of
great Importance to the public Is the
preservation of Individual personal lib
erty, for. If once It were left to the
power of any, even the highest mag
istrate, to imprison arbitrarily whom
ever he or his officers thought proper,
there would soon be an end to all
Hher rights and immunities.'
"But now comes Bartlett Sinclair and
ronfesees on his oath that his will,
without courts of law, or legal evl-Jt-nce.
comprised the process on which
hundreds of men were condemned to
imprisonment without their having
even the knowledge of the offense for
which they were accused or the dura
tion or character of their imprison
ment. This condition of affairs has ex
isted In northern Idaho for a whole
year and still continues.
"I never committed a crime against
the laws of my country and never ex
pect to, and a babe can arrest me for
any offense when lawful complaint is
made, but I will not suffer others to
:ommlt crimes against me.
"Do not misquote me. What I mean
is that anybody can arrest me with a
awful warrant, and an officer of the
United States army can arrest me
without a warrant, and I will also obey
Implicitly the orders or martial law
ahenever and wherever the civil courts
are overthrown by insurrection or other
"But martial law becomes Itself crim
inal violence when applied to any dis
trict where the constabulary and Judi
ciary are In the full and unobstructed
isercise of their lawful functions,
"The so-called martial law officers In
Shoshone county, Idaho, have no more
right to arrest me without a warrant
than I have to arrest them without a
warrant. They have no more right to
imprison me without due process of
law than I have to imprison them with
out due process of law, and, therefore,
when I return to that district. If Bart
lett Sinclair or any of his so-called mar
tial law deputies attempt to arrest me
without a warrant I will resist such
Arrest with all physical force at my
"The civil courts In 8hoshone county
are In full exercise of their lawful post
ers, and therefore If the martial law
deputies attempt to restrain me of my
liberties without civil process I will
treat them in the same sense I would
treat brigands and highwaymen,
"Every law abiding citlaen will ap
prove the acta of any person who de
fends with his life, if need be, those
rights and liberties guaranteed by the
institution and statute whenever those
rights and liberties are sought to be
destroyed by lawlesa violence.'
I nvlew of the advance In the salaries
of other state officials the Oerman cler
gy have been petitioning their respec
tlvs governments for Increased remun
eration. The greater cost of lllvng calls
for such Increase. An addition of I0.
000 was voted for this purpose. Minis
ters will now receive for the Srst live
rears MM per annum and a parsonage;
for the second Svs years, MOO; for the
third Svs, M7; the fourth Svs. 1710;
then MM, MOO and after thirty roars'
service, SPSS.
nsKAL s:::i PS9TESTS.
Don't Want the Navy Yard Band To
Take Their Places.
A musical war has been dlarod
against the Brooklyn navy yard, and as
a sign of opening hostilities two repre
sentatives of the Musical Protective
union bombarded Admiral Philip, com
mandant of the yard, with complaints
The Navy Tart band Is a deservedly
popular Institution. It is "omposed of
musicians of high ability, with Prof. J.
Savasta as the leader. Admiral 1'hlllp
Is proud of this band yf sixteen pieces,
and is fond of exhibiting It on various
occasions and furnishing Its services
free In cjharitablo and oth-r owrtly
There comes the rub, for, so sail the
two delegates to Admiral rhlllp yes'er.
day, this gratuitous service on the
part of the Navy Yard hand robs the
regular union organisation of Just so
many chances to make money.
The Cuban orphans' fair at the Metr.v
polltan opera house lat week fur
nished a case In point The Navy Vard
band was loaned bodily by the com
mandant of the yard, and played four
or five afternoons to the delight of the
Furthermore, as the pay of Prof. Im
vasta Is only 10 a month, nni that of
the other players 133 a month, Admiral
Philip, known everywhere for his kind
heartedness, permits the band on unen
gaged evenings to play in pxrt or as a
body at private or semi-public affairs,
where they are paid In this way theso
musician make a good deal of money.
To this custom and to the free irlft of
the band's services by Admiral Philip
the two delegates from the Musical
Mutual Protective union objected
strongly. The former captain of the
Texas listened patiently enough, 'and
then, with the quiet remark that he
took orders In reference to the hand
and other things from the sec-retary oi
the navy, the Interview was ter
minated.' But the end Is not yet, decUre the
dissatisfied union delegates. Th'-y say
an appeal will be made to Secretary of
the Navy Long to discover the rtirht of
a government band to dispense Its mel
ody In dlsastroua competition with th4
civil organizations.
The union' Is also to write to Prof.
Savasta x U a member notifying
him that he must not play at such
places any more, not even If Admiral
Philip orders him to, on pain of dis
missal from the union. Now, since
Prof. Savasta I regularly enlUted In
the United States navy, as ore the
other members of the band. It Is not
hard to foretell what they will do.
Attrlbutss Dewey Boom to Outlawe
of Democracy.
New Tork. (Special.) "I expect to
go to the Kansas City convention as a
delegate," said Oliver 11. P. Belmont
who arrived home on the steamship
Mr. Belmont's first Inquiries amon
his friends related to the Pewey boom,
and he satisfied himself that It would
have no effect on the nomination of
Mr. Bryan, which, he said, he expected
to be made by acclamation.
"I attribute the admiral's randlda
cy," he said, "to W. C. Whitney and
his friends, the outlaws of democracy.
It will be a fiizle. of course.
"It seems to me thai the silver Issue
has gone Into abeyance. The currency
bill has robbed the free silver plank
of 16 of much of Its significance for
the present. Still, aa one of the planks
of the Chicago platform. It ought to be
reaffirmed with the whole,
"The trust Issue Is to my mind the
most Important, and should be trested
most vigorously In the piatorm of ISmjO.
The errors and false tactics of the
present administration should serve as
subjects for effective democratic criti
cism. The situation is decidedly hope
ful for the democracy."
Mrs Belmont remains in Europe for
the present, to be near the Duchess of
Marlborough, her daughter, during the
Duke's absence In South Africa.
Remarkable Performance on the
Ship Trinidad.
New Tork, May . Mr. Henry of
Henry A Lee, 07 Water street, who was
a passenger on the steamship Trinidad
of the Quebec Steamship company, on
her lent trip from Bermuda, tells a
queer story of an Incident that or
curred during the voyage. On the sec
ond night out, he says, 'and while a
gale waa blowing, the wakeful passen
gers about midnight heard the officers
shouting commands and the deckhands
hoisting up cases of merchandise from
the hold and tossing them overboard.
Some of the timorous passengers then
thought the cargo was being thrown
over to save the ship, but on Inquiry
they were assured that there waa no
danger, although no explanation was
offered aa to why the botes were be
ing dumped Into the sea.
For the rest of the voyage there was
guessing among the passengers, hut
no satlafsctory conclusions were reach
ed. Mr. Henry brought ashore the re
port that the fifteen cases that had
been thrown overboard contained to
bacco which had been smuggled into
Bermuda, and then. Instead of being
confiscated and sold. It was reshlpped
on the Trinidad, with orders to throw
It overboard somewhere In the Quit
Stream. Rumor further had It that the
easss had been almllarty disposed of on
the last trip from Bermuda of ths
Orinoco of the same line. The Trinidad
Is In Bermuda again now.