Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, May 10, 1900, Image 1

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HwlVc-ript'oii Price
Officic.il Paper of
Gko. D. Canon,
Emtkkku at the IUhhison IVkt
Editor Rosewater of the Omaha Boe
after all could'nt muster force enough
to down standard oil Thurston in the
republican state convention. Fact of
the matter was, the Standard Oil Thurs
ton compiled Rosy to lay down and
swallow his medicine.
Wonder if our republican friends have
taken the pain to read their fctate plat
form passed by their party convention j
at Lincoln on the 2nd inst? They should j
gat a copy, read and study it, and th- n j
compare it with the Democratic; state
Notwithstanding the administration
in power declared, through its represen
tative in congix-es that the constitution
of the United BUies did not follow the
flag. 1'et in th casa of Rtphael Oritz,
askiojf for release from the Minnesota
state prison by bahaes corpus proceed
ings, but, tli decision of the military
tribunal of Porto Rico, was sustained by
Judge Lochrin, and in his lengtbly decia
ioa declares, without equivacation that
the constitution of the United States
covers all territory ceeded to it, beuce
hi decision. That a black pye for I
pubheanisra on the Porto Ricoan tariff
law recently passed.
At the Sioux Fill, national Populist
convention, Senator V, V, Allen of
Nebraska made the speech, nominating
Hon. V. J. Bryan for i"esidaat of the
Untied State.
The republican party need hare so
hesitancy in baring incorporated luto
their national platform, a plank condem
ns the trust and what they will do.
The party have been in possession of
every avenue of the government for
four years and the trusts have increased
over 200 fold and are still increasing to
an alarming rale. Yet not a single ef
fort baa been exercised by that party
who are drunk on Imperialism and mili
tarism. No, the trust Combines are not
afraid of all the reioluting the party
may do at Philadelphia June 19th,
James Creel man, the traveling report,
r of tho New York World, declares that
Hod. W. J. Bryan, this fall will sweep
the country; he also nays that "golden
rule" Jones, of Ohio and his following
are with Mr. Bryan in his campaign, 'and
therefore that state has already been
taken out of the doubtful column.
Four yearn ago Mr. Creolman said Mr,
Bryan could net carry tho election, this
year he says be is sure to win.
The quadrenial conference of the Met
hodist Episcopal church of the world is
now in session at Chicago. Many ques
tions of special interest to the church,
such as marriage and divorce; dancing
and card playing will be seriously con
sidered by th conference, whether to
expung them from the discipline, or re
tain them aa they are, We believe,
relative to the above questions the U.
E. church is eminently correct in its
former church law and believe that a
repeal of that part of its tonnents will be
a retrograding step of the church reflect
on Christianity as taught by John Wev
ley the founder of the M. E. church.
The conference might as well undertake
the revision of the inspired Wdd.
A Fnttt Bicycle Tllder.
Wilt often receive painful cuts, sprains
or bruises from accidents. BuckUns
Arnica Halve, wilt kill the pain and heal
th injury. It's Utm cyclist's friend.
Cures Chaflnf, Chapped Hands, Bore
lips, Bums, Ulcer and Piles, Cure
guaranteed. Only 85c, Try it. Bold
br Or. 3. & PHUftUY druggist.
Per Year $l.DO.
sioux: County.
- Editor.
Oii;ck a -hcno t i.as Makh.
Admiral iJewey, as a naval hero, is
receiving great demonstrations of honor
at the Ix-wey banquets and parades, at
Chicago, St. Louis, anil other places
vr la-re he hits went on his recent tour in
different parts of the country.
In tho senate of these United Ktftcs
May 4th tha republican members placed
themselves on record as being opposed
to the sucresii of lh two South African
Republics. The party in their National
coveittion at Philadelphia will no doubt
do tho bauitt thing or bo silent on that
Tortured A Witness.
Intense suffering was endured by wit
ness T. L Martin, of Dixie Ky., before lie
gave this evidence: "I coughed every
night until my throat was nearly raw;
then tried I Jr. Kiog New Discovery
which gave instant relief. I havo used
it in my family for fouryearsand recom
mend it as tiia greatest remedy for
Coughs, Colds and all Throat Chest and
Lung trouble.. It will stop the worst
cough, and not onlg prevents but abso
lutely cures Consumption. Price 50
cents and $1.00. Every boltla guaran
teed. Trial bottles free at Dr. J. E.
Phinneys Drug Store,
It's op to the People.
Less than a year remains in which
to gather facts, and information that
will influence your vote for the next
president of the United States.
That grievous wrongs have been
committed, and grave errors allowed
to exist without effort at correction, is
evidenced by the speech, writings, and
comments of eminent statesmen and
jurists; congressmen and leading men
of business ; professors and clergymen
in every state.
Party affiliations have been ignored
in the outcry against thrusting aside
the safeguards of our fathers ana JiY
ing pell-mell into the affairs of Europe.
The situation is a deplorable one if
not alarming ; as is also our domestic
flairs dominated by gigantic Trusts.
The evils are not of spontaneous
growth I They are the result of years
of labor and expenditure of millions
of dollars! Beginning with the dis
placement of American silver for
English gold, the cunning of Eng
land's diplomacy in shaping the des
tiny of our Republic is apparent to
any ordinary observer seeking the
true inwardness of events.
The Cincinnati Enquirer has fre
quently called attention to each and
every move as it was transpiring, and
during the campaign of 1900 will
present its readers with a truthful
array of facts that will be extremely
interesting and startling.
No fair-minded American, be he
Republican, Democrat or of other
political faith, can afford at this critical
time to ignore the truth. Partisan
prejudice, with the Trusts as dictators,
ts a far more degrading slavery than
that which existed previous to the Civil
War of '61-64.
Trusts in the United States alone
have a representative capital greater
than all the gold and silver in the
world. These will spend manjr more
millions of dollars to suppress truth
and facts and mislead all who fail to
look beyond their plausible decep
tions. Read the Enquirer and you
will be able to discern the truth and
combat falsehood. A victory for
Trusts and the McKinley Adminis
tration in 1000 will end the era of
greatest good to greatest Bomber.
Watch carefully the
Cutcuaati EnquirsY
Can This B2 Possible?
Christ has said "Love your enemies"
The church prays Almighty God to help
m blow them up with botnlwh -lis. Du
ring Ihu lust year I have often spoken in
public against war and expansion based
on war, and in all secular audiences I
have found a ready and favorable re
sftonse. In meetings of church people
the reception of these ideas has been cold
and when I addressed a meeting compos
ed exclusively of clergymen, then and
then only, my hearers were unanimously
against me. For some reason or other
the ministers of Christ fceem to be the
most bloodthirsty class in the commun
ity. Nor is this statu of affairs confined
to this country. In England, with scar
cely an exception all the clergy, "Angli
can and Nonconformist, are enthusiastic
supporter of the Transvaal war. Fred
eric Harrison, the positiveist; Herbert
Spencer, the evolutionist, and John More
ly, the agnostic, have been left to do the
work of Christ, while the Anglican pri
mula of Ireland has been writing verses
in praise of all war and this war in par
ticular, and the whole bench of Bishops
has said "Amen." In France tho entire
clerical world i dominated by the army,
. while the free-thinking and free-writing
Zola has practically answered the quest
ion, "What, would Jesns do?,' The most
Christian articles which I have seen of
late on the subject of war were from
the pens of the editor of the atheist "Re
former" of London, the daughter of Bra
dlaugb, and of Max Nordan, Jew. The
socialist press is unanimously egainst
vviir., Ernest II. Crosby, New York.
A Woman's Awful Peril.
"There is only one qhanca to save
your life and that is through an opera
tion where the startling words heard by
Mrs. I. B. Hunt of Lime Ridge, Wis.,
from her doctor after he had vainly tried
to cure her of a frightful case of stom
ach trouble and yellow jaundice. Call
stones had formed and she constantly
rew worse. Then she began to use El
ectric Bitter which wholly cured .her.
It's a wonderful Stomach, Liver and
Kidney remedy. Cured Dyspepsia, Loss
of Appetite. Try it. Only 50 ets.
Guaranteed. For Bale by Dr. JE. Phiii-
ney druggist.
To I'rescott T. Ward, Mrs. Prescott T.
Ward, big wife, christian name unknown,
A. l.ora WrU, Frond. A. Osborne.
You, end eai-ti of you, are hereby notiflivi
tbiiton tho 9th flay of May, A, D. ISM), Tho
County of Wmir, us jilutntiB-, filed in the
tli.itiiot court In ami for tho county of Bloux
ftiid hlMbs of NebraMkn, It petition HirtUint
you, the objwt (tint prayer of which ! to
foreclose certain tax Uf-rtson the following
described real estate mtuated in the county
of Sioux and uluto of Sehruf a, to wit:
ioutli ent o.iiitrti!r vj south-west quarto!
'i. South half VI intli-et quarter 14 ttce-
tlm twclTo VI, Nortlvemt quarter) north
eat quarter Section l, Township thirty-
two 32, North of Hange lilty-stx 5ti, Went of
trie ilxlli 8 V. M., that suld tax Ilea consist
of Uxe aiMMied and levied on said real
estate for the following years nd amounts,
to wit: In the year 105, the uin of .V?s;
in the year IIWS, tlm -film of $,j.i3; in the year
1V,'7, the sum of S.1j4; intheycur 1 WW, the
sum of with lnli-reit on each of maid
sum its provided by law; and to hays an
nc-ountlng of the amuuut of Uixes and Int
erest now due on a&ld tux Hon, and to for
ever bar and foreclose said defendant, and
each ot them, out of any and all riRht, title,
lulere-it, licit and equity of redemption
In and to nid real citato, and for general
equitable reliuf.
'llmt you are further notified and requir
ed to uawerald petition on or before the
1.1th duy of June, A. D. Iiiuti,
No, S M. J. O'CoMsmx, Co. Attoreny.
To Walter Eden, Mm. WalW Eden hi
wife, c li cIh 1 1 nil inline unknown,
Von, nd each of you, are hereby notified
that on the Oth ilny of May, A. D. 1WW, Tho
County of Slum, u phUntiff, filed in the
district court In and for tho county of Hloox
and statu of Nebraska, It petition against
yon, Impleaded wllh Benjamin F. Johnson,
the object and prayer of which Is to fore
close certain lux lien on the following des
ert Ix-d rent estate, situated in the county of
HlouTKitd ntnle of Nebrsska, to wit:
North west quurter M, Mention twenty
two 2S, Township thirty one 31, North of
Itnnge fifty six US Wmt of the slxlltfli. M
that sai l tax liens consist of taxes ansessed
and levied on said real estate for the follow
lnj year and amount, to wit:
In the year IM tho sum orW.lR; In the
year 1HW, the uin of S7-4; In tho year lsy4,
the sum of 7.4t; In the year 1W, tho sum of
7.1!; In the year 1SWI, the sunt of S1.M, In the
year lst7, the sum of $7.01 ; In the year Is',,
the sum of $3.7.1, with In Mires t uu cue It of
aid sums a provided by law; and to have
sn accounting of tho auptiint of tuxes and
luUrest now due on said tax liens, and to
forever bur and foreclose sold defendants,
and each of thnm, out of any and all right,
title, interest, or equity of redemption In
and to said real estate, and for general eq
uitable relief.
That yoa are further notified and rqnlr-
ed to answor said petition on or before th
1Mb day of Juno, A. U. 19'.
No. lo.j M. J. O'CojtNKLL, County Attorney,
UsSsnil 1 tn swhmIs iw mrmt. Ms v-
tsnSss. sn laeoanaMw, so ks4 mmIsl asaei
.UttssflM ll-iik siel fti.uk in, bin t erMs.
To Fruiiel A. Osborne, Jtr. Frwncis A.
iMiorne, hU wife, cbrtstluti name uukuowu. I
V. extern senrily Company;
V011, and eiti-h ol yoa, ure hereby notified
timt on the 2nd duy of May, A. 1( KM), The
County of .ionx, a plaintiff, Hied in the
duti'ict court in and for the county of Sioux
und Htule of Nebraska, its petition against
you, tlie ubjeet and prayer of which is to
foreelo certain tux Hens 011 Die following
described real exUte situated in the county
of hloux and state of Nebraska, to-wit;
North west quarter & of .section twenty
si 'iH, Township "thirty lour :si, Norlli of
Halite fifty-five 63, Went of the sixth tith
1'. Jl., tliut said tax lien consist of tuxes
as!sd nml levied on said real estate for
the following year and amounts, to.wit;
In the year JH'.fj, ihe the sum of iVi.il; In
the year I.t!, the sum of 12.(10; in the year
l,theitmof IS.tB; in the year Wis, the
smn of S7.311; iu the year im, the sum of
JM-4; in the year Issit, the sum of M S3; in
the year W, tli sum of 17.66; witli tntrest
oa eacti of said sums as provided bylaw:
and to have an accounting of the amount of
taxes and Interest now duo on said tax liens,
and to forever bar and foreclose said defeu
dauts, and each of them, out of any ami all
r!gtit, title, interest, lien and equity of re
demption in and to said real estate, and
for general equitable relief.
Tliat you are further notified and required
to answer said petition 011 or before the ilth
day of June, A. I). 1S00.
iNo..J Id. J.O'Connell, County Attorney.
To Western Security Company, Thomas J.
Von, and ench of yon, are hereby notified
that on Ihe 2nd day of May A. I). 190(1, The
County of Sioux, as plaintiff, filed In the
district court in and for the county of Sioux
and state of Nebraska, Its petition Hgalust
you, Impleaded with Peter Henry and Min
nie Henry.
The object and prayer of which is to fore-
clo.se certain tax liens on tha following des
cribed roa! estate, situated In the county of
Sioux and state of Nebraska, to-wit:
West half !, north-east quarter , and the
eit half 't, north-west quarter i, of section
thirty four 31, township thirty four 34, north
of range fifty life, S5, west of the sixth Cth,
That said tax liens consist of taxes assess
ed and levied on said real estate for the fol
lowing years and amounts, towit: In the
ya,.T 1M2, the sum of 853.42; in the voar 189-1,
the sum of fl0.44; la the year IS9n, the um
of I7.B2; in the year lS'.M, tho sum of S7JM; iu
the year lts!i7, the sum of 3!'J,1'J; m the year 18-
Os, tlie sum of S7.65, with Interest on each of
liald sum a provided by law; and to have
an accounting ot the amount of taxes and
fdejtjst aow due on said tax liens, and to
f,f -r -Icr a-d foreclose sail deien4n
d .waWr cl.'of tnom, otft of any and all
rigiit, tale, laKrfst.lien and equity or re
ih ,..,;tlon la and to said real estate, and for
gei-eral sqilltabte relief.
That you are further notified and required
to answer eaid petition on or before the 11th
day of June A. D. Woo.
fo. 7,) M. J. O'COXiiitLt,, Co. Attorney.'
To Western Security Company.
Tfon, are hereby notified that on the
2nd dHy of -May, A. D. 1MW, Tho county
ef fioux, as plaintiff, filed in tho district
court in and for the county of Sioux aud
state ol Nebraska, its petition against you,
the object ami prayer of of which is to fore
cloe certain tax liens on the following des.
crlbcd real estate, sltnatcd in the county of
bioux and state of Nebraska, to-wit:
tunth east quarter a, Section twenty one
21, Township thirty one HI, North of llange
fltty six 56, west of the sixth 6th 1'. M.
That said tax liens consist of taxes assess,
nd aud levied on ssld r--al estate for tho fol
lowing years 4 amounts, to-wit: in the year
WIS, the sum of .ls; In the year ISffil, the
sum of S.U; in the year lslll, the sum of 7.46
In the year l?!i'i, the sum of ST. It; in the year
lSf, the sum of S.W; In the year m, the
suiji of 17.02; lit the year 1MM, tho sum of 93.
"C'U' interest on euch of suid sums as
provided by law; and to Imre an accounting
of Jhe amount of t.ixes and Interest now
dam on said tux Jicns.itnd to forever bar and
ferechwe said defendants, and esih of tbom
olt of any and all rl):f.t, title, interest, Ilea
usd equity of redetnption in and to said real
citato, and for general equitable relief.
That yoa are further notified and requir
ed to answer suld petition on or before the
Hill day of June A, U. 1U90.
l"0. 8, M.J. O'Conneli., Co. Attorney,
Te Konetta I'inneo, Howell Plnneo, Charles
I'luneo, Earl Tin nso, Roy I'inneo, Western
Farm MortgagoUompany.
ton, and ench of you, am hereby notified
that on the 9th day of Mav, A.D. 1900, The
County of Sioux, as ptaintlff, filed In the
district court In and for tho county of Sioux
nd state of Nebraska, Its petition against
you, Impleaded with Albert K. (iatea, Ad
ministrator, Tula McCarthy, Stephen 1'ln
neo.tb object and prayer of which Is to
foreclose certain tax Ileus ou the following
'loserlbnd real estate, situated in the ty
coun of Sioux aud state of Nebrska, te wit:
South half X North east quarter i, South
east quarter H north west quurter North
east quarter )i South-west quarter 'i, Sec
tion twenty-seven, 47, Township tklrty ono
81, North of Hange llf ty-three, West of the
sixth A 1'. id., that said lax Ileus consist ot
taxe assessed and levied 011 said real es
tate for tho following your and amounts,
to wit: in the yesr 1H9.I, the sum ef ll,74;
Iu the year IM14, the sum of SI0.S1; lu the
year JHU&, the sum of 1 13.; In the year 1MX),
the sum of t74i; In the year 1H97, the mini of
stun; In tho year is, the uin of f..9j with
interest on each of said sums as provided by
law; and to have sn soeountlng of the
amount ef txe and lnteret now duo 011
said tax liens, und to forever bar and fore,
close iid defendant, and each of them, out
of any and all'rltht, title, interest, Hen and
equity of redemption In and to "aid real
ett, and for gcnrrl eqnluble relief.
That yon are further notified and required
to answer said petition on or before tho lHth
day of June A. D, ItKlfl.
J So. 9. j M.J. irconnslt., Co. Attoi ney.
litial J'roof Xolicc-s.
All person Win flm,l proof notieei fn
this -ier wll! re,-ive a marked cony of the
pler'id arc n questl to exaiinii" th.-ir
notice and if snv error exist report the
suuie 10 tins 01r.ee at o:;.!.
Land Olliee at Alliance, J.'cb., May 1 lyoo,
. Notice is hereby Riven that the "following
iiHineu seiner Has llleil notice of his inten
tion to mute-final pioof in support of his
claim, mid that said proof Will be made hit
fore Cl.-rk ,.f in u-jct Court at J'arrisou,
Nebraska on J::ue z;, 11)00, viz:
widow of Fredric Zerlwt, deceased, or Harri
son, Neb. on H. K. No. '2i!ii for tlie N-K a,
N-W !i, S-K M, .Section at, & S-W , N-W i,
Section 25, Township 33, N it Sti W.
He names the following witnesses to prove
liis continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, vix:
Gustavo JS'orelscb, Charles Schiitz, Charles
I'.iciilfl, Nels Anderson, all of Harrison, Neb.
F. M. JiOUHiNuruN, Register.
To Ward M. ISurges. Mrs. Ward M. Kur
gess, his wife,, christian name unknown.
i'ou, and each of you are hereby notified that
on the 2nd day of May, A. D. 1900, The Coun
ty of Sioux, as plaintiff, filed In the district
court in and for tho county of Siodx and
state of Nebraska, its petition against you,
the object and prayer of which Is to fore
close certain tax Ileus on the follewing des
cribed real estate, situated In the county of
Sioux and stale of Nebraska, to-wit:
South-east quarter and soutb-weet quar
ter of section twenty-one 81 Township
thirty-live 35 north of rauge fifty-four 54,
west of the t!i p. M.
That said tax liens consist of taxes asses-
ed and levied on said real estate for the fol
lowing years and amounts, to-wit:
la tho year 1S4, the sum of $19.80; in the
vear ls'JS, the sum of 9.7d; in the year ISDO,
the sum ot $13.81; in tke year 1897, the sum
of SI 1.27; iu the year JH98, the sum of $8,87;
with interest on each of said sums as provid
ed by law; and to have an aceouutlng of the
amount of taxes and interest how due on
said tax liens, and to forever bar and
foreclose said defendants, and each of them,
out of any and all right, title Interest, Hen
und equity of redemption In and to said
real estate, and for genend equitable relief.
That you are further notified and required
to answer said petition on or beforo the 11th
day of Juno, A. D, WOO. ,. . ,
No. S.t M. J. O'CONNELL, Co. Attorney.
To Eugene Powell, Mrs. Kugentt Powell,
bla.wU'e ciiriatlaa name naknown.
Toe, and each of you, are hereby notlflft
that on the 2nd day of May A. D. 1900, Tbe
County of Sioux, as plaintiff, filed In the dis
trict court in and for tbe county of Sioux
and state of Nebraska, it petition against
you, Impleaded with McKinley Lannlsg
Loan & Trust Company Equitable Land
Company, the object and prayer of which is
to foreclose certain tax liens on the follow
ing described real estate, situated In the
county of Sioux and state of Nebraska, to
wit: ' ,
South-west quarter , north-east quarter
, south-east quarter , notrh-west quarter
4, nortli cast quarter X. south-west quarter
H, north-west quarter , south-eus t quarter
of section twenty five 25, township thirty
four 34, north of Range fifty five, west of" the
6th P. M.
That said tax liens consist of taxes asess.
ed and levied on said real estate tor the fol
lowing years and amounts, to wit: In the
year 1K99, the sum of 410.06; in the year 1891,
tlie sum of 517.30; in the yoar 18S2, tho gum
of SM.09; In the year 1868. the sum of $14.5:1;
in the year 1884, the sum of SU.45; in the
year IH'.i.), the sum of $8.34; in tho yoar 1KI6,
the sum of ?7.76; in the year 1K07, the Bum of
8.),'t; and iu theyenr lb'.is, the sum of J5.42,
with Interest 011 each of said sums as provi
ded by law; and to have an accounting of
the amount of taxes and Interest -now due
on ald tax Hens, and to forever bar and
foreclose said defendants, and each of
them, out of any and all right, titlo, Inter
est Hen und equity of redemption In' and to
said real estate, and for general equitable
That you are further notified and requir
ed to answer said petition on or before tbe
11th day of Juno, A. D. 1900.
tNo.J M. J. O'Cosmim, County Attorney.
To L. L. Williams, first and fnll name un
known, Mrs. Williams his wife, true chris
tian name unknown, non-resident defen
dants: Tou, and each of you are hereby notified
that on the 4th, dy of May A. P. 1900 Benja
min F. l'itu) an, trustee as plaintiff filed in
the district Court of Sioux County Nebraska
his petition against yon as defendant Im
pleaded with Jume Nelson, Slaty 8. Nelson
and Jons Nelson :
The object and prayer of which is to have
an accounting of the amount due upon a
principal note of fcWO.OO, dated November 1st
1844; executed by Fobert L. Taylor and KWe
(1. Taylor to B. F. Pitman, with Interest
thereon from date at the rate of 7 pvr cent
annum nceordlng to the tenor and effect
often Interest coupon notes attached to
aid principal note, which said prlnolpal
and coupon note are now held and owned
by said plaintiff:
To foreclose tho mortgage deed given to
secure the same upon the South-east quarter
of section thirty (SO) and tho north-east
quarter of section thirty onfl (SI) nil In town
ship thirty four (4) north of range Ulty
three (fcl) west In sld comity .'
To have said real-estate sold for tbe pay
ment and ntlfotlou of tho amount found
due on said note, together with Interest,
costs of suit and costs or sale.
To bur foreclose and exclude the defen
dants from having or claiming any Interest
In said land and for general relief.
And yon sre further notified and required
tj answer said petition on or bo&ore the totn
day ol June A. P. 1on.
Atttornry for plaintiff.
T(i! JouriALwill publish your brand, lll:e
the. following, for :U), per vear. Kaeh ud
ditional branu 75 cents. . every farmer or
ranchmen In Sioux and adjoining counties
snoula advertise their brands 111 THE Jocn-NX.U,-!
it circulate all over the statu. It
may be the means of saving money for you.
On left side or hip of cattle, (
On iel t shoulder of hoeses. i
jltange on the head ol Wai'bonnet
Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb.
Frank: C. Lewi.
ilranded on left side
if Cauls und on left
dionlder of Horsue.
au 01 VI nite Kiver.
V, O. Address Harrison, Keb.
Owns the follow
inKbruud oti eith
er: Also H3 on cat
tle and horses
cattle on leftsid
horses . ou Jeft
Ranron Silver Springs and east of state
Ine. i'ostofilee Harrison Jiel
For proof to convict any person of ittrt
In g any of my stock.
mBlfViiUM Branded on rlht ihniiM.i.,
I'. O. Addresss David ColviixE, Harrlsoa,
The brand represented la this noMce
and branded any where on left side
of cattle, and over-lap out from tke
right car. ... ,
Also the same brand oa left thigh ot
borees, belongs to the undersigned.
Kaage near Kast Springs, south pari lo
Sioux county. Chakxks Niwhan,
Harrison, Nebraska.
On left side of cattle and on lef t
shoulder ot horse,
ltauge on Antelope ereek
O., Uhilcarlst, Sioux Co., Keb.
Branded ou left shoulder of boreea
and on left side of cattle.
Kange on White River, near Glen.
P. O. Address, Glen, Nebraska.
To John Konecr, Hrs. John Koncer, Show
alter Mortgago Company, S. K. Humphrey,
christiuu name unknown.
You, and each ot yon, are hereby notified
that ou the 2nd day of May, A. D. 1900, The
County of Sioux, as plaintiff, flled in the
district eeurt in and for tbe county of Sioux
and state of Nebraska, its petition against
you, the object and prayer of which is to
foreclose certain tax liens oa the following
described real estate, situated In the coun
ty of Sioux and state of Nebraska, to-wit:
South-west, quarter '4 Section twenty-one
Si, Towuship 34, North Kange 63, West of tha
6th V. M., that taid tax Hens consist of taxe
assessed and levied on said real estate for
the following years and amounts, to-wit:
In the year 1834, the gum of 113.67; in the
yeas HIM, the sum ofS7.33;in the year 1896,
tho sum of $8.44; iu tho year 1897. the sum of.
88.83? in the year 1898, the sumoft7.a, will!
interest ou each of said sums as provided
by law ; and to have an accounting of tbe
amount of taxes and interest now due 011
said tax liens, and to forever bar and fore
close said defendants, and each of them, oat
of any and all right, title, Interest lien and
equity of redemption iu and to said real
estate, and for general equitable relief.
That you arc further notified and requir
ed to answer said petitlou on or before the
lltn day Of June, A. D. 1900.
I No. 1. M. J. O'Connell, Co. Attorney.
To Edward 8. Maloncy, Beulah Maloney his
wife, A. D. Wood, christian name unhnown.
You and each of yon, are hereby notified
that on the 2nd day of May, A. D. 1900, The
County of Sioux, as plaintiff, flled la tbe dis
trict court in and for tbe county ot Sloox
and state ot Nebraska, It petitlou against
you, the object and prayer of which Is to
foreclose certain tax Hen on the following
described real estate, situated In the county
of Sioux aud state of Nebraska, to-wit :
North-west quarter of section twenty
eight 2s, Township thirty-four S4, north of
range flf ly-0 ve 65 west of the 6th, P. M.
That said tax liens consist ot taxes assess
ed and levied on said real estate for the fol
lowing year and amounts, to-wit:
In the year 189, the sum of 114.07; In the
year lswo, tho sum of tlo.M; in the year IM),
the sum of H6.ri2; tn the year UVS, the sum
or 1111.81; 1u the year 18M, tbe snm of SI2S4;
In the yenr lf4, the sum of 118.03; in the
yciirlKl) ', thesum of 97.18; lu the vear IHBtl,
the sum of I7.3H; In the year 197, tbe sum of
s.SS, and lu the year IHMt, the sum of flM,
with Interest on each of said sum a pro
vided by law; snd to have an secountlug of
the amount of taxes and Interest now dee
on said 'tax Hens, and to forever liar end
foreclow said defendants, and eaeta of Sheas
out of any and sll right, title, Inter set, Ilea
snd eqelty of redemption In and to ssM
reel estate, and for general eqaltable relief.
That yoo are further naUAod snd fesjttlra '
to answer said petttoa on tar ecfote sie lltk
day of Jane, A. P. iwn. 1 1
ivo.s. u. j. o'Coisau., Co, Attcy.
rtauge on ii,
1 r - vTerr-firTrr rn-n-eiar ML
' v
L ' " ;.'i'.'.;y-AV;v. -'! ft .
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