Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, May 03, 1900, Image 1

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    - 4f. .-.
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8ii)sc ritioii 1'rUc lVr Your $1.00.
Official Pfipor of Sioux County.
Geo. D. Canon, - Editor.
A moat disastrous fire, orourwl ot
Hull Canada, just ree-ntly ahuit two
thousand fliplit hitmlred houses, were
destroyed, lot.il I
lion. J in fen M. p. Kmliuicl, of O'NVil
was renominated Tor Congress, in this
II)-- 'IJijj' 6 last Friday. by the rpj.ul.li
run party. M. P. is therefore (Wtmed
to Iwi defealud ,4 sm-nud time, hut it, will
require ltn? defeated twice in nurceft
citin to quiet his nerves.
Mark Ilantia siys. tlie republican nrtv
must pursue the same kind of a cam
paign as they did hi lii(S and there will
ba nodaubt of success ngniu. In th-t
case it mean coercion, intimidation and
the wholesale rutvbae f votes.
500 carpenters and Woodworkers, of
Omaha, went out on strike Tuesday
They nk for 40c per day, i. e. Carjien
tere and the woodworker ask 82 1 cents
per dsy. Thus, the laboring nion have
KH thinking if prosrrity is here they,
want a little of it by having thair wages
We venture the oMsestioD that the
vioe president on the Keniocratic ticket
this year will be one of four following
named geotleroen: Hon. ("has. A. Town-,
Minnesota; Adoiiarl Schley, Maryland:
Congressman Sulzr, New York, or
Augustus Van Wick of Now York.
Detroit, Mich., April 29. Governor Pingree asserted in an interview today
that the hope of tlie people in this year's gennral elections is in the democratic
party. The governor h:is always hitherto been an independent republican. Speak
ing of tho increasing power of trusts. Governor Pingree said:
"There is no use in hoping that the republican party will do anything with
thorn." '
"Are ynu preparing to announce your withdrawal from the republican party?'
'There is no annouueement about it. I only say what I have said all the
while. You have not heard me Bay anything against the democrats for some time
I be'ieve that the hope of the people i in the democratic partv this fall." The
Daily World Herald.
So Says the Author of the Wilson Bill.
Kansas City, Mo., April the 20. William L. Wilson, author of the Wilson
tariff bill, while in this city eoroute from Hot springs to Nebraska City, Neb.
rhere he is to be the guest of J. Sterling Morton his associate in Cleveland's cabi
net, said:
"It Is to be McKinley and Bryan. Mr. Cleveland will not allow his name to
bo mentioned and Dewey will not get an opportunity to see himself otd down.
"Bryae will be nominated, but conditions are so changed that the campaign
swill be on new lines. Both sides have so many new conditions to confront that the
old tractics will not do.
I think the democrats will win. We shall go into the flight solid."
Mr. Wilson gave expression te his views regarding the candidacy of Admiral
-Dewey. is innocent of tfie game of politics," he said, "and has blundered in
'his bluntnesK, as blunt people often do. Ue will blunder out of it again as sud
denly as he came In. Dewey does things nuddenly. He generally anticipates and
whan the row is at its beigfet he will surprise everybody by sailing away, or I am
mistaken in the man." Daily World Herald.
Tortured A Witness.
Intense soffering was endured by wit
Mas T. L Martin, of Dixie Ky., before he
gave this evidence: "I coughed every
Bight until ear throat was nearly raw;
then tried Dr. Kings New Discovery
whim gave instant relief. I have used
it In my family for four years and recom
mend It as the greatest remedy for
Coughs, Colds and all Throat Chest and
Lung trouble, it will stop the worst
oougli, Md not onlg prevents but abso
lutely irs Consumption. Trice 6)
cent and $1.00. Every bottle guana
tM& Trial bottUt free at Dr. J. E.
FliiaMy Drtig Store,
sz-a.isot, tebkskza, a?Hijsr)X
riishop Hartzell of theM. E. church is
over in London ju,t now honeyinz up
the liritish Kovernruent in tbeir fight
"gainst Liberty nd Independence being
nmintaiiiod by the heatinisli and uncivil
izxl Uoern in tiio Transvaal republic.
The llishop Ims k'en awarded along
irrunt mSout.h Africa for missionary pur
poses the I11""'-" of ,n hishop's religions
perllily winch he will use as far as pract
able in civilizing the Boers.
2 ''Vou are to keep certainly, hereaf-X
Jl.er, r0,000 private soldiors, in thel
gflowarortlibir vouth, in that tropi-
Jial climate. What is to be theirl
X ' We have lost our power to speak
?with authority in behalf of the disar-
Jmament of nations. The American
t r. , ,
yi;uuu nereaiier inusi ue born with a
Q'nortgae round his neck. The Am
T-;rican laborer hereafter must stagger1
Mhrougu life with a noldier on hisi
Xlmck. ,
X "Now, what have you to show for!
011 this? You have imported two or
Sthroe cargoes of hemp from Manila!
:ind VOU have bnn vntAnt.lv aucinitntt
ed the Sultan of Sulu, K you refuseS
$to admit their products as from aj
Ypart of the Lnited States, you have(
Jgot horeaf ter to govern them oot for
Otheir interests, but for your own."
ASeniitor Hoar. '
HLE. I like the term "old maid," writes
Margaret E. Sangster in the May Ladies
home Journal. "A spinster means any
unmarried woman; a girl may he a spin
ster. An old maid is, well just that she
may hve ter little ways, and thankful
she may be Ut no one is privily ed to
interfere with them. If she. keep house
as many an old maid does in these days
of lodejtendence, it is very daiutly done,
With an'exijuisite llnish and neatness sui
passed by none of her sinter. Probably
Hie lady has plenty of people to stay
Willi her uiftes to clisperon, nephew
lOoo VIAY4r lOoo
To Be Held at the Ilcxlarc CUurch Saturday,
amy iz, I'M), at 8 o.elock. A. M.
M. C. POUND, Yke President.
Invocation Rev. Smith
Opening Address J. II. Burko, Co. Suut.
Bepoiiie Uev. Smith.
Personal influence of tho teacher
Mrs. C. E. Klce
General Discussion
..Hattle O'Connor
Whca la corporal nunlshineut rcullv nca-
sary W. II. Smoke
tieneral Ulsctisslon.
.M. J. O'Connell
Teaching as a profsssion Krauk I.tndeinan
General Ulscuaalon I.illlo Zimmerman
Adjeurned for Dinner
After Noon Session.
Tlie need of thoron(5hnos,
Mis. Klla U. Hales
Gcnwral Oiacussion Muglo Hunter
Moral training in the school Muria Jkirley
General Kiscussion Mabel Lowrey
Inllnenco of the sociability of the teacher
with patrons of the school. ..Anne Uendixon
General Discussion Kllzabeth CoUman
The value of a knowledge of current events,
Mrs. F. W. Knott
General Discussion Mrs. Huttle Walpole
Forty minutes will be allowed for the dis
cussion ot each subject.
Miscellaneous business and election of offl
M. C. Podkd, Vice President.
IIattie O'Connor, secretary.
to champion, invalid relations to focldle
all sorts of people to counsel and com
fort. In society she is simply invaluble,
As an unattached person who at an em
ergency may lie called upon in the fami
ly by any one in need, brother or sister
father or mother, to take the helm, she
is simply worth her weight in gold."
A Woman's Awful Peril.
mere is only one chance to save
your life and that is through an opera
tion where the startling words heard by
Mrs. I. B. Hunt of Lime Ridge, Wis.
from her doctor after he had vainly tried
to cure her of a frightful case of stoni
ach trouble and yellow jaundice. Gall
stones had formed and she constantly
grew worse. Then sha began to use El
ectric Bitters which wholly cured ber.
It's a wonderful Stomach, Liver and
Kidney remedy. Cured Dyspepsia, Loss
of Appetite. Try it. Only 50 cts,
Guaranteed. For sale by Dr. J. E. Phin
ney druggist.
or Government Money.
At close of our Civil War in 1865,
there appeared in the London Times
the following :
" If that mischievous financial pol
icy which had its origin in the North
American Republic during the late
Civil War in that country, should be
come indurated down to a fixture,
then that government wiil furnish its
money without cost. It will have all
the money that is necessary to carry
on its trade and commerce. It will
become prosperous beyond precedent
in the history of civiliied nations of
the world. The brain and wealth of
all countries will go to North America.
The famous Hazzard circular, to
capitalists in New York, and the Buell
Bank circular to United States Bank
ers, both emanating from London, and
the fabulous corruption fund raised in
England and Germany, estimated at
$1,500,000, were the agents that se
cured the closing of our mints against
The "walk into my parlor" policy
of England, during and since the
Spanish War, is the latest evidence
of English Diplomacy in shaping the
aesuny 01 me united States Uovern-
Notwithstanding the famine Drice
of wheat, the Spanish War, and fabu
lous expenditures of money by our
government during the cast year, gold
has increased in value eleven per cent
and all other values decreased in the
same proportion.
for a thorough understandine of
the money question, or silver issue,
the Cincinnati Enquirer has uniformly
given evidence of its ability to teach,
explain and produce all facts and
truth. It is a paper that ought and
can be read by all claaes with pleas
sire and profit
ltiii jit n,i imji en-sti
wtXlt wiwp-oi-da twivi iAXOini(Mqv wqi JOI atv
I 'HV7vn ls
Jli '"m'lRi emu iiu tjH wwUi 'wp io
lni.ljj Una 'puininw, fm 'n
juiq pii),noci ic iu.j 'utiuouu. iht 7i
Tr wrn fnnMn po iimb snssuesMn
Nil 311 Vd 33Hd V
JwraaMd 14 Itt M ' nv vA
Uirrlaf. m la.avLauiu, hid txulu, no nixmi
1 rB?-, V ' I Brectty kjtk ud slriolly nms
dnUtl. UaMncm Bl nk nH BOKk int. Call ui vrlu.
Ilk. U. B. BU'its,i3 fiu Dimt, m. ima,. Mo.
To Francis A. Osborne, Mrs. Francis A.
Oaborno, bis wife, christian name anknown,
Western Security Company. y.
You, and each oi you, are hereby netifled
that on the 2nd day of May, A. D.. 1900, The
County of Sioux, as plaintiff, Bled la the
district oart in and for the county of Sioux
and stave of Nebraska, Its petition against
you, the object and prayer of which is to
foreclose certain tax liens on ,be following
described real estate sllaated Is the county
of Sioux ud atate of Nebraska, to wit :
Nortb-frest quarter 4 of Section twenty
six 2B, y'ownnhip thlrtv four 34, North of
Range my five 45, West of the sixth th
P.M., t'.aV said tax lienj consist of taxes
anosed nd levied ou said real estate fur
the folb.wtng years and amount-), to.wit;
In the ,7ear lS9i, the the sum of $13.42; In
theveaiV. I, the sum of 112.05; In tlie year
urn, tne r 111 f aa.flBi, 1 tbe vr Kn, be
snun vf TjfT-iu CI e yeir Ufa, tl. sn:,i of
ls.44; year lsB7, the sum ufts,sS;in
the year lm, tbs sum of 17.66; with intrest
on eacl of said sums as provided by law :
and to I jvc an accounting of the amount of
taxes m1 interest now due on said tax lien,
and to !iever bar and foreclose said defen
dants, prj each of them, outof any and all
right, tit le. Interest, lien and equity of re
demption in and to said real estate, and
for gent-rul equitable relief.
That ,;ou are further notified and required
to ansvevr said petition on or before the 11th
day of Jmie, A. D. 1900.
INu.1.7 M. J.O'Conksll, County Attorney.
To Western Security Company, Thomas J.
You, nd each of yon, are hereby notified
that on the 4nd day or May A. It, 100, The
Count7 of Sioux, as plaintiff, filed In the
district court In and for tlie coanty of Sioux
and stul a of Nebraska, its petition against
you, Impleaded with Peter Henry and Min
nie lLnry.
. 'The uhject and prayer of whicb Is to fore
close certain tax liens on the fallowing des
cribed real estate, situated In the .ouuly of
Sioux ana state of Nebraska, to wit:
Westlialf H', north-east quarter i, and tie
east half ',. north-west quarter , of section
thirty foar SJ, township thirty four 84, north
of ran v fifty Are 55, west or the sixth 6th,
Tbaf said tax liens consist of taxes assess
ed and levied on said real estate for the fol
lowing years and amounts, towit: In the
year IcVi, the sum of S13.42 ; In tho vear 18U4,
the svra of S10.4I; In the year 18115, the turn
of S7...) lu the year 1MJ6, the sum of I7.3S; In
the year 197, the sum of S'.i.lD; in the year IS
9H, the sum of 17.65, with Interest on each of
Said siiuis as provided by law; and to have
an accounting of the amount of taxes and
tntersti now due on said tax Hens, aad to
forevft bar and foreclose said defenden
dentaj and each of them, ont of any and all
rlghtj title, Interest, lien and equity of re
deniploa la and to said real estate, and for
general equl tabic relief.
Tbet you are further notified and required
to a nearer said petlttou on or kef ore the 11th
day ui' Jane A. D. 1900.
NoT, J M. J. O'Cowwai.1, Co. Attorney.
To Western Security Company'
You. are hereby notified that on the
tnd duy of May, A. JJ. 1900, The eonnty
of Sir, ix, as plaintiff, filed In the dlstrictl
court In and for tbs county of Sioux and
state ot Nebraska, Its pctltioa against you,
the object and prayer of of which is to fure-
eloen certain tax Hens on the following des.
crlbed real estate, sltaated la the county of
Sioux and state of Nebraska, to-wlt:
SontU east quarter ) Section twenty one
21, To.-nahlp thirty one St, North of Han go
fifty six Ss, west of the sixth etb P. M. .
Tliet said tax liens consist of taxes assess
ed a id levied on said real estate for the fol -
low ig years A amounts, to-wlt: In the year
im the sum of (s.is: In t he year 1MM, the
son. of M.I1; lu the year 1S94, the sura of 17 .tt
In t ie year lsstl, the sum of 17.14; In the year
ISM tlie sum of M.W; In the year 1S97, the
sua of 17.02; In the yenr W the sum of as.
73, wiui interest on j h of said sums as
provided by law ; andU bare an ar conn ting
of titfl amount of tana and Interest now
due oa said tax liens, and tr forever bar and
roHcittae said defeadants, and each of them
oufof aayiand all right, title, Interest, Ilea
an equity of redemption In and to said real
esUtf, sud for general equitable relief.
you are further notif nd and rcqnlr-
uswer said petition on or before the
.yof June A. D. IS0.
S.J M.J. O't'OMKCLI.. Co. Attorney.
- L. Wll,,.. ,. Br.
Final Preer Notices.
All perconj having linitl VTOr,f notices In
tliisp,nir will rweive a triarkett copy of the
paper anu are requesW to examine thlr
notice and if any error extat report the
sioiie to this office at on.vo.
Land Office at Alliance, Nob., March 50, 1900
nonce is nercliy given that tho following
iiaii.ca srnier ns nie.l notice of bis jnten
tiontoniHke final proof in support ol Ills
claim, and that said proof will Im made be
fore Clerk of District (Vmrt, at Harrison
Nebraska, on May 5, 1900, viz :
of Harrison, Neb , on II, E. No. 4544, for the
East)- Southeast Sec. 10, and South
Seuth-west M Sec. 11, Twp. 8, N. ItangeSC w
it .... . . . .
.w uuiim liih loiiowinar v tn.Hu. ...
ve his continuous residence upon and
vanon upon said land viz :
Oarton and John Plunkett of Harrlfon,
r""-. un.i nrai joruan ana Dan Jordan of
tiilcbrlst, Nebraska.
F. M. DORRINGTON. Eegister.
Land Office at Alliance, Neb. March 20, 1900.
Kotlce Is hereby given that the following
"named settler has filed notice of bis Inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore Clerk of Distriet Court at Harrison,
Nebraska, on May 8, MOO.vbi;
of Harrison, Nebraska, on H. E. No. 1009, for
the Ixjts 1. 2 and 3, and South-east 'i of
North-east Sec. 2, Twp. 32, N. Range 87 w.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upen and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
lxw Wilson, Oscar Garton, Earnest Lyons
and James Merriain, all of Harrison, Neb.
r.M. D0RR1NUT05, Register.
Tl JOTJRHALWIll publish yourbrand.like
the following, for 12 :00, per rear. Each ad
Ultional brand 75 cents. Every rarmer or
ranchmen in Bloux and adjoining coauties
tsould advertise their brands in ThsJocb
NALas it circulates mil over the state, n
may be tae toeaas of suviug money for yo.
' -n t j.'t side or hip ol cat t le,
i. .eft sl.onbl'- cr h'ifics.
Iltai gu ou the bead
vl Wai'jonuet
Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb.
To Ward M. Burgess. Mrs. Ward M. Bnr
gess, his wile,, christian name unknown.
You, and each of you' are hereby notified that
on the tad day of May, A. D. 1980, The Coun
ty of Sioux, as plaintiff, filed in the district
court in and for the county of Btoux and
state of Nebraska, its petition against you,
the object and prayer of which is to fore
close certain tax liens on the following des
cribed real estate, situated In the countv of
Sioux and state of Nebraska, to-wlt:
South-east quarter and sotith-weet quar
ter of section tweuty-one SI Township
thirty-live 35 north of range flfty four 54,
west of the 6th P. M.
That said tax Ileus consist of taxes asses-
ed and levied on said real estate for the fol
lowing years and amounts, to wit: "
In the year 1H94, the sum of fl9.R0; In the
year 1895, the sum of S9.78; In the year 189U,
tliesum ot HS.31; In Ue year 1897, the sum
of 111.27; In the year 1S98, the sum of 18,97;
with interest on each of said sums as provid
ed by law; and to have an acaounting of the
amount of taxes and interest now due on
said tax Hens, and to forever bar and
foroplose said defendants, and each of them,
outof any and all right, title interest, Hen
and equity of redemption In and to said
real estate, and for general equitable relief.
That you are further notified and required
to answer said petition on or before the 11th
day of 3uno, A. 1, 1900.
No. 1. 1 M. J. O'ConmBLL, Co. Attorney.
To Eugene Powell, Mrs. Eugene Powell,
bis wife christian name unknown.
You, and each of you, are hereby notified
that on the 2nd day of May A. D. 1900, The
County of Sioux, as plain tiff, filed In the dis
trict court In and for the county of Slonx
and state of Nebraska, its petition against
you, impleaded with MoKlnley Lannlag
I.oaii ft Trust Company Equitable Land
Company, the object and prayer of which Is
to foreclose eertaln tax Hens on the follow
ing described real estate, situated in tho
county of Sioux and state of Nebraska, to
wlt: South-west quarter )4, north.eaat quarter
14, south-east quarter X. uotrb west quarter
K, north east quarter X, south-west quarter
M, north-west quarter , south-eas t quarter
of section twenty five Sft, township thirty
four St, north of Range fifty five, wesof the
6th P. M.
That said tax liens consist of taxes assess.
ed and levied 011 said real estate tor the fol-
lowing years aad amounts, to wit: In the
year IBM, the sum 'of tlO.Gt; In the year 1891,
the sum of 117.30; ; In the year IMS, the sura
of 118.(9; lu the vear 181)3, the sura of 114.511;
In the year 184, the sum or ail.4A; lu the
year 18H, the sum of Hi M; In the year 19S,
the sum of S7.74; In the year 1897, the sum of
S.13; aud la the year 1SS, the sura of 15.42,
with Interest on each of said sums as provi
ded by law; and to bave an aecounttag of
the amount or taxes and Interest now due
on said tax Hens, and to forever bar and
foreclose said defendants, and each of
them, out of any and all right, title. Inter
est Hen and equity of redemption In and to
said real estate, and for general equitable
That you are further notified and requir
ed to answer said petition ou or before the
llth day of June, A. D. 100.
INo.tJ U. J. O'Cokneu, Ooiui'y Attorney.
1900. NO. 41.
Fmask v. Lewis.
Briindrd on left f Me
f Cattle sun On in t
Range ouheauort"
honlderof Horst-s.
nite Kiver.
P. O. AilO re Harrison
Owns the fnllnw-
ItiKUraud one! til
er: Also HQ on cat
tle and horsft-.
cattle on leftside
liorsi-s ou lft
Range on Silver Springs and east of state
Inc. PosUifllee Harrison Neb
For proof to convict any person of steal
Ing any of iny stock.
iiraaded on right shoulder of
P. O. Addreaas David Colvilek, Harrlsom,
Nebraska. -y.
The brand represented lu this not'.co
and branded any where on left side
of cattle, audoTer lap oat from tbo
right ear. , .
Also the same brand on loft thigh of
horses, belongs to the undersigned.
Kaage near Kast Springs, swuth tlart til
Sioux county. ' Cjiamlks Nkm'man,.
Harrison, Kebratba.
On loft side of cattle and an left
shoulder ot horses.
Range on Antelope creek
P. O., Ghilcunst, Sioux Co.. Neb.
8.J. TUCKEt. '
Brandud ou left shoulder ot horsee
and on left side of cattle.
Range on Whit River, aear Glen.
P. 6. Address, Glen, Nebraska.
.Pat M J '3s0kui!k.r
OO 'etdV "Ml "A 'MM
ttaw m swni smi tm m w
To John Konoer, Mrs. John Koneer, Sbow
alter Mortgage Company, 8. K. Humphrey,
christian name unknown.
Yon, and each oi yon, are hereby notified
that on the 2nd day of May, A. D. 1900, The
County of Sioux, as plaintiff, filed in tho
district court in and for the county of Sioux
and state of Nebraska, its petition against
you, the object and prayer of which ia to
foreclose certain tax liens on the following
described real estate, situated in the coun
ty of Sioux and state of Nebraska, to wit:
South-west, quarter U Section twenty 0110
11, Township 84, North Range 56, West or the
6th p. M., that said tax Ileus consist of toxs
assessed and levied ou said real estate for
the following years aud amounts, to wit:
In the year 1894, the sum of 113.67; In the
year 1898, the sum of 17.33; in the year im,
the sum of 18.44; la the year 1897. the sum of
I8.8J? in the year 1898, the sum of t7.6, with
Interest on each of said sums as provided
by law; and to have an accounting pf the
amount of taxes and Interest now due on
said tax liens, and to forever bar and fore
close said defendants, and each of tlteiu, oat
of any aud all right, title, Interest lieu aud
equltr of redemption in and to said real
estate, and for general equitable reller.
That youare further notified and requir
ed to answer said petition ou or before the
lltn day of June, A. D. 1900.
I No. I.J M. J. O'Connell, Co. Attorney.
To Edward S. Maloney, Beulah Maloney his
wife, A. D. Wood, christian name unhnown.
You and each of yon, are hereby notified
that on the Ind day of May, A. D. 1900. Tbo
County of Sioux, as plaintiff, filed lu the dis
trict court In and for tbo county ot Sioux
and state ot Nebraska, Its petltlou against
you, the object and prayer of which Is to
foreclose certain tax Hens on the following
described real estate, situated In the coanty
of Sioux and state of Nebraska, to-wlt:
North-west quarter ! of section twonty-
slght SR, Township thirty-four S4, north of
range fifty-five 55 west of the Sth, P. M.
That said tax Hens consist ot taxCB assess
ed and levied on said real estate for the fol
lowing years and amounts, to-wlt :
In the year 1889, the sum of 114.07; in the
year 1890, the sum oi 110,46; In the year 1891,
tbo stun of llt.; In the year UH, the sum
of 118.34; In the year 1893, the sum of 112 84;
lu the year 1894, the sum of I18.0D; lu the
yewr I89j, the sum of 17.18; In the year 189:,
the sum of 17.88; In the year 1W, the sum ot
8.88, and in the year 1898,. the sum of 87.W.
with Interest on each of said sums as pro
vided by law; and to have an accounting of
the amount of taxes and luterest now dee
on said tax Hens, and to forever bar and
foreclose said defendants, and each of them
out of any aad all right, title, Interest, lieu
and eqalty of redemption In and to said
real estate, and for general equitable relief.
That you are further aetlfled and required
to answer said pettton on or kef 01 e (ha 11th
day of June, A. D. 1900.
iNo.S. M. J. O'CoNnkll, Co, Attorney.
k In Weed er Petes F f s
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