tlESSAGE TO 00M PAUL THE ROUTE OF THE AMERICAN MESSENCER BOY. Scene t the Departure of James Francis 8mith From Philadel phia To Pretoria. Philadelphia, Pa. (Special.) Three tuurt he of the way across the Atlantic, si the good ship St. Louis, James Fraocrs Smith. 16 years old. is speeding tnr the Transvaal capital with a mvs of sympathy from school boys of this city. New York anil Boston, for President Paul Kruger. The dis jr itches to the dailies have told the pur Iwrae of this voyage, but have not de ncribed the remarkably scene attend ing the dispatching of this American laJ on a voyage of nearly 2.'.tx miles tU bis unique mission. The scene was la the Academy of Music on the night X April 11. At exactly 10:33 o'clock a Philadelphia schoolboy stepped up to a call box on rhe stage and pulled the lever. For three minutes more than 5,'X) person listened silently to It buzz. Then a air opened, and an American Ii.triet Tt-tetrraph boy. in full uniform, stepped imo view, walked briskly up the little la2c!er reaching to the stage, and stood thvre awaiting orders. The first boy stepped forward with a fc'arlt box looking like a corners, to bkh was attached a large strap Throwing the loop of the strap over the shoulder of the messenger hay un til the box rested comfortably at hip side, he said: "You will take this as rapidly as you can to Paul Kruger, president of the Transvaal Republic, at Pretoria, South Africa. It contains the testimonial cf the schoolboys of Philadelphia to Pres ident Kruger and the struggling South Africans. It is signed by over 2. WW names, and it speaks for itself." It was from the hands of Herbert "Willi!) of the Central High school, pres ident of the boys' Boer committee, that aersenge'r Boy Smith received his in sstimrctions. Those who heard his words re not only as many of those whose rotnes are on the message as could rro.wd the Academy of Music, but men cT national renown in civic and state affairs, chief citizens of Philadelphia, rid mothers and sisters, who had given "heir encouragement to one of the most significant movements in Ameriian tiistory. Bourke Cockran, America's most elo qvent orator, sat by the side of Web rter Uavi?, who resigned his office as ziswstant secretary of the Inter'or. un r3er President McKinley. so that he might be free to do what he had vainly wiated for his superiors in the national smvernment to do speak a word cf OCqe ana encouragement ... mr r-uu-aflinjr republicans of South Africa. A S ami's length away was Edwin Mark gam, America's poet of freedom, whose wotte has been lifted for the downtrod den so that lis tones rung from sea to -Res. Beside him was P. Loutr We-s-;T3, a Boer himself, who had com' ffrom the Orange Free State to tell the Americans of the Justice ff his people s-aure. -Around and with these men sat ftwrs t local prominence orators, lawyers. Judges and citizens but ail sat silent as the schoolboy gave his or al era to the messenger boy. .Nearly all these men had spoken dur. Snsr the evening, had said brave words tr this brave movement, but they ! were quiet now, when the event had greacb.ed Its supreme culmination. The arrest audience that Jammed tveiy nook kd4 corner was still too, but when the 3aat word had been uttered and the aneaaege was gone, there was such a hisnderouB burst of applause nn sheering that the huge electric lights above, blazing out the meaning -of It mil -MKT Liberty Triumph," seemed So B&aite from the force of the tumult. After receiving his Instructions the messenger boy touched bis hat. tripped down the steps again and disappeared through the door from which he had inner The whole transaction occupied IIto minutes. Not long afterwards American District Telegraph boy No. iSSt wa in a Pennsylvania railroad tmka speeding for New York, the first stage of his long Journey. The message 10 Kruger was on Its way. This boy will traverse the greater ol the continent of Europe and rill touch the borders of the Orient. He will cross strange continents and natoate foreign seas, but he will not stun ontil he has placed In the hands mf "Own Paul." in his official residence st Pretoria, the words of cheer, sym .atoy and courage from the llberty- VTlng youth of America. Last Wednesday the messenger sail d from New Tork for Southampton. frwn Southampton he will go to Havre mncr, and thence to Paris. leaving rfae French capital on April 17 he will reced to The Hague, returning to 4 'arts three days later. The departure from Paris will be symd on April 22 for Marseilles, and a the 25th he is due to begin his voyage down the Mediterranean sea, In Itself a distance of more than 1.500 Dim. He will next pass through the Sues canal, leaving Port Bald April 30 atrial thence down the Red Sea. Aden will be reached on May , and stops will be mads at Diego ftuarea. In Mad agascar Mosamblque and Belra, Africa If (til goea well he will reach Lnrenxo Marques May it. and will then begin fJw last stage of his journey to rre ttlTBB. Aftr Placing the massage In Kru Iter's hands he will receive whatever answer the Boer presmeni may care -- an then return to Philadelphia f1ta be reaches this city again ht will UftVtlcd I3.5H i n.- r,jo, r i liui-mii containing the his torv of the li.e s' movement In b-ha of the H is. in the shape of a hand somely bound s tuvetiir fiom the North A inei icur. Young Smith is a bright, handsome boy, with big blue ces and curly blonde hair Ht- Is red the traditional messenger boy by any means. There is activity and alertness in his eery move. There Is no doubt that he wi'J fulfill his mission. THE MKSK.NiiHH BOY. On the roster of the American Dis trict Telegraph company the boy who is to inert i.icm Paul is known as "N . K.14." but there is an individuality about this boy who has bet-n chosen to cany the rm-ssatre to Kruger from h schHIboys of Philadelphia that d-fles labels and numbers. H:jj nam- is J.ime Francis Smith, and he Is reptesentatlt of the best type of American boyhood. He will be 16 years old nest Sept.-mitr, he Is straight and lithe as an Indian, is about five feet hinh. and weighs l'i'J pounds. He has the b aling of a We-i Point cadt t. and the manners as wdi. In waiting for orders he stands at at . I Untion rigid, erect, ees fron aril without the vii!ile movement of a mus cle. When spoken to he answers quick ly, directly and without a superfluous word. At the same time his big. gray blue eyes l,.k unblinkingly into your?, feat less, firm and honest. They are really remarkable eyes In their luminous brightness, their wide open candor, quick intelligence and frank honesty. There is nothing appeal ing about them, and that Is what saves hem from being fe:r,inlne in their b.-au. ty. The some thing applies to the larg". full-llpped mouth. Its til mness sumps It as masculine, although the lips are cherry red. and when they part they disclose a set of large, strong, w ;!!; teeth. His complexion is white and velvety and his broad, firm forehead Is crowned with a mop of gold-re 1 cu:'.v hair. He nas born In Brooklyn September .1. lvl. He attend., d the public schools of the City of Churches for five years. and acquired a very good education for a boy of his age. Eight months ago he was obliged to leave school and do his share towards the support of a large family. He secured a position as an American District messenger boy. Although Mr. W. V. Rayons, the gen eral superintendent of the American Prtstrlct Telegraph company in New York, declares that any messenger in the service would carry a message to President Krueer as a matter of course and would start without a moment's hesitation," "No. 1S:4" Is the happy se lection from nearly 2.000 boys. When Mr. Rayons was asked to "ring up a boy" he sent orders to the district man agers to have the pick of their boys re port at his office. About forty boys re sponded, and these were quickly weeded out until on!y three remained. They were kept under observation for a cou ple of days, and finally the selection Mi f n young rnlih. He was detailed to , i r..-(at dntv under Mr. P-avons. and had i no Idea of the Important mission in tended for hint. THB BOER WOMEN, Aid and Encourage Their Husbands In Peace and War. From Paul Kruger downward the Boer men are more or less under the j Influence of their wives. It has alwajs been so with the putch. In every po litical crisis In South Africa the women have had their say and have made their voices heard. Of the courage and determination of the Boer women many notable In stances are recorded. In the year when Lord Charles Somerset was Gov ernor of Cape Town, there was con- sideiable disaffection among the bur ghers owing to the action taken by the government In arresting some ,of the farmers charged with 111 treating their Hottentot slaves. One farmer, named Jan Bezuldnhout, refused to surrender to the troops sent to apprehend him. This stubborn Dutchman, with his wife and his little son, held his house gal lantly against the troops the wife fighting as bravely as her husband til! a bullet pierced the good man's brain. then she sullenly surrendered. When the Matabele. after m ass acre - lng one party of emigrants who had trekked from the Cape In 1X3, attack ed the little band under Hendrlk Pot- gleter in laager, the molheis, wives, and daughters did signal service In the defense, for they kept loading the spare muskets and handing them to the men so that the latter were able to keep up a continuous and deadly fire which mowed down the Matabele In scores till even those fierce and fearless war riors would face the awful hail of bul lets no more and fled, leaving the ground strewn with their corpses. Again, after Dlngaan. the great Zulu chlef.had treacherously massacred Pie ter Relief and his sixty-six companions who had come on a friendly visit to his capital, many of the Boers were for re treating from Natal and abandoning all idea of settling there, but the wo men cried shame upon them, and de clared that they would not bedge from the country until the Innocent blood shed by the Zulus had been avenged. The men could not stand sgalnst the flood of feminine Indignation, so they elected to stay; and, after several des perate fights, at last broke the power of Dingaan. A party of them, armed with rlfl'-s, are said to have fired upon a patrol of Lancers from a farmhouse a few days ago. When the women of a country are animated by such a spirit they are a force to be reckoned with. London Il lustrated News. ' ' .' When a man tells a woman a Joke h usually has to follow It up with an ex. testimonial he also 'arnes a liok ptUoa. CRONJE'S LAST FIGHT. STORY OF THE BATTLE AS TOLD BY A BRITON. The Brave Boer Soldiers Cooked As Well As Fought In Their Trenchts. L ndon. lal Many stories of Cronjc's laft b&Mle and surrend -r have teen told, but the following from a lliltish prisoner in Cronjes camp d set Ibes the scene;! cf the most pi'tur-e.-.jiie im id.-nt of the war from i i view point. The story is toi l by Tro.ct. r Hassock of Kltchf tier's Ib-r?--. sock w as captured beforo the t;.-n of February IS. and detained i:i the ISoel Uugei'. He says: 1 was sent on Saturday evening. Feb ruary IT, by Lieutenant Pu.-hanan to work my way uy the Modder ti.ei a!"ti; whi. h we had be-ii scoutip. I was to look for the r-st of the troop, from whom we had bc-n scjarated. I su'l- I,, f .,,.1 r,o-u..'f irt tli. n ill,, .if U '" ' - party cf I'.oers, who were lying iip.Men anujiigft the bui-hes. and tried to :e tlie. A volley was fired at me. My horse was killed, and. ka!!lng upon m, we rolled t.igerher into the river. Luek- iiy, at that spot it was very deep. 1'he Boers came down and cstiicated me, then took my bandolier and equipment, and made me a prisnner. We th-n went to the drift and waded across to the north side, where their laager was. I w as taken before Command int Cionje. who linked me our stehgth and movements. On my reply that 1 wa only a trooptr and did not know, he (...!;. -n, never mind. If you don't want to tell me. 1 .'hall not try to makt oU.' A guard was placed ever me. and we stayed the mght in the .aarfer, I should say theie wtie about i ' Dutihmen all told, and foity worn-n and children. A guat many amor.g them ttele Irishmen, a few Scotchmen, In short, alio. .st tvery nation was moi i or less numerously represent, d. All that night they were busy en trenching themselves. employing a great dial of native labor to help them Next mottling the English atta.k be ga.n. The shelling was so he ivy thul about Pi o'clock the laag -r cou.d not be lived In, so my guard and I wete tent across the dr. ft and lino th. trenclies. The Boers did not in the hast mind our attack and laughed amongst th-.-m-ieives as they saw the men advaiie Ing. They allowed them to come up to about fr'JU yards from the trenches, and then opened a tremendous tire from their rifles. It did not seem to be aitrc i at any particular man, Wt mote at a certain fixed distance. At that the;. filed as fust as they couiJ. The range was obtained by a f-w ej shots, who fired, wati'r.-'d th. t cuused by the strike of tire bullet and then g ive oul the range, "ur men came up to w.ihin j ams am in. i, letired. They fired volley at the long-i u. stances, but all their lire s eined to me to be shell. I do not think that more than thirty Boers were ki'.od and wounded that day. Our (British) wound d were well treated by Ihe jluth, but a lot of th'-m were Kit lying outside the trenches owing to the refusal of the Boer request for an arm istice. Ail the week the F.ngiish shells fell constantly. The naval guns damaged us very little, for we could hear the re port and whistle of the coming shells. and had time to get under cover. IS. early an error, for the velocity of naval shells exceeds that of sound.) The howitzers were different, the shell and report being almost simultaneous owing to their firing from a shorter range. (An error.) On Thursday a how itzer lyddite shell dropped upon a Maxtm-Nordenfeldt (Viekers-Maxim) and wrecked It. killing eight men. They were all burled on the spot where they fell. This was the course followed all through the week. Any men killed were at once buried where they lay. The shelling on Monday night de stroyed several wagons, two of which were on either side of CronJe's own. No one could have been braver than he was. He stood upon the wagon stp field-glass In hand, and did not seem to care in the least how thlrkly the shells and bullets fell. Many of the Free Ftalers. however, were quite the reverse, and were In a great state of terror when the boinban'ment began The ammunition wagons blew up and t'-veral of the provision wagens were burned. The shrapnel killed the majority of the horses and cattle, which had no shelter but the banks of the river. Be yond that the fire did little real dam sge. The trencnes wi-e junr io..... proof, being constructed something like a bottle narrow at the top and open ing out below, say, 2 feet at top to 4 feet and 5 feet at the bottom. They were not In one long line, but In a succession of pits, from feet to U feet long, and about 4 feet 6 Inches In depth. Many of the trenches were long underground tunnels, ' with but small square opening on the shaft at either end. The extracted soil fit" heaped In front, leveled off to about on foot high. No one lived in the laager after Saturday night all, even the wo nen and children. wr In the trenches CrnnJe and the commandants had fre fluent discussions as to what was to be done. CronJe himself was In favor of the whole gradually dribbling away In small bodies. Commandant d Beers, wlth"2"0 men on the best horses, did get off Thursday night, February 3Z The crest reliance' was on General ) fc-rt and 7.000 expected from Lady smith, and another IW upposJ to be coivdng dori thu Moildcr. W hen Sun lay. Kebrusry 2' came and there mas r:o news of r Inf .n ernents coming Ciorje as-e'iible ,i l the comniandants and burghers aod they discussed the situation. Crohj - himself tried to ure t'.o-m to try and cut themseivts out, but they would have none f It. and it was finally iUided that unless lu'.p can e on tin- i -Ilnttlng day thi y wouM surrender. X" h-U did conn-, and so Cror.Je si;rrendeicd on Tucisday, Fcbru aiy 27, at daybreak. Throughout I was well treated. What rations they got I had, and I was al lowed to go alc ut with my guard pre! ty much who I wishid. Their men and commandants talked fre ly to me. They discui-s-d the war. and any other subj'- t I liked to talk of. Their crii -f anxi.-ty was as to whether Lord Bob- erts would march on lilocmfonteln or ' on Kimberley. 1 have myself no doubt that, could they have kept their laager out of flu. they w ou'd never have sur r mieted. The loss of the provision wa gons w.t what caused them to give in. They only f ur days' food left. Their ammunition was still plentiful. After the explosion of the ammunition wagons by shell fire on February i:t. all th remaining cartridge were dis tributed throughout the trenches, and on the south fide every trench was rtlll full cf unused ammunition. The ma loritv seemed to mind the surrender but llttl". The Free Slaters seemed particularly s! k ft the war. and the Trans vaalers were but little more keen. The effect of the shed fire was very different t . what I expected, fshrripncl and lyddito alike did little harm to the men In the trenches. The majority of men and horses killed were killed by yhiapiK-I. while the lyddite fired the wagons. A lyddite shell burst within thirty yards of me. but beyond cover ing me with a yellow powder did no har rnwhatever. No one minded this lyd. lite at all. but all got under cover when shrapnel was firing. Cooking was done in the trenches. Ijich man had i box with him taken from the wagons. These wre sunk Into the ground near the trenches. No one went to the laager by day. Kverything w as fetched by night, it was safe to leave ths trenches. IN AN OPEN BOAT. Forty-thsoe Days Spent By a Crew On the Pacific. Heading Mark Twain's story In the Century of the wicck of the Hornet. Lieutenant Lyman Boot, commander of the .Second division, naval battalion, became deeply Interested In the experi ences of the survivors, and noticed that one of them was Prof. Henry Fer guson of Trinity college. Lieutenant P.oot induied Prof. Ferguson to con sent to speak to the naval division aoout his experiences. Prof, Fi-Tgu.-on's talk took the place of the regular diill. Prof. Ferguson 3r,d his brother interrupted their sta les while in college to lake u tilp on he Hornet, a i llpper-biiill men haul hit., fiom New York to Han Francisco. hey tailed around the Hoin, ami while in the Pacific ocean near the equator the ship caught fire where the stores were kept. The ship was burned to the waters edge, and the crew and the two pasie-ngers escaped In three boats. Prof. Ferguson and his bi other weie in the captain's boat, which contained ourtecn men. The three boats kept to gether for some lime, and then it was believed If they separated there would be better chance of securing help. They started out with rations for ten days. They were sparing with the rations and the water, and toward the close each man had about a gill of water a day. Prof. Ferguson gave a thrilling description of the sufferings of the men from hunger and thirst. He. said the sufferings of the men at night while they tried to sleep were terrible. Once he dreamed that he was home and was telling his folks about the wreck. The home scene appeared clear to him, and there was everything that he wanted to eat on the table. He was having a fine time, and as he came to the point where he was rescued he woke up and was not long in realizing the desperate position which he wan in. The rations gradually grew less, and the last four days the men had abso lutely nothing In the way of food. Some chewed upon their bootlegs and others filled their mouths with bullets. Prof. Ferguson said he found that bul lets were excellent to keep the mouth moist. When the men were nearly dead and some were partly crazd. a double rainbow was seen In the sky, and this cheered the men. Hoon after ward it wa expected that the boat would be dashed to pieces upon coral reefs. The men were so exhausted that they did not care murh what became of them. They were prepared to die, and were surprised to see two big Kanu kas swimming in the surf. The men were muscular giants and handsome to look upon. The Kanakas Insisted upon shaking hands with all In the boat, but they were finally made to understand that the men were famishing and If taken ashore they would shake hands afterward. With several strong strokes the Ka nakas took the boat to a p.ace of safe iv and the men were given nourish- ment. Prof. Ferguson's brother died from the effects of Ihe exposuie. The two other boatloads were lost. The ship was forty-three days at sea and sailed shout 4,000 miles. It was off the coast of Hawaii that the men were saved. Small sails had been rigged on the boat, and the speaker said that he believed the crew sailed more miles titan any shipwrecked crew ever did before or since. Hartford Courant. When some men get up In Ihe worla everybody appears small to them and they appear small to everybody. PRIESTS WERE HEROES TWO PRIETS WHO WERE LOYAL TO THE SOUTH. Joy Over Their Return From the Army and Sorrow When At Last They Died. New Orleans, La. Spi-elal.) The ieath of Itev. Father Sniulders in Ht. Louis removes another of the coiifeiier- aie army chaplains who entered the service in this city and remained in It ltji the close of the war. rjf the si:; Ucde'rnptorists stationed at New Orleans when the civil war N-gaii a volunteeted to their superiors at ince to go out as chaplains of Louisiana regiments. Two of this number were '.hoseti, Father Kmulders and Father ?heeran. Both followed their regiments as chaplains, Father Hmulders enlist ing with the lOighth Louisiana volun teers. Both remained In the confeder ate army for four years, and were with General Lee when he laid down his arms at Appamattox court house. Then they returned, footsore and weary, to the mission house In New Orleans, stronger than ever in their devotion to the South, to duty and to God. It Is told In the annals of the order how drlng the trying period of the war the mission house, in Constance, neat Josephine street, was ever a refuge where the poor, the miserable and the afilicted cold go for help arid comfort. The faithful fathers were ever ready to hare their last crusts of bread with tha stricken people, and many were the boxes that found their way to Father kmulders and Father Sheerau for tha Louisana soldiers. It is told, too, how one evening when Ihe news had already come for some irne that General Lee had surrendered, low the fathers were seated around their su.erior talking of the changing ;lde of events In the South, and tears were In the eyes of all; how a kmck :ame at the door and Ihe aged sacris tan, Brother, opened it, and at 5nce his cry rang through the house: "Father Hmulders! Father Sheeran! Our boys have come home at last!" And such a home-coming as the old sacristan goes on to relate In that pa thetic diary that was never Intended for the outside world: "We looked Into the faces of our two fathers: oh. how changed, how pale and sad; they sat down as we gathered round them and Ihe tears flowed down Ihelr cheeks; as they told the story that we already knew, 'All Is. lost; General Lee has surrendered: our regiment Is scattered; we made our way home as best we could on foot.' Their cloth'-s were failed and torn and they looked more like Ixggars than members of a great and noble order of religion; their dhoes were torn off their feet, and their feet were blistered with walking, their hands torn from briars. We got them a warm supj r, but they could not eat for the choking tar. and we all sat till far Into Ihe night, forgetful of rules, as we listened to their story of hardships ton great for words to tell, and how our brave confederate boys bore themsdve? like true heroes In the hour of defeat and crushing sorrow, as they had done In the hours r.f triumph and victory. Indeed, Father Smulder aa'd the.', they were greateY heroes In (rial than they had ever been on vic torious battlefields. And so said Fatner Sheeran." And the old sacristan goes on to re prised at Father Smulders and Father cord a few days after: "We are alt rur Sheeran. We thought that perhaps the for years of freedom from the strict rules of a religious life would have somewhat changed their characters, and they would not be ready to yield that quick. Implicit obedience, that en tire giving up of their own will, so nec sssary In a religious life; but no; they are the admiration of the order. They arose the next morning &nd went about their duties Just as though there had been no Intermlttance, Instead of a long respite of four years from obe Jienec to superiors. I saw Father Shee ran sweeping the kitchen and later he was busy at his desk teaching In fit. Alphonsus' School. And so with Father Smulders. The community Is In ad miration. The war did them no harm. Army life has done them no harm. They are the most obedient and hum ble men In the house." NOTE9 OF THE DAY. Some of the Knglish clergy In the dlo. tese of Natal and Pretoria have been reduced to the humblest poverty, ow ing to lack of funds from Kngland and Ihe multitude of war appeals for money for other purposes. Microbes of typhoid, cholera, diph theria and other diseases of slmllai nature sourvlve the temperature of li quid air and come out lively and chip per after twenty hours' freeilng, ac cording to a paper recently read before the floyal society of London, Los Angeles has the reputation of be ing almost tropical, but it Is not a warm city either In summer or winter. The temperature is seldom above 71 t any season, and thai Is about equal to CD In New York. May and June seem :o be the coldest months In the yvar. In the laundry of an insane nsylum at 'Pontine, Mich., eleUrlc Irons In dead of gas Irons have proved to be peculiarly adapted for Insane asylum patients. There Is no chance of Ihelr ettlng snytlhng on fire with the Irons. In the south r.f Italy the first artistic wigs were made for the Oapltiens, whr, lived In Apulia, and were known for the luxuries of their toilet. These p"o. pie were, they say, the firat who painter) their faces; tills they did with th Jlcei ef straw berries. NEW YORK'S RATS. Ceaseless Warfare Waaed With Fer j rets and 1 raps. The rat census of the i.'y will never , be taken, but If It could be oblaine l Just now the population of black, brown I and tawny rodents wou'd be foun-l 1 large. There has been an unusual In of rats Into the warehouses and stores along the river Ironts this year, and about evuy fenet in the city Is In dally dernind. Theie are more than a, scoie of ferret rat catcher who maka U a business to clean buildings of rats, und this Is best accomplished in win" ter, when the cold weather drives the rodents Into the houses and stores. It Is riot always possible for the ferrets t capture them in warm weather. Tor along the river front every rat hl. lends, ultimately to the water, and if hard picked by a ferret the rats will plunge Into the river and swim for the next nearest dock or floating raft. The fi t rets will Hot follow their prey into the water, and In this way they aio frequently billed. In the winter months, especially on cold days, tha rats cuddle up in the warm buildings, and they can hardly be induced tt take a plunge into the Ice-cold river. The ferrets const quently make rich hauls In winter, and the 'slaughter of a single ferret will some days amount to a round dozen or more. Another cause of the death rata among the city tats in winter is the unusually high tides which prevail at times. The water backs up from tbn sea and swells the river so high that thousands of rats are drowned. The water floods the wharves and ware house basements before the rats can escape, arid they soon expire In tha cold water. In water of a moderate temperature the rodents can awlm about for a long time, but the low temperature of the river water chill thein through and soon rolr thera of all power to fight for existence. It Is estimated by rat catchers that there are several million rats in the city and probably half as many mice. The rats predominate along the. river fronla and in the large stores and warehopes. Their numbers are con stantly added to by the ordinary meana of multiplication and by the whole regiments from the ships that corn Into port. Every vessel brings with It a large complement of rats, and when the ship toches dock there Is an ex change of courtesies between the ship rats and dock rats. .Some come ashore to slay and re main with us. and otheis of the wharf rats decide to take a voyage In tha ships In the place of the deserters. In this way rats have been carried to ev ery port of the globe, and their epreod) over the world has bieti by this meth od. Originally the blown und black rats had certain limited and well de fined locations In northern Europe and in the tropical (ountrles. but today they are umnlpn-s-nt. and wherever the ships of civilized nations touch you will Ithd the modern ruts of F.urope and Ameilca. The worst ships for bringing rats to this port are the wood en vessels) from the tropical ports. They sometimes come Into the city so heavily laden with rats that the sailor dure not go down Into the dark ho.d of the ship until port Is touched. Then the animals swarm off the ship In com panics of a score at a time. Thousand of rat are added to our clfy popula tion In this way every year, and th number we lose by leaving on ships Is Binall In comparison. For some reason the rats seem to like New York, except In winter, and they are so well fed that they seem to spread the news to oth era. New York Times. LATE INVENTIONS. Soma Late Inventions That Ara of General Interest. For preserving timber from decay an Australian has patented a new treat ment, consisting of Immersing the tim ber In a solution of arsenous acid and an alkali until thoroughly Impregnat ed, after which a coating of sulphate of copper Is applied. Clothes are automatically cleaned la a new wash boiler, which has a faloe bottom Into which the water falls from the main boiler, with a series of tubes) extending vertically to the top of tha boiler, through which the water is driv en by the Increased heat and steam In the false bottonm. Ieavea can be rapidly and cleanly picked up from lawns by an Oholo wo man's Invention, which has a large hop per mounted on wheels, with fan blades set In the mouth of the hopper close tj the ground, to be rapidly revolved by gearlnz Inside the wheels, thus fan ning the leaves into the hopper. In Germany a man has patented a reading or writing desk which will be found convenient for use when stand ing, having a flat tablet formed of sev eral sections hinged together, with braces and straps to hold the tablet In a convenient position for use, the whole folding In small compass to be carried) in the pocket. In a new boat-driving gear a short propeller shaft Is set In the rear ot the boat, Intermeshlng Into a large gear wheel, mounted on a horizontal shaft with pivoted levers connected to tha shaft by cranks to rotate the propeller and drive the boat. An adjustable spring for baby car riages has been patented by a Carta dlan, which ran be Increased In stiff ness as the baby grows, having a du plex hlnga Joining the outer ends of the springs, running from the frame and the body of the carriage, with menus for adjusting the movement of the hinge, . , Atchison Globe: Keven doctor hava been unable, to find out , what all a certain Atchison man, but they suspect hi wife' apple dumplings.