Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, April 26, 1900, Image 5

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Monotony of Past Few Week
At Last Broken By General Re
sumption of Hostilities.
London. April 24. A renewal of hos
tilities tit almost every point in the
kld of war la indicated by the latest
Moat Important of all the operation
ta the n.arch or the thlid and eighth
divisions to raise the siege of We
gener. Lord Roberts reports fighting
iKrtween liundle's men and the Uots
.southwest of Dewetsdorp Friday and
Saturday. Account of the engage
meat or skirmishes vary somewhat,
but according to what seems most
trualwortby, the enemy have persist
ently disputed the British advance, but
tiave been gradually driven back.
From Maix.ru comes word that the
Iloer up to Thursday were still freely
moving around Wepener. The British
were apparently expecting the arrival
of the relief columns. The burgher re
ceived reinforcement, and It is stated
that President Steyn hag ordered them
to bold on tightly to the grain dlntrlcts
of Weper.er. Ladybrand and Plcksburg,
and at all costs prevent the British
forces from obtaining the rich food
supplies of those district.
Evidently the Boer continue to at
tack the position held by British in
fantry and artillery nurt of Glen. The
fighting ban not, however, developed
yet, beyond skirmishing or sniping. A
cavalry force is In readiness to act,
shouki the necessity arhe fur greater
activity in mectlnK the enemy's oper
ations. Some correspondents assort that Gen
eral Buller Is making preparations to
co-operate with Roberta In the grand
advance, but It looks as if the Natal
commander had a heavy tank on hand
to be able to give aid to his thief.
One critic, who know the country
veil. ays It must be remembered that
although the Hoera were forced -to re
treat from Ladysmlth, they are still in
large force In the coiner of Natal, and
It would be a most risky thing for Gen
eral Duller to move as far to the west
as Van Iteenari's pass. Into the Free
6 talc, except with a force so small as
to be of little service. This is because
of the danger of a sudden attack on
the British communications south, to
Pietermaritzburg. Such a movement
would almost Invite an attack.
Consequently It is most likely that
' ahull see General Puller devoting
bis best energies for the next few days
or longer, to operation designed to
clear northern Nutnl of Itoer, as far
as Lalns's Nek, When this Is accom
plished. It rtiny be considered safe to
truive one division back to Von Ree
can's pasf, ready to match into the
l-Yee Ktftte as soon as the defenders of
the pass find their position rendered
untenable by Lord Roberts' advance.
A part of I-ord Methuen'a force was
Bcrctiy attac ked near Rshof on Frl
iay. by a'rtrong body of Boers, with
two gun. The enemy were held in
check, however, and a large convoy.
which the column was protecting, was
brought rsfely through.
Everybody here seems to be on the
qui vlve, expecting the speedy relief of
Maeking, Inasmuch as General Cur
rington Is now on his way south from
Beira. Borne of the military critic are
dot at al! sure that his expedition Is
tnaklns; for Mafeklng.
In any event. It Is worth remember
ing that farrlngton's force will hi:d'y
be VJy to leave Salisbury before May
1, at the earliest. There will then be
nearly 3U miles of open country to be
traversed "before Huluwayo, the terml
liua of the railroad to Mafeklng, is
reached. Even the mobile force un
der Cnrrlngton Is hardly likely to cover
tills distance In les than a fortnight, as
It la essential that the horse should be
pared as much as possible, In order
to keep (hem in good condition for the
Severe tack still before them.
TMs will bring his force to Buluwayo
by May IS. He will theij have the as
sistance of the railway, which will en
able him to expedite his movements
otaewhat. Hut even this advantage
will hardly allow him to transport a
force of 6,000 men with horses and bag
Sage and provisions, for the beleaguer
ed town, over the 400 odd miles, In less
than ten or twelve day. At the end of
the railway available, seventy-eight
miles wilt have to be traversed on
borne, and probably an action fought,
before General Carrlngton can hope to
bake hand with lladen-Powell.
When all these thing are considered
ne cannot feel sanguine about Mafe
same fcVlnir relieve'! before June L,
that ta, if Mafeklng really depends upon
Auwtln, Tex., April 21. The sixty
fourth anniversary of the battle of Han
Jacinto was celebrated today. All busi
ness ws susnnded.
At IVIIevtire Park, eight mile from
Amain, William Jennings llryan Deliv
ered a 'Han Jaclntn (lay address.
at the heroes of the republic of Texas
Unless Settled Soon Minister WIU
Be Given Passports.
Washington, D. C, April 2t, Cnles
the sultan of Turkey act very prompt
ly All Ferrouh Rey, the Turkish min-
lster, will be given hi passports, and
diplomatic relation between the Unit
ed State and Turkey will be suspended
until the sultan rwys the 1100,000 due
citizens of the United Stat".
It is understood that an ultimatum
Is ready for presentation to the Turk
ish government. It Is believed that In
ternational complication could be
averted by notifying the continental
powers that It was the Intention of the
United State to remain In possession,
of a port only long enough to collect
the money. The administration Is at
present averse, however, to going be
yond a severance of diplomatic rela
tions. The department is entirely satisfied
of the accuracy of Minister Strauss'
statement relative to the promise
made to him by the porte. notwith
standing All Ferrouh Bey's declaration
that these promises were conditional.
All Ferrouh practically has said that
Strauss lied, besides breaking all rule
of diplomacy by gossiping to news
paper about official state business.
If diplomatic relations are severed
the American missionaries . scattered
throughout Turkey are likely to find
themselves In a precarious position.
Diplomats here say that Turkey would
be compelled to guard them with
troops or escort them across the fron.
All the contingencies that might arlct
from an outright breach with Turke
have been canvassed at the state do
partment, with a thoroughness which
of Itself Is sufficient proof of the de
liberate earnestness of the United
States In .forcing the sultan to settl
without regard to the extreme punish
ment that may have to be Inflicted on
the Ottixnan Empire should he prove
pugnacious. The missionary organiza
tions In this country, whose Inleresti
may be further Jeopardized, have giver,
assurance that they are willing to as
sume the risk of having their prorty
in Armenia destroyed by the Turks,
and that the workers there who are de
pendent on American support do not
shrink from the possibility of a recur
rence of the atrocious massacres whkt
led to the present crisis.
The naval program in the event oi
a resort to force has also had carefu'
consideration, and It appears that
Smyrna will be almost as difficult tc
seize as was Santiago, if the Turk!
have time to prepare for resistance
The city has a comparatively smal
proportion of Turkish population, Hi
great storehouses and valuable proper
ty belonging exclusively to foreigner
chletly English and German. On thii
account a general bombardment would
be out of the question, and as a sk-gt
without co-opei atlng land forces wouid
be Ineffectual, a serious program U
Involved in tht- proposition to seize and
administer Its customs. Smyrna's enor
mous trade being largely In foreign
hands, a protracted blockade of the
hurbur would antagonize European In
terests to a dangeious extent, and the
United States without the approval of
the continental powers' might be seri
ously embarrassed In the undertaking.
Engllah consent and probably Eng- j
land's co-operation could be reasonably
relied upon, but In any case the Amer- i
lean naval forces assembled In the !
Mediterranean would have to be of a
powor sufficient to force the Dardan
elles In the end. This, of course, It Is
thought, would promptly Involve all ihu
European poweis, not as antagonists of
the United States, but as eager par
ticipants in the partition of the Turk
ish empire.
Gen. Wheeler's Suggestion Regard
ing the Phlllppl its.
Washington, D. C, April 24. General
Joseph Wheeler, In a letter to Mis
Fannie Wheelan, a prominent Catholic
of this city, has set on foot a move
ment to aid the ixior churehe of the1
Philippine and Ladrone islands. In
thi letter General Wheeler say:
"During my recent visit to the Phil
ippines and Ladrone I was much im
pressed with the great devotion of the
women, and It occurred to me that It
would be a graceful thing for the
Catholic women of our country to show
their appreciation of the piety of their
sisters of the east in some substantial
"While on the Island of Guam.where
there are six churches, I Inquired what
would be the most acceptable present
and was Informed that the churches,
which are very similar to our small
country churehe, need stations of tht
Mis Wheelan Is associated with Mr.
Hhomas F. Ryan of New York in the
work for poor churehe of the United
State of the Tabernacle society, the
object of which I to furnish necessary
article for churches which are too poor
to procure thpm. Their work has been
chiefly with the Indian missions.
Washington, D. C, April 24. Senator
Wellington, tm leading republican of
Maryland, ha announced positively
that he will not support President Mc-
Klnley If he I renominated. The sen
ator mate that he will oppoe Mr. Mc
kinley's renosnlnatlon, and, falling In
that, he will not vote for the repub
lican presidential candidate.
"I do noi Intend to support a plat
form that Is against my convictions In
such important particular. I do not
Intend to remain a member of the na
tional committee, nor do I Intend to at
tend the republican nations convention."
Bryan, Weaver and Poynter Will
Speak. Delegates To Sioux
Falls Will Attend.
Omaha, Neb., April 23. On Monday
evening, May 7th, the annual dollar
dinner of the Peter Cooper Populist
club will take place at the Coliseum.
Ihere will be plates for over l.OCKj
Immediately after the banquet (11:30
p. m.) the club's special train will
leave for Sioux Falls, arriving there
the next morning for breakfast. The
club headquarters for this occasion will
be at the Paxton hotel and will be ac
eommoaated by a special street car
service to and from the Coliseum, The
tuests will take their seats at the
.able promptly at 7 o'clock.
Those desiring ticket to the ban
quel should send In their orders and
remittances without delay to Warwick
Saunders, 609 South Twelfth street, the
secretary of the club, and the tickets as
desired will either be mailed to the pur
chaser or els placed, on file and
handed to them when they call at the
headquarters at the I'axton hotel on
the day of the banquet.
Delegates and, others buying through
tickets to Sioux Falls should wherever
possible come through Omaha. Re
quest the local ticket agents to hove
the tickets read out of Omaha to Sioux
Falls via "Northwestern Line." (The
route of Peter Cooper club train is
C. & N. W. Ry., S. C. & P. Ry., Omaha
to Sioux City, and C, St. P., M. & O.
Ry., Sioux City to Sioux Falls.) Stop
over will be allowed at Omaha on such
tickets to enable holders to attend the
banquet, and all together make the
balance of the trip on the club's spe
cial train. The rate is one fare for
'.he round trip.
The club's special train will be made
up almost exclusively of Pullmans and
tourist sleepers. These cars must be
engaged f(,V not less than three days,
nd are good for the use of those hold
ing tickets going and coming from the
convention, and also all the time while
st Sioux Falls. The rales fur the Pull
man for three days are $4.50 and for the
tourist sleepers J2.50, and for a longer
time at the same rates. Pullman or
tourist accommodations must be en
gaged seveial days In advance, pos
libly not later than May 3.
A one-way railroad fare and sleeping
far accommodations at these prices all
at the service of the ticket holders foi
rooming put poses while at Sioux Fall.-!
makes the Sioux Falls convention trip
very cheap.
(Omaha World-IIcralJ.)
For lis annual dollar banquet the
Coliseum has been sec ured by the Peter
Cooper Populist club. For Monday
evening, -May 7, the spread Is being
prepared for 1,00 plates.
W. J. Bryan, General James B. Wea
ver and Governor Poynter have accept
ed invitations to respond to toasts and
Senator Marlon Butler and other dis
tinguished leaders, have been Invited.
Immediately after the banquet Is
aver the delegates and others who are
going to attend the Sioux Falls conven
tion, will take the Peter Cooper club's
pedal train over the Northwestern. It
will be necessary for those who expect
to attend the banquet and also those
who may desire to go to the Sioux
Kallc convention on the club's special
train to place themselves in communi
cation with the club at an early date.
Warwick Saunders is chairman of the
eommlttee on transportation and Elmer
E. Thoma is chairman of the banquet
committee. This special train will be
niade up of Pullman palace car and
tourist sleeper.
Upon the arrival at Sioux Fall the
pecial will be sidetracked within a
block of the passenger depot and with
in aeven or eight block of the conven
tion hall and leading hotels.
In order to accommodate those who
desire to take advantage of the Peter
Cooper club' special the committee on
transportation ha apimlnted Mr. Geo.
F. West, city passenger agent of the
Northwestern, .corner Farnam and
Fourteenth streets, to receive all or
der and remittances for railroad tick
et and to assign berth, two In the
lower and one In the upper, a rapidly
as thoy come In, first come first served.
Rome Miller of the Her Grand hotel
of thi city will serve the banquet,
which will be the largest by far ever
given In the west.
The Coliseum I at prenent the "den"
of the Knight of Alt-Bar-Hen, to
whom the Peter Cooper club I under
obligation for the use of the Knights'
big building. Thi I the same place
where the first populist national con
vention waa held, where the Omaha
platform wo made and adopted, and
where General James H. Weaver was
nominated for president In 1X92.
The delegation and other attend
ing the Sioux Fall convention from
nearly all the southern, eastern and
western slate are coming through
Oraaha and will stop over to take In
the banquet and hear Mr. llryan'
Chairman Edmlsten and the head of
the populist organisations In dozen of
other state are giving the Peter Coo-
per club their hearty co-operation and
no doubt at this gathering there will be
an assemblage of the greatest number
of distinguished populist of the nation
that was ever gotten together outside
of a national convention.
The sale of ticket both for the ban
quet and the club's special train will be
elosed several days before the banquet
in order that suitable arrangement
may be made to properly care for the
No wines r cigar will be served and
the ladies wTll attend. ,
Prince of Wales and Czar of Russia
i Will Attend.
Paris, April 24. I learned from a
member of the Italian commission that
King Humbert and the emperor of
Austria cannot, because members of
the triple alliance, visit the exposition.
There were hopes Just after the Franco-Italian
treaty of commerce was sign
ed that Humbert would come. He
seemed Inclined to do so. But when he
found the French government did not
encourage the Idea of a visit from the
German emperor he held back.
Francis Joseph was glad to hold
back. Gay crowds now Jar his oft
wounded spirit. Misfortune Is ever shy.
And who among European sovereign
has been more unfortunate than the
Austrian kaiser?
The Prince of Wale was to have
been at the Inauguration. But the
French caricatures of the queen goaded
him Into deciding otherwise. M. Del
easse, however, has acted so hand
somely In his official relations with
Great Britain that the prince may In
the course of the summer visit the
great show. It Is even said that he
will hold some receptions In the Brit
ish pavilion. This would be a happy
King Leopold, the Crown Prince and
Princess of Denmark, the King of Swe
den (probably the queen, also), the
queen of the Netherlands and her
mother, the Prince of Bulgaria, are all
The czars' promise to come was made
to M. Felix Faure personally. He may
be a visitor In August or September on
his way from Denmark to Hesse Darm
stadt. But nothing Is absolutely cer
tain. He, however, showed such a
lively Interest in the exhibition In
speaking to Comte J. Montebello that
his abstention would cause disappoint
ment. The czar is undemonstrative
and indeed remarkably so. It Is rare
for him to warm up to the degree of
breaking down reserve. But It appears
that he did so in the conversation I
The Alexander" II bridge may well
call for expressions of admiration. It
is really the finest of the kind in Eu
rope and a noble feature of the exhi
bition landscape.
Rebels In Columbia Seom To Be
Calnlug Ground.
Colon. Colombia, April 7. (By .Mall.)
Despite all information to the con
trary, the revolution is developing all
through the republic. For months the
rebels have been gaining strength. The
department of Santander and all of
Tolima, with the exception of the city
of Honda, are In the hands of the In
surgents. The rebels also have control
of large parts of the departments of
Iloyacaya and Cuaea.
Several weeks ago the Insurgents at
tacked Rio Hacha, capturing the port
after a severe fight. They are now be
lieved to be moving toward Santa Ma
ria and the government troops have
made elaborate plans to resist the at
tack. Santa Marta Is the capital of
the department of Magdalena and has
a population of about six thousand. It
Is a port of entry and a railway line Is
partially constructed, which may be
continued to the Magdalena river. The
neighboring estate of San Pedro Ale
Janeiro will be remembered as the
place where the liberator Bolivar died
in lS.'iO.
It Is believed to be the Intention of
the insurgents to attack the place by
both land and ea, and If they are vic
torious they will move on Barranqull
la. General Palaclo left Barranqullla
on March 26 with three steamer and
1,100 men for some port) on the Mag
dalena river, leaving 1,400 men to guard
the city. The strength of the Insur.
gent I not known.
Is Beyond Control and Other
Cities May Suffer,
Vancouver, B. C, April 24. It Is the
opinion of Dr. Thompson, president of
the Sydney board of health, that thero
Is no hope of an early cessation of the
plague, and that the epidemic can
hardly be suppressed under eight or
nine month.
The steamer M lowers, from Sydney,
brought new of the spread of the
plague In Austrlaria and of the Inef
fectual effort of the government to
stamp It out. The premier and mem
hers of his cabinet presented them
selves for voluntary Inoculation to
make more easy the efforts of th
health officers In the lower parts of the
Thorough work ha been done In the
way of cleaning the city and war has
been waged relentlessly against rat.
Under the direction of the health au
thorities the pntlre steamer traffic of
Sydney has been rearrnaged. Wharvea
have been Isolated, ferric removod and
Jetties disinfected, lorn down and re
built. All the Australian towns, espe
cially those on the const, have been
taking extraordinary precautions to
exclude the plague.
Report That Grand Jury Has In
plicated Him In the Murder
of Wm. Coebel.
New York, April 24. The World says:
vV. S. Taylor, governor of Kentucky,
I in New York in consequence of the
finding of an Indictment against him
by the grand Jury of Frankfort, charg
Ing him with being an accessory before
the fact to the murder of William
Goebel. He appealed to Governor
Roosevelt Saturday afternoon, asking
that any demand for an extradition be
The interview between the governor
of Kentucky and the governor of New
York lasted for an hour and a half.
The utmost secrecy was observed in
the coming of Governor Taylor, to the
home of Douglas Rpblnson, brother-in-law
of Governor Roosevelt, In his stay
'.here and in his departure.
Governor Taylor arrived in New
York from Washington, where he has
been preparing his case for the su
preme court. The information that he
had been indicted caused a sudden
change In his plansi
The Indictment was not anticipated.
At first the fact was disputed, but Fri
day flight the friends oi the governor
were informed that the report of the
Indictment, which had become known
In a mysterious way. was absolutely
A consultation was held. Some ad
vised that the governor should Join
ex-Secretary of State Flnley of Ken
tucky, also under Indictment, in In
diana. It was feared that If Governor Taylor
remained In Washington the requisition
of Governor Beckham would be hon
ared. The most feasible plan and that
offering to the Kentucky executive the
greatest hope of immunity, was his trip
to New York and an Interview with
Governor Roosevelt.
Governor Taylor did not register dur
ing the day at any hotel here. He
mailed on ex-President Harrison at the
Fifth avenue hotel shortly after noon. '
Governor Taylor made a desperate
plea to the ex-president to reconsider
his decision not to act as his counsel,
general Harrison heard Governor Tay
lor courteously, but firmly informed
him that it would be impossible for him
to take up his case, either before the
lupreme court of the United States or
before the Kentucky courts, when the
trial of the Indictment will come up.
General Harrison said: "It was not
(hat 1 do not believe in the cause of
Sovernor luylor that caused my re
fusal to act as counsel for him. I had
io many engagements that I could not
take his, case."
Afterward Governor Taylor drove to
the Waldorf-Astoria, where he took
luncheon. At 4 o'clock he stepped into
a cab und was driven to the residence
3t Governor Roosevelt's brother-in-law.
Over the telephone he had previously
notified the governor of his coming.
Governor Taylor was warmly greeted
by Gover nor Roosevelt. Then the Ken
tucklan began to narrate the personal
eud, the political fight and its tragic
climax in his native state. He protest
ed his own Ignorance of the plot to kill
William Goebel.
It was 6:30 p. m. before Mr. Taylor
Jrove away. Governor Roosevelt would
not say whether he had promised to
refuse to sign extradition papers, if
the warrants against the governor of
Kentucky were pressed. These war
rants will not come until the official In
Jlctment of Governor Taylor Is an
nounced. Governor Taylor will remain
In New York until he hears what ac
tion the authorities of the District of
Columbia will take upon a requisition
from Governor Beckham.
Mearly Two Hundred Deaths Have
Occured In Manila.
Manila, April 24. The sudden deaths
ef Filipino? and Chinamen in Quiapo
market have led to an investigation,
hovlng that fifteen cases of the bu
bonic plague, fourteen of which were
fatal, have occurred within a week.
The market Is located in the center of
the city, in black, rotten, wooden
buildings, the keepers of the stalls live
vlth their families, huddled together
In great filth. Some of the victims
were stricken and died within an hour.
Tnere have been several deaths In other
sections of the city recently, which
have been trace to Infection from the
market. After afl the market had
gathered together today, the health of
ficers threw a guard around the build
ing and will keep the Inmates quar
antined there for a fortnight. The
will then burn the market. The total
number of bubonic deaths are 119 Chi
namen and 63 Filipinos.
The plague elsewhere ha been sup
pressed. Not one Infected person has
been In th Chinese district for ten
days past.
Seattle, Wash., April 24. Thirty of
t26 Japanese brought by the steam
ship Rio Jun Maru have been refused
sdmltlance to the United State by
the commlstiloner snd If their opinion
I concurred In by a hoard of Inquiry
they will be returned to Japan.
The Jury Flnda Him Not Guilty
Murder of Scott
Frankfort, Ky., April 21. Ea-Cba-gressman
David O. Colson. who ha
been on trial here for the last foot
days for the murder of Lieutenant
Ethelbert Scott and Luther W. De
maree, was acquitted by the verdict ol
the Jury, which was returned at 1:35
this evening. The Jury waa oat only
eighteen minutes. ;
Although it was long after the usual
time of the adjournment of the court
and there was no certainty that aa
early verdict would be reached, a large
part of the crowd remained la the
court room waiting for a report from
the Jury room. After being out fifteen.
minutes a knock was heard on the door
summoning Sheriff Baker to the Jury
room. He responded and reported ta
Judge Herndon that the Jury was ready
to come Into court. There was great si
lence as the Jury filed into the court
room, but there was no demonstration
when Clrciut Clerk Ford finished read
ing the verdict, which read:
"We, the Jury, find the defendant not
As the words were read the crowd.
arose and sent up a wild cheer. Colo
nel Colson, the defendant, was standing?
near the witness stand. The crowd took
no notice of the court officers, but
piled over the railings, surrounding
and insisting upon shaking hands with
him. They gave an ovation to the Jury
and Colonel James Andrew Scott, Col-
son's chief counsel. The cheering- kept
up till Colson left the court room, and
as he did so It was taken op by the
Beckham soldiers in front of the court,
house, to- which the colonel returned a
The tragedy which resulted In the
crime for which Colson was tried oc
curred January 16. In a duel with
Lieutenant Ethelbert F. Scott In the
lobby of the Capitol hffel, crowded at
the time by people attracted here from
over the state by the political contests
Colonel Colson killed his antagonist
Scott, and Luther W. Demaree ana
Charles Julian, bystanders, and wound
ed Captain J. B. Golden, who accom
panied Scott and whom Colson's frlendt
charge with having taken part in th
battle. Both Scott and Colson emptied
their pistols, fifteen or twentv aootr
being fired In all.
Transmlsslssippl Congresa Strong
ly In Favor of It.
Houston, Tex., April 24. The St.
Louis exposition of 1903, to celebraU '
the centennial of the Louisiana pur
chase, was given a most hearty in
dorsement by the Trans-MlsslsaippE
congress. The resolutions introduced
by Mr. Patterson of Colorado were
adopted by a rising vote, amid great
Former Governor Francis of Missouri,
was the principal speaker. ;
The resolutions were substantially
the same as the very strong article
promulgated by the St. Louis Board ot
In regard to other important matters
the following resolutions were adopted;
Calling on the national congress to
foster the sugar1 industry; callins; aa
the national government to open the
gilsonite reservation in Utah; recom
mending exhibits at the Pan-American
exposition at Buffalo; urging a system
atic plan of improving waterways; in
dorsing various enterprises for the im
provement of waterways; recommend
ing the opening of Indian reservation
and favoring Irrigation and settlement
of reclaimed lands.
Concerning the Nicaragua canal ta
following was ratified:
"We note with deep regret the delay
in the passage of a measure of sucta
Bupreme importance to the very beat.
Interests of our country as the Nlcar
aguan canal; and we accordingly would
respectfully urge upon the national
congress the enactment into law ot the
bill now pending before congresa."
Angry Words Between the General
and His Chief of Staff.
Manila, April 24. In an angry quar
rel between Generals Schwan and Otlt
General Schwan said he would no
longer bear being made a mere clerk
and having none of the powers oi
chief of staff. General Otis said not
one should usurp his authority as com
manding general and Immediately
General Schwan, packed his effects and
left the palace for good. He cabled
to Washington a request to be ordered
home, which wag granted by cable two '
days later. Schwan sailed on the
Thomas on the 15th.
General Schwan persistently ur(re4
getting In supplies of provisions before
the rainy season. As a result of Otis' -procrastination
several station ot
troops. In the Interior must be evaca- .
Insurgents have renewed activity aad
attacked Ave of our garrison In force
In the week.
The president has given General Otis
authority to declare the war over and
to Issue a bandit proclamation. Otis
fears the effects of this and prefer ta
leave that to the last to do.
Manila, April 24. Colonel Hardin and)
Major Case, with a battalion of the
Twenty-ninth Infantry, have nailed far
the Island of Marlnduque and htah
beto. It is reported the Insurgent have
2f,o rifle and 7,000 rounds of ammuni
tion. Dr. Burgos, a prominent native
of Marlnduque and a supporter of the
Americana, accompanies the capedltiea)
to try and convince the Inhabitant of
the wisdom of surrender.