v Harrison Press Journal: VOL. XII. ZKC-A-IRRISOIfcT, 3STEIBIE.A.S!SZA, TIIUK.SIDA., APBIL 26, 1SOO. 3sl O. 40. Our Jfott---NO QUESTION IS EVER SETTLED UNTIL if IS SETTLED niGHT."--Kon. William J. Bryan. HAKRISON PRESS-JOURNAL. Subscription Price IVr Year f l.OO. Official Paper of Sioux County. Geo. D. Canon - Editor. EXTEBED IT TUE HAHKISON POST OFFICE AS SECOND CLASS JlATlEK. TMilli i li ! iihuhimi , . n , ii Mnnniii. . ' nf ANOTHER TRAITOR. WASHINGTON, April 17 George F. Hour, of Massachusetts, delivered a speech In the Senate today against liiipfriallHm which recalled the traditions of America n oratory. lte poke for three boura and then, physically exhausted owing to hU tacble health, was obiged to desist. Tho speech complete, as it will appear In tbo congressional rccor anil In pampblot form, contains GO.OOO words. "Wo are presented with an Issue," wild Senator I'oar, "that can be clearly and sharp ly stated as a question of international law, a question of justice and natitrousncM, and a question of public expediency. "The constitutional question la: Has COuffresg the power, under our Conatlutlon to hold In subjection unwilling vansul Mates? j "The question of publio expediency is: Can any nation rihtfully convey to nv.oth or soverelntnty over an Biiwllllng people who bus thrown off its dominion, asserted flr'lr. Independence, establiscd a government of their own, oi-er whom It has at tho Uu.a n practical cootrol, from whose territory It has slo zed, aud which it U buyond its power to deliver? ' "The question of Justice and rltfbteousneas Is! Hayo we the right to crtuh find hold " under our feet an nnwllllng and subject people whom wn hud treated as allies, wl.'co l:j dependence we are bound In Kod faith to respect, who bad esiabiuhou tbolr ov, p. ires gov ertmont, and who had trusted us? The question of pubbllc expediency Is: Is It for our advantage, to promotu our trade at the cannon's month and at tin: point of the bayonet?" The lasce Asaltku. The senator contended that the Constitution does not empower the United States to "acquire territory for the purpose of holding 11 In auhj'.rtlon" or Cu'.irrcs to "govern do pendent nations or territories not expected to become rftaies." We have undertaken to buy mere soverimmty. Tin-re were -no pnbllc Inr.ds !n the Fhllpplne Islands, the property of Spain, which we have i ought and peiil for. Ti . ,n -10-tal.ia of iron and the nuggets of gold and the lump beari'is; fluids do you propov. to ' :p the owners of their rightful title? We hare undertaken to bny allegiance pure and nijiji lo. And allegiance Is Just what the law of natioux declares yon cannot Viy EXPANSION AND THE DKCI.ARAXION Of INDEI'KXtvKNCiJ. "There is expansion enough In it' ljut it is the expansion of f reedom ani net despot Ism; of life, not of death. Never was snch growth In all bun an alvory as that from the seed Thomas Jefferson planted. It hag covered the, contiiiMit; Utnot both tho sem; tt bae saved South America. It is reroluOaiiUlnjr Kur ipe. It JU Ui-) .1.1 a!-!. a of fr."-oii It differs from your tinsel, plnchb&ck, iim-w exp.niiu.i 3.4 iw trrowt!', j. h h Mkiihy ur.'i nto atrong man differs from the expari-dVm tf au tuiteonda when ii.- sva'l.iw tiM.it Ira. Ours is the expansion of Thomas JHfurson. xoiire ii the expauilon ot A.iron linn-. ly a gosling marriage turns out all riplit but it is a clear caso of luck. If thre was a law against young galoots njiark inj; and marryirig iKfore Hit y get all of their toetb, the little youny;flter3 would evade it in some way; but tliero ought to be a sertimerrt ak::iinst ;t. It i tine enough for ljftr.Ut.ms to fin J ft puliot v.iion they liave raimxl cnonli ki buy a i .tidie of lath to build a !n ho.uw. When they xne a pirl that lx; c uuvn,' Ui- y are ifrid thfr j W not uaui'.r'i to go ar ound; tliey bt-Kin to tmrk rtl pry, and befiri they ar i awarw nf the fvu:uity marriage tb'iy are hitc'iu'l for U?!-; art?. b"fr-e tliey t v,a n. Uve or a ijutUt-iarl, t'.cy !ia! tj if 'it up al higiit aaii go for a doctor." iDeliaves Mckinley will Loss Ohio- Baltimore), 31.1. April 10 "I lyjive that the republic fR'y sa iiwyl uvii isi in jnron!y and the 3w.to vs'iil io iont to the imrty if Mclvintey is r'inor.n'ii.it'id. Mjreover, I vni! g'o so far aa to ulnto that I i ri"t Wive Mc'Cifiley will cvoii carry his own StV 3 Oh:." ' Li.viv "r! rnr'. "The facts are," said tin' sentor to-day whon Bfih'tl ocncp"nirif the p"Jtu.l-; be will tn.Ve in tho core in; rftinr.-iitTi, "I have b--en opposod to tha &oqu:.-.iU.n ol the rhilijiinfa as a ornan'it iuriy, I was oppowd to the 15 percent duty ok Porto Rico i'lip'rU into t.iin ctuiul.ry. This beir.b' my pofutioa, I do not ho my way clnar to support tha Piuiipv 'ne p0' icy of the Prchideut ?.i.d tin ixiliy ol lavirie a duty on Porto Rico rrhea thev raun;tTn vh;c!i it is located. Fo other agbneyeanor will do thi. The editor, in profionisn to his means, doB more for his town thnn any othai-10 run, and in .V. ftrne3 with men ho ought to bo mipp- te'l not beoauw you like him or adiair.i his ri:irfr, but bwdtUM the local paper ia !J;e b-t investmerit a oti'iini jiiitv cf.n tsoLj. It nir.jr r t be 'irillwitly wliVid r cro-djil with subl imtt tliO'ighVKtt fiiiiuiciaily it is more fy.'tio.' to tinooinmu'iity than tha teach er oi Iho pve 'i.t r. UuV-nretaiv rr.e. I do tir nrui mnV lly or moraliy, but fliiAt'.sially, :n:d vet on th moral quest ion you will mot' i the local p.p eri r.n tht ri; ! -t e. 1 the lI. fairs of the hems) pap-is J ha most for t!;e lrmt itwwj of ruiy jwpi ca the face cf the etu-th." ii. They knev what ftaal lm- p:rlaii; e Commercial Bank.- - INCORPORATED 1888. Harrison, - - - - Nebraska. (p -CAPITAL STOCK PAID IN -OO SURPLUS FUND - - $10,0t)0.00E 10,000.00 -o- 13. DIBECTOBS. - C, F. Coks'kk, Frefijideiit. D. H. Geisw-old, Cashier. C)iA5. C. Javtsow. B. E. Bewstek, A. McGeni-bt, :kPlTi,3nrCDnijnr,JTC' msT NATIONAL BANK, New Tom. truUdinCwrUiiUCit I OMAHA NATIONAL BANK. Oulaha. Nb. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS.- it: are embracetl in a w.ttonat platfonn. ,, do not inlcud to sepport a platform that is afiinst mv nonv-ictiens in inch im portant p.'irticulr Ido not iiuei.d to rcuu'.in z member of tha National cera Miit ' o, nor do I intend to attend the re p',i',;i tihtional oonveution." Mr. w1'.u.kV-e w a man of poitis'o convi-jtltrBit ar.d opirressive r.ctu n. in his oppositioa k" ir-i: pori.viiati) ho will not ic co.'itent with failure to vot for the rotiubiiean ric':dat. Ila will Co all iii his powi r to dufeftL the ticl-fet condrntal j Ly hia .-t.y, i --evins U:3 tj.i9 iJWj ormn wl-ar. l.j mutt put tho :icty ci the repubh-; abovt. -arty .uri.?-iratioiH. "I !xl:'.-8 tho npubU'n party 'u. ttr,-J'niJ e lw in j.'.'pw'y be ma use oJ j tJw v vi'Ie'..;- itnd n policy cf i Jlop-fsxantalifes r.f f3.-man Americans i n: -- ri in ten ."'".! have formulav e i plf ;or B c:'uftPi:ft iifftirht hnperial- i-.rj acd tru.-d a'tl I'm p.reiictifU is nu..do Jij .c8 of tiic ceiitcvr thai when U.I pel I. vh'.l:t next ovtrc.b-. r, P.-i:.lc;it .i'l '..ave r.o r.n oi to tltibt thu .v.ruii.t oftiifct (iivistut of the voters army, 03 to tiv? jsticiui wiikh Iivegflown out of his .VuT.lnietr&Utm. he mo,-tiisg at rlii..i the f.bovc fHove v.'as wsai ne'.J at the Bhcrman J.iuo, ( '!. ca,o for rt'ons whti. h ara tot d::io4tl tha wr-fe.-onco wa not ac'.'trtiw utid its po ciedins woro not rpi ik-.i Iotvliy. It is adrr.itted howevtr that Cerir.an-Am-erictin editors we"- in attendi'iic from Jlk-h.gan. Vj'jjf,.".-.';). ICtnttn-ky, India :'.a Ohio, Iowa, Mif:rt;oUi, K.bMat, W.-m sour! vm.i :i!iu:ii;'..' T:io p.-irnary obj-sct o;' tha.jttvthjrln,:, a" jordia to orrj coafero, was -..lie- f.-'leciion r.f a republican tc ta'.(s vh'-.o'a of t'Vi (iaenvji-Americaa bwiura of tho nf.titmiJ dettoc-.-w o. Tto pot wj a .si.i'ticd o Oito Doaderlcln. of Ci Jc via. i'-'it-ons I V. a'.chmau. F.'n..I I'roof Sot Ices. All persona having final r.roof notices in this pucr receiv , in.'ikd copy of the l;.' r a i t lire, rciiii" d ed to PTuinlne their noti.'-j mt tf any error exist report the i-..i:e .o tlily c ff'.'.o at ou.e. MCTiC'E TO!: !'V B LIGATION. liftufl OPce P-t .M'.!1ce, Kol., Bfarchas, 19C0 ll'A.:-s in ht-;ety given that the following nuin':d sttiOT .tied otic of his Intou t:on to Hii.ke final pn.of in support ol his elrijit, mid that sb!U proof will be made oe-io-.: Clerk of District fourt, at llarrSoon, Nebraska, on .dsy 5, lflW, viz: joiiv vr. RiciiDoiiKV, of ITcrrlson, .'wt., ou It. 10. "o. 24, for tho lte st X fontli-aaxt '. :e. 10, and Sontit V, vMttiewehfi II, Tvp. SB, M. IlanfM lie v.umc: the fol'owinff wltneeea to provj Iv'.; Po.:t!;moii residence upon cad cnitlvcrioi! cpoasMd tuid ',: O. A. Gi'.rton ;!.,;; Jolai l'I;i:-.kett of Tlprrlfon, Gllciirist, Kabr:.-1, a. F. ;j. l0K3INGT0Sr, Ecster. Unit... LSe F ankO. Liwii. "STI Branded on left side sat' eSSf? tf Sf Cattle and ou left :sij i!&ksl houldor of Horses. Kange on ueaa c: i, h.te uiver. P. O. Add' ean Harrtsen, Neb. JOHN A Owns the follow Insbraud od eith er: V Also HQ on cat ti ) and horses cuttle on leftside holies on luft kuoulder. Itane on Silver Springs and east of state Ine. I'ostoGice Harrison Neb . HANSOJf j W-l J KlIFOr.M Vd. (CO.'! F!';w dtizaart a Another gold democratic U. S. Sena tor has, by the state election of Ixuis iaaa been retired to private life, and the election of eilver Senator assured at its next legislative session. Thus two trai tors to party fealty have been re ward td with banishment. Who'll be tho next'r Senator W. B. Allison, of Iowa it is aid is the choice of president HcKinlcy for his runninj mate. The fighi, for pc ond place an the republican national ticket this fall seems to be nan-owing down to Boosvelt of New York Secretary of the nary John Long, and W. B. Alli son of Iowa, The frand jury of Franklyn county, Ky.,has found iadictments agaiast thir teen of the conspirators in the otvuiihina tioa of Oot. Goebel. The usurping gov- ornor ia now in New York iiiiplorinr, no the Daily saper say Gov. Iloor.cit not to recognize a requisition from Ucv, amor Beckara for his request. The old proverb, "murder will out" is coming trae again. como from, to n,o.t the ::pan! of run ning "The True Populist," started by him ouiy a few Wwks a;;o. Tlio fW lavi tiie print of tho 0;iaha Deo ot: h cjid thoe-' w!io know ilr. Liae.ver say tha !:sn guagd u:f! Lj tit prper it not his but sounds much liko tli littla Jow that runs tho Omaha Be, tlio wortit raglt can pap.'r in thi country- IliUalxiro, TexaH, Scarcli!: sift. . tl almin's'rHiion iud that it vnil l'j I'.-, -rylar. I M JCinley U rtn;u,.V,d. Mcifin'-y's ti-.atrr!i.'t of i w ui:niml ab-a" wot'.l . ir.ift Uni ia rir.ry laiil. rift b-(iiJ ti.-t I wiU go ho lav a to staf ti.at I do act ! U- Kio le.v will !.-' C.TT hi' O'.vu . Ii.fo Oh - j - t:..) t:; h.-V n v,"b ot-i. to.- iy ?! n lict. Hr-nd by i'.a kiS'JSftB-OP ?EiWUI. Os.ti'.vti.-.bout 'his fcr;:d fond, r.utl r) t.if rn-'.wi of tlat.Irutlion ate ba',r.:r -:h -to fi-r u to acccti'pii-n u;e ;ti bu i:-.5, ar, i rvrA-jisnl rfiiuts.tion 'i.itKiijM ".'C p'js two !!in i:; t'.f ftime : xm- in llio ship U).vr. Cite a popu ths olh r a r:u"".i!CH:i, -uid as t'o i,',..t;, t! . y rirt.d ahottl on aqin'-Kfy the I'rtiU .:'i:!.iva ol tni-U a.td cjlinO" !ia! U- plaec i.f lMjsiii":-a ovt- iwivi.wl vitii wrk. .v f:'j).tonu-r-i, v. i.ilu the popi nh'.t -!i. nn; i.:h;, to to Li oti'er wordis s?s i;- !:' to sr.' T. Alif! lib' euf tri als tl Pcpu1.'.-' and ci .mocruiic or !!. nSofiV forces more tdtui of ti.e .'epuhli caa .arty. As a tvpv--r,'e.l.ve of re fnvtn tt f.pfm., nece-.-y to ?ay. A v. .U'i2i TlioV 1UAT AITP AjUj-34'! Ki'.'J.d Ui'iti it I.- 7 wan 'j -'I turn t 'in i" h( of Vf.ir Uol- norp;t-lPKfr'ver:irrienfa ;)Ut-..la the j , b , who arJttrugliug tor r. of : licp. A. Living demo cratic Platform. 1. TWtoration of and tpect. for tho vin'.ati:'! (Vmvtitution and tiie dirKarxl ed T''f. li;iti('t of Ir.d-jx-ritlcnca: ao "crown coloiiiVx, . ro A.-uii a5rps sexier mn rr;ai.iCATioa. Land OPl?at A-tinnce, Vtft. JjMChS!"', IB01. Sotti-e ts hereby given that rhi followt'i? :i on: Ml settlw ni flintl -utic9 of tUt Inteu ti'in to mala -fi-wl "yiett lnwrpoi t of hi c'aiTJi, ar-.l t'i'.t' saM yt' oof riii he junde h fo"o '( i. rk of tn.-t.-i d ( i urt at U'lvri'ion, l.?l;raka. on M-;-B. X ,v!vt: ifATUit"- Kl-A, f HasriaOB. XO.-i)i.-, rn :i.ji.X.lilfit t . ! i.ot-i 1, 2 a Hi 0, :.-itt "eoitt!-!rt U t Kortl.-.-:wt U Sec. 2, p. :r, N. litiugflST w. lie "i,m!!S the fuHo-vluij "Ihiewcs to pvovs !;' toa ttftuoet rc id'-iu: ) ni-en and cultiva tloji f i'.id latid, viz: i or Wilson, (i.wfi I'h-rto-.i, rnst Lyons and J.vUi?,s Mervi-jui, yil cf ; tiui-lon, Nob. f. li. i.'.ok.':::;:.!. Ro&iatcr. $100 REWARD. For proof to convict any perjoa of steal l-.jR tny of my stock. Branded ou right shoulder of HORSES. o. A-Mi'csss David CLVit.LK, Harrlso, , .ibntKlca. STOfit eha::.'.'s. T;:r,.Tot'T":'.r.v.,i:; ,vi,.ili yonr brand, l"tc CHARLK3 KHTV'MAir. - Kfs.'? The brand represented In this notiae and branded any whore on left aida te;2 of cattle, and ever-lap sat frota tha milt ear. . . - r ,1 -vl?o 'he same brand on left thick of fu& horaeH, bflongs to the w.iderstgaed. 1 near JtJast Springs, a nth nartfo Sioust county. CaA,ui VIWkaw, ; IlanlsoB, Kebrastaa. I 1 ' FEANK KUTTO. On left side of cattle aad on left' shouldci ot horses. Hang ou Antelope ereek y. O., Obilchrist, SIout Oo., Feb. I'.i- ftiilo '.-ruiC, f.ff v-5. , :v yr.vr. Kn.ca ad ijrionu; M-anc r- tw. ?.rcry rarm jr nr , fcW !.;..!. li !:. .- j'.o. .ul i.. 'r.U t.i coraitlc j '(J'-H siHiulfl aiviitiw Vu'iuf braud jn The Jous r'. it ulrvalal m all on r the atate. it ctay be the r,it.ua of ea h j; money for you. It now looks as though thero would Ik n split among tbo bolterx, or a bolt among tho splitters, in either inne it ia believed they cannot fix up matters in a atifactorily manner since Mi! ten ha been doing the work of Mark's crowd for ft few Tears and now throw him over board and placo D. Clem Dearer In con trol will not make ltilton and tun friends fosl very pleasant. Hilltboro, Texan. Searchlight - If tbo state of Nebraska hd beo rait- od with a Dne tooth oomb a more dl 'im putable and dishonest collection of strik en could not have been fecufxl, thai were holding proxies for Pur iter ami Denver at tho national oonmi .'ux: moat ing, The fact that Draw had btxm ml led upon in tho past to help the ediior of tha Omaha Bee take the election rctm na is certainly pntof bo U in cload touch with the moat corrupt republican west, of tbo Missouri river. Hilliuoro, (Texan; Senchligbt "I want to ay, witliout linff aa ex tromist, witliout beintT an elanu'.fit, thii-t if the gt'eat corporation of this city do not ri'iit dodj'itijr and cailinf; f.,ir system of taxation Uie day will cotne when th;' noTia I conditions of Uiis oo un try will tie such Hiat vU;d rijrhu will be at'a'.ked or dentroyyd. IE tiiey do aot tjuit yo.i are Koinr t") faco (me of the pr.Mvt.t problems In this comitry." lion. Biitl 3. Coier tlompt'-olipr of e-.v York city. The BOttth-Afiican war sw t' coming t!ie Boer's way of Jaf .!.' lord P.oV.-rtis at a stand still not t'ririr to advance or retreat, m whi'.a wsvt'ng ftp opiwrtunity to awoop down on tlm Peer ai my, lie in turninj,' his attention to a-inift of Wn subordinate, atid is atrivirg to have tlviir straps removed and w.nt hor.' in dii.fra' e Pulhr anions otliRii?. HoIhjKs nniht do sotuidli'ttig to r.iiiUa a, name for himself if not f jr his country. Dr. Binjan.in Andrews, tiie pn:nt superintendent of publio aciioolfi, of Chicago Ill, has accepted Wvn potit:o ". of chr.acellorof tiio univernitv of N'nru kn, aud will tjtider his rcHi:mtiioti at onr.o whn he end his wife expect, U, nud'o ft aho'-t trip to Europe, ai'tT which ha will oasdine t!ia dutiea of his djw of- flcu. Wbon It Is known that D. Clem Doav or is a man without any means, it la causing many who know . bis ciruuuu- i to laquiro wheto doss the moucy UNIiAI'PY MAaiUAOEB. This in the way ivn colif.rg-e puts it; "Nitiu-tuntiia of the uniisppy nukrnivm aro Ua( roandt cf frw n human oalves beintf allowed to run at large lit socluty's paatura without ari yoko on. They maiTy snd have children before Uwy have niousa..hc, Tliey are the fatiiers of twins bi'fonf thy are Uie propiu'ow of two I air of trwUhets; and tl.a little girls they marry aieold woniei before they aro twtoty yeaia old. Occasional- Uou-ittuuort,' uo Uinttj au'jX-.t. Aote.J- can tari'-ory. 3. Auti-Imnoriai;m, witi militarism, antt-r.iono;ioly; a pnv.-imruen;, by the paoplt' not by a. riutotiwcy or by pro cons uJc 3. Sviupaihy with 'ho Boor rnfruhilc. i-) Uieir crti'.'e struggle to procure tfi'ir j fe-.jodom at.d ii.lcptinc'.fr,c(-: t 'us UniW' Suit Rhouhl tutjilrtr t!'U' rvxl cf.Ws to end Uiu war. a M.ipSod y htuiir.ni'y cusl er; r..ly a iUi jnacd by U treaty of ti Ibv-ue. A. 'fjirt I' rt.for.n: oo duties for boun i , n .lOuMcUjn for trus.bi. 5. Ei-.;ftl of u:.n:or.' w-w taxi: I no taxation for a s ivliu or for nquruit- C. Extntirn of tlit Ptflsident's term ai :ix yeauJ, wiUt iueligiUlity to ro.J ecUon. V. An iiicor.w tax; jiut taxation fijiculd trJvi! Uto ft4x,unt ro- Ovlved and :.ii; i!y to pay; wt!',' Mouid lvs'Ks'r f ta-Hion i f the Ve.'.ei-nJ friwuov njioet MitircJy uyw (kit.ril.iptii i. 6. A;t ah sn.lmrtit W th ronat:ti tion t'vo'.iuji.r tut1' r.o new ytt, U. tcrritit.17 of .1 vaa not a p-t of tha IntiMtd (ittl't ai.d tw.'iriU j'iri' diction on iie i't day of Jarntary, l'j i, shail be iuSnx. u.k) Ujo UiJon:" po 5't.Uy i or moi pr.. I i-tn'ts to oounterM.aaiice Ar,vsriAu SCaks. 9. KI'xUou of Hcuators by a direct vote of the n-ojdo. An ii.Uin.uui canal Now York World. v V.vrt fyr ht. ,. : ppwjtrti i,jc v, Uirnrc. 'vn e.:yj a'3 "tfw best," th?y bo oon. e ";1'5 lst aciliuK." AbwUK-.ru liara, a l.Tuliptr Hriust, of PlluviUo, O.. -(fit",: "l.'.oitrj H.tteru are the '.K-itSclli:v bittern I have handloo in SO vear,, Yoti lf.w wlij? Kt t!;sc.ses b.';1i in dii:ri'Ti of rtomaoJi, livor. kid- . . I!--. 00 njii. M " 'I s'M nerves. i.'cv- ljVinrbV up tlij noJiM- li, r'-;--u-liver, Iiuk'vi .'.J bo el?, pu!reiii;s ciiAKi ;:h i !r.i:i.T!. 0 lefts' !'"ov hi ;i tS cattle, ( i'VTI I'e lef'.'bu.Uder of hovotw. i ('''Nlianira on the liaa.l ot vi'arbon(.t t -j j:.yciwic yt Address Jtaiiivou, Sloax Co. Se'a. S.J. TTTOKEB. Branded on loft shoulder ot horsei ml on left a do of cattle. Kango on White Blver, cear Glen. P. O. Addroas, Glen, Hebraska. tut 'wiMn 'is uxsuAtisuaaacs 'OO 'ddV 'W 'A jojoofi epinnrBA a trooAQ ANV-Ctl CWRtfUALUiB IM OTYL6 C3 CCOJ3M c- Ca.-. h. :vt-'srjiisrri ric . tllf. IIOO.I. 'T !! riues rfiul' ; up tj.o ent r" -o. vigar into s:i; '!, ror.li or Wi)t ia:i Prii- j, the Qf-vvvi. pvr.i:w.'i. . It In nee buiiJ Puts now life aiirf f.it'k'.j', rundown HO cettU. Sold by i. II. FHE.-XEY Uruggist. BO YEARS wiy EXPERIENCE ! I I f- asaaaasas CrrHT.I' Wt to'mtf. 47 TllAOC MR $ JiOTOKTi ltl-i. t."4 itrcaTi A Uood "Word For 'f hu ierajiapcr. At a iffcent btisinwei convention Oov ara,r Francis of Mmwurl, who is in a position U know wherof lie paks, paid trlbuta to the loeal newsjiapor ua fol Iowm' "Ilkch year the local paper gives from 100 to (1.000 in free lino to the 00 tu- DtSIONO COpVrtiOHTl Ac. nonsni1ln a ssetcb and d'icrtrtion m lri.nl'in IsprobiblTBslw'tiiblr. f ommu.ilea, r. J?.'no!lyconlIliuLIl. HiuKlbookon I'atmM ,11. frs. Oidwit tumrf tor emrltitt psisim. I'siBtm lakon tlirourh Munn a (.0. reoa.re m tlal otk, iihnul t-nsrire. In tha Scientific flmericaite A hnd.nmlT Iliu.trHljd wtrtl I-"t J n 1st ton of iit cleti'.ine luirr.al. 1rm,H s Hrui m uuju.. mtm - . - We Mm to fm'titeh the bout ftfaaMfcToeal blc. i-ud to sell it- at the lowes nraatiiiao LWrlpbun ef oar style 'E, OobiaeO Fiwio: V l-i Otaves. 8 ltii.r.s: Ot. rstt unerJaaa, Vult Irua i it, BivoaaMi aa Baen'.cd. J M,)f Re?faMo( Action, 1 very K"y. riuiKliea! in .".k, i h bany 001 If a X'.tausion Aiaslc Vltl Boll Bliarfl. Nickel riased Oeatlaoeas Bkngeo OB Iwili lloa'd. Tn rue i-.-aals and Pda1 9ard TtatO. FaaUfully riolslicd umt FeHsaeeV h aii'lrt,: 4 f-t, it laebaa. i.ei.h--,h: t ft, 4 lncb:. I wai-ii! a feet. I 1- J !'i(;hfla. , Matfa In Curly Uiust fesjea. ftB Urt4 Oak, Antique Oak aad nocaav. WrW lor Toraae and Fittea, Kvery Boipe rtwata tmnraetiidfar )-nr.s. at:ihtt - is aossa, snilSSti aarlcmaiilvv er asawiaL Baa? Pai-menta A snn't oah da vBir"n and etwy uariisaa ly p"vni'i ill! aunnfe eoe ef Shssas opl-neVl p'nos tr year heme, tt A tirnr.i Mtttur eorMinlaC aosslisl Siiovi 'ra f;1 deseelpt.iu ef astr easy payment p'hm free ataaaatea. W CidcK-tMi G.a- ZZi:ti iOflc;w AitalvcrnariT Ootejte SaL MM j (f IBaiar "1 V 4 5 irrisa, 1 4- f i 1 i I . . 11 , aai - '.'. .1 kii You A vokjc:: in WMf 0- Mt'l? li SO . ai.'t.i :o iJUMugi.j us ?IU. tfiiV 1001 PJ(-.ce-i jr.AttrnratY, ! t -I. 5'-roie;, Cv.-tble. j W. I'. Jo! r. Uu-ro Co., J HVk:rd, i?IW.iS. ? c M V :' si JSS S ill aaai ." T ia. snM L. -t.-ri "a. larnrsj v : '1 T. vS f , i pri. ' ft l ' .. '' ' f ma iirvK--