Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, April 19, 1900, Image 8

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TnrKPi'AY. Ami. lvtti, l .
;co. I). Cation, lalitor ninl 1'rop.
V. V.. & 31. V I:. it. im.f
truing West, (mill Kawt.
No. 6, mixed. ll:i I No. . mixed
r. e. m. v. n. n. is ow iwt
to and from the
Xllishost prices p:Ul for
hides at Iu:(ii:i:rr K.iiWMi,s.
ItTFor taylor made gents suits, Gra
I.ai ;i's is the place to go.
Grandma Davis, is expected home
within a few days.
We are pleased to Mate that John
Kay, who has been quite seriously ill, is
now improving'.
V. R. .Smith, is now comfortably
'domiciled in his own domain, he moved
ibis family yesterday.
Miss Anna Morave, t.ick the tram
f ir Lusk,. Wyo., on Tuesday noon, .she
will work there this summer.
A i'lSK, 11X2 OF PlrKvEiiVI-.s, AND pp..
Sht: if 6.tid Mrs. Holly, went to O.n-
aha. on last TuessHy evening for the
put pose of consulting u physician in
regard to his health. Th-jy expect to re
turn Saturday.
CJFor gent, f.i.shionubla neck-wear
go to GarXACU'ri
Deputy Sheriff. Earnest Lvon, has
Veen quite sick this week, and in fact is
still iodisposed, from a severe attack of
tonsil it us.
A nephew of Frank Claudfelter, ar
rived from Ottumwa, la., last Thursday
for a short v i sit with his uncle Frank.
He returned to his home Saturday eveii
iing. BORN To Mr. and Mrs. W. M:Clum,
of Pleasant Ridge, Wvo., oti the 17t!i
inst. a son. All parties concerned are
doing well. The mother is a daughter
of Mr. Z. Duel.
The Press-Journal and St. Louis
Republic, $ 1. CO, per year. Try it.
Mrs. Roscrans left last Saturday for
Spring creek canyon, to take upon her-
itself the duties of housekeeper for the
Crawford boys, at their mill.
Mrs. Edward Rose, dughter of
"William Miller, of Hat Creek, returned
from Montana(we did not learn the place)
last Monday noon, she conies back to re
main, aud says tier husband will be back
'next fall.
The agricultural bill, which carried
in the measure free blackleg- vaccine acd
the distribution of free, agricultural de
partment seeds, passed congress last
Saturday and Sunday, were two
gloomy days. Sunday wag a regular
-old fashioned, down east spring clay.
'The day was so foggy that much of the
day you could not see 10 rods away.
Somebody, put out some poison the
the other day and old prince; will Davis's
big dog, got hold of it and it killed her.
Whether or not it was intentional is not
known; at any rate old dog prince is gone
to the happy hunting ground.
The (inest line of cigars and Tobac
co in town at Blrnajws.
The Eister dance given at ths court
house on last Monday night, was a suc-
.'! in every particular, ther being about
numbers sold. A most enjoyable
tuns was reported. John Scott, his son,
s.bout ten years old; and John Fin lev
furnished the music. '
J. W. Ostramler, of Ardmore, John
ICorlhnesK.Cottonwood, Sam Swinback,
Adelia, M. I). Jordan, Adeha. Joe. Ash
ton, Ardmore, and II. E. Miller, of
Adeli, aare among those who were in
attendance at !ourt last Tuesday.
Jndge Harrir.frtoa of this l.vth judi cial
district, held his Rrt term of court at
this plac last Monday. The way he ex
pedited tha buinesi of his court was a
marvel, There were 42 cases on the
court docket, all of them civil cases and
court did not convene until one o'clock,
ami at fovr o'clock, every case had been
disposed of and court adjourned.
Among the the lejjal lights from
out of lewn, who have been in attend
ance at court this week, the follow
ing Dames appear:
W. H. Fanning, Crawford, Neb.
J. E. Porter, " "
A. G. Fiither, Chadron, Neb.
Following are the names of those
who took out naturalization papers be
. .fore his honor, Judge Harrington, last
Tiiawlay, in open court:
AKKieMem, Elizabeth Camenzind, and
' .Andrew fcnori 0f Harrison, Oeoree
flWMson, tt Fort Robinson, and Gwor-e
. UiiiM. of Crawford, Neb.
Andrew and Juke Waaserburger r- Ty, that tlMire are still tw other r
ft, tomed from their Wisconsin trip Friday publican candid Ues for the nostofl'ic
. - ( tthM ItlM IIHillkNM m l,.H. uL..M.t
S ' TV : ' '
' V SZITJL iT-jr .r
ZZl'Zr.Z' V : . r
l waa aufortanate enough to
FoR SALE-3 V.- gi.tcr.- 1 Hereford
Bulls: oi;e '! vr . ! 1 1. one short 1m. rn 3
I ear old. also yearlings. Ikn ll and
itM t Ho
i:s i i; vvi:i).
SI'!! YE' I roiu my ranch 4 miles
u-.t of t n one bay saddle horse briu-
il on right shou'ikr, any
me information t.-f his wheie-abouts will
be liberally rewarded.
1 li.ive a P.-'' (::
f.T sale.
It. IVix:;.
H-imson Neb.
Tliat Tlirtilihiii licu'lachf.
Would i) i) itU 1 v l-aveyou, if you ufd
Ir. Kinu'a Nw lii'e pills. Tlmtisands of
fcii f.. rein have prove. I their niaiiili's
tiu-rit fur Sick Mid Nervous I !u!i lies,
Tly u.a!e pure blood and build upyour
livaltJi. Only ivnts.' M.mey hack if
nut cured. Sold by 3. E. Pbiuuey Drug
ANT) "I.)NT VH'J IX::'.r.T IT." P.KiELCHV.
J. V. Ostramler, of Mor trose pre
cinct, was in town tins week on business.
r-;J"Yrite Havden llros., Omaha
Wtioleale Supply House, for pri-jes anp
Mr. and Mrs. Will Bouretta. cnent I
1'aster, at the home of the latter par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sherrill.
-Oiunty Attorney O'Connell, took
his best cirl for a tnip to the valltv, last
K.-.n.r.lUr A eet.,r,l n.l .e
Miss Katie B-mrette, of Running
Water, sjieiit a few days in town laM
.e?k. the guetof Mrs. A. McfJinley.
Miss Mary Morawk, cartie tin from
Cliadron on la-t Saturday noon, to spend '
a week or two at thi paternal mansion.)
Kiss B r!,li,i No-i.'li, who hibwin
up at Doujrlas, dtirin; the past few- j
weeks, returned to Harrison, on la.-vt Fri-'
day evening.
Mrs. V. !L Oonsell. and children,
came down from Lusk, on last S iturd ly
evening' aud are guests at the home of
Grandpa and Grandma IIe(er.
t2TWe have the. finest assortment of
Lake spring and sumnur huts, ever
brought to North-west Nebraska a nd we
will have another invoice in a fv-w days.
I.r.vis (;:;i'.r.ACH.
B. B. Smith, a son of F. M. Smith,
who by the way is principal of the Long
Pine schools, came up to Harnsou, on
last Saturday noon and returned to his
home the ame evening.
We have two sets of Radgers Bros
"1S47" Silver knives and forks sect as
samples which we will sell cheap. This
will be your la.st chance as we dont in
tend to, handle them any more.
Yeten!ar, Ceottn C. Brewr, A. Jocobey
and J. M. lyernou, rclntive of Mr. ami .Mrs.
Henry Wurneka, the Jatter father of Tom
lverwin of tld nlneo, arrived from Odeboid
la., overtbe i'. E. 4 M. V. K. l!.,o i a couple
of weekH visit. We understend If the eotint
ry nits, the gentlemen may luy re d e
tute and locate in our midst, there in room
for mure In Sioux County.
If you like a good waok e go to Cwe-
Do not forget, that McTntyre and
Harmon, photographers of Chadron,
and who are taking starv p pictures, 24
for i' cents. Be sure you call and get
some of these picture?, as you mav not
have another opportunity, end retuem
Iier the place the old Ranch Sum.y
Bctuii.no. I. R MclsTVtiE :
Candies from ten rents per pound up
at the Post Oilice Building
SherrifT Holly, Agent Avery, Joe
Parsons. John Marstoller, A, McGinley,
of this place and Chris Chbter.sen and
Tom Jones of Andrews, went to Craw
ford, Saturday evening to attend mas
onic lodge, returning Sunday, all except
sheriir Holly, whom they shipped by
rail monday noon.
We are in receipt of a piece of news,
that may 1 of special interest to our re
publican I'K.'thern; it is simply this, one
one of their political leadersand an avow
ed a.spirant for the post office, contem
plates the starting of a republican paper
ontho ruins of the North-western Press,
which the party negl-.cted so beautifully
to support, while its editor and publish
er strove so manfully to keep it going
on wind and gas, furnished by those
of his party, who did the most, kicking
liecause he could not hold out and sound
their trumpet, on that kind of support.
Our informant told us that Roy "Wright,
ex-local editor of the Press, would in all
probability run the pajier, in the interest
of Mark Hanna, McKinlev, A, G.
Fisher, for representative of this Mrd
district, and on certain fellow in our
town, whose name we may mention in
ojir next issiie.for postmaster, condition.
a! however, that Mark Hanna succeeiis;
in getting McKinley re-elcU'd, which j
a-riou!y we doubt. Roy will U expect-Mr.
ed to give a good and suCicient bond for
the performance of but duties, and thj
carrying out of the would-be piHtmast-
ers wishes, we learned en further inou
I A If l xr i - . . . .
"wu viniay oere-eieciea again, v tralnat Ardmore last Wednesday fr
l.1." l! r.""' in'Mr,no,Wyo..wh.retlH!y have gone to '
u " ""ly to
hing. between t!M north and outb end '
A Ilonll.lp Out break.
i "Of irs" .ir-s on my little dauchters
i head dev-Kjt-d in a caw ( M.ald head"
i writes: '. D. Ishill of Morgan, Tenn.,
I but Buckieii's Aiuica Salve complfelply
j cured Iter It's a tru.innti'f-ii cure for
; F.. zema. tetter, Salt Hheuni. Pimples.
' Sores. UU lars and Piles. Only i'm at
tiie Druggist.
! Poau'.ist Ciitmlj Central ( n;m -niiltpp.
j o -
j t!v rt-M.i-t of W.o. I'Mttcr-wm. w-retHr-
i o' ilf t'o,u:it ,-mrril Coiiunitrf. of sioua
foii'jtv. we tttiii-tl IIh- tuihh of ttu.t cou;
I loltti'i! lor Th.- iH-neflt ( t!loi; wliojn tt niy
' i-.'"ojr'i K .::wmisj nr.. tin- n-im,. of i.'n
( i-i',i.it!. a:..! tin; prm lm-u ulth -t-ii one
i t( j.. --,.als .
I., ti. 1 Ainlrw prvcini't
W. o. i'alt-ron l'-.twen
K. W. knot!. Hat I rn-k,
o,-t te llnrri. iUiniiu; Water"
Aielre'. l.'uubi-rg, S'itjlir 1 tr.tl
I. W. II.iiiiil;er, Wliistln Creek "
Auu -t I. Itin;,
C. I . lirov,
J.i Alexasiter,
I.. K, lieli:ni,
( !i'.rl I'.ii'lile,
A. K.(lii!,
Suuk(j rii-k
Wliite Kiver
CI.AI ( ilHISTKXOK. Cbmil.
W.O. f ATTEHsos. seen tary.
District Court Sens
Follow in"; cases on the court docket'
in Judge H irr:nc;toii!i court Tuesday. I
f jr ailjudication were uisjosed of as fol- j
McKinley Lannin Ian & Trust Co.,'
1 4 cases vs. rnmk (rav and Anerew i
ijacous. ri'iiviy; nun ct oaiieru-e
vs Sioux Co.: Cook vs Sioux Co.; Castlo '
. . . . i
I vs Mvtu u Shephard vs Laogton j
! C"nn v hunu' Commercial Investment ;
! -"o. vs Becker; Sarah Jordan vs Neb. Se-
curity to. ; F. E. Jaudt vs. Sioux Co.;
Sioux Co. vs McKinlev, Lanning I.an
& Trust Co. and Sioux Co. vs Gustavo
Noresch were ccntinutd in the !i kit.
The Aniurx-an Mtg. Trust Co., vs A. J.
Hedge was improperly on the docket
and w.!S dijmis.st:d.
; Tim case of Wood vs Wright, and
Iloirman vs Nebraska Security Co.,
slieriir s.iiea coiiiirmed, case of State of
Nebraska vs the sole heirs of II. nnan
Goedde, it being tlie esclieat cf rcul es
tate to the state; decree for plaint iir.
The caw.-s of Sioux Co. vs Runty:
Sioux Co. vs Lafquist; Sioux Co. vs
Globe Invest-rtent Co.; Sioux Co. va
Wilox, Sioux Ca. vs Mss; 8. dux Co.
vs Plum: Sioux Co. vs Tebbet; Sioux Co.
vs McMillan; Sicux Co, vs Wells; Sioux
Co. vs Jordan; Sioux Co. vs Blew-ett;
Sioux Co. vs Robinson; Sioux Co. vs
Pfost; Marking vs Garrison; Wagner vs
Angus: Livermore vs Nob. mgt & invest
merit Co; Wohlheter vs Iak. Ixian &
Trust co; Stoux Co. vs Bliven; Sioux Co
vs Bliven; Sioux Co. vs Gibson, and Big
elow vs Michigan Saving & Loan assoc
ation, decree ordering sheriffs sale.
The docket was pretty thoroughly
cleared up by his honjr, everycase being
disposed of in some way.
FiVe Point Pickings.,
Uncle Johny Burroes has concluded to
to leave the valley all right enough,
vv'e regi-l the loss of r lent a ctwi.
Mike Brown, will move his collie uu
stairs this week.
Tom 1 lines, will !x Perry White's
walking Ikiss, on Iho grade this summer.
Ied Fox will run the T. H. tattle tiiis
JI. A. Wertz, has purchased a bran
new incubator.
Jake Antrim, has finished hauling saw
dust and is now irrigating with the Hood
waters of Hat Creek.
L. C. Pound, got his saddle horse badly
crippled, in Hear Wertz, barn recently.
Mr. Thayer, and family wera stone
bound a couple of days at the Wright
Myer wedding.
Say Mister editor! county surveyor
Ruffing and Mr. portly man were fish
ing in the Ruiring U .h jioiid last week,
with a log-chain and caught a frog that
weighed 12 (Kiunds. How is that for a
Sioux county frog?
There was a trotting race last week in
the valley. Ttw judges were Sanford
Hill end John Hines. Baby bay tvik
first prize and the IIog-b.u:k-."d blue Was
awrrded the aeennd.
Jim Fisk and Frank D-ivin", are herd
ing their cattle on the divide.
The M. II. ranch is now enclosed with I
a pine bough few.e.
J. C. Ebarpecher and John Thayer, kil-
le a grey wolf last Week. I
Judge Hunter, says the ground will j Hile Church has a new riding plow and
be too wet to plough for two weeks yet. j B'.ilks only when it is too cold U ride.
PiM.'e) IAXX. The tongue of the gossip monger is
t abroad in the land and ye scribe is being
Rr0070C frnm fho UallaU 0"eJfl, a sweet morsel, over itnenlarg
DlCCCd I1UIII Yd.iey.jeu papilla. JU gareful and not let us
get back to the ruinth pur of nerves as
Yes we have had a good rain, nnd an "old Salt" may cause you to vomit,
some of the enterprising runners lias be- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Deuel visited over
gan plowing, expecting to raise some- nifcht w ith father nnd mother t euel in
tiling, j t1B valley lat week.
Mrs. El. Rose came buck from thei Andrew Chrit
west Monday with her little son, and I
will spend the summer with her parents '
and Mr. Wm Miller of Bodarc. I
Andrew and Charley Wnsseiburger re-1
turned from their trip 1o Wisi onsiii bu,t
Friday. They enjoyed the tr p very :
1 much and did
very will wiln tin n
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wrfhlheter took
visit lira. W's brother.
Howard Burke Su ,d ived at 1mm. .
WANTED -(Sooil K'rl help do feri
al hons. wt rk CD ranch, uns -.'(), 0
er moiitli. Address Mrs. W. IV White,
i'a-yhnrst, Wyo.
lif-piiblicaii ('Mitit,v t'ouvenllon.
The republican electors cf Sioux coun-
itvare r.'iiuested to send delegates to
; meet in convention Saturday April 2",
I ir.,io n, tiin ...... i. ...
Harmon Neb', for the purpose of elect-
in-delegates to attend the republican
j .statu convention, and to transact suc h
i other business as may come tiefure tin
i convention.
j Tlie basis of rr -presentation is on" dele
j gate at lare :tn-l one delegate for ca. b
) ten votes or major fraction thereof cast
j for Hon. M. 15. Ilei-se fur jml'e of the
supreme court at the election held in ly
yj. The several irecioi ts beiny; intitled
to delegates as follows:
A titi-h
I "ottoiiwoo.1
(hit creek
I'unnin; wate
Snake creek
Su-ar Iiaf
Wlnst. creek
White Kivtr
W. It. iHVtS,
Sec re lay.
15. BiuKLfiw
Irvin Zimmerman will "work for Mr.
Turner this year.
Milton Hollinworth came: over from
Indian creel; Saturday and made us
visit, returning Monday morning.
Tiie mail carrier was obliged to make
the trtp Tuesday with a big wagon in
order to carry freight as well as mail.
Co. Sup't Burke went to Ardmore
Wednesday to visit a . hool and attend
to some school business. I". W Knntt
j accompanied htm to Ardmore wher-j he
! took the train for Central City to take
i a look at the country.
On account of the unfavorable weath
er last Sunday the Easter exercises were
not held at the Uodarc church. If the
weather is favorable they will be beli
next Sunday evening the 2,'nd, should it
storm then they will he put oif till Sat
unlay evening the 2tli. All are cordial
ly irvitcd. CUo.
Over In Wyoming.
Our batch of Items for lat w?eks
Press failed to get mailed in time so we
held them over for this week.
Ray Whipple is working for Joe Sides.
Lee ZuraBrunnen has lem sworn in as
mail carrier and now makes the weekly
trips to Lusk.
Mr. Hunt of Audubon Co. Iowa visited
with his brother-in-law, C. F. Andrews,
at Kirlley a few days lat week. He
will work on a ranch near Douglas tins
C. F. Andrews, closed his school in the
new shool bouse on Wednesday of la.st
week. He expects to make a business
trip hack to his old home in Exira, Iowa
in a few days. '
Mrs. Addie McDermott, and son Clar
ence, arrived home from Douglas the
first of last week. !
Mr. f 'hm-ch Sr. whi fn Keen confined
to Ins t-! i l.nig , : !e l..- ,tt
this writing but is tdiil a pretty sick
Mr. Olx-rt , Well we dont know the
rest of his name, has rented 20 acres of
the Sutton estate stud will farm it in ad
dition to his own place the Kirtley farm.
The Deuel Pro's branded their colls
on Wfdnevlay of last weok.
Miss Ida Sutton has finished her school
in Lusk and i now w ith her sister Mrs.
Gmirg Davit, in the valley. She was
visiting a few d i vs last week at the hos
pitable Chris Christ ian, home.
Miss Amy Christian has begun her
spring term of school in the Sireetor
district. Where she taught Ia.t year
Success to you Amy.
Francis aud James Due! were breaking
a pair of pinto broni hoes last week. TI
pomes make it interesting foi the boys
everytime they are hiiched up.
Mr. Z. G. Deuel, Steve Eldridge and
Earnest Deuel had the good fortune to
find a den of gray wolves, containing !)
whelps, a few days ago. Of course they
put the pups to sleep at once and are
now keeping a sharp lookout for the
old OIHK.
, Mr. Gray, the assessor was interview
ing the residunts of the "Hill" a few
''"y ago.
Now make out your list for
the Census enumerator.
vearlmgs, to anticipate the bl.ickle- on
last Friday and Saturday.
knight of t hn .! ,
wi re invited out to eat turkey at the
home or Mr. and Mrs. A. Christian on
Easter Sundnv, hut the heavy dew on
the grass, nnd the rheumatic: in our old
bones, prevented our going.
Some one broke into the new school
house, the night of the tenth. N dam
age w done except to break the lock ou"
the door and eat Charlie' dinner which
I,, h.,1 n,.t MlM h- .! i-f.-
00"! frOK! 00 -0; 4-0-C 'O-OAO o of oo ooo
fROHWER'S harness shop,
0000 oa ocooo1 ococoogooo(
All kinds if Harness (Joo!.-. AIko, I'lour anfl till kinds of
j irain f for
j hlj? 11K1 1 iTlil I , Mtlttll IS LuinlxT,
Call and ryct PlilCES
. 0000OCOO-X.OCOC'
Drtigiti Sundries,
lJ;iints, Oils. Vr irnisl ies,
IlOOkS and
OOOO'5O00O0023-' '
- - i ii
THE ho:
Unequalled in Style on Design
ci Case.
PV ftJT-K!. Tit A-F-rl &t
f A. KCSPE, Cniu'fea, flcb,
fl'FICtl: 1513 DnurU t'ret,
FACTOUV: 13U Ixrd Street.
We Celebrate Our 25L' "-.iiicfi.H
nice and may get sime one into trouble.
Fred Deuel is batching niw. his wife
being with bis sister, Mrs. McOluiig. He
and his brother Allwrt, are fencing a lot
of State land whiih he has leaced lor
Miss Elsie Tatmen attended the teach
ers examination in Ikuiglas tho last, of
la.st week. ZKKIEI
Millions Given Awsy.
It is certainly gratifying to the public
to know of one concern which 1 not af
raid to 1 generous. The proprietor of
Iir. King's New Discovery for Consurnr
tion, t'i'"hs find Cold-'. b;iv- riven n
wayov.-i-!co loiiiioa trial bodies ai.d
have the satinf icti in of knowing it has
cured tbouvin is of li'ifsds ea-us. As
thma, Iin;iichitis, KiGrippie, nod till
Throat, Chest and Lung diseasta are sur
elv cured by it. Call on J. E. Pjiinnky
Druggisi, and get a free trial !xU!e.
Regular si.e f'lc an 1 J 1,00. Every bot
tle guaraiited.
St. Joseph's Academy
& Boarding School,
So. D.
The scliool i.-i cxmdxic.U'A by
and under the .'inspir es of the
Ik'nedictine Sisters of St,
Jose jili.
The Scholastic year consists of two
sessions of 20 weeks each, aud lgin
Sept, 11, 1H00, and Feb. 2. 1000; conduct
ed in three departments Primary, Pre-
paritory, Academical and Commercial
Primary &. Preparatory per month, f 1.00
Academic & Commercial ' " 2.00
Board, Tuition, Bedding, Washing
&c, sir month, in advance (10 and $12,00
Kr Josmu's Ixaiikuy,
Vekmh-lhix, - - Ro. Dak.
' 1.1
Welch This
tllH al))VC I liaVO HuiW-
Lilllt1, Hair. (N'niCIlt &C. &C.
lieforo buyinpr ejlrewl(-re.
004COsiC040000 - f0040
E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. o
- 0 - 0 - Ce - 000 - eO000 - eO - CC
... - ,j.v.,,,-,, . i rr - r r niCisrrrai
a A TV
W Iiti In f-irnUh the het plnrej pp,-l.
b!e. Uli'l to fctoi it .l Ino iorfc Mntiti9
I'eHprlptl. n of cur Mr! E. Cttuo
7 1-3 Heaves.
S I'nl-MMi,; (ifrtrin7 Ttsiis.
lull truu i'iM. Il.-ou.jel aud Orc-
JsiMe I'epenitnf A'llwn.
rtf l,r.
l..nbi V rf'l C-.sft.
K.his'tf-J in U k, Jtunj and V?n1nti&
P. -ied n- 't rv ft 1 o(v'-.
Ki MUi C lmki r.otlinj Fail
Nirtiel I'lnUrtl CoBtiooim HlBje on
Tad ll.inr.t.
1 srei, r.-Aiii n-1 P-inl fluird l'istn.
I.etiudndiy t i'OKhid mid I'mudieJ.
)'Oi?i!: 4 f et, H l'ta-ni'
11 tS'i: 6 f I. 4tne.
U U: 'i 'iil. t t-'i lf hes.
Msde In t.ir :y W.!.-!ll. Vn-e, Qtf
tnrad Ok. Aulinue !).. lei Unbuiuif,
Write for Tero.j nnd 1'rlrns,
K"ry Itmne Ttena h naisats1 f
y..-(f,. pjt'i;,! n'v.':'s li tou, aoUoci,
i.of Lu.uft-iip or material.
KaT Payirisots.
A mU rh i.,'.in-n' ?itd mnn.s
1? p-yn.eu vifi .- ore ,,ie ,,f itiiye
a(-l'-el'd i.i.mtH, f .f jr'iur ti'.-w. c
A e-i,n-J t-t'e;' e(eir.nlMin f ..rtftl
y.r'..- fit f o .je.ny.i of e(ir eus
Annivcrn-tw Oj.ifecr ' J,
There will bo Mass a1 the Court
House on Saturday, Airrll, at
10:30 oVioik.
C- L. SMITH, O. TT (7Lr.'r
N Kit it ASK A.
Pnndiiv Schoot io uVl.irk . in. Kpmirtli
I.engiic fi :,'!1 ji, m.
l're-!iir:i every mnhiv evening t T:'!d
p. ne. i.iel eierv riie-niai Snnditv mils. m.
ru'ii'i.riirhig Jrinmiry It. null. Ktery biIy
ronliali lavlltd to attend tliese en ire.
Professional Cards-
I'hjiscian nnd Surgeon.
AH i kUs Kivmi )iroiii)il nllentiim.
cirtice in Iirtitf Mori.
-Ii.i:m;x:,- - nkhkaska.
Prompt attention given to all bigal
matter in Justice, County end District
Cidirts, and before the United States
Land Oilice.
Fire Insurance written, in reliable
:on.p inies,
C"y"Igal paper 'urefully drawn,
M. J. 0 ( (ii.ncll, - - Co. Attcrney,
1TIII Practice in All Conrts.
Special Attention t.he.j to Land Of
lie Business.
Collections and all business entrust
ed to uic tv 111 receive piiiinpt attention.
Hai(iu.on - Nhuhaska.
Michael Raffing,
st avEvou.
I urn prepsrefl to do nil kind of Civil
fciiineeriiin work.
When in need of the Surveor Services,
give me a call as 1 have a full and com
plete outfit, together with 0Xrien: to
do the work with neatness and dispatch.
We ran make la
yor mrasure a
riu. Ail-Wool
Utett City 5tyUi
Vou can b a tll-drcwd mas
t(o know how. Write at Inr
Ijwk Wtli, brtu WM, and
Ltffe Faahlon line m .
and Sample rlW
liN hm way thcr.
' -of town.
j - - - - " ' vm n i ki in i
1 in the cupt eard. Now bo; that ain't
' . 'i '