Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, April 19, 1900, Image 7

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c3 SI6.00
DepnMt wiih your freight ay-Til
euftlHeitt money to guarantee the
freight charts ;U, we wilt forward
!to you our elt-u-nt drop head, live
drawer Sew njr Machine. (.uarjnU-ed
for five years. A complete set of
modern attichment ami lux ruction
look with each machine. You ran
examine this uiichiue and if a ttisfact
ftry, you will iIi-m pay to your local
freight afreul 11(5.1X1.
You lake li chances. Kep your
nioi,y until you are peif.ctly satis
fled a to the quality of Ihe nwnU.
New Mcyclc cnmplptp $l.'.50,
and ou tli-Mime ternix.
Second hand wbeela from 13 up.
We Mil all parts for every sewing
machine manufactured.
Cw. 1 5th and Harne- Sts. OMAHA, NEB.
Pleasant to tuke: No bad
effocU; Gives Immediate relief,
w cuocuij uivei lmmr.uiaie reuei.. .
gltk Your Druggist for it..
Note: If yourdniggtst does not
on her tongue.
Janey Purvis, being duly iiworn accord
Ine lo law, deposes and says thai she hail
a caaicer on her tongue and whh treated
August 24, by Dr. J. (.'. McLaughlin
nt Kansas City. Kantian, with Inn palnles.
remedy for cancers and tumors: that In
nlwrut one month hr tongue was well,
and I sound and well fxlay; there w.n
no nam from I hi- application c.f the med
icine, an aim could ri-Bd during the se
verest treatment. JA.NKY l't'ItVIH.
MS) limmlway. Ix-uvcnwurth. Kan.
Subscribed and sworn to before tne,
Thomas L. Johnson, a notary public, thin
17th oay of March, 1300, nt lyuvenworth.
Kan. My commission expires August 21m,
(Seal )
For lurtlier particulars of thin plnle&
treatment, address,
SSr and wa will send you a sample, free (OJ
Ssipplled by W
T- Richardson Drag Co.. IS
frit Wholesale Draciclata, V-
Jfl"t,iW.BllMJJ.ciDHL, Omoba, Nob. (01
Thousands of people condemned to file
by their physicians, who mud their curb
whs hopeless, are today enjoying all the
pleasure of perfect health, permanently
cured hv our absent treatment. Alter
twenty-live years of unqualified success
there Is no experiment lug nor doubt w.th
us. Our large sanitarium Is fully equip
ped to care for all who desire to come
to us, but In almost nil cases we can per
manently and onlcklv resiore vou t-
health at your own home at a very tri
lling expense. Ixm't (ail to write us if
you are a sufferer. Full Information and
testimonial free. We court the closest
InvcMlgutlon. Write today.
Ir. O. Martin's
I'svnrouKjicAL sanitarium,
Chamber of Onrnmerc Kansas City.
IlulliiliiK, Overview. Kan.
of the civil war who -.erven1 at lea-.! MHiiysiind
who Hie i or, a homcsMttid of 4k, fo or 13 1 acres
Is f.ire June (, IHT4.eaii.i his additional
rlirhr. Subtler, wlllowa. If living and n.it re
married, argentine I. 1 r re married, 'he heirs under
Jl areentliled. 'orruindence solicited. A.M.
.sure, Capital Park, !, tioii.es. Iowa.
....All Diseases Succesfully Treated By....
Electricity or Medicine
or both as the case may require.
Klrvtrlclty has become n Imisirtsnt factor In the cure of disease, but In the hHnd of
periu iiiexix rieiicid hi lis ue and clfeels results the opposite "f beneliriai uru ofleo
obtuiiKei. We nave for twomy years advis-misl noil usecl e eclrlclty in ireailnn chronic
ritwaises and by lon(f exjierlcnc s have deuionstriiled irnjsi conclusively that when cioeh ned
with our own rpeclaille.. no "t her mtrflc of treal m. in Is so rail Tying. In our up par I menu
1 IIib moi co'npleie anil elulnitaie el. mm rlcal imraphsniill i and up llancea lu Hie west, by
whicu c ue the tilwirsi current In more than a hundred dllfcrent forms.
I not understand that we use no medlr ioes. Unrstalf of Physicians and sorireons are
f mlneiitly iiualltbj i to handle the m-.t, dilhculi and ousilnste of ca-es antl the testimony of
lbo.and pnmlat'M I h it our treatuteiil Is elTtsjllve and that we no KleMilutcly all thst we
cairn If yuu h ive t rled other iloe'or or remedies wlihom ri-ilef. wrlui Ui u, stutlng your
Ciuas 01 lot B send you more complete vxplauai ion regunJing our treslnient and methods.
W hsve pTiiinnently r. stored lo health hundreds of cases pronounced Incurable by
pther i bysli'laim. and no matt- r how hop less your case tnsy seem lo you. bear In mind that
ehHfprun'il many Mople who were Just as daKjndniti. IieUcr regarding your cao
will Ijochisrlully a'isw. red If siamp is s.in fur reply Our terms for I rruimuut are very
reasonable, roe for an Illustrated circular which will give ou a betier Idea of our buni
ns, me.th.Kl. succtew, eU It wi c.w.i yu.i nothing and may be the beginning of a new tfe
lo jim. Address all rorrcwxudunce to lr. (.J. Ivan I'ohek, 1. O. Hox Tsi-'l, Kansas City, Mo
h' n comlug to Kansas City call for personal examination nt the Clinic, 8, E. Corner
lOtR and W lnn I nts.. where we mjcupy the entire building uisive the first (lis ir. I fllc hours
from H n, m. to a p. m. Competent diatioitlclans aiways In aitenUaucu, Dr. I'ohek a private
offices in the Chamber ol Commerc 11IJ., Klvur View, Kansas City, Mo., V. S. A.,
American Therapeutic Clinic and Laboratory,
DR. G. IVAN POHtK, Pres.
S. E. Cor. 10th and Walnut Sts. KANSAS CITY, MO.
Stamford. Conn.. April 16. Five miles
from Ktainford, a modern Garden of
Eden Is being piunncd.
Evar.s weed, its eccentric owner, has
his ideas of how the biolical garden
looked and la transforming his farm
to answer lo thoioj ideals.
To share the garden fie needs a help
mate. Adam of old obtained an Kve
ny a more miraculous method. Weed
lias advertised for one.
He has received many replies the
t'nlted States tg full of Eves,
Now Mr. AVeed will ask the legisla
ture to change his name to Adam.
Mr. "Weed Is rather attractive. He
does not look over 30, has light hair, a
blond mustache, blue eyes and a kindly
smile. In a statement given to the
press Mr. Weed says:
I never expected city people would
hear about It. It's Just my own idea.
Every man has a right to name his
place. Mine Is a pretty farm, with a
range of wooded hills, a sunny valley
and a stream of water running through
It. When I rend in the bible about
the Garden of Eden It came to me that
I could make my farm into just such
a place. Of course it will take time,
hut why shouldn't there be a Garden
of Eden now?
In the beginning God didn't let Adam
stay a bachelor. He gave him a wife.
So to make my Eden complete I need
ed an Eve. It's an old-fashioned name.
Hut after the advertisement went into
the paper I found out that Eves were
plentiful nice looking ones, too. My
name Is hardly appropriate, either.
Weeds uren't appropriate In a garden,
and Evans don't suit the surroundings,
either. That's why I am going to ap
ply to the legislature to call me Adam.
I'm going to try to keep the serpent
out. I'm not going to have any apple
trees. Thi-y caused trouble in the first
Eden. It wasn't the woman that broke
up the first Eden, but the apple and the
snake. They upset things, and the
woman got the blame. I don't Intend
to Introduce any temptation for my
be the motto of my place, not utility.
I don't intend to dig up my ground and
plant corn, potatoes, cabbage and such
things. Man has done too much of
that. He is lo&ing his love for the
The gardens will be full of flowers. 1
shall plant every kind of tree and
shrub except the apple. Every tree
that Is pleasing to the sight whose
fruit Is good for food I intend to plant.
I don't know what they had in the
Garden of Eden in the way of animals.
I shall have cows, horses and chick
ens. Duke, my dog, will be another in
mate. He cost $100 In Washington, and
Is handsome enough to be an ornament
to any place. I don't consider my idea
foolish or impractical. Kich men builu
homes after the pattern of old castles.
Eve and I will live in as near a state
of primeval simplicity as Is consistent.
As long as the first Adam and Eve
stayed in the Garden of Eden they were
happy. So will we he. We won't be
worrying about what Is going on In
the world. We won't be trying to keep
up with the procession.
My wife must be a good, sensible,
practical Christian woman. Beauty l
not the object.
A California Man Sells His Yonng
est Child for $iO.OOO
At first I did not think of all these
things. I decided to call my place the
Garden of Ejden, and the rest followed.
I am now clearing und-rbrush and
getting everything In shape. The
foundation of my house is laid. It Is
to stand on a knoll In the middle of
the grounds. It will be a rustic lodge,
built somewhat on the plan of the
tents of the patriarchs.
Adam and Eve didn't have any house.
But I think they would if they had to
stay In the Garden of Eden long. Re
sides the climate of Connecticut don't
suit the plan. We will have to dress
like other people, though I think we
shall wear green garments. It doesn't
matter If the material Is fig leaves or
I want my house to he light and
roomy. In many respects it will be like
an arbor. There will be pillars of the
trunks of trees, woodwork In natural
colors, carpets and wall papers in
green with (lowers on them, and ceil
ings in blue like the skies. Since a
houne Is a necessity I won't have mine
look any more like the modern ones
thun I can help. I'm going to call the
brook that runs through my farm Eu
phrates. I'll have a lake Just below
the house. There I'll have water fowl
and many kinds of plants and flowers
that love the water. Rustic bridges
will span the Euphrates. Beauty Is to
: Hedding, March 15. 11)00. ;
: This Is to certify that I, Joe I)n- :
: vis, do hereby give to Rudolph Ott :
: fifteen located mining claims and :
: my youngest daughter, Ida Davis, :
: in default of which I promise to pay :
: to Kudolph Ott the sum of $10.00(1. :
: . J. V. VV. DAVIS :
: James McIIugh, :
: Albert Seiger, Witnesses. :
Redding Cal. (Special.) Josiah IWV.
Davis of this city has, in regular form,
deeded away his youngest daughter,
Ida, to Rudolph Ott. The name of the
girl, Ida Davis, appears on the docu-
inent as might any other real or per
sonal property legally transferred. Ott
appears to be assured by the deed that
the girl wlil be his, although nothing is
said of the feminine will which may
make a bonfire of the wooden rivets
of the law.
The remarkable instrument In which
Ida Davis Is transferred as a chattel
seems to be taken seriously and in good
faith by the men. How it is looked on
by the dark-eyed girl who Is given no
legal personality, is not known. Per
haps she Is an obedient daughter. If
not "in default I promise to pay $10,
000. Josiah P. W. Davis Is a native of
Mississippi and fought In the confed
erate army. He came to Shasta county
shortly after the war and has madi
and lost many fortunes. He was at
one time the proprietor and editor of
the Anderson Enterprise. He has a
claim of 160 acres of valuable coal landt
In Missouri. At present most of his In
terests are vested in mining Halms,
whose future dividends are uncertain.
Ida Is described as a pretty girl, with
dark eyes and hair.
PLAGUE COST (2,000,000
Honolulu Has An Expensive BUI
To Pay.
San Francisco, Cal. (Special.) Hono
lulu advices, dated March 31, received
by the Doric, were as follows:
It is estimated that the cost of fight
ing the plague will reach at least $2,
KiO,00O, a large part of these expenses
having been incurred in finding homes
for the people who were burned out by
:he fires, particularly the great ton
Jagration on January 20.
Heavy expense has been incurred in
building the detention camps that have
been put up and for provisions for the
people kept In them. The salaries of
physicians, at $250 per month, also
make up a considerable part of the
pay roll, and there have been a num
ber of paid inspectors, fumigators, and
heads of departments, etc.
Eight hundred Japanese residents of
I Honolulu, who were burned out in the
I Chinatown fire of January 20, have pe
titioned the government to exempt
; them from taxes for the year 1000. It
l doubtful if the request will be grant
ed, as to do so would be to open the
way for similar claims on the part of
some 10,000 Chinese and nearly as many
J natives. The court of claims will con
sider the matter next week.
J This is the sixth day In the present
series since the last case of plague.
The board of health feels satisfied that
the end is in sight. From December 12
to this date there have been seventy
cases of plague, of which sixty have
died, nine were cured and one is still
In the hospital, in a fair way to re
cover. The steamship Moana arrived here
yesterday from Sydney without a bill
of health. Health Officer Woods made
complaint to the executive council re
garding the failure of the colonies to
give their vessels health records. As a
result the rule that vessels wthout bills
shall not be received here at all may
be enforced.
Hundreds of People Gladly Tesfiry fo Uwtt
i'eruiaueut Cura Without tliti Us
of the Kulfe.
Write to Some of the People Whose TesH.
jnoiiials sre (ilveii Itelow al SjattaJj
Yourself That This is True.
Has Cu red Hundreds of Cases PronoMsaresl
floplrssauri If Your Case can be Carat!
by Kuaian Agency, He csu do it.
Be does not ask for pat fob
what ue does not do . hut ci7rk3
If there are doubting Thomas' or Mai
Jens fair, or those unfair, who fain
Would be fair, let them use
ind prove the offlcacy of what the pro-
' prictor has so long tiied to Impress on
the minds of all, in nearly every part
of the world. As a skin purifier and
beautlfier It has no equal or rival. If
the reader would prove the virtues of
Oriental Cream, use It where a sciatch
ir slight cut, or where a blackhead or
I pimple is troubling you, then you see
I its healing and purifying qualities it
, it does Us work well, then read the
advertisement again for further testi
1 mony of its virtues, and by using Ori
ental Cream renew both Youth and
New York, Nov. 11th, 1887.
Fred T. Hopkins, Esq.:
I would like to know the price ot
One Dozen bottles of your Oriental
Cream, us I use It and llkt it. Would
like to get a supply to take on my tour,
soon as possible. Answer and oblige,
Brevoort House, New York.
In a new emergency cut-off valve foi
engines a pair of magnets are used In
conjunction with an electric system
controlled by push buttons located at
convenient points to lift a bar out of
connection with a weighted lever con
trolling the throttle.
Unlet! you mrt tick or bait tick. It It not wurtb your while to read thlt. It Is meant largely for people who have been humbugged by
4jaca and taken In by take advertlttmtmt and al.eg-.d "ipeclalitta" and "private prescription" thaikt, and the whole reeking brood ot
fraudt and fakirs who prey on weak humanity through printers' ink. thousands who read It will-know from bitter experience that the
charges I make are the absolute Ood'a truth. I am ready to substantiate them. I have over seven thousand letters from people who will
tack me up In every wordltay about the blood-sucking methods of these frauds.
My nssM Georgs A. Sslliburv. I n r1'" onto H yrt of
prosit who know a know ihst I oewr go bhln4 lh fuh .bout snv
tklag. Mywif and my f.mlly sr. well kn'n In Ibis c mmunlty. tni
I of Dm txit ptopt in Mlttouri rs my frunJf.
For ihit r.on I do not find If neceiry to hid. my Identity behind
potlofnt. box of totry.nd obulns hearing under .cm. high .wind
ing; compmy ium. All I hop. to g.ln from this .dverl emtnt li to
tnrn psK.pl. .sulntt tp-mdln sion-y on the ukln. H I anil on. poor
v.l (torn tlielf c utilais H wl 1 be mooy well ipont
It was my ml.tortun. to tuffer from s combination of nervoui trou
bk known lo overworked men, and f tlx yeart I wai ruttiliy bled
by quick doctors and prlvjU prescriptl-m hirk. snl C.O.D. faklri and
aUgcd epetlJuU In trouble, pecu.lar tJ weak men.
I epent twain hundred dollar, and n.arly .even year. In trying to
(el cored, .nd at wat cured in trai Hovllil for the Poor at fall.,
trbere I went a mneraW. tpclmen of humanity In Aupitt. WIS.
I am now a half, heartr, vl.'orou. man. a. young a. I ever wa., n
I am drvodnf whal lim. I tin, aide from mv bunne.. to brm.tig t".
awdidns Dial curej m lo III. notlc. of pwpl. who car. lor II, 1 IWnk
I owe M lo humanity to do tiial much good.
I have hved .1 my pr.wnt r.Uencs for twenty year., nd ttiomands
of peopl know ma alh man who I. haled by .v.ry cor.iarartiblii Prl
su Prncrlp Ion" fraud. "C O. P." blackmailer, "Doctor by Mall"
laap jter. "D.po" ulriMr and "Fre. Trial" hunbu In Am. rua, be
came ot ana freaiMnt.apotura. I hav. made of their ii.famou. methods.
laatnsnan who ha. proven llm. sr.d tgaln that their vile poltoii.
ask ll ears .lck an i .legmen alcker, and thai any or jll of Hires
snasll sad ao toes the cent they can from a poor, weak man, and
sasa tall M. name sid sddres. to some othr robber In Ins .am. ne
larkass amines, sa that ha nay take bli turn la r ebbing the p.sv f.
la frao savera
Mi.ee sever rfors advrf'd Me sied'fl'e asd jlin'l ra'.
. Sat H ie worth s lanu.jnd d alar, lo nv sick man
I ' l sse-f r kmw aer mere tomrJjm4tiHnjhtk2
Jtr. e.f a '".'flf fJL r"'-j,'fee
gwtd ee a eeW
Ma at; awes' n safe
t DOjOLE iNLV SWF.JlR that the
ftmtjy 1 otter under toe name of French
Pl'bit the ia-nr that was given to me in
theMa'erMuerorordia Hoipualat Paris,
France, in Augus:, J 895.
1 DO SOLEMNLY SVF.AR that less
than thrie weeks' uie cf tax remedy fcy
me when 4? years af a?e ef Uc'.ti a cure of
extreme nervous wjalcness and general
debility hr which I doctored in vain for
nearly tea years.
ca.'Kagcs oi this remedy soli by me at on.;
djlar canlain mire than tw ce the
quantity that e.'iec.ei a cure in m own
na ue ot ail wuj pur.ua:. irencH P ,'s
fr.m me w'll be beli sacrei fjrevcr aci
that the will never bi give:) to o.hers
to use for any purpose white ver.
will faith ully and promptly refund the
purchase price in every single instance
where these pills JiHo eilect a complete
cure w'jtn used as d ree'rd lot low vi
tality and Ine common weaknesses Inci
dent to worrv tni overwork.
siiihTuTdTIae7Tnese"dls hav never
'ailed lo effect a omelclc cu-e.
Attested before ft, Q, Wrlgh', netirv public
I Kansas Cay, Mls.ourl, March 1, 1TJ0.
If you are run down, suffering from an orm of nervoua weaknes.
whkh worr t. you and aflici. your crenet.i, and il you wndm.ua.
doilar 1 will (orwart you a p.icka?e of this reinei! un-icr in. poiftlvj un
dertar,Jlnj th it It will cure you lisldj of thlry days. nr roattir how b id
your case is or how often you have been disappointed In medicines be
fore. Tbli medicine Is certslnly the create it pnvati home treitm?nt for
weak men (old tr yjung) maJo anyw.ie.e In thj world. 1 hy are a pu.-.
foad ani crtiin to lie f jr t.ia er.tiri nervoua syite.n, and ar. prepared
accorJI.VT tu the origin il torm.it l dicovercJ and perfect-d by Cr. Jean
1' e:ro ot Paris, Prince, and us.'J by him for mora than s quarter of s
Epn:ury In th most extensive and successful prictlce that aTy physi
cian ever had In tlu treat neut of Nervj-Viul, keue-Nerou and As
S'aciati!, They do not contiln any phosphorus or Spanish Fly, but are mads
from the uurtst ineraJlent. by tho ben chemists In America The are
In tablet form and are takm Internally soihit thiy may and can be entire
ly .sa.miUtel.and every tah ct Is standardized to absolute uniformity,
They do not exclia or s'lmulite. but do restore natural nerve
strength and vl-ur, an! thosj who are men only In name sre.ureir and
quhkly traiiifor ried Into nervy, vigorous, maii'ftlc, strong, ma.ily men
by His r u Tney cannot po.sih y do any harm unJor any clrcum
nancas, an J are a veritable Cod end to men who cannot afford u
leave thjir wo. k O take treatment in sanitariums or hosplU.fc
Hosts on'yslx cent, a day lb use this Create i lot All Low Vital
Hv Remed.ea, and the direction, lor use am very simple and easy to
Lech packs;, contain, on. hunditd labials, and unless your case,
Is s very bad one fifty will cure yoa.
I have told nearly Myen thousand treslments In the past fourysars
snt oulollhal number I have refunded monry only 27 t.aios, and they
are a wonds.'ful t-inlc for weak women as well as men.
PTd'K'or I hav m ltrkt4 nr nnlitmM, no symptom
blinki CTflclfcutllfn'ytrB'jllr binlrwiOi a ot anJ I urn nut sul
f TlnT 'if yvi' ten! ar Nfiuw I hive p entv nt my own. I hav n t flirt
Cin ctr H If th f miv fit' t" 'it you in tmrv (la- .
GEORGE F SALISBURY, 001 Tracy Avenue, Kansas City, Mo.
To purify the blood renovate with Dr.
Kay'g Renovator. Ask druggists for it.
Hon. A. U. Wyman. ex-Treasurer ot
the United States, writes: "Having
known of some remarkable cures of
Omaha people effected by the use of
Dr. Kay's Renovator and Dr. Kay'a
Lung Balm. I believe that these great
remedies are worthy of the confidence
of the public." No remedy has ever
been discovered which cures so large a
per cent of bad cases of stomach, liver
and .bowel troubles as Dr. Kay's Reno
vator. Send for proofs of thousands of
cures. Sold by druggists at 25 cts. and
$1. For free advice, samples and book,
write Dr. B. J. Kay, Saratoga, N. Y.
Renovate the system with Dr. Kay's
Renovator. Price 25c and $1. Try It.
The old-fashioned blond lace with a
pattern scattered over It Is revived
again for veils.
Drs. Thornton & Minor of Kansas
City, Mo., specialists In the treatment
of piles, fistula and all diseases of the
rectum, will have a two-eloumn adver
tisement full of testimonials In this
paper next week. It should be care
fully read by those who are interested,
us it may be the means of restoring
Ihem to perfect health and happiness.
Their guarantee is to perform a cura
before they take a cent of pay.
Dr. Kay's Lung Balm a sure la grippe
rough cure. It never falls. 10 and 25c.
The Nntlonal Medical, tl Slock Food Co.
Desires a snhsimin in v ry locality,
lo handle their For d ilitect io the far
ineis. on i oiiiinisioii. The most llheral
leniis and ".rent st ci ncession nlvcn.
A'sn agvn's fur the Hector Cream
Keparn or for $7 00, Addr-ss: The
Nntio' al Mil metl S'ock Food Co.,
t)Ubma, Iowa.
Dr. Kay's Lung Calm for bronchitis.
On the 1st and 3d Tuesdays In the
months of February, March and April,
t lie Missouri I'acilic Railway will sell
round trip tickets at very low rntcf
lo points In Koni-as, Arkansas, Okla
homa. Indian Territory and certain
nolnis In the South and Southeast. For
nt'iuinatlo'i wrile or call at company's
slllccs, E. cor. 14Lh and Dougias
its., Omaha, Neb.
W. C. n-ARNKS. T. P. A.
J. O. PI1ILL1PPI. A. G. F. & P. A.
Omaha, Neb. ,
Cancer of Breast.
Greenruount. Son. I)nk., March X ta.
Dr. E. O. Smith. Kansas City. Mo.
My Deur boi'tor: It (rives me sincere pleassn
to Inform yon ol the sale return home oi my due
wile, who arrived Haturday, the 2;tb all., pmt
lectly restored io henltb aud bajiioss.
lu restoring my wile to health yon ban
brought pleosure and hsppiuess to our rutin
household, tor s ljirb it is needless to say that
are truuly grateful. It also give, me Hsers
pleasure to tender to yon our grateful thank Its
J our great kiudness to my wife while under joss
treatmeut, for which we will alwnys hold yoa a,
your truly good wile iu grateful esteem, la eoa
elusion we cun only pray that an all kbiri t'rorl
dence will bless, protect aud keep you in His hob
care through life, and lu death bless yoa afitbi
happy eternity, (irateluli.y yours,
James and Mrs. 6i.rvJ4
In a letter of October let. Mrs. Glryas says sb
is entirely well anu in splendid health. If yoa aa
altlicled write to her about us.
A Prominent Attorney Cured of Cancer s)
fAe Ear.
Oberlin, Kas., July 27, ISNL
Dr. E. O. Smith, Kausas City. Mo.
Dear Kir aud Kriend: I am O. K. I never fai
better In uiy lite, than since m.v return bouie
whera bi'fore that 1 was troubled la body an.
uiiDd for several months. I am now able to bow
up my end at the othi-e and at home about lis
orchard. We me all well aud 1 wibh lo be pas
ticuiarly remembered to Mrs. Smith.
Fraternally your friend,
(i. Webb lijcaTBaiS.
Suffered 17 Years Cured in 13 Day..
PlillOns' "nr. Kan.. Nov., 28, JHsJ
Br. E. O. Smith, ivam... . City. Mo.
bear Sir: I hsd been sttlicted for serenteei
years with epithelial cancer when I applied luyot
lor treal un-nt. in thirteen diva I was entire!
cured and without the use of knife. I make the
statemeut for the benefit ol cancer enuerem, bop
Iuk Hiey uia.v be iiihu.-nced by uiy testimony if
go to you for treatment.
Yours Truly, N. Bcktoa.
Other Doctors Failed to Cure Him.
Prairie Home. Mo , -Nov. 12. IStns.
Dr. E. O. Smith. Kansas City. Mo.
Dear Sir: It is with pleasure that I stnte tba
your I real merit of a cancer ou m,y lower lip wui
complete success. 11 was of about four yeal
.laudiiur aud for a year I had taken treauaee
of other doctors, tint to uo aval). I came to yo
aud you cured my eaiicer in ill days. I shall is.
fraUiful to you us loug as 1 live.
Yours Truly, William Kmscaiia,a,
Looks Like Himself Again.
yt. E. O. Smith, Kansas City, Mo.
Dear Doctor: 1 write to tell you we sure era
ind that I he cani-er you treated on my back 1
autireiy cored, aud I am back to my old weiu j
egain. Wueu 1 went to yon for treatmeat
weighed one hundred and &j ponmU. miv;
weigh one hundred and sixty-two pouuds, asj
they u II say lam looking like myself ukuIu.
Tell Mrs. Smith that we thunk her tor her pit
turo. We thank you both every day of otir lire.
We shall never locket what yon baTectou.to;
ns. We ha ve been trying to get one ol our aeu-
Dora to come and see you. I told him tho I H y (S
said you could cure hiiu that he would be eared
Your gratt-lul friends.
Me. and Mns. Cvu-aav
( Mr. Cnller was cured of scirrbus cancer on t
small ol the back, tbut measured six iuches s)
aud down and live inches across. He has best
eured for uearly two years.)
She it Sure She is Cured.
White Hall, IlrhMts.
Dr. B. 0. Sinllh Snnltnrirjm Co., Kansas Clty.M)
Dear Doctor uud Mj-s. eliuith : Through tSJ
guidance of klud i'rovldeuce end your afculti
treatment I am completely cured of that ertsuj
lul muludy, cancer. My breast la entirely heal
aud 1 cuoslder myself cured. I wonid bare writ
ten you souuer but wanted to b. sere It wa
cured. I feel grateful to you both lor tae tneai
acts of kindness and courtesy suuwu me while a)
your home. 1 felt at home there. The treatmea
waa not nearly as severe aa I supposed it woul
be. I will heartily recommend you when baa
spportunlty. My fried all think i hav. lis
sroved wouderfully. piesee accept lay hssirUU
Jiauk. for all you have done for me.
WI.Mug you success in your nobis work I
eaialu ever your friend,
The worst roughs cured by Dr. Kay's
Lung Ualtn. Drugglrts sell it. 10, 25, 50c,
Dr. Kays' Renovator ror the liver.
Drs. Thornton & Minor of Kansas
City, the famous specialists in the
treatment of piles, fistula and all dis
eases of the rectum, treat nearly as
many ladles as men, hut do not publish
their testimonials lit newspapers. How
rver, they have a 48-pnge book of ladies'
testimonials, which they will send free
to any lady requesting It. Look for
their advertisement in this paper next
List ef a Ftw rormer Patient.
The following list gives nauies and nddre.sssi
sf a Dumber ol former patients whoia ' baw
2ured of cuncer. U e aek auy ariiicted isirsw wka
reuds this advertisement to write to any or al
of the names given and icarii for themselYe
whether or not ui.v treatment is safe, reliable au.
sure to cure. I do uor accept your muaoy ttnltt
have cured you. This shou.d be guarantee soinl
cieut to satUly (he most sceptical. Do as I i.
guest you, write" to ui.v forr.ierpatients aud il yua
are conviuced by liieir letters, write to lue lo
any information you wish aud 1 will cUeerlu.lt
give It to you Ins) of any coat.
Mrs. .leume liooiliug, 711 W. 13th St.. Kaoraa
City, Mo. Cured of cuueer of the breast.
Katie I. lioeh, V'21 Arinetruug Ave.. Kansas
City, Kan. Cured of caucer of the breast.
I.. ,1. Hancoi k, fcl K. Hind St., lor three yeoii
priueipal of Adams school, Kansas Cily. bs 4
Cured of two runc-re of the lace. :
Mra. J. W. Shiiunim. t Uulo St., Kanss. rtjj
Kan. Cured of cancer o, the breast.
A. M. Perkins, tso K. Ulttb St., Kausas Cits.
Mo. Cured of caucer of cheek, lb!7-
Mra. A. al. Kliekner, 121 1 flora Ave., Kansas
City, Mo. Cured of cancer ou forehead.
M. I.illle, l W.yuudolte St., Kansas City. Ma
Cured of cancer of nose.
Jua. Hanuon. iui tlraud Ave.. Kansas Cits
Mo. Cured ot cancer ot face.
Ueo. Kyan, kmc K b, in St., Kansas Ctly, Ho
Cured of cancer of tluger.
David 1 ne. 72i Cypress Ave.. Kansas City, Mo
Cured of ealit-er ol hand of eight years' stuudlLia
Chas. U. MitnliliHlon. MID Jlochesler St., K.u
sua City. Mo. Cured of caucer ot ear.
I Mrs. Authony Smith, ror. tub uud Kliiabetl
tits., Kansas city. has. Kpitbeiial cumer, alia
' aled ou the end ol t lie uose, nested Aunt,
Krauk Uillland. I7ii Holmes bt. Cured ol vuu
car of the Jaw in issu.
Utile Kiel don, '22tl and Grove Sta., Kaaaai
Cltv, Mo. Cured ol caucer ot the war.
Thos. I Tucker, tjo ' Mi.b Mo. P-r.'." o
cancer of face aud nose.
C. s. Oroorn, Uoocb's Mills, Mo. Cured of can
cer of lower lip.
Jacob Class, Tlsgah, Mo. Cured of enuevr u
the face.
Mrs. Julia Nlchnla, Jamestown, Mo. Cured o
earner ol the fscu.
I We also refer to Kov. Phillips, pnslor of tls
M. K. Church of .buiiesi own. Mo., as Us knows s
several esses we have cured.
I .1. W. Morau, Terry. So, Duk. Cured ol canca)
of lip, DOT.
Mr.. Kllen Un Vault, New Flureuce, -Mo, Cures
of cancer ot the luce.
Paul a oliler, Arizona. Neb, Cured ol c surer o
the Up.
Dr. Smith treats Cancer, Lupus,
Tumors, Scrofula, Old Sores, all Hlucd
Parties desiring cent men t can
five satisfactory references or ilcir?li lh
iiwiney in any hank, to he paid Wbeti ihei
are ready ui ro home cured. Dr. Smitl
does not ask pay for what he does not dtb
but cures first and lakes pay afie rwardsi
His down town oWce is al the north-fa
corner of Tenth and Main streets, wburs
he may lie consulted free of charge, fruit
9. 30 a. m to 4:30 p. m. After I heal
hours he can be seen al his private aastl
tariiim. Tenth and Cleveland ati-nue.
Pamphlet anil circular containlru
letter and list of of persons cured
cancer cheerfully furnished thoae wbi
apply fur them either in person or aj
si. u. nil n ti. m. u.,
Kkuaaa Cily, hU
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M; vie
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