Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, April 19, 1900, Image 1

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"r NO QUEST.Cn ,3 EVER SETTLED UNTIL !T .3 SETTLED RIGHT." Hon. Willi,,,,, J. V,r,,
TSTA !U,tsi;ki l xj.cacr-
Subscription I'rit f IVr Year ?1. CO.
Official Paper of Sioux County.
Oko. I). Canon. - Ennou.
EntIJiLI. AT TDK IlAMriM N Pi fT Ol KM K AS MriAI. ( MrrrKi:.
mon must
Jt w. in t lii.ro hit other traitor lnth-l'.
f. Semite Jv'-ii! tilil ''h-tlend !-llril:ii Of
foil 111 Dakota, I".. K. rcttisniv. Tlii- flin: it,
U t lm vciK THlilr m iml.il- Hu ir nl l:i.ic:m
wttj, who In the wn.1- mi th" Mh int. (I
iiuiiti'cl u,ot wvliiiuly Dm ivliiilulntrutioii
himI Uioi nl tliu ri'inhliiMn p-irty for t!ir
Imp rilltl,j .ollrv in tli-s l"liillr.iliii. an'l
C(niii;ir; tlr.t p,,rl v hii:I h piillcv o ithit
otiijUstl' i, to i ir.i.i Burr, whh h ili
If pi!rli'il in, voiii'l wioii iMii-(M!m p.irlv
to Iw rici) Iroiu tli ciirlli. II r. I.o.ir U -. if
jiuliikiiii! he o-.vt l,f ii liaiior. Kiitj- rcptili
llrjin ilionnl r'J l Mi!ilr l.n.tr.s ji"'ii.
If Aitmlral Iipwi t In u d 'ni'icr it, lie. or
criiirwi, cri'lorw tho hU iiau il.i li ui ni nl
Jirnuipi., If ho t:rt nit th;it, ami aiivijiMtn
inliltlal1ii, tiiiin-riulUm, sl.W'l" K'M nt.'iii'I
k ri!, trut aii'J liltfli protncttoii, tlirn hn I n
Tf jiobitvaii ; Ih r' bill one (Ii iii'.i r.itUf p.ir
lynntl i.i-i it lias Wn. Aii tfol.l (li.ui-il,
4u 'mi itouJ lor r-p'ililU iin prlucipitM, nu t
)o:icf! that yr 1K0.OW. Thf Tlionm J.-fiVr-oa
or liryuii domocracy ;hi1IpiI IvVjo.uoiI vol'
r mum th:m Hny fli'tuiN'r.il vit U In
In tlo hlaUjry if Iho party 'I lii-n fon., if
the hero of Manila liiy Mil tml i.irnly
uo the C'lilciio phitforin, IIipii lu? Ailuiirl
huk, l!t, our plmii i- woiilil Ihi, for li r
prrnldpiit uu lh ili'iiiornalci lu .i'l In llm
, year of o.ir Ixird, lion. I luirlra A, Towim of
Minnesota, or Hwur A j jiirl Schliy ol A!nry
luiul. At (l i ft t '.t- ) 1 irtjj-;ut . uiNL'oi-itti 1 'm-t'-ct
MU ul tin I'tiivvraily at Jt ioViT,
Inst. wek, llm Kubiiku nliul';n s carn-J
olf Hie honors. All li.ol to .'.'brask,i!
I alch hiic'i j.rrmiinent iij.-tropnlil;in n -j
ptililiL-iut nwwprs ustlie Tinis-H.Tiil
j t 'hu-iiiro Inl.-r 0.--:ui, Vinnfiipolis Joiir
rril, ami st. I'llm Pioneer Vre, iini! oth
ers t!iron;;hoiil t,!in nation Im'P'j to rliir.b
liacU onto t!i(? t;. o. p. kxpil wnpm, unrl
hy thiit act declare t.!i wisiloin of the
tolmcco ami Minr trust and pr.jsidnt
Mi'Kinli-y was par pxcelltftico to any
views Ihty ini-iil have had upon tliat
Sacretay of th navy, lion. John Lon
no tho sjwriil dipj.ti h .'K nilcya, has do
ridcil to uccrpt tlie nomination for vice
noittint on llm repuhiii'mi ticket, if
thai party d-irii him to Iwcomo a can
tin late.
E Bi nj imin Aii.tiw, v.lio it sup'r
intendent of the t hic:it,'o pnlilic mUmoU,
wan lat wei'k !acto.l liy hy the R.-punts
of UieJUrii vomity of N'cliraKtca, to Im it
h:uf!or, i'r. Andrews Inn notyatdu-
idotl to aropi tha frill.
A N'orfolU lull punier Un hcen linud
two dollars for xvitarin at tho mayor.
Thin HUestt that if Unit if tho law pro
InhitinH; profanity we- cuforcifd it would
lioat nalom licciiKfs nrtd oi iUialioii tax
i all to pitjeps mh revtsnua producers
Oordon Journal.
Th commit leu on privdi-cs nnd clo
vlioni of the LT. S. SnatP, Ii.ih r-)ortd
nifuiiist thq iratinr of Muntana's corrupt
iwnalor ( 'lark. Wo helievo li ought, to
lie lired, but do not think he in a whit
wor thf-n Jlr. Quay nnd Ilannn, and
loill)lltri s;m otlitT"", who wcio wis
Hid wily cnnujj'h to Kt-crtrtn their corru)
tion in their tlirctii.n.
On tho i:Mi lust, tho lowar lioiihe of
eoni;rn, passtvl a joint rmolution. pro
potting constitutional iinitftidiiicnt for tho
election of U. S. ivnatoM by direct vol.)
of the iwoplrt. T.i'i ruHolufion pawl hy
ii voto of l't.'i to :;). The recent ll.inna,
uay; Cluck (wniitorial ncundalfi ouht
to convjnea both houses as wotl n tha
ople that Kiich u i hanjfe in necssary,
and must lie made.
Divine A hi I ii iluttlo.
'find is not, always with tin utronpest
liattuhons tho rac! is not always to the
Hwift uur the battle to th" s'roii'. The
triumphs of day are not tho victory of
year, nod thuudvatityiji of one inomant
may only add to the confusion which is
lof ilo w. Lika Napoleon they may
glory in mi .Vuslcrhtz, but, if they could
only lonk into tiis dim future, they loo
would 11 ;;ii'cn a :iimp of thir Waler
loo. Too prayers v, hich (!od hoids are
i itol Answered in a day. Yuirs nmy bn
oeoded to bi-iii tho plaas of tho Inlhiite
to fruition.
The Porto Kiorari Unif bill paused by
'oti'r-ss and fittvl by the president l.-ist
week, m.ikt.s the prnsident i.bsolute mon
arch of the island of Porto Kico nnd its
ImopK Following is a partial list of
fiirp.'t-baj Hppoiiit.'iients tho president
will hava unlcr tii pt-ovi,ioris of the
ltt'.v Porto liicoun bill:
A ( l ivernor at Jt-i.fiOO A ypnr.
A .Secretary of trie Council at $1,000 a
An Attorney naral at $(.000 a year.
An Insular Tieasiirer al f.l.OOO a year.
An auditor at 1,000 a year.
A roirimisnioiier of the Interior at ft.
(100 a j ear.
A comniir-hioner of educition ut IJ3.000
a year,
A c hief just ico r;f tli8 Sujirenio court
at f ").0l a year.
Four assix lale justices of thn Hupreme
court at $t .100 a year each.
A marshal of the Supremo court lit
SU.OOO a year.
A United Stale District Attorney at
ft. 000 ;i vur.
A United States District M irbhal ut
Three uiemhffrs of a com mission to
codify tlit) laws of the island at t-o.OOO
a yeur e;u h.
Three members of tho Executive coun
cil whose sa tries aru to be fixed by the
Puerto ICic.m Legislature.
Elected by lhi Puerto Iticans, , for
terms of two years:
One Conimi.-soner to thi United Stales
at Ifi. 000 a year,
Thirty-li vo iuemb.'rs of tha House of
Delegates who will bo paid $.( a day
when in session.
Tlie New York Journal last wpcU made
a MII of the national delegates, lion.
W, J. Hrynn would lm Isj sura to have
in tha KansuiCif Convanlinn July 4th,
thut pajier gives Mr. Hrynn 712 vote on
tha Hrst Imllot. leaving York utato und
Ohio out of the race, nnd (.hould thso
two last mulled tales ri vo their vole to
Mr. Rryan, which In all probability they
will, limn Mr. Pryan will j;ct K10 voleji,
with ten for Dewey jmd tli ballanc
in altering.
Tliiirsday, last week tln ndminlslra
tion Porto Uicoan tariff hill was concur
red in hy both houses of L'.nrms ending
in tha housr by a voto of Pi I to 14!), it
majority of 8. Nina coiincietitioiiH ro
JmblicntM vottsl UKutust Ui ini iijino In
tba liousa. . "
ii will iw iaVeresti',g fro, d now on to
n.VWLINri, W'yo., April 2. Tharo in
not a little indignation liere and to oilier
towns ulonj; tho Union Pacillu be
tween P.awliim and Ogdeu as a result of
the announcement that the company hits
contracted for a lurge numlsrr of Japan
ew labores to take tha plana of the pres
ent force cf wet ion men on llm line. Tho
llrst shipment of Japs, numbering 1110
men, arrived from Ojjrden toduy buiI will
be divided up amoii; thy various section
(,'HiiS repl.icinif Hie Sweeds and Sciindih
diiiaviiin wlio have ben here for years
and who have established homes for
It isnaid tha contractor who furnishes
the Jups will ruceive l.2."i per day and
will pay tha men $1.15 per day. Thu
old men receive $1.(13 per day, H Is
suited that this iH an experiment on the
urt of the Union P.ieillc, which, if suc
cessful, will lie adopted in thn western
end of tha Nebraska divUloi) and the en-
It is time to putabia-td upon these f-ham reformers, these wolte8 who are
masuueradiriK in sheep's cloth, n- these So- iled mid-roaders. so that honest men
may know mid shun the breed even as theywpuld shun an unclean thin- infected
of the plague. It is also a time for honest men to to spenk plainly, without a
"""U""S m ",ir,' ,Jl a "Iter HUM epithets and meanin-less insinuations
There are lioiie.st and intelligent voters in Nebraska who cons- .entiour.ly l.lieve
that (he People Irutcpendent party should stand alone and invite all true reform
ers to enlist umler Us harner, ti.at its best interests are not conserved bv a
with older parties, and i-ecuuse of such convictions th-s- men me at all times
v 11 oeann- ami lo o.ir tuosi reipeiiul consideration. But such
.e,i .r i.Miiouuueu who, nor iiol l raspoiisihlB lor the actions of the oisivputnhle
irinsf from Omaha, w ho are fed from the tlcsh pots of corrupt republican politic
i";"er, uinc, iuonany ami (41. Tins band of small, cheap Judas
" 01 uniaua loalrs, who have in times passed, eked out a pre
carious existence. They now liave mouey and passes and are traveling over the
state of Nebraska sowiu- or trying ty spread the wed of disco.-d amonsr lumM
,1. . i
u,,.MiNeBilI,v ami every man wi.o wi.i coci tenui.ee them. It is the dulv of
every relorm paper in the state to print in black face type the uruim of every man
who will in anyway recognize the disturbers When they enter vour town shun
them. You can know them, for they will in unguarded moments' boast, of their
plnnsand Haunt their ili gottei, pains in t-ach oiher's faeos. Jt j tins scum of a
city, this rabble from street corners and cheap board in- houses that can break
into the rooms of a club from which they have been expelled and can secure from
a republican mayor two policemen to guard tl: ir Moleti properly and have the
U. km- of a republican court to prevent its recovery. This outlit of grafters can
publish a weekly paper at the expense of i) per week, can send them fr. 9
t drought the niailv, os a rrgular paid publieatioii; can find timeand monev to rent
halls and la id conventions; can command unlimited transportation for "all their
heelers which they can buy up and who are as disrepntaoU) as themselves. They
are now organizing to try and secure representations their fraudulent convention
which Post-water will hold in Lincoln, June 27. They are making preparation to
go in a body to Hie Cincinnati convention as representative Nebraska populists and
citizens. God, save tho mark! Can any sane man question or doubt the source oj
their campaign fund? Can any liotiast man close his eyes to these fiw.ds and fail to
s-e that the i publican campaign in Nebraska has begun? Can any honest middle-of-the-road
popuhst a.'roid to soil his hands and besmirch his ;liaracW by associat
ing with such tools and schemes of the Ilanna crowd? "Can any honest tym delude
himself into the belief that there is an atom of honesty or sincerity in their profes
sions? XA M E AX I ) Ii II AX 1) TI I EM.
I. Clem Denver is the hell whether of this motley outfit who are out impos
ing their presence and society on d.-ceut people. Who is Deaver? Eg is a' saintly
soul, tho Dr. Hyde and Jeckel of Rosewutur in populism, lie now 'condemn tho
union of all reform forces in Nebraska and poses 1 a tine blue original brand of
populism. The burden of his tabor is against oh'ii eholtlei-.s Iiera is'jLis record as
is shown from his olllcial source: This patriot in February ,.;ifi!l,"recei veil an sip
pointmont from the democrat governor James E. poyd a, gold' darodcrati'Vt -that
as meniW of p.ilico co'imission-jr. T:ie republican c:mrt firevented hiui, from
holding this cilice, saved his character, and it may be tfi.it ha is now trying to, pay
this debt of gratitude. Mark it down that Deaver was 'appointed, and tried to'ac
cept the olieres and wanted to becomo corrupt. -JTay 7, YM, Governor-llol-conili
appointed Mr. Deaver on this same board an-V his time expired September,
17, lsy.j. Li this case he was a bad man for a short tirie. On February it, 1897,
Mr. Deaver again becamo corrupt by being appoinifc'.jm fwnrt at tho-JX-af and
Dumb Institute in Omnha. This position he held M.:ti; July 1st, 1S09.' and drew
from the state funds the amount of ',:ir. On September 15, 1S07, AJrs. Deaver
was appointed matron in this sainu institution, and acted m this institution until
1 4
tire length of tho Wyoming division.
Press dispatch.
There is a law in this country against
importing contract labor but that makes
no difference to the railroads. Rich syn
dicates that want to exploit Porto Itioo
says ''Damn the. constitution." Rich
railroads that want to rob American la
bor say 'damn the laws and together
they join in with the balance of the plu
tocrats and sav 'Dainn the people."'
Non Conformist.
Washington, Jefferson,
Following are tho sayings of the great
est, wisest and most beloved presidents
this great republic has had since its
foundation. The republican party of
today, are diametrically opposed to anv
policy, these three impregnable fores
of Independence ever advocated. Read
what Washington, JolIVrson and Lincoln
have to say, on the Rill jct of expansion
nnd iui; )r.aliiin, and t.iea m ika your
own comparisons:
"Separated as wo are by a world of
water Irom other nations, we shall if we
are wise, surely avoid being drawn into
the labyrinth of their politics and invol
ved in their destructive wars.,,
"America may think herself happy in
having the, Atlantic for a barrier."
"Sometimes it is said that man cannot
be trusted with the government of him
self. 'nn tie, the bu trusted with the
government of others? Or have we
found angels in the forms of kings to
eouern him? Let history answer this
ijuestion. Thomas Jefferson,
',As a result of war, corporations hava
been enthroned, and an era of corruption
in hih places will follow, ami the money
power of the county, will endeavor to
prolong its reiK'i by working upon the
prejudices of the people, until all wealth
is aggregated in a few bauds and the re
public is destroyed.
"i feel at this moment morn anxiety
for the safety of my country than ever,
before even in the midst cf war. flori
grant that my suspicion miy prove
tjroundiesM," Abraham Lincoln.
Spwivl Like W!llflrr.
When things are "the best" they be
come "the Iwst wiling," A bra hum
Mare, a lending druggist, of Belleville,
O , writos: "Electric Bitters are tfie
best selling hitters I have handled In 20
jenr, You know why? Most diseases
Iwgin In disorders of stomach, liver, klil
neyiibawolf, blood and turves. Elect
ric Bitt"rs tones up the stomach, regu
lates liv(,r. kidneys and bowels, tmrefiies
the blood, strengthens the nerves, hence
cures moltitues of maladies. It builds
tip the entire system. Puts neiv life and
vigor into arty weak, siekly, rundown
man or Toman. Price HO cents. Sold
by J. E. Phisxey Druggist.
W m Ml
Trade Marks
Copyrights Ac.
Anmnn nntWng a sketch and dparrlntlnn mny
qulrkly a.vrtntn our opinion free wliethor an
Invention prohnbly patpntahlo, Comiimnipn
tlotisntrctlyvinttrtiitlftt llntirthnokon I'ntenu
Bnt frto. uMftftt nucnvy foriocurlng patftau.
I'nfmitti 1&knu through Munn & Co. rcelT
tpfiiat tutttce, without, ehnrgo, m tue
Scientific American.
A hnniloi?tr lllnntriiteil wccklr. Lurnmit Hr
riilnliou of any ielentlttn tnurnul. Tprirm, ?3 a
yi.r: Pmr muiillii, l. Sold by all ncvrrtiilerii.
MUNN fCo.36,BM New York
Urauch Office, 626 V St, WuhtaKiun, I). C.
0tr own rl'fiti) tn Mert"itirrlW, Bi.'auflfal cnU
iii-i lliri'-rrttiiti't J tin ui Wh,til(H,, Oriltinl,
InU-st, ai tnUn, fjX'jUK-it 0Jii dtrictly ujf-to-Jatft diiKU,
rr'"ciitiiklnfx ( nmi'-. fnfy vTj k, J""is-fi'ii(i IM'tla,
H i-. it ti!'a, ' uti'-;it CufUft, Pii'fi ifi- titny.
Only IfOu. u:I jftdy gtjiiwwtiiitfil, buU Cur titiis.
In in lUTU-h " t Lu " .It.-ct ll"t 'I l ll-n'iM- .r f)
fctUor liRturnk Hf uu frjtjtil Idi H)tnaiil i(n;l fit
rllT nt t"rt'ir onlr 10 n1 l rt -Ii-""'
kil."iri lolil In ierl ...pry ("iinii.ii lown.er hy rr.nll.
Auk laraktm. .ii,lu'n.y vury lta nii tf-duimtjim.
Il-I4 W4 lltk llrfrt, .... Ik III, . X,
Wanted-An Idea
Who ran thlnlc
cif mmm mmp!.
Uilutf totttemr
HtMur IhormiiT krlnjou wmilih.
WK)inRKOnN (XI., lW.it IVnp.
PrnUHl J
Wriu JAl
bira. WuIiIikkmi, b. C! for thotr uHm oKwr
hI IU1 lw biiti trad iutw'uiw UM.
July 1st, 1-09, drawing, from the state as salary f 1,075. When Ma Denver win
removal last July he usl all his utmost eirortsnnd the help of the CiOer popu
list Club to be reinstated, but Governor Poynter did not heed his appeals.
What of Mr. Dealer's lieuu-nants? First comes August Cline, who is out along
the Elkhorn railroad line hunting for those whoare in the market, Who is Cline?
Ha is a Hgn painter by trade, and while full of booze at the countv convention,
and days after displayed a handful ol "round-trip tickets' to their rump conven
tion at Lincoln. Mr. Cline remarked a short time ago that all that was needed to
"lix" a pop was to wipe his nose with a S20.OO bill. So Mr. Cline is evidently out.
wiping noses, as he start ad from Omaha about ten days with his pockets full of
mileage hooks. These hooks lie did not purchase, as lie has been tha past winter al
most de.sl ,t ute, and in the city campaign last fall was short $20.00 in accounting
for campaign fund. Lou Guye is a patriotic barber, who onuoses nMice nu ,ih
Denver, Mr. Guve was willing to sacrifice himself and allow the governor to up.
point him on the Board of Barbers, which npjioinlment had a salary attachment.
He also was a candidate on the local fusion ticket last fall, but was defeated. Ha
was patriotic enough to pay himself 15 per week during the campaign for acting
as secretary and giving a few moments of his time to the duty of his ollice. An
other illustrious light in this constellation of patriots is A. G. Gale who was re
moved from the committee last fall for failure to produce $100,00 of campaign
fund. There ore more patriots. Ed Moiiarty, a one-horse police lawyer, who
only recently escaped serving time in the penitentiary on a cha'geof forgery. He
was twice found guilty by a jury, but was released by tho supreme court on n
technicality. He also tried to get an appointment in (he city clerk's ollice this
spring. Ou of the bigyjest dead beats in the aggregation is one Jim Osborn
claiming Georgia as his home. He has been a hangeron for two years, not Iiaving
any visible means of support, borrowing small sums of money, and in apriearanco
was ihriynnd shabbily dressed. Without any employment In at once came out
nicely dfesf.ed and is now out doing duly in this disreputable business.
Thee men, gentlemen, are the LEADERS, not followers in the middle-of-the-road
mojement hi Nebraska. This is the element which is traveling over this stale
attempting 'tjieoure delegations, and which wo notice some pa pers in other states
are booming as great men.
Let there lie no mistake in this matter; let no man he led to ioin this corun -
outfit of assistant republicans through the mistaken idea that thev are sincere in
their protestations of fealty lo the populist party. Any man who affiliate with
this unclean brood of earron-l'ed vultures brands himself from the society of hon
est, decent citizens. Let it be'uuderstood that he might as well hava chalked upon
ins iuih uio oonar oi republican boodle and proclaim form the housetops that liia
birthright has been bartered for a mess of potlage, Ids citizenship sold for a paltrv
hrido. There can be no halfway ground, no compromise, no (piarters. Brand tha
Traitors and make that brand indelible. Non-Conformist.
r i . iS IVS ITS
, i !; n if. j: a m u a
Harrison, - - - - Nebraska.
(d surplus fund - -iQyoosa
C. F. Coffee, President. D. H. Griswold. Cashier.
CnAs. C. Jameson. B. E. Bbewsteb. A. Mofimr.irr.
PflPRFQPnMnPNTC' WESTER national bank, new York.
Filial Proof Notices.
All persons lmvlncr final proof notlees In
Mi is paper will receive a marked oopy ot the
paper and are reipiesl-il to examine theiv
notice und ir any error exist report the
same to tills ollice at ont'e-.
Land Office ut Alliance, Neb., March 2n, IfOO
Notice In herehy Riven that the following
mimed settler hns filed notice) of his In ten
tion to make liiml proof in support of his
claim, and that said iioof will lie mnde be
fore Clerk of District Court, Rt Harrison.
Nebraska, on May 5, l!)i, viz:
of )lrrion, Neh., on II. K. 0. 4V21. for tho
l-:i8t,V fioutli east ii Sec 10, and South
South-west 'i See. II, T p. at, N. Kimpte fui w,
He mime tho followliiK witnesses to
prove his continuous rtisldcTice upon und
cultivation upon said land viz :
. A. Giu toii nnd John Hunlcctt of Harrifon,
Neb., and Neal Jordan and Dan Jordan of
(jilehrlst, Nehraskii.
K M. DOItlilNGTfIN, Kegister.
I .und Ofltee nt Alliance, Neb. March 2fi, 1W10.
Noti'e Is hereby (flveii that the following
named settler has Hied notice of hig inten
tion to make firm! proof In support of li'.s
claim, and Unit said proof will be marlo be
foro Clerk of Diatriet Court ut Harrison,
Nebraska, on May 5, IHOo.vIz :
of Harrison, Nebraska, on II. K. No. 1I:0. for
the I.OH 1, 5 and 8, and ."outh enst of
North-east 'i Sue. 2, Twp. H2, N. llunire 57 w.
lie mimes the following v.'ltiiescn to prove
his continuous resilience npii and cullivii
tton of snld land, viz:
l,ow Wilson, Osenr (inrton, lOartiest Lyons
and James Merrlam, nil of Harrison, Neb.
K. M. 1)01! kINUTOX, Regihter.
Tmk JonnxAl. will publish yonrbriind.llke
the follon lnn, for J :, per year. Kaeh ad
dltional hi aiiil 70 eenls. every lariuer or
ranchmen In Wloiix and ndJnlnliiK counties
HHould iidvertlse their braiids in Tnic Jour
nal ns It oirctilateii nil over the stata. It
nmy be Iho means of Having money for you.
On lei t side or hip of call In, I
On li lt, slionl ler ol lnrins. i
Itaiilfn on tho head ol Wnrboiinot
Addrcan Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb.
'OO ddV'M 'A MM
ia at wi rw inv v oott m mi
ljaat aiqvniaA m naaAOVT AM
Fhakk C. Lewis.
R.yj an JfjM Branded on left side
of Cattle and on left
Range on lieitT7 liite Uiver.
T. O. Address IIiiri'!on, Nob.
Owns the follow
Imr. hniuU ouel
W-l I
Also Hf? on rat
tle and horses-
cattle on leftside
horses nn luffc
Hanrje on Silver Springs and east of state
iue. Postofflce Harrison Neu
$100 REWARD.
For proof to convict any person of steal
lug any of my stock.
""WM Uranded
I', o. Aildresss David Colvillb, Harrlton,
The brand represented la th's notice
and branded any where on left side
of cattle, and over lap eut from the
right ear.
Also the same brand on loft thlfh of
horses, belongs to tho niHlersignod.
linage near Hast Spring. eutli nart lo
Stotn county. Ciuri.es Nrwman, -
Hnrrlnon, Nebraska.
On left side of cuttle mid on lef t
shoulder 01 horses.
Hun go on Antelope crerk
. O., tihllchrist, tiloux Co., Neb.
Branded on left shoulder oj tiorw
Ml ind nil Inft aide nf cattle.
II ri Kiingo on White Hlver, near (ilen.
llV I ' ' Address, Olun, Nebraska.
: rk wl r ntnt ? It so
I uni 1or litalaguj ol
Power AVcirNEiv.
i PrwKcrJ, Strong, Pursbla.
t V. P. & Joha Parnaa Co.,
R jcV hir.1, Mllneia.
Wwt.n.MH.MHMWi 1 lIllllllllllM jSSHS)
f I
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,-w. Va