Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, April 12, 1900, Image 8

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11th, 1NQ.
BAitor and Prop.
FOhSALEV-L. a Lswis h 50 bush
els of Bnlsers early six weeks Potatoes
far seed. ericeW cents, erders toft at
XanteteBfoa, stare wul to
. B.a & T B. ft. MM mate,
aeaagWes. aM.
B, I ill lint i Tt tm
TOR SALE B Registered Hereford
Bulla: one I veer old, on short horn S
year old, also yearlings. Hereford and
Sbort Bora. GEustTxiR.
. IM, V. t E. h ft W
to and from the
Barter Dance.
There will be a daace given In EUrri
aoa Moaday Aprfl 18 1900. Every body
ueordWlvtavited. The best of Music
tiai bam procured.
iSTTIIghest prices paid for
Glides at Eggebt Rohweb.8.
M Stamp pictures forS6cts,nt the
. The Paxas-JoCKKAL and St Louis
aespoWkj, tipper year. Try it
- ttTnJ the call for the Republican
ttctanav Convention in another cola-mo.
I3f tTrlte Cardan Bros., Omaha
Wholesale Supply House, for prions aap
am plea.
Haveou visited the gallery yet?
If aotyM aboald do so, white you oat
tfeetoe-at reduced prices.
--Oaewxt Monday it expected that
Vtiatnctoeurt wiH ocnvene in Harrison.
honor 3s4ga Harrington presiding.
-She ladies Aid society will neat at
the borne of Mrs. Hanson Wad nttor-
Booa Apr 18th to saw. Secretary
"George Toole, purchased the Biagla
mttlaend we "nnderstand Oat Mr. B,
trill alee brine Georee two mora car
BTRAYED From my ranch 4 mrl
east of town oaa bay saddle horse bran
ded 8 on right shoulder, any one gmog
me information of his where-abouts will
be liberally rewarded.
I bare a few pigs for sale.
Harrison Neb.
For Bala.
Two Can, one and two year oad Heif
ers at HnsTxaa,
WANTED Good girl to help do gan
el boose work on ranch, wages 130.00
ner month. Address Mrs. W. H. White,
Cateybnrst, wyo.
BOfeN-To Mr. and Mrs. Marcos Val
ajea, on last Tuesday night, a son of reg
ahta weight. Mother and child are
aoiaf well and Maraos is delighted with
Mrs. U J. Simmons, is visiting rela
njaaje fas Mn south end of the county.
Aftar which aha expects to leave for
iharnawaoaM ia Grand Island, where
fear husband is again in the newspaper
We will le in Harrison, N&.
for a few days longer; and will
take photo at the following re
duced rate
Full cabinets, Artisis.Plat-
ins, dull finish at 2. 25 per doz.
Bust Platinos at 2.00 per doz.
Full cabinet gloss, at 1.50 per
Half cabinets at 1.00 per doz,
Wo also take 24 stamp pictur
es for 15 cents. All wori
guarnteed. Call and see us,
we are located in the south
rooms of the old Ranch Sup
ply Building.
-Through an indirect source, we un
eJerataad that Brer. lindetoan, of the
'Crawford Bulliten, is eaneidering the ad
Mr. Palmer, of Chadron, was a guest
at (he Heater Mansion a day or two this
The state examiner has bean here
this weak checking up the county treas
urer, and wa understand ha found things
all O.K.
E. E. Ii Term ore. who has been at
W. R. Smith, is under the
bais weak from the effects of La Grippe.
M. J. Blewett's children bar boon
wrestling with the now prevnilent da
ta La Grippe, this week.
Virgil Poster, returned from bis
extended trip oa last Thursday
Ha brought two carloads of
which he expects to sell.
Cant Snyder, father of C. F. Snyder
of Sunning water came up from Texas
oo a tying business trip last Thursday
noon and returned on Saturday night ha
expects to return hi about three weeks
bis family will also come soon as aobool
Buff Coffee, who with his family
have spent a year or two in Texas, re
turned to Sioux oounty, on last Satur
day fully convinced that this neck-o-tho
woods just as good, and a little bettor
for them than wen Georgetown, Texaa
Wo are sorry to state that Buff's little
ones have the Hooping cough.
Through the Crawford Bulletin, wa
learn that the many friends of w. A,
a laze gars him a genuine surprise, 01
evening last week. Mr. Glass has a boat
of friends so we presume they were only
too glad to testify their good will oo the
occasion of bis birthday. Of course the
inner man was taken care of. Mrs.
Glaze looked af ter that part of too pro
gram with her accustomed grace.
Time has scattered the snowy flakes oo
bar brow, ploughed furrows in her cheek
but ia she not sweet and beautiful
now? The lips which have kissed many
hot tears from the childish cheek are the
sweetest lies in all the world. The eye
is dim yet it glows with the rapt radi
ance of a holy love which can never fade
Oh, yes, she is a dear old mother. Her
sands of time are nearly run out, but
feeble as she is, she will go farther and
reach lower for vou than will any other
on earth. You can not walk into mid'
night where she can not sea you, you
can not enter a orison whose bars shall
keep her out; you can not mount a scaf
fold too high for her to reach, that she
may love and blees you. In evidence of
bar daathlee love, when the world shall
despise and forsake you whet it leaves
you by the wayside to die untouched
the dear old mother will gather you up
ia bar feeble arms, carry you home and
tell of all yonr virtues until you almost
forget that your soul is dislgurad by
vices. Love her tenderly and cheer her
declining years with holy devotion.
tfs c? to lb Pecpla.
TimWlity of going with tb. new colon- Cbaroa ittTimg the past six or eibt
lata from the vicinity of Cottonwodto
-Alberta, H. W. T. They expect to
Wtart about the first of May, We hope
Coa. may decide to remain among us
;yet awhile.
OocasieaaUy wa boar from soma ef
our former Sioux county people, this
ime it is from A. Orton, of Boscabal,
Fa.,reoewiag his allegiaoee to the Pxass
.JOCBXAL, informing us that be sad his
: family are wall and doing wall. He
isaya tbey are always glad to bear from
;8Qtt oounty frisnds consequently they
iaa always oa the alert for the Jocbjul,
fails to roach them
weeks taking treatment from an Oesto-
nath there, returned home last Batur-
somewhat improved.
John L. Kay, who want to Omaha
last Wednesday for the purpose of buying
boom pure blooded bereford cattle, re-
tuned Monday but did not make any
Durchasa however,
Chaa. Glaxo, of Crawford, was in
town, the first of this weak on busii
bo sold a monument to F. J. Wfttt,
which will be erected over the Grave of
Mrs. F. J. Witt
Mr. Harmon, the Chadron artist who
has been ia town during the past week is
kept quite busy the gentleman has thus
far given satisfaction, and this accounts
for his success, Wa undarstaad ha is
connected with Mr. Mclntyro of Chad
If, at General Otis informs the
Washington govenunest, the war ia
the Philippines is over aad peace and
qnietode prevails, then of course the war
revenue tax should be repealed, there
Let than year remsjai ia whlca
to gather facts, and infonnatma that
will influence your vote for the next
president of the United States.
That grievous wrongs have been
committed, and grave errors allowed
to exist without effort at correction, is
evidenced by the speech, writings, and
comments of eminent statesmen and
iurists ; congressmen and leading men
of business ; professors and clergymen
in every state.
Party affiliations hate been ignored
in the outcry against thrustac aside
the s&feffuards of our fathers and wait
ing pell-mell into the affairs of Europe.
The situation is a deplorable one if
not alarming; as is also our domestic
affairs dominated by gigantic Trusts.
The evils are not 01 spontaneous
growtn i i ney are tne result 01 years
of labor and expenditure of millions
of dollars 1 Beginning with the dis
placement of American silver for
English gold, the cunning of Eng
land's diplomacy in shaping the des
tiny of our Republic is apparent to
any ordinary observer seeking the
true inwardness of events.
The Cincinnati Enquirer has fre
quently called attention to each and
every move as it was transpiring, and
during the campaign of 1900 will
present its readers witn a trutniui
array of facts that will be extremely
interesting and startling.
No fair-minded American, be he
Republican, Democrat or of other
political faith, can afford at this critical
time to lznore the truth, r artisan
prejudice, with the Trusts as dictators,
is a far more degrading slavery than
that which existed previous to the Civil
War of '61-64.
Trusts m the United States alone
have a representative capital greater
than all the gold and silver in the
orld. These will spend many more
millions of dollars to suppress truth
and facts and mislead all who fail to
look beyond their plausible decep
tions. Read the Enquirer and you
will be able to discern the truth and
combat falsehood. A victory for
Trusts and the McKinley Adminis
tration in iqoo will end the era of
greatest good to greatest number.
warm careiuuv toe
Cincinnati Enquirer
or Government Money
All kinds of Harness Goods. Also, Flour and all kindi 1 of
Grain and Feed for sale. Besides the above l nave nuna-
ing material, such as Lumber, Lime, Hair, Cement c. c.
Call and get PRICES before buying eisewnere.
Republican County Convention.
At close of our Civil War in 1865,
there appeared in the London Times
the following:
" If that mischievous financial pol
icy which had its origin in the North
1 5 Drugs, !
2 M) Drugists Sundries,
$ f Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
i OOkS and
I Qj J. E. PHI N NEY, Proprietor
UnaauaLLso ia rvi.a en Dssiqn
of Case.
We tm to furvtah thfi nt ptene ptfrt
fcle. ana to sell U a loeeM
PritcrlpMoB ef ma te K, OeMoe
n 1 a rVM-
S Untwine; Omntraas B.
full Iron J1U, Braaaed a
IMiM Kpatlt atlea
riuintMS 10 O k, May a4 Wa
KxtMatoe Maatc BeUlas raJI
Nlckal nates' OoeOaaae H Vegas ea
FThPUU aed Mai O""''!"
BoaatMully flUib aa PaUabad.
Hataht: 4 fnel. S lartaa.
lnti: (Ml, 4 Incaaa.
7a, la Oarl, Wal.at VW,0
farad Oak, Aavkaa Oak aa4 Umtoff.
A. EOSPE, Osaka
Write tat Ta
nrr Boepe Fea U raaaaataed 1 la
Man. iniotl hkm tm
orknailila er
nearkataaakas er ataterUL
Bay Panaanta.
HA awafl aaak paymat aad aaay iawtk
ptrMM all! evcera ana of taaes
aplcadld plan tor IW koaM.
A aatwonal lMar coawlalnt iaaaiei
e atraea. B u ..,1 nii rfsMrloitaa of mmr aaaf
0m(0: IBIS Oeacla
FACTORY: U14 laard Suaat. w pajaiaat piaa Im Una apsUaa
Wa Calebrate Oar 2th D'ineaa Anniversary October 23. 169.
The republican electors of Sioux coua
ty are requested to send delegates to American Republic during the late
meet in convention Saturday April 28, Civil War in that country, should be-
1900, at ft p. m., at the court houss I come indurated down to a fixture,
Harrison Neb., for the purpose of elect- then that government will furnish its
ing delegates to attend the republican money without cost It will have all
stats cooveotioa, and to tiaaaaet such the money that is necessary to carry
other business as may coma before the on its trade and commerce. It will
convention. become prosperous beyond precedent
The basis of reoresentation is one dele- m tne nmory oi civuizea nations oi
. I.. n-m AaUvatm for afh the WOrld.
St. Joseph's Academy
& Boarding School,
Vermillion, So. Dak.
tea votes or major fraction thereof cast
for Hon. If. B. Beese far judge of the
supreme court at the election held in 18-
M. The several precincts beina iatiUed
to delegates as follows:
' evening, it eemmeoeed rain-
Hag, esaBnalaf oatil Monday sveainf
isssnt t o'clock when it began snowing
.-aad Tuesday morning was still at it, aad
:as lOo'alack there was six inches of saow
atae level. All together, siaos rain
.awOUBvaoai miliar Soaday evening there
vsaast have been fear iaohes of water
ifsIL Tkas ineuriag early feed, should
- tha waafehar Mwitinua aiajui far a mnnl
w-tmj Ibsing a surplus in the U. 8. Treasury of
lURMKD-At the heme ef the arid- 164,000,000, with thm nwtaa of tna Ba-
pareatsatriva Poiats, on Sunday the caj yea to lias irom.
;8tbiaet.at IS o'clock, his honor Judge! -Last Saturday, John Messing of Ard
am t t .1 u ssare. was a Harriaon. visitor, and as is
leMenaVaa yJwaafa laalal HIV V&tWmMmVfmj f JsmTe 1
.OtankUi c WritU. ef WoUott. IbA.. wont when here, be called oo ya editor,
KkkfamrftoA.MTan.rH4aiaB, thi tia biwav to say food bye, as be
ty,Xa. Oalyafewiatiirfrof Bh"ldokl ,ut lntowrt
fx bride wars sreeent After the eara- np In this part of the oounty to Petor
saaara moat Mmatnoaa reaeat was I Wekienfeldt, aad in a few weeks be with
: served bv the brides sJatar atra B. F. I bis family sxpecto to leave for Platte
OOlaft Tae happy ooupU left taet eve- anty, this state whara ha wU! angage
isnay far their fatare home in Tmfaas, I laming, wa are sorry so asa any
where the sawon k ennd in rAnniBa-. I of our good peeple leave but of coarse
'Tasteifcaaaasomaas deaf mutes. sach ana goes with the intention of bet-
... . . I ma wiatr a iw www a in
Aceia the rWiAiKWnl
awaaif,aeiu spirit -aaaoar oi akuht.
with heavsalv Itoata PPf ova at the Harrison
it was, so Ucmumm the I Botm 1" nibt' " aoU "oalneas
a, truly wimanorney vmiane, . v. praoicia we
ia aa taeolariaaa tam I sleotloa or oon. w. j, Dryaa, conantoo-
stofenstet too XtenVlfaa's triumpa, howwr tbfW n,orm P"
a1ltoAwstesttM food man
ana at taa aaoanable writers of the W I like Hen. Chea A. Towa as his running
ina rhirshftassldai n tast mnltHaaa aate, interogated as to what be thought
aa te'tsiaanmaf-sha rtemOod. atrivtec admiral Daweys oaadiey for presideat
toaaewtsto the bear nf yTli... .TT 9. & said that Daway had coma before
Afsak-af Msntdiviaa nas wwoh jrlowadi',0'' 'a,r'"0' rapaWi
wtevaah Vr"laaiT withte Ja--I 9-rty, taaakteg Draw would bo
to soaaisl Hi aaTaaaaa I aaatraca air. nryaa, tm na mys
a aha ftBoiriajaia onaHwaeV witt a Dewey-
novHbla Ontatak.
"Of large sores aa my IttUe daaghters
"w r eaaaa, I ill,, n n laAJM l " r,
w ? baa Boaaisaga Arnica Ealva eomplitsly
rccsx2lk5el, leaved bar ItVa gaaraaliil cata for
CrCJCraaiaU, iZasassa, tatter. Ut
lClZtiC, aWimswawj XZs Oty
Hat creek
W. H. Datb,
Running water
Snake creek
Soger Loaf
Whistle creek
White River
, B. BuntLOW
The Several members of the People's
Independent State Central committee
are hereby notified that there will be a
meeting of esid committee bald in rep-1 lous expenditures 01 money Dy our
reaaotativa Hail Lincoln, Nebr, on the government during the past year, gold
10th day af April. 1000. at 8 o'clock p. has increased in value eleven per cent
fhe brain and wealth of
all countries will go to North America.
The famous Hazzard circular, to
capitalists in New York, and the Buell
Bank circular to united States ii ank
ers, both emanating from London, and
the fabulous corruption fund raised in
England and Germany, estimated at
Ji, coo, coo, were the agents that se
cured the dosing of our mints against
The "walk into my parlor" policy
of Enzland, during and since the
Spanish War, is the latest evidence
of English Diplomacy in shaping the
destiny of the United States Govern
Notwithstanding the famine price
of wheat, the Spanish War, and fabu-
The school is conducted by
and under the auspices of the
Benedictine Sisters of St.
The Scholastic year consists of two
. a a :
sessions of 20 weeks eacn, ana cagiea
Sept 11, 1890, and Feb. ft, 1M0; conduct
ed in three departments Primary, Prs-
paritory, Academical and Commercial
Primary & Preparatory per month, $1.00
Academic aV Commercial " " -00
Board, Tuition, Bedding, Washisg
Ac, per month, in advance $10 and 1 13.00
Si Josxre's EcASavr.
Vktuolijoic, - - So. Dak,
m. of said day, for the purpoee of trans
acting the following business:
1. To fix the plaee of holding the
state nominating convention or said par-
and aU other values decreased in the
same Drc-Dortion.
- . . .e m
For a thorough understanding oi
the money question, or silver -issue,
the Cincinnati Enquirer has uniformly
ty aad to reootuader the committee's for- tTidence of its ability to teach,
action ia fixing upon the 11 day of July. I explain and produce all facts and
lw, as me sate ror noiaing sate con vea-1 h-uth it a naner that ought ana
tteo, and determiDe whether such date I can be read by all classes wita pka
sbeii stead or seeae other be suosuuit-1 mt and proat.
To osaaidsr the adrisability of
la onnfaraaos with the
ommitteas of the deoiocraiia and all
rapublioaa parttas upon such baste of
repreesetetlonas taa three oommitteaa
mav mutaally sgree, for the porpose, if
ooasidered advisable, of amUaf a joint
laaeasaMndatioa to the state nominating
eanvaattea of said three parties, auch
to cantata a steteaaeat
af what the three eoeamitteee, actiac ia
of harmony aad snoosss,
baUovatobeaaaqaitablaaad jnst aHvV
ntona of the nomlasWoas for steteoflloars
tkatia to say, haw away aad what
oCosa saall to filled by
iVara of taa dsmecratls party,
ssaay aad what by the silver repak-
Ucaa party; or to take saoh otter
at may to oenailsrid aeYsnaary,
l And far the trs satioa af
k.' a
T I "X 1
V Taanc Majsu
.-" Daaiawa
t t owmairva Aa.
I 'l' ?2 Waiaaea. wem
sasaaj lawfaUy
I HMiiml ansa! eaa faViwr- I
There will be lass at the Court
House on Saturday April, 28, at
10:10 o'clock.
c-talTo!,' 2- CLhurcK,
8undr grhool 10 e'clork a. m. Epworth
LMrae 6 M0 p. m.
Frearhinc every Snnday eranlnir at 7:S0
p. m-, and trtrj alternate Sunday at 1 1 a- m
eommenclnc January H, 1900- Every body
ronllaly Invited to attend tbea Mrrlrei.
Professional Cards.
Smt ava wUrOo)U wry mUnlk w. mm tlfal my
III .I I I'll ' 'l fftmim M iwinnM uwhi,
, annua, aiu nw
Pkylselan aad Sargasa.
all calls given prompt atteattos.
OSes la Drug Btere.
Prompt attention given to all legal
matters in Justice, County and District
Ceurts, and before the United State
Land Office.
Fire loan ranee written in
gayLegal papers carefully drawn.
Haxxboii, - V
reliable I
xL J. O'Connell, - - Co, Atteraey,
fMf work, biwwkald klnM,
MlTiaa.rarv. "a" -
Will Practice a All Conrta.
Mpedal Attention ttlren to Land Of.
flee Business.
Collections and all baslneas eatrasU
ad to me will receive prompt attention.
flAitKSBox - NanaASKA.
'aa laMaa. alM. S rkj aaS llttla Htr. Tint w
laia.vuaa''aue"eal Dot tllD.a or miw vi
nA7an. I
7irU lawLlW
Bullr aal lotxiaw. Oalv I wik"-''
Caa!rr.Alaiwlf oif a4 (. fr tr mi-
SH4M Wl IMS Skaal "
Are You A Catholic?
If so, do you reosiva Catholic paper in
yoar family? If not, why not! The
latholio paper ia, for the Catholic peo
ple, a pexpstosi mlastea. The North
wantarn CathoUo by John Brennao, at
Sioax Oiy, Iewa, U among the Mry bett
ofitoUod. SobsoribUoMWilltereoeiT
ad at te PibbWocbjiai, oflles,
Michael Ruffing,
I aa prepared to do ell kinds ef Civil
Eaalncerlag work.
When In need of the Surveyors Services,
give ma a call as I have a full and com
plete outfit, together with experienoo to
do the work with nssteiaa and dieoatch.
HARRiaON, - - - - NC1RAOKA.
Hatch This
text OH!