Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, April 12, 1900, Image 1

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v nu wutauun is svtH settled UNTIL IT 18 SETTLED RIGHT."lIon. William J. Bryan.
Harrison press-Journal.
Subscription Frtoe
Official Paper of
Geo. D. Canon,
ErrmaxD at toe Harrison Post
Admiral Dey, declares, he never
cast a vote in his life; has do specific
Elatfonn to land nu, yet, he want to
I presideet of tb United States.
Lord Roberts, mud just a few weeks
ego, that the South African war was
About over, bow comes it oow that he
finds himaolf almont surrounded with his
70,000 men at Bloemfontiea. Great fa
Oom Paal with his little army.
Austin Texaa has been visited by one
of the worst floods ia the history of the
state the hug dam across the Colorado
riTer was swept away. Something like
00 people were drowned and orer a mil
lion and a half dollars damage done to
It bow transpires that Ajruinaldo, is
egai alire aad well at Hoof Kag,
China. Yet bow many times has Geaer
1 Otis or his anen put him to death, at
least so tbey have tried to make the
American people belter, but truth ia
asiffetT aad will aad must prevail.
The court of Appeals of Kentucky,
have kaaded down a decision declaring
J. C. W. Beckham, the legal governor
of Kentucky; two republican Judges
concurring in the flnding. Still, usupr
ing Got. Taylor, is not yet satisfied, but
will carry tb case to the United States
Supreme court.
Kansas City Mo., Auditoriam commit
tee on lb ro-buildiag of tb Auditoriam
recently burned in that city hat offi
cially no tided tb Democratic, national
committee, will nave the new building
in readiness for us July 4. Banc there
will be no hitch In the coaveoUoo pro
General Nelson A. Miles, commander
in-chief of tb land and naval forces of
tb United States, has now declared him
self a candidate for president on the
Democratic ticket It is certainly an
indication that tb det.jcreta are pretty
euro of success this year when tb two
bond moo of tb army and navy want to
got on tb ticket.
Tb editor of tb Gibson, On,, Banner
i the followinr pathetic appeal for
"cooy" in a recoct issu of bis journal:
"We want tb news. If your wif
wbiaa von letns know it. aad w will
put you right before the world. If yon
ha v com can Y tell us If vou ar not
abamd of your visitor. If you bnv
party or gathering of any kind, bring
aroond to oake, seven or eight pie and
a side or bam, not seoesssry to oat, but
jest to shew your friendship and appre
emlion. Too needn't mind inviting us
ma itnmv be too cool for our wardrobe.
W want tb news-theCs alL"
Coar and British war
Last wk the British fore lost, kill
ed. wounded aad missing over 1,000 sol
dier. Ho account can be learned of tb
Boer looses. At this writing, today tb
h. fares have Lord Roberta and hi
farces in prUy close quarters, aod it
stot improbable that tby may. b com
aieiely snrroundod by tb burger fore
within a day or two mow. '; Mafaking,
tb liasHfil city has not been relieved
by British troops yet The prospscte
. .... i.
i to be not vary nngni lor ii roust.
Tbat Throbbing Hoadacho.
Woald quietly lv you, if yon nd
Dr. King' How fit pills. Thousands of
ff-w hav roved thsir matcbUs
saorit for Sick aad Nervous Headaches,
They mak pur Mood and build up your
health. Only Mosnte, Mooy back If
et cured. SoM.kyJ. tPhinny Drug
Per Tsmr flJOO.
Sioux County.
- Editor.
Omci as Bsdowd Claw Matter.
Latest reports from Austin, Texas,
to the effect that upwards of fifty
lives were lost in the recent flood in that
Hon. Chas. A. Towne, of Minnesota is
candidate for vice president on the
Democratic ticket, since lion. Henry
Clay Col well of Arkansas, has declined
to permit his same to be used as a vice-
prssidential candidate.
Ths Porto Ricoan tariff bin, if it
ses congress as amended by the tb sen
ate and is signed by president McKinley
will insure to tb poor people of that
part of the United States, "free whiskey
and taxed bread." That's more of the
President's plain duty and "benevolent
Mai HI Own Arbltor.
No on can see the eod from tb be-
gfning; but every on can make bis
course an honorable on from begining
to end, by adhering to the right under
all circumstances. Whether a man steals
much or little mav depend upon his op
portunities, but whether be steals at
ali depends upon his own volition. W.
Reeelved, Tbat the maintaiaanc of
tb principles promulgated in the Declar
ation of Independence, that governments
are instituted among men, deriving their
just powers from the consent of the
governed, is essential to the preserva
tion of our republican institutions.
Republican Platform, May 17, 1860.
Homwtead Gring, Nebraska.
Inquiry Tor Cause Of Insanity
In Soldiers.
WaSBnfCiTON, D. C. April 6.
Representative Levy of New York, to
day introduced a resolution which after
reciting tb statement that thirty offi
cers and men of tb army in the Philip
pines bar committed suicide and tbat
more than 400 ar now confined to insane
asylums, and tbat serious charges havs
been mad against officials in tb trans
port, commissary aod quartermaster ser
vice, calls upon tb secretary of war for
information and authorizes tb speaker
to appoint an investigating committee
if the beuse thinks Moessary. Daily
Denver News.
Four yar ago, th Democracy of
New York. Pennsylvania and almost
every eastern state were in open rebel
Ua airaint tb Thomas Jefferson Dem
ocracy as rv presented by Bon W. J.
Bryan and tb Chicago platform which
Mr. Bryan stood upon and so herolcaly,
and the principles, which be baa continu
ed to adocate vr sine. Even Tarn
many Democracy of Nw York ' city,
with it Hills J Crokers, have dclard
uneqnlv ically for Mr. Bryan and all
that tb man stand for. Even tb re-
publican party and
congress and out,
tb rapid strides W.
toward th . White
it leaders both in
fear and tremble at
J. Bryan ia making
Tb campaign of
1 690, maintaining
that th principles
advocated by Mr,
Bryan and sot forth In tbat pla form was
anarchy. But it is different now. It ia
doubtful if tber will be a delegation at
th Kansas City convention opposed to
that platform, or Bryan, but will b i
sit, agalast ta single gold standard,
impsrtaliara, Militarism, Trusts, com
bias, fostered aad encourago by th
party la power, who party administra
tion for four years baa bsa, corruption
aod scandal aod exposition to th Inter
act fth people who plaosd thai is
"A Dreadful Disappointment"-"! Wish to God
Were Out of the Philippines," Said
the Governor.
Logansport, Ind., April 1. At the Teachers' Convention, which mt here,
President David Starr Jordan of Leland Stanford University was th star attrae
tion. After th lecture be was the center of a group of listeners, wiih whom he
discussed current politics freely. He very much opposed th Filipino war and de
clared that be would vote for Bryan now, although be did not in 1890. Bo was
"Is it Bryan's er McKinley's view tbat i gaining among tbe people?"
"After all this talk, do you ask what I thinkf be replied. "Let me quote
you Roosvslt on tbat He said to m last week: 'Jordan, I wish to God tbat we
wr ont of th Philippines and had them off our bands,' and many Republicans
are thinking tb same. I am fro to quote Roocvelt because I consider bim in
many respect on of tb greatest men in tb Republican party."
"Bow do you size up McKinley?"
"Let m quote you Rooeevelt again. He said: 'McKinley has about as much
backboa as a toy chocolate man that you s on to confectioner's stand; b is a
dreaful disappointment."
"What do you think of President Shurman's report on tb Philippines?"
"Schurman ia a good man, but he is essentially an aristocrat, and an aristo
crat cannot make a government for the Busses." Th Daily St Republic
Minneapolis, Minn., April 10. The Journal says:
Former Congressman Charles A. Towne of Duiuth is a candidate for tne Demo
cratic nomination for vie president Judge Caldwell of Arkansas has declined to
permit the uso of his name in that connection, and Mr. Towns's candidacy is pre
dicted on tbe judge's declination. Tbe demand for Mr. Towne's nomination is
said to come from the gold Democrats and Republican anti-imperialists of New
England, who were charmed with bis eloquence on his recent tour through that
country, and his diplomatic handling of th situation. It is asserted that Mr.
Bryan would be glad to bav Town for a running mate. Senator Pettigmw ia
another supporter. His programme is to
at 8iouz Falls, S. D., May 0, adjourn without nominating, leaving it to a com
mitte, which would later indorse tb Democratic ticket namod at Kansas City,
If this proves impossible, he will push for
Sioux Falls. Daily Denver News.
Tb republican administration, still re
tain some of the Spanish practices, that
of patting to death of Porto Riocan
criminals by garroting (Wilarism) aud
tb demanding of tribute from the in
habitant of the island. "Tbats our
(tb party's) (plain duty.")
Th Oaring, (Nebraska,) Homestead is
tn mourning, and tb following taken
from its latent edition seems to be tbe
causa of its grief:
A great calamity has befell this office
therefor w ar burdened with grief.
Tb "True Populist" the literary crea
tion of D. Clem Denver, has ceased to
come to this office. W feel that fat is
indeed nnkind to thus ruthlessly deprive
us of this conglomerate mees of nothing.
Seeing that it didn't cost anything and
added to our old paper stock, it was real
ly quite a bandy thing to hav around.
Admiral Dewey, said, in an interview
with a New York World, reporter just
Shortly before reaching bom from his
successful ' Phillipin campaign, that
if h lived in the southern states, be
would of course be a democrat, but aa
b was a resident of Vermont, a northern
state it was tb moat popular things for
a man to be a republican, hence, th in
ference is that Dewey is a genuine repub
lican. Now he declares b is a Demo
crat At tb same time be made th above
statement be declared he oould not bs in
duced to run for the presidency, bt now
h coma out boldly and asks tb Ameri
can peopl to make bim it chief execu
te. Lik president McKmtey Dm
mind ia to changeable and than h has no
platform to stand on.
"Our plain duty is to abolish all cus
tom tariff between tb United States
and Puerto Rico, and to giv her free
access to our markets." Wm. McKin
ley, Message of Dec. 5, 1899.
Compare too above declaration or
president McKinley with tb Porto Ri
coan tariff bill recently passed by tb
upper aad lowr boms of congress by
direction of tb president aod which
that tmst-ridden president will hasten
to sign, white Jamac, under the) british
flag enjoys comparative free trad. It
is a forecast of what tbe Philipfnea, under
Imperialism and militarism may expect
Think on thia thing.
Spreads Like Wildfire.
When things are "the best" they be
come "th best selling. ' Aoranam
Hare, a leading druggist, of BUville,
O,, writ: "Electric Bitten ar th
boat aelling bitters I bav handled in SO
years, You know why? Most dleeaset
bsgio ia disorders of stomach, llvr, kid'
vs. bowls. blood and nerves. Elect
ric Bitter tooes up th atomaoh, regu
latellvr, kidney a and bow a, purafli
tb blood, strengthens th nerves, bene
our multitu of maladies. It build
no th entire system. Puts now life aad
vigor Into any wak, siokly, rundown
man or woman. Prion 60 out. Bold
bav th national Populist convention
tb nomination of Bryan and Town at
Mrs. W. B. Wright, and Mrs. Main
returned last week from their visit to
Whitney friends.
Genu Otis ha at last been recalled
from his post of duty ia th Philippines,
he will be succeeded by OenL McMrthur.
, . 1
81 no If. 7 1. 1898, tn commence nant
of Militerjs) spperatioratn th Pnilippii
islands, aighty-thr of our soldiers
officers sod privates have committed
suicide, tJes thenar several hundred
inaan soldiers at St Elizabeth hospital
at Washington D. C, tbe government in
stitution for inaan. Tbate mora f th
president "plain duty and benevolent
The Hew Ten Commandment.
1. Thou shalt not go away from
bom to do any trading, thou, nor thy
sons, nor thy daughters.
2. Thou shalt patronize thin own
mvchavta, and they shall patronize
S. Thou ahalt mp!oy thin own mec
hanics, that tbey may not be driven
from their homes to find brand for their
little ones. Thou ahalt also consider
him tbsit is thy neighbor abov him that
dweUebh in a Strang town.
4, Thou shalt da whatever 1Mb ia
thy power to eocourag and promote
thy VtXare, loin owa tow, this own
8. "aou shalt not suffsc tb voic of
pride to overcame thee, baarken not un
to them for thou mayest be deceived.
ft. Thou shall spend thin earnings at
homo that tbey may return from whence
tby t&m. and giv nourishment to
tbo who may com after the.
7. Tbon shalt not bear fals wltosse
aganat tb town wherein thou dwellest,
but speak wall of it to all men.
8. Tbon shalt heed tb patrons of tb
Press i d give them thy sheckels, tbat
thay may return unte th bsfor many
9. For by so doing thou shalt beap
coals "f Are upon tb bead of those who
defam tn thy city.
10, Tbon ahalt keep th command-
mrata and teach them to thy children to
thothbd and fourth generations, that
tbey may be to fteuriah and grow in
okut whan thou art laid to rest with
tby fathers.
SlUloas Ulrea Away.
It Is certainly gratifying to the public
to Know of one concern which is not af
raid to bs generous. The proprietors of
Dr. loaf's New Discovery for Consump
ttoa. Oouf hs and Oolde, have given m
way Over tea million trial bottles aad
have the satisfaction of knowing it baa
oured nhousaada of hopelaee oases. As
shsaa, BronohitU, LaOrippie, aad all
Throat, Cbeot aad Lunf diseases are sur-
eir aared by it Gallon J. E. Prlunxt
Dnsfjzisi, aad (at a free trial bottle.
BecolaraiaeoOoaadtl.OO. Bvery hot-
The Commercial
Harrison, - - - - Nebraska.
President. D. H. Griswold. Cashier.
Chas. C. Jameson.
B. E.
PnRRLTCPnNnirilTCi western national bank, niw yors.
nLUnntOrUnUtM 1 0. omaha national bans- oum. w
final Proof Notices.
All persons bavlne final nroof notices la
this paper will receive a marked copy of tbe
paper and are requested to examine their
notice and if any error czlat report the
same to this ofDco at once.
Land Ofloe at Alliance, Neb., MarohH, 1900
Hotioe is hereby given that the following
named settler has died notice of his lntea
tlon to make final proof In support ot his
claim, and tbat said proof will be made be
fore Clerk of District Court, at Harrison,
Nebraska, on May 5, 1900, riz :
of Harrison, Neb., on H. E. No. KM, for tke
East X South-east M Sec. 10, and South i
South west H Sec. 11, Twp. 33, N. Range 58 w.
He names tbe following witnesses to
prove bis contlnnons residence upon and
cultivation upon said land tIe:
O. A. Garton and Jobn Plnnkett of Harrlf on,
Neb., and Neat Jordan and Dan Jordan of
Gilchrist, Nebraska,
F. M. DOKEINGTON, Register
Land Office at Alliance, Neb. March 26, 1900,
Notice Is hereby given tbat tbe following
named settler has flled notice of his inten
tion to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be,
fore Clerk of District Court at Harrison,
Nebraska, on May B, lM0,vls:
of Harrison, Nebraska, on H. K. No. 108, for
the Lots 1. S and I, and South-east of
North-east ii Sec. ?., Twp. 12, N. Bang 87 w.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence tipen and cultiva
tion of said land, vis :
Low Wilson, Oscar Garton, Earnest Lyons
and James Merrlam, all of Harrison, Neb.
F. M, DOREI5GTNN, Register
Tsri Jovbkal will publish yoar braid, like
the following, for SZKX), per Tear. Each a
dltioaal brand 75 cents. Every farmer er
ranchmen la Slonx and adjoining ooantles
skonld advertise their brands in Tm Joos
ic.as it circulates all over the state. It
may be the means of saving money for jroa.
Oa lef t side or hip or cattle, (
On left shoulder of horses. (
1 Range en the head et Wareeaaet
Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Net.
'OO dV 'N 'A KM
sjsse si ssf m sbmu s sne see tsej
errnrAeS otpAQVI AN-a
MA . , tl IteJ II Im,
of to-daf asBbldoas seta aad V,
aaeatioas ef tbe saoasfc, aad sstVv
faern at tbe rlgbt time. Wkan tbe
Bsatk ceatbUMtion of trmeta, a well-iW.
SIIOAV M0WTBXT, gt Uf tbe faci
tbesry ; wben the Dreyfus stair la in svsryo.V
of DrVyfas sad tba peat case eoaws sat la this su.
Ivsry swnth, in " Tbs Progress of the World."
ives a osmpreseailTe plctsre of tbe world's history der
rioas thirty days. Ia tba ItpsrtmrnU, tbs valsable artlete ai,
tbat bate teen nUUbsd iHrtBf tbe past month are reviewed
aaetad from, so tbat th readers of tbe AMERICAN MOsTTHXT esL
fb tlst ef tbam. Ia evtry laana nearly a bandrtd pictares are prtatw
loeltdinf tbe fvitrsiU of U aten aad wanan fce are nuldag th i
history of tae moatk.
t be themghlr waU laf onaed kelps say sou or woman jaUser
bar work. A seheiriptien to the JbtklCA OMTsUY miBW
Of VXVXm reersseaU sa la rsstaeat f or tbe Uat Wad tf roi', aa
wU at eetsrUlaasst. One scribef bos Jnst wrtttan : " Osnst ase
S Ufa NbeerOer, as rUa yo aend ms a naaber boyead tke UsU ef
y sasesnftisa ana f-we so ctaerai irori aw, esmwm n arms i, ,
saydaatb.'' ' r (
Ifrloa si eeaU psr aa&ber, tsp a rsat. V
m. Te m saa . Ja . . ..f a J tasi - lea mebavaniahm
Alter PlKt
IN -
$10,000.00. C)
io.ooo.oo a-
Brewster, A. McGinley,
Branded on left side
of Cattle and on left
shoulder of Horses.
of White River.
P. O. Address Harrtsoa, Neb.
Owns the follow-
lnK brand on eith
Also HQ on cat
tle and horses-
cattle on lef tsici
horses on left
Bangs on Silver Springs and east of state
lne. PostofBce Harrison Neb
For proof to convict any person of steal
lng any of my stock.
Branded on right shoolter of
P. o. Addresss David CeLvitis, Harrtsoa,
The brand represented in this nettee
and branded any where oa left side
of cattle, aad over lap eat from the
right ear.
Also the same brand on left thigh of
horses, belongs to the andersigaed.
Raage near last Springs, seath part fe
tomeonaty. Ovaaus Raw ax,
Harrison, Nebraska.
Oa left side of cattle aad oa lef t
shoulder ot horses.
Range on Antelope ereek
r.O.,Ghilehrtst,SloaxCo.. Net.
Branded oa left sbonlder of horses
and on left side of cattle.
P. O. Address, Glca, Nebraska,
t in Weed er
! seedier Cm
rwtsa se
BAJaajr Foot
Power jnusmmxt.
IS4 BTaOy St.,
wra, naaais.
Ktv Trk
Raage ea bead
by t. E. FaarviT Druggist.
Ua gnaraatad;