Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, April 05, 1900, Image 1

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7 'A.
1900. 37
Our 21n(:.--''r0 QUESTION IS EVER SETTLED U.MTJL IT iZ SETTLED P.!GHT.m--H'M. William J. IJryan.
Kiilisciifitlon Price I'cr Year ? 1 .00.
Official 1 'riper of Sioux County
C j I-'.O. JJ. LAX ON, - hlHTOIt.
fr'-'t'-'.rr . v , , - ' ." , ' .1
)v.-, - v .',.1 h - , , , '
Vote for Col. Bryan.
NEW YORK, March 31. Ow!l Ot-I ",r(? not O-i-inan Americans albO or,
tenilorlvr, editor f 'lift Shints Ziettin,', I ..,
and onecf the most iiiliueutml ( i.-rmnii-j Pas"1' Su !'--i""
Americans of Hii citv. was interview "l'!i'v votvl a!rno-t so! id I v
I. iiia- ui t fit p'liiliciil issue-; of Him ':l.v I Hi-yin four c.irs tvr
ami tlm LrospeuU of ths ('fiiiiiiir naMunu
( ainp iiK'i.
'Tli's l-'licf is U'enl." 1!.
(i-ruinn- AiinTii-.'iii citi.HiH 1h jir.ii'.rt.
tii Ti1 K:n!i-v in X'i'j uru oi;o-l t- I.h
ia-("lt tifin."
"Ul.inl; t!,:i(. in tru"," r.--li'"l Jtr. Ol
t'H(l)i-fiT. "Mini it- i-i lively ti'y Irivi'
m:i'i- up tlu-ir minds Unit Jl' KiriU'y and
liis ;(i!i):inl.i"itioii sUiuil for iniju'i -iali'itti
atul riiilil.-iri.-iM. (ii-rtnan-Aiiiiiciin- a'n
l,or anil fear inipcrialiMn aiut luilitar-
and Bry.tn,
Bryan lour ;, curs ;'..''
'As Ih-1'.vi- -a Mi.:Ivn!ey
re- j who would l yo ir choi(
''I'l-rsoiiiiliy. and siipakin only for
inv-.' lf." r- oi 'd Mr, Ot!r.tid.rlVr. "J
v ,n-Ul .r. n-r ?:; elwt.ou to Mr. !..'c- , ( -. (;
- - - - Nebraska.
o bUiiPLUs ;-i:ni)
SIO.Oi.iO.OO33 C)
ID, Ui)i.l.t)U o
K'.:-l- y's i-i'o't- J1 i'ni.
There U n-i H-i'i'it ihut. Mr. Ofti-txlorf-er's
jitiion v ill frmtilila tim polif-y nf
tl.o Nnv Yor'c Ktnati .".:! tir.;, ih l:tr
tfst and njoit. ir. f! usiit iit.1 lBr.ii-4;i rev;-p-.-r
in Aiiini ii a, iiH.h oivn-j that .aj)i-.
Sunday Itot-'.-y M'-unUin Newi.
Anti-Imperialist3 will
Support Col. Bryan.
( 'onH'SMtuan Ihirkp, of Texas, ivvjv.
!thj follovvirif; Jpor, it i.s sau!, from
onn of his e-onstit:ii iils:
"1'Im.hw stfjid tim K)ii:e t? riaki r !m'!)
I );ftr I!:ittIo Ax, tint ff yon h.iiii'l g it
t!mt btnStar.' TlieiiliUiUir.;. TX.)
l(ipn'a Searchlight.
A usual tSiu Itao le Island I t-fiuocrats
nr iMdiind the Iiiiikh. Tliny ar.j rt-nliir-iniiiK
llie dcid.iralioii of iii'icjH-ud.-m'B.
Tliey couldiit Iiavu rrad Mr. L')'.-'ri niH.--ttfrly
ttemoitration that 1 1 w ration
Kiut a liltlu coiifidi-iiet! am put i; I'.v
Tliouiat Jo:!'eroH and a fw Kindivd sji.r.
its ii)on it wor-.!)ifu) jionterity.- Siiriiig
Ik-Id iVjm'.iheun.
Tlit! Nw York Jouraal furriU'tM'H tilt
follow ilif IUoiv sliowiu tin) s.'teat pro
ttlx earut-d hy (lie Standard Oil trnxt,
h ii)' how th j ih vi U ii U li iy jiioipe-J
in bizu from 1 iOi;
K itid.iy, the ll'vn i:
ni'-tit on the Th it i-h ii
si i,1 ".'uivd lntvi.-!
Hritirli wil.tif r l-i-i
lun of t!.. i: i;;!i -'i
flan!; n;o
. i r l .
!! f ,n: 1 ." him i
i-K f.ii.ii. l:'i;it
. I
; .11 i
vd ;
or i
BOSTON, M.v-s., April 2. Tim ati,:.
'ui!.. rial.i-t.sof New En;, Uin I liavtj dwa!.-d
to (nj-jiort. Bryan for tin' pr-ildt ncy.
Tii" ipo stion of thf choice of a candid tc
f ,r t:;! party w:is gonis over at. roue-ut
im-ttiii;: ir. Bo-ion. At that time ic was
! -lii.i'.-ly t!i,.i n -d tl at the niii i-inip.ir-
i i i.ol cs'-r' tiii'ir irdni.-nci!
v .r h--.v othr V- tcililicau
'j i v,t i ti,!l;, lio-vi v. r, of
: in. hi ut. ;t:i Ji.ttt-in.rf-
for y.c
. r.cd .!
,1 ) :'
Th I'orto Hi- -in l.!l,
1". per cent of t i - J :i;:' I
oods imporied into : i j .
I'orto I'..i-o, li.c: p, -ti til
votu v. a -h) for p.cn; a
-. hi., h rarr'O':
l.i.v t :i aii
ri-'htrv from
! - nal
f ill a:
;M it.
t.-u-v ..r ti-..
;'.s .':-,i.l,.r v;:':-
r.'.i t'ii;! ' eui-
"1 have a i.i!
cratic p ii l.V v iii
opi 'iMMoll to UK
f 1...
i rv:-..i
.m.-i-s that th iie,j,'
come on' iWlini't-iy in
iiiii-riiisttii rim ..!r.
RmMiea:,. Mr. Bryan hs at-
l .e.l l.y inllncntal fri-"d-
sl.-.-s-. up )ti this pre-.da
ivadv iiceil :i 1
to !,!V e: p ;c;a
'Ai.il sp'.-iihci of Mr. Bryan, 1 want U
say liiat 1 eon .id. r hinn one of I ii '. cl :an
eid, Mineirnif.t uol alert. nnil.tintjle heart
ed puhlio :uei we have 1o-day '! ; i;i a
man that othir men he'civ in and i-;
ev:'rytliiiH', tlis.t Mi Kinh y is nol.
"Why. even AndruW t.';irrt.j.'iei luiUioii
aira, aiJ thai; he has the tiiysfc un
hoiinded pdiuiiation and re Pet for Mr.
Bryan. Pointing to him in my pres
ence the other day, Mr. C irn'y.ie .aiit to
n.e, "There ix the An.cricun iVUWt?
"Mr, M--KinVy i- not sincere snd
ivm:ulv ill thi stand that, h tnk
r -j-.ee t t-i imj srialisiin." 1 aiiy Koe
Mt hi i; lain !.'v.s,
Tre.-i leu'. D. H. G kiswold, CasLior.
15. I. CitKWSTEIt, A. MC'GlNLT.Y,
. nr.rpft?t-j-if j WKSTI'.llN NATIONAL BANK, Kuw York.
.r8jJj.5 wj Uiiu-.J i
'has. 0. JaM!-xx.
--IVrrii'lsi 1 A T I OK TIMR I)EPOSITS.tl
it. X J.til.' 1 j - ' - ' . ... - - - ' - -
Final Troof Jtoticrs.
Mi "r ronr. Invli.';
! iiN j.:.).--!- v. :i .-...i
p: ju-r II. id r.r 1'. .) i:e
u.ili.;.- a .1 ll' ray fi
cone lo t.ii-. oni-...- ft I
-;.l nroe' v
a M:: k. .1 e.
I- , lo i v;oii-rot-
. x ; .... reiiurt.
iii Me
"w? :".-'. rii:; : i ric atjon'.
I.il-'l ' Iliee e! 1 ':))., iireh-?:, (!
Nol. ' 'Js llt-:eliy fT'-.e-1 te.t til" follOAin
nrtiiH't sel t !er lei-; 11 !i"l not'.-e oi' hiM Illli-n
tion to a;: k.- l!li:.l jiioor ia sn)e oi-l of Ion
Ill, II :-.! Ill-C Mi,t e-oof V ; 1 1 tie in ; 1 : I -
f..i-f C!'-1'!l f tJ.tri--t onrt, at, i:;...i,
"ia-,i:.!, o". M' x r. .i, y :
"'. i, si . i : i x i s; I T,
:' f J:-.rn-o.i , .i.lt-,o-. ;!. (;. o, 4' H, foi- l!e
!.i' ,..' -.).!! j i.'i:.! c' M, aii'I .--oe.lh ';
;. I!, T '. i. X. P-.u;re W -r
Hie iol'.e'rt-ie iviln. --.e-i 1-
iitii-.eo'iH re.i.;-ne.; u,'.a uimI
Fl'AXK (,'. J.EW IS.
fi"V ,&',i;riiiii!eil on left nldti
Mullen kfZV&f Z
E?-'VVi3 ilof Cut tie anU on left
t:',.' :- . '...vZ'l'.onUlcr oi' Horses,
till !.!,( on 11.-....I if e lute lliver.
1'. O. A.l.ti-eris Flurrison, Nelj.
Hwni 1 he fol'nw- ' -n ' , . ,IIMn. ,
Inln uud til! nidi- 1
j W-l I
A!-o i-iOiin I--H- I tt
l.or ' ' on ' till 1 f "TfK'' $
i.!ler. .W-wl IJ-
C?' ". . - '. -: ,-- .-.'1
M.'ltll ( -1, i
!'i' imiiii-.
prove h: .
1 1. A. i;
n.e.'i -M l.oel v!-:
lint I'lnnlo-t.t oi H-HTjlon,
m!. ta iL.i.l IJau Jonlvn oi'
IC-Ill-lf l, l.rx-M.
r. x. iiuatusoTO
Ve!i-.!(-r ', a v
the fr.tertor d
re-i'u his po-:f
did not chare.;'"
tratioii rf lat iv
o.-at, d.e.'
,r f - a
: r.lW llUltet'i l! lie" til-
,'i-!t!on ; II..
lis p-
I ) i!e
i i. i;' i-i-vii a-'i!C(i
Traicvaal ivar.
- . i ;
ItHH) (entiuiale'd..
JJ.ii- id, '.):
' in n
it o.in n, .a i tae r
.. fcd.OW.u 10
(,'eiih riiMinT, ft.'Ji C: Vj ..f Inr iii' i
.siy's s .flieis ii.-i-k d-ifat' l n-.r ,!.!a
(,11.;; (Ml the Jtiil. " he e::'.e t to tet'.eve
if hesieucd city has hi-11 pivi-n up f.'-r
She pri Kent, 'i he li er i se, m lo he j,' f"
tniir nioi-d ac'ive ev- ry day.
or Government Money.
It is UiTV ni. thi-.t a :M.'-al- surplus w
pilin up ill the National tr-.-ninrv a
ri'niilt of th- v.nr r.-vei.ce :ix. Both in
ns kii-.I democrat-! in thi intiiitial
..I., ri jir-t row ci.titr.n.lat.u
i al of the war twemin law.
Whe-ti U. Clem luave-r wvH fdiMVnrd
ht tho litiiiila tor leaf, ui.d Tessa
Ivuvc-r drw pav at inatror., and the
whuha fuiiiily hv'a at the Institute.' lent
mid liiHird free, U. Clem iooUe-d upon
fusion it a divine institution, and never
had a kind word for Southern Punilisln.
But it is different now. As n promi
nent Populist of Omaha said the oilier
(lav: "I hlieva in harmony and fusion:
leaver lieliuvns in hell and conlu-ioti."
However, at tM lr week, t:a:di on tin
xpot every Saturday iMKl't, ilii!iu h
Iwtter to tw an editor of a mid-road pop
paper than to he steward of a Mate
institution, evan with rent nod hoard,
and wifo ou the pay roll to Iwot. Tlie4
(Hillnhoro, Tex.) Poeople h beun iuiKia,
It, no en.M al.lio-.t CT' in. Bo-:a
-.v'll ena-e in a gener-il mix op with
Turfeev and .Tap.m. If vi"d-..es. she will
have her hands iihnut as full sis KniAwid
has with tho t-AOHOiith African fc-puli-
l.o'iihcr ., ---
V iih.bie;r; n.
Plow and t 'oi' i tor
Th-.at.ve i p" i-'-:i';,y in luro
tor th" tru . -. th-oi '.:. i.
(Jrnceri'-s, dry ire"! and p'-ov
icive r ii' i in a' 'ii,r. t'oi vti ' I"
ten. in the iC -! .if iii trust-", n
con-aiiu-'i'. Tu-it'.-i ei. iviiin-y pr.'o
At dose of ur Civil War in 1865,
there appear; li-iii tli London Times
ll.i. Co'h-i'.viriT ii'
i " 1" tii.it jjti:hicvot:s fmindal poV
Am-ricaa K$:Jiat&Hnf (Tie late
Civil Var in 1 r.r cc'uy, thoulcl be
;.!.:! cw.i.: iiidura;-f-.l ;.wn to a' fixture,
r,' tv-t that "n-ti l'.ncnt will furrii.-h its
I ' " . T" i . . t. . .:n ,.11
KVi l,-,'i-'CV WltiiO'.t CC--.C. II v-'-l "i--ie- .10
XdTtt'K For: pfii'i.icxn-'i.v.
I lie
lie., nn Silver Springs und east, ofst.it
J'o.-.li!ilee lt.irri..in Net)
f?io) iu;waim.
Fur in-iinf toeuiivlet any person of stent
in- any oi my htoek.
"rpfZl linuuled on right shoulder of
ip if
I ill.-!'i-V.
t l'
The rr-piiV.!ican nr.'inii h.i ve ir.ai'e a
threat deal or fun of Attorney fl-m-ral
Smyth and his r nlroad soil i. Neither
the organs n-.r the railroads are d iin'
...... 1 l..rrr n,!lv Tlin at.tt.l'C.eV (-..;er-
.iti.v I-, - . (
ill hnM l,e, n Kiistaini-d ar.d th" raitrotids I
have h."-n l-a'-'ti hv both the nipr-ine (
court of the state imj Jode Mnf:-r o! ,
tliu federal court. A few more Sllcc-'les ;
liltrt t.he, and th-. pivsuleot wi'l Inve to
imihI a military forcn into this d -,'riet
to l;eep tlm ojile from Hetniin' t -onstau-
tine J. Saiythe to tlia next cousrc
The Non-Conformist.
Verdict wasjiot Guilty
v. c. nu::i iven' his i.iijuxv
AT illi.VCli FOOT, U.V.
; 1''
. .1
AcijCitK'd of Utj b;i:-";c nT Mt.-r-(lei-in;:
l'r- t hi.ichiir nt lt' C
! I.a it ChH.o m:n Hay.
io.u'V t!-.at U r.cccs-sry ti carry
, tr.i k r;nl ci-.n-imcrcc. It will
.,-'.r;'.,:')U.; hcvonvl j.-rctcdent
; ' ':;'.or? cf f.;viii7Cl tuaions cf
o: ''J. j--3 brrin rr.d v.v;.lih cf
r.trksiil r;r to Ncrtlt America.
T ( ;!)f -''.. a M I'.NT MUST KE
i UOi-.; O'-i IT ViTLL
lvv.'iy :.:onauciiyon
fjiiiii., i.:e- '.r.i t;;'n:kr, to
!!, ia :Uv Y'.iik, r.nl ti'.c Knell
ctTUhi: to ct.;:..-o JiUnt-
l.ateionieent, A J 1 tin -.-. S;1. SInrell 2, 1W0.
Not! -e l Iieretiy given thot tlin following
i, miiP'1 settler less Hied notice ol' li'm liitwi
tioa to make (licit proof ia .support of his
claim, and that Bidd proof will lis iiindo lxi
loro Clerk of lii-1rict Court at 'Harrison,
NeUnwIsa. on Mut .' It'lB.vlji:
J'ATftK'lt KI.aTTF.liy,
(if il'irrlson, el.rfesk;-., im if. E. No. ICS, for
t!ie l.t i. and S, tu-.d Mil Ji fiii.it i oi
Niirt-h-ettst 'i See. Tw). 'fi, N. 'itanisC W w.
He -niinii's 1 lie J'otloivinff wttiinssiw to prove
life continuous n-Hiilem-K upBii mid cultiva
tion of said land, viz :
Low Wi!o:i, Oscar Carton, Karnest Lyons
and James Merriuui, all of Harrison, Net).
F. II, HOIt UINiiTMN, Register.
i-. o. Address David CoLViLr., Iforriso.
Kettraska. .
Tlio liiand represented In thisnoticu
, ''..I .....I Kpunrluil ..ir u-lt.,rnn lff'l. ttldl
?-''-( ot cattle, and over lap nut from Uio
"T! rtjii.te.ar.
. 'A .-j AlHu'tiiu itiun brand oa left thigh of
C- V .' K..1...,. ... tr. 1 1. utiHwraiir rtwfl .
L; i ... 'ii 'i""" n
Uawfc-e near East Springs, south part fo
Sioux county. CrfAKUis Newmax,
Pni-rinon, Nebraska.
a'on, r.nd
Below are a few prominent repuhii-iii
0)r of the country whit-hare liickiii?
against the Porto Iliean tarill' hill now
bufo't coiiffroM framed in thu interest of
the Tobacco anil Sugar trust:
St. Paul (Minn) Pioneer Press,
Carthage (Ills.) Oazette,
Peoria (IIIr.) Jotirrmt,
Cincinnati (Ohio) Com!, Tribune,
Chicago (Ilia.) Timen-Horald,
ttadue(Vin.) Times,
Angola (Ind.) MaRnot,
P,,iltimore (Mil.) American,
Pbiladulphia (Ponn.) Kveninc Telegraph,
lndianapoh (Ind.) Journal.
MinneapoliB (Minn.) Journal,
Philadelphia (Penn.) I-ed(;or,
Itoton (Mann.) Ti-anscript.
Cleveland (Oh.) leader.
But, watch them go fbpity flop lilie
jiwidunt McKmley did.
Millions film Ann jr.
ItlscertaiuW irratifyin;,' to the p iid.e
to know of one concern which is not af
raid Ui he Ke'nernui. The proprietors of
J)r. Kim' Now IJitK'overy for Consump
tion, Cousin and Colds, have given a
way over ten inillioa trial liottle-i end
have the mUufaction of knowing is has
rurwl tho inind of holei cises. As
thma, Pouchitis, Latirippie, and nil
Throat. Client and Lunn disia!!i nre cur.
-sly cured nV it. Cull oil J. K- Phi.sm'.'
! K"t a fr'i trial b'tttp,
il Jbr ,m Mj and $1.00. E'ory- U .1
le uaranU'.l.
I , ! n k'o.'il, l i t
in to i eiiM- ol V
li,.. nun-.l'-r '!' l'i
1 . , ( !!ir...t in is il.
I-...I ;l . r.ie .
Mirdi -Tlv j.,,.v
('. !Iiii-!i, charged with
I Scicl ur at I I -etor on
v, t. ii . afternoon leu
! t.nt i uiitv lifter lil-
In the election of William McKinley
an nresidetit of Ihe United Ftatos, in the
fall of lv'.iti, tho -iprttirtit loss, wetu
preented to mal-:e hitn tlm epial of
Washington. Jeti rson J.u kvon or Lin
coln, hut in his sordid ih hire and (,'ixed to
please the money powers, trusts and
(midlines. MrKilih-V. Id!" his, prototype
I levelaiid, will soon lei for-ol ten, when
he tvtir.-s from the most exul'ed position
that a hhert y hivin,-; peoih) can U-s-lo-.v
upon ! li nil o heii.fr, v. ho is a citi
zen of a republic, wi'.h a con stitut oii,
whiili prohita u;n -t son beiii' the
slave of another. Thu irty us wed us
Mr. M !vn!y have iihoilt l.rolten loo-e
from the old principle which oine fasten-d
them to a k'.oi-ioih lib n( y lovin.;
r-irc;i.l l.ihc Wihl.'lr.-.
When thiols aiu "I'm hrsi" they t'"
coiuo "th" 'met Mliiii;;," Al.iah.i.'ii
Hare, a leuilinK dril.-'i-t , of Beileviil",
f 1 . wril.: "Kl'-cirh! Ihltmsx ar- th .
be-t ndlm;.: hitters I have Iniudl-. d in
years, You know wh? Most lii u a s
liC'iu hi disorders of M'.mi.i.di, liver, lu l--i,,y
hoel', bio ed and ii'l ves. Bl-ct-r:c
Ilittur I ee tip the tdoinai ll, I'eii.
lutes liver, kidney and bo,vels, tnireiiics
! the hloo.l, -.trvnin-ns l,!ie pervei'., h' in
ctiri . imilt il of rueladie i. 1' hiiitd
! ut'i t'ei cn!:r-) sv ii oi. I'nts new hie and
vig t inl- a.iy uvea.?, ru.t-t -v.-
ma. i or wouuri. IVt tn S) c.ui'. i. riotd
te-ii ii i ii ii t '- cei.'i-r.'.tion.
;,) ,-asa ia lin !i,:.'...ry of -.uth:ist.Tn
:.I i lei has created 1:i- Ht'etition of tie:
i -oph! to t'n US' i 1'. tint, this has. The
Jefanse Ir.n worlied as.sidioimly. The
casn was fou,.'h!, st uh!rnly from the
outset. Count v Attorney Clark did his
duty in a most conscientious manner.
Hi! showed no prejudice, lull dimply per
formed his obligation honestly and thor
Tile d jfen-") Icivrt reason to fiiel elated
at the verdict. Kvery in 'truction they
filtered was rejected, nit I everf instruc
tion Oucred hy the prosecution was al
lowed by th'-court, but the jury tiok
hut one ballot.
J.i 1-e Rich -x 1 th;it in his ofinion the
jiil-V could have net arrived at r.nv cthe.
conclusion uiid, r thu evid'-nen. The con
I . iisiis of opinion, as expressed tonight,
is that, th'i iurv did ri.tfht. VWnle hiu
clair was a (pod-hearted fellmv whuti
sii'n.ir, it. was hevoiiil dispute that ho wa
of a .i a ri-'I'ionni nature whi n driidiin
Tie - liefe'ld -.fit i ri!iu.ili;i tlei paidle!
of cn-ialnl, items this ni etiiil;,', tit.d
Worth 1 Ti.'lf, it. J. Biv-U's mid Vi. H
thill -n, his .aflorin-y-t, are being men
linn M.ri'.ated upon tho result. Til
in ti-ri v ul the wiiue-.v h ami sp.'ct.itor
an; le tviti Spe-.-ial t tho Salt Bnid
(Ut..h) ib i.iM.
: -T '11
jus i ttw-,.'mi fj.-.ii v.i.i',c(l in
; J ia 1 a;; ti.n.-i c' cs:i:i.::tetl it
j. ' , ',' i - 1 ? ;-' Vi i. l,'-'.t -y
.:, j 1 cu cf Cef uo :.i r j.;l.:.t
'l lu; 'iwa!': ir.-o r.ty jvu lor " i olify
l.:i:l.in !, C:in;r; since c:e
S.;.';ni-,ii Vvii, is t.i'.: luirt cvu'cncc
cf iv-yiis!) D pl'iii..tcy ia sh.ij.ir. the
dfstinv of tho Uniud Elates Govtrn-
STOCK It it AN Its.
T'ir. Jotttlh'AI. will reibiish your lirnnd, like
C.ie i'oifeev inir, for il :'. Ier year. liucli ad
iti'ional lirai.d-r, cents. r.very titrnier or
ranchmen in stoiiv and nd.loininj; counties
should advertise their brands in TtlEJoBls
NALiis It. clrcuIntcB all over the state, it
may be the. means of saving money for you.
On let t side or hin ol' i-etlle, j
b i t slioul-ler of lioiws. i
j-'jlMngH on .tin; head ol Waruonnct
p' ,, cre.ik
-'', .-'j Adilrcsis Ilen-tsoii, Sioux Co. Neb.
sliouidi.-r ot horses.
llZZi Kiuii'e on Antelope creek
1'. o., CiliilcSirist, Sioux Co., Neb.
S "CO 'dcl' lrM 'A 'EUrl
S .,m lom-inl l.iciir.1 ism 'oo r W1
m wmi Branded on left slionlder oi horsis
on left side of cattle.
c on White River, near Glen.
Addross, tilen, Nebraska.
- in Wml er nctal ? M so
tend tor Cistiiioiiie of
DaWsT.S' Foot
?.-,-.'.c;d, Strons, PurnbSe.
W. t-. John iJarr.es Co.,
n.i i?r.ty ?t.,
Rotl-forJ, Hili.-45.
. .i
K.,t u,hs;5t.liiv,' the tair.inc price
r.f w!.e :t, t!.C Ni)..ia;.:i War, ::u,i tr.'iu- j
'inns tiicn..!;c.:r-i of nicney by our J
govern. net - ari ' tne :- year, gota
i)asi::-rc-,tJ i:i v:.i::: olevt a pet cent.
,-r,T a l ot'.cr viil.ics dcciccsed ia tic
For a th'uo i ,d Uu.-kr:.tir.iiipg of
r.cv tiiic-iioM, or stiver lt.-i:?,
i1-..- ('itii-iiniaii F.iWi'iircr Y. i uiofoindy
liven evidence of Us a'oioty to teach,
explain and produce an bit is nnu
truth. It is a popcr that ouht and
can be read l.y all claBaes v. itli pleas-
ire and prouu
".,'i ,s"t".' 'V1
1;M i & c if
i i s y'f i
, i ' . . 4..,. : :. . 1 ,
ass n i
m m
m vriP.d'
.A,1! rrvvrKTTTfTI
l.Ji.i-6 1
J . h U H
k rt M ' PI I
hy J. U Pdl iNiiV DrMrjial
Tti.it '1 ii iMidi.ti;: Jicailiii'Itc.
Would ipuckly h ;i vou, ii you in d
Dr. Km;;"s New hi'.) p 'li. Th .it i i
eCiVrers huvo proved tlieif imi'chl.d-'
inetit foi'!in.lc and Nervous Headaches.
t i'v matte pure hloul end build uiiyour
hiM.tri. Only "5 cents, M nicy b'.' k if
not i nr, d. S'd 1 b ?. i'.. 1'inieicy Ih tij,-.;,.L.
r.rtDVtlinHT3 SlC
riii.'Hiy ,. Kan n. ..iin.ioi'-H.
Hi'i'tIVi .1 li", '.I.:-! eel
KHfif I RCn.se,nroiJw,,yKcw York
PJanteWn' IdeaSS
I t 111 tiH('T t? I
(newt your M my M y.i wj"ih
tt-rit.i llJHW ll'tiiPFmit'ItM CO-. I at" i' AltT-
Sin-llnni t l" .'. .r.s- th,.r 1..0
wl lint. 4 t.P i -u "" '"V-B '" ""'
Tho b-st-lnfomea men una women in the world use theAKERICAN
,r r-cviirw OF REVIEWS to keep well informed, and c l
f C lyfu. .nVthe Ft ca.e comes out in this m.Sf .
that have been published aanr.K t.ie past M0HTHLY can gt
nnotcd from ,0 tA-i r Irinted'
w&p -h are making the
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weM VntertSlnmMt. One subscriber has Jurt written : Co mnt
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