Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, March 22, 1900, Image 8

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m aasasai assesses bbsbsbsbsi ma mi bj MM
Tui Rf-rMV.'MAK' n Villi, Unit'.
..). 1. ration, i'-d'Hor intl Proy.
F. E. A M. V K. it. lime table,
(lolnir Wi st. - Going East.
Bo. , robied...
Nolio in tierehv aiven tht on Tueaduv
ic -rl dav of "Vi'i ii. I!, In the ( ourt
! Hon-' riMim in l!.irriim. Nebraska, un
! election will ! held Iir Ihe purpose ol
i pU-t-linK twu trustee to rtf for the term
nt one vrJ three trustees tu serve lor
! lb term cif two vears lor ihi
I Harrison, Nebraska, which cleetion ill !
upmniSoVlufk in tlf morning and con
tinue open until 7 o'clock in the evening of
Dated this 19lh ilw of March,
I W. i. Davis, Villain Clerk.
11 :J0 I So. 6, mixed S'01-'
e. m. v. n. n. is
to ami from th
(lie best
JiEADWdOP AND llt'T -SraiMiS,
F. T.. 4 . T. R. K.
One way.
Colonists Ticke ts to Fort
;)and, Seattle, Tat-oma. SK.kane Ac., on
.sale no at ?C5.00. Order tickets few
,lay ahead.
F. Avery, Annt.
F. E. & H. V. R- R-
To Ho! Springs S- D-
- Tickets on 'wile Tuesdays.
February 6 and 20, March 6
and 20, 1900 to Hot Spring,
25..1).,' Rood returning 80 days
from date of wile, at one fare
plus 2.00 for round trip.
F. Aykrv, Agent
Hereford calves for sale
1 have a few Hereford earlinj bull
calves to sell, nnv one desiring a eood
voting animal will do well to look at
lhee. TU-y are from good stock and
prices reasonable. "
B. F. Lasuwokthy.
Go t Um mfs and buy a pair o(
those lip rs he ih s-llirii.', below cost j
you :et your bolt e outcf the lot fori
", " i eot.
Notions! Notions: Notions! No'ions!
illuK' of ! Notions! at UWKLO v n.
Cravon. or views of yorr hnme
taken. Von will find thut Let's pic
tures are th lt pictures you ir
saw. You will want Koine-
The biggest and best line of candies
and cigars in the town at.
f 'harlev Snyder of Runnmer Water,
hns len tiiifferiPC unite serioiwlv with
neuraltria for the pt thiee. or four days
Nut ice te 5aa-rwldec: Defendants
VANTF.D-Oood Rirl to do peneral
hotise work on ranch, -must be a good
cook. 'ood wafc-es. Address, Mrs. W.
II. Whiw.
Careyhur-it, Yt'yo.
YiXi SALE I C. Leu,i" bns 50 bush
els of Salzrs eurlv nix wetki Potatoes
for set-d. price 50 cent. ordrs left at
MarsUsiler iiros.. store will be attended
He came in Tuesdar to consult with and
receive treatment of Lr. Pliinuey.
Ovsr In Wyoming-
Lrn Christian killed a Canaila (roose
one (lav last week. It weis bed nearly
twelve pounds, but Ien iiid that it
itemed t' vei.'h twice that anount
wliile he was carrying it home.
Mr J, IT- Newlin and Mrs. Uarrv
Deuel went to Harrison yesterday and
had several tec lb pulled.
Say Mister! basen't the wind just len
on a tear for some time? For eight days
it just blew a perfect gale without any
A brother off. F. Andrews. -arrived
from F.xira. on last Tuesday. He ex-
A. P. Rmenburg, of Adelia was ic
-town on business Tuesday.
Say! that fellow at the Pst ffice
building would "Uke to spake mit you.
The proceedings of the assessors
maetins held at the court house Tuemlay
vill occur 10 ror nextissu.
Cigars from one cent to fifteen, "you
ajs your money and yon taks" your
a boice." BKiELow.
Bee in another column the notice
calling a village election for the election
of a Board of Trustees April 3rd.
The Junior League will gitre an en
tertainment at toe M. E. churph Satur
day evening March 24. Admission ad
ilt 15 children 10 cents.
-Etfery precinct assessor was in at
tendance at th assessors meeting held
t court noose Tuesday.
Frank Johnson has moved his fami
ly from the Robitwon place outside of
-town in the house recently vacated by
Perry White and family.
3y"HiRbest prices paid for
hides at Eooert Rohwer,8.
Among those, who have purchased
. ot deotist Raichard this week a bran
' new set of store teeth are: Mrs. J. H.
Bartell, Mrs. L. Gerlacb, Mrs. Chas.
Biahle. Mrs. E. Rohwer, Mrs. Chris.
iChristensen and Mrs. Frank Nutto.
rarWrite Ilayden Bros., Omaha
"Wholesale Supply House, for prices aop
We team Paul Zarbst's litUe baby
-was yuite sicklaat week and the fore
frio4tfe, thus, necessitating the cal
Hog of Dr. Phmney.
C. F. Coffee and D. II Griswold wbo
jnadea trip from Harrison to Mr. Coffees
Bawbide ranch last week, can give you
4oioteraon rapid transit.
Tontella, Detroit Free Press and our
Pure Havana are the best cigars that
inooey can buy, Bioelow,
We are indebted to Mr. and Mrs.
(Geo. H. Turner of Indian creek for sev
weral nice messes of parsnips and -carrots
Mr. Turner informs us that Mrs.. !.
Xettiog along so well since ungoing tbe
.tmneration at Omaha last fall.
Look for Lee about April 1st, and be
ady to have your picture made, while
t is in Harrison.
Since our last issue our fighting edi
tor baa been on a "tear" as be usually
xomea out on deck be was not a little
disheartened to find he was second best
this occasion, and if you doubt our
UtwMDt, just call on the fighting ed
itor of the PxEEae Jockxal, and you
wtU meet a toothless "oi l woman
La does a big business wherever he
jroas, because be does a straight, honest
business, aw) his pictures are tbe bmt
Eery voter io Sioux county should
read sfee platform of prioci pales constru
, dad aad paad by tbe Democratic state
-coBveation at Lincoln Monday the 19tb,
o matUr what political party they
fflHiate with. There is'ot a word or syl
lable asm undated ia that platform that
fa not ia tbe interest of tbe great con
' aoo paepU.
We kaow wbwt wa ara talking about
whwa wa say L OarLTOi caa sell yon a
4aylor-oissattclMapef than von can
I wat to tba department storse aad
nf-lB. W. V.'. Ta(tiAliT, tbe eve
WX-Twlt. will lie in Harrison, from the
m. l f 1. Oil All Lie .lit
west on inursua. nu - . ihi.fiurl1nm..
patents are requested to call upon h.m. ; . ..- " j -i-
lis well asaiiv one requiricg any kind of i While haulms a load of -about 60
eve treatment, or s U-alc-s. bushels of wheat to town for Andrew
"l. TAiMARTguarrantees !1 hi. spec- Chri,t.a .T",,r'a,yil?ll; v"'
tades to fit. and (it rfectl v. Cros s brunnen pot Muck ,n a pond m Mr. M .1
even straightened, epilepsy is also cur- ! sons fiield and it looked for a while s
able but verv much slower. thoiijrh he svvould not get out. After
C..II ui tU Harrison House, Ma rch 29 j WlU.hn?. on a gix brrse ts,n and pulling
anllJ- I i, .iKirt. it was decided tu get another
town i wao'0D- ZWKl
At the lemocratic state crnvention at
Jol TWJ of Adelia was in town f lJH:0t u,e 19th, w hicli elected ltf dle-f-ueseaf.
gaUs to the National Convention at
Lkk is one of t4w few goootl work- Kansas cit-y Mo., July 4ih, next, the
; ut. Xm, makes, is following L'entlemeo were named imdud-
men, b. pn-.u. , ,., ,,,.-,,:il
I. S Mrlntnsb of tilen was in
Tuesday on busine.,
Try agUss of eur Orange rider.
iliowiiiK tlie ew
c liut wl r-al m
IdUj u tbe llute.
'. , taport ootsw from tba wuth aad
of tba aewaty, that ihh mis-
Mttkj MpMatdte m oatllawwM who
-JC2tMk M Br. Comtoe's wbad mill
c: fStsI towar , post with
I . - ' Jli'c r: -Jf i2s thirty days aad ha-
guarandeeu to oe sansiacun v.
Mre Henry Lindernen of Crawford,
has bean visiting with hr daughter,
Mrs. M, J. Blewett for the past week.
Lek, wants vou to know, that he
does a straight business, and cao make
the liest photograph you ever saw.
We are in receipt of the thirty-sec
ond announcement of tbe Nebraska state
Fair and Exposision, which will be held
at Lincoln, Sept 3rd to 7th, 1S00.
Easter Eggs! Eister Eggs! come
and see them. UMjklow.
Indirectly, we learn there are deals
on foot whereby some land transfers are
to be made soon in this immediately
M. F. Harrington, the O'Neill law
yer has been interested in a case in be
half of Sheridan county vs a tax payer.
The county foreclosed on land for taxes
and the case is being made a test case,
Chadron News. ,
A. Southworth, -!Ounty superin
tendent of Sioux county, was in -raw-
lord on Monday on bis way overland to
Guernsey, the new town near Uartv'lle,
Wyo. lie is on the lookout for a dairv
locatioo. Crawford Bulletin.
Canned meats of all kinds at
Miss Claudia Hester gave aa enter
tainment on St. Patricks eve at tier
home. We were not present but pre
sume all her Irish friends were entertain
ed par excellence.
John Weber, of Squaw Creek, in tbe
Hat creek basin, was a Crawford visitor
on Thursday. He disposed of his lands
and horses in Sioux County and is now
a man of leisure. Crawford Bulletin
Lee, will be here 30 days, get ready
now to have your picture made. You
can not afford to miss this chance, to
have some good pictures.
' There seems to be lots of sickness
in tbe country this spring. The chil
dren are suffering quite a good deal
frem what seems to be gripp and which
tends to run into lung fever.
Lee, one of the best Photograph
workmen, in the United States, will be
in Harrison Neb., about April 1st. H
has made arrangements to have a build
ing made ia Harrison, so he cao make
you the best picture you ever saw.
We regret we have to aonoum
that our better half who has been a
source of so much assistance to us in tbe
newspaper work since coming to Har
rison, is quite sick and is threatened
with lung feaver. She is 'somewhat
better today than yesterday.
Come and see our fire cent counter,
everything you Mad io the house.
Dr. Reichard is having all he can do
in tbe dentist line, while here this trip.
We have to bear the first complaint io
caodaraoatiofl of bis work since ha made
bis first prelTeuional visit to our town.
So far as we know wa can recommend
the Doctor's preffeasioaal work to any
body jo oar vicinity wbo needs dental
work dona.
Taa, Coffee, flpiras and a full line
of oaoaed good of tba bast quality at tba
Post sdOce butdkflf .
Wa acknowledge receipt of a copy
of book, published or Word aod Works
si Loom, aad adiUd by Mrs. Emily Hicks
who ia avar M pears old. Tba book is
otttad tba Oaiy Bop of a Republic aad
Uaata oa "A BiantaiUa CsuTsaey."
Xory votar hi Sioux oouary should
copy of it- Tba prloaof the book
In U ooatt aad la worth it far tbe iafor-
district and (our at large, H'. H. Thomp
son, J i id ;re Tibuels, U. i- Metcalfe and
M. l. Oldham.
1st Uist-Joseph H. Miles, and C. E.
2nd Uist J. II. Creigbton and L. J.
3rd Dist Phil H. Kohl, and Jonas
Welch. ,
4th Uist H. Metzger aad W. U. Tay
lor. r.th Dist G. W. Tebtiets and Patrick
Walch. ,
Cth list-M. C. Harnngton and T, P.
It would lie as reaiaable for Lord
Palsbury to tender to the president of
these United States, the good offices of
her majty' government in tlie interest
of peace in tbe Philippine Islands, as it
was for Mr. McKinley to tender the good
offices of the Washington government
to bring about a peaceable termination
i of the South African war between Great
Brilton and Tarnsvaal and Free slate
Coucistency? is a priceless
As long as V. Clem Lteaver was per
mi tied a good, lucrative office under
(iov. Ilohotiib. fusion was 3!l l A, IV., out
soon as Gov. Poynter displaced t.im for
some other fusionist, then Mr. Deaver
became a defusionist. To read bis paper
the True Populist, one would think lea
ver wae an angel of light But the good
book ie authority for the statement that
his sataoic majesty, "if it vxrt passible',
woald "deceive tte very elect."
- C:tt Ca, wa im Iowa, txcaalt lawrtt oa ha
The republican party's policy of col
lecting importduty from the Peurto Ri
coan people to the amount of $2,000,000
and then turning around and giving it
back to that people, is bv tbe leaders of
the g. o. p. , considered to le a wonder
ful amount of charily bestowd upon
starving humanity.
Tbe republican Congress are fearfully
afraid that any legislation they may en
act into law for Uncle Sams Colonial
possessions may in some way get the
Constitution of these United States
mixed up in it, and ruin all their calcu
lations for carrying out tbe parties im
perial policy.
President McKioley's obligation to
the money power, which be incured in
1894 for cash contrubations to his cam
paign fund, was discharged partially
when he officially signed tbe single cold
standard bill, recently passed by con
The Wardener, Idaho, "bull peri" in
vestigatioa now going on in Washington,
D. C, by tbe congressional committee,
proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that
the party in power are apposed to labor
To Albert Coed1. snd Mirls Widen, sole
heir ul law of Herman Croeiidts, decieU,
nl tlie Nortb half uf the .North rant cjur
Vrr. and the North half of the .North wel
quarter of Miction twenty nine CM i, and the
K.at hall ol I ue North-treat qurter, And tht
Kiut huif t the Siuth went quarter, nal
lot nuuiljere! one, two. Ihrt-e, and four,
mid the w et hall ol the South eal quarier
uf Set-tion thirty all In Ton nsliip num-t-ril
thirly fle ortli Ranee nuniliered
Kattv fotir t of the si(h l'rlneipal
Meridian: and the Kaat hall ollhesouib
eat quarter of Sm'11oii iiumdered tweuty
.flvo, in Touhip iiumtjcre-l thirty fl
North, of Kause uuml-r lUlv-tlve Wet ut
thesulli Crluclpal MerliHau.
Ymi, and earn of vou are hereby notified
lite S'.rd day ol Fehroary, land, l he stale of
Nebraska, un iilHiutiff. iil!d in the lo.trlct
lUmi t iu and lor the eoaiitr ol Sioux, suit
state of Nebraska Us jietilioa aaiuot yoo
Tho -tte of .Nebraka, I
Sioux Oouuty. 1
In the IHstrlil Court of the fifteenth Judl
rial Dlsirict, held vrilblu and lor Moux
The state of Nebraska i
Albert lioedde, and ila- .
ria Hiltlen, sole heir at
law ol liernnin i.irtfdde. j
Ueoea-d, ami the Norlill
half of tin- North east
ijtiarter, and tlie North
luillv of tha Ncrih a est
quarter ol fN-ctioii tweii- j
!,!,,, and trie .ast hail ;
ol i in- Norm quur I
M, and the bt half ol
the ,-uth et quarter, j
and lots iiUllibi-retl tmr, I
to, three an 1 four ami
the W est half of ihe MiHth e.u.t quarter,
ol Section llilrly all in To n,liii iiuin
U-red lliirly n e, North ol ItaMKe iiuiii-
tarred Illly lMUr, west ol tne Mxin rriu-
ripal Merdiian: and the Kut hull.of tbe
rvjutli east qimrier ol .v-eliou nuii.liered
tenty tlve, In loi:i.lnp iiumla-red llilr
ty live. North, ol lisnfC" o mn l-r-t liny
he ! ol the r,itAh I'ltucipal Meridian
liel,'iiduiit!k- J
lie It remembered. That Iirhel J. O'Con
uell, tounly Attorney in and lor ."icj- x
CwunXy, and in tlie r ilteentu Jnd.i ml li
tni t of the stale of Nebraska, wboio)-e-cutes
lu Hie nuiiie mid by the aulhoi ny of
tbe Stale of Nobr.iskH. cou,i:a here in j,ejoii
Into ihia court at llns the Ajinl U-.bi. A. 11.
IHm. tiiereof and lor the state of kebruxka,
gives the court to uuderatai.d an t Ui In
foiuud that lUrmau Oowlde Jute of the
count V aloresuld, died Intestate on the
twenty third day ol February, iS'JS1, in tUe
luaane Hospital at Xoifolk lu the Slate ot
Nebraska, that he was a resident uf tha
county of f-iouv and Male of Nebraska be
fore and ii til tha time ol bis death, that
he a ti.e owner lu fee sluinle, ttlnoiuiu
of the title to the following deerlta-d teal
eatate situated, lying-and ln-ins within said
,uuty of stout aforesaid, to Hit: The North
half uf tha N'orthstaot -juarter, and the
North half of tliu North west quarter of Sec
lioa twenty nine, and lots one, two, three,
and four, and the hast half of Ibc N'orth-Wf si
quarter, and the Nojth oast half of the
South west quarter and the west half uf the
South east quarter In hoejiou thirty all In
Township thirty live North, of Han ire fifty
four west of tile sixth l'rincfpal Meridian;
and the cant half H, the aoutli- east quarter
of section twenty five 25 In township thlry
live S3 north of lUiif fitly five Si, west of
the Sixth 6 Principal Meridian; together
with all tbe water rlKhts, claims, appllca
Uonditcbes, dams, tliiinus, head Kates, and
latteraU appeudaut, or appertainant to said
real estate, and tbu eouuty atUM iiejr afore
said further give the court to underatand
and be informed as Is required by Section 71
Chapt. of 73, Compiled Slatuteaof Nebraaks
for lM, being the second rtctlrm of an act
restrlctltiK non resident aliens and corpore
tloits not lncorpoi-ated under the laws of
Nebraska in the right to acquire and hold
real estate etc., 'pasaed and took effect
Murr-ll 16, WOO; that the said Herman tloedde
lelt hlin urvlvlng an his nolo heirs Albert
Uoeddeand Maria llllden (hU brother and
sister) were non residents of the United
States and are aliens and are citizens and
residents of th Kingdom of Germany and
that br virtue of the said Dtatue, tbe real
estate above dewribed and herein made
deftndant lias reverted and ccheated to
the H iti' of N"cl"i;a ami the ld alien de-
fercla'its i-fe rul!ll-d to rece,ve o:ily the
appr-.i-d ta.t'e ttiertof. 'i lu-i -jlon- lae
ald county attorney aloresaid for and on
behalf ol the aald State of Nebraska prays
Judgement that the forfeiture aforesaid tie
declared bnd made matter of record by the
decree of said court,
fctat of Nebraska, (
fcjoux Couuty. S '
MU'bael J. O'Coauell being first daly
sworn, upon Bis oaUi says that he 1 the
county attorney iu and tor hloux County,
In tbe Fifteenth Judicial litntrict ( tbe
State of Nebraska, and that the allegations
and charges against non resident alien de
fendants, and the real estate described In
tlie within information are true as be verily
County Attorney.
Subaertbed In my presence and sworn to
before me this 23rd ay of February, lH&n.
Wa. J. A. UALst
v Clerk.
sttCltsEL J. O'CoS'KEbL,
County AtUjrney.
That yon are further notified and required
to answer said petition on or before the 4
day of April, 1W0. M. J. U'Coxv ell
County Attorney.
All kinds of Harness Goods. Also, Flour and all kinds of
Grain and Feed for sale. Besides the above I have Build
ing material, nuch a3 Lumber, Lime, Hair, Cement &c &c.
XST Call and get PRICES before buying elBewnere.
Drugists Sundries,
Paints, Oils, VrnilieS.
J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor.
To Dakota Loau and Trust Company,
G. W. Shuilhn", christian name un
known. You, and each ut you, are hereby noti
fied thai oa the 1st day of March A. D.
lbOO, Tbe County of Sioux, as plaintiff
filed in the district court iu and for the
county of Sioux and state of Nebraska,
its petition against you, impleaded with
Sumuel Tebliet, Mary Tebbet his wife,
the object and prayer of which is to fore
close certain tax liens on tne following
described real estate, situated iu the
county of Sioux and state of Nebraska,
South-east quarter I, of Section thirty
30, township thirty three 83, north of
range 04, weft of the siitb 6th P. M iu
Sioux County, Nebraska, that said tax
liens consist of taxes assessed and levied
oa haid real estate for the following
years and amounts, to-wit: In the year
itrV. the sum of 0.li; in the year 1SS0,
the aura of S. 10; in tun year 1S96, the
sum of $8.67; iu the year 1SU7, the sum
of ".W); in the year 1SW. the sum of
4 72, with interest on each of paid sums
as provided by law; and to have an ac
counting of the amount of taxes and
interest now due ou aaid tax liens, aod
to forever bar and foreclose said defen
dants, nnd each of them, out of any and
all right, title, interest, lien ani equity
of redemptioo iu and to said real estate,
and for general equitable relief.
That you are I urther notified and re
quired to answer said petition on or be
fore the 9 day of April A. D. 1909.
No. 12. County Attorney.
DANTS. To Otar Lafquist, Mrs. Oscar Lafquirt
bis wife christian nania unknown, Sho
walter Mortgage Company.
You, acd each of you are hereby noti
fied that on Use 1st day of March A, D.
1!(00, The County of Sioux, aa plaintiff,
liled in the diutrict court in aad for tbe
couuty of Siuux and state of Nebraska,
its petition against you, tbe abject and
prayer of which is to foreclose certain
Ux liens on tlie following described real
estate, situated in the county of Sioux
and. slate of Nebraska, towit:
South half , north east quarter i,
north half'i, south east quarter J, Sec
tion two 2, Township thirty 30, north of
range fifty three west of the sixth
P. M. in Sioux county Nebraska, that ,
said tax liens consist of taxes assessed
and levied on said real estate for the fol-'
lowing years and amounts; to-witt: In
the year 1800; tbe sura of 10 b0; in the
year 1881; tlie sum of $20.13; in tbe year
1892; tbe sum of 112.83; in the year ISM;
the hum of $12.23; io the year 1894; Uia
sum of 911.11; in tlie year 1893; the sum
of 13.60; in tha year 15; tbe sum of 17.
37; in the year 1897; tha sum of $S.02;'
and in the year Vi98: tlie sum of (6.31;
with interest on each of said surpass pro
vided by law; and to have ao accounting
of the amount of taxes aod interest now
due on said tax liens; and to forever bar
and foreclose said defendants; and each of
blieiu ; out of any and all right, title; in
terest; hen and equity of redemption la
and to said real talate; aud for general
NOTICE TO NON RESIDENT DEI'EN- j equitable relief.
Krupp Gun Religion.
Now tlie point that I want to preas,
aad upon which I venture to hop I dial I
bav your cordial sy my a thy, is this,
that tba idea of carrying tha Gospel to
tbePhilipioes with the aid of shot and
shell is not only tio quotatioo from the
Gospel, but it distinctly aotagaoizas tbe
divine utteranoes which tba Gospel re
cords and tba divina spirit with which,
from tba begin ing to tha and. that Oos
pai is inspired; and that bringing to tbam
tha story of tha Cross uadar tha cover of
our gunboat redemption In one baod
and shot id tba other is aa InSilsl meth
od of accomplishing vaogslical results.
-Dr. Pnrkhurst, in Sholdoa's Addition
4r?7fta n.) Daily Cfcyitai.
At Harrison, in the ctte of Nebraska, at
the close of business March 12, 1900.
1-oans and Discount tV.fr.D.0
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured. 479.J
Checks and other cash items.. . 111.00
Banking bourn) furniture and fu
tures . 1,000.00
Due from National, state and I'ri-
vate Banks 15AS.20
CASH S.76.5
To Martha A. )!:(! aidsi n, J hn 1 oe her
hiisbauu, wiiosc r'al name is utikuowu,
Showalter Mortagage Company.
You and each of you, are hereby noti
fied that on the 1st day of March, A. D.
1900, The County of Sioux, as plaintiff,
filed in the district court in and and for
the county of Sioux aod state of 'Nebra
ska, its petition agaioit you, the object
and prayer of which is to foreclose cer
tain tax liens on the following described
real estate, iituated ia the county of
Sioux aod state of Nebraska, lo-wit:
East half soufh-west quarter south
half i south-east quarter i seetionthirty
three 33, township thirty- two 31 north
of range fifty- six 56, west of the sixth 6
Principal Meridian, situated in Sioux
county Nebraska, that said tax liens con
sist of taxes assessed and levied on said
real estat for the followsng years and
amounts, to-wit: In the year 1994, the
sum of $8.00: in tha year 1495. the sum
of $3. 18; ia tbe year 1896, the sum of
9. 16; in the year 1897, the sum of $6.93
in the year 119S, the sum of $4.50; with
interest on each of said sums as provided
by law; and to have an accounting of
the amount of taxes and (interest no
due oo said tax liens; and to ferever bar
and foreclose said defendants, aod each
of them, out ef any and all right; title,
interest, lien and equity of redemdtion
in and to said real estate, and for gener
al equitable relief.
That you are further notified and re
quired to answer said petition on or be
fore tbe 6th day of April, A. D. 1900.
M. J. O'CnsHBX,
County Attorney . No. 8.
Capital stork paid in...
Surplus fund
Undivided profit
Individual Deposits subject to
chevk , M1,770JT7
Demand certificates of deposit t&b.-ti
Time certificates of deposit.. 14.X9.76
Certified Checks 1MM
Total Depiwiu.j, 72,
.. aHl.44
cot' kt T of siol x. ( I, D. H. Grlawold,
cashier of tbe above naiaed bank, do sot
emnly swear that tbe above statement Is
correct and a troe eepy of tbe report maaa
to tbe Ute Banking Board.
O. H.OBriwoLO. .
C. F. Corran, fi,i-,.
Mbsertbrd sad sworn to befors ate
MAI., tale 1st aay of Merck. 1M.
laaUsTT uuTaais, aotav rsoue.
hlwrirs Sali-
By virtue of an order of sale, Issued by
the Clerk ol the District court of Sloox
romity, Kebrsika, upon a decree rendsred
by said court, Id favor of Joseph Hoffman,
as plaintiff, and against Nebraska Security
Company, J. ft. Lawrence, whose true chris
tian Is unknown to plaintiff, and Commer
cial Investment Company, defendants; I
wlliou the II day of March law, at 10 o'clock,
a. m. on Satardsy, at the east front door of
tbe court house in Harrison, In said roeaty,
sell tbe foltoWlag deeerlaaa real saute to
wit: eaet half of the nerlh west quarter,
soath-weet aaarter of tbe aorthaast qnart-
r north -wast, q Barter of tba avattveaat
aierter of saetton lowashlp aertb af
rente M west ef tbe I th principal "tnetrMlea
la Sioux rvtintv, Kebraaka, at aabllo sae
ttoa to the blgbeet bidder far sash, to saNs
fysatdoraar of sale, in the seat of sttsj,
aao laUrast, seato sat sMralac eosts.
ntosut Bollt, (Urur of ssM asaatf.
That you are further notified and re
quired to answer said petition on or bt-
tore the 8th day of April A- D. 100,
No. 9, County Attorney.
There will be Mass at the Court
Hmise oa Tuesday, Hcti. 27, at 10:39
fiunday School 10 o'clock a.
League 6 :."i0 p. in-
r reaching every Sunday evening st 7!fA
p. nt-, and every alternstt Ssnilay at 1 1 a. m-rommt-nclnif
January H, 1W0. Every bedr
eordialy iuvltad to attend these ssrvlcea.
a. Kpwesi
lag at 7 :ij
Proffessional Cards.
PhyliHaa aad argrw.
411 calls given prompt atteattoa.
Office In Drug Store.
Prompt attention given to all legal
matters in Justice, County and District
Courte, and before tha United State
Land Office.
Fire Insurance written in reiiabla
I W Legal papars carefully drawn.
HAajnatw. - KnuuKA.
M. J. 0 Coaaell, - - Co.AtUrerr,
X2 f
Will Praatlca la All Cnarts
Kperlal AtteaUoa Glttm U Uad it-
flee Dailaess, .
, Collections aad all bntlaesi eatrasl.
ed to bm will raeel re ptwoipt tteiUoi.
Michael Ruffing,
I am prepared to do sU klMa of 01 vil
When in need of tha Burvavora Servieof,
give me a eall as I have a full aad oota-!
pleta outfit, together with Mperieaea ta
do tba work with aeatoeas aad aisaauh.