Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, March 22, 1900, Image 1

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    Harrison . Press -Journal.
F.STABrSIIF.P 188s,cr
Subscription Price Per Ycnr $1.00.
Official Paper of Sioux: County.
Geo, D. Canon, - Editor.
To Western Security Company, James A.
lou and each of J'oii, are hereby notified
tbst on the 7lh, Hay of March. A. D. Ivou.The
tountyf Sioux as plaintiff, tiled In the ills'
net court in Hint for tli- county or Woui aud
stste ol Nebraska, Km petition against, you,
ImnieAded with MeHniiey Limning loan ami
3 rust t ouipany, Equitable Land Company,
I onrsd Lludcuiau, Mrs. i ottrad I.liideniati,
his wile' christian union unknown, the ob
ject and prayer of which is to forelose cert
kiii tax liens on the following Ucscrila-d real
wtttate, situated hi the county ofisioux mid
tutu of Nebraska, to-,wit:
South-west qiibrlter -i of the south-west
i"Uuu on J, south iittlf of tlsu south
east quarter 14 of acctliun ItoJ 1101 111
hall 1, 1101 theast quarter section eleveu
11, north hull 14 north-west quarter south
weUiurirr t north-west quarter sec
tion twelve 12 all In township thirty-two
Si, uortu of rante fii ty-lx 6a " went
of the sixta 6ti principal meridian
situated in rtioux coanty Nebraska, that
said las Hen cautist of taxes assessed
and lovlad on said real efltt.te for tho fob
lowing years mitt amounts, to wit: In
th year iswl, the sura of Pi.3; In tno year
JSW, tho mini of (C6.S4; 111 tins- year PM, the
am of $.4 W; lit the year IK)!, the snm of '2J.
41; in the year IMS, the snm of lit. 47; In the
year 1SSC. the sum of ID.4-J; In th year IMiT,
the sum of 110, li; In the year lsyw, the sum ol
JM.07, Willi interest on each 01 su.tf sums
ji provided by law ; and to Lave 1111 necouiit
l"gof the amount ol taxes and interest now
title on srilii tux liens, and to forever W it' and
foreclose mid detentfents, and each uf the
out of any and nil right, title, Interest, 11
aud equity of redemption !n and to said leal
futatu, j1 for general eqaitntjlo rrM.
1 hat you ar fw tfcnr notified and requir
ed to aunt er Hftld petition 011 or iwfaro the
IUU Uy of April A. I). l;u
41. J. O't-'OKSELU
Ko. !. County Attorney.
To Dakota Mortirags Lo&a C'impany,
Olobe In vm' merit Company, Henry A.
Wyoian, Rtcoiver of Glob Inveslment
Cfinipany, Joho Herbert, Trust.
You, nii ea:h of you are hereby noti
fied tlat oa the lt day a March A. I).
1D00, The Countf Sioux, as plainitT,
tiled ia ihe dinlriut court in and for the
county of Sioux aid stale ol Nebraska,
it (Million ngtiiost you, the objpet and
prayer of which i.i to foreckwe curt tin
tax liens on the following eVKcriixnl real
eute. KittiHted iu the county of Sioux
and ilate of Nebraska, to-wit-.
North half of south-West quarter i,
oorUvhalf i, of Seuth-eat quarter i,
nectioo twelve 12, township thirty two
S3, North of raiijro fifty three 53, west of
the 6th P. M.. in Sioux county Nebraska
that said tax liens consist of taxes sisses
Md and levied on (aid rent estate for the
following years and amounts, to-wit: Iu
Aba year 1894 the sum of $U,SS in the
var 1893 the sum of $10,54, in the year
3896 the etini of $14,10 in tho year 1HU9
the sum of $6.52, iu the year lbUS tie
turn of $9 52. with interest on each of
aid nitim aa provided by law; and to
have an oceountinj; of the amount of
taxes and interest now due on naid tax
liens, and to forever bar aut! foreclose
mid defendants, and each of them, out
of any and all right, title, .interest, lien
and equity of redemption in and to said
rsal estate, and for general equitable
That you are further notified aod re
quired to answer said petition on or be
fore the 9th day of April A. D. 1000.
No. 8. County Attorney.
To Mary A. Wilcox, John Doc, her husband
tvhoe real name in unknown.
You, mid each of you, are hereby notified
that on the lt day of March A. D. 1900, The
Comity of Sioux, na piaintjir, filed in the
district court In and f&r the count of
H'ouje aii'l Htate of Nebraska, it petition
ax.iinst yon. tins nbjitftnnd prayer 01 uliieh
i to loreltw.'! eei tuin tax Uenis on the fol
lowing di-wi jlx-fl real ertutu, litiiatcd 111 the
county 01 Mous. and tiute ol ebtaiika,
Hotith half '.' of south-enat nnnrtee V
Keeilou , .North half north-east nuartnr 1,
of uvujiou seventeen 17 all In Township Ihir
ty one III, north of raii Itfty nix wi, ttn.t
of tlletitli I'. M., nituiited 111 Sioux county
N'ebi iiHkn, tliat:ti(l tux Hells oonaint of taxes
!ip!l and leyl d on said renl entate for
the : folloutiijr Jeiit-st soil amounts, to wit: In
the year W'., thcnum of t:,A"; in tlie year
1(I7, the attiii of s'i.'is: in the ve.ir 1!N. the
Rum of 4 i, wltii Inter -st on ewh of xald
kuiiim uh provided bv law; und to have an ac
counting of the amount of taxe, mid Int. r-
est now im.Miii Saul t.ix llena, and to forever
bar and loieeloe saw) delefenduuts, und ,
FM'h ol them, out ol any and all right, title, I
liiteret, lien and iuity of ledeniptiou ,n
and to Willi tc-aj estate, and for general I
eipilluble relief.
"i hat you are further notifed and required
Ut hiwwit ald petition on or bi;fore thtj Utli
day of April A. t. V.0.
tA. J. O'CusiMit.r,. 1
N'o.10. County Attorney.
To J. T. Wells, christian name unknown.
His. J. T. Wells, christian naiim unknown
American Investment Company, A. L. Onus
by trutee, chrlatlan name unknown, A. J.
Ilowden, christian name unknown, 1;. Krank
Marshall, Mrs. I). Krsnk Marshall his wife,
ebrtmian nane unknown, D. liluir, chrUtiau
name unknown
Von, mid each of you, are notified that on
the sl day of Match, A. li., 1900, The Cwuiiiy
of Sioux, hs plalntilf. tiled In the district
court 111 and for the county of i-tioux
and state of Nebraska, its pet:on HKiltist
you, the object and prayer of which is to
foreclose certain tax liens on the lollowlna
ties' ribed real estate situated 1 n the county
of Miotix and atatj of Nebr.-issa, to-wlt:
West half t', of south-east qnarter i of
Section 4, west liulf'of north-east quarter
tf htM-tlou 9, Township thirtv-two .2,
North of raiijro tifty thiee as, wst of the fth
I'. M. In said countv, that said tax Hens con
sist of luxes assessed and levied on said real
estate for the following year, to-wlt: In the
year 19. the sum ol iio.w; lu the year Its'.,
the sum 4M.3K; lu the year ls!, the sum of
i.".45, with interest on each of said stuns as
Provided by law; and to have an accoutiti.ia;
of the amount of taxes and interest now
due 011 said tax liens, and to forever bar and
foreiose said defendants, find each of them
out of any and all right, title,-interest, lieu
and eouitv of re.leinriLioii In mid to uiiirt
I r,.it! st.ntn Hill! for rfnnrnl ,.n 111 tulkln mlli.t
That you are further notified and required
to answer said petition uu or bebjre the nth
day of April, A. I). I!j0.
it. J. O'CosMiu,, County Attorney. (So. 2J
Contest Notice.
To Hamilton Jxiia a Trust company.
Von, and each of t-mt, lire hereby notified
th it un the 1st day of March A. I. lis', The
county of slniu, us plain lifr, fliied iu the
dislrh-t court in and lor tile count v of Moux
and htate of Netiraska, Its petition against
you, impleaded with Joseph SI. Hobiiisou
Mrs. Joscpk 11. Iloliliison, Ida wile wiiost;
true chnstin-B name Is unknown, the object
and prayer of which is to foreeha,e cci taln
la linns on the following described real us.
tale, sittiuled in the county of Hioux and
state of Nebraska, to-wlt:
North-half H, of nort eiiht quarter 14 , sec
tion tlilrty three w est-half norlii-wcst
qiiHrter i4, Mu-tiou thirty tour ;tl, ila iu
township thirty two a.', north of raiitrc. fifty
six M, west of the sixth litlt V. M., nituiited
In Hioux Conut-y Nebraka,. that said tax
liens consitit ol tax" asstssed and levied
on said real estate for the following years
and amounts, to wit: Iu the year IMS), the
sum ot 24; lu the vear DMS the snui ot t&M
In the year MJ1, the sum of t'.;; 111 the
year IS',, the sum of I'i.W, with Interest on
each of said stinimis provided by luw; and
to have alt accounting of the aiuountol tax
es and Interest now due on said tux liens,
and to forever bar and foreclose said defen
dents, ami ciieit of tliein, out of any and all
riKht, tilJe, interest, lieu and equity of re
detnitioti iu ami to said teal csUlIc, and for
gasera! eijuitabie relief.
That you are further notified and required
to Ansvier said petition on or before the ttu
slay of Anril A. l). I'.oo,
it. J, O'Coutlell,
No. S. County Attorney.
To Western Farm Mortiratre Company, J.
I,. Ilrown, whose chiiMiun name is un
known, Assignees of the Wenlern Farm
MorttfHffB Company, Commercial Invest
ment Company.
Yon, unit each of yon, are hereby not 111 art
that on the 1st day of .March, A. Ii,, 100,
The County of Miotcx', as plainlin", Hied In the
district court in ami for the couutv of Sioux
und state of Nebraska, its petition tifjiihiMt
you, Impleaded Willi M. D. Jordj.n, the
object and prayer of which la to foreclose
certain tax Hens on the following described
real estate, situated in the county of tsloux
arid state of Nebraska, to wit:
South half ('i) of north-west qunterf1,)
north half s"sj) of Houth west quarter (14)
section 19, Township;!, N. I!nirc Kifty threw
west of liie tilli y. M. in stonx ttouutv, Ne
braska that asid tax liens consist of taxes
assessed and levied on aid re ti estste for
the tollnwititf years and months, tu-wit:
lu the year 1HC4, the sum of ifH.s4; in the
year IMit the sum of iS.-t'l: iu trie year lrtyrt,
the sum of !i!,4i:; in the year ls7, th.i sum of
7.4i; In the year 1-.H8, ilie .sum of :. 07 wit.li
interest on each of said sums h provided
by law; and to have an accounting of tho
amoaut of taxes and Interest now due on
said tat liens, and to forever bar and fore
lose said defendants, and each of them, out
of tiny and ail rlirht, title, interest, lien and
liilly of redemption In tmu to sum real
estate, and for (reneral equitable relief.
That vou arc further notified und requir
ed to answer said petition on or before the
9th day of April, A. I). I!). t No. 1 1
M. J. o ijonnkll, uounty Attorney.
To Joeliua M. Plumb, Mrs. Joshua M
riunb, bta wife, christian name
uokcown. W. 3. Bowden. christian
name unknown, Helen T. Caiubell,
You, and each of you, are hereby
o tided that on the 1st day of March A.
,D, 1800, The County of Sioux, as
plaintiff,' died in the district in aod for
the county of Sioux and State of
Nehraaka, iu petition against you, the
abject and prayer of which is to fore
certain tax liens on the following
described real estate, situated in the
c-ounty of Sioux and stale of Nebraska,
West half north-eait quarter i of
section thirty SO West half i south-east
quarteri Section ninteen 19, township
"thirty-flea M, north of Range ilfu
four 54, "West of the sixth 6 P. M. situ
ated in Sioux county Nebraska, that
said tax .liana consist of taxes aaaessd and
on said real eetate for the following
years aod amounts, to- wit: In the year
1994, the aam of ?.?8; in the yeer 1495,
tho sum of 8. 83;io the vear 1890, the
sum of $4.18: in the year 1897, tho sum
of $& ; in tlx year 1898, tha sum fO.Ofi
with interest ol each of said sums as
srrovided by law; and to have an accoun
ting of tba amount of taxes and interest
now due on aaid tax liens, and to for
rer bar and foreclose said defendants,
and aach.of them, out of any and all
right, title, interest, lien and equity of
redemption in and to said real estnte, and
for soral equitable relief,
tW you are further ootlfled and raq
Uired to answer said petition on or ba
ore tha 14th day of April, A. D. 1900.
C. T. Dilven, Trustee, Mrs. C. F. niivcn, his
wife, cumtir.n nn.o unknown, W.J
Ilowden christian name unknown, Michael
Burns'sitd Mrs Michael Hunts, his wlio,
christian name unknown. Homer W. Nun
sou and Mrs' Homer Muinon his wile, Chris
Man uaiiieunknowu, t. C. Carpenter, ehrls
tian name unknown, Mrs. K. t:. Carpenter,
hi w ife, christian name unknown.
Yon and each of you, are hereby notified
aliatou the Isl, day of Match, A. D. lino, The
County of Sioux, as plaintiff, Hied in district
fuit t In and for the county ot hioux anvl
skat ot Nebraska, its petition against you,
tfce oblect and prayer of which Is to fore
close certain tav liens on the foilowtuff de
scribed real estate, situated in tiie. county
of Sioux an state of Nebraska, to wit: south
weatn tinner i of south west quarter1 of
section thirteen i:i past half 14 01 north east
quarter H section twenty -three 2! nrth-wt
no irter h o. norm west unai tei-; 01 ihtv
lion twentf four 24 all In township thirty
tao ; tiortli ol rtmiJe fUty-tlili-c'a west of
tle oth priDclpuf metiuiaii, in said conn
that said tax liens consist oJ taxes assessed
and levied n suid real estnte for the follow
tug years aad amounts, to wit; In the year
is, fhesiini of f 11.11 lu the year IsWl, 1 lie
miin Of Ho.tfi; in the year ISM7, the sum of r7.
Willi the year lavs; the sum of id. II; with
Interest on each of said enms as provided by
law; and to have an accounting of the
amount of taxes and Interest now due oil
said tat liens, and to forcevcr bar and fore
close said letendants, and each of them, out
ol any and all right, tltlx, int rust, lien and
equity of redemption in and to snid real
estate, and for general eoitltable relief.
'I hat vou are further notified anil reqnlr
c(t to answer said petl I Ion on or lief or the DtU
dav of Anril. A. D. 14O0.M. J. C'Conmi.l.
County Attorney. Nu.4J
M. J.
Ho. 11.
To Edward Alonzo Rainev, Mrs. Ed
ward Aonzo Rainey, his wife christian
name unknown, American Loan aad
Trust Con pany.
You, and each of you, are hereby
notified that on the 1st dav ef March A
D. 1900, The County of Sioux, as plain
tiff, filed in the district court in and for
the county of Sioux and Slate of Neb
raska, its petition again you, the object
and prayer of which is to foreclose cer
tain tax liens on the following described
real estate, situated iu the county of
Sioux and state of Nebraska, to-wlt:
Lots three 3 and four 4, south half i
of north-west quarter J, ol section one 1
township thirty 80, north of range fifty
three 53, west of the sixth 6th, P. M.
in Sioux County Nebraska, that said tax
liens consist of taxes assessed and levied
on said real estate for the following years
and amounts, to-wit: in the year 1HU2
the sum of 111 .1.50; in the year 1803, the
sum of 112.:J'J; in the year 1804, the sum
of 111 1.07; in the year 1H05, the sum of
17,14; in the vear 1890, the sum of 11,52
in the year 1897, the sum of $9 50; in
the year 1898, the sum of S0.31, with
interest on each of said sums as provided
by law; and to have an accounting of
the amount of taxes and interest now
due on said -lax-liens, and to forever
bar and foreclose skid defendenls, and
each of them out of any and all right
title, Interest, lien and equity of redemp
tion in and to said real estate, and for
general equitable relief.
That you nrejurtlier notified and re
quired o aflswer said petition on or be
fore the 9th day of April A. D. 1900
M. J. o'Cotmu.
Ko, 17. Ominty Attorney.
Cnited btatos Land Office,
Alliance, Nebraska, I
February.7, WOO. )
A sufficient contest affidavit having been
Died in this office bv KICHAKD M. DUNN
contestant, against Timber Culture, entry
No. 605, made. June 20, lias, for Lots 2 & 3 and
S-WJof N-EJ4 and S-!i N-W'i Section 4,
Township 32 N, Range 57 W, by William J.
Leoper Contestee, iu which it Is alleged that
tlio said William J. Leeper has wholly failed
to comply with the law in relation to the
perfection of aaid entry in this that ha has
failed to plow or cultivate any of said land
at any time, that he has wholly failed to
plant any of said laud to troes, seeds or
cuttings at any time or caused such acts Ui
be performed, that said defaults continue
at the date of this ailidavlt and are not
Caused by service of said cutryiuau lu the
Army of tho Culled Stales during the late
war with Spain or at any time.
8aid parties are hereby notified to appear
respond aud offer evidence touching said
allegation at 10 o'clock a, ni. on March itnd
1900 before Uraut Uuthrie, Notary Fabllc at
his office Jn Harrison, Neuiaska and that
flual hearing will be held at 10 o'clock a. in.
on March 2JUi IU00 before the Kegister and
Receiver at the Cnited States Land Ofllca iu
Alliance, Nebraska.
The said contestant having, in a proper
atlldavil, filed January k!3rd loot) set forth
facts which show licit after due diligence
personal service of this notice can not be
made, it is hereby ordered and directed that
such notice be given by due and proper pub-
llCUtioll.t F. it. D0KK1.NU1ON.
(30-35) - Itegister.
To James F. Gibson, Mrs. James F.
Gibson, his wife christian name un
known, George Leslie, Joseph Q. Arm
You, and ea-ch or you, are hereby noti
fied that on th-t 1st day of March A. D.
1900, The county of Sioux, as plainti tr
illed in the district court in and for the
countv of Sioux and State of Nebraska,
its petition againit you, the object and
prayer of which is to foreclose certain
tax liens on the following describee! real
estate, situated in the county of Hioux
and state of Nebraska, to-wit: Lots (hree
and four 4, enM rul! i, If- V . i
north east quarter J, north-west 1, lots
one 1 and 2, south-east quarter i, north
west quarter i, all in Section eighteen
18, Township thirty two 32, north of
mntre fifty five 55, west of the sixth 6th
V, M. situated in Sioux County Nebraska
that said tax liens consist, of taxes asses
sed and livied on snid real estate for the
following years and amounts, to-wit: In
the year 1894, the sum of 822.17; in the
vear 1H',)(5, the sum of 813.04; in the year
197, the sum of SU2.41; and in the year
1H98, the sum of $4.07, with interest on
each of said sums as provided by law ;
and to have an accounting of the am
ount of taxes and interest now due on
said tax liens, and to forever bar aud
foreclose said defendants, and each of
them, out of any and all riirht. title, in
terest, lien nnd equity of redemption in
and to said real estate, and for general
equitable relief.
That vou are further noti ea ana re
quired to answer said petition on or
before the 0th dav of April A. D. 1900.
M. .1. U (. WNNEIJ
No! 15, County Attorney.
To Thomas It. McMillan, Mrs. Thomas H.
McMillan christian name unknown, W. A.
Could christian name unknown, Hamilton
Loan and Trust. Oimpaii y.
You, and each ot vou, are licreb notified
that on Ibe 1st day of March A. 1). I'.KK), The
County of Sioux, us plaintiff, filed lu the
district court in and tor the county of
slonx and State ot Nebraska, Its petition
against yon, the object and prayer of which
Is to toreclose certain tax liens on the fol
lowing described real estate, situated in the
county of, Htonx aud state of Nebraska, to
wit: West half H South-west quarter 14, Sec. 10,
North esst qanrter '4 South-east quarter j
and tnd South east quarter of the North
east quarter of See. 9, all in Township 31.
Nor:h of Hangc Mi west of the nth I'. M., situ
ated in Sioux County, Nebraska, that said
tx liens consist of taxes assessed and levi
ed on said real estate tor the following
years and amounts. 10-wit: in the year isd. ,
the sum of floss: in the vear ISMt. the sum
of as iso; in tue year isim, the snm of is 6.1; in
in the year nwvnnsuin 01 jvss; in tue year
ISJI7. the of sumJuif.i; in the year 1S0S, the sum
of i 54 With inter est on each of said sums
as provided by law ; and to nave an account
ing of the amount of taxes and Interest
now d neon snip tax liens, and forever bar
and foreclose suid defendants, and each of
them, out ot any and all right, title, interest,
lien and e.quivr el redemption in anu to sain
real cstate.at d for general equltatile relict.
Thst vim ao'-tnrt her nnfltieif and reoaOrea
to answer sn'tl peiiib.n nit or bo fere tlieOih
day of April., A. I 1900.
J U V 1 ,1,1.,,. ..II f1Mn llinmsv
The Commercial Banb-
Harrison, - - - - Nebraska.
$10,000.00. Q
President. D. H. Geiswold, Cashier.
B. E. Brewster, A. McGinlet,
PADDCCDnuniTMTC' WESTERN national bank, new yom.
LUniluOr UllUCIl I 0. OMAHA NATIONAL BANK, Omaha, Nku,
C. F. Coffee,
Chas. C. Jameson.
The Press Journal
Republic, f 1.60,per year.
and St Louis
Try it.
In The District Court of smnxCounty, Neb
ruska. 1'ayson li, Uigclow, plaintiff.
The, Michigan Savings and Loan Association,
To The Michigan Savings and Loan Associ
ation, non -reside nt defendant. You will
take notice that I'nyson B Tligelow, plaintiff
his filed his petition In the District court
of Sioux county, Nebra-ks, the object and
prayer of which petition is the foreclosure
of a certain lion for taxes upon lot number
five, of block number six, of the village of
Harrison, Nebraska, that yon may be. fore,
closed and forever barred of any right, title
interest or equity of redemption iu or to
to the same, that the said property may be
sold to satisfy said lien and for general
Yon are required to nnswer snid petition
on or before the Hth day of April, A. D. 1W0.
(Irant fjiithrip, Attorney for plaintiff.
Taysou H. Bigelow plaintiff. -
Final Proof Jiotices.
All person" having final proof notices in
this paper will receive a marked conv of the
nancr and are requested to examine th"ir
notice, and if any error exist report the
same to this office at onne.
Owns ths follow-
lngbrand on eith
Also HG on cat
tle and horses
cattle on leftside
horses on left
Ranre on Silver Springs and ease of stat
ne. 1'ostoflice Harrison Neb
$100 REWARD. "
For proof to convict any person of steal
ing any of my stock.
Branded on right shoulder on left thbrh.
Address, David CobviLUt,
Glen Nebr.,
To Globe Investment Company, Dakota
Mortgage Loan Company, Henry Wynian
receiver slots' Investment Company, Com
mercial Investment co npauy, ft. .1. Angus
chrislan name unknown, Mrs. It. J. Angus,
christian name unknown, B. F. l'oasley
christian name unknown.
Von. anil each of vou. are hereby notified
that on tho 1st dav of March, 1S00, Theodore
Wiimicr as plain till, filed in the District
Court in and for tho county of hioux and
statu of Nebraska. Its notion against vou
and each of you as defendants, the object
and praver of which Is to foreclose certain
tax liens' on the following real estate, situat
ed in the County of Sioux and state of Ne
braska, to-wit: i-ots 8 and 4 and the south
half of the north-west quarter .Section
five S. Township thirty-three :u, north of
hangc ftl ty-four M west of tiie, lith i M., that
said tax Hens consist of taxes assessi d lu
aid county for school, county and State
purposes on said real estate for the follow
ing years and amounts, to-wlt: iu the year
:: l. tiie snm of in the year 1HW, the
sum of 3.07; in the year ISM, the sum of M.HI
in the year lslt", the sum of 4.nx; In the year
iMis, the sum of te.fW, the amount claimed by
ntauit.tr is 27.:t4 with interest thereon from
the 1st dav of March. A. D. ISW, the prayer
of snip petition is for a decree declaring the
aforesaid amount uigeiner wmi iii'i
thereon and costs to be a nrst ana para
mount lien upon the aforesaid real estate
and llmt said real estate may be sold under
an order of the court to satisiy tue same,
and that said defendants be forever b irred
and foreclosed of all interest or claim in
and to said real est.ile or any part thereof.
You are required to answer s.m petition
on or Issforc the Uth rlsy of April, 190(1.
M J. o'CcssLls Attmeey tr 1'ialnWff.
U. S. Land Office Alliance, Neb.
February 13, 1900.
Nntiec is herebv crivetl that the following
named settler has died notice of his iutent
lon to make final prot in support of his
claim, aud that said proof will be made be
fore Cicik of District Court ut Harrison,
Neb., on March 24, HMO. vis :
of Harrison Neb. who made H. E. no. 4S4.1 for
the 8. X -B H Sec. 6 and E-'i X-E '4 Sec. 7 Tp.
S2 N. K. 60 W. He names the following wit
nesses to prove his continuous risideuco up
on and cultivation of said land, viz:
E. A. Big-low, II. A. rrlddy, Charles Biehle,
and Hobert Keel all ot Harrison, Neb.
F. U. DoBKtsaToM, Register. (M)
The brand represented In this notice
and branded any where on left side
of cattle, and over-lap cut from the
right ear.
Also the same brand on left thigh of
horses, belongs to the undersigned.
Kange near East Springs, south part fo
Sioux county. CUitti.ES Newmak,
Danison, Nebraska.
Ob left side of catMa a4 -oa hat t
shoo Idee ot aonsi, "
KaBieoei Antelope arask ,. ,
f. O., Oailonnat, Hoax (Jo... Mefc.
To Pierce Blcweit, Sarah E. Blewttt
wife of Edward E. Blewett. Deceased,
John Doe, present husband of Sarah E.
Blewett, whoso real and true name is
unknown to this plaintiff.
You, and each of you, are hereby not
ified that on the 1st day of March A. D.
1900, The County of Sioux, as plaintiff,
filed in tho district court in and for the
county of Sioux and state of Nebraska,
its petion acaiost you, impleaded with
Michael J. Blewett, the object and pray
er of which is to foreclose certain tax
liens on the following descri lied real es
tate, situated in the county of Sioux
and slate of Nebraska, to-wit:
North-west quarter i. Section nine 9,
township thirty-three 83, north of range
fifty-four 54, west of the sixth fith, P.
M. situated in Sioux county, Nebraska,
that said tax lions consist of taxes asses
sed and levied on said real estate for the
following years and amounts, to wit: In
the vear 1889, the sum of 110.70: in the
year 1890, the sum of ffl.117; in the year
1H91, the sum of (13 09; in the tear 1892,
the sum of f 10.52; in the year 1893, the
snm of $0.48; In the year 1894, the sum
of 10. 10; in the year 180.1, the sum of
$5,87; in the vear 1890, the sum of 0.18:
in the vear 1897. the sum of $0.20; ar.d
In the year 1898, the sum of S4.77; with
interest on each of said sums as provided
by law; and to have an nnccounttng of
the amount of taxes and interest now
due on suid tax liens, and to forever bar
and foreclose suid defendants, and each
of them, out of any and all right, title
Intnrest, lien and equity of redemption
in and to said real estate, and for general
equitable relief.
That you are further notified and re
quired to answer snid petition on or be
fore the 0 dav of April A. LI. 1900.
No, IX County Attorney;
Thb Joorkai. will publish yonr brand, like
the following, for 2 :00, per vear. Each ad
ditional brand 75 cents. Every tanner or
ranchmen in Sioux and adjoining counties
should advertise their brands in Tux Jour
nal as It circulates all over tne state. 11
may be tho means of saving money for you.
On left side or hip of cattle,
On left shoulder of horses. )
Kange on the head ot Wartjonnet
Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb.
ank C. Lewis.
Branded on left side
of Cattle and on left
.honlder of Horses.
Range on head olWhite River.
P. O. Address Harrison, Nob.
Maltese ngnjjj
Cross I YJTs!
To George W. Pfost, Mrs. George W.
Pfost his wife christian name unkoown,
Check IL Toncray, Mis. Check H. Ton
cray his wifa christ ir..,mime unknown,
commercial Investment Company.
You, and each of you, are hereby noti
fied thaton the 1st day of March A. I'.
1900, The County of Sioux, as plaintiff
(lied in tiie district court in and for the
county of Sioux and state of Nebraska,
its petition against you, impleat e I with
Nebrask Mortgage and Investment
company, Charles K. Collins Receiver
of Nebraska Mortgage und investmen
company the object and prayer of which
is to foreclose certain tax liens on the
following described real estate, situated
in the county of Sioux and State of
Nebraska, towit;
North west quarter . of Section thirty
three 83, township thirty three 83, north
of Ransre liftv four 54, west of the 6th
P. M.. in Sioux county Nebraska, the
said Laid tax liens consist of taxes assess
ed nnd levied on said real estate for the
following vears and amounts, towit: In
the year 1893, the sum of 10.20 in the
vear 1894, the sum of $10.53; in tho year
1895, the mm of $ 34; in tho year 1896,
the sum of 7.16; in the year 1897, the
sum of f7.83; in the year 1898, the sum
of $4.58, with interest on each of snid
sums a provided by law; and to have
an accounting of the amount of taxes
and interest now due on said tux liena,
and to forever bar nnd foreclose laid de
fendants, and ench of them, out 01 any
and all right, title, interest, lien and
equity of redemption in and to said real
aetata and for general equitable relief.
That ymi ore further notified and
required to answer snid petition on or
btfort the 9th dav of April A. D. 1900.
No. t County Attorney.
In the district court 01 sioux couniy- iu-
raska. '
Louis Wohlhetcr, plaintiff
! V8
Dakota Loan and Trust Company, Charles
Harmon, Mrs. Charles Harmon his wife
christian name unknown, Defendants
You and each of you are nerotiy uotinen,.
t lat Louis Woblheter has filed his petition in
,110 District Court ol Htoux 1 ounty nenrassa,
tho object and prayer of which Is the fore
closure of a tax lien on tho South-East quar
ter V of Section eleven 11, Townsnip tairiy
three Ml, North of Kange Itfty five f west of
the sixth I' M. in Sioux County, Nebraska,
for the delinquent taxes of the years IstM
IKDS, liWl, is7, IS9H, on said land and paid by'
plaintiff, to subject s- id land for sale for
the satisfaction of said Hen, that yon, nnd
each of you, be barred and foreclosed, of nil
right, title, fWrcst and equity of redemp
tion, in or to tho same, and for general re
lief. You sre required to answer said petition,
on or before tho 1Mb, day of April, 1800.
Attorney for plaintiff.
To Joseph A. Moss, Mrs Ruth P. Hops,
his wife W. J. Bowden, christian name
unknowD, S. B. Howe, christian name
unknown, F. S. Tuttle, christian name
unknown, Dakota Loan and Trust Con
Tou anil each of you, are hereby noti
fied that on the 1st day of March, A. D.
1900, The County of Sioux, a plaintiff,
tiled in the district court in and for tiie
county of Sioux and state of Nebraaka,
its petition against you, the object and
prayer of which is to foreclose certain
tix liens on tho following described real
estate, situated in the county of Sioux
and state of Nebraska, to-wit: South
half i north east quarter i north half
north-east quarter section two 2 town
ship thirty-two 83, uorth of range fifty
three 53 west of the sixth 0th principal
meridian, situated in Sioux county, Neb
raska, that said tax liens consist of taxes
assessed und levied on said real estate
for the following years and amounts, to.
wit: In the year 1S95, the sum of $9.15;
in the year 1888. the sum of $7.53; in
the year 1898, the sum of 8.54; with
interest on each ol said sums as provio-
ed by law; and lo have an accounting
of the amount of tnxes and interest now
due on stid tax liens, and to forever Vir
ond foreclose said defendants, and eoeii
rf them, out of any nnd all right, title,
interest, lien nnd equity of rdemption in
and to said real estate, and for geucaal
equitable relief.
That you are further notified and re
quired to answer said petition on or be
fore the 9tb day of April, A. D. 1900.
County Attorney. No. 16.
By virtue of an order of sale issued by
the Clerk of the District court of Sioux
county. Nebraska, upon a decree render-
. . ' .., . .' 1 win: UT
eu oy sniu court in lavorui minimi
Wood, is plaintiff, and against Ruth B.
Wright, defendant, I will on the 81 day
of March, 1900, ot 10 o'clock A. M., on
said day. at the Eeat front door of the
Court House in Harrison, Nebraska, in
said County, sell the following descri
lied real estate towit:
North-east quarter, of the South oast
quarter of Section 26, the North half of
the South-west quarter of section 25,
and the north-west quarter of the south
east quarter of section 25, in Township
83, nhrth of Range 56 west, 6tb P. M.,
in Sioux county, Nebraska, at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash to
satisfy said order of sale, In the sum of
$81.15, and costs and accruing costs.
Thomas Holly,
SlierifT of said county.
To John fisn-lson, Mrs. John Garrison his
wife, Christian name unknown.
Shownlter Mortgage Company, F. J. Ptevene
christian name unknown
You, and each of von, are hereby notified
1 hat on the 1st, day of March. W0, Jacob
Marking plaintiff, filed In the district court ,
in and tor the county of Sioux and state of
Nebraska; his petition ugainst you as de
fendants, tho object and prayer of which
is to foreclose certain tax liens on the fol
lowing real estate, situated In the county
of sloux and state of Nebraska, to-wlt:
North-east quarter section eight 8, towtls
ship thirty three i, north of rnnge firty
four f4, west of the sixth nth, principal mer
idian in said county, that said tax liens con
sist of taxes assessed nnd levied, for school,
county, and state purposes, on said roal es
tate, for the following years anil amonnU,
to-wlt: In tho year ISH3, the sum of s.HI: Uv
the venr 1SW. the sntn of Sill. lit: In the Vear
islk'i.'thc sum of ao.H7; In the year 1SS8, the
sum of 6.3f ; In the yenr 1W7, the sum of (ft. It
aim sold on the nun .itn uay 01 ucunssr, ten,
to snid plalntlll, at private tax sale for the
sum of kfin.ni, and In the voir ISW, the raw
of tl.74; and paid by plaintiff, as subsequent
taxes, that there Is now due thereon the
snm of k!i;.00; the prayer therefore of aaid
petition, Is for a decree declaring the afom
ssld Amount together with Interest llero
and costs to be a first ami paramooa lien
upon the aforesaid reel estate aid Uia
said real estate may be soM onder an ordo r
of the court to satisfy the same, and that
said defendants, he forever barred and fire
closed of all Interest orllm in aad to ess 4
real estate or any part thereof. Toa are re
quired to answer said putltloa est ar tssfers
the Is das' of April, A. V. ltd.
M. J. rCoxKBU.
Attorney for nlal Ittff.
1' J
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