Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, March 15, 1900, Image 6

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Tiro VeClure w foreman of the
Paso del .None roiimlhouw. He was
Iso the breadwinner of a family in
which there were several mouth to
Tie family hart remained in the
taut when Tira started for Mexico in
tearch of employment; but now that
bia ability and faithfulness had been
rewarded by rapid promotion from
fireman to engineer, and thence to
foreman of the round bonne, he was
receiving a monthly stipend that
would enable him to establish his
boutehold goods in Paso del Aorte.
He had never taken kindly to sleep
ing on the hard earth floor of a bare
idobe house; nor could he eat with
relish the food served by the immobile-faced
Wah Kee, who conducted
the fashionable restaurant of the
place; and he longed with the longing
af a homesick schoolboy for the com
ing of the time when a well-cooked
lupper and comfortable bed would
wait him at the end of a day's work.
And ho when he converted his first
mouth's pay as foreman into a money
order, wherewith hits wife should de
fray the expenses of the family's
transportation to Paso del Norte, a
thrill of anticipatory pleasure ran
from the roots of his hair to the tips
af his toes.
The family arrived ni due course
of time, and Tim proudly headed the
procession that wended its way from
the depot to the adobe house he had
prepared for its domiciliation. He
hud furnished the house as luxurious
ly and artistically us his purse and
taste would permit: but he had been
able to accomplish but little, if viewed
from the standpoint of the average
American woman, and Mrs. MeClure
was one of these.
lier disappointment was keen, never
theless she made a brave effort to
Stifle her feelings, and succeeded fairly
well in doing so until, in her inspec
tion of the premises, she arrived in
the kitchen. There, the tiny slieet
iron camp-stove and the meager ar
ray of culinary vessels that met her
riew caused her titter collapse.
"O, Tim, Tim!" she gasped, "how
ever will I get enough cooked for the
children on that that toy?"
"It isn't much of a stove," Tim
admitted, stroking his chin ruefully,
"but it is the best that money would
buy in Paso del .Norte. You know,
my dear, cooking stoves are little
used in Mexico."
"Well, why on earth did you not
order one sent out from St. Louis?"
rejoined Mrs. MeClure.
"Such a stove as you are accustomed
to "would cost $100 to put it in the
"A hundred dollars!" snapped Mrs.
MeClure, contemptuously. "Why, Tim,
you can get an elegant stove and all
its furniture for only $30."
"In St. Louis, but not here," replied
Tim. "But say the stove, laid down in
1 Paso, Tex., just across the river,
would cost not more than $40, it would
eost $60 more to get it brought over
"What!" gasped Mrs, MeClure.
"Sixty dollars to move a stove one
mile! Tim MeClure, have you lost
your senses?"
"No, my dear, not quite, I hope,"
Tim replied, humbly. "But you do
not seem to know that an import
duty must be paid on everything
brought into Mexico; and on stoves
the rate is about 130 per cent of their
It required a lengthy explanation of
the tariff question and his most sol
emn assurances to persuade her that
he was not jesting.
"Why, Tim," she exclaimed, when
he had" finished, "it's an outrage, and
no better than highway robbery.
Can't we have the stove hauled across
the river some night, and the customs
officers know nothing about it? It
seems to me that we could, and we
don't care whether the government of
Mexico has any money or not."
It was not a sense of the moral
wrong or smuggling that caused Tom
to hesitate, for he was no novice in
the art of clandestinely introducing
articles of merchandise into the cactus
republic, but he knew that the en
lire frontier was patroled night and
day by a numerous and vigilant cus
toms iruard, past whom it wouta oe
all but impossible to smuggle so cum
bersome a thing as a stove.
He finally hit upon the plan of tak-
ing the stove apart and lowering it,
piece by piece, into the tank of "Kl
Buey," the sturdy switch engine, on
some occasion when it would be on
the Texas side of the river. But upon
obtaining the dimensions of the stove
Mrs. MeClure wanted, he found that
the larger parts would not pass in at
tttc manhole.
He would have given up in despair
had, not his better half kept the sub
ject fresh fn his mind, not only with
words, but with the poor quality of
the meals she set before him as well.
As a last resort, he decided to confer
with some of his friends those most
adept at eluding the vigilance of the
as t obis guard. At his request the
men he selected gathered in his office
ne morn in a, a conference that lasted
an hour or more followed; every face
waa smilingly confident when it was
The acheme'll win, Tim, never
fear," cried one of the party. "The
guards think they're getting mighty
"" smart, and so they are; they've
eanfht on to nearly all the old tricks,
bat taeru never suspect mis one
Jaat make a bold play and bring over
the store in broad daylight, right un
der tkeir noses, and they'll never see
about tbs Jsrd that there was some
thing queer In Its sppesruricr.
Htsndiug on the truck plntform ol
the engine, Just in front of the Ixiiler
was a ilurk object that seemed to b
a part of the engine; within it a fire
was burning liercely, and from it
slender pipe, which passed up alonR
the engine's ernokestack, a roll ct
black smoke was pouring out and
mingling with that of the engine, to
all appearances emanating from a sin
gle chimney.
When the engine had reached the
custom house track it came i a stand
still, and the guards, who were always
swarming at that point, gravely and
somewhat perfunctorily examined it
for articles of a dutiable character.
They discovered nothing, in spite ol
the united snicker of the Americans
who witnessed the scene, and the en
gine was allowed to proceed to the
roundhouse, where it was received
with a wild hurrah by the railroaders,
who had gathered there to welcome it.
It of course became known within
s short time after the episode that
some splendid flapjacks were uirnea
out every Sunday morning at Me
Clure's but the customs officials sim
ply scratched their shaggy heads and
aid nothing. San Francisco Iravelcr,
The Population In 1900.
Guesses as to the results of the com-
lie census are being made in variou
inarters. The total population of the
L'nited States in 1S00 was 62,622,200.
What will it be at the evening of the
acw century? The official statistician
it Washington estimated the popula
tion of the country on August 1, 1S90
it 7G,2S5,0OO, and his estimate for 1900
n,675,000. The Boston Olobe has put
itself on record with the prediction
;hat the population show n by the next
census will not exceed 74,4SO.S'V1. It
Joes not reveal the process by which it
irrives at this extremely modest re
sult, but it recoils the interesting and
remarkable predictions of population
nude in the early years of the present
;entury by the noted agriculturist
and amateur mathematician, Elkanah
Watson. l!y a careful use of the
science of general averages, Mr. Wat
son computed the population of the
country for successive decades nearly
l century ahead with an accuracy that
seems almost uncanny. He came
within 1 per cent of what the actual
rrount proved to be for the five sue
jeeding censuses. When it is remem
acred that Watson's figures In the fol
lowing table were published some
:ime before 1S20 they are astonishing:
Vear. Watson s estimate. Census.
120 9.r.2j,734 9.GX!.S2
IKiO 12.S33.645 12.860,020
1840 17,116.526 17,009,453
; S30 23. 1 H5.SC 23,19 1 ,s70
;SG0 31.753.S24 31,443,321
Only after the civil war did Watson's
iredictious cease to come close to the
nark. By 1S90 they had exceeded the
:ensu figures by nearly 14,000,000. His
Drediction for 19(H) was 100,233,989.
which is between 20 and 23 per cent
nore than the census count will proh
ibit show. It is more than likely.
aowever, that if the war had not in
:ervened and checked the operation of
:he natural law of increase for several
fears Watson's figures would not be
'ar from the truth. The killing of
several hundred thousand men, the
sartial suspension of family life dnr
ng four years, and the practical ceas
ng of immigration all conspired to
lecrease the annual percentage o
jrowth from about 3V4 per cent to 2
3pt cent, and the old rate of increase
las never been entirely regained.
The stove waa at once ordered, and
when it arrived la El Paso the ear
fa which it came was switched, at
Ttai's request, to the connecting track,
there to await the unloading of the
tore. Along ia the afternoon of that
day the switch engine, with Tim
atandina? oa the forward foot board,
went senrrylaff across the river. It
sjm gone bat short tiase, and when
H returned U waa observed by those
Tbe Frog Butcher.
The frog butcher is not peculiar to
France alone. He is in New York,
ind in every large American city
shere this delightful viand is relished,
t'rog ranches are a part of the Bources
)f meat in large centers of population,
ind are near the consumer. Down in
jeorgia the farmer's boy shoots green
frogs with a "pea rifle" for a penny
;ach, and sells them two to three for
ive cents, according to size, and then
.urns up his nose at those who "eat '
iich varmints." In the large cities the
jullfrog becomes more consequential.
3nly his hind legs are eaten, because
:hese alone have anything on them to
at. The "frog butcher's" business is
to cut off these limbs, skin and dress
;bem for the market, where they are
sold, salted, pickled, refrigerated, and
fresh from the carcass. The "frog
!arm" is quite an important auxiliary
to the table. In Chicago nearly 150,
KK) frogs are amputated from their
bind legs for the delicate tastes of
connoisseurs. New York city takes
'25,000, and Philadelphia nearly 200,-
)00. It takes from one to five pairs of
legs, according to size, for a pound.
The smaller they are the more deli
cate the taste. As frog legs run from
JO to 40 cents per pound wholesale.
nd from 30 to 60 cents per pound re
tail, our three metropolitan center
pay fully $100,000 per year for their
'hinds of frogs.
Visitors to Prance will remember
'.lie famous frog farm in the old
juarry at Paris, where, after yielding
Ti iich of the stone which built and
jeautifled the gay French capital, this
noted old quarry now yields to the
bills of the French cuisine hundreds
of thousands of choice frog legs an
anally. Exchange.
Longest Asphalted Street la the World
Philadelphia can boast of the long
st asphalted street in the world.
Hroad street has that unique distinc
tion. First, as already stated, it ia
the longest asphalted street in the
world: secondly, it is the only street
which is even width for eleven miles,
ind this width is the greatest ever
ittained by any street for a course
f eleven miles. It is also tbe straignt
:st street, for from League Island to
the county line it doea not vary an
inch, except where the great city
building causes tbe street to turn
iround it. Seven miles of the street
ire asphalted, but tbe remainder is
provided with a roadbed or nne ros-
;ndm, which is continued by the old
York road, which extends lor about
'wentr miles farther on. A carriage
an drive on this street and road and
make only one turn in thirty-one
miles. Broad street U 113 feet wide
ind measures 60 feet from enrb to
nrb, and thirty-fire men can walk
ibreaat of it. Scientific American.
In the United States practically ev
erything but agriculture has passel
Into the hands of combined capital.
Even the raisins and marketing of rat
tle has partaken largely of this enl-of-the-century
business method. The
destruction of the once formidable
Cherokee Strip Cattle association by
presidential proclamation, driving the
herds from Indian lands, was one blow
at the concentration of this Industry
In the hands of a few. It was merely a
transitory backset.
Farming on a large scale has been
essayed in this country in a number
of states. I-'arms have come Into the
hands of big corporations by means of
foreclosures of loans until the corpor
ate owner has found itself a land owner
of huge dimensions, but without skill
in agriculture. Machinery is used to
a wider extent In America than any
where else on the globe. Fertilizing
materials In the older states have be
come necessary to produce reasnab!e
crops of wheat, corn and oats.
One man commenced business some
thirty or forty years ago in the vl?inlty
of Abilene, Kan., with a "claim. It
worked hard and studied up on al
things connected with agriculture. He
bought out clai matter claim until his
l0 acres had become 35.H,all tn w neai.
He farmed that land himself, employ
ing his farmers and directing the whol
business. He had train after train at
his elevators and really fixed the prices
In that region. Henry wim a success
until the prices fell, and then he gave
It up and sold out in detail, retiring
with a big fortune. This is one in
stance, but It was a one-man story ut
Only a few years ago one New York
bankin gconcern held the pledges fir
haf the great western farm lands.
Kansas. Nebraska. Iowa, some of the
Lakotas, Minnesota, Illinois and Mis
souri contributed to the loan business
Prices were good, money plenty in th
east. crops bounded out of the earth
with speed, and men made money eas
ily. Then for a w hile It forgot to rain
for a few years, the ground grew tired
I'M much nitrogen went out in th
first croi and In time the mortgage
fell due. Many a man who could scarce
ly scrape together the Interest wa.-s per
milted to renew his mortgage because
the bunking concern did not want the
That day passed and in most of thest
great states the mortgage were taken
up as they matured. They were either
paid outright or new ones made with
other agents at greatly reduced Interest
charges. Farming had b come a thing
of skill and thrift Instead of smiting a
hole In a sod and waiting until the corn
turned yellow In the autumn sun. Th'-n
in time loaning companies acquired
large tracts of land because the owneis
were unable to pay. They set about to
sell off their holdings, for, as has beer
said, they were money changers and
not argriculturlsts. For the most part
they succeded in this, but some of them
were forced to hold on to numerous
farms and try to work out a saving,
from rentals.
There are several cases of tenant
farming In Illinois. One Is down in
southwestern Illinois, the other in Mc
Lean county.
The operations in each case reported
so far have been satisfactory to all con
cerned. The landlord Is no case pays
much attention to the land. He has his
agent, who makes the leases, collects
the rents and advises if asked concern
ing the nature of the crops. Hut the
tenant Is a free lance provided he pays
his money. In most cases permanent
Improvements made by him are his,
subject to the purchase of the next ten
ant. He can sell them for what he can
get when the wear and tear are con
sidered. Hut the far west has many more ex
amples of this kind than can be found
close at hand. This Is due to the fact
that In the middle western stales the
population is dense and desirable land
Is not fo rsale at reasonably cheap fig
ures. It Is asserted that any piece of
land on earth can be bought if the
right price is offered. Hut men who aim
to own huge bodies of land aim to get
the component acres for as little Initial
outlay as possible. Down In New Mex
ico and some parts of Texas population
Is very sparse and the man with the
money can purchase by the square
mile. He has been doing this for some
years and then parceling out his hom
ines to skilled agriculturists or gra
ilera to Improve for him on the basis
of a. cash return for occupancy and
he fruits of the soil.
In Illinois one large landed estate Is
that of Hiram Sibley. The headquar
ters are at Hlbley, the station name
taken from that of the owner. The
heirs do not live at Sibley and rarely
visit the farms. The agent looks after
the details of leasing, etc., and iflmin-
Inters the property from Chicago. He
lives In Evanston and makes frequent
visits to the estate to see that all U
satisfactory. Tenants may remain as
long as they wish, and it la said they
rarely give up their farms, excepting to
take hold of land they have bought.
It Is probably a fact that the owner
of the largest number of acres of land
In Illinois Is an Englishman who does
not visit the land more than once a
year. He has about 5.000 acres of tlll-
ble land in Macoupin county. Ird
William Scully was attracted to this
country by the reports of the agents
which he sent here about the year
The next year he came to this country
for the purpose of investing some mon
ey In the farming lands of Illinois. At
this time the clouds of war which pre
ceded the rebellion were fast gathering
and Lord Scully was keen enough to
perceive that trouble could not be
averted, so he betook himself to his
native heath. The civil war came and
passed and Lord Scully returned, only
this time to find that swamp land that
was offered to him for a mere bagatelle
had advanced In price until It was held
at two and three times as much as he
could have bought it for before the
This did not deter him, however, from
his determination of buying, and when
he relumed to England he was the pos
sessor of nearly 65.000 acres of land In
this state and altout &,iK acres In
Kansas and Nebraska. Nearly all the
land was wamp land the richest In fer
tility and the cheapest In price. Quick
t'j see the advantage of tile. Lord S ul
ll soon had every acre of the swamp
redeemed from the haunts of rattle
snakes and bullfrogs and in their stead
were the homes of a contented people.
Lord Scully's methods of dealing with
his tenants are peculiarly his own.
When a man wishes to become a ten
ant of his he Is allowed to pick the
land he desires and if there Is no ten
ant for it a lease is drawn. This lease
stipulates that the tenant shall erect
all Improvements that go on to the
place at his own expense. that the school
tax on the land be paid by the tenant,
that the tenant pay a certain amount
of money each year for each acre of
land leased. The first provision that
the tenant build all of the outbuildings
dwelling house and dig all wells seems
at first to work a hardship on the rent
er. When the renter moves away be
can take everything with him or sell
to the next renter, and In this way
loses only the depreciation In value of
the property. It was Lord heully s Idea
that the settlement might become so
thl' kly populated that line schoolhouses
and many teachers would U? desired
thus entailing upon him the tax foi
something that would not benefit him
in the least, but which would cost him
much money that he could not avoid
spending. He argues that if the ten
ant has to pay the school tax lie win
forego useless expenditures f(Jr school
buildings and teachers.
His tenants are said to be satisfied
So long as they pay their rent, so long
may they remain. They are at liberty
to plant Just what, In their Judgment,
will enable them to reap the most ben
etlt. His agent will give an audience
to the most humble laborer, while the
acts of charity told of him. If true.
show hi mto be one of the most liberal
landlords In this country.
Lord Scully lives and has lived for
several years. In Washington, and with
in the official circle of that place i
well known. When the alien land bill
was passed he lived in England. After
Its tiassage he sent a son to this coun
try and made him his sole heir to the
thousands of acres which tie ownea
This son never became acclimated and
died after a short residence In this
country. This necessitated Lord i-sui
ly's removal to this country, as unoer
the alien law passed no alien could own
land In this country.
There is almost a complete lack of
definite Information on this topic In
arovernmental circles. The secretary of
state of Illinois has records In his office
of corporations organized to buy and
sell farm lands, but these have !cen
for the most part mere land bargainers
onerating in western states, some men
have incorporated their farms for sen
timental reasons to give the home
etenri n name but so far as can be
learned no effort has been made by or
ganized capital to engage in agriculture
in this state.
The records are silent on this topic to
n verv trreat extent. It Is Known, now
ever, that tenant farming Is engaged in
aulte extensively. But It Is held that
there Is not money enough In tilling
thP soil to Induce capital voluntarily t
Btitcr into competition with the indl
vldual farmer. It is maintained that as
long as there are other fields which
promise better, open to capital, big
money will not be put Into this branch
of Industry.
Thr lMSrM tbs laianl
Wash ! r4 nVlam stating.
Yoti have missed a couple of uiightT
singular events if you never saw a
c on christening or coon food cleaning
out at Uie Zoo. The coon home St
the .o consists simply of a plot of
ground about as large as a barn door
f extra irenerous hue would cover.
This is surrounded by a wire fence 4
feet hiirh, topped with a broad, up-
enrved tin rail, which prevents the lit-
le clown-like creatures from cscap-
ng. In the center ol tnis yara is a
ree 20 feet high and having many
icavy limbs. ear tne nase oi me vrec
h a several foot square ikkI of water.
This pool marks two very exclusive.
ery notable charactei istics tDat ais
inguish the coon from any other ani
mal. The pool is the coon t christen-
tig and food cleansing place, says tbe
Cincinnati Enquirer.
When a coon gives birth to young
almost the first thing she does is to
take her babies one by one in her
mouth, and, accompanied by the
father coon, proceed slowly and sol
emnly to the pool. Arriving at its
brink, and while the dad coon stands
honghtfullv bv, the mother baptizes
the little ones beneath the wave with
nil the decorum and solicitude that a
llaptist clergyman immerses a candi
date for church membership. After
lowering it gentlv down beneath the
surface and lifting it up again, Mrs.
Coon and her husband wend their
way back again to their family corner
p the yard. This service, solemn and
staid, is continued by Mr. and Mrs.
Coon until every mother's son of their
just arrived offspring has been duly
christened. Viewed soberly, it is re
ally one of the most unique, impres
sive processional performances imag
inable. Hut the indescribable droll-
r.css of (he picture made by the wee
husband and wife, ns they go through
with the performance, is inimitable.
and smilcfc, if not laughter, come to
almost every one who witnesses the
serio-comic bit of drama.
Almost any hour any dnv in the
year you can find a group of people
tossing bits of goodies to the coons.
Upon picking tip one of these Mr. and
.Mrs. toon instantly, with the "goody
held daintily in its teeth, trots over
to the pool and washes the morsel
back and forth in the water two or
three times. Then returning to ils
favorite corner, or up to its favorite
crotch in the tree, the little chap sets
to devouring in a way so dainty and
sedate ns to put food-gulping humans
to blush. Hut, of course, you won bin t
blush at Clown Coon's etiquette
There is so much original comedy in
every move he makes in this food-
leansing and eating process that vou
laugh in spite of yourself. His very
appearance, particularly in motion,
his judge-like setlatencss, anil his dis
play of extraordinary neatness, his ex
quisitcness in nil things, form a sub
tle and sure tickler for anybody's
laugh spot. It bents the funniest man
the stage can show.
in tea earaa c-a-.
Tbe Kansas City Ptcter
and s reltsbJ sad
The Kansas City Packer Is the
nd bct known produce Journal Pio''?!!?;
In the worlrt. It Is Issuw every
sod prints tbe newt of every Urge '"
thD.B. H u. n enemy u ff "!,"'
driven more swindling commission nou
out of bulnetlin even the lw lte'- it
protect tbe shipper ana iiiinra
who Is not rellsble. The watch we guarantee
foroof yesr. nlriie now
S04 Delawsr Mrt, -lty,
Bend for sample copy.
101 aa4 103 W. 9th St
KAKtAi crrr, mo.
Cures gusrsnteod or rmwr r
funded. Ail BKHiiciim. iu.u.
May for xumoo mercury
nrioul medicines used. Ho
tioa from tiuiineM. "
. .riinni trnated br Bisii sad
,.rL Medicine sent ererr.
where, free from sue or breaks. N"
else teotC. O. I)., onlj bv agreeroeo.
low. Over 4O.0U) eaeee eomd. As sua
nee sra important. BUto joar cim .nd eeo
for terms. Cotuulutioa free and conflrt SI,
personally or by letter. j
Seminal Weakness ?.T.
and sexual ucDiuiy. iindei
urn r ova axu i
MtrL Cure
VJ funded
J 31 ready I
f li innoul
Itlc-e forms the principal food of one-
half the population of the earth. It Is
more widely and generally used as a
food material than any other cereal.
Where dense populations are dependent
for food upon an annual crop, and the
climate permits Its cultivation, rice has
been selected as the staple food. The
luxurious growth of leguminous plants
(beans, peas, etc.) at all seasonB In
tropical climates provides the nitro
genous elements necessary to supple
ment rice. A comDinaiion oi m-t
legumes Is a much cheaper complete
food ration than wheat and meat and
can be produced on a much smaller
srea. ...
Rice Is an annual plant, oeionRine; iu
h. natural family of the Krasse. There
's an Immense number of varieties of
cultivated rice, differing m lenarn u.
k. ronulred for maturing, and
in character, yield and quality. Their
imrnnr not onlv exienos to aiir.
ihape and color of the grain, but to
the relative proportion of food constit
uents and the consequent flavor. South
nirniin. ind JaDan rices are rich In
fat a nit hence are ranked high in fla
vor and nutrition among rlce-eatlng na-
a botanical catalogue enumer
ates 11 varieties found In Ceylon alone
while in Japan, China and India, where
Ita cultivation has gone on tor cen
turies, and where great care Is usually
taken In the Improvement of the crop
by the selection of seed, no less tbsn
1,400 carletlea are said to exist.
The two principal varieties of lowland
rice cultivated In the Atlantic states are
the "gold seed." so called from the
aoiden-yellow color of Its husk when
ripe, and tha "white rice," the original
lice Introduced Into this country In
104, which hss a cream-colored nusK
and resembles the rice commonly grown
In China. . ...
The annual Imports of rice Into the
United BtaUs for the nacal years 1M
to MM averaged 120,8,0M pounds, and
the Imports of broken rice, flour and
meal 62.76,526 pound, the whole having
an average value of la.2OO.0W. The pro
duction of rice in this country is about
one-half this amount.
Itlce production In the United htates
Is limited to the Kouth Atlantic and
Gulf states, where, In some sections, It
Is the principal cereal product. For
nearlv one hundred and ninety years
after the introduction of rice Into the
L'nited States South Carolina and Oeor-
gia produced the principal portion,
while North Carolina, Florida, Alabama,
Mississippi and Louisiana grew only a
limited amount. Within the last ten
years Louisiana and Texas have in
creased the area devoted to rice to such
an extent that they now furnish nearly
three-fourths of all the product of the
The great development of the rice In
dustry in Louisiana, since JSM has re
suited from the opening up of a prairie
region In the southwestern part or the
state, and the development of a sys
tem of Irrigation and culture which
made Dosslble the use of harvesting
machinery similar to that used In the
wheat fields of the Northwest, thereby
greatly lessening the cost of production.
A large proportion of the rice grown
in South Carolina and Georgia Is pro
duced on tidal deltas. A body of land
along some river and sufficiently re
mote from the sea to be free from salt
water is selected with reference to the
possibility of flooding It from the river
at high tide and of draining It at law
tide. Lands of this class are also
planted to rice In southern Iymlslnna.
Borne excellent marshes are found In
South Carolina and Georgia upon what
may relatively be termed high land.
These ars In most cases easily drained
and In many Instances can be Irrigated
from some convenient stream. The ob
jection planters have found to such
tracts Is that the water supply Is un
reliable and not uniform In tempera
ture. .
Ilrawluir the "Long Kow."
Colonel Thomas Ixiwry enme within
an ace of winning a reputation, (ioing
down j-ech Ijike with the excursion
ists recently, the talk turned to the
primitive method of hunting with bow
ana arrow.
"When I was a boy," remarked the
colonel, "I could hit a 5-cent piece ut a
hundred yards with my bow and ar
row." The crowd was visibly impressed.
At the Pillager village a small In
dian appeared with a long bow and
bunch of arrows. There were cries
for Lowry immediately. The colonel
came up at once, smiling his blandest.
When he caught sight of the warlike
weapons the smile died out in a very
peculiar "lost my last friend" expres
sion. The din was tremendous. An
immense crowd gathered to see the
shooting. The Indian boy put up a
stake at fifty yards with a 5-cent
piece, contributed by President Shouts
of the "I., I., I." Itailrond.
"Isn't that a little far?" faltered the
western railroad magnate.
w hen I was a boy " began Mr.
"That's all riifht about vour bov-
bood, bring it nearer and watch me."
the stake was placed at twelve feel
and the exhibition begup. Seventeen
shots, anil the 5-cent piece remained.
j urn me coionei dropped the bow nr.
cidentally anil before he could recover
It an Indian boy of ubout four sum
niers picked it up, ran about forty feet.
men turned quick as a flash and slip
ped his bow. There was a whiz and a
shout which could have been heard in
ht. I'biiI. He had dislodged the 5-cent
piece the lirst shot.
ihat lxw and arrow cost Mr, Lowrv
Dlxiiit winch the diminutive saviiire
eventually dejKisited in the deep re-
cesses or u greasy pair of jeans. St
i aui iiiooc.
ee-eaaatn Ineeea by dreams of with
pimplee and blotch, on the fane, ,,h".'f3
to the head, pain. In back, eonneed idsaJas
tortetfolDees, baebruloMa, STmekw Mtoj soetMr,
kM of aeiual power, pes of nwahood. MBpoj
Knee, ate,, cured for Ufa. Lf?V!2?Sl
lowe., re. tore aesnal ppwar. rerreMrre aad
brain power, enl.rve and etiMglhss feak parts,
sad make yoo fit for marriage, -
Stricture WlHtl"
and Gleet (tnuMtita, no pain, no detect
u hnelneea. Care an .ran teed. BOOM
and lis of qoeetiooe lies seelea.
miCOCtll. HlDK0aifHIII0l$uA aH I
Private Diseases , money r.
Daav for both eiee peree, UJ
BOUK tme to life, with fall oeeeripekao. oj
.bore diseases, tbe effect, and core, sens eeajae
in plain wrerr for nU lne,
ebnoid reaa ibis w w
N. B.-Btas ease and ak for llrt or qoaewcxai
Jr Jf seiaa ofAmmfrmf, tor mm aah
See the wonderful testimonials In Dr.
E. O. Smith's ad. in this paper next
week. He guarantees to cure every case
f cancer that he takes. Write to him
about It. Address Dr. E. O. Smith,
Kansas City, Mo.
mo Ka.r iaajr to Hemove Tight Kings
Most girls who have had baby ring
have had trouble in removing them
from their fingers.
"There is renlly no necessity for ali
this ado ubout removing a tight ring,"
said a down town jeweler. "In that
as In everything else, the secret ol
success lies in knowing how to do it
Here Is a receipt that 1 have found un
failing for removing a tight ring, and
there is no painful surgical operation
Involved, either. Thread a needle flat
In the eye, using thread that is strong,
but not too course. Then puss the
Head of the needle under the ring,
l-are, ol course, must be used in this,
and It would be best to soap the nee
dle before beginning. The needle hav
ing been passed through, pull the
thread through a few Inches toward
the hand so." Hy this time the jew
eler had passed the needle and thread
under the ring on his own Anger, and
was preparing to illustrate the little
lecture. "Wrap the long end of the
thread tightly and regularly uround
the finger, toward the nail In this
manner. Then take hold of the short
rnd ami unwind It so. The thrend
thus pressing t against the ring, will
grudiiiilly remove It, however tight oi
iwollen the finger," New Orleatu
1 imes-Democrat.
Ex-Senator Inealls' mother Is still llv.
ng and In good health at 9S years of
age. She lives In Hoston.
Arrange to enter the Nebraska Reboot
of Magnetism before the price IS ad-
anced. See advertisement elsewhere in
his paper.
IV. Kay's Lung Balm a sure la grippe
cough cure. It never falls. 10 and 25c.
Mlnenapolls Times: An Omaha clergy.
man who Indulged In a Cakewalk has
been asked to resign by the pillars of
his church. He protest that he was
only taking steps to populurlse the
Dr.Kay's Renovator a perfect system
enovator. Sold by druggists at 25c. tl.
To purify the blood renovst with Dr.
Kay's Renovator. Ask druggists for It.
Charles L. Tiffany of Nek Tork cele
brated his eight y-elghth birthday last
week. He was the recipient offsevera!
handsome gifts from the employes of
sls famous establishment. -
T v
Re sure to read Drs. Thornton A
Minor's advertisement In this paper
next week. If our readers or sny of
their friends are troubled with any rec
tal diseases they will be Interested In
reading what others say of the treat
ment and methods.
Lady Emily Foley of Encland hn
died recently In her ninetieth year had
been a widow fifty. four years, during
which period she enjoyed her life In
terest in tne property of her husband,
who died in 18t.
Many people have tried In Vttln tA
find a successful treatment for ih.r
dreadful disease, cancer. We call the
attention of such to the column ad
which will appear In this paper, next
weeK. or ur. k. O. Smith, the celebrated
specialist of Kansas City, who positive
ly guarantees a cure for every case he
undertakes. Read his ad. and testimoni
als, and write him for further par
I. ,, i m m m i. n. i M
"I will die at 10 o'clock," aald Mrs,
William Roeaer, of West Kaston, Pe
at e o'cloc kone evening to a number of
friends who had assembled at jher
home. When the hour arrived sneex
plred. Mrs. Rosser was twewtteLr
years of age and a devout mentber of
the Reformed church. She had been
sick a week or two, but abe waa about
the house, and It was not thought that
her lllneee was of a serious nature,
When Mrs. Rosser predicted her de
mlse and flxed the hour for dissolution
her friends attempted to cheer her up,
thinking she was growing melancholy.
Hut she assured her guests thst she
was not excited. She bid her husband!
farewell as the hour grew near and
then seated herself In an easy chair to
await her death. After the family clock
struck the hour Mrs. Rosser's husband
tried to arouse her, and then discover
ed that the woman's prediction bed
proved true. She was dead.
v 4r - ... ' '