Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, March 15, 1900, Image 1

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- - V ' -. -.
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"fT7i ITv ,tn H . .
vol. xn.
Subscription Price
Official Paper of
Geo. I). Canon,
wasSMLiW liAIJ - JJJ J.H1.B-
To Wen tern Security Company. Jamra A.
Vou and each of you, (ire lien by notified
that ou t ! 1 til , (lu;, ill ilsreii, a. ii. l.tii Lie
County of Houx fcs plMin.i:r, liled I i ttiedis'
net court In and fir tin- county i f Sioux a nt
atntout Nebraska, It, pet i lion against, you,
impleaded will) AcJi ,,, Lauliing UUi ami
- lriislUmitiy, F.qeit m,e l.mi'l Company,
(ourad Limdeiiian, ,,lr. i ounid i.liniew:,',,.
bin wile' christian name uuki own. the ob
ject mil prayer of which in to fordose cert
Klu tax hcim on the iol.owlng desei n.j r..,,i
estate, situated lu ths cuiiuiy ofnioux ami
tutu of Nelnaska. to-wit:
ouih-M qiinitif-r ', f the anuth-west
V, auctiou oiiu 1. south halt i, of the si, um
rant quarter of ncinna two a urn m
hau '., north-east quarter V. section eleven
Jl, north hull '.4 noi tu west ,,u ,riiT a soma
wehUjuarter uurtli-WMi quarter ;4
turn twelve 12 nil In town Mi i . tt,lm-ttro
-li, norta of ran) ilfiy ,jx , "wan
of the aula fid principal meridian
situate in Siuiii coiu'.y Nebraska, Unit
alii tax Hens i-otisl of taxes ns-essed
anil levied on said nul c,t,le for the lot
lowing years and amounts, to wit : In
the year is!,, the sum of eiD.liO; li, tin? y,.,r
the auiii of e.'ii.sl; m the yi'ur m:t, the
mm of . !g; In tin: year ls:n, u. aum f fZ.
41 ; In the v ear the -u in of 1M;; In the
year Ho, tti auui of Jj.ii, ju ti,e yt.itr is:,;,
the mi in of tUMI; in tliu year !, the ii!,i !
107, with interest 0:i each of t:,l vim
provided by law ; and to Lave an unamnl
l K0f the amount ol tin uii'l lnturcet now
duoein a,iri tax ileus, and to forever l ir and
f iroclo.e ild di-fendunlH, and e, i of tijem
out of any and nil ilifht, title, interest, llrn
and equity of r. ile.irptio i ,ln-i , , ,1,1 rej
entnte, and for Kenenil i iju t,it,,. reliel.
Hint yuti are fui tiler m, t l; ,l niI r'tquir
1 to aiuwer B,t!d petition 0:1 or In foie the
Itth dny of April A. Ii. Mm?.
Ai. J. O't o.inm L.
Ko- ( oiii'ty Alton, ey.
T) Ukoti Mort,'t;.i I.,im Citiipnny,
(ilolw Jtive' merit, tain, un.i , llcni v .
Wyiiinn, Hecoiver of (i.ob'.i u vlttitnt
Ciiiiiiiny, John ll.-rl e rl Trustee.
You, and ol jnu are liireliy noli-
fi tl ih.it oil lite 1st day of M .rli A. 1).
"Uli io ouiity ol .-sioux, as pliu itiir, I
llloil ill tlie district, 'ourt in mi l for lb,.
etui y of Si. nix an I sum of X-.,r iska,
lis (Mlilitin iiifuiust yoo, t't- ol jut nnd
J'Ctyer of nint h M to rur.-cld-ii c irtun
tix lieiiHou tlm fci!liwtrtif d-s ..-riiied real
jsiat(, aitnaied in dm cimai y of hioux
and hUIu ol Nelmiska, to wit;
NortU hulf J, of Moulli- Wok I (jiiailer .
horlh-h ill i, of Soi!lh-r i.sl qoartur t,
M-clioii twelve 12, lownsinp thirty two
''I, North of rane hd y threii j,J, west o
the Oi'i 1. M., ioHi'iiix county Nebraska
thai until tux liens consist of tuxes asses-
end and Iwvied on saul re il est ito for the
followine; r and anKdinis. to wit: Jn
th Year lSM l-e sum of $14,'J in the
year lffS.1 tlm mini of $10,r,4. m tl, year
the um of t,l 1, 11) in ih ye-ir w,yj
the Mit of CrJ.V!. in tint yenr li-bH t: c
Mini ttf ?'J fr, with interest on each of
Kiii l Hurim uk irnviil.i liy law ; and to
liuve uu oci'ouiitini; of tha atnount of
Imxck und interetit now due on Mid tax
liens, and to forever bar mid foreclo
mid defendant, and enrh of tlmin, out
of tiny and all rijlit. title, interest, Ijeu
ami equity of redemption in and to mi id
r?al Ktate, and for ganeral equilalile
That you aro further noti fiud and ro
rtnred t, answer aaid petition on or b
fore the Oth day of Aril A. 1). lilOO.
Ko. 6.
County Attorney.
DANTS. To Jonhua M. l'lumh, if rs. Johhua II.
Plumb, his wifs, cliriatian tiutue
unknown, W. J. Bowflen, christian
nam unknown, Helen T. Cumboll.
You, and each of you, are heroliy
notified that on the 1st day of March A.
1). 1900, Tlm County of Sioiu, as
plaintiff, filed to the district in end for
the county of Sioux and State of
Nehrakka, it petition against you, the
object and prayer of winch is to fore
certain tax liens on the following
described real estate, situated in the
county of Sioux and state of Nebraska,
Went half i north-east quarter I of
section thirty 80 West half i south-east
quarter Section ninteen 10, township
thirty-flve 8.J, north of Rne fifty
four M, West of the sixth 8 P. M. situ
ated In Bioux county Nebraska, that
aaitl tax liens consist of taxes asses.sd and
on said real estate for the following
years and amounts, to- wit; In the year
1!M, the sum of U8; in the yeor lSifi,
thesiiraof IX 82; in the vear lMOfi, the
num of VI. 18: in the year 1807, the sum
of fit. M; in the year 18SH, the sum $2.a
with interest oo each of said sunn as
roviried hy law; and to have an accoun
ting of the amount of taxes and interest
ow due on said tax liens, and to for
everburand foreclose said deffiid.inls,
nnd each of thetn , out of any and all
right, title, interest, lien and equity of
redemption In add to aaid real estate, and
foreneral equitable relief,
Tha you are farther no It fled and req
uired to ansarer said petition on or hu
fore the loth rlajrof April, A. V. 11)00.
M. J. 0'C0!NFT.t,,
County Attortwr. Jo. 11. !
Oor 3!otto"NO QUESTION rwro 0 , se T ' VLLGO 15,
l r Your $1.00.
Sioux county.
- Editor.
OliiCE AM Ha
To Msry A. Wilcox, John Doe, her hinhund
ivboie rtal nunc is unknown.
lou, unit eiieli of you, am hereby notj!I-d
that on the ltd:iy of .Mmvli A. 1). ls. The
i "ouiity of Slou.t. as plulnijtr, filed In the
I'i-trut. eourl 1h mi l fr the eou.itv of
sou tn ii J t,ite o! .ei,r.,Nkii, Its -ti:lou
iiK.iiii'ilyon. tlui oii'eetunit pruviToi m.-ii
l.f to lorelme ee.Main l,n li,,' ,, tin- tol
loMiiifr (l. ,-rihed real ,! ,i,.. , ,,(,
eoumy ol Moux and Mate ol .Nebraska,
to wlt :
Xouili hulf I; ,if south -flint quarter
eei..n C. .North b-.lf north east iiu.'ir'er
of.x-clon event"!i,i 17 all In Towiihiimi mil.
tvone.il, nmihol rair;,. nity six .... ,.,t
of th i:th P. M , mtihueil m s,,ix eoim'tv
eliraHkn, that mid t.ix liei.s consist-ol t .xes
i.ssesseii an, jevi on ,ii,l lenl est:,te for
tne follow i,i(f v,,rs and amoiints, to-wif l,i
tii!y,.r hi'..,, tlie.juin of i -.-.u; in the war
IMi,, lb-sum ot :...; , n. VP ,r tl.
sumol -t :, with inter at on 'e ieh of said
stuns -i. provided l.v law; muj to have, an ae
eounl iu- ol the aiiiouut of l.ir.c. ,n-l r.
est now .,u , on s tld u.i ii,.,,,,, -iid to forever
liar nd lole.-lo.e h n:J il.-l , r. n,la i s. nd
ai'Ii ot tiui, on i or d.ty an. I all r:-'i,i. tin,.
U-r, st, 1,,'u Mint e-inili- of ieil,..ni,ii.. ..
e'piilahle reibd ,
'Itie.i. von r ,-iinher notifed and reiuir'Ml
U answer petltioii on or U-.fo.u Ine ntli
day of April A. i. r.ii.
ii. J. rCOMMII,t
No. 10.
( ouutv Attorney.
r f.i 'ri.siiAX'ift.
To Hamilton I.otm a Trust company
i on. lin-i e.icn oi vim, :i re
1 !i it on the 1 ,i dav ol Vareh
by i,!.:il,.d
couutyoi riioiix, us plaint, it, flti"d i
ili..tri. t co. li t I i and (or tin- county (.1
bum .-line o; Min;,.i,, li, i.i ,,,,
you, inline..,:, , ;t;i 1,1, n I
Mrs. Joseph M. Pohiusou, ,!s vi if,, ,v,ose
true cli ti.,1 Ian name is nnkiiown, the ,,i,e,-t
llMl pl'ayel ol which is to tore. ;,,. c,.i- ,.,
tax liens on Mio foilovrim; ,ecrii,.,i -,. j
t:.e, situ, led in the c ,u:,ty of Moux and
htaic ol S.-lii a -l;ii, to u if, .
Niirtli lo.:f oi nort .- .st .pmrter V. c.
tcm I holy line,. ,:;, v.,-,i i,.,,i ,, north-act
-rl-r in-i,,,:, ti.irt,- four II., In
low ,,-lnp iliirty t.vo i , leu-lb of r.iefa llflv
s! ? ivi-t ol tiie -nin i, tii p. M., Kitmiie.'l
in sionx l ouiiiy Neh.-.-k !,. the t sai l tav
hem co, oi lav.., i.s.essed and levied
on s t , r- ii .--t lie for lue loijo'.v inir years
al,,o,li,s. town: ,, ,..,-
(oim ol
i. 1 I i,,e vi ui- is:,.-, ti,.. ,,, f t
r J.-'-w, liie ,im ol ,'.,i.-; in il, e
the Mint HI .,,!, ., ft, t lut-'IC't on
oil ..Urns ,.. piovidell I) a ; ,imj
i ill the
I year is,
cacn ot
to nave an a
ill,! ni;f of lue amount ot l,,.v-
v ,1 I
'-f. itoa
t-.x liens,
:ll lieleu
v and all
ad to
er b o
d I
!i'i,'s, a.,
j .cm, i, I
lb .upl .-,
K' n, r ,1 i
" i ami
i , e..l ( !
i -.'.ity oi ii-
i .te, UI.ll lor
I ii.it
, e I ,li tber untitled a,,, re
lo A s ,i (
1 pel Con Oil or Isao.K t
' ol A.u-li A. 1'
il. J. O'l
No. .'!.
C. V
M il II,
, lillven, Tri
ci, r stun,
Hot, .ie:i eur.stl.in ninne niiknou,, Mii,
, I l.urns-smt Sirs .M, chin- l.uriw. l,u an,.
lilllelinn icons li,,kiovan. II, IV
I""' m 1 M lion ;r ., I la 1,1 Ins wi.-. Vans
tiati tiaiiio unknot a, i.. c. iarpoiitcr, ehru
Han name unknown, Mr. F. ... iipc,iter,
his wile, ciinstian mime unknown. '
ou ami each of you, m e horehy notllh-il
sn ito i tne 1st, day ol March, A. I), pio, 1 lie
i ouiity o Moux, as plaintiff, lllei In dinrict
eoininalKl lor tlie county ot sionx ami
male or .eonisasi, lis pe,i!iu asf.mut vou,
thu object and prayer of w hich Is to t'otc
ciose certain tav liens on the followtiiK de-
scrined real ei ite, situated III t lie county
oi sioux an siaieoi M'tuiiska, to iril: i.niitli
iUiUarler of Hoot h-west qnai ler1-! of
eciiou tuirien 111 east luilf s o no, lb ejlit
quarier section twenty three 13 uortn-ui ,-t
qu ricr ' o- noriii wesl qu.,,-ii ol ser-i
t. on twenty-four M all lu township fh.j-ty
two xi hoi ihoi inline (llty t!iree,-3 west of
ai" on. principal meridian. In s.nd conn y
Unit said t.u liens eoiittlst of tnxua asse--,eil
and levied on Maid p-iI esi .tn lor the loilow
tiiR yens and am,, nuts, to wit : In the yei.r
nr..,,, the sum of til it j,, m,, ye ,r s o, Uc
sum oi in,...-; in nio year Ii7, the sum of H"
if; III the year )ss; tlie hiiiii of pill; wllh
Interest on each ol mild innns as provided by
law; and to tiae an itcrotintiiiir of the
mm, nut or turns and Inn re, I now due on
a ilrt tax liens, and to for. ever bar ami fore
close s o, i..,-ti,i,int, and each of tnein, out
oi nn.v unu an rilit, till,-, Int. rest, Urn and
equity oi redemption in and to amid real
estate, and for ip-neral equitable relict.
1 list you me further tiotiiled nub requlr-
ei in answer -uu petition on or tsifor the tith
day of April, A. I). I'jou.At. J. C'l o).MCi.t
County Attorney. So.4
DANTS. To Edward Alon.o Rainev, Jlrn. Ed
ward Aonzo Raine-y, liis wile christian
name unknown, American Ioan and
Trust Co i puny.
You, and each of you, are herahy
ootilled that on the 1st day af March A.
I). 1U0II, Tlm County of 8ioux, as plain
tiff, filed in tlie district court in and for
the county of Sioux and Slate of Neb
raska, its petition unnin you, t.ho ohjecl
and prayer of which in to forei lnR cer
tain tax liens on the following described
real estate, situated in the county of
Sioux and stat) of Nebraska, to-wit:
laits three H and four 4, south half 4,
of north-weit quarter J, o s-ction one 1,
township thirty DO, north of range lift v
threes;!, west'of tho sixth Oth, P. M.
In Sioux C!ounty Nebruska, that said tax
liens consist of taxes assessed and luvicd
on said real estate for the following yenrs
and atnouhts. to-wit: In the year 'lS'.f-J,
the sum of JK1.,50; hi tha year 18!lo, the
sum of $12.y2; in the year 1H!I4, the sum
of $11.07; in the yenr ly.', the sum of
$7 11; in the year IV'jfJ, tliesuni of 5111.52:
In the yi'Hr 1H'J7, the sum or tllolj; in
the year lH'jS, the Mini of ije.ai, with
interest on each of s'lid sums as provide. I
hylawjauil to have tin nccountinx of
lbj amount, of taxes nnd interest now
(Inn on said tax liens, anil to forevir
bar and f.,reclos Kai l ilelendcnts, nnil
wicb of them, out of any and nil ri'ht,
title, inU'renl, hen and equity of redemp
tion in and to said rn.il estate, and fnr
I getientlfmpiMable relief.
J hut you pre fiM lber notiflid and r
qtiinsl to answer said petition on or bo
fore th Ctlid iv t.f April A. I). 1000
M. J. O'ccffNn.u i
No. 17. County Attorney.
"'".m.',l V - Si"..,,.. fSHf-V,. J
( ouiity At toriu-v.
I. 'l o Mi. i;i.- ii,i;:,T lif.ri.NiiAis i.-;. j
tee, !n. c. F. Fb-.cn, his
. mi e i,i Liiowi., IV. J.
To J. T. Wells, cli-istian imni unknown,
Mn. J. T. WcIIh, clirlatiau name niikiiown
Aiuertean Iiivostment Cou pany, A. L. Urnis
by trustee, christian name unknown, A. J.
Birwden, christian name unknown, 1), fr-nk
Marshall, Mr. . J ranlc .Muisliall his wife
Christ, a:i uaue unkuowu, L. iiiair, christian
Hams uuauow'i
Yon. ami each of you, arc notlflid tiftoii
the 1st day ot Aiaicll, A. I)., pxi, The ( wuiil y
ol Moux, as plaluuif. liled lu tl,e ilistrin
court ri and tor the county of moux
and al.ile of Nebruska, its petmn n.ou.-.t
you. the object ami praver of which i to
foreclose cert iln t:u liei.sou the loiiowinj I
lies, r.liell real estate situatc.i i n the county
of -iicix and Kin i.i of Neiir.msH, lo wit:
V. est half i, of southeast .p.iuu-r ; of
sct,on i, west hall l, of norl h -cast quarter
of scciuin 6, Townshii) thinv tnren it.
Sorilio, riiipi ili'ty linen j.t. wetof llief.th
1. M. In Maid coi,,,f , tliat Hlld tas linn, ,.m,.
elst ol tales nssc-.i-il and Jevjcl on s id r-al
e-l..t.- lor (he foiii'vinir yev.r, to wit: In the
year KKi tlie -n il nt Jlh.lli: in the v,...r I-'..:
anin ...; In Hie ye .r i s, the sumol
wjili in e:-fst on each of aaid slurs us
if til
o.v law , nnd lo nave nil ui'coiinti.ii,'
liliiount of tuxes ami i,,l...,-..ut
lue Oil S lid U liens, ami to forever li.ii- ui..1
rorei,,,,. siiid .lefemUia i, and each of them
oulot any and all - )ht. title, inii ic.t lien
and equity of redemptiou in and to said
in "uu an, I lor K nt-l al eiUiliih!ll relief
1 h it you are tnrtiu-r notiiii d and reipiiied
to ansuer said il.ition on or beforo tliu uiii
dnv of April, a. It. !!;),
M. J. iJ'iiisxEi.i, t'outity Attorney. No. 'ii
To Western Fnrm Slortxaifn Company
" '- loisiil.ti liKli
is un
ttiioan, As-Hjriiees or
Mol ti.cOi l o.up iny,
tile Meslcrn Farm
Commercial Invest-
inciil i o'lipaiiV.
oil, inn cu n of you, are hci ei.y jiot'fl.id
lb :il on tlie 1st day of March, . I)., I n.
'1 he I ouiity oi sun ix, ms plaintiif, li.ed in tlie
(li.ll let court in am! lor tlie county of Mou
ami sl:,e ol N, bra-liii, its pelilivn :,f i-,i
you, ,n il.-adcd iUi i. I,. Jon!' i, tiie
ol).!"i-t ami prayer of nhieh is to force;,,,,.
CcrtiiiM tut ilensou tlie lo.io Mnfr (p'-i-rilie'l
real estate, nitiiali-d in the eoiinly of Moux
and slat.- of .V-br.udea, to w it:
Miinh h II (i.) ,.f noi'tiwvest (ii:,ter(i )
noi-'h h.df ('.,) of Souiii west ((ii irler ("i'Ij
Seel,,,., .V.'l,mHl,,:r;,N. Italia.. I ,(te tour
west ol tiie lith I'. M .., .'..,,,,,. ....
I bi;.-ka llti.t N.iid tux Hens coijnlsi o ta.wa
1ise.scd ami levied onsnd
re 1 ii-. tale for
"Dh, to-wit:
' :.; iii the
:, vi'nr s ,
.'. ' a. I sum of
ot ' "7 wit II
- ,l'oVi,.,l
O.til. of tin,
-: 'neon
'.' ' ' .-el fOTT
b Of ! a'-in, out.
'''-i , le-ii nnil
i lo s.dd real
. r.-lici.
'i i. l ripiir
! or Ocfore tiie
the followill-j t,e;ii-s i,. ,i
in tic- year IM-.il, Hi, ;.
year l-'.i.,, tlie -urn of : ; i ,
the sum of tM!.; in In. . ,. ,
f7.4! ; in the year ls'e!, ,. . ,!;
illlerest. (,n c,!ch of . . ,.! .-
by law-; and to ha ve
'I'-loll'lt of taxes llll.l ,.,irP,.
'aid t.u i;.".is, i.n.l t,, , ., . v.
clo-esalil de'end'illts,
of any and ail riht. t..in, -n:
equity of redemption in ,n
eslal'., an 1 for ieueral c,,,i t ,
Tii at you lire I artier no. .i,
ed lo answer s,,td peutio-i o:
-.'in uny nt , pril. A, ll. 1.
I .
M. J. (rcoNMci.t,, t mnity Attorney.
lOri.E TO Nf)N .RKSil-ENT DEl'EN
liANTS. To James F. Gibson, Mrs. .Jutiips F.
(iibson, his wit',, ihns'iati namo un
known, Geore, Leslie, Joseph G. Arm
st rot,-.
You, :i ml e:u h of rou, ti hereby noti
IV ,1 that on th- 1st dnv of March A. ).
Ib'i'.i. Tint county of 8icuix, as plaintilf
ibil in the disir.rl court, in nnd for the
county of .Sioux and State of Nebruska,
its p,.:ii,i.. n :i,;:i;c,M, vou, tli object and
pra ver of which is to foreclose certain
tax Iii ns on the following; described real
filitte. situated in tho county of Sioux
and slats of Nebraska, t(.-it; lts three
!' and four 4, a 'I In I j, h- .
riortn east .quarter , tin rlh-west, i, lots
one 1 anil 2, soul I, -t asj, quarter , north
west quarier I. all in S-ction eighteen
1H, ToWiistpp thirty two :IJ, north of
rniK'o fifty live .Vi.'tvest of the sixth flih
I'. M. pit tinted in Bioux I'ountv Nebraska
that said tax liens consist, of taxes asses
sed ai.d livied on said real estate for the
following years and amounts, to-wit: In
tlm year 1MH, th- sum of Sii'MT; in the
year l!l'i, the sum of SU2.fit; in the year
lu!7, the sum or 112.41; and in the year
lM, the sum of gif)7, with interest, on
each of said sums as provid-d bylaw;
and t have an accounting of the am
ount of taxes and interest now due on
said tax liens, ai1( forever bar and
foreclose fiH,l dcreiKl-ii'ts, nnd each of
them, out of any and all rirbt, title, in-.
ici-ssi , iieu nrio equity oi redemption in
and to said real estate, and for funeral
equitable relief,
That, you are furt her noti ed and re-
iinie,j ,,i answer said petition on or
la foro tlie SHh day of April A. 1). 11)00.
M .1. O'Co.N'XEt.r,.
No. 11, County Attorney.
DANTS To Pierce niewett, Sarah K. Illotvi tt
wife of Edward E. lilewett, Deceased,
John Doe, present husband of Sarah E.
iilewett, whos.! real nnd true name is
unknown to this plaintiff.
You, and ea' h of you, are hereby not
ified that on the 1st "day of March A. I).
1!)00, The County of Sioux, as plaintiff,
filed in tho district, court in and for the
county of Sioux and stale of Nebraska,
its potion airainst you, impleaded with
Michael J. illewrtt,, tlm object nnd prav
er of which is to foreclose certain tax
liens on the following described real es
tate, situated in the county of Sioux
and state of Nebraska, to-wit:
North-west quarter , Section nine 9,
township thirty-three .'13, north of ranpe
fifty-four M, west, of the sixth (ith. P.!
M. situated in Sioux county. Nebraska,
that said tax liens consist of taxes asses
sed arid levied on said real estate for the
following years and amounts, to wit: In'
tlie year IHhij, the sum of SKI 70: in the
year 100. the sum of fffl UT; in the vear
101, the sum of !i;i3 0!); in the vmr ltt)2.
the sum of ? 1 0.52: in tlm vear lM(i:(( the
snm of 0.4i; in tho year jnijC the'som
of 10.10; in the year IStlu, the sum of
U-S. 1- .1... . ,.,. .. - . . .
to. "( i in me v. ar 1 lll. me Slim Of tJtll.lH;
in i ne year i i la
in tbe ,1 ear V"-, r ,
interest on .. .. , j ...
bv law; ic ; :, nv,
'be notour ,, .,( .,
i or If!l2(l: nrd
: of ?,77: with
ns iirovi.le.l '
' i
count inn (,f
ilerest now
. forever bar
dun on s
d I
and fnrec
I s, nnd each
.11 ris-hf, till...
of them,
HI ol
inler si , l,i
in u"d i an
i Mid i i;i. it v of nslemtiliot,
1 re-, I , t. it,, in,, I f,.r ;,., i
i-ijUitl'ble r..J
That vou ,,,,, further not, fed
quirt il o ttnsvver hiiid i ti,:,.,ti ,
foro tha 9 dav of April A. I). 1900,
M. .1. OCONMI.f,
County AUoruuy '
'u 1 1 lo SETTLED RIGHT. " -
Notice to Non-lJesiJent Defeadatil,.
Albert F. Kill, plaintiff, 1
vs. I
Sarnh f. it. baAsett, Chnrlea j
K. Verity, James MeClaiirev,
mid iliry M. Aloore, dvleud
aiuit. j
To Jaiuen JicKaurey and Mary M. Moore,
lion rB.,iaciitae.eiidants,(l:upiead with bnrah
C. D. Hasselt and Charles K, Verity.
Ion and each of you will tako notice
tliat Albert K. Hi!;, plaintiff ha (lied bis pe
nnon in me uistrict Court of Sioux County,
Nebraska, the object mid praver of which
lieiiuoii is the .oreclOhure ol a lax lieu on
the two .'wool quarier of B,-ctio,, twiiulv
U.roe, in township Ih.rty.twouoi Ui of ranife
IIHyjue. westol tne mi, principal meridian
HI Nl-b.-USKIl, 11)1- (ieilUqi-nt l,,AC, ot
year- KA, ell, Is'.u, .v., to7i tl,i i,ou s:il,j
land u,(l b pian.til;, lo H,ajj.-t aa:d l..ud
lo Kul e Ut tile sausi action ol said l,en, that
you and each ol you mMy he lorelo-wd and
uanedol allriKht, title, interest or equ.ty
o( re'luinptacu in or to t,ie samo and lor
Weei'e.i lellel.
ou an; required ( answer said petition
mi or before inn ailii day of Jiai ch hn.v.
,., ali:ki" F. liii.i,, plaiutirr.
l.KANi olthkie, Attorney lor plain titf.
Coutc.st Xotk-o.
I'nited fitatoa Lund Offlce,
Alliance, Nebraska, J
February,?, I'.,00.
A sufficient coTilest unidavit huving bee
"leu in tills Olliec hv Ifil.illlm . iiiav
eoiiteataui, against Timber i.ulture, entrV
minle Jiimj -ji, p,-i, lor j.0t z A ;j and
I N-K',i Hull SKI. N.'.V.i a
. i.
Jowuahip .., Kanjje , ,y William J.
l-cep.-r i iitit, so-,-, j,, wnicii it Is aliened that
"""aid ibiain .1. la-cpcr has whoiiy iaiieil
toilylli ply W.lll tlie iuy , ,1-i.ltlOll lo tlie
lieijectiouot Raid entry in this that lie has
lulled, to plow or cultivate ,n,v of said land
at any limu, thai h- has wholly railed to
plant any of said land to trees, seeds or
cutoinrs at any limn or caused such aets to
iie teilornicd, thai said delimits continue
at tin; dale ol this ullidavit and are not,
enUM',1 by service of said entry-man in the
Arary of inn fulled -Stales during tlie late
wf with fpniii or ut uny lime.
Said parti, , ire hereby iiotitlnd to appear
respond and offer evi, tn e touchinir suld
alleyiiion , t l'Jo'clock a. m. on March 2nd
i b -lorc i, runt (iiithrie, Notary Public at
In ntitceiu Harrison, Ncbniska nnd that
tbiili liciirin-will he lie). 1 Kt 10 o'clock a in
on Karen i'.'lii l'.Ki vs-lore tlie lt-.irist.er and
Hieverat the I'niLed .States hand oflieo in
Alhanc-, Nchrsskii.
'i'l'es.id eo., test. nit liavimr, in a proper
(i!lli;-ivit died .lanuary Mrcl looo set, forth
tarts which show Ut t utter dun dilignnre
i'tnni!l service of this notice elm not be
mad , it is h-retit ordered nnd directed that
snob notice boifiveu bv due and proper pub
lioa'loii.t F. M. lKiitliiNOios.
(iiU ,-,--.)
Sutice to Noii-Resiflcat Defendants.
FlUdrlelt W, Kuott, plaintiff
wWiacl C'Todle, Tho Alfred
aiker Company, and Ne
1 asaa Mot tjraire 1 u vestment
Company, dcletidaii ts.
To The. Alfiert Walker ("impanv and Mich
ae, OToole, non-resident dufniidunts.
Vim und each of vou will t dtn notice that
Fr.Mrlck IV. Knott plaintiff has tiled ills
petition In the District court of Sioux coun-
iv, Mein- ,1'ku ii.iinst Michael i ' Too le, The
.MiTe'i walker Cmnpaa' and Kehraska
Jioriaatfe and Invefsent Conipanv, the
ohject and prayer of winch petit ion Is the
loPi-cKe'iiieof ,i certain tax li-n upon, ,.outh.
wirt-t (I'larter noriii east (pi jrler, south hill"
noiili-w-est. quarter, north west quarter
si.fttii-east quarter Se tion fifteen, Townslilp
i mi i v-1 ii i" - , iianire 111 t y-llye tnsiouxc .ini
IV, Na'ir ik:. lor the (tellnqucnt taxes of
yesrs ;4. li1.'.-,, Isr?;, I?;i7, IS' s paid by pbiiu
t io"; thu t you a .d each ol you may lie lorn
closed a lid forever barred ot any l if:lit title,
interest hi or to the name, to subject the
sum rani estntn to ale for tlw sntislaction
oi said Hen and for .eneral relief.
You are required to answer said petition
on or oeiore in -jiiii , lav or April, win.
FRKhKiCK W. Kso T, PUiintilT.
CKANT OL'THBiK, Attorney lor plain lifT.
ToThomasR. McMillan, Mrs Tlionnu I!
SU.Jllilan christian name unknown, W. A.
tidulrt chrisilnii name unknown, liaiiiilton
l.oi.n and I rust Comp ni y.
Ion, and each ol you, are liereb untitled
that on tlie 1st day ol March A. I. PHKi, The
t o'i'ixv oi is'om, as plaintiff. Hied in the
iHstricl court, in a ml lor tlie conntv of
Moux and Mute ol Nebraska, lis petition
auwlnst. you, the ohjcct ami praver ut which
Is to loreclose certain ts x liinsoutli" lol
lowing described real estate, alt.ui-l.eil in the
county of Monx and state of Nebraska, to
w et h i Ii X Soiith-west tiunrter Pee. 10,
.sort n sum quarter tii.euRt. qnnrter
and tml .southeast quarter 'j of the North
east quarter 'i of Sec. o, nil in Townslup :il.
Nor'h of bainrer.ii west of tlietltli I'. M., sit n
iited in sioux County. Nebraska, that said
tux Ileus consist of taxes assessed and levi
ed on said real estale lor the follow tint;
years und amounts, Mewl!,: In the year !sr,a,
the sum of i-i;,s; In the vear Is'.ll, the sum
ot s iki; In tiie year IstiS, the sain of fi(i:i; In
In the year IKWi, hemim of t7ss; in the vear
lx',7. the of sum ?i'.'.i;i; In t he year lHlis, t he'suin
ot 4 :,'2 w lilt ltilerisl ou each of said sums
us provided by law; and to have an account,
inor of the amount of taxes and interest
now lineon snip lux liens, and forever bur
and foreclose said (teteiidan ts, and each of
them, out of any and all rltrhl, 'Itle, Interest,
lieu and equite of redemption in and to said
real estate, and for Kencriil equitable relief.
That yen lire tintlier iiutllle.l slid reiinOred
romiiwer smIiI ictii,i!i (,a or bci'ore tiie, Dili
ilnyuf April, A. p. pMili.
M. J. O'Ciiiuiell, Ciiinily Allorney.
To OIoIm' Investment Company, Dakota
Murlioore Loan Company, llenrv Wyiiuin
receiver lilobe liivesluient t :oinp,tuy, Com
iiiercial Invesliueiit CoiiDanv. It. .1. Vnns
clirisiaii name unknown, Mrs, K.J. Annus.
christian name unknown, Ii. F. l'easlev
clirtstlati iiiiuie mtknowii.
ion, nnd each of you. are hereby tiotiiled
t hat on the 1st day of March, mm.'Theodore
VVHinier as pbihilltt, liled In the District
Court In nnd lor I hti county of Sioux iinii
! state of Nebraska, ilspclioii niatnst you
mid eindi ol you as delembints, tlie obnct
l,ml pra er of w hleh Is to toreclove certain
tax liens ott thu lohowhiir; real estate, situat
ed in the coiinl v of sloiix mid state of Ne
braska, to wit: l ots ,1 ami 4 and thu south
liuli ol the nort.il wawt quarter i Section
live n, Township thirty three :i:i, north of
lianife tlltv-fonr r,4 west of the i!th I'. M that
said tux liens consist of taxes assess, d In
said county lor school, county and state
purposes on wiiii real estate lor the loilow.
,l'K V l" """ I'tnts, to wit: In th y
s' I.
s'C the mu'ii ol In.lMl; In the. ve... IK' fi, th.
' s i in ol h7 ; in tlie yenr (H'.ii., t ha sum of -Nl.sl
' la the ve. r .T, the iui ol 4. is; tii tha vein
I ii i, tlm sip. i of 2, (.'.I, the amount claimed bv
: ,.iliil..ir Is ,:4 will) Interest hereon from
i t.'in 1st. day nl V -reh, A. I . Mum, tlie prn yer
i of si, ,p pet. 1 ton Is lor a decree ,t , : i-1 1 1 k itu-
Moiisiid llluollat, toipabcr nllll lilt ,c-t,
titer, on mid co ti t, p,, - i, , , r,.' , r
i-'on -t lie i up, i th" "l'o es Id r-ilesi le
a i : !. , ; r- I ec t -old u d a
u o.-.u r i o fi to ,- iha . ,.,
i h. ' -, a' ,f n ' raver b : , ,-l
., -I ' r, -' I f l Ist-r ' .-' Or dm
and to suld real estaU) oi ,.ny )i ,ri lu.ieol.
You are required to answer said petition
on or lifor tlipatiulav or April, Usui.
M, J. U'Cossteu,, Altoi-nay fin FlninMIT,
LjJ M. fi'
Hon. William J. Bryan.
Tlie Gemote, cia! Bank.
Harrison, - - . - Nebraska.
C. Jb. Coffee, President.
Chas. C. Jameson. B
rnRRFpnnFNK- western national bank, kbw y-obk.
UUlinLOrUHUClllO. omaha nation tat RiKir r,,.
The Pi'is Jochnal and St. Louis
Republic, fcl.GO.per year. Try it.
lu This District Court or Sioux totmty
Albert t. Hill, plaintiff, 1 Notice to , Von
, .. T- resident D e-
rhomns Flit, and Charles I fendauls.
li. siurdivant, Kxecuior
defendants. J
ToThoniRB Ellis and Charles B. Sturdlvant
Lxcuutor, non resident defendants:
Vou and each of you will lake notice.,
that Albert F. Hill, plaiiitiir has liled his pe
tition in the District court of Moux ( ounlv,
Nebraska, the object and prayer of which
petition is the foreclosure of a certain tax
Hen on tlie north-east quarter oi section il,
township Hi, ranze .Vi, in Sioux county. Neb.,
for Hie delinquent taxes of the vear lsi
purchased ,y rtefemlalit, and for the
delinquent taxes ot the. years 1W and
IsW pail suhsequenf timrelo, that you
and each of you may be foreclosed and
fo'-ey -r hirrsl f viv riht, title, inter
est Pen or equity of redemption in or to tlie
same that the aauie iiiav )je KolrJ lo Ratjsfv
sai l lien, und cttorney's fees ami eosts and
for irene a! relief. You are required to ans
er until petition on or before thu 2fith dav
of in;i.r,-li, Ki d. ALI1KHT F. 1111,1, plaintur
;HAST OCTHEIK, Attorney for plaintiff-
In The District Court ofiouxConnty., Neto
rii"ka. l'aysou 1J. Hiifeiow, plaintiff,
The Ittchlgan Savings and I,oau Asaociation,
To The Michigan Savings and Loan Associ
ation, non-resident rlefenttatit. Yon will
take notice that I'ayson ii Dluelow, plaintitT
hiis tiled his petition in the District conrt
of Sioux comity, Nebntska, the object and
prayer of which petition is the foreclosure
of a certain lien for taxes upon lot number
live, of hjock number six, of the village of
Harrison, Nebraska, that Tou tnav lie fore
closed and forever barred of auv riiflit, title
interest or equity of redemption in or to
to tlie, same, that the said proerty may be
sold to satisfy said lien und for general
Yon are required to answer siid petition
on or before the tli day of April, A.l. ItlOO.
Oritiit Outhrie, Attorney for plaintiff
Pnysou II. liigelow plaintiff.
Final Proof Notices.
All persons having final proof notices in
this paper will receive a marked copy of the
paper and are requested to examine their
notice and if any error exist report the
same to this office at once.
U. H. Land Office Alliance, Neb.
February 13, lilOO.
N'otie is hereby (riven that the following
named settler lias Hied notice of his Intent
ion to make final pro it in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be inmlo be
fore Cletk of District Court at Harrison,
.Neb., ou .March 21, I'J'O, viz: -
or Harrison Neb. who made H. E. no. 41145 for
the s. y, s-F. s,ec. und F.i', -K H Sec. 7 Tp.
Sit N. It. Mi w . lie names the following w it
nesses to prove his continuous risiileni-e up
on nnd cultivat ion of said land, viz:
F. A. Ili low, . A. I'rhldy, Charles liiehle,
and Kobert Keel all of Harrison, Nell.
F. IL HoKUiNGToN, Kegister. (30 35)
Tun JorjiiNAL will publish your brand, like
the following, for 2:ll, per year. Kuch ad
ditional brand 75 cents, r.'very Tarmer or
riinehnien in Sioux and adloininsr eouutifls
should advertise their brands in ThkJour-
KALas it Circulates all over the state. It
may be tho means of saving money for you.
On left side or hip of cattle, I
(Jn left shoulder of horses. J
lltangre on the head ot Warbonnct
Address Hatrison, Sioux Co. Nob.
nranded on left side
of Cattle and on left
houldnr of Horsos.
Itsnge on head ol VV hite llivcr.
P. 0. Address Harrison, ob.
NCTICK to non kesidknt ukfkndants
In tho district court of Hloux county- Neb
Louis Wohlhctcr, plaintiff
Dakota Loan und Trust Company, Charles
Harmon, Mrs. Charles Harmon his wife
christian name unknown, Defendants.
Yon and each of yon aro hereby notified,.
that Louis Wohlhrtor tins Hied his petition in
the District Court of Hloux Comity Nebraska,
Iheobjeot and prayurof which is the fore-
closuieof a tax llcnou the South East quar
ter of section eleven 11, Township thirty
thruo ;3, North of Riiiiro fifty live IVi, west of
tlie.dxth P'M. In Sioux County, Nebruska,
for the. delinquent taxes of the years 1MM,
'. s l!i, ml, ISM, on said land and paid by
iniitiil", to subject snld bind for sale for
the satisfaction of stud lien, thnt you, and
er.eli of you, Ii" hai red and ioreeloseil, of all
right, t t!o, Inti rest and equity of redejip-
, lu or to tlie s ine, ai.d lor irener .l rn
f, vou i r- ri qn'r'"'. to suywor stld petition,
ou or before tho Kith, day of April, ivoo.
si, J. tt'tiemifii.i,,
Attarrey for p asintl.
ro oT
-90Q. JN O. 3
$10,000.00. C)
D. H. GRrswoLD, Cashier.
Brewster, A. McGinlkt,
- - - VJnaaA, iib0
CM3 -s
Owns the. foliow
inujbruud ou eith
er: Also H3 on cat-
tio and horses
cattle on leftside
horses on lkft
Ranpeon Pllver Springs and east of stats
Ine. l'osiotiice Uarr-iboii Neb
$100 REWARD.
For proof to convict any persoa of stea!.
lug any of my stock.
liranded on right shoulder on leXtthiflt.
Address, David Colvillb,
Tie brand i-epresented in this uotte
and branded any where ou left aide
of cattle, aud ovttr-lap cut from the
right ear.
Yiynri rna on lett thick of
Iti-liffl horses, belongs to the undersigned.
Kaue noar East Spriujfa, south part to
Sioux eouaty. Cuari.es Nbwmav,
Harrison, Mebrasktu
frank NCrro., 4
On left aide of cattle and on left
shoulder ot horses.
Range on Autelepo oresk
. O., Gtnlctirlit, Sioux Co., Neb.
To Joseph A. Moss, Mrs Ruth P. Mosa,
his wife W. J. Jiowden, christian name
uuknown, 8. B. Howe, christian name
unknown, F. S. TutUfe, christian name
unknown, Dakota Loan and Trust Com
Foil and each of you, are hereby noti
fied that on the 1st day of March, A. D.
1000, The County of Sioux, as plaintiff,
filed in the district court in and for the
county of Sioux and state of Nebraska,
its petition afrainst you, the object and
prayer of which is to foreclose certain
tax liens on the following described real
estate, situated in tbe county of Sioux
and state of Nebraska, to-wit: South
half north east quarter i north half
north-east quarter section two 2 town
ship thirty-two 82, north of range fifty,
three 53 west of the sixth Oth principal
meridian, situated in Sioux county, Neb
raska, that said tax liens coasist of taxes
assessed and levied on said real estate
for the following years and amounts, to.
wit: In the year lb'03, the sum of $0.15;
in the year 1886, the sura of $7.63; in
the year 1893, the sum of $8.54; with
interest on each of said sums as provid
ed hy law; and to haye an accounting
of the amount of taxes and interest now
dua on taid tax liens, ami to forever Oar
ond foreclose said defendants, and each
of them, out of any and all rifrbt, title,
interest, lien and equity of rderuption in
and to said real estate, and for (reneaal
equitable relief.
That you are further notified and re
quired to answer said petition on or be
fore the Oth day of April, A. D. 1000.
M. J. O'Connkll,
County Attorney. No. 16.
To John Garrison, Mrs. John Garrison his
wife, Christian name unknown.
Showalter MortKnce Company, F. J. Stevens
christian name unknown
You, and each of yon, are hereby notified
Hint on the 1st, dnv of March, l!XK, Jacob
Marking plaintiff, filed In the district court,
In and tor the county of Sioux and state of
Nebraska; his petition vgatnst you ss de
fendants, the otiiect and prayer of which
is to loreclose certain tax liens on the fol
lowins; real estate, situated in the couuly
of Sioux and stale of Nebranka, to-wlt:
North-east quarter section eight H, town
ship thirty three 33, north of range Ufty
four 64, went of tho sixth oth, principal tner
Id lan In said county, that said tax liens con
sist of taxes assessed and levied, for school,
county, ami state purposes, on said reel es
tate, for the following years and amounts,
to-wlt: In the year Won, the snm of as.lli; tu
tlie year HI'4, the sum of in.lll; in thr. year
isiift, the snm of 1.S7; In the year 18W, the
sum of fU.8t; lu the year KI7, the snm of HVII
and sold on the tit th Mil day of October, lsv,
to said philntln, at private tax sale for tbs
sum of tMl.nn, nnd In the venr Isfls, tlm sum
of l.74; and paid by plaintiff, as subsequent
tuxes, that there Is now dun thereon tha
sum of W7.00; the prayer therefore of said
petition. Is for a decree declaring the afore
said amount together with liitenmt thereon
and costs to tie a first and pi.rnniouat Hen
upon the aforesaid real estate srd Out
said real estate may be sold under an orde r
of the court to satisfy tbe same, and that
said defendants, be forever barred, and for
closed of all Interest or claim la and toss! 4
real estate or any part thereof. Tou are re
quired to snswsr said peMUoa ou or tstfera
the 1 dT at April, A, D. IMA.
H. J. ft-'CMmU
Attorney lor !sl i tiff.,
' ' 'L
' '. 't