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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1900)
BOERS SAFE. GEN. BULLER REPORTS THEY HAVE DISAPPEARED. , TWO GUNS CAPTURED. Boers Retreated Six Days Before Bullar Reached Ladysmlth Bridges Blown Up. London, March 6 The war ofiVe has tet-elved the following dispatch from jeneraJ Cutler: "Ladyffmlth. I find the defeat nf th Boers more complete than I had dared to anticipate. Thin whoj- district in completely clear of th-m, an 1, except at the top i f Van Reenen's pass, where everal wagons art; vlslbl. I can find no tract of them. "Their last train left Modder Sprlut station about 1 o'clock Friday, and they then blew up the brldro. They packed their wagons six days ago, moving them to the north of Ladysmlth. so that we had no chance of Intercepting them but they have left vast quantities of ammunition of all sorts, herds, grass, camp and individual necessaries. They have got away with all guns except two," President Kruger Is said to have left Pretoria with the Intention of meeting President Hteyn. The place where they will meet Is not mentioned, but is be lieved to he somewhere In the Orange Frcej State. The Boers are apparently rallying w ith their accustomed ability to repair a temporary reverse, and Great Britain has yet to test their forte as a de fensive power under the new condi tions of warfare. Aside from the meeting of the presi dents there Is no news Indicative of any change In the situation. Telegraphing from Osfontcln today, thanking the Lord Mayor of Liverpool for his con tratulations In behalf of that city, Lord Cohorts gays: "I trust her majesty's soldiers in this country will gain such further success es a will speedily restore the freedom and prosperity of South Africa." OEN'.ORS AGAIN WORKING. London, March 6. It Is evident that ft. strict censorship is being exercised over the news at the seat of war. ENGLAND STILL HAS A HARD TASK. Newspapers Say The War Is Still a Hard Proposition. London, March 6. The most interest ing wax news In the London papers is for the present coming from the mili tary experts. The Morning Post expert says: "General Buller Is surprised to find bow decisive was his victory. He is not very explicit as to the direction of the Boer retreat. Apparently the guns and heavy stores have gone by rail and the bulk of the troops toward the west "The absence of pursuit may be re gretted, but the case Is one where pur suit was hardly practicable. "Lord Roberts paid a visit to Klmber- ley yesterday and returned to Camp Osfonteln, which is five miles east of jpaardeberg, today. "The Boer force, 6,000 or 7.000 strong, fa four miles east of the British camp It probably will bo attacked speedily and. If It stands to fight, may expect to ehara the fate of General Cronje's army. "The appearance of the Boer forces in isolation points to the degeneration of their strategy Into & warfare of guer rllia bands. "Tho simplest line of advance for Lord Roberts im by Uloemfonteln and railway toward Pretoria. This way is better than the Ktmbcrley-Mafe king line, because It does not uncover his communications. "The Boer plan must be to concen trate only when necessary. Their ob jective Is the defense of the passes in the Drakensberg range from an Ree nen's to Lalng's Nek. "Four months' experience In Natal does not encourage a sanguine estimate of what General Buller's force could do by an advance on this line. Accord Ingty, It will not be surprising if the bulk of his force be transferred to the western theater of the war as soon as rested." The war expert of the Morning Lead er says: "Some of the military men still left at home are by no means comfortable over the abounding Jubilation that fol lowed the victories of Lord Roberts and General Buller. " 'If.' said one of them yesterday, 'we go half demented with Joy over the partial defeat of two little mates- pos sessing less than SO.OoO adult males, what would be the case If wo won or were beaten badly by one of our own sire. The very mob which have been yelling their gratification would In a contrary event have ix-eu threatening vengeance on an incapable ministry. "It has long been a serious question with all thinking soldiers, ami the events of the last few days have given It fresh life. "Did we lose a fleet Goschen might dangle from a lamppost In front of Nelson's pfilar! "tlentlemen who were last night and the night before so boisterously Intol erant, would. If given the other side t the shield, have made the throttles of the executive heads feel a bit queer. "Lord Roberts Is already face to face with a reformed enemy. ITobably It -will not give him much trouble. But there It is, and not so far away, either." BRITISH AUDACITY, Minneapolis, Minn., March t.K. If. Morphy, British vice consul at St. Paul. Is being severely criticised for his speech at a meeting of Britlah-born clt liens here, In which he spoke of Gov ernor Llnd as a "blatant politician." who la proclaiming his sympathies with the Boers, was prostituting his office for votes. Parallels are drawn with the Lord Sackvillc West Incident and Oovernor Llnd has been urged to make complaint to the federal authorities. He has declined, however, to take notice of the Incident. Mr, Morphy declares that he Is an American cltlsen and poke as an American cltisen, as was his right. II looks after the consul ate's business Incidentally and Is not ant here ss a direct representative of Mm British government MclULEY IN NEW YORK, Guest of the Ohio Club Banquet at the Waldorf-Astoria. NVw V rk, Man h l.-Thc Ohio so, i-iy of Xe,v York hell its fourteenth an nual dinner at lh- Waldorf-Astoria. WillUni M--Kinley, joet-id.-nt of Hit I'tllt'd states, v. as the sumi c f honor. More than 4"o oets rn- laid. It was p);,;0 when Mr. Southaid called the gu-sts to order and Introduced Mr. MeKinley. When Mr. Southard men tioned the president's there gieat cheering, Governor Iloo.-icveh leading. Three cheers were Riven wbei Mis M( Klnley a name was mentioned, tftf guests using. Mis. Mi Kinlcy a run and bowed. The toast, "The Pre idel.t." drunk standing. President M Kmle then arose amid ti enieiidoua applause . He said: "Mr. Toastmaster and tlentlemen: 1 appreciate your welcome and thank you for t.iis renewed expression of good will. There Is a bond of ( lose fellow ship which unites the Ohio people. Wherever they journey, or dwell, tliej cherish lenderesl sentiment for their mother state, and she in turn never fails of affectionate Interest in her widely scattered children. "The statement which has been mi often made is not far fiom the trulii: 'Once un Ohloan, always and Ohloan.' It has been years since I was youi guest. Much has happened in the mean time; we have had our blessings und our burdens, and still have both. "We will soon have legislative abear ance of tho continuance of the gold standard, with which we measure our exchanges, and we have the open door In the far east, through which to mar. ket products." NOT ALLOWED TO MOURN THE DEAD. Women Cannot Visit the Graves of Minors in Idaho. Washington, I. C, March 5. Kdward Flanigan of Mullan, Idaho, continued his testimony before the house commit tee on military affairs, concerning the Coeur d'AIene troubles. lie said no tices were posted early last July for bidding members of organized labor from going to the miners' cemetery on July 11 for their annual ceremony over deceased miners. The order, witness said, gave notice that women and other relatives of miners would be arrested if they assembled. Chairman Hull brought out the state ment that State Auditor Uartlelt Sin clair signed the notice, as representa tive of Governor Steunenberg, who, the witness said, In answer to Mr. Hull, represented the democratic and silver parties. Notwithstanding the order, quite a number of women secretly car ried flowers to the miners' graves, but as there was no organized demonstra tion they were not arrested. Mr. Flannlgan explained the permit 1 system put Into effect after the military arrived. Under this system, ho said men could not go to work until they got a permit from the state officials The witness aid permits to work were purchaseable. He advanced fl.OQ to a friend, who paid It to a deputy and was put to work the next day. Letters to men In the bull pen, he said, were opened by the officials before delivery to the prisoners. Thomas Heney, formerly a miner, and now an owner of mining and other property, testified as to his experience during the trouble. He hail been ap pointed a deputy sheriff and seeking to preserve peace ordered the saloons clos ed. The witness said he was arrested by one of the state deputies and ac companied by a squad of soldiers and put In the "bull pen." He said he could have given ball up to $100,000, but was not allowed to do so. WHERE MONEY SHOULD BE SENT. Addresses of the Red Cross Agents In the Boer Republic, "Washington, D. C, March 6. The American National Red Cross Is In re ceipt of letters of information from the International committee of the Red Cross at Geneva, Switzerland, as to the methods open through Red Cross chan nels of assisting in relieving the condi tions arising from the war In Bouth Africa, of which the following is an extract: "There existed in the two South African republics societies of the Red Cross, one for the Transvaal, the other for the Orange Free State, which, act ing with the co-operation and under the control of their government, reunite the conditions considered by us neces sary to be recognized Internationally. They have their seats respectively at Pretoria and Uloemfonteln. and are un der the direction, that of the South Af rican republic of Dr. J. B. Knodel, Pre toria, South African republic; that of the Orange Free State, Dr. Ramobot tom, Uloemfonteln, Orange Free State." Offerings of money or material may be addressed to either of these. Boer Resolution By Sulzer. Washington, D. C (."pedal.) Repre sentative Hulzer of New York intro duced the following resolution in the house: Resolved, That the republic of the United Slates sympathizes with t lie brave Boers In their struggle for free dom and Independence and hereby de clares that the people of the' South African republic nnd the Orange Free State are and of a tight ought to bo free and Independent and the congress of the United States hereby protests and remonstrates against the barbar ous war now being waged by Great Britain against the patriots of Souih Africa: And the president is hereby author ized to take such steps as may be ex pedient. In his Judgment, to secure and bring about an honorable peace be tween the contending parties. The democrats scored their first vic tory of the session in tho house on the motion to take up the contested elec tion case nf Aldrich against Robblns, from the Eighth Alabama district. On two separate votes the democrats, with the aid of two republicans, Mondell of Wyoming, and II. C. Smith of Michi gan, beat the republicans on the ques tion of consideration. An agreement was made to consider the Loud bill, relating to second-class mall matter, on March 20. ' A bill was passed to grant an American register to the ship Windward, in which Lieu tenant Peary will make on attempt tc reach the north pole. , The Southwest City Leader: "Kansas City gets the national democratic con vention. Our nest president will beat the brand, 'Made In Kansas City, U. U. A.' The vots stood to ." VERY ACTIVE INSURRECTION IN PHILIPPINES ON THE INCREASE. WAR IS HOT ENDED. Manila Itself is a Nest of Plots and Plans Against American Rule of the Islands, Manila, March 6 Reports reach the Associated Press from various sources, including army officers and the heads of commercial houses with agents throughout the islands, of continued activity among the insurgents who are endeavoring to keep alive the armed opposition to the United States and are planning to continue the insurrection with guerrilla warfare on a larger scale when the rainy season begins. A person holding a position second only to that of the governor general, tells the Associated Press that he is convinced the insurgent reorganization has been remarkably rehabilitated in the last month, particularly In the northern provinces. He Bays the insurgents have a secret organization patterned after the Katl punan methods, even In the strongest garrisoned towns, affording a perfect means of communication and that the machinery is managed from Manila, some of the leaders being Filipinos pre tending to be supporters of the Ameri can administration, and many of the municipal governments installed by the army forming a part of the machinery. Two correspondents of leading Amer ican weeklies who hay traveled for a month In Bengct and I locos' with let ters from Insurgent chiefs, going alone fifty miles from garrisons, and being everywhere hospitably received, say the people make no secret of their sympa thy with the Insurrection. Though ad mitting that the Filipino soldiers abuse them, they still protest these soldiers from the American scouting parties They claim to have communication with Agulnaldo. Paterno, In the northern mountains of Luzon, Is full of civil and military officials of all ranks, of Agulnaldo's government, who were captured or stir rendered and who were brought here and released on promise to refrain from agitation. While many of the Insurgent municl pal officials w ere cont inued In office on taking the oath of allegiance, residents who are acquainted with them have little faith in their adherence to their promises. All the civil officials of Tarlac. cap Ital of the province of that name, num bering eleven persons, have been ar rested and charged with plotting, and two insurgents have been captured at Malabon. with incllmlnatlng papers and 000 collected from the natives. Some of the municipal governments appear loyal. On the other hand, one American general declares he believes the majority in his district arc agents of the Insurgents. A fresh Issue of Insurgent pamphlets is being distributed, asserting that the American promises of good government are merely a musk for commercial ex ploitation of the Philippines, quoting Senator Revr ridge s speech and an edi torial from a Washington newspaper, headed: "Ix-t us be honest." The trial of the guerrilla charged with murder is finished, and It Is be lieved the commission's verdict will bo guilty. No other report has been received from General Bates' expedition. He has probably moved inland, where commu nlcRtlon with him Is impracticable. The army throughout the Island is working very hard, scouring the coun try for Insurgents and killing a few dully. The section from Manila to La gupan has been thoroughly cleared, and scouting parties being unable to find any Insurgents. General Funston and Colonel Kennan took 200 men through the mountains to Baler, on the eastern coast, without meeting an insurgent. But they are active along the northern coast from Oagupan to Apparrl. Occasional reports come of an American soldier being kill ed or disappearing. In the southern provinces the insur gents continue to harass the-Amerlcan garrisons by night demonstrations. FIGHT OVER THE VICTORY. British Attack a French Newspaper In Canada. Montreal, Quebec, March t. As n re lult of Jubilation over the British suc cesses In South Africa a race war Is threstcned In Montreal. Students of McGIII university broke the windows of the French newspaper, La Presse, and 4, W0 students gathered around the French university and smashed the windows. The police charged the mob. Twenty of the students were Injured, eight so seriously as to require their removal to the general hospital. As quickly us the crowds disperse they gather In Hunt her part of the city. The French students retaliated. They stoned the offices of the newspapers printed In Knglish and marched thro' the streets singing the "Marseillaise." In the evening the Archbishop issued a manifesto to his people to maintain or tier. This the French students met by pulling down the union Jack In front of the Star ofTlce and by dragging the lag In the dust. Lord Methuen Is Supplanted. London, March 6. The London Lead er, which Is generally believed to speak with authority, for the first time throws some light on the mystery that has heretofore surrounded the Inactivity of Lord Methuen. He was supplanted by Major General Colvllle, the Leader says, because of a scandal, but has been saved from disgrace by Cecil Rhodes. "We are bombarded by correspond ents demanding to know what becomes of General Methuen. Well, It Is a deli cate point. He has not been openly de prived of his command, for reasons which need not be repeated, but Major General Colvllle hns got the division which ho had and Lord Methuen la governor of Klmberley district, proba bly by favor of Cecil ithodes, w ho dear ly loves a lord and who knows Lord Methuen as one of his chartered share holders, perhaps a De Beers sharehold er also. Lord Roberts has engineered a difficulty nicely without scandal," TAX ON INDIAN TRUST LANDS. To Be Assessed the Same As Private Real Estate. Washlpgton. D. "., March 6. Repre sentative Robinson introduced in the house a bill providing for the govern ment pay on lands held by it In trust fur Indians, under the severalty act, and situated in organized counties, the tame proportion of taxes as is assessed against real estate held by private own ers. This bill afTects Thurston and Knox counties, Nebraska, where large bodies of these Indian trust lands are located. Representative Neville substituted for his original bill on the same subject one providing for the acquisition of a site and erection of a government build ing at Kearney, Neb., at a cost not to exceed $7u,0Ou. Judge Neville feels con fident of a favorable report of the com mittee on public lauds and buildings on, tills substitute bill. The committee of the house that had the matter under onsideiution, by a. vote of 7 to 7, refused to report favor ably the bill urged hy "Buffalo" Jones of Topeka, to li-ace to him half n mil lion acres of land In New .Mexico for twenty yeais for the purpose of per petuating the American buffalo. Jones' proposition was to (jive the national government 10 p r cent of the increase annually for the use of the various Zoological gardens In the United States. It is understood that the committee of the house will agree on a new bill whereby the desired amount of land will be leased to Jones and his associ ates for the purpose named. Jones and his associates have 110 buf falo of a pure strain and about sev enty grades as the result of breeding male buffalo to ordinary cows. Jt has been found by experience that the buf falo cow almost invariably drops a male calf, while in captivity. This ex plains the inability of the zoological gardens to Increase their herds. On the range, and If properly handled, "Buffalo" Jones says buffalo cows may be made to throw as many female as male calves. The market value of buffalft cows today is $1,000 cash, while malts bring but $.100 each. TAKING ARMS TO LONDON. Republicans Preparing for a Warm Time In Kentucky. Frankfort. Ky., March 6. The John son bill, amending the Goebel election law by removing the party emblems from the ballots, was advanced in the house, and this la construed by demo cratic leaders to mean that this will be the only amendment to the law at this session. Mr. Henry Walterson haa been strongly advocating the repeal or modification of of the law, asserting that such a step was necessary to se cure the United Support of democratic factions in the state, and Senator-elect Blackburn has also, favored liberal amendments to the law, but it Is con ceded that there will be no changes at this session, further than those in the Johnson bill. The shipments of guns and ammuni tion to London, Ky., Is said by the re publican state ofllcials to be only for the purpose of equipping state guard companies in that section, and they pronounce as silly the stories that Gov ernor Taylor and other state officials are preparing to set up a government there in the event that the courts de cide against them. Governor Taylor says there is no truth in such reports. Last of the War Victims. Washington. D. C, March 6. The transport McClelland, which arrived at New York Saturday, brought the re mains of ninety-nine soldiers who died In Cuba since Its occupation by the American forces. These bodies were collected at Guantanamo, Santiago, Manzanlllu and other points. Included In the number are the bodies of Cap tain V. L. M. Poixotto, Third United States volunteers; Lieutenant Joshua W. Johnson of the Third United States volunteers, which is to be taken to At lanta for Interment; Walter K. Spicer, former postmaster at Guantanamo, which Is to be sent to Boston, and Mrs. Anna Campos, hospital nurse, which will be interred at the Arlington ceme tery. Sixty-six of the bodies will be brought to this city this week for In terment at Arlington. This completes) the work of bringing home the soldier dead from Cuba and Puerto Rico, Including all those who lost their lives during the Spanish- American war and those who died since. Hereafter the bodies of soldiers who die In the West Indies will be brought home promptly in each case, except where Immediate removal might prove dan gerous from a sanitary standpoint. University is Redeemed. Lincoln, Neb., March 6. Cotner uni versity is redeemed at last to the Christian church of Nebraska. Orig inally built and established by that denomination, It was driven, by pan icky times, Into the hands of the money lenders, to whom the title finally pass ed. After years of endeavor, sacrifice and ceaseless hard work upon the part of the students, faculty and friends of the Institution, the money necessary for Its redemption has finally been raised, and on March 1 the new board of control was given a deed to the entire property. Ufforis will now be directed toward the rehabilitation of the school, und placing It on a sound flnnncinl footing. The properly originally cost over $100.- 000. and is most favorably located and well equipped for higher educational work. Th" student body has Increased this year, and It Is confidently expected that next years attendance will in crease in such measure us will Justify the heroic fight that has been made to save the school. KENTUCKY CASK IS SUBMITTKD. IiOulsvllle, Ky., March 6 After ar gument by Former Governor Bradley for the republicans and Zuch Phelps for the democrats, Judge Field In the circuit court took under advisement the case to determine the rights of the rival claimants to the ofVes of gov ernor and lleutenat governo,'. An opin ion Is not expected for several days. When it Is announced un appeal will bo taken to tho state court of apjteals, which the democrats claim has flnnl Jurisdiction. The republicans, however, will try to get the case before the United States supreme court If the de cision is ugalnst them. The democratic senate passed the bill for the appointment of a committee to hunt down the person or persons who assassinated Governor Ooebel, and ap propriating $100,000 to carry on the work. The bill had been previously is sued In the house and now goes to Governor Beckham for approval. The republican senate, sitting In the same hail, took no part In the pro ceedings. ) A MONOPOLY COMBINE IN CONNECTION WITH RAILROAD TRUST 95 PER GENT OF BOATS Arrangement Withdraws the Last Prospect of Interference With Eastern Rates. ' Chicago, III., March 6. Another field of transportation is to be covered by the syndicates that, within the past few months, have assumed control of the railroads east of Chicago and St. Louis. Those behind the consolidations have turned their attention to the water lines and are working ott a. plan to combine the large boat companies on the great lakes with the intention of placing these in the big pool with the railroads. All the big lines are to be brought into the fold, and a common set of rates agreed upon that will not conflict or cause trouble to the all-rail lines from here to the east.' It is said that Morgan, Rockefeller, Harriman and Hill are the prime movers in the lake deal. In the lake pool Mr. Rockefeller will place his big fleet of ore boats, operat ing between Cleveland and Buffalo, and the ore ports of Northern Michigan and Wisconsin, Hill will add all the big lin ers of the Northern Steamship company including the passenger boats, the Northwest and the North Land Mor gan will contribute the vessels owned by the Erie and Lehigh Valley roads and Harriman will turn over the steam ers run in connection with the New York Central railroad system. This will include 95 per cent of all the big boats on the lakes, both freight and passenger. UNION PACIFIC IMPROVEMENTS, Plans a Short Cut from Hershey to Laramie in Wyoming. "Wheatland, Wyo., March 6. One of the surprises of the week in Wyoming railroad circles was the arrival here on Wednesday of a. party of seven Union Pacific surveyors, with a full comple ment of wagons, tents and supplies for field work. The members of the party were reticent, but from what it was possible to learn, they are to begin work running surveys for the Union Pacific's proposed cut-off from Hershey, thirteen miles west of North Platte, to Laramie, In Albany county, AVyo. Whether this line will be built Is, of course, a matter of conjecture, but it is known that General Manager Dickin son, President Burt and Chief Kngineer Berry made a trip over the route last summer and that large quantities of rails, tics, etc., were unloaded at Her shey. It is said that if the Union Pacific builds this line, which will follow the North Platte river, through western Nebrascka, and on to Fort Laramie, tapping the iron and onyx fields of Hartville, the company will not con struct the Sherman Hill cut-off. The acttvity of the Burlingtot) in building Into Wyoming from Alliance and the securing of a right-of-way on west to Salt Lah it is believed, has prompted the Overland to build the cut-off, that when completed will place the Union Pacific where it can compete with the Burlington's new trans-continental line. , FUSION ASSURED IN KANSAS. The Three Parties Will Work To gether In That State. Topeka, Kan., March 6. The state central committees of the populist.dem ocratlc and silver republican organiza tions were in secret session here in an endeavor to agree upon terms under which a complete union of the three parties may be formed for the coming state and national campaign. The dif ferences were mainly as to a division of the offices. It was finally agreed that the popu lists are to have governor, lieutenant governor, auditor, attorney general state superintendent, congrcssman-at- large and one judge of the court of vis itation. Tho free silver republicans are to have insurance superintendent and one Judge of the court of visitation. The electoral ticket is to be divided between tho democrats and populists equally. The democrats decided to hold their convention to nominate delegates to the national convention on May 23, at Wichita. Kansans Murdered in Brazil. Fort Scott, Kan., March 6. Frank Greenfield of Mapleton, Kan., who last fall came home from South America and secured the co-operation of the government In a relief expedition to search for the parly of rubber pros pectors which was sent from Kansas City to the Interior of Iirazil In Febru ary, 1MS, h;is notified his parents from Cuguba, Iirazil, In a letter Just re ceived, that the en I ire" purty was mas sacred by Slials Indians far up the Xinga river. There were five or six men In the party. It was in charge of M. K. Kirk, a civil engineer of Kan sas City, and consisted of Alfred rGcen field of Mapleton, Kan.; two men named Williamson and Urownly of Ohio, and one or two unknown men. L. B. Price, a Kansas City banker, was financial backer. The Brazilian government as sisted in the search. Castellane On Imperialism. Paris, March 5. Count Castcllant has published a two-column article In the Gaulols, entitled "The Two Imperial isms," giving the result of his obser vations during his recent trip to the United States. lie declares that Amer ican imperialism Is superior to that of ltiilnln, but warns France to beware of an alliance between tho two English, speaking countries. Incidentally he asserts that Ameri rnn Imperialism receives Its Impetus from tho trusts, to whom expansion mentis tremendous business; from Wall street magnates, whose Interests rj closely allied with Iindons ex change, and from the society ring, whose pose It Is to sympathize with and ape the ways of British nobility, cumssriAYSA New York Member Leads Repubtl. cans a Merry Chaee. Washington, D. C, March Nlotfc ing has happened in the house for long time that has created so much laughter as an Incident in the speech of Representative Amos Cummings Of New York, during the Puerto Rico tar iff debate on Wednesday. The time was approaching for the vote to be taken, and everybody was keyed up t concert pitch. It was known that the vote would be close no one knew how close, nor whether the bill would pass or be defeated. About 2 o'clock Amos Cummings got the floor under the fire minute rule. jand he started to maka the best of it, his voice soaring into fierce but foggy thunder and his arms) beating the air with the reckless free dom of flails, voice and gestures being characteristic of the literary congress man from New York. "Mr. Chairman," he began, "wheis the vital interests of our country are at stake and the liberty of the people Is endangered, I believe it to be the duty of every man upon this floor to rise above party trammels and vote in ac cordance with his honest convictions. Here every member began to listen, for Cummings, in spite of his rough-and-ready style of delivery, generally has omething interesting to say at & critical stage of a debate, and every body remembered that Cummings la mentioned for Mr. Bryan's running mate. "Believing this, after I had voted! fop $50,000,000 to be spent by the president of the United States to prepare us far war with Spain, and after voting for the declaration of war, I stood here, rising above party and voted for the revenue bill providing money to carry on the war. In that same patriotic spirit I declare here today, with a full sense of my responsibility, that I Bhall vote for this bill." The scene that ensued on the repub lican side is hard to describe. The ap plause was deafening, and the repub licans seemed to go wild with enthusi asm. To the democrats the shook was like a stroke of paralysis, and amid the pandemonium of joy . they sat dumbfounded and appalled. Cummings was still on his feet. He waited until the excitement subsided sufficiently to make himself heard, when he continued with increasing en ergy of voice and gestures: "I shall vote for this bill, Mr. Chair man, provided it is amended as offi cially recommended by the president of the United States so as to provide ab solute free trade with the island of Puerto Rico." ' In an instant the uproar was trans ferred from the republican side to the democratic, and a pandemonium raxedi among those who a moment before had been stricken dumb witb amazement. Even the republicans enjoyed the joke on themselves, and Cannon and other leaders, convulsed with laughter at the adroit way in which they had been Im posed upon, crowded Into the aisle aa Cummings ceased, and told him that h was guilty of a low-down trick. WILL LEAD THE DELEGATION. David B. Hill Will Be One Of New York's Big Four. Albany, N. Y., March 6. David B. Hill has been asked to lead the delega tion from this state to the national democratic convention at Kansas City on July 4. Richard Croker wants htm to go and also to assist him In restor ing confidence in the party throughout the state. 1 Mr. Croker's wishes were communi cated to Mr. Hill by John Whalen, the corporation counsel of New York, and Mr. Croker's most trusted friend and adviser. Mr. Whalen and Mr. Hill had aa hour's conference, the result of which is said to have been satisfactory to both Mr, Whalen and the democratic state leaders. V Mr. Hill is said to have expressed his) willingness to be one of the big four at the convention. To him will be intrust ed the task of conducting the fight for a broad and liberal platform, In which the currency plank will not be too con spicuous and upon which all factions can stand. ., EDITORS OPPOSE THE TRUSTS. Adopt Resolutions Condemnlngth Paper Trust. New Orleans, March 6. At the session of the Kdltorlal association the resolu-. tlons against trusts were taken up. J. K. Lanning of Norwalk, O., made an eloquent address. He said emphatically that there was no duty on wood pulp and here the excitement began again. President Henry, who had taken the chair, was compelled to rap continual ly for order. Delegate John Naegel of Manitowoc, Wis., said he desired to set matters right on the spot and showed conclusively that there waa a duty on wood pulp. Mr. Naegel drew from his pocket a little slip of paper. He ex plained that he had called at the local customs house and front the collector of the port had ascertained that there was a tariff on wood pulp. He had made a note of the rates. Mr. Lanning read from what he said was the free list of the existing tariff law, showing that wood pulp was In reality on the free list. The debate on the question continued for some time and with much heat. The resolutions against trusts were adopted, 244 to 64, with an amendment urging congress to take Immediate ac tion against the paper trust. Money Will Not Reach Boers. Washington, D. C, March 6. The at tention of postal authorities to a din patch stating that a postal money or der payable to President Kruger at Pretoria had been returned to the send er by the department, they said that an order was Issued by the postofflce department November 1, 1899, giving notification that owing to tho war In progress in South Africa money orders ran not be delivered if payable In the Transvaal or Orange Free Htate, and directing postmasters not to Issue such orders until further notice. If since that dule such orders have been Issued! It was contrary to the department's In structions. South African money orders were drawn payable in the Transvaal and Free State, but were first sent o Cape Colony, which office acted as In termediary, as the places In question were In the relation of dependencies of Great Britain. Under the present con dition of affairs the British officials would refuse to forward money orders to the countries with which ther are at war and no agreement haa ever bean entered Into by which money orders can be sent directly to tht Transvaal.