Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, March 08, 1900, Image 1
lAKKid UN JOURNAL. VOL. I-ITT HABBISO5r Our ??o.lo-- -o QUESTION IS r.CTTLED UNTIL IT IS SETTLED RIGHT. Ion. William J. Eryau. HARHISOXPKICSS-JOUKNAL. tjubvcriptiim lYiec Official Paper of (iF.o. I). C.wox, kJt'.l'XLU AT 1UK lUl.lijM.N 1'isT Cl Mnci. 10 Nov ;:riii;:.T ii;r.: To Western Security IVnpauv, Junes A. Olt'lUll'.C. 1 mi and eir'a of yri, pre In-rcl;-,- m -lifted thnt u:i the Tilt, i.ti.y ot Mini II, A. il. V. liiu t uu.'ity ol riuui: (, nUliol.!', ulcd In the il i rid eo.ii-t in ami t-r tiie 1 oit-ity of Sim; and ti.U;ol .Ncl-rasUi.. it-, i-lil,oii ii-ilji,l, you, htin.i a d uitli jf. kit.,, y banning in 1.1 mill 'I rust ' otnp my, i.ij i;t it.j- l"uui I u-n tm 1 1 y , iouiiel Cnnb-ntsa, juri. ouriai l.iiitleai in, his wile' ciil isli.m loom linki own. tht- oil J ":i and prayer uV which 1 to f orcio cm- il'il tftx ilclisaii the loilll... ill,: dl'Sr, il "j I'r.i) state, situau-- In the county ol' muiu i.mi stale of Nebraska, lo-u it: sonili-we-t ijii. i licr of llii' southwest 14 s-ctio 1 one 1, -einlll ti : i f -of tOlilh mist quarter -ii ol le-ctiioli l-V'tiil hi): til iiuif s im. th-inst q i.irter -s .section cifvi-n 11. ll'irlli ll.lil llO! Cl W, Hi (J-l.liT souiii- we,.!.-. u.ir.-ei- - iori.i west oil trinr 4 suc tion twelve li! atl 1st tnvtif hi., tt.lrt -two 3:, uorl-i 01 l;i:-it .0 vest' of Cos toxin O'.'i pri'ic-!)ii tiifri'timi lti,tc'l u rlioui cm 7 ie! r 1 -kit, Cat aid US Hon lua-l.t ol taxes j! e,.o-. sl it'I 011 a-.-.tl reiti .!...( ii for the iol-. luwoir .r a-i 1 mnui-.nn. to v 11 : in I ;t- yn-it it-, !, til-' sum of a'.s.jii; In tin- yi-, ir ".'-', t)t-kuiii of ; i;i tan y"i.r 1st J, tin ffiim ol r.J-'-v; tl. yv-itr Tl, Uu- ".on m Hi. II ; in Hr v vi'ar l'..i, tin- f in Hi" yitur IfJ. , tun mi'ii of 'i f .'; la 'he y tht- siiiu of il'i.il ; In Urn ji-i.r i. I i HC7, villi l.it'-ri-it on fm-ii n! ,i, -iiui ol -uim Vulili- Jirovi'It'ii by ia tv; aii'l to t.iivt iu i' K of the Biao'rii ol lam-", a ml li.t U'ltlMCl K.llil tilj lil'li?. Hint I -J fulf l- f'trr-clo.it; s.il J -in :i t?-. it li'i i'ii' ttit of aiiy ami nil r tpl.t. litii', Int ntui ei(M'sly of r -(Ii-iujitloi: !n i:tul i futi.ti-, ni.il lor (.tirr.i.l r-iii.taKu j Thnt yon nrc further nolitli d a: I i-. i- -t tmvf inr a nl :.. iMi'iii -I, lit 'i i ihl liau .it, ri"iilr I lo ar,ii.vi:r itatU iH:tUi'-n oil or IWoia ti.a f Mlidtyof April A. 1-'. Ill ii. . J. U't ".v. . 1,1.1.. No. Tt. o'lnty Attoi-iii': j-ronci; to xoN-un-siw-iNT r..Kn:N-! I .) A MS. I T.) D.tkot-v ll-jrt'4 t-i L-iati C-mipanv, (liolii) J it Vf iit nt i i ii; i j is y, Hi'iu'V A. Wvniitil, ll"(:ivtir of (iio!w !i. vcatni-unt ComiiiHiy, Juiui l'ttl-crt Trui.l-M. You, inU p.k.-Ii of voti nc Inn-iiy noti ii -d Ili it mi tliM Jt ("liiv of Mart h A. i lWlt, lln t.'nuuty of .Sto'tjt. ti'.ttli'iir, file I ill Iht.-district "out t Ul hii I lor tiie m )tt o( SuiiK o I si;i(a of .Niraliit, ia petition aniu.-.t you, fit obj! I jtnl iruvr f wlneH 11 t furdcio-t" I' -rttin Xix iirtim on tti fill lowing 1 rii otiite, Kitii tif'l in Uim county of Sioux ti it t i :il of Nt'iiravU-4, to-wit: Xorlli liitll i, of south-West fjn irtT j, norllt-li ilf , of H'Mith-t'iist qu-irur i, h-cttoii t Ivo I'', towiislitp ifiiily t 'M, ;'.rth of rutr.'i- iil'ty IhiMc M, wt-it oi tii 6:h 1'. i!.. in Sioux contil v :bi:t4;;i. lilat, Willi ( lX ilulfi Ctltislht of tax-t M il an ! levital on s-tul r il t-.-lato for the loliiiwing fiiffl artel umotinl)', to wit: In t!i vnr J ll.e K irn of ?14.v'0 in tl.c yi-Ar W4?i tlm mi in of $10,fii. in tuu year llt Mini of $11, 1H io Vt' ir l-iW.) I'ici Mint of t'i. "-'. ' the yt-ar l.-US tl Mint of S'J Willi ititt.-rtfst on tat li of fjtyl siui!--! an iirovitlo.i hy tttiti to Intve :t:i oi'iotii.tinij; of il:o iiinourit of ' taxes ilia) interest do Oiiu on ftttii tin limit, at.ii t't fi!itjvfr Inr mn! lorecio.-i--cai.l tlvfmnlitr-fc, an;l ni It of tlim, out. nl fitly and !1 r:t;lit. till-, inten.-M. iii-n mid ((jtiiiy of r-rlfinption m iml to Kant rval fslalij, iirtti for (,e(tcral tijuitalih; n-h.f- That yoti ar further noli find arid r? (plirfd to iins-r mid pittitioti on or bn ijro tlm 9th (Uy of April A. 1). 1008. M. 3. O'CONT.'Kl.U No. 0. C'-oiitity Attorney. NOTICE TO NON-UESILKNT MTIIN IiANTS. To Joftliua M. riiiiiih, -Mrs. Joshua M, riiiinb. In vvifn, christian inline Xinkr.own, W. J. Btiwaun, clwistian liama unLnown, Ilelnii T. Caiiiln.il. You, and .-;ih of you, are Iwrehy notiiltd lliHt on tho lit dity of M.irch A. V. liKIO. Tim Cotinly of Sioux, an plainliir, Bled in the district in end for the county of Bioux and Htulu of Nubra'-I:, its petition iiRainttt you, the iibject und prayr of liith ih to fore curtain tax liens on tlio following dewn bed real elate, tiittmt'd in the county of hioiix and slniu ol Nubraiika, to-wit: Wt-tit half north-cust quarter J of tiec-tion thirty !i0 Wt-ht half i south-east juartur Kitction niuUert 10, lawnnliip thirty-five 33, north of lUnjo 11 ft v our M, West of tlm sixth 6 P. M. nitii ated in Bioux county Nebraska, that twiil tax lin cotinht of taxes ittinessrl mid OU Maid rmtl estato for tlio lollowintf yearn and ftttiountu, U)- wit: In tli4 Vear lrJW4. tha ruiii of in the yeer 1HJ3, 1hmiruor3. B2;in the vear lMJfl, tin um of $1.14: in the year lbS7, tho uim of 85; In the year lM, the mini $!.iil with inlroit oi each c,f naiJ mm! a provided by law; nd to have nunccoun tiiiK of the amount of taxes nnd itileri-t now due on na id tax liens, and to for pvnr bar and foroclose naid dufpudauM, nd eaob of tlioin , mt of any m.d all riIit, title, intcrckt, lion and etptity of redemption in and to said real eiUt, and for genera I erjuiliiblo rlief, Tlm you urn further notillivl nnd rnq tiired to annwor mud petition on or lie lore the lrtlli riny of April, A. U l'JOO, M, J. O'Cowxa.!., fouul A.Uorov. No. IT, IVr Ycitr $1.00. Sioux County. -' Editor. Fa i; AS .Vi.coM I i.ai-s ilAiU.it. jTii'E T.) nu.m u:;.i ;n'.ats To Vary A. fi V.r s, Joli i ri-, liin' Innbuml u'liun- ti-itl luting U ii.ikno'.vii. Vosi, mill i-i.i-h 01 on, hi 1 hiri'ly in.ti;3--ii !il:it oil the Nt t!..y of Hjvi-I) A. (I. IH)0, '1 lit I iiiliity ol .-iiniA, i: jMiil'itiir, lll"il in tfcr I -il : ii t roiirl in ''li-I for liu; cmi -'v of Siiti:iii-i !.l,!li- o: .;lirnfi.:--i, it.i ji'-iifioii I J on, tlnj nMi-1 t ' fn i yi'i iii i- iiii Ii tiill iihf'-l't toi'l N I il litli'lO.i' tt-t'lii II t'ix i'.f:.i.O!i tow I up ii -riilti'ii li-i.l ' t.t,-, -iii i in i cinmiy of ioll' una M.itt; ol r to wil : '! HI the i'iin-.U 11, Wontli linlf 'j' of mint li i"int f-ci.l'iii , s or I li iMir ', nurt!,.... ol' li'-i'ilmi j..'vi'iit,i-i;n it ulj In i'. tv itiit-;ti, iiiirtii til i-.t'i'-ff. til t i qiln: f.-r H uu '! .t lull. t ii i r. V.'.'-t i'1'.tV ofta -f.tn I. ( , itnui..i in Ni'lirit-sa, Unit r-tl tu t ili-n-t -m i si--t-.; .in 1 I,--, ! '1 o.i -til-i li-.i! t i:t: loi.'i.-. in-; y ..1 ;-.!. it i,i i,l- I lio , III-: -il. ii ft it , .. ; i not S'- , Hviti, i vnlcil I. ; in I: tiT -.t .ii I ol ti'iitii n,: oi tu.- -.i i--.t nij.v 1 1 ii" mi j- i .I' ami Inlf'-lo,. f.l'-il o; til'-n., tint i.lK'1-f.t, lli'l. I I. it ana to ni I ii-al 'I :': !'.! r-'lii-r ! ii.it iiu mi' : m, tt it i - t, .-r i' el tii-i atlilil o 1 ( - V i 1 1 nil . )l :,': y ii c inity c t ilr, . nil' till ' .Ul'l if". 1 1 1.1- l.l till UU O.i 'Mj of April A. It I' ..II. M. J. (i t oin.t; At t'irm'V. 'I.NT D.'.I'li.-'IIA.N i To l('tlt.i:i',:l Vint, am! ! " l t ii:t tl"- i t tu a l.y ol i-i'i' l-tr, " t i tilu t , : '! -1,1.' 1. 1 V ' il l. 'I- "I I list i . a ri. lo ll. I i 1, HI mil t v ' ! i J illl I i s:. i , a-1 .- Kill- Iff m, ila oi,j'. t ,i-i-ii,". i'iii,i,ii ini.i-.l I.-.. I i - - it,, on i,l 'iUllX illi'l n l it !'-ail ';. (!li i (- i.i i til HI !i lil:.l 1' , li-'l Mil "it .VI. i !li "-rt ..'I, t'i HM t' -l il I.I ill'. f. l.'illll ii; --I tail t v l-f ii a I. ot Hi" . t; i nl a l ," , I. i-t m' I I '.-:, II l. -1-llll llli tu it : r, in Hi" f. , a rt a tit i' iii:;i- tl! t y i i.iii i ., Hiiiiali 'i 'k i.. Ili.lt -ai l l",-,,? .I ll ililll I' l. oil l a- toii-iv, ii :; yi-.ir : In t ii" i' u , i i. I n' a: r I'm- ma nl ; ,f 4 - mi ot is. 'i; la In.- 1:1'' l.'ll' I r I-':' , t IH' 41 tl 111 .1 tt Ml i m ol - a , v. 1 1 ii in t r'l" t on I .. nm Mi il l.y lu-,v; aii'l 0. 11110. nt tht' iilmiil .t ol t X tio.i na im s.., i. in li.-ii-, I: .r H'Ml lul l" i" !' s ii-l i3..':i. li oi 1 1 .a ai , mil i.I .in-,' an. I all li li- ;, iici an. I . . ; . 1 1 i ;.' .i li'- 1. 'i io ... l a al oil.. I", ami lor i'.f t- ' i i. im t;a a iintitifi! anil rt'ijiiiri'il ;i"',!tai'i oa or IH'Ioru tin' lull i.'l'i :n-r to A a-. Uu) oi M. J, flVo.iiieil. ;ni y A ttornt y. l'l- fc V- MN l.K-IUI-.NT lr.r:-.a..-- - y. r: el. Ti n ('. V. S : ; ; v r-1 1 . his , tii r tu.ti i.f-'i 0 it :' - " ill mi i.: I, i.t.v. n, W. .). me link i.tt.l li, y'iehi.-rl i. -ir ii, i , t. --:.! .'-it f Mlemi.'l I p 1 l.i a Iti.m" to, k in '.V 11, ru hi oiii-r W -.-ill .ill 1 H t' li'i tmr ,'ti l a -.1 tian nitiiie mil. novv ii, t . t i t li n i.ia' io: U iiyw a , ' I i'-. iii t w it . , t-hi ;-l ..in moii'., ii l on a i'l e '"!l "I yon, h I : -h it li" i-l, oay tit laa t if fclt.V ol ai.i X, tl. ij,.i'i I ' his v.i u i', eti I rpfi'i-r. eiir t . i a iiiiiii rot i.'led I iie . it I ana I', f " ti I in it: oi Sioll com t i'l Had lot- I ta- ta li -.1 y ,-ial"ii Ve'a'.i-li t, it- p iilo il.e on)- i t it;. (I t ,.! of v. 1 film" I t'i ti'i'1 I '.V ii.Ji.O'l l!,f "tiW I' al i-a if, Mtii.lt i d til -ioi;ti im state ol .Si-iita-k i r, e-t ijit.! 1 1 1 r -.4 ot t-t in i li w i-M-tioii t I-ii ii"i li; ii.it im li ijnar ier i. hi-.-j i,m t-,i nty ttii i oil trier o nut 111 U.it(;ln I ii.i Ut'iily liiur ,t ell in tu l ' a It i lo f.i l.O' n: - tie jti tit" t -ai'::-, , lo tt it: t-mi-rj I iia. rti'r', of It' mi' tit east " '13 nol I nan -I tl s ol .i-t ii'ltiti tli.fi)-- tito noi i ti ot tin .',ia piitn:it, tin.!. ii.i tin I," unit i- it'll o-i s.t . li .' I y inri i ri'lian, in s ii we I in ld t'l-ist Ol t.Hl'S al i U't ' for in i r ln yers aii'l aitnt'lii is, to w i i i In tin' !H.f Itlesilm ol fll !l in ti?" year t'-'i'. tin mm oi f la.l'; in lite year !"'',, tlm sm ;(.lilhe year 1-, the slim ofillti Intel rrl tiiiem li ol italii fill,,-, a. ,ri, 1 ot i; "-llii ."d liv nl tl.e dim on In ; fin 10 hive un i.i-i-oii nt 1 'i liinolinl nl ta"s ami i:il"ri" t said U.I He as, innl lo furl i oa It.ii' and loi.' e'o-e s ,i- i nl ,n -t an i-t. in id cue it of I Irm, out ot any inui ali tit,-ii, t:tf'-, I..!., ri'-l, in n am! f'ltllty i,t l-eili-it. i 'oil In and lo siid 1-ail dial", and lor ei'iiTal.e'iintitMi' reilil. I iial yon are fart!. t-r ii'ttitiiiil anii r-'i u I r -e.l to ni'iswr imid petition on orls-fur the y.ii da v ot Ajir.l, A. li. i'.sm.U. J. C't onnki.i., Cloiiiity Allorio-y. (No. i NOTil.'ETO NON-P:I'.!0ENT IiEKEN- I) ANTS. To Edward Alonzo llaincy, Mrs. Eil ward Annuo Jlauiey, bn wile christian inline unknown, Aiiierniifi Loan und Trust Con tanv. You, nnd each of you, are hereby not t lit 'I that on the lit day 4.f March A. I. HI1"), Tins ( aiiin'y (if Sioti x, m plain till', tiled Ul Ilie district court i'l hirl fr the count v of H.oux und Slate of Neli ruakii, its pel it ion n;;:iin you. tho obj"ct iiinl prayer of which is t ) form -lofe c.-r-taiu tax liens on the foli'iwin;; tlexct du d real estate, ntuuted in tiie county of Sioux and state of Nebraska, to wn : ijti three !t and four 4, south half i, of north-west ipiarier , o ieclion one 1, township thirty I'U, north of rani-n li'ty three .'ui, we.t 'of 1b-i sixth Oth, i". M. in Sioux fVtinty Nehraskn, tlmt mid tax liens connst of taxes asscs-cd anil levied on said real estate for the following years ami .unoiihls. to w it: In th year ls'.lj, thw siini of Sil-3.30; in tlm year Is'j:), ihe sum f UU.!; in the year lw!)l. the sum ttf H 1-llT; in the year lsy.", tho sum of 7.11; in the year I sun, tint mini of H,3!; in the jpar IMiT, tbe sum of f',) tVi; in the year 1!W, the sum or !ifi.::l, with interest on each of raid sums as provided by law; inn to have, un lu ooiintine; of the nnionnf of taxes arid interest now due on i-aitl tax licrm, nnd to forever bur nnd foreclose paid tlefenileitts, and e.-v-li of thein, oul of nny mid all niithl , title, interest, lien ami equity of redemp tion in and to said real esfute, and for general iiillu.hl relief. That you tire further notified and re quired to nnswi-r said petition on or Im for tli" "Hi day of April A. 1). Ii)::i) JJ. J. tl(iN?.KM,. No, 17. County Attorney,' Nynci: to so.n.usukst di:, ::sd nt . In J. T. V.'c'N, t l!r!-il'a:i liasm? un'..-iio n, 5!H. .1. T. N'.'i.'Ib, ( 111 ;:H!I liitllf UU?. liO-A It All.'rii--iM i:ivr'll.n-lit I oi:; ,:i!iy, A. I.. iirrii In- tr.i.li-i-, clirixliau iiiiu: u:ikiinu, . J. II- iwili-n. cliril sun mum unknown, , I re nU M:ir-.lm:l, "i!:-i. i. rnlnli Mur-lnill Ir-i tvi!-. i-iiri-iinn uiif-uiikt.owii, 1. li.-or, rlu'i -linn III- II, I! 'i k 'ifiW mi. ::;i. !( ii of yon, tin- ioi;i-M I'i.iIoii Hi- Iftil-.y ol i.c,,, A. !., hwfi. i f- -witity Ol 'liilil, fo llll.Mitlir. ll'il 'I lit I lit- ill-l I ;-t i-'iiit l:i an! fur t li'i i-o'.hi!v ol :!,n;. ?it'-l t-t;it' ol Ni-!ti ,tU :,, I1-. Jil.oii i!-it yii. i. li.ii oii.t-.-! unit jir.-i '-I- of v h i- ll I-tu imi-i li)-." t- iTiin t .i li-'ii-. mi thi' iiii-o'.viiii.' -I. -!- v lti-'. f ' .i i'-i.ili- -in.itiM i ii thf i-o.liily ul - ;uiU - tut .i' .it .i of N .ir.in it. In wit; --ii. li.ili J of i-oiil !i -.it iin trt-r ;i of Sf'.ioil, V '-T Ihtil !-,Ot llOll il-'-HSt II1J rlfi- .- ' I Kill i o; j-1 uir i n jh '.' i .1 luii'f t i')-.vniinii iiiirtv liir:-i lilty tiiii-i:-.ii. '.ii-.t ol t!l f.tli 111!- , 1 ll'i! - lilt t;tX ii'-li-4 i-Oii- I. M " r -- - i'. 'f'it io, 'I l" ii-ii on tt iiit ri'iil ! l o! i mi iii'j jr. to't:lii tint i-.l ,i I'-' fur ' vv.r l -.1, t illl! Ml. II '-iiitl-.. ,r - till- .ii. S ! .i."., wilii sroi i lt 'l f oi t lit:' l' uu il.ll-,-fst oill' -.t'ti Ol .-.'.llii foil. ,h ; y m ; mi'! to hn i- an iit - oii it ii-i;; : i'liu nl lux i-Hit nit- ri't now j ill"." nit tut t:i lii ii--, iin.l to loi'i-M-r trtir ion! 1 itfi-Hi..' ?- ,i'i i ti lt-ii-1, ii 1 1 1, unit I'ui'lt nt t ii i 'in j out of any -in'! ri! i rjht. litlt-, utti-i ii.-n 1 if. t i"iiit v ot ri"li-iiiii ioii in unit to .,'i't : rc-il fMiiii ami lor i; -i,--rat -.-nt riMii'f. J 1 llii I you art' i Mi Mi. r m! it !'-it it tut riinar'-il In an -w i---ant i.t-t li i.ia on or lii ! tiru lh.: Mil till V- 1.1 .!..!. Ai.l ; , A. II I' i .M'.i.r, ( t j'.i -i 1 v At Girlie;, No. 2j :T!CE l" M'N Ii!-..-Hl'.XT I!.'KESIAST- t'Tii Kitriit Vi 1 1' t tr.t ' v. ,. ! o-t- t 1,, i -in, i A - : ""h t.f tli 1 ' j' iny, I o. mil: i ' o "p iny, .1. on a.'-1 -i n ii . i .o.-in '',triti llilll IllVf.-t- li iif villi, t.i-p lit l-i.iy tT.nt - ! ' :V ,, Ms,.j,t . Ii. -m'lN.ii itlamli.r, IMi-. i a - '! lor i n'1 I'n.i a t y ti' -' - kil, ill ),!' I! loll : '; 'i will! Jl It. .1. ;!. " j ' ! '" j tilt' '-r ot w hii-a j-i to i 1 1 1 1 i ! i oti litf liiiioi,, ja;f (iit-.Tiii a.itivl in ll,i- imijilv t,l "h'.'-iin, Io n il : ' , of mirt'i-i-, tit 17 ti a l "r ', Ot MUlll Ul'-I I, II i tlT f lii, i.-',N'. !.' i n !.- l-llli. It: i ' i t '!. in inii. i 'tin tv, ii ill i;i X lit'iti f-im .',st ot t i: li- ii it oa -..,i'l it-tt ,t iti- t 'i --tl.lt ll I mil f it !i i If f ' w '-1. of 1 In- ' hra-li'i thnt -. t ami till' i'iiii.M 'il:; III I'm vt-.-.r i t o.i r r -'(.' , t in' -. till' -inn o.r .ti.-l. :.ti; in th.- t in ti ri- : on t- -l;v lai.-; ami I .'.I'li'il'it ot T 'i -jil'l t it lii i,i, i-lo-l' --li. ii"!-l ut nay nml all i H'uri ami it ! ' I, tin- -a 11 l.l on ot U' ri: in t : in t ii" ytv.r 1 : u in i ir i- .1' illi- V". li? v. tt .i x lii'ovM-,1 t'liit of lii" l;ii . ti m' on II ol i'l I Illl -" Ill Kl-l-ltil-l I'll'l i.lti-!'i-i inii! to for" t r 1 ! tnt-i, .iii'i fti'li i i-;nt, til I", iat.'i " ! ! n th" o'lt ami teal i-iitil:y of ri''iiyiiiitio!i In an'! to -ii'l i-i ;i! i', a - i'l i-ir Lit'tH ral "I i a- li'ii- ri'Hi' :'. 'l lrit. Von lira I It tllf-r nolltl.'il : inl r u ir- -i lii n!ii'i.r -ml.! I't'taliiia on or t't tort' tin; atn ii.ty ui A j -r-1 . A. 1 1. I' il ! N". I ; III. ,). i'( UN 1,1.1, ( umity A .i.oi :n y. NOT!'. it) i :' i: t:nt hi'.i'n T.i i (iilis .!;uio" ,ti. I,i iil'-en, llrs. :! I'ill'IS? Ill tttes F. rut mo 1111- wif i known, tJeorat; l-csi.e, Jom-ii . Arm- jsiri.iv.;. 1 Von, mid t -iie! i of vttit, are hereby noti-fl-'il Iliat on Cm l.st lav of March 'A. 1). r.i!l'1, Th county of Sioux, an plaintiff lil"(l in I f-e ilisti-ict cii'irf in anil for the I i-oiih! V of S.oii x and 'State or Nehraskil, 1 its jietilioii n:::ittit yon, tl-e olij.jct nnd i",i 'i i r of wliit Ii is lo liiri-nloM.1 rert iip i tax lii-im on th" following ilt:i-ibil real ' e-tiite. situated in tiie count v of Sioux ami st;i( j of Nebraska, tc-.vit: lioti ttirre! :i and four 4, e:.'t I J. r- V. . J tnii'Hi east iti:irtf j, nor" h-vvest lots one l nml scut ?i-fio t iinr!er . north west ijiiiirier I, nil m S-i-f i'n ei:.'ii'ien l's, Ti'iV.'iu-'-iip thirty t-vti ii!, no.-tii of fiitii'i t;iy t.v ., v.t t of tla s-iyi'i '.Hi !'. H. s tii'.t'-il in Stonx I 'tiiint y Nehra kit that .-a 1 1 ,t v In ns f 'if.sist of tux. si ass.". -n il ai d hvi- il i.nsinl real e-tntH fi-r the I' liotv uu: vt air-innl iiiii'iuii!-, to-wit : In Iii" v ir l-i'.i !, i he sni,i t.f ; .MT: in lite yi.ar 1-'.,", th- -s'lin of 'V,' in tlm year I'-ttV, tiie sunt of 21'.1, 1 1 ; innl in tlm year )M', the Mini of f!i,'7, will ir.lt rest on eii' h nl sniil Miiim its prm-nli-d l.y law; anil to I ive ;iti I'i'i'oiir.tiii ' of t Ins am ount of taxe.-i anil int'Ttst pow tint! on said tax lien-, tu.d to forever har hiiiI foreo!'!-' .;lld llel'ellil'li'ts. tit.J r.nli (f t hem, out ol any an, I nil rmlit, title, in ler"'l, li'"l nni! eijuit y of reil.iiiiptiini in and to iiiil r;':tl t slate, nuil for encr.'U ei'iit.i!ile rt-lii f. I'liat von ni-i! furt ht r noti ed and re ijiiif il to nnsw.-r 'aid :elilion on or bi-r.Mv the 1'"' dav t.f April A. I). 1'JuO. M. -I. OTo.vxKf.!. No. 13, Coufit v At tornev. NOTH.'K TO NON-Hf-Sll, IiANTS INT I'Ei'EN- To riert-f. l;i-.v..l, Si.r.ih v.. Ll.t.v, tt wifn of Faiwanl K. Klewelt, lieciased, ilubn I 'i.e. .rt.i:tit hii-baiid -of Sarah E. lili-wfit t. w lioso nail ami true imnio is unknown to tii-4 plaiiitiiT. You, and cit' h of you, are Itt-rehv not ified that on tho lst'l.iyof M irch A. M, I'.hli'l, The I'siunl v of Sioux, as pluinulT", lili-d in th'i district court, in arel for Hit cottni v of Siour. and stuit. of Nebraska, i!s fn-tiori against vou, iu.pleaik'd with Mn hfii'l J. Kli'ivctt. the ol.ji cl anil pruv er of u hti'li is to foif!iisn t . rtniit fax liens Oi i t ' " f'tl luwin'; described real ns ! mi I in the comity of Bioux ti- i '. ' hi-,i.d(a, lo w it; i n 'I' lirter . Section nine 0, -I'Mi'i v 'liree :t:i, north of runtfc - t. iv, ..t of tu. sixth (it li, i at' I to S.oux county, Nebraska, "I tu In r!-, cui.sist of taxes asses. ! vii 'i on said real estate for the i vi its end niiioiinis. to wit : In I ' the stitii of li 1 (.).",(); in the !';!, the siitn of i-ti in the venr le sum of if; Oil; in tlio v-itr V'Ui. I lite. - am! -' N.-rt ItlW ti -' tiftt f, M ir Ilia' sr.d im' follow the vei Vear 1 is'.ll, t the stun t.f TU..i'.': in the y-ar V.'-i sntti of f-il.-fst; in the year icii, the the Mini or f 10 ill; in the year lSil'i, the sum of Vi, H7; in the year 1"fK'i, the sum of Slit.lH; in the year 1H07, the hiini of m.d in tbe year the sum of f t . 7 7 -. with interest tin ouch of said sums as provided bv law; nml to Iihvm on tifiecnuntiriir of the amount, of taxes and interest, now due fin said tax lums, mid to forever lstr and forei lose sun) defwriilantH, nnd each of them, out. of nny nnd nil rit-'ht. title interest, ben nnd eotiitv of redemtition . . . . 1 in ami to mint real estate, nnd for ffnnrnl ftiiuitllble relief. That you re further notillcd nnd rn quired lo unwer said petition on or U fnro tlm H dnv of April ,. 1). 1000. M. .1. O'CONNEI.U "' ( 'otmly Xttoiney S-ilh-e tu Jiuii-J;cm"'J'.'hI I):-ffiiJau(s. in rm: di-tejct vovkt ok siocx cocs- TV, M l:K.lMiA. , AiLi rt F. Mil!, jiht.ii tiff, VM. '- r.-.h r. Ii. i,:i..,-tt, ( hurii'u I'-- -r;iy, -liiin'-'-i t:( jHitrt-y, li '.! ::.tif jj. ituoiv, dt ie.ia-iiiii-t. 'iojiuiiin licl,:tnrt-y itii.t Mary M. Sfoort?, UO.t iv ;tl!ut (i:ii..n; .' itnplfui Hi th ar-tlj C. i. li.i-isi-tt iisii fiiaritw I-., Verity. Vim Mu l tan Ii of you take uolicc Unit Aitit rt r. ihl), ilt,int;;r ttioi lilu.l ind it; tititia in the IJinrk't ( out t ot Riou.t Comity, ;.-iir,., ,sa, Iho ohjei-l, nml jtuyt-r of wliitii itt.ti'a.iii ih l;m ,Oiia:lii)ai-i of u lax lifii oil iti'i vutiuiwi'-t iinaitar ,,' s-ctiou twuiitf taiM', in toiiliiit:i,i-tj-twonoilii of rtiiKf iiilj hvi: wt -,1 of Hit: tilli iriiit-iji; iiii'i lijitoi ill Jii'Olii.iKH, lor l;iiilfllt. laxt-il of tilR -"r' '" I. If'-"', I -. 1 1'. i, mitl U'M o.i Bili'l I in I Ji O'i to iiiainlill, to null it-it hull! l.uiU iot' Ivtr til nt'.tlil.Kitiiiii ol Mtill liiTl. that mi una imi-Ii ul oil may h lorrlo-ini ami n.'iri-'.i oi nil li'iit, til it-, inti'ti:.-.t or eniiity ol iti!fmiiiou iii or to tiie u-uuc and lor .-t-rni o-llt'l . l ii a iia- i-i-.juirt-il to iimtwpr kiiM jictitiou on ;u' Li-lorn ilu: aith iy of Jinivli iliio. iLii.i.l I-. in li., plaintiff, liiux: UL'TiiiilK, Atumitiy lor I'lnintiif. Contest Notict-i Unitcil BtatM Lund Oflice, Aill.iTii-c, Nflirai-kil, I i''t l,riiiiry,7, isnw. A Hrffi-iit t-oiiti-.it. ufSl'litvit li-tviuftr lii-t-n Hle-1 in thai oiliix- by I'iCilA!'.. .i.'i.VUS t-oiil'-tiunt, nt;i,iioit l iuili'.tr t (';;,-, entry No. iin.1, mailt' Jtiiit- iitt, ih-,( ftu i'oL-1 K .: i..iiti ul iS-i-,', nml si', ,s ., -, tu,,, '1, '1 itwni'iiiii y, !im;'i;&; v. i,v a i.!i.iui J. ' i-i pi tamt-'iti't-, iii i lut'ii it. s ui a that I!). - s;i,i ! William J. I xi-ptir Ua w iio.ly fnili:-! ini'Kn jily villi Ui.i lav,' in icl.iiion lo Uie l. -i-l' i-i ion ol m. on i iitry in linn lllitt Im li.m liiintl lo tilo.v or I'liitivitti: anv of n-ti'l lainl at ui ) (iliiB, tii.it i-.n lia-. wholly ;:ult'.i to . m I-' ay of .li'i iiinl to triam, Mfiin or i-ii 1 i ;;-.'. Mt nay tini" or can-ti-.t niah m-M to .if j-i . lafnaal, thai .sanl iit-1 aill l-.s fonliiiuii at l'i" tiitlrj oi tlii-t nnii;ivit and iirn not i-:aa at ir, i-rva.-i- ol iai en I ry iriati in til Ail ay "I in;- r.iitii'l Stall"! ttufiiig the late war with --iti.iii or nt nay timo. -a iii part ai m i- imi'i'iiy iiiit.iitial to apimar i-i -tKiail ami ofl'i'r m ii.i ma: tiiiialiiitK -niiil iiilt-i. i in:i nl lo o'i lock a. in, on Maia-h nd i'liu ii.-i'iiii' i.rmit i.iitlu ii:, Soinry fiililli: t hit i In'!' .in H.iiria.m, N't'lii.ifku inui thiiti ti in t f "ti i-iiii? j-, ; i I iia iit-i'l nl 10 o'i'loi'k a, ui oa Mill eh L? I Ii 11,'i'J ii-loi-c I ht- Jl--j!-,ter nml Jtei-i-lfi-r nt the I lilted Milte-i l.aml OttifJ in Alliaaei', Nelira-;U-i. 'iiian.id eo'iti'titaiit h-lviii, Iti n proper nil li.vi! , ft tin 1 January 2,'irtl I'.kh) n-t. torlli 1 aeli -w ti it- ii show that, aflev ttile ii il !t-.ileo Itci'-'iflai serviee of this notiee lain not lie taa'ie. it is Imi eliv oniereil innl ilii-eeteil tililt im ti mo nc oc if ivcn ny n ne imi iroper jtti o- llClll'illl.t r , Ai. tioitl. 1.M1ION. :io;,..i UoBistcr. Siitieo to 'oii-rci-siii't)t Di'ff-iuUnt-i. in Tin-; disttuict cot: ut of siorx cotrs- TV, NiiiiUASKA. Fr-Jdrlek W. Knott, pluintiff 1 vs. r y.:'t liael O'Toole, The Alfred M'lilUer t'otnpiiiiy, innl N'e- j tir.atkit Mot I iiiite uivi-sttiiiiii t I I oi iiiiiny, ttei emialitl. j To i'liu Alfio.l TValV'sr C'many and Jlich ael ta'tt '.', -.a.m reitiomit ti-,,-ieu'lA,,tM ' -oid eitcli of von will ttk notiee tlmt i-'re. i W. K'l.iM, plaintiff tins filed Ills P"ti .'Oa ia the I list i :et einii't of .Slou Y cod n tv, T-'.ei'skn Hitiitist, .Michai'l "Toole, Tiie Alt i?a'''V-r ailti r t'.mipati it and N-.-lir tska Mtii'Etralfe Hint lnTesl'-enfc i'rimpiny, the uliifPl uii'l jii-ayer ol" whleh pet tion s the I'lr.'filosiii'i' of a lertain lax lien upon, son! h-we-t iiiarter ntn'th east ipii-rter, sotifli Ii tlf rioi-t.ii-ive.t tmii'ti-r, tiortn west tii,trter Hon Mi e tst ,-pi ii ti-r -e tinti lii teen, lownsiiiii tiiirv-threi-, liaiifr.. lift y- - ft v'f in sioux Oiain IV, Nei.r.tskn, tor tin- ti"iiinnei:t taxes of ve in 1"J4, lli'.'.'l. 1 iti:, IMI7, IH.X paid liv pluili t t'l , lh.it you l'-"d eat-ll o! yo.l m tv lie ture-clu-u-'i in, I Sort vr Itarred ot any i iitlit. tail:-, itili-'V'.-st ill or lo ttle same. In sliliiect illl: al', l il asl tte to sale lor th" satislile.tioil oj 'l.iat lien a'.i-l lol''"nerai relief. V'l'l Ilie re'I'tita-'l to ll'l"W(-r said petition on or lielore th" '.'iid dav of April, It i. KltFlitliOK V. K-.ii T. l'lnintltr. Co; iM t.l, I iiitiK, Attorney lor plain HIT. I''-"-"' NUVKT, TD .NON-lll-.slMKNT DI'END AN'TS. T'i'l'liormis li McMillan, M is Thnin -s Ii. Me f i I lafi ehrlst i it n nnme uiiViioti n, W.A. i.iinin "!t i..t t-t a nitnie UiikmiUh, llaitiiltoii ,o ' n n ul 1 1 ii -t ' om inn y . Vini, nml ei.fh ui you. are hen b tifitit'.eil lil.lt on l!i" I-t day ol March A. 11. Ill)'1, 'Ilie t OillltV lit '-htm, Hj ii.i i n 1 1 li , tiled in the diet rut court in and lor the comity of Sionv lim! Slate ol Nehru-k a, Its i"t tl loll ti 'liin-t 'oU, tlieoltjeet urn praver ot wlll'-ll ti-tti l'iri-i'liie eertain ta. lit ns o t ti" tol .u, I in; described real i-Kt,-itc. silii ite-s iii i he emoily of sionx and blKte of .Nt ltta.-tia, to i : U "t h ilf South west i,ti irter ,'. See. 10, Ni,rthri-t iiliirti.r .-oinii t-io! ii'iarter ui i! liiil south east nnartt-r S of lite Nnrlli eitsi uu trier 'i of si"c, 0, nil I-, Ton nslilp ill. Ni r II of Cttllue r ii ii"-t nl tin- r.th I'. M-, situ ti."l in sioin i iniaty. .Ni.linisUa, thiil said t tit-iis cults i -1 ol inxes nsse '-i"l nnd lev!-i-'t mi said rial estate for the folio a intr vers and a nninls. 'o wit: In the year ii-'iiil, tin sum i ( la -''s; In Ihe yi nr IS'.II, tie-"ilin td Jiyi.ii: in lii1' yi'ar ls'.."i, thesiiin of -.ii;; In In tilt-ye ir lh'.. It" stl-ti nl '7 m; i-t Hie year 1 - 1. I he oi s en i.'.ti. in t in- year Issm, tiie sum of i I Ui w it h inter i st on inchol said sinus l- iro iiii il by la i ; eml to have an in-eoiiiit' i'l - of tun itmiiiiit of tato-s nail lnteie-,t lu tliit'Oti snip lax licis, nml forever bur li-i't fori-i-iose -aid d"! emlaM t Hint eai-li ot lie tiooitl nl an y and nil riirhl, - i tie. Inleresl, Ilea ami enult.t'"ol rrdemptitfi I'l nml to said re i I'Htnle.anil ior ceiicnil etplltatiie relief. -Vial mil lii'Mi' t- n ititl-il iiicl reiiniired In . u n'er --illl ,fiii!"a 1111 or l.:nre Hii'tMi li of April , . I'-ilh. ' ii. .1- iri'iiniii-il, Cnitufy Altorr.oy. NuTIt liTu .MIS ItlslDI.N I' DKF'K.NDAN'T. la l.iiihe tiivcstiiti.tit l oinp it -', lli.kot.il Mi't'tifuire loan I on, p.tny, lti"'i . 'Vytiian ri ci'i t-r I lh lis in vt si i ne nt I'lt'ii.titii)'. . li.t ilit ri'l il lilvi'-lim-iit I'oiilia iv, It. I mtn chlislan nnme unknown. Mis. I' ). 'i.'ils, curistiitn iiime inikiiim-n, II. Y. i'e.isiey c-iitisLlait name iinkiiowii. ion, nml eii' h nf volt, lire lieri'lty- untitled Ii.i ton Ilie l-l tl iif March, I'.ino, 'I heoilore H .tiiit i- us phiinlill, liled lu tint District i itnrl III ami lor tin- einiutv of sniux llltU .t itc ol St hrti-k'i, Ittpetioti itir.iitiHl you li'i eacfi ol you lis it i'l e u d a it 1 t. Hit) ob.icct ami pr iVer ol lilell Is lo loreelose ceriiilll n hens oil the Inllou lli real est ite, sltu-it-vil lu Uie cotitit yof sitiux tihd stiile of Ne-liia-'iiii, to wit: lols il nml 4 ii ml lie-son Hi tialt i of the noi Hi we-t (iinrt.er In Seellon fue A, 'I'owiisliip Ihlrly tluee ill, north of Ii.i litre llltv four M nest of Ilie Kill I'. M tililt saiii Ins jlens consist of t llc.s asseis. d tn hii lit cntiiily or si'lino), eontity nnd sttili; p jiOscs illl siiidlenl estitte lor tile follow lim; fcit-s tinti iiinotiti is, to wll : lu Ihe ye li the sum ol J.t.ji.; In the year is-in, inn i sum ol :i.o;: la the enr IH"., tin- sum of ta.sl : in the year sl7, t lie sum of fl.ns; in the venr Is'.ts. the sum ol the aniniint clnluied liv plaintiff Is ..'?. HI Willi InUu-esl t hereon Irotii Cue 1st ln v ol Mi rt h, A. D. lime, I he prnyer of mii 1 1 petition Is lor a decree ilcciirliig ilie Kforesal.l liinolinl - tom-ltier with tub rest ' in.'ii'ttti iiti'i rii-c' i" r mi,', 1 ! 1 .mint lien upon tlm nloresaitl real estate tuereiin nml col to In- a llrsi, nml pan and t hat uii'l real estiitn limy lie sold under an otdcr of Ihe court to s.tlisfy the satne, t int Unit s.id di fi inl .nts be forever h'rred it ul loreelnied of all Interest or rltilin In act to sai l re "I ct"l or euy purl tliereof. inn mn retUlreil to unswer said petition on or sfmc tiie '.itli dsy of April, lwm. ,M. J. O'I oiNBI.i., AtUnney (yr I'lulntilT. ommercial lank. INCORPORATED 1838. Harrison, - - - - Nebraska. (OfCAPITAL STOCK PAID IN -S(D SURPLUS FUND - - -o- DIBECTOBS. , C. F. Coffee, President. I). H. Geiswold, Cashier. Cua.s. C. Jameson. B. E, CORRESPONDENTS: INTEREST PAID ON lu Tbe DLslrict Court of Sioux County, Nebraska. Albert F. Hill, plaintiff, Notiee to Xon vs. ) resitlt-nt JDe- Tliomn!i Ellis autt Churles I'eudauts. 11. stiirdiva.nl, Kxut-uior tlitletidants. J To Thomas Bi'.in nml Clinrles B. Stnrdivant F.suciilor, non ri siilent deleiidiiiit.s: V on unit each of you will tulir notice, thut, AliH-tt F. Hill, plaintiff liu tiled pe tition in tiie Dicu-iet court of Sioux i oiiniy, Nelii-ioikii, the olijeet ami prayer of which petition in tlm loreelostirn 0f a oertain tax lien on lint north-aunt quarter ol sect. on II, township .'?', ramie u3, in Sioux eounty, fieb., for the deliinpitiiit tuxei of Uie year lSliH piirelinieil t,y defeinjnnt, mill 'for the tleliinjiiiMit tuves of tlio veurs 1m9T hui li-'-H Iiaiil H'lij.seiiiitint tllTeto, that ynu nml eiifli of yon may ,k forecloseil 'nnd lorev.tr ttirrol of ,,i,v rlfjlit, title, inter est lien or equity of redemption in or to the name tlmt tli name tiiny be sold to sulisfv said lien, ftiiti Hllorriev's foes nrnf iia, a, .a for emm nl relief, ybu lire rnipiirca to hmh wermif l lietiLiou Ofior helnrn the 'i'l t It. h of mnreh, I'ffl. AI.IIK.KT P. IIIM.. rHaiiiHif GliANTUL'TlfKIK, Attorney for jiluintiff- N0TI0FTO fON-BKSI ft KNT DEFENDANT. In The District Court off lonTOounty, Nb-nt-kti. J'uysou B. Jiit-eiow, plaintiff. VS. The Mieliigan Having ana Loan AssoeJaKon, Vltlll-UtlllUL. To The Michigan tsavinffs and Loan Aspoel nlion, nmi-ri'Kli!ent (lufonilunt. You will latte notice that I'ayson B. liiirelow. plaintiff lias tiled his petition In the District court of Mollv coilntv, Nehrarka, the olijeet, anil nruyer of wlileli petition is the foreclosure oi a eeriain nun lor tasei mum lot number live, of liiot'k liuiulier six, if the village of lliirrison, Nehruskti, that you may be fore elnsed ami forever lisrred of any riVbt, title intercut or ciUity of reiletnplion in or to to the, name, that the unlit property maybe .-old to mitisly mild liuii and for general relief. Yon are required to answer m-iltl petition on or before the. Hl dny of April, A. li. 1900. i-ritnt Guthrie, Attorney for plaintiff. J'fti sou i(. mgejiny ii!a.inllfr. j, - , iTiiBl I'roof Nol ices. All persons having fiiiii proof notices in til is paper will receive a imi :-ked cojiy of the paper ami urn requested' to examine their notice and if any error exist report the same to this oilit.-e at uii.ii. Wl'lC'H FOIt FCIU-ICATION. r. S. Land Office nt. tllinnce, Kcb., j January 'it, llniO. ) Notice Is hereby iriven that the followius n-rtiin-d set tier has tiled notiee of Ills inten tion to make, final proot in support ol ins claim, siid thnt said proof will lie made be lore Clerk of District Court ut Harrison, NeO., ou 11 arc It 10, lWKi, viz: IsKbS ANDKitSON. of llnrrisini, who made II. K. No. 38r,r,, for the 1-a-j S-l-.i,, i.N iii, K-Kfj Sec. B and N'-W'i SW 'n ye. tl, Twp. 33, N Itunire &ti. lki lialims the lollowiiiK witnesses to trove ills eoti I Iiiuous resideiit-e uimii and c'.ii 1 1 vat ion of said land, vi, : ( .buries lliehle, ( iharles h. Si'hilt, John I,. Knv and lili'loird ierhst, nil of Harrison, Neb. V. ,U. DolUi.lNiiTO.N', Iti'ttister NOTICE FOIt l'L'Ill.ICATIO.V. I. St. hand (iltice tit Alllattce, Sell. I January 'li, 1'J'iO. i Notice is hereby clveii that tiie following mimed sclll-r das llletl notice ol Ills liitnn. lion to niakii llnai proof in support of bis claim, and turn said proof iv 11 Im made tie. lore Clerk ot Jiislrict Court at lliirrison, Neli., on Mardf III, llilc, viz: lUl'IIAUnZKlUlST, of Harrison, eli., who made li. fi. No. im for the N. H N. K't ami K 't X. W li . Tsji SI S. li. Sii H. lie niunes the following wiiifes lo prove bis continuous residence upon inui cultivation of said laud, viz: Neli Anderson, Una Jordan, John I'lunkutt und Will bbcpiird, nil of Harrison. Neli. K. M. IioKinxoToN, llegisU-r. NOTICE Fill! 1'tiHI.ICATION. 1'. S. I.Htid Ollleo Alliance, Nob. Fetiruury 13, 1M0. Notion )s hereby riven 1 hit the following nutm-'l settler has llletl notice of Ills Intent ion to tn-ikn final pro it lu snniiort of his claim, sml Hint said proof will be iniitle be lure Cleik of District Court at llurriion, Nh., on ilart-li "I, I'.nli, viz: joiin i,. stuatton. of Harrison Neb. who nunle II. V.. no. iMH for the s. h H-F, 14 See. li nnd r.'J V-E Sec. 7 Tp MN. K.M W. lie niunes the I'ollowlnir wit irsses to prove his eontltiuous rinldonce up on nnd eultivatton Of said hind, viz: ki. A. itlg. low, II. A. I'rldtlv. Charles niebln, sml lioliert Keel sll of Harrison. Neb, F. M. DokKi miTo.n, Register. (50 35) STOCK UKANDS. Tan Journal will publish your brand, like Ilie following, for J:(i, pur veur. Karri ad ditional brand 75 conts. itvery farmer or rutiehiiien in siloux and adlolnlng eountlus should advertise their brnnds in Tuf- JoUP hal as It circulates all over the state. It may be the means of savlug money for you. ciiahi.esi niKiii.E. On Iff 1 side or hip of cattle, Irft sllolllder of bnt-ses. llisnire on tlio head ot w arlKinnvt i-rek Ailrtresi Harrison, fsloux Co. Net), K' ask C. I.KWIS. ttranded on loft side if Cattle and oil left honMer of llornc. It as K't on beuii l iv nils Ulver. I'. O. Addresa llarrlaon, Neb. $10,000.00-. G 10,000.00 Bp.EWSTEtt, A. McGinlet, WESTERN NATIONAL BANK, New Yobk. OMAHA NATIONAL BANK, Ouaha, Nsa. TIME DEPOSITS. JOHN A. HANSON Owns the follow im;bi nd on eith er: Also HQ on cat tle and horses eattleoD leftside liori.es ou liift siioulder. Raorn on Sliver Spt-inas nd eait of stata ine. t'onollice ilarrisoa Noli 100 EE WARD. For proof to convict any person of steal -iiiK any of my stock. HORSES Branded on right shoulder on left thigh. Address, David Colvillb, Uien Nehr., , CFIAEI.F.S KP:VJIAN. The brand represented in this notice and branded any where ou lert Hide of cattle, dud over-lap nut from -the right ear. Also the same brand on left thigh f borses, belongs to the undersigned. Uauire near East Springs, south part to Sioux county. Chahlks N'bwman, Harrison, Nebraska. FRANK SUTTO. On left id of cattle nnd on lef t shoulder ot horses. Kan ge on Antelope ere .'It 1. tt Gtiilclu-lut, Sioux Oo., Nob. DAN 13. To Joseph A. Moss, Mrs Ruth P. Mos. hii wife W. J. Bowden, christian iiatue unknown, S. B. Howe, christian name unknown, F. S. Tuttle, christian name unknown, Dakota Loan and Trust Com pany. 1 ou and each of you, are hereby noti fied Unit on the 1st day of March, A. J'. l'JOO, The County of Sioux, as plaintill', liled in the district court inandforthrt county of Sioux and (State of Nebraska, its petition attainst you, the object nod prayer of which is to foreclose certain , tax liens on tha following; described re a.' estate, situated in tha county of Sioux and state of Nebraska, to-wit: South half i north east quarter i north half north-east quarter i Rection two 2 town-, ship thirty-two iii, north of range filly three 3.1 west of the sixth Gth principal meridian, situated in Sioux county, Neb raska, that said tax liens consist of taxes' assessed and levied on said real estate for the following years and amounts, to wit: In the year 1895, the sum of $9.15;. in tha year 1886, the stun of 7.53; in the year 1898, the sum of $8.54; with interest on each of said sums as provid- . ed by law; nnd to haye an account'nfr of the amount of taxes nnd interest now duo on said tax liens, and to forever bur ond foreclose said defendants, and each of them, out of any nnd all right, title, interest, lien and equity of rdemption in and to said real estate, and for geneaal .equitable relief. That you are further notified and re quired to answer said petition on or be fore the 9th day of April, A. D. 1900. M. J. O'CONNELL, County Attorney. No. 10. NOTICK TO N0N-HKSIDENT DICFKNDANTH. To John fiitrrison, Mrs. John Garrison his wife. Christian name unknown. Sliowalter Mortgage Company, F. J. Stevens clirtstlitn miine unknown You, nnd each of yon, are hereby notlfleel Hint on tlm 1st, duv of March. 1WK), Jseob Marking plaintiff, tiled in thcdlsttlot court, In and lor the county of Sioux and state of Nebraska; bla petition cgulnst you as de fendants, the object and prayer of which is to toreclose certain tux Hun on tbe fol lowing real estate, situated In tbe couuty of Hioux and state of Nebraska, to-wit: Nortb-enst quarter 14 section eight 8, town ship thirty three 3:1, north of range fifty four S4, west of tbe sixth nth, principal mer idian in said county, thnt said tax liens con sist of taxes assessed and levied, for school, county, and state purposes, 011 said roal es tate, for the following years and amounts, to wit: In the vear lH:i, tbe sum of HUB; In the year IKtu, the sum of HUB; In the vear ls!t.'i, the sum of ti.R7; in the year IsiKl, the sum of 1.;M; In the year VWi, the sum of .'i.ll anil sold on the fifth !St (lay or October, HUM. to said pliilntlll, at private tax sale for the stun of dWl.ati, and In tbe vsr 1HSW, tho sum of f 1.74; and paid bv plaintiff, as subsequent taxes, that there Is now tine thereon the sum of IfiT-Ofl; tho prnyer therefore of ssld petition, Is for a decree declaring the afore said amount together with Interest thereon amlcortstobca first and paramount lien upon the aforesaid real estato and that said real estate may be sold under an orde r of the court to aatlsfy tha anin, and that aid defendants, lie forever barred and fore closed or all Interest or claim in and to aaid real estato or any part thereof, iron are re quired to anawar aald petition 01 or before the 16 day of April, A. J. iww.' M. J. O'CoNXIU Attorney tor plaUilf . 1 s.t"l ...j-A. ..k.w.tij 4li, .'1. .iM