Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, March 01, 1900, Image 1

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    w ,-s. 4 - . -
, r r, ,
F5 C O
Subscription Price
Official Paper of
Geo. ). Canon,
To Western Security Company, Jamas A.
You and curb of yon, fire hi rebv notified
that oil the 1st, day of Mi'-.-h, A. H. I""!-!, 1 ho
Con my ol Sioux hs'pluhiil.T, IlJud in the din'
riot court lu mid ltr tli) wumj nf rlotix aid
atntent Nebraska, it- petiiiou g,.iusl, you.
impleaded with MctliH',y i.e-ml-iir lnu and
Trust i ompaiiy, liquitib.e l.tinu Cnnpany,
Conrad I.iudcuiai, .rs. Conrud I.iudcuiHii,
14 wilr' christian nrine iinkt oa ii. the ob
ject snd prayer of which Is to fordo- cert
ulll tUX llellhOll till' fol.OMll'g d-KTibed foul
e.t iUs, situated lu tlio county ot mo jx ii.nl
state of Nebraska, to-wit: s.outh-ivet qu irt
Vir !t Hecllun one 1, nurlh hurt Sol tho north
W5t quarter ol the notili- v.ei quarter -A
of section twelve Ii, north li'ill ol the
uorth-eaatquiirU-r i -ection sn-vcu II sonHi
half 4 south - t qii.irlcr '4 cct!un two,
all In In towii6bi. lin.'ly t'..o norih of
ranf- fifty six 8 wt of tn- 41 vth Mb prm !
pal meridian situated in M -ux county Neo-ra-.ki,
that khIlI tix ilmn fu i'it ul taxes
tiasrrtcd and levied on siid rc-il ustite (Or
the follow Ing years ami an.ouu is, to wit lu
tn- v'ar JW'l, the "H'ti ol V ;.".'.'; in the year
J.v9.',' thr mini of C T.M; in tin1 ycur pul, the'
sun oi 4.; in th') ye.ir IS-JI, tli iiui of
il; In tins vesr lxC.i. tlvr mini .f Sil.17; in th
vk.i" lie. il, tlif Mil hi of 5i,4-'; In t.lw) vbit
th- uni ol tl'i ; in liar yc.r lK-.-i, tlin :ai:i ol
l0-, wltll Inti'ri'st 01 i-nrli of a.i uinn
Kspiovulcii ly Uw;Khd to I uvi: nu ucrotml
tgof tlm amount ol Hum mtd int'Ttit now
d ui' on i.ilil t:is llorm, iiiid to forevrr biirimil
forerlouc aSd t-.3i:t!,n ti. .mil c.u la of tlinui
, out of nny undall rlfflit, titlo. lr.l'-riMt, 11
B ill eijulty of rfdcmplloii ln.kli't I" niLid re:i.
, etute, und for gi'ii"nii ijiilt ihle rulli l.
Tlil you pre furtkiT not if ltd nud lfiU!r
d to anurr mud l)'-ti:'o:i oa or In.-foro the
th dny of Airl A. 1. l'.K'O.
Ai. J. O'W-" SSI.I-.
No. 5. County A'omcy.
To Dijkoti Mjrt'ijfi Li.nt C vripany,
G 0 mb In vrs" mr nt l omp iri) , lkiiry A.
W yman, Unctjiyir of IJ.01 Jnvesi ment
Coiiij.ny, John HirlKi t Trustee.
YuU, und eiu-li of ou ur? hereby noli-fl-)
that oil the l.-t day o! March A. 1 .
HVlft l'l. 1 v ,.r C... v r,t....ijr
r "'"!,
tiUii in tin Uihtrii-t "ourt 1 11 nud lor the
C lUiltT of tsioilX ail.l HUffl of N -ilira-ku,
n,. ..1 i ... . ...i
r.iTr of which m to foreclOei crrt un
tix. lieiHOr) tfaj following dew:'! h j real
uslat, Kitimlu'l in thu county of Sioux
M'ml state of Nehra.iliu, to-wit; j
North half J, of nouth-West-onarter i,
ri'irlh-hiilf i, of South-aat ''rter ,
iwction tiv 12, towQt.hip tliirty two
82, North of rai.su fifty threej-a. nxnt of
tli 6lh P. H.-. to Sioux county iiohraska
that Mid tits iiena consist of taxm. iissrs
nwl lnvied on slid roil fslato for thn
folloiMg ear ami ainountf , to wit: u
th vr lti04 the sum it SU.PO in the
TrarW95 th f uni of 10, G, in tho yfar
"l9rlie mm of $11,19 in thu year 101)7
th num nf $8.52, in th year lxtS ti e
, aum of .12, with intercut on each of
auid (itnis as provided by law; ami to
iiitv an rox'Oiirating of tho ntr.outit of
tuxes and interest now due on said tax
1 loon, aid to forever liar ami forccloMe
Mid jJefniiant, ar.il each of, them, out
if ty ad all r'k'lit. title, inUrefd, lien
aix! equity of r'd niptlon in and to said
rial entate, and lor geoural equitable
That , 'Oil are further notified acd rt
.quired to answer auid petition on or be
fore the Oth day of April A. D. 1300.
M. J. O'Cosxia X,
No. 9. County Attorney.
DANTS. To Jotbua M. Plumb; Mrs. Joshua M.
Plgmb, . bu wife, chritilian name
, uokbown, W. J. Bowuen, christian
name uoknowa, Hclea T. Cam bell.
You, and each of 'you, are hereby
.notified that on the lt day of March A.
D. 1900, The County of Sioux, at
jilaiotifT, filed in the district in and for
,tbe county of Sioux and State of
Nebraska, it petition against you, the
object and prayer of which is to fore
. certain tax liens on the following
described real estate, situated in the
county of Sioux and stale of Nebraska,
West half i noth-ast quatter i of
action thirty SO West half south-east
quarter Section ninteen 19, township
thirty-two 83 north of Range twenty
four M, West of the sixth 6 P. M. situ
aUd in Sioux county Nebraska, that
staid tax liens consist of taxes assesse and
en said real estate for the following
wears and amounts, to- wit; In the rear
JiJM, the sum of f8.?8; in the yeer 1895,
.tip sum of 3. 8?; in the year lSflO, the
urn of 94-1: the year 1897, the sum
of 93. SS; in the year 1888, the sum $3.95
with interest on each of said sums as
provided by law; and to have an accoun
ting of the amount of (Axes and interest
now due on said tax liens, and to for
ver bar and foreclose said defendants,
Mid each of them, out of any and fill
right, title, interest, lien and equity of
redemption tn and to said rral esuite, and
for general ajutble relief,
Tha you are further no ti 111 and req
uired to answer said petition on or be
ore the IKh day of April, A. D. 19 i0.
M. J. O'CoNicieu,,
XtoUPty Attornoy. No. 11.
IVr Ycur $1.00.
Sioux: County.
- Editor.
OlllCE AS fcWXa.VD t LAtt MATaKlt.
soTicKTD njs it i:-iiri-:s'r dk'kn da stu
To Miry A. Wllcoz, Joliu Doe. lier huslnind
itiv-M; r.'iil nunift h unknown .
"ou, Hud cacli of you, uri liiri'by notlflr-d
tltut on !bf Ut diiy of .'.(in ch K, U. I',nri, 'i ho
County of Sioux. h pliiint,,!, tiled in tlte
iiiitrn t court In mid tor ili loiintv i,f
Sa.uxuiid nlut 0! fvi-br.iUu, itit petition
Mtcninr't vol. tue ot.-ji-ct nud or-iviiroi vnirti
li 10 fo'.;lo.o rcriuMi tn.i 1 i.-oH on tlis loi
lowlnif dii.;iiiei real r.tute. MtUHlod 111 t he. I
county of hioux and Miiu ol .Neljiii.skd,
tO W lt !
ti nth half 'j' f Foullienat ouarter
lion 8, Norlh h.ilf 1, north eii'.f quarter
of sh.'i!ou wveuieiiu 17 all in Toivuitop Inlr
Iv.iiie::!, ii'irth of i-.uie liir.y aii .,,1, ve.t
o,'.th((.th I'. M., ittn.ted in Shmx roi.ittr
.NehrAslia, I hat aid lax h.-im eouiil u(t,j
sine.ned li'i.l levl d 0.1 Slid l"?.l eata'o for
the following y'riri and uiiiount, l writ : In
the year ln';, tiiesn!'i of ( ,Xt; in Hi- ypar
1 '-!, the auni of li 1 lie ye r k'i, tne
Mini of i4 with interest on "each ol" nad
ilium an provided by law ; am! to have an ac
conn tiiisf of the anioun t of tine; nn.l i ri t r
t ii'iK due 011 Dul l tr.x liriK, and to forever
bar mid fureeliMC defefemlaaU. und ;
"Hell of tlirin, out of any und all rijj'it, tHI.
Inter,-i-t, lle!i anil eijiitly of ledeiuptloti in i
and to (uM real ct.ile, mid for ajcncrid i
eiiillable relief.
Tint yuu are further notifeil im l reijaired
to unvcer laid i"i IMora on or beloni the. Vth
; of April A. 1. ISO.
M. J. O'CuXMti.r.. , I
No. 10. Coun'.T Attorney .
tiricK to .nos-rk!i;j-:.t ii;;t'KMj. r.-i.
To li.iudl'on T ivtn Ti n t eoinp:m v.
Von, .ni l o i! of voa, ire hereby notified
Ih it, on the Ul d.iy of .uaieh A. h. lHi. J in-
iiuuty ot rloiix. iia pi.iiiit.itT. liihvl . Hi,.
I ui-itri' t coor t in and lor tin count v ol slou
I and it..fc of . ;jr,-...k.i, Hi p. litiou evrainst
ou, impleHded with Joseph ,M. 'iobilil i.u
Mr. Joseph M. tlobiii Mia, bis wife whti.-e
ti ne chi'Mtian name is uM.nowii, tiio obje t
ahd jiciyir of wiiteh 1 to Io'ccioms ceil. tin
I l.ix l-.cia on the lodowli,. ili-a-i ilied i'f .l cs. ,
tale, nan tied lu the county ot S:ou nud I
Mta'e d Neoia-aa, Lo w u: t
orth hall of nort e 1st outirter V, h'c- i
tiou ihiny three ,".', v,i-. ha!; '., nortli-iet
ii,.j ter eitloti thirtv lour II. 1 111 !
j t-miiship tuiii y U11 n.-rth of rat ;re flitv
, t.-l ul the sixth 1:111 I'. M., Hituiili d '
1,1 "loax 1 ouiiiy rieori'lia,, 1,1111 saiil inx
liens eoini-t 01 tavs es-,,ssed and levied
on said real c-.t.ite ior tl. loli.iin.i yuan
and ai.iou.ils. lo-wn: in tie; year l,l, tun
suni 01 M.sl ; In the venr I I'.'i, the sum ul :,s.;vl
the sum of ti.,,; in the
year Isiis, the KUiu ot ',u', with lnUueat on
each ot aaul wt'ma as provldeq by law; and
to luivi' an aev'.iinHil of the .iinollut ol tax
ei and hit ri;V now due on said lex Ileus,
and tolorevep lair and foreclose, said dcleu
ilertts, nyd e ud of them, out of u.iy and all
riKbt, tiiie, Interest, lien and equity ol re
demption In and toHnid leal mti.U.,"and lor
ienerij equitable relief.
Inat Jim are fuidher nolli icd and required
to Answer sal 1 retiuon un or udorc tlio 0 til
uuy of April A. t). r.i,
il, J. O't Jiine;!.
No. 3. County Attorney.
C. r. till ven, Trustee, Mrs. C. F. Jiliven, his
Blfe, cbrstiun r.uiic unki.owii, W.J.
Ilowden ehristi an tuiiiin unknown, Ailehael
liuri.s'si.d Wii Mleuael Cuius, bli wile,
ehriHiaii nuriie iiukiiown, lleiuian W. Jdur
w?r und lilt' Herman Jiurser bis wife, ehrlH
ttau name unknown, h.. c. Cnrpetiter, chris
tian name unknown, Mrs. K. O. Carpenter,
his wdr, '.brlstiau iiaiuo unknown.
You and each of vou, are hereby notified
shut on the 1st, day of March, A. U. V.), 1 he
i otijity of Sioux, u- plaintiff, llle-1 In district
court In and tor tha county of Slonx and
Mtate ol .sebrauka, ita petitlou aKaiuvt you,
the object and prayer of which is to lore
rloS ' certain tav liens on tho followiuse do-
scribed real eaiale, situated in the county
of Sioux an utote of Nebra.iku, to-wit: sou th
westquarler of houlh west quarter of
Miction inirieu ineasr, nan y, oi nortn eiiKt
ipurier i section thirty-two It2 nortu-wesl
in rter i o norin- wr.'i quarter "s ot neci-
tion twe.nty-foui' 24 all In township tolrty-
two north bl iniife (If tv-tbree hi west of
the dlh priiif ijial inlrldiaii, In said eouniy
that mid tax lie.ua consist of taxes assessed
and levied on aald real estate for Ul" follow
In? years and amounts, to wit: In the year
boS, the sum of 111.11 In tin) year liMl, the
num Of fl0..M; In the year 1hU7, the sum of 17.
2X;lnUin year IWh; the sum nf(.ll; with
interest ora each ot said minis an provided bv
law: and to have an Hceountinir ot the
amount of taxes and interest no duo on
asict tax liens, and to foreever bar and fore
close said defendants, arid each ol them, out
of any and all right, title, ln2erei'v, lien and
equity of redemption in and to anld rani
estate, and for trenrral equitable relief.
That you are further noiliieo ami requir
ed to annwer urtlu petition on orbfor IbeUtb
day of April, A. I). im.U. J. C'Cohn km.,
Couuly Attorney. .
To Edward Alonzo Rainey, Mrs. Ed
ward Aon.o Raioey, his wife christian
name unknown, American loan and
trust co i paoy.
You, and each of you, are hereby
notified that on the 1st day cf March A.
D. 1900, The County of Sioux, as plain
tiff, filed in the district court in and for
the county of Sioux and Slate of Neb
raska, its petition again you, the objeot
and prayor of which is to foreclose cer
tain tax liens on the following described
real estate, situated in Uie county of
Sioux and state of Nebraska, to-wit:
I.ots three 8 and four 4, south half
of north-west quarter J, onection orie 1,
township thirty 110, licrth of range fifty
three BU, west of the sixth 0th, P. M.
in Sioux County Nebraska, that said tax
liens consist of taxes assessed and levied
on sitid real estate for the following years
and amouhtH, to-wit: In the year 1H93,
the sum of j5il.").50; in the year 1898, the
sum of R12.3j; m the year 1894, thu sum
of 111 1.07; In the year 1HH5, the sum of
87.14; in the year 1H90, tho sum of $.1.63;
in the year 11S97, the sum of 99 5ft; in
the year 1898, the sum of 0.31, with
interest on each of said sums as provided
by law; and to have un accounting of
the amount of taxes and intorust now
due on said tax liens, and to forever
bar and foreclose said defendents, and
each of them, out of any and all right,
titlo, interest, lien and equity of redemp
tion in and to said real estate, ana for
goneral equitable relief.
That you are further notified nnd ro-
?iiired to answer snid petition en or h
ora the 9th day of April A. D. lOuO,
M. J. O'CiWicix.
No. 17. County Attorney.
To J. T. Well. ohrixtiHii name unknown,
Mrs. .1. T. W elln. oitriHlian luiuie unknown,
AuipriCHii 1 11 vi--t 11 1 o I Conipuy, A. 1,. Orm
liy trUhtif!, cJirlMtiiiu iian- unknown, A. .1.
ISowilcn, clirlHtinn name 1 11 :nown, 1. trunk
Mi'rs.'iiUI, Mrn. 1. hntiik .'..nrnh.ill liii wile,
i'!iritinii nmiH unknown, ti.iiluir, tin iaiiun
nutiift uulinwi
Vou, and H.a-li of you, orenotiCi-ii th.it on
I lie tut day of !il:li :h, A. 1 1., I'.mO, Tli Cmully
of .loux, hh iiiiilniilT. filed In ,t!ie diMtriet
eoiii-t 111 und for tile county of Sioux
and Hlatii of Nebraska", its pctKn Hif.tinnt
yon, the ohjei-t and r.myer of willed i u
Ioreeloie eeit:iln t-tx 1'eiirt oi: rhff IoIIowImk
dV-i- r bed real eHUt" KituHtcii I n the county
iif sioux und at.il, of Nelir:i huu, Vo-wit :
IViwt hull 'j of HOUtli-e--iit iitiart;:r 1i of
faction 4, w4l halt of 1101th e.tMt quarter
of MetiOtl 9, Township tllirlv-tlue W,,
North of mire llfly tluei! .A, west of the Cm
f . W. in wild eonntv, that miid tax linn eou
HiHt of taxi'M o-He-.!.ed and leviiii on n ud real
enii-t" lor the following yr-ar, lo it:in tin)
ye .r l-'.i5. the Hum ot :0.0,i; in the ye:ir Ul.
Hie b 1 'ii H.;3i; in 1I10 year IS s. the htiniof
.Vtt Willi inleii-.nt on each of miid hu;jih an
r rovldi d hv law ; and to have an accounting
of the ait'iiutit ot taxei and interest 11017
due on said tar liens, and to lorever bar and
lorcloie aald dclendants, and each of them
out of any and alt ritfht, title, inler.'Mt, lien
and eiiuiiy of redeinpiiou in and to said
re-i I estate and for Mieral equitable rdiel.
That you urn further notiff d and required
to iiimwer na;d petition on or before thu Uth
dl.pof April, A ll, I'M).
ii. J. O Co...Ki.i county Attorney. (Ko. 2j
notice ';ock ii sjui.m' dkfe.nhasis.
To IVestcrn Farna Mortiairo ouipuny, J.
I.. I'.iann, whose c'uristin naiu. is 1111
linotni, Assii,'i:M's of the Western Knrni
4iortrf:'is Co. up my, Co.ninerclal Invest
ment, ( ointiany.
Vou. and each of you, lire beret y j fd'tl.id
ins; on tiie hit diiy of March, A. 0., Km,
'1 tie ( 011 nt y of sifJ;i xtMs p'a: .:, ilied in tie
uisirici court hi and lor t a.- couat v ol' r-i'iux
aedstilteol etlas.i, It 4 pi
VOU, Imple-id'-d 'A Id M, ti
ohieel aii'l pray r ol w lll'di
certain t IX Kee.s O'l the io.'ui
real e.itute, sit'laC'd in t'.i.
am! st it- ol Ni-hra.l5ii, to i
..lie h Ivlf (,) ;." hor'.' f
north hall f1,) of (,,11:1..,
ectoll T"W!i-l;i: 11, i':.
west of tlio Oth p. SI. In "
biuslia tti.it: aald tax liens
asiessed and levied on said
iiJH BCJ.llllSt i
t 1 lore"',,"-
' le.eri!...l I
y of f ion K ;
illrir ('.)
'I '
Uttv four
.lint V, Ne.
iKi. ol t lM'S
i e-t, ite fiir
the following year-i and na.nths.
- w ' t :
1 the
111 the vear l'4, the Hii'n of JK.s4:
ir If'.f,, the -:m ol J'a.t'i: In 1. 11; year i.snf.
tliesiun of ii;.4:, in the year KT, thjsuni of
?".4I ; in the year 'lie sum of 7 vith
interest on eneh of said snnis us pro, ifb d
by lew; and to ti'ive an accoualin;; of the
amount, of tuxes and interest, uo.v diu'on
hi.id t;,x liens, and to forever b r and fore
c!o-e s lid delendaiits, und e ich of the n, out,
of any r..id id: riuht. tit!", Interest, lien aivl
equity of reiieinplion in and to s dd real
estate, and for ireneral rqultible relief.
Tilat yon yre f url.liei; nol ifl.-d end requir
ed to answer sal L pet;t ion on or before the
Jthihiy i.f Aprlt, A. 1. l'.uu. .Vo. 1
DANTS. To James F. Gibson, Mrs. J itnes F.
(iihson, lii wife christian tmme un
known, Georjo lfslie, Joscfi! (, Ann
strong. You, anil each of you, are hereby noti
llri! that on th-i lstdnv of M.irch A. H.
1001, Tin? county of Sioux, as piHintilf
iiled in the district court in nnd for the
county of Sioux antl Statfi or Nebraska,
its letilion nifHintt yon, the object and
prayer of which is to foreclose: certain
Ux liens ofi thu following de-cribed real
estatH, silu;'.ted in 1 ho county of Sioux
and state of Nebraska, to-wit:
Iitn-(hre 3 nnd four 4, east-half i,
north east quarter i, north-west , lots
one 1 and 2, south-east quarter , noi-ffi-wesl
quarte.r j, all in Section eighteen
I1, Township thirty two north of
rantre fifty five 5."i, west of the ixlh Oth
P. M. situated in Sioux County Nebraska
that wild t;lx liens con.sist, of htxea ass-s-sed
ar.il livimi on said real estate for the
following years and amounta, to-wit: In
the year WH, the sum of IJ2.17; in the
year lSWi, the Funi of 13.64; in the yoar
is)7, the sum of 812.41; and in the year
189H, 1ho snrn of $1.07, with interest on
each of said sums as provided oy law;
and to have an nccnuntinr of the am
ount of taxes and interest now due on
said tax hens, and to forever bar and
foreclose said defend'ints, and each of
them, out of any and all ritrht, title, in
terest, lien and equity of redemption in
and to said roal estate, and for general
equitable relief,
1 hat you are furt hor notified and re
quired to answer said petition on or
before the tlth day of April A. D. 1900.
No. 15, County Attorney.
DANTS To Pierce Blewett. Sarah E. Blew tt.
wife of Edward E. Blewett, Deceased,
John Doe, present huslaand of Sarah E.
Blowelt, whose real and true name is
unknown to this plaintiff1.
You, ,nd each of you, are hereby not
ified that on the 1st day of March A. D.
1900, The County of Sioux, as plaintiff,
filed in tlm district court in and for the
county of Sioux and state of Nebraska,
its petion a'ainst vou, impleaded with
Michael J. Blewett, the object and prav
er of which is to foreclose certain tax
liens on the following described real es
tate, situated in the county ot Sioux
and state of Nebraska, to-wit:
North-west quarter f. Section 'line 9,
township thirty-three 83, north of range
fifty-four 54, west of the sixth 0th, P.
M. situated in Sioux county, Nebraska,
that snid tax lins consist of taxes asses
sed and levied on said real estate for the
following years and amounts, to-wit: In
the year lu9, the sum of f 10. 70; iu the
year 190. the sum of 0.37; in the vear
1891, tha sum of $13 09; in the yiar 193.
the Mini of $10.52: in tho year lHlll), t.lie
snm of tJ9.4'; in the yar 1894, the sum
of $10.10; in the venr lK9.r), the sum of
'5,87; In the year 183(1, the sum of l?(S.18;
in the year 1HU7, the sum of fjtfi.20; ar.d
in the vear 1898, the sum of P4.77: with
interest on each of said sums as provided
by law; nnd to have an nnrrnunting of
the amount of taxes nnd interest now
doe on said tax liens, and to forever bar
and foreclose paid defendants, and "toll
of them, out of any and all riirht,', titlo,
interest, lien and equity of redemption
In nd to said real estate, and forgeneal
equitable relief. y.i.;
That you are further notified nri,
qnired to answer suid petition on W'M
fure the 9 rinv of April A. t). 1800. ' ' '.
No. 18. County Attorney
Notice to Sou-Resident Uefendaats.
T y, XF.i'.&ASiK.
Albert F. lliH, plaiutiff,
Sarah 0. I), liumtt, Charleg
K V rity, Jaiiae McChiurey ,
nud Iary Al. Moore, Ucfeud-
ToJau!eMeI,aureyand Mary M. Moorn,
noii re.,identdc,eiiUanta,(i:nplead with a.rah
C IK li.ibselt Had Chanesj fc., Verity.
You and each of you will take notlco
that Allart Jlil . plaiutiir km hied his pe
tit jn in the liisirlei. Court ol isioux County,
Ne iaku, 1110 object and praver of which
li'lilio.i is inc .oreclofiure of a tax lieu oa
ttti njulinvust ijuarter of S'ttion twnuty
tinr.e, in township lUirty twouoi th of ranga
III y tlve west of Lho lit 11 (iriucijaal iuerid.au
111 Nebrasitu, lor delimient taxes of thu
ye::r.- i3. IM4, lima. Is;, ioi7, and it'A 0:1 Haid
land p..id bv inaiullti, l,uliect aald land
to aaic lur the saLisf action 01 said hen, that
you and ya. la of you may be Iu'0io,ed und
barred 01 njirisflil, tilie, luterent or equity
ot inde.mpliou lu or to luo name and for
Kfernl lea in.
inu a.- required to answer a!d petition
oh or belore the a;th day of Mei-ch I.1..0.
alakkt r. Hill, plaintiff.
OitAXi GfTiinii:, nltoir.ey bit plaintiff.
Contest Xotifi
' United States Land Olllce,
I Alliance, Nebraska,
i , rebruary.7, 11.00. )
A ufliclenl contest iifndavit havin(f been
tlml lu this Olllce by iCH'ilAI'.ll ii. ilCNN
eoitestaut, against 'JMmber culture, entry
.No,(a).j, niailn June iU, IhM, lor Lots 23 and
f ' and n-f. .N-'iV'. Section 4,
Totn.-nii.. .-, Uaiiajn 07 .V, by William J.
Ia'jiei- 1 on nintee, 111 which it is Hileed that
tllcsa.d VV ill; ni J. iaeper lias liony iainei
,,,..,.,., i,;,, ,.J s. M,,.,-v In in.s'tiui. he li.,a
1 lo i'loar or cultivate auv of S lid laud
',l"y l""u'. lh,t wholly failed to
,..r, v ... n.iKi i.'K'i 10 iM-es, seeds lu
''ullin at any tune or caused inlch acta to
lie p; ioi'iiied, tii.il said delimits continue
at,tl,: dam ol mis aftldai-il. and are not
cefiiieil bv service of baid enlryinait in the
Anuy of ihe United Sitntes duiaiiy; thu late
war w ith -pain or at any time.
.-aid p 'idies are hereby notified to appear
respond arc! oiiei- evi.t me,e Louelnmr said
allmation nt 10 o'clocic a. in. on March Hand
Mif'j Ui foro i,rant iiuthrie, NoMiiy I ublie at
ill otilce in Harrison, .Neb.'usLa ami that
litil in ariu' will be hel 1 at Hi o'clock a. m.
on Vlareli 2lh r.M be.'ore tiio ll-gister and
Kriteivfr ul Hie 1 'nl tad s.tateai Land OITiea In
AJitne-, Nehri-ska.
'Hie s id cinitest.tnt liavlinr, In ft proper
afHUnvll. filed January i.'lril l!i!) "t forth
ftnt which show I h it after due diliiiiee
personal M-rviee 01 this notice can po"be
iniiile. if. Is hereby ordered rind directed timt
sn?h notice be ajiveu bv dsi and jiroper pub
lication.t F. M. IotiiitMiiON.
'iotiee to Kon-Ucsiili'iit Dcfcttdants.
TV.SEIlHASKA. Bredrlclc W. Knott, plalntifl
,M e'.anel C.'Tuoie, The Aifrod
wVv.-ar t!oiipi.)r, ud m-.i-&jj.O'
tio'K" aiivestiunit
'oi..uny, deteiidaiiU.
ToThe Alfie l Wulfcer (Jimpany and Mich
aid O' l'oole, noii-rejiideiit defendants.
Vuu and each of vou will take notice that
Fredrick W. Knott, plaintiff has tiled his
petition In the Dlstrici court of Sioux coun
ty, NebriMka iKf.ilnst Michael i -'Toole, The
Alfred Walker Co'iio.iay and Sebras'ia
Morlaanc and Invest sent Co'iiiimiy, the
on.iect and prayer of whieti petition Is the
foreeloMUi'eof a certain tax lien upon, south
west quarter norfn-east qii-'rter, aotith half
nortli-west. quurter, north west quarter
south-e ist quarter Se tion til teen, Township
lldrt-v-three, Hausfe fifty-five in Sioux c.iun
tv, Nebraska, for the delinquent taxes of
yesrs 1M)4, IR'.i'i, IKTS, 187, 18 paid by pliiln
tllT; that you and each of you may he loro
eloseil and lorever barred of any riiiht, tiiln,
mtere.'-t in or to the same, to subject the
sitid reel et;ite to se le for the, satisfaction
oi said lien and for ireneral relief.
ou are required to answirr stild petitlou
oa or before th - 2nd ilav of .Vprll, IW i.
KHCHRli'K w;kmi t, Phdntlir.
sBxtxr UUTJIU1K, Atturnoy for plain tift.
(31 34)
To Thomas ft. McMillan, Mrs. Thomas II.
McMillan christian iiaine. unknown, W. A.
Gould christian name unknown, Hamilton
Loan and Trust Compaii y.
f Vou, and each ot yon, are hereb not! fled
thRt on the Istday of March A. D. 11HKI, The
Uounty of Sioux, as plaintiff, tiled in the
district court In and lor the county of
Sioux and .State, ol Nebraska, Its petition
kfralnst you, the object and prayer of which
is to foreclose certain tax liens on the fol
lowing described red eatatft. Hituatcd In tlio
eon illy of Slonx and state of Nebraska, to
wit: West htlf H Sonth-west quarter M, Sec. 10,
Northeast quarter Ii Hon Hi east quarter 4,
and tnd south-east quarter H of the North
east quarter "j of Sec. (I, all In Tr.wnship 81.
J4or'h of llanne M west of the Oth I'. M.. situ
ated In Sioux County. Nebraska, that said
tux liens consist of tuxes nssessoC and levi
ed on said real estate lor the folloivinlt
years and amounts, to-wit: In the year IstiH,
the sum nf (I66H; In the year I SIM, the sum
of H CO; 1n tn year IS'.iS, the sum of SH US; in
In tiie year ISU6, i he sum of J7MC, iu tho year
M07, Hie of sum il!r,j; in the year 1S9H, the sum
of 4 H'i wleh Inter let on each of satd sunfs
sa provided by law; and to have nn account
lint of the amount of taxes and Interest
now dueon snip tax liens, and forever bar
i' nd foreclose said defendants, and each of
them, out of any and all riarht, title, interest.,
lion and equity of redemption In and to said
real estate, und for general equitable relief.
Tlint vnn are turtliur iiotillcil ni'd reuuOred
tiansw'er said petition oil or before tiie 1st
day of April, A. lb WOO.
N. J. O'Connali, County Altorney.
To (ilobe Investment Company, Dakota
M or lt(aKt) Iflan Company, llenry Wynian
receiver Olobe Investment Company, Com
mercial Investment Company, It. .1. Anvils
cbrlBlan name unknown, Mrs. K. J. Amriis,
christian name unknown, II. f. i'canley
christian name unknown.
ou, ami each of yon, are hereby notified
that on the Ist day of March, WHO, Theialoro
WiiKiier as plaintiff,'' tiled In the District
Court lu and for tlio county of Monx and
state of Nebraska, Its petion Hiralnst von
and each of you iih defendants, the object
and prayer of which is to foreclose certain
tax liens on the tiillowlnte real estate, situat
ed In the county of, Sioux anil state of Ne
braska, to wlt; Mils"' H and 4 nnd the south
lmlf (i of the north west quarter (a section
live f', Township thirty three H:, north of
KaiiKii fll'lv-loiii'M wet of the (ilh J. M., that
said tax Ileus consist of taxes hhsc-s, d lu
said county for school, county nnd state
purposes on said real estate for tho follow
!ni yi-ars and amounts, to-wit: In the year
ls4. the "inn ol iCi,l; In the year IHOfT, the
mm of .1.07; In the yeur ismi, tha Hum of If.t.sl
In the year 1117, the sum of S4.uk ; in the year
IsilS, thesuiirof KJ II, -the aiuouiif olaimeil by
pliilntirT Is SJ7.S4 with interest thereon froiii
Inn Ist day of March; A. II. 1WW, the prayer
of snip petition Is for a decreo deelarfnir the
Hl'oresiiiil amount toxelher with InUrest
thereon and eosts to iie a first and para
mount lieu upon the aforesaid real est ato
ami thai said real estate may be sold under
an order of the court to sal isfy the same,
and that said defendants be forever b irred
und foreclosed of all Interest or claim In
and to said real ostium or any part thereof,
You urn required to answer said petition
oil or before the Blti dsy of April, tMSl.
J. O't'Oisui,!, Attorney for l'laXatlff.
The C
Harrison, - - - - Nebraska.
FUND - -
President. D. H. Geiswolt. CashUr
C. F. Coffee,
Cha3. C. Jameson.
B. E,
In The District Court of Sioux Coantf,
Albert r. Hill, plaiutiff, 1 Notice to Son
vs. resident de-
Thomas Ellis and Charles feuduuts.
Ii. cturdivant, txcuutor
defendants. J
To Thoinaii Hills und Charles R. ftardlvant
Executor, non-resident defendants:
lou and each of you will take notice,
that Aihert V. Hill, plaintiff has filed his pe
tition In the tah-trict court of Sioux county,
Nebraska, the object and prayer of which
i).!iitioa is tlia foreclosure of a certain tax
iien on the north-east quarter ot section 11,
lowusuip a;, range .., In .sioux county, Neb.,
for tho delinquent taxej cf the vear 1K!I6
purchased by defendark., i and 'for the
delinquent taves of the vears 1R97 amj
iOS paid aitbsequcrit thereto, ttiat yoii
and each if you may be foreclosed' and
tomiMr oiiT-il of -i i -riglit, title, inter
est lien or equity of redemption in or to the
s-iiiie thttl tlio same may tie sold 'to satisfy
said lien, and attorney's fees and costs and
lor eerie al relief. You are required to ans
wer said petition on or before tho 26th' day
of imuch, AI.RKRT K. HIM., plaintiff
GKiVNT GUTHKIK, Attorney for piatttitf'
In The District Court of SiouT County, Nebr,
rusk. I'nysoa B. Billow, plaintiff.
The Michigan Savings and Loan Associatkn,
To The Mlcblirnn Kavlprzs and Loan Assrw-1-
ntion, non-resident defendant. Yoti will
take notice that Paynon Ii Itiirelwv.'plntntrn
hssfll. d his petition in the Dtirtriet court
of Sloux county, Nehrtka, the object and
nrayer of which petition is the foreclosure
of a certain llun for taxes upon lot number
live, of block number six, of the village of
llnrriBOn, Nebraska, that you may be fore
closed and forever barred of iiVTlBht,'tlttc
Interest or equity of redemption in or'tjn
to the same, that the said property may b
sold to satisfy suid Hen und for central
relief. ,
.You am required to answer said petition
ou or before the nth day of April, A. I). 1900.
Hrant (jiithrie, Attorney for plaintiff.
I'aysou Ii. Higelow plafcititf.
Tho Couuty Court of Sioux
County, Nebraska.
In the, mutter of the Estate of James-F.
llovey, deceased.
Notice for 1'rcdeiitntion and Allowance 6t
Kotlee la hereby driven to all pcrons hav
inir claims and demands acauist James F.
llovey, lato of Sioux county, deceased, that
mo time nxea tor niinir claims against said
estate is six months from the 6th day of
February, 1500. All such persons are requir
ed to present their claims with the vouch
ors to tho County Judge of said county, at
his office, on or before the 6th day of Aug
ust, MOO, and nil claims so tiled will be heard
before said Judge on the oth day of March,
IOOji, and thereafter on the first, day of each
regular term of said eourt during the time
limited for filing claims as aforesaid.
Dated February 5, woo.
County J u dee
(A true copy)
Final Proof Notices.
All persons having final proof notices In
this imper will receive a marked copy of the
paper and are requested to examine their
notice and if any error exist report the
same to this office at once.
S. Laud Office at Alliance, Neb.,
jannury 27, iBtxi. )
Notice isherehy given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to tnnko final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore Clerk of District Court St Harrison,
Neb., on March 10, lQoO, viz:
of Harrison, who made II. E. No. SSfl'i, for
the Eli N-KiaN-E'4H-Ei Sen. S and N-Wii
SW'1 sec. , Twp. 33, N Range S6.
lie names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
Charles Iliehle, Charles E. Schllt, John L.
Kay and Richard Zerbat, all of Harrison,
Neb. r. M. DoRRlNtf TON,
U. 8. Land Office at Alliance, Neb. I
January 27, HKiO. )
Notice Is hereby given that the following
mimed settlor dus filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of bis
claim, and tnat said proof w II lie made be.
tore Clerk ot District Court at Harrison,
Nob., on March 10, 1H0D, viz:
of Harrison, Sen., who made H. K. Ne- 4401
for the N. S N. E',4 and K H N. W K .
Twp M N. R. M W. He names the following
wlnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon and cultivation nf said laud, vix:
Nels Anderson, Dun Jordan, John I'lnnkatt
and Will bhepard, nil of Harrison, Neb.
F. M. Dohhinuton, Register.
U. S. Land Office Alliance, Neb.
February IS, WOO. ,
Notioe ts hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notico of his Intent
ion to make final prod lu support of his
claim, and that said proof will lie made be
fore Cleik of District Court at Harrison,
Neb., on March 24, IV.iO, viz:
of Harrison Neb. who made H. R. no. 4845 for
th H. X 8-F. Heo. (1 and K.'i S-K ' Hoe. 7 Tp.
nH.It.6SW, He mimes tho following wit
nesses to prove his continuous risldnuce K
nn uiid cultivation of said land.viz:
HI. A. Illgclow, II. A. I'rlddy, Charles Illohle,
aiiO IlolMirt keel all of Harrison. Neb.
F. M. DoSRimiros. itegist'i-. (St l
$10,000.00. CV
Bezwstee, A. McGinlei,
Content Notice.
United States Land Offiice, i
Alliance, Nebraska, )
Wanuary 13, 1900. )
A sufficient contest affidavit havinjf
been filed in this office by Peter Peter
son contestant, against Timber Culture
entry No. 808, made October 23, 1888, for
South-east quarter, Section 8, Town
ship 34, Range 50 w, by John Frisch-
Contestee, in which it is alleged that
the said John Frisch has whoily failed
to performed the acts required by law '
for the perfection of said entry; that said
John- Frisch has wholly failed to break or
plow fire acres of said land during the
second year of said entry; that the said
John Frisch has wholly failed cultivate
any of said land since the first year of
entry; that the" said John Frisch has
wholly failed to plant any of said land
to trees, tree seeds or cuttings at any'
time and such defects continue at date of
this affidavit.- Said parties are .hereby
notified to appear, respond and offer evid
ence touching said allegation at 10 o'clook
a m on March Oth, 1900, before Grant
Guthrie Notary Public at his office in
Harrison, Neb. and that final hearing
will'be held at 10 o'clock A, tn on March
15th 1900, -before the Register and Rece
iver at tfco United -States :Land Office la
Allia-uce, Nb.
The said contestant having in proper
affidavit Hied 3Une 89th -1899 set forth
facts which staow' that after due diligenoo
personal service of this mUice can not
be made it is hereby ordered nud directed
that such notice tie given by due and pro
per publication. F.'IL Ddbwsgton,
DANTS. To Joseph A. &Ioss, Mrs Ruth P. Moss,
his wife W. J. JSowden, christian name
unknown, 8. B. 'Howe, christian -name
unknown, F. S. Tuttlt, christian nan
unknown, Dakota JLoan and Trust Com
Kou and each of you, are hereby noti
fied that on the 1st dav of March. A. D.
1900, The County of Sioux, as plaintiff,
ll led iu the district court in and for the
county of Sioux and state of Nebraska,
,ts petition against you, the object and
prayer of which is to .foreclose certain
tax liens on the following-described .real
estate, situated in the 'county of Sioux
and state of Nebraska, to-wit: "South
half i north east quarter i north half i
north-east quarter i section two 2 town
ship thirty-two 32, north of range fifty-
three ud west of the sixth 6th principal
meridian, situated in Sioux county, Neb
raska, that said tax liens consist of taxes
assessed and levied on said real estate
for the following years and amounts, to
wit: In the year 1895, the sum of 89.13;
in the year 1880, the sum of $7.53; in
the year 1898, the sum of $8.54; with
interest on each of said sums as provid
ed by law; and to haye an accounting
of the amount of taxes and interest now
due on suid tax liens, and to forever bar
ond foreclose said defendants, and each
of them, out of any and all right, title,
interest, hen and equity of rdemption in
and to said real estate, and for geneaal
equitable relief.
That you are further notified and re
quired to answer said petition on or be
fore the 9th day of April, A. U. 1900.
M. J. O'Connell,
County Attorney. , No. 16.
To John Garrison, Mrs. John Garrison his
wife, christian name unknown.
shownltcr mortgage company, P. J. Stevens .
christian name unknown
You, and each of you. are iiereny notlflcfl
that oa the 1st, day of March, 1(00, -Jacob
Marking plaintiff, nieu in t he district court.
In ami for the eouniy of Moux aiwt state -ot
Nebraska; his potlllon vgntnst you bs de
fendants, the object and prayer of ss-lileli
is to foreclose certain tax liens on the lnl
lowima real estate, sitnnteil in the couutv
of sloux and state of Nebraska, to wlt:
North-east quarter u section eight 8, town
ship thirty three m, north of range City
four 54, weft of the sixth A tb, principal mer
idian In said ooiintv. that suid tax liens con
sist of taxes assessed and levied, for school,
county, and state purposes, on said rea l en-
tate, for the following years unit amounts,
towlt: In the year ISiW, the sum of Ss.lfi; In
tho year ism, the sum of $10.13; In the vear
1895, the sum of t-IJff; In tho year IMS, the
snm of 4J6.M; In the year 1SS7, the sum of 5.l
and sold on tho nf th 5tk day of O'tober, IfW,
to faid plaiutlfi, at private tax sale for the
sum of S0.nf,, and In the year 1HUS, the sum
of $4.74; end paid by plaintiff, s subsequent
taxes, that there Is now due thereon the
sum of aiW.00; the prayer therefore -of said
petition, Is lor a decree declaring the afore
aid amount together wltta Interest thnreon
ond costs to be u first and paramount lien
upon 'the aforesaid real estate and that
said real estate may be sold under Sn ordo t
of the eourt to satisfy the same, and that
aid defendants, be forever barred and fore
oloaed of all Interest or claim in and to sal ,
real estate or any part thereof. Vou a re Irs
quired to answer said petition on or befor
the til day ol April, A. D. I(KN.
M. J. 0'(KkU
Attorsey tor plain tiff.
i Am st,
rm$l t Sift r .