Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, February 22, 1900, Image 8

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    Tuomday. Flu., a 'oil. l'J"'.
4,e. 1. Canon, K.litor unl I'rop.
Unsiness Locals, eatt. tnsert'on V.
D'mpUty, standing AVs: prices for nn:a
tn&tle known ou afiii'ieatiun.
Stock Brand and the 1'UKsSJolI lhAl, on
9 a $X.
Foreign advertising uil be paid iu ad
Tor lurther Information Address,
J'JtLSr-Jlll'E AL.
liaiTisoti, Xebr.
F. E. 4 I!. V It. It. 1 line table.
Going West. Going Rut.
o. 5, mixed, 11 : 1 No. 6. mixed 8:00
I North-Western
F. E. M. V. R. E. is the best
to and from the
F. E. & JT. V. It. It.
Oho war.
Second class Colonists Tictn 1o Port
land, Seattle, Taeoma. Sjs.kape &c., on
ale now at ?i5.C0, Order tickets few
lays ahead.
F. A VERY, Agnt.
F. E. & H. V. R. R.
To Hot Springs S- D-
Tickets on pale Tuesdays.
February C and 20, March 6
and 20, 1900 to Hot Springs,
S. D., good returning !Q days
from date of sale, at one fare
plus $2.00 for round trip.
F, Avery, Agent
There will be Mass at the Court
House on Tuesday. Feb. 27, at 10:30:
J. C Shipley of Bell, came up Tues
day night and stopped over until Wed
nesday attending some business mat
Htnry Warneka yesterday pnrch-
Assd a quarter section of land of P'raok
'Wright, which will enlarge his stock
ranch materially.
Have you seen that gold nuggate
which June Smith found in his chicken
coop, yesterday. 'Well, we did and it
is about th size of a small grain of
corn. Dont forget we have a Klondike
right by our door,
fy Write Harden Bros., Omaha,
"Wholesale Supply House, for prices and
r samples.
The fusion forces of Sioux county
'Should bear in mind the date for the two
eoanty conventions, and also that editor
Vincent of the Nonconformist will ad-
dress the two conventions, on that day,
which will be the iirst of March.
The worst blizzard of the season,
Struck this neck of the Woods, on last
Friday, and continued all day, until late
in the evening. Saturday however it
seemed like spring indeed notwithstand
ing great banks of snow greeted the eye
S7Hisbest prices paid for
Lides at Eogkkt Kouwer,s.
Miss Murlev, teacher in the primary
flepartment of the Harrison Schools
Kara a pulic entertainment at Andrews
Hall last night, which was well attended
A small admittance fee was charged, the
proceeds of which. as appropriated to
the church.
C. E. A. Eitler, who has spent sev
eral months in New York with his par
ents, returned to Sioux county last Fri
day, he brought a younger brother with
him, who alco expects to make his home
here. We welcome young Mr. Estler, to
pur midst as there is room for any num
ber of good citizens in Sioux countr. C.
E. looks as if his mother bad fed him off
.the top shelf.
, We learn that Sherriff Hoily hRs
selected Earnest Lyon as deputy.
Without doubt Earnest will make an
"tmcient and industeriou officer. He
has not yet secured his bondsmen, but
without doubt he will soon fet them
nd when the county commissioners,
hare confirmed the Appointment Earnest
"will be in working order. ,
8. L. Kirtley, of Pleasant Rldgs,
Sold his Wyoming ranch to a Mr. HoH
rflsU of 8miUiwick, a Dakota,' Tses
Mr. Kirtley mads transfer of
-the property the mme day, Attorney
Onthris drawing deed and making con
sysses. Tbs .ooosidsrstion ws learn
was (3,00ft ft. Hotter fie Id will Uke
osinsos) tm ST bsfors Ha 1st, next.
DrtWy will soi lr for his South
, kss SMUI ht disposes of bis
3 U kMUtbold f xxli.
I d-ire to oti-r fur rile my ranch l K irt
W y , conm jUi. of l' acre 1 dee led
land, 1 acre under e uitivurhm; good t"
lory frame house, contalnm; 8 Murni, on
the plac. Large I run: bunt, Wil aud two
goai wells on ulu.- and ono 12 loot wind
mill in operation. Alo all 1 room fur fly
or six hundred h.-ud of alock.snd plenty il
rang under fence.
i have for sale Mi he.i t V-refor I cowc, two
thorough bred H-trefur-l li ru; TO lie id,
coming two-ve-ir-uid. t hite l ic-d steei; W
) head yuriiui; steer and Hidi"crstll whit
facisl : i White IVi'd, Kcjristerwl Bulls and
! !i5 head of work and pandit llori-es.
is. I.. K'lrt:-.',
K'.rtv Wyn.
r-. i cM'TU O
UAKK1S0S - Ml:lU!KA.
Sunday Stliool 10 oYlurk a. m. Ep worth
Uizne 6 :S0 p. r.i.
I'rearhirs rTery Sunday evmimc t 7 :!ii
p- U)-, aud r vert nt'ei-nri' Snuday 1 1 nu,
(oniiwncirig Janiwry 1 1. !f Oil. Kvery body
cordis I v Invlind to at'.cnd iki-w feniceii-
All perwms whose lnnd tux 1 d.lnnrnt
mil take notirc tliut in ncoordftne- -with in
Btrurtious of the t o. tlommiiwioiiers 1 will
proceed to toreckwe h11 land Iu thin coun
ty on which the tsxes are del!uj:nt. l'ar
tin ill save costs ly paying at once.
11. J. O'CuiraeLL. Co. AtUruev.
All parties in favor of the government,
continueing to issue vaccine, for the
cure of Blackleg, the cattle men will
please be in Harrison, on March 3rd in
onlr to adopt resolutions to congress,
and give it Ui3 necessary fwe.
U1TO Tietzz.
ed, come and 8ee it l'unt tttixk iyr a
moment it b a "clievp john ayfaih."
It contains over 1300 auticm?, every
oxe of tk em of vsz is the home.
P. B. BuiEU)v.
We understand, John Finley, has
taken a claim in the immediate neigh
borhood of Mr. Xutto.
Frank DeMer, i suffering from the
effects of having his face frozen on last
Friday. He will be all rilit though in
a short time.
The town of HarriRon. will dnrinfr
the present year add several new build
ings to its number, fceveral parties ex
pect to have dwelling houses erected ard
at least one or two business houses, will
be erected during the year.
Now that the state brand hw is a
living issue, it ought necessarily follow
that every stock man in Si'iux county,
have his bran l advertised in tin Pee?
Jocrsal. Tull your neighlwr an.l both
come in and have than) placed with
The members of the Democratic
county central committee, are espcwl
ly requested to attend the Democratic
convention which will be !-!d at the
court house on March lt, important
business is to be trar.sa ted, heuce the
impeartive necessily of all n embers be
ing present.
On last Saturday morning the daily
papers of Omaha, and Lincoln, announc
ed the startling news that Frank Sim
mons, a brother of L. J. Sininmns, the
latter was formerly enitor of this paper
was a defaulter to uncle Sam, t) t'r.e ex
tent of somewhere between thr-e arvd
four thousand dollars, f Mr. Simmons
acknowledges, his crime, and says he
used the cash but expected to reim
burse the pest office dt art ment when
he could.
MARRIED: At Harrison, Neb., Tues
day! Feb. 21, 1900, by his honor, Jud'e
Wilson, Miss Anna H. Casebt-er, and Mr.
Daniel A. Publow, aged respectively 17
and 35 years. We are not acquainted
with eitlier the bride or groom, bnt, we
extend to them hearty congratulations
and earnestly wish they may enjoy long
life and happiness
M. J. O'Connell, was bestman, and we
opine that our county attorny, will e'ere
many moon's, take unto himself a better
half, that is if remarks from his neigh
bors count. Still we have not heard M.
J. say just when the happy day will be.
Have you noticed those gasoline
lamps in the several business houses?
They give a metropolitan appearance to
our town. The lights are fully as strong
as the ordinary electric light and very
much cheaper to supply business houses
and dwellings, and, in (act those who
claim to know, say they can be run just
as cheap as coal oil lamps, with twice
as good o. light and just as safe to hand
le and manipulate.
On last Srfnday evening, Mr, and
Mrs. Frank Nutto, who live in the can
yon, were indulging in a pleasant Sun
day evening reverie, when lo and behold
a sound of wheels arroused them, on
looking up, they were astonislwd to see
several vehiclcles approaching the house
as is their usual custom, when any one
cones there, they always come out to
meet them, but when tbev cams out to
the door lot the guests were so numer
ous that the nature of the occasion
dawned upon them, the guests were
arly all former neighbors of Mr. and
Mrs. Nutto at Montrose, all made merry,
itnUl nest " morning, when they all
left for their bonies highly pleased with
the receptiosi giyo-i them br tbsir hot
and hostess.
i h:is. 1". Snyder, was up from his
Running Water Bim h, on last Monday,
,ml aIiiI-j in town dmpd in for a few
inoriifiits that with the editor.
Mr. K. II lavermoiv, wnt to!
i'luidron the ilr-t of Uih week.
Ilenrv Krueman, of (ilen, and his
little s:mi, were in town last Tuesday, on
We learn t hat Frank V," right, will
in all probability work for MarsUller
Brothers on their ranch 4 miles south
west of town. Mr. Smith who has been
overseeing aud looking after the boys
place for(the past J'tar, will proliably,
ipnt about the Drst of March. We do
not beleive the boys could get any bet
ter or mo;e indunterious man to look
after their interest on their racch than
John Farris, of (!k-c, was in town
last Moud.iy trying to get County At
torney O'ContiulI, to swear out a com
plaint against Henry S. Parks, of Cot
tonwood precinct, for purloining some
fence wire, which we presume btlonged
to the latter; out the county attorney,
refused to do so unless Mr. Farris would
put up bonds for the cost, w hich we be
lieve was tle proper thing to. It is the
unbiased opinion of our cjuill pusher, if
any one h w a strong, sure thing case
against another person, for a criminal
offence, or even a civil suit, they should
be willing to give bowls for the cost; if
not, they should not undertake to force
the countr into assuming useless exn-
sts- Attorney O'Connell, in refusing
Mr. Fan-is his refjueat did nothing but
his sworn dutv.
In tlieeq days of anti-trust, anti-imperialism
and anti- expansion, we feel
that eight in our midst the most urgent
"anti" for our boys, is an anti-s.wearing
league. Is it not disgusting enough to
hear men grown, swearing and using
slang phrases; but when you hear boys
in knee pants, swearing and using lang
uage, that oil men, hardened' in siu,
ought to blush for shame, on using such,
yet how very familiar young boys on
our streets aeeni to tie with thosa same
expressions. We believe if every time
a boy, yes or a man swears, they would
read the first commandment, of promise
which is: "lienor thv father and thv
mother; that thy days may be long upon
the land which the Lord thy God giveth
thee" they would certainly refrain from
such ungentlomanly language. It never
m:ule a man of any boy, to swear, chew,
smoke or drink whiskey, gamble or use'
smutty language; oa the contrary it
makes them immoral."
At Andrews Hall.
The Modern Woodmen assisted by the
lioya! Neighbors of Harrison,' will give
the Sirio-Coniic Ilratna, 'nI Johnson
"The Woodman' in five acts- On Sat
urday evening March 10th.
Cast of characters.
Carl Johnson, the Woodman, j 1st
from St. Paul John Ilii kman,
I Henry Smiih, Hi tie: order ji;t f,,r the
insurant:. Juiiu i'nvis.
William Brown, V. C. of the Cuuip,
Win. Davi.,,
j Bill Bashaw, t!iJ the burglar.
Heurv 1 ii.-knmn,
J Sam LiS: a u, bis a ,., W 11 I'iiornton,
; S.tm Small, e-ep old lin agt. with an
eye for business, Earnest Lvon,
James ShelJjn, Chief I'oresltT,
J. W. Smith,
Chas. lieSnooky . a dude,. . Clyde lagan,
Mrs. Mary Smith, wife of Mr. Smith,
Mrs. Priddy,
Nellie Smith, aged five, Uwemloliu
. lioscrans,
Mrs. Johnson, wife of Ctrl. Mrs. Bartell,
Tiieo. Johnson a get! seven, Fred Bartell,
Mary Brown sensible rjiisi, Uotha Diflell
Anna Johnson, aged ten. C.irmi Priddy,
James Foster. Camp kicker
Foresters in uniform, Mvniliers &tr
Admission free. Curtain mies 8 P.
M. Every body cordially Invited prep
eration will bt made so ail will !e com
fortably seated. t"me and enjoy an
evenings fun.
School Jleport.
Report of Bodarc school district num
ber six for month ending February Ulh
Number of days taught, twenty.
Number of pupils eurulled, thirty sev
en. Average daily attendance thirty one.
Pupils not absent during month.
Julius Burke, Ethel Burke, Mabel
Thayer, Howard Burke, Buth Zerlie,
Frank Zerhe, John Burke, William An
trim, Laura Antrim, Arthur Antrim.
M. C. Poi nds,
Bree8 From the Valley.
Henry Piekenbrock also J. J. Wasser
burger, made a trip to Ardmoro Mon
day. Miss Maggie Hunter, is now teaching
school at Mrs, Jordan's, she began tin
The "I'll Try" committee went to
town Monday to buy necessary supplies.
Miss Bryan closed her four months
term of scliool at Gilchrist on the second
and returned to her home at Ashland on
the 10th.
The snow is rapidly disappearing. A
few large drifts across the road in some
places that makes trareliug little
J. II. BirliOi went Crawford Tuesay.
Although the weather h is been cold
ami di.igrcable aud stormy recently
there Iris been no report fif loss of stock
here. The Kth and the 14th the tlier
ni' rne'.er registered 22 llow zero at
i!clirif.', ''e coldest in the season.
Mr. u' tl Y?s. Jacob Henry Sr. and Jr.,
Mr. S ;,!-r mv! family, and Mr. and Mrs
(. ! i t, Hu;.dayed at Mr. Nutters iu the
A W.nhir.gtoo and Lincoln entertain
ment g.VLB at the Bodarc Church on
Thursday evening March 1st. On ac
count of trie bad weather last week it
was necessary to postpone it a week.
All are cordially invited to come.
Over in Wyoming.
What is the matter with Clio? Is she
like the woodchuch gone into winter
quarters to hibernate until Spring?
Francis and Harry Duel have made
application for final proof, on their
homesteads in this place,
The following extract taken f rom a
letter from Hon. N. W. Mondell, under
date of Jau. CO, M. C. from Wyoming,
in answer to questions coucerumg new
homestead laws, reads as follows: 1 have
introduced a bill in congress which pro
vides tbat those, who have made entry
hrertofore tut have not proved up ou
same, can make a second entry. 1 have
also Introduced a bill iu congress w hich
re pea It th-J provision! of law which re
quires the payment of if 1 20, au acre to
the government on lands entered under
the desert act, so that if this becomes a
larf, deserving eiilrymen will not be re
quired to jay the government anything
but the tame fees that they would in
case of a homestead. ,
Kev Smith, seuuis te be doing a great
deal of good on the Ridge, as we under
stand that about liftetm have united with
the church. Let the good work goon.
Mrs. J. H. New tin closed her four
months school, in tin west school house
on last Tuesday. During the whole
term commencing Oct. 13, slie missed
but three davs ou account at bad wea til
er, and that with a distance of nearly
Ove miles to go, inakir.g almost ten
miles of a ride each day, in all kinds of
weather. Iu all that time site missed
but one night of being homa with her
family, J, II, got so awfully tired of
housekeeping and eating his own cuisine
that he heralded the closing day, with
shouts of great joy and cast the dish
rag into tho tire,' vowing that it was
not right for a married woman to teach
On last Friday Charlie Andrews brav
ed the blizzard and went to his school,
he found that two of his pupils hail doue
Quite a blizzard swept over this lart
last week, beginning ou Thursday even
ing ar:d continuing unabated until Fri
day night; the wind blew at the Tate of
miles an hour, with the weather guage
l"i b-lo v Cairo, and the snow swirling
! tin the t l,n t)( Hii csiMlj in-l filling
l ...
, lite. i' ii.nr Oil. i.i c.i.i nl IrixZ or
txen pet lioi-t iu'.un.
A few ci.es ( I fiin-ken pox ar report
ed from the ivcvi part of the settlement
all of of Mr. 1 ootc'-i children have had
them and otl.er I.iwilies have been ex.
We see by tho 1 i e.s-JoChNaL Tuesday
night of last week was the coldest night
of the season; it being lt) lelow zero,
now Mr. editor that tallies exactly
with the record ut Zekiel's, but on
Thursday Fob. H, the thermometer reg
slered 22 3 behu but the Lusk Herald
records SB0 below on Wednesday of last
week, and we believe by a U. R. i-igiial
service ihsrmomt-ter. Zekiki.
Call for Democratic County
Nutlet; Is hereby (riven thnt a tic tegs te
convention of the Deuiorrntlc party ot
sioux county, !.. Is caliad to meet at the
Court House In Harrison, In said County, t
one o'clock p. in., Thursday, March Int. 1'JOO
for the uriO-e of clerlliuc 3 delei-aten to at
tend the Iiemoeratic Hatf convention to be
held ul Lincoln, Neb., March 19, VM.
Tho several precincts of nalci county ore
entitled to one delegate at larjre, and one
delegate for each ten votes or major frac-
tlou thereof, latsed on the ride cant for
Hon. Kdson Well, for Reen' of the Stale
t'nivertity at the last general eleetloii of
1W. Kollowln-r ore the number of d'dejaiei
apportioned to each precinct:
Andrews t Antelope 2
llowen & Cottonwood 4 ,
Hat Creek 6 Montrose 3
Uuiilnrf Watrl HnakuCruek 1
Fii(- tr lxaf 1 Wsrbonnct 4
Whistle CrekJ White River' S
TotuI Nninber of Delegates 2S
It I recoininend-Kt that tho precinct Cau
cus be held ut the usual polling places Tues
day, Feb. 27th, at 8 o'clock p. in. of said day.
It Is aim reeouiended that ho proxies 1
allowed. l,ut that the dele-ratne prenent he
permitted to cunt the full vole of the pre
cinct. Vr.n. II. ("aKOS, Chairman Com.
J. K. SUBsrr.l.LBi.', brc.
Cull for County Convention.
A dnlo-fttte convention of the Pesp!eIn
dMindnit farly, of Kloux fJonnty, Nebraiika
l hereby called to meet at the Court Ilouae
of said countr, In Harrison, on Thursday,
March 1st, lWjOat 1 o'clock, for the purpone
of selecting delrgate to the FlsUi Conven
tion of aald yurly. The aereral preelnol
will be allowwl the numlD-r of delcgatrs
fluted tclow, Wing one rielngto at Inrgs
anti one delejale for each ten roUtt at or
All kinds of Harness Goods.
Grain and Feed for sale. Besides the above I have Build
ing material, such as Lumber, Lime, Hair, Cement &c. &c.
1ST Call and get PRICES before buying elsewhere.
2 TIT i? DTAMT?rT?
Illly J IWiMyLvli.
o)) Drugs,
"jL Drugists Sundries,
i I'aint. Oils, VarnislieS,
X Vs BOOlcS and
(? .
J eij J,
k Fine Line o
Ladies & Gentlemen's
gig3&j-gD.!iB Ltfgjg"ug&iftla
Call and look our Stock over be
fore Purchasing as we can SAVE you
Marsteller broS.
major fraction thereof cant for Hon. Hlas
A. Holeomti for Supreme Judge at the Gen
eral election of 119.
Hat Creek
1 Antelope 1
5 Cottonwood 4
6 Mont rone 3
"J'.unning Wales 1 Hnake Creek 1
t-uf.ir l.ouf 3 Warbonnet 4
Whistle Creek 2 While Klver 4
It is rui oiniiieiidi-d that no proxies be al
lowed but that Hie delegHtee present cast
tlie full yoto of the precinct, and that the
primaries be held lit the Usual polling plac
es In each precinct on Saturday February
S4, 1W. (jRAST 1. 1 THi.lt,
t'Lits Ciibihtrk r.v, Secretary.
South Hakott is to be honored by a
national party convention.
(Ixr own tslMMIofijto wrwrr u!js'HhT. Iknttlful iV
OrvA htUr!iriii-l .;..t. o4 iilu(. -.irrs, Grttftrtui,
Vrmktiit mcotturr.em, firn-r irk. bMjshoM hint.
UulyUbo.tvtrlf LsW tenuis mwU-d, sWsmI tar tcnxA
mu,rt it.inM. cuiifnt Irviilce. mf. Ki ' r 1 1 . ti, . I v
Win mj tivti "rbu- "fTst it.it siitP ii tjr itinUM- ,(
AUtvr pftUnw IU DO n tfc lor njtm pmfrt Rl
Batir pat Uir-tSw onir "" eeh
htmhmr Sol4 im neaHv evefT rtfv ai4 f I'll mU.
Mk latXUtm. AliHiluUlirviiry vp-losuw Aft-
rum mtmfkt.i. rnsNKV.
SjMS Wt MSlSlmt, ... .r tltf, St (
Also, Flour and all kinds of
1 IlAimiWi. x
. .
t. rrllNNtY, Proprietor. a
& Youth's
Proffessional Cards-
I'll) t.-cian and Surgeon.
All call given prompt attention.
Oltlce In Drug Store.
-nARRlSt.lt - NEBa.tKKA.
Prompt attention given to all leg)
matters in Justice, County and District
Courts, and before the United States
Land Olllee.
Fire Insurance written in reliable
tSTLegal papers carefully drawn,
lUKiimos. - Nkbbahia.
M. J. O'Connell, - - C. AtHmrj,
Will Practice In All Cos.rU
Sperlal Attention Ulren to Land ON
lies Business.
f'fillwf Intlff anil all linalwAM m4m4
- - - ....... ...... . . H H . I., VHftlHSf
ed to me will rcrelre prompt attention.
HaBUWoM - N.KliAKA. '
Michael Ruffing, 'L'rvkicob.
I am prepared to do all kinds of Civil
Kiiglms rlug work.
When in need of Urn Surveyors Services,
give me a eall as I have a full and com-.
plete outfit, together with experience to
do tlm work with in-nlfless and dispatch.
MAnaoOM, - - - NCkHAwXA