Thtjmdvt. Ft, 15th, 1900. Oo. D. Canon, Editor mtxd Prop. READ THIS WEEKS, PRESS-JOUKUL- AOVCRTISINS RATCS. Xoainee Locals, each insertion 5c. Ziisplay, standing Ad: price for lima to ace knows on application. Stock Brand and the f asas-joc KiL, on Tear $3-00. Foreign advertising muat be paid in ad vaace. Far inrther Information Add rem. . PHtlfS JolSSAL, Harrison, 'ebr. I . I. A M. T R. JL lime table. Going- Weit Going Eairt. Mo.t. mini. 11 M 1 Ho. . mixed s :00 T H S North-Western LINE F. E M. V. 1L E. ii tb bt to and from the BLACK HILLS, DEAD WOOD A5D HOT SrBlKGS, south Dakota. F. E. M. T. K R. One way. Second clans Colonists Tickets to Port land, Seattle, Taroma. Spokane 4c., on sale now at $25.00. Order tickets faw lays ahead. F. A VERY, Apant. F. E. &M. V. R R. EXCURSION. To Hot Springs S- D- Tickets on sale Tuesdays, February 6 and 20, March 6 and 20, 1900 to Hot Springs, S. D., good returning 30 days from date of sale, at one fare plus $2.00 for round trip. F. Avert, Agent There will be Mats at the Court Home ob Taesday, Feb. 27, at 10:30: o'clock. A FIVE COT OOCKTXR NEXT WEEK, AT Bioelow's. Did you receive a valentine yester- ;dajr? , . a Oo last Monday, the 12th, eccured the 91st birthday of Abraham Lin- coin. N Miss Teresa 'Will, is helping Mrs. Eggert Rohwer, for a couple of weeks. BJTWrite Haydea Bros., Omaha, "Wholesale Supply House, for prices and ample. Marcos "Valdez, has leased a -school section in Wyoming, where he expects te move his family sooa as the children get through with school. Attorney liutnrie, has been some- "what under the weather this week, from an attack of neuraligia ., Cakddsb, Ntrre, Fectts, and Cioaks, County Clerk Raum, went home on last Saturday evening, and returned to liis duties at the court house yesterday Gents most beautiful Deck-wear can be found bo where in Harrison, like those at Gerlach'8. Editor Vincent, of the Non-Conformist, of Omaha, will be in Harrison, on March first, and will address the two conventions which are to be held here on that date. AH should turn out, and .five Mr. Vincent a cordial reception. Memorandum book,, Novels, Chi dress books and school supplies at Bioe low's. John L. Kay, -has sold his Warr bon net ranch to Brewster Bros., and tias bought Robert Neece's lower ranch, we did not learn what the consideration was, on when he expects to take posses sion of his newly acquired property. Hiss Emma Serres, daughter of County Treasurer Serres, is looking after toe culinary department at the John IfcTit home, daring Mrs. Davis' inability to be about. J. E. Marsteller and J. C. Parsons, went to Crawford, on last Saturday eve nino to to take some degrees in masonry, they returned Sunday on a special. Smoking and Chewing Tobacco and fine Cigars at Bioelow'r. Miss Liezie Dunn, who was called from her borne in Wyoming to the sick bedside of her father in Warboooet recen tly, returned to her home the first nt tWa week. Her father is much better. A. L. Hodge, who lives in the south end of the county, was in town oa last Monday to attend the annual meeting of the soldiers relief commissioners, Mr. Hodge usually comes to town about once a year on business. Parties wanting brands recorded un elar the new law in time for this years alf crop would do well to wave their f fliaaU s filed with the secretary of srtaAe by the ltb of March as the csm Mritto will meet at thai time and pass oo fl affUraU tfcaa oa ft)e. Church, HARnMV - SEBUASKA. Sunday School 10 o'clock a. m. Epwortli br&zar 6 :30 p. m. Preaching; everr Sunday rri nlng at 7 :30 p- m-, and erery alternate Sun'lar at 11 a. in, commencing January 14, 1U0. Every body cordialy invited to attend these erviee. Washington Birthday Ball There will be given at the court bouse Thursday February 22, 1900 a Welling tons biitb-day ball. Good music will be furnished. Every body are invited to come ana have a pood time. By Order of Commitee. FrvE Cext Cocnter, Biotixws We notice either the Crawford Bul letin, or its H,irison correspondent con tinues to filch news from the Press-Jocr-Val, notwithstanding our statement a short time ago, that these items were taken from our local column, and in some few instances changed to suit the writer. We said we knew whereof we speke. We repeat it now. LOOt: OCT FOR OCH FIVE CENT OOfST EE, BlOELOW'S For the benefit of all our readers in general, but more particularly for our teachers, we are glad to announce that County Superintedent Burke, has secured the services of Prof." Purviance, for our County Institute instructor, which will be held this year the first two weeks in August. The proff. will be remembered our people from his very pleasant debut, in our midst last year. We feel confi dent our teachers will hail with delight this piece of news. There is an elegant display of ladies dress goods at GerlaCHS. Miss, Claudia Hester, "who has been epending a week with frinds at Chadron returned to this city today. Tuefday night, in Harrison was the coldest eight of tbe season, being 18s below. Incidentally we learod the considera tion in the deal between John Kay and B. E. Brewster, for Mr. Kay's ranch was $2,500. Novelties at half price at Bioelow's. Elmer Smith, left for Gering, on last Friday, where on yesterday he as sumed the duties of a "Benedict." Con gratulations are now in order. GERLACH has the finest and largest assortment of table and pocket cutlery in Harrison. The first genuine show gtortn of the season made its appearance in our midst on last Sur day morning and continued until eight o'clock in the evening, about three inches of snow fell during tbe day. The best line of Candies, Cigars & iu town at Bigelow.s. Through the curtesy of the McCall publishing company, we are in receipt ol several sample copies of that magazine. All who do not receive this magazine. may get one, by calling at the Pkjks- JwlkNAL office Canned goods, of all kinds and of tbe best quality at BlOBLOw'S. Steve Coleman, was in town, this week trying to dispose of his claim. What is the matter with our valley breeze? Clio, we miss your items sad' ly. Look out fob ocr five cext COUNT ER. BiUELOWS. Henry Will, who has been guttering must acute pain during the past two weeks from a atiieriog iu one of his ears is now some better. The gatoering ha v ing broken, and is running. Tea, Coffee, and ail kinds of canned goods at EJKJKLow'a Glen Echoes. Colder weather and some snow. Chris Hansen shipped a car load posts this week. of John Ferris shipped a car of horses last week. J. T. Lason, is buinding a cattle shed. vv. i. rorneswrs numiog Dorses in this community Sunday. Walter Johnson, was hunting horses this week. Lew Brundige and Walter Johnson, have been cutting Mime posts during the past month and don't know bow many they have got. C. A. Puddy, says he would like to bare the party who hauled some cedar posts for him haul them back. Larse Peterson was visiting friends in tbe city Monday. Wood Chopper. From Boggle Land. tounty surveyor Burling, is quite busy now-a-days surveying ditches, and. locating claims. Mr. Ruffing is a first class surveyor aod gives good satisfac tion. There was a grand dance given at the home of J, W. Hunter, on last Wednes day night, All present reported big time. Oeorge Hill, took a claim on Boggy creek, aad has built a nice bouse there John Eberspecher. nd Albert Hill took advantage of the snow, they took a sleigh ride, behind Johns splendid span of grays. Jacob Forster is looking after John Serres, cattle this wmter, while John is looking after the Us payers. Steve Serres, baa bought tbe South- worth bouse, and will n ore it on his rach. IkMo-m Uast C- L.SMITH, f PASTOR NOTICE. All persons whose lane tax la delinquent will take noiice that in accordance with in structions uf the Co. Commissioners I will proceed to foreclose all land Iu tnii coun ty on wuicb tbe taxe are delinquent. Par tie trill save t-ots by paying at one. M. J. O'Conkkm., Co. Attorney. FOR SALE. I deair to offer for tmle my ranch, at K irt ley. Wyo, coniting of 100 acre of deeded land, ISO acre nnder cultivation ; cool two tery frame house, containing; S rooms on tbe pUoa. Large frame barn, 4060 and two good wells on place and one li toot wind mill in operation. A)o thed room for Are or six bnndred head or (tack, and plenty of range nnder fence. I have for ale SO bead hereford cewa, two thorough bred Hereford Bulls; 70 taend, coming two-yeariild, white faced steers; 65 bead yearling tcera and Heifer-I1 white faced ;t White Kaced, KeaUmred Bulla and bead of work and (addle Horses. S. L. Kirtley, K irtley Wye. fSTTIighest prices paid for hides at Egoeht Rohwer,s. As the country editor is supposed te know all about every paper and every where; what is the oest for each and every one of his subscribers to read and a hundred other things pertaining to periodicals, which no other than a countr ry editor is supposed to know, presumably we make the following proposition, toall those who wish to get the best papsr for the least money, and who does not? Viz the St Louis Republic, Semi weekly and the Harmson Press-Jocrsal combined for 1.50. The Republic is in our esti mation ahead of any Semi-weekly paper we have yet perused it has all the asso ciated Press dispatches and in fact every thing that any of our metropohtian dailies have. Trv it. GREENBACKS or Government Money. At close of our Civil War in 1865, there appeared in the London Times the following: " If that mischievous financial pol icy which had its origin in the Korth American Republic during the late Civil War in thar country, should be come indurated down to a fixture, then that government wiil furnish its money without cost It will have all the money that is necessary to carry on its trade and commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of civilized nations of the world. The brain and wealth of all countries will go to North America. THAT GOVERNMENT MUST EE DESTROYED OR IT WILL DE STROY EVERY MONARCHY ON THIS GLOBE." The famous Ilazzard circular, to capitalists in New York, and the Buell Cank circular to United States Bank ers, both emanating from London, and the fabulous corruption fund raised in England and Germany, estimated at $1,500,000, were the agents that se cured the Uoainj cf our mints against J silver. The " walk into my parlor " policy of England, durjng and since the Spanish War, is the latest evidence of English Diplomacy in shaping the destiny of the United States Govern ment Notwithstanding the famine price of wheat, the Spanish War, and fabu lous expenditures of money by our government during the past year, gold has increased in value eleven percent and all other values decreased in the same proportion. For a thorough understanding of the money question, or silver issue, the Cincinnati Enquirer has uniformly given evidence of its ability to teach, explain and produce all facts and truth. It is a paper that ought and can be read by all classes with pleas vc And profit COIN'S NEW BOOK The latest and greatest work by the autb or of the famou. "Coins Financial School' entitled. COIN ON MONEY TRUSTS AND IMPERIALISM. KOW BEADY .-The price of tbis book la t5 centa per copy and It can be had only of TheBocet woLirTAisr es, sole aireiit for this part of the country. In order to facllate IU wide distribution tbe news makes the following liberal offers ; The Daily and Sunday Hews three month (2.25) and one copy of "Coin on Money, Troate and Imperialism" (15 cents.) postage Prepaid both for only tJ,3S Tbe Weekly New one year (11.00 and one eos)y or Coin on money (J5 cent) postage prepaid, both for only im. If you are already s subscriber to either edition of the New you can renew your subscription for three month or one year sa tbe case may be sad take advantage of this offer. Cash to accompany all orders. Address . THE ROCIY MOUMTAI" XICW8. Denver, Cole. KB, YOU A WORKER la Wa4 or rwui r H se sane ww Catatogiu ef Sabtos)" Foot Puwti Machinery. Prattfeal, Sarawf , TewaMa, W.P.AJeheBeraseCe.. 14 Ra ft.. ReakSaed, Mriaotg. EaKT- 11 Call for Democratic County Convention. Notice Is hereby given that a delegate convention of tbe Democratic party ol Hloax county, .Neb.. Is callxd to meet at tbe Court llo'ibe in Ilarriaou, in said county, at one o'clock p. m Tburaiiy, March Int. lM, ior the purpo-e of electinx S delegate to at tend the Democratic State convention to be betd at Lincoln, Neb., March 19, 1WJ. The aereral preeincta of said comity are entitled to one delegate at large, and one delegate for each ten votes or major frac tion thereof, baaed on tbe vote caat for Hon. Kinoa Bleb, for Ri'xent of the State Cniveraity at tbe Iant general election of 1K9 Following are the number of delegates apportioned to each prerint't: Andrews S Antelope t Bowen 5 Cottonwood Hat Creek S Montrose 3 KunSngWatrt SnakeCreek 1 Sngitr Loaf S Wartxmnet i Whistle Creki White Kiver I Total Number of Delegaes 35 It la recommended that the precinct Can ens be beld at the usual polling pluces 1 uett day, Keb. 2Tth, at S o'clock p. m.of said day. 11 U also recotiiended that no proxies be allowed, but that the delegates present be permitted to cant the full vote of the pre cinct. Gxo. 0, CMxox, Chairman Coin J. K. MabstexlE1', Sec. Call for County Convention. A delegate convention of tbe Peeples In dependent Party, of Stoux County, Nebraska li hereby called to meet at the Court llonae of aaid countv, In Harrison, on Thursday, March lt, lWWat 1 o'clock, for tbe purpow of aelectlng delegate to the M.i'.e ( onven tion of aaid party. Tbe several precinct wlU be allowed the nnml-er of delegates ftafc-d below, being one delegate, at large and one delegate for each ten votes caat or major fraction thereof cast for lion. Silas A. Holcomb for Supreme Judjje at the Gen eral election of 1H99. Andrews Bowen Hat Creek Ku lining Wateg Sngur Loaf Wbistle Creek Antelope Cottonwood Mont roue Bnake Creek Warbonnet White River It is recommended that no proxies be al lowed but that the delegates preseti t cant the full vote of the preclnet, and thnt the primaries be held at the usual polling plac es in each precinct on Saturday February M, 1900. tjHAKT GITH IE, Clacs Chkisteh es, Secretary. Chairman. Democratic State Conv ention. The Chairman and Secretary of the Democratic state central committee have issued a call for a Democratic state Convention, to be held at Lincoln, Neb raska, Monday March 19th 1SO0. Sioux couny will be entitled to three delegat es in that convention. It is for the pur pose of electing 16 delegates to the nat ional iJemocra'ic convention which will doubtless be called to meet, possibly in New York City about the first of June Next. Pi'Op'cs Party State Convention. The IVoples Independent Party slate Oorivwtifm, will bu held at Lincoln Neb. at 6 n-iiK-k P. M. at the Auditorium bmiiiijr, cn the l&th dav of March, 1300 A. D. The KUte conve.nt.ion is called for the purpose of electing, delegates to attend the Peoples Independent Party National convention w ho will nominate a can didate for president, to be voted for at the 1900 presidential election The basisof representation is onedele gate at lure for each county and one delegate for each 100 votes, or major fraction thereof cast for Silas A. Hol comb, in the election for 1HB3, for ku prenie Judge; and Sioux county will be entitled to 4 delegates. Are You A Catholic? If so. do you receive a Catholic paper in your family? If rot, why not? Tbe Catholic paper is, for the Catholic peo ple, a perpetual mission, The North western Catholic by John Brennan, at Sioux City, Iowa, is among the very best of its kind. Subncribtions will be receiv ed at tlie Phess-Jocrnal office. A FREE PATTERN Omt awn Mleetloiito frtrrrabvrllwr. atlral col. rM Uth'rtfUri piolw tun lllu.l,.').. (Jrwiual lauat, aruiita, ajuuw ami itmtiy ui-t-4aU ilaasaa. MAGAZINE Pi i MiwaJitinf mmnmim. IW woik, kmmtti4 feint a. bort ft-j n . ourwfit lopira, etc. ataim-rll to day. for laeaw. atli i, ftri sa4 llttl ettMraa. Tint "ATM at fttl.ln.d h. lh.flM r,f . Uia ttrllai cbw HatOM equal lorHylaaad f SIT Ml togatSar On If It axe It liarli-.i iar StMla snarly ney eltyarfjtcwn.or bj tpall far Um. AkwiuMy vary ltM ap-lo- ra TUB MeCALL COMPANY. SJMie wt MM Stmt. . ... Br tart Car, S. t, Ccotd-tn Idea JUST ARRIVED - IROHWER'S HARNESS SHOP, All kinds of Harness Goods. Also, Tloor and all kinds of Grain and Feed for sale. Besides the above I have Build ing material, such as Lumber, Lime, Hair, Cement fec. &c. t3T Call and get PRICES before buying elsewhere. EGGERT ROHWER, Prop. THE PIONEER Drugs, Drugists Sundries, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, BOOltS and J. d J SHOES A Fine Line of Ladie's & Gentlemen's LIGHT k HEAVY AND onnaren oc y outn s CELEBRATED LIBERTY BELL SHOES HAVE NO EQUAL; Gall and look our Stock over be fore Purchasing as we can SAVE you money. Marsteller broS. The New YorK World, Thrice-A-Weak Edition. ALMOST A DA1Y--AT THE PRICE OF A WEEKLY. The most widely circulated "weekly" newspaper in America in the Thic a week edition of The New Fork World, and with the Presidential campaign now at band you cannot do without it Here are some of the reasons why it is easily the leader in dollar a year journalism. It is issued every other day, and is to all purposes a daily. Every week each subscriber receives 18 pages and often during the "busy" season 24 pages each week. The price is only $1.00 per year, It is virtually a daily at tbe price of a eekly. Its news covers every known part of the world. No weekly newspaper could stand alone aad furnish such service. The Thrice-A-Week World has at its disposal all of the resources of the great est newspaper in existence the wonder of modern journalism "America's Oreatest Newspaper," aa it has been justly termed -The New York World. Its political news is absolutely impar tial. This fact will be of special value in the presidential campaign coming on. The best of currrent fiction is found in its columns. These are only some of the reasons; there are others. Bead it, and you will see them all. We offer thia uaequaled newapaper aad PaaJoj"Ai, together for one year for fl.75. Tberecular subscription price Of the two bosom ia f i,0. AT - PHARMACY, j STATIONARY. j E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. S $ THE Proffessional Cards. J. E. PHINNEY, M. D. PhyUciaa and Sorgeon. All call given prompt attention. Office iu Drug Sters. -nASniSOM - KKJUtARKA. GRANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all legal matters in Justice, County ami District Courts, and before the United Hlates Land Office. Fire Insurance written in reliable sompanies. : fjgT Legal papers carefully drawn. Hakxuhon, - Nebraska. il. J. 0 Coanell, - - Co. Attorney, Will Practice In All Conrts. Special Attention Give, to Land Of' flee Business. Collections and all basinets entraat- ed to me w 1 1 1 reeel re nrot attentlos -Habjuiion - N'oauaKA. Michael Ruffing, Jutitob. 1 am prepared to derail kinds ef Civil Englneerlajf work. When In need of the Surveyors Services, give me a call as I bare m foil aad com plete outAt, together with aiparioaoo to do the work with aaatneos aad ifaBWliti APMaa, ' ' MiCNACL NUfTlftw., MARnifJON, - - HtMUmMi SHOES!!