t i I; I'- TiiilO-I'AY. Fiji., !'!, Oo. 1). Canon, llilltor uii'i Prop. READ THIS WEEKS, PRESS-JOURNAL ADVERTISING RATES. ooo Business Locals, each Insertion 5c. Display, standing Ads: prices for urn ifnade knotraou applicatiun. Stock Brand and the PUiiss-Jor exh, on xi car 1300. Foreign advertising must I paid Id ad vance. lor lnrther information Address, TRESi Jol KUL, Harrison, Nehr. F. E. A M. V It. K. lime table. Going West ' Going East. Bo. 6, railed. 11 :59 i Ko. . raUed 8:00 T if E North-Western LINE . E. M. V. R. B. is the best to and from the BLACK HILLS, ,ZjEADWOOD AND HOT SPRINGS, SOUTH DAKOTA. F. E. 4 !T. Y. E. 11. One war. Second class Colonists Tickets to Port land, Seattle, Tacoma. Spokane &c, on .sale now at $25.00. Order tickets few .days ahead. F. Avery, Agnt. F. E. & M. V. R. R- EXCURSION. To Hot Springs S- D Tickets oa sale Tuesdays, February 6 nd 20, March G and 20, 1900 to Hot Springs, ?. D,, good returning 30 days from date of eale, at one fare plus $2. 00 for round trip. F. Aveby, Agent M. J, O'Coneell, is now clerking for -county treasurer John Serres. Jake Henry, of Montrose, was in Harrison, tbis week on business. W. H. Bonsell, of Luelc, Wyo., uCatBedowo on business Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. il. J. Biewett, and . (Children arrived home on last Saturday Boon. Tlie re will be Mass at the Court; Houm ob Twsday Feb. 37; at 10:3O4 " o'clock. ' Nick Shaefer, and his brothers are busy this week hauling bailed hay from -4beir ranch to the livery stable. f County Attorney O'Connell, expects f 4 commence the foreclosure on the de linquent land tax in the county soon. There seems to be considerable ice fieine out ud in Harrison this week. It ii being bawled from the Ben Johnson '.j!ace on Running Water. Rev. Smith, commenced revival meet ings at Pleasant Ridge, the first of the week and they will be continued until If-he bad people of the Ridge are converted. Mr. James Parker, of Fort Robinson, was in town this weefc on business, -while here, he did not forget to drop in and say a friendly -'how" to ye editor -as well as to inscribe his name among ur readers. Com again. GBRLACH is prepared to take your fneasure and get you a suit of tailor made clothes, cheaper than any other ' house this side of Omaha. If you doubt it come and give us a trial, we will con vince you. U8heriff Holly, has been quite poorly for the past week, but now seems to be n the mend. But the tooth waa some thing terrible to extract. We under- tand that it took one Dector and the strongest roan in town together with large bottle of preparation to pull it. r Quite change in the weather. Tuesday, night, resulting in severe cold '.and anew, thus making it feel someting like winter. Mo complaint, however I - can be made about the weather thus far, no more ideal winter waa ever experi Vfloed in north-west Nebraska, than the preasnt one. We hope to have a fall attendance - f the Democratic County Central Com mitee, day alter tomorrow which has been called to convene here on that day. GEO. D. Ca0!, Cbmr. J. E. MaMTKLUX. Sac. We are now in our own' store, and intend to add to our already large stock . foil and choice line of CAVMxaof every .-description, together with nut of all ' kiada, in a word we will carry a com plete Block of confectionary, (iive us a trial. . Liwia Odujich. WavahlngtoiM Birthday Ball ' There will be give at the court bouse nraraamv February 33, 1900-a Washing tOM totfe-day bail. Good muwo will i faraliwad, Ibrary body are invited lo mm aa l fcav a good tlaie. ' O.-der rfConimUee. c PA IL ii;:so .fc!n.-K . t i I Sund rVrvl 1 A VW'Lr ! in I Epworth League, (:"-() p. in. l'reacliiu;r, every Sunday eve ning at 7:00 p. in., and every alternate Sunday at 11 a. m.. commencing Jan. 14. 1900 at 11 oclock a. m. Every one are cordially in vited. "Highest prices paid for hides at Eggert Kohwer,s. t3f"Write Huydeo Bros., Omaha, Wholesale Supply House, for prices and srraplee. Mis Watson, of Craford, who has besn a guest at the home of her uncle Sherritf Holly, returned to her home on last Thursday evening. Attorney C. E. Murphy of O'Neill, was in Harrison, the first of the week, on busine-ts. While here he dropped in for a few moments chat. Roy Maine, went to Kevline on last Monday noon, to hold down a section at that place, for a short time while the foreman took a short re&t. Charles F. Coffae, was up from Chadron yesterday and (iay before look ing after his interests in this part of the Lords vineyard, returning home last eve ning. County attorney, M. J. O.Connell, concluded a four months term of sihool in the Bogie district, last Friday, and is now baek at his duties in the court house. v John and Mis Lizzie Dunn, of Cmt- hrie, Wvo. , came down last Friday even ing on account of the serious illness of their father whe wakes hU home with Rich and Jo. Grant. Guthrie is now comfortably domiciled in his own cosy office where he will be pleased to meet his many old friends and also many new oce?, all will be given a cordial welcome. On last Monday Lew Oerlach, mov fed his stock of general merchandize into his own commodious new store building, on the corner, formerly occupied by the post office building. He will have one of the best sites in town. Mr. Southworthof Chadron, brother-in-law of Sam TeWet, ts in town last Saturday. Mr. Southworth was formerly county superintendent of our schools. He is now looking up a loca tion we understand. BORN: To Mr. and Mrs. J. I, Davis, on last Mjnday a'ternoon, Feb. 5, a girl. Ye editor is under lasting obligations to John for one of those Floa de cabbage tears which we snoked with tytat jre lih. It. waa of extra nn.-ilitv and flavor. efThanks." Next Lewis Gcrlaoi, will lx? found in his new location the UICHSTKIN building which has lieen thoroughly repaired from eel ler to garret. C MUX All & 80S have the finest store room this side of Chadron. It is a verltablo pal lace, On last Thursday morning. A mes senger came to town, post haste after Dr. Phinney, to go to the home of Mr. DeBock, as one of his children waj ser iously injured by a horse. Dr. who is always ready to respond to all emer gences hastened to the relief of the suf fering boy and at last reports he was resting easy. Marcos Valdez, who has been up in Wyoming, during the past two weeks, buying horses, was hurt on last Wednes day, and was taken to the home of Chris Ruffing, at Hat Creek, where he re mained until Monday. His foot ws bruised somewhat badly, though fortu nately, not seriously. He will be able to be out in a week or so. Mr. John Dunn, of Glendo Wyo,, who was called to the bedside of hi aged father in the valley, on last Friday eve ning, returned to his home on last Mon day noon. He was accompanied by his fiancee Miss Lulu Patterson, of Douglas, Wyo.. Before leaving for his home Mr. Dunn, did not forget to add bis name among our readers. i-Orer 1470 brands were allowed dur ing the first meeting of the state brand (commissioners, and over 1600 had been filed, of these about 200 have been cither layedover until next meeting which oc curs March 19th, while some few have been rejected, and the owners of these latter have the privilege of sending in new ones, without the payment of an ladditional fee. 1 Cards are out announoeing the mar riage of Mr. Elmer 8mith of Harrison, Neb., to Miss Stella Leonard, of Gerring, The marriage will take place Feb. 14. Elmer is the youngest soa of W. R. Smith of this city and a brother of Mrs. J. E. Marateller, and it highly respected by all who know him. His friends are legion and while we do not know the young lady ef his choice, we can safely ay, that if she has but half of the ever sunny disposition, of Elmer, their mar ried life will be without a cloud. This Is the heartfelt wtah of the Pit B-Jot's Hal. We acknowledge a moat cordial invitatioa to be present. The young couple will reside at Deadwood, where Elmer will engage io business. FOR SJLE. : u-.tr to otvr l-r h my ranch at Etrt- ;. v, '', , ., vuiwixtiiiK of V acre ot dcdcd i"1'. racr uuder cultivation; good two ; story frame noose, containing room, oil the place. Large frame barn, 40x60 and two gidwell on place anil one 12 toot wind mill in operation. AU shed room for Ave or f ix hundred bead of ateck, and plenty of ranee under fence. I h;tve for sale 80 head liereford cows, two thorough bred Hereford Bulla; 70 bend, coming two-year-old, white faced steers; 54 head yearling steers and i'lfer ill w hite faced; J White FaceC. Keirl?ered Bulla and 23 bead of work ami .unlle Jiorse.. s. U Kirtley, Klra.ey Wyo. -Rcmeraber next Wedn tsday, will be ValentroeV day. J. H. Cook, was up from Aate Springs a day or two this week. Arthur Christian, was. dewn from Raw Hide a day or twotais wetk, on Business. . Granilpa Dunn, who lias len sick during the past two or three weeks, js now slowly recovering. Ch-is. Coffee, who lias just returned from 1 ort Worth, Tex is, was in Harri son yesterday tn business. sWe are pleased to announce the fact that Cha rloy Thomas, who ha been very sick, is now slowly rrainiug his health Michael Bruck, expects to leave for Story, fie Urst of next week to resume hiv dutv. that cf sheen herder. Mike is one of the best sheep herders out. The C aliforna legislatuae, which was convenxJ in extraordinary session for the of electing it U. H. senator (but i i failel t-) do so at Hi- r-trular session) wteil k L-enteU-nii!. l.-v the name of Bard. OvEir in Wyoming- Andrew Oliristiun. I -"t thre yearlings liv the blm kleir rould tins last of last week. J. H. Mar ch son-in-law of 8. L. Kir tlev, who is in charge of the Box K ranch during- 3b r. Kirtley absence in Hot Springs. S. Lak., returned to the land of "B;g retiapples"'aUouttwo weeks ago. We under Mnd that those who have been tulfering with the grip for the past ten days, ai- able lo be out. Mr. Thomas who has ben quite sick with pneumonia, is getting Iwtter, and we hore soon to see biru enjoying his ws tal good heaflh. Rev. Smith, of Harrison began a series of meetings at tha West school house on last Monday night. He preached Ui a crowd! house on last Sunday, and we hope to tw-ar of much good beinsf done during the protra cted meeting now goicg on. Andrew Christian Jr. and his sister Aniy, were at LoskV on fast Saturday having dental wcrk done. They each had several teitli extracted ana were pleased with ihe ise with they parted ! witli liter moi.us. Mr. Andrews, expects a couple of his brothers here soon, to take .claims on the Ridfie, iD the "Banana Belt.' Jamea Duel is helping Mr. Kirtley look after hist'atth, and perhaps doing some thing in tLe culinary line. Francis Duul, savs that he has boils on his cheek not on his arm. Mr Williams and family of Harrison, were visiting relatives on the Ridge, the week. We are glad to state that Mrs. Eva Christian, is getting along bictly now, she is able lo walk about the house wit hout assistance now. Mrs. Church expected to go to Liisk, tha first of the week to have lit r teeth all extracted. She has sUsen to be pul led and as the dentist advertifced to ex tract teeth without pain, she thinks she can have them all taken out with one fell swoop. As no letter" arrived at Kirtley, on last Saturdays mail, it is safe to presume that ou' Lusk nasbv was so elated over the British victories in Africa, that he forgot to put them in the mail pouch. ZEK1EL. al44.. BO YEARS' (raaaoe Tradc Marks 'a. DtaiONS rriff CowvMMHTa Ac Anyone aw4tn( a akatrh and daaertptloii auy qtilrklr awaruin oar opto km tn whether an Invention Is probably patentable rowimunlea tkma MTMtlf iwnSdentlaL Handbook on Patcala ant fraa. Olilaat ea-ency fur Meartnc palentj. faMnu Ukra tfaruoi b Mann A Co. reoalTe aawial aoMct, wit bout ebaraa, la tbe SciiKtific Jlcericax A handaomtlf llloatratad weekly. T-arraat otf eaiatlon of anr actantlSc hMirnal. Taraia. II i : four asonUia. $L Sold by all nOTaoMlara, ea. m W at, Wajalaetoe. D.I Are You A Catholic? If so, do you receive a Catholic paper in your family? If rot, why not? The Catholic paper is, for the Catholic peo ple, a perpetual mission. The North wen torn Catholic by John Brennan, at Sioux City, Iowa, is among the wry f(cf of its kind. Subscribtions will be receiv ed at the PflMeJocirSAX office. lt taocuitic State CouTentitm. Tl.a l'ii-ii!8ti :.nJ Secretary of the Democratic state central committee have issued a call for a Democratic: state Convention, to be held at Lincoln, Neb raska, Monday March 13th 1900. Sioux coun'y will be entitled to three delegat es in that convention. Jt is for the pur pose of electing 16 delegates to the nat ional Democratic convention which will doubtless be called to meet, possibly in New York City about the first of June Next. Call for County Convention. A delcrate convention of the Powplei lu- dependent Party, of Sioux County, Nebraska is iicreby called to meet at the Court Horn of said couniv. In Harrison, on Thursday, March Int. 1900 at 1 o clock. for tbe purpone of electing- delei?atea to the btato Conven tion of said party. The wveral preclncU will be allowed the numl-er of delegate Uited below, being one ileletimle at laru and one dcleitatc for each ten votes cast or luator fraction thereof east for Hon. Sllu A. Holromb for Supreme Judge at the (jon- eral election of WA. Andrew lliuRri HhI Creek ltuuninif IVateg Sngiir l.tnf W lilstle Creek Antelope Cot tonwood ilonlrtw' Snake Creek 'Wnituinet White Hlver 6 It Is rcco:ii!iicuilcd thiit no proxies be nl lawed but that tho deli'ifute pn-i-eiit rnst tilt-full vow of the precinct, and that the primaries le held ut the umial l.lllric plac- es in each precinct on Suturdiiy February 4, l'.). CHANT liL'Tll: IB, t lacs ChkiiTf r.s, secretary. Cbairimin. People Party State ( 'omentum. The Peoples Independent Party state Convention, will 1 held at Lincoln Neb. ut 6 oclock P. M. ut tlie Auditorium building, on the 1'Jlli day of March, l'JOU A. D., The Slate convention is called for the purpose of electing delegates 1o attend the Peoples Independent Party National convention Who will nominate a can didate for president, to be voted for ut the 1900 presidential election The basis of representation is one dele (rate at lurp? for each county anil one delegate for each 100 votes, or mnjor friction thereof c:t for Silas A. Hol comb, in the election for 1HKI, for su preme J udjre; and Sioux county will be entitled to 4 delegates. Call for Meeting of Ucmorrullc County Central Com mittee. Notice is hereby given, .calling the Democratic County Central Committee together at Harrison, Neb,, on Saturday Feb. 10 , 1300, for the purpose of tr.m-fl sacling such business aa may projierly come before it. A full attt-adanc ot Committeemen is reqested. S. 11 Makstku.ER, Svc Geo. IX CaSOX. Chairman. In Tho County Court of Woux County, Xebranlia. In the mutter of tlie V. -tiue nf Jamc. V. ligvey. Ci-eeir!l. Notice for Presentation and Allowance of Clitlma. Notice i hereby (.'iven to all perona hav ing clulm and dcinunds aK!tiut James F. Hovey, late of Hioux comity, deceased, that the time fl-ted for filinir claims eyalnst said ei-tuiij is six month from the dh day of February, 'MI. All uch persona are reinr. rd to preent tlieir cialma w ith the vouch er lot he County Judge tf Kttld county, at hla office, on or before the th day of au nst, II), and all claims o fllel w 111 lM) heard iM-for said Judge on the lilh day of March, lldMi, and thereafter on Ihe nrl day of each regular term of said court during the time limited for tiling claim aa aforesaid. Dated February 5, l'JOO. ItOBKKT WlIJMiN, 1 .' (Atrnecnpy) i:stj SEAL. ( Ouuty Judge For We eao nak ta your otraijre a J-inc, Ail-Wool Suit Latcet City Styla You can be a well-drenwdaian If yov kaow how. Write ui lor Samnl't and lloolilct "flow It Uk Will, Vrtu Will, md Save Money." Large Faihlon PtaW and baaplrs rr' The DAVIS MACHINE CO. eHICAOO K.r. V!'U A VORKRVJ J- in Wo-al er fleUI r II aa end Uf CataUtfiM of KARNHfr- FOOT 'POWHR JrtAatWtBV, Prwtkal, 5tref, DoraMe, ; W.H.AJnhaUeraesCe., t IMttafrytt., ! l"r'ti!t"lr-n'nrtb'ii1. sndOosnl relj nv:ii'nlviit..ii lin.l.fjl lin;.-l!n tf l li t .iprw.. CO. th t Ut nat.lii- liio". It f u i exct. mnime rtedii alii cr.i i't- y il, ) eiy ePci)ttur S"K-!- f ttL, I p Ire. 1 Uil leKlucM)ce'.Ut,, 1 or 5' l!L! exi;r cli'g--i. This Is af 11 i"-'.Ur i-f ii.truir.ej.t, Milld rowof'l l( kx,o'.-,lm t p-.ri rxi oliirny cl.ec r . d 1 b!tut t'il peart tuvarfy guard ! fj p t,i;i8va'.4 ftarer ""rdandnicVi iailt ii i t- C. Vni cv i 7eltii.-r a tifludo!!in. I jl XVri a (r t'r.t-: ii t. U 'Al oi: n. j. Adrt't, t- :u-ye, fcrunha. J. V 4 '-"- T: v- r '4 ii J5 JUST AEIRIVED AT ROHWER'S HARNESS SHOP, All kinds of Harness Goods. Also, Flour and all kind of Grain and Feed for sale. Besides the above I have Build ing material, such as Lumber, Lime, Hair. Cement &c Jtc. 1ST Call and get PRICES before buying elsewhere. EGCERT ROHWER, Prop. OK4rK5tvrOH3' THE PIONEER Drugists Sundries, Paints. Oils, VurnilieS. BOOlcs and STATIONARY. J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. ,oooooooooo' k F jne Line of Ladle's & Gentlemen's LIGHT & HEAVY, M In AND THE Children & Youth's CELEBRATED LIBERTY BELL j SHOES HAVE IB EOliAj.; ' Call and look our Stock over be fore Purchasing as we can SAVE you money. Marsteller BROS. The New YorK World, Thrice-A-Weak Edition. ALMOST A DAIY AT THE PRICE OF A WEEKLY, The most widely circulated "weekly" newspaper in America in the Thic-a-week edition of The New lurk World, and with the Presidential campaign now at hand you cannot do without it. Here are some of the reasons why it is easily the leader in dollar a year journalism. It is issued every other day, and is to all purposes a daily. Every week each subscriber rtceives lBpagesand often during the "busy" season 2 1 pages each week. The price is only $1.00 per year. It is virtually a daily at the price of a weekly. Its news covers every known part of the world. No weekly newspaper could stand alone and furnish such service. The Thnco-A Week World has at its disposal all of the resources of the great est newspaper in existence the wonder of modern journalism "America's Greatest Newspaper," as it has been justly termed-The New York World. Its political newt is absolutely impar tial. This fact will be of special vulue in the presidential campaign coming on. y The best of currrent Action is found in its columns. These ere only some of tbe reasons: there are others. Read it, and you will see them all. V7e offer tbis unequal! newspaper and Panw-JoLTttKAi. together for one year forl,?3. Tlie regular subscription jTice of the two papers is 3,09. 00000000000 PHARMACY. - oeeceesK00 Professional Cards. J. E. PHINNEY. St. I). PhyliclflB and Surgeon. All calls given prompt attention. fiftice in Drug Store. V -HARitlftON - ."EBHASKA. t GUANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all legal matters in Justice, County and District Courts, and before the United Slate Land Office. Fire Insurance written in reliable sompanies. C2f"Legal papers carefully drawn. IUkjuwox, - NcRltAlWA. M. J. 0 Council, - - Co. Altera!. Will Practice la All t'oirt. Hperlal Attention Given t Ltad Of fine Rnalneaa. Collwtlens and all basinet eati trasU T ed to dm will receive proavpt attoatir Hairjbo - NosjueSA. Michaol Ruffing, '"lErot. ' Ism preparer to do all kinds ef Civil Knglnwrinj work. When in need of the Surrovora Herri r, give me a rail aa I have a full and com plete outfit, together with ssperlsaas to do the work with neiiteiees and dlapgtctw Aftfj&ieta, "s michacu iiurriNa,