Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, December 28, 1899, Image 6
i A Boulevard Centaur. j If Police, ji 8am Cummings was later an !,. aa one ever saw him. He merged frutu retirement over night, in full panooly of hi gray uniform for he was a park policeman white-gloved, moota-sven, with spotless helmet, mounted on Dunston, hia black geld ing. Dur-iton was no less carefully roomed than his master, and master and hors seemed well pleaaed with the world They appeared In fact, to live a choice existence. Othera might walk the ugh walks of life, but Dud ton trotted and pranced down the ex quisite roadways of the park, or stood lmmovab' as a sentry to watch the throng unun the Lake Shore drive, and am Cummings seemed only to look at holiday . . ds. and parterres of flow ers, and 'lie tossing waters of the lake. To aene Sam Cummine or Dun ston of modesty would be doing them a lnjua'ice. If Dunston waa not con scious o' nia arched neck aad sweep ing tall. Ms delicate legs and beautiful back, then smcVe does not fly upward. If Sam Cumniings did not know that be !ookl like a leader and a hero, and waa panted out aa the show police man of Lincoln Park, then the moon does no wax and wane. But the van ities o dimming and Dunston were not rer,rlcted to personal admiration. Cumm'tgs waa prouder of Dunston than he waa of himself, and considered him tii finest horse that smelled lake breese from the drive: and Dunston knew the man on bis back to be the finest horsemen, and sometimes put bis horsemanship to the test for the sole purpose of giving life to the boulevard- where moat of the horses were hopelcly conventional in their deport mentand of showing the fat mer chant in their carriage what a real rider 'aa. Never but once had Dunston been Jealoim. and that was when his master used t ride to the Sanitarium every day t" take dainties to little Ted Callahan, the sick baby. It waa not at Ted that Dunston felt aggrieved, but at Ted's mother, -who waa a widow, no older ban a girl, who hung over her dying child with silent torment Never bad Dunston heard Sam Cummings peak to any one so gently as he did to tht white-faced woman; never had Dunston felt so slight and tender a hand upon his velvet nose as that of Molll Callahan. But thoug-h. Dunston pitied her he did not like her. Sam Cummings talked to her tar too much, and it seemed to the horoe that It waa not impossible that Sam mignt sirone her air with as kindly a touch as he her air with as Kinaiy a tuuen as ue did Tiunaton's neck. Whiou would not TV,nlilAi11v tnnt I Tlortriivll V not But the baby died, and Dunston, ashamed of himself for his evil thought walked solemnly behind the hearse that carr'ed the wee coffin to the cemetery. Ho and 8am had ordered that coffin, and he and Sam had been up to the cemetery before to see the little grave, and the headstone, and the planting of rosebushes. After that for a time Sam was stern and silent, and Dunston mis erable. The relations between them never had been so strained. Once or twice Dunston even thought of throw ing him. Just to show him there were limits of endurance. It seemed to Dun ston there was more reason for rejoic ing than there had been for a long time, for the pale-faced little creature With her widow's bonnet had gone way altogether. Neither Sam nor Dun ston saw her any more. But Dunston could feel that his master sat heavllv upon him as if he bore a burden of sorrow; and he no longer laugned witn happy defiance, as he had used to do, when Dunston caracoled about the drives those familiar drives winding like wide gray ribbons among the fab ric of greenery. Well, this was years ago. and is hardly worth recalling. Times grew better after several months had passed. Dunston could feel his master getting hack to his old light jaunty seat In the saddle; he had the privilege ot hearing him warn, and berate, and shout out to the children as he used to before ho knew th sad little widow. They had some fine adventures to getherSam and Dunston. They had been in one stiff fight at twilight with Some city bandits, and they had dashed Into the breakers and pulled five men Out from a wreck on one unforgotten occasion, and had seen many tragedies, uch as suicides and murders, and had raced after thieves. But a general thing, their lives were well ordered. It would be embarrassing to say how many years went by in this pleasant fashion especially would it be embar rassing to Dunston. who steadily re fused for the last five years of his life to let any one look at his teeth. Sam, with a delicacy characteristic of him. refrained from doing so, and never made even the most casual reference to the passing years. He loked away the first time he cut up Dunston's food and pretended not to notice, and when Dunston made rheumatic attempts to Branca when the band played Sam did not hint by so much aa a sigh that the thing was a poor Imitation of the pranclngs of other days. Dunston was equally reserved, and never showed Bam any favors when he dismounted, though the dullest horse could have seen that the policeman was getting a trifle stiff. As for birthdays they sim ply were not recognized, as the Chris tian Scientists say. One morning Dunston got up with a i ' i;nt . Kr.ii t Vi I a heart. It - BD- peared to flutter and even at times to top. But ne ate nis urrami as he could and nuzzled the sponge when his mouth waa washed. Just as he had done from colthood, and endeavor ed to frisk his hind legs a bit when he was saddled. But. by tne way nam looked at his eyes and the caution with which he set his pace, Dunston had a shy notion that he was found out. He hated to have Earn think him disabled. There was a bad accident In the park that day a runaway and Sum put Dunston hard after the horses, who. having thrown the occupants of their carriage out upon the aspbaltum, were engaged In battering the vehicle to pieces about their heels. Every one fted before the crazy creatures, though the sudden turns of the drive rendered this difficult at times. There seemed to b death In the air. and Dunston felt horribly excited. A foolish notion came to him to bolt a notion nat at all In accord with his temperament bat born C the excitement of the hour and of : strange fluttering seni m nri. v. mmmhu th tatnntation and i and Sam headed the runaway team esT, and aaanea at incm, u were dragged along with them, and tangled p In them, and Dunston tripped rome hww In the broken harness and went down. He thought Ban-, would be killed. mm i hi. !. tha flntterlne at bis heart grow worse. Then darkness spread McdHsSM avar mm. A leaxiui mwnmm w ....... " ana men oi peaie -v H. dimly heard Sam saying; -IM tilt. hey. H will all be over WaWa SSL bWIIIIvw 9 w ' Sptre help. Lie still, bey." He ebeysd he had always done. And eTbe slipped away without pain Into Tw rt a ah alaHlMaW ' BfefflT Olin BYlUSr II. BHBBU ISC wwlf QwwaPl "Why. look nerr to called to the men who had gathered about, " hat does this mean? Dunston. old boy! Up with you! I ray, Dunston. get up!" "No, use. Sam." said a fellow-officer. "Poor old Dunston has taken the meas ure of his days." "Xonsense! He's fainted. Got some brandy, anybody?" Several people bad. But It did not good to Dunston. The next day Sam Cummings was at headquarters in the City Hall. "I've come to give up my star, sir." he said to the chief "I'm tired of the life been at It twenty years, you know. I'm too old to foot It, and I couldn't ride another horse." "Cummings, don't be sentimental. It's hard, I know, losing an old friend like that, but it's quite absurd to quit on ac account of It. Take a vacation and come back In six weeks. Why. I'll pick you out a horse that will discount your gelding ten to one." But Cummings shook his head. "I'll never get on a horse's back again." said he. And he said no more, not wanting to be thought a ool. But he lived alone, quietly, reading and resting after a busy life, and taking comfort of the shelter, after his years of hand-ln-glove intimacy with the weather. When he went to walk along the quiet boulevards at night it seemed to him he could hear Dunston's hoofs upon the paving; and In bis dreams he was the happiest when seemed to be astride that familiar back. Sam had never heard of the Centaurs, but the fact remained that having lost his horse he lost half of himself. Thus deprived, he was Incomplete. He lived In his memories. He ceased to be a man among men. Chicago Tribune. Wildcat Hollow, "Tes. yes. Tou needn't holler so loud! I'll come soon's I get this pot off the hook. Can't leave it there to burn while I put out a traveler's hoss. Should think he'd know that but. of course, a stranger don't know. He is hollering for the hostler, and that's Bill, but Bill's off somewhere with the loafers' and I'll have to tend to the boss or Bill will lose his job. "Bill and I will need every penny that we can both earn from now till then there now, what makes me blush so? There ain't a Uvin" soul that know anything about It "Well, It's done, and these blled vic tuals are fit for the king himself, or Colonel Byxbye or even BilL But there I go agin. "Somebody will nna out tor sure u i don't shet up. Land sakes! I'd ruther i,,aal'D - i T-u W. 1 1 1 r. Ttarber runs this tavern, an' 'pears to know hl hmlnoia hilt T will ftaV he lS lUSt like most other men; he don't 'preciate a good cook till ne loses ner. "Now, there's BUI. be Is the only man In the settlement that 'predates good qualities. "Law, me! that hoss looks like he'd been swimmln' In mud a'most it's plain he ain't been travelin' no cordu roy road. "urn rii lead Mm to the stable and feed 'im, and leave im for Bill to clean up. "I must nurry, tor me iihci smell the vistuals and be in a fret for his supper. Don't know which he 11 want first, that or somemin io wiu. "I'm giad there's plenty of h.ty In the manger, for of all things I do hate to climb up and thrown down hay from the mow. Well, there, I guess eight ears of corn will be about right for a hoss of that sue. My, it's gettln' late! I must step lively. "I'll Jist slip down to the sprln gand get a pail of water. It ain't dark, but it's hard to tell whether it's daylight or moonlight The moon is Just risin' and what a Jolly round face he has. Some way It makes me think of Bill. "I like a Jolly, red, round face. "Maybe Bill ain't so thorough-goln' as some, but he's a comfortable man to have around, for he never worries nor bothers himself. He's a real obllgln" man to do fur, too, and he 'pre dates. Some way I feel as happy to night as a duck In the rain. "My! I was Just goln' to start to slngin' then. I'm glad I didn't for that's a deer there drinking at the saltlick, sure as I live. Who'd a thought it. and right here In the settle ment too? Tes. and she's got a fawn by her side. I'll slip back and get my rifle. Tes, they are there yet Well, I'll shoot the fawn first nd If I hit It the doe won t leave it, so I'll get 'em both. There, I'm Just right I've got them towards the mooir and I can set them plain. Now I'll try the fawn. Aim at the head, so; then bring it down the neck to the shoulder, then back a little and fire. There, I knew I wouldn't miss. Now I must load again quick. "Just as I thought The doe stands over the fawn and sniffs, and stamps first one foot and then the other. Now she raises her head high and looks straight at me. This is a good chance. ui. it thia enn don't miss fire I'm sure of her. A leetle higher up and pull so. "m,r ia man In the settlement could do' better and not many of them could do as well, truei, too, u seems, someway. Well, I'll Just slip back and nut nn the erun and get Bill to helo carry up the venison. Oh, ye needn't be so skeered of Injuns. That was me shot What did I shoot? Oh, u ran lest come and see. It was somethin' worth shootln'. What a funs vou all make over it! It's queer they come, and that's all there Is to It. Oh, bother your blarney! Call r.T.nln fiallv Indeed! Well. m houseil be my fort, and I can defend it if T ain't the head of a company My bouse head of a company nai ... vmi laurhlns' at? The tavern It V,. nnia ain't it! "Well, of all the yelling ana anucs; One would think you had all gone -i w rantain Sallv. Caotaln Sally well, I can stop my ears, that's one comfort. imr.il T'm riavin' run or iuck. Last night the deer come right to me to be shot, ana toaay i goi a .... a niu I'v ever rot since I come west. That quarter dollar I got for the aeer jusi paiu iur mc n r iiin't neve io vrcu in That's lucky, too. Seems like the deer Jest came a purpose to pay m utter. There's four letters been waitln' pretty nigh a month in the poetofflce for the folks to get money enough to take 'em out. "Let me see. Bill promised to. go hlckory-nuttlng this arternoon. Well. I guess I'll Jest run In sn" do my halt a bit afore he comes, then bring my gun 'long out I might get a chance ahot at sumthln or 'nother. hara I he. What a What a beautiful m,jt win- .-!.. a It la. tOO. SI I'Vf , : t v.. ., ,K. . " " ,' i (mar i- . - . as tl. J v always oeen thank ful thav' ),"' we divided I let 'em take .k. f 1 Itiat tnnfa theaa thrs m,n iqi ir, c lookln' glased I What ft helpful thing they be. anarinen u i snuuia vrrmr mnw i a nave iwu nuir im. That's Jest what I thought when I took 'asm. 'Gewrse the folks mad all man- nor of fun of mo. Asked how I would carry 'era a thousand miles Into tha wilderness, and if I would usa 'em for plate and all that But what did I care? I knew If I didn't take 'em 1 wouldn't have any. "Well, there. 1 11 elave it so. I look pretty well I think. Yes, and after took the lookln' glass they said I was vain, so they made me out as homely as they could. They forgot that my lookln' glasses would every on of 'em deny It Tow-headed, Indeed. My hair Is Just a rich cieam, or straw or riaxen color. They said that my eyes were a dull leaden hue, and my cheek bones enormous; that my nose was hopelessly sway-backed and my mouth an exten sive affair. I learned it by heart 1 could not help It I know the very tone they used. 'Tain't a word of It true. I guesf I can see. besides 13111 says 'tain't, an' Bill knows. He's been around a lot n' he says aa I've got as good and strong a face aa there is in the settle ment Bill, did you find out who that Btranger was that stopped here last night, with his horse plastered with mud to the ears? No? Well. I didn't either, but I spose he camo from Fort Meigs, 'cause he waa in such a fret to get on to Franklinton. Well, here wt be an' here's plenty of nuts. too. Well, I ain't goln" to say a word for a good five minutes, Jest pick up nuts. What off a'ready? We ain t got half of 'era yet Oh, the dog? What I he treed 7 Jest going to see? Well, I'll stay here. Some way I can't help watchln' him. Oh! Mercy me! mercy! mercy! What waa that? Somethln' pounced out of that tree right on hii back. Panther my rifle oh! Its got him down. I'm comln' Bill. I m a comln'. Shoo. scat I'm feared to shoot, BUI, feared of hlttln' you. No, I tell you I'm feared of hlttln' you. That's it Get It away from you a leetle. There! I guess I've done foi It Uw me! Bill where be I? Faint ed? Do tell! Well, that's Jest my tyle. Wildcat you say? (Note The soring mentioned above n now known as the White Sulphur spring, and Is located within the col- ege campus of the Ohio weeieyan university. The site of the oldeBi tavern, where Captain bally was me principal personage, Is located within a few yards of the spring. The spot where Captain Sally shot the wildcat and saved Billy, was for many years known as wildcat hollow.) Ohio Far mer. Life's Quaint Features. iftAi hofnff aHven nn for defld bv hei .alaMiroa unA tha attonriinir nhVHirlan on November 18. and having all her fu- nerai arrangements maue, anna nun Johnson, a 16-year-old girl near Bray mer. Mo., sat up In her coffin and told of a strange visitation she experienced wnue ner parents were maning itu; for her Interment Miss Johnson Is the daughter or a well-to-ao tarmer. The bankruptcy of E. Berry Wall, famrmm n a "Wlnr nf th Dudces.' in New York, hardly causes a ripple or me sunace ot tne ocean oi nrn. Wail places his liabilities at a little more than 19,000 and his assets at no in. Ing. That habits of royalty still cling to him is evident irom me Biaieuieni th.t much nf his Indebtedness is tc various tailors, though he confesses to owing Delmonlco s aoout ji.to. vi.. I,,- William V Tiifker of the Unit. ed States army, chief paymaster of the Department of the laxes; Major imi nugKlns, acting Inspector general o the Department of the Lakes, and Cap tain Alfred 8. Frost of the Twenty-second United States Infantry, have been appointed and constituted a board of inquiry to investigate the facts and place the responsibility attending the i, .in nf nn mule and a halter, the property of the United States, which recently disappeared, irom run nom as, Ky. A large number or wuneBnee are to be examined. Hobart Miller, a Virginia lawyet kniHin. nn arrMent insurance Dollcy. died from swallowing food containing hard, pointed ana resisting luwuumi which cut through his Intestines. " The company, in defending a suit for the nf tha nnilrv set un that the In surance was against death from bodily Injuries sustained tnrougn externa, viv wA aMntal means, but the court overruled this demurrer, holding that the Injury causea was acciuenvai. a .nnnrin atnrv rnmM from Greens- fork, a town nine miles south of Rich mond. Ind. Twenty years ago in 11- ..- am rf.ntfhiar tt Aaron Gunckel yi;ai-um. uAup,"11- v- accompanied an aunt to some point east on a visit After several weeks had elapsed without word from eitner Be ing received. Mr. Gunckel tried to lo cate his child, but without success. Foi more than two years the search wai continued, but not a trace of the miss in irirt nr har aunt waa found. One day recently a prepossessing woman ol 34 years arriveo in tne vhih.bc. i anri pnlnr to the Gunckel home, said she was Maude Gunckel, the long-missing daugnter. nne claims wm her aunt took her to New York City and placed her In the care of a family .fhlch afterwara aaopieu nu . th. rma nf Martin. Two month Via- Hna rrnr from home the gov ernment changed the name of the post- office from Washington to orrennuin. Letters that sne wrote were rem ,i- li T 1 1, i 1 n .nnntv. Tnd. Hei aunt disappeared fifteen years ago. Th young woman imenus iu - her father, who Is now an old man. SECULAR SHOTS AT THE PULPI1 rM,imiin fhrnnlcle: Hence we U.1 Inclined to believe that the spiritual . f ti t .1 Axtell of Hoy-' lauvi. v. - Oak, Mich., will be rreatly expedited and aidea oy nis vuynm v ur, When he donned five-ounce gloves anc entered the ring with a. man of sin who scoffed at sacred things he at once rose greatly In the estimation oi nis an- . -4 nf lh. nlhar ravllera who had questioned his courage. And when he waliopeo tne man oi am m uvc """j rounds dealing out swings, jaua. nw ...a .innarnnta In the most SDDTOVed scientific fashion It is perfectly safe to say that his adversary snarea me u .i Piiinnal Tlam.ia. The dullest uincui v.v. of men are susceptible to the argument conveyed oy a ncaing. Medical Record: It Is somewhat of a in laarn that a first-class cler gyman In a country town averages onl from 6W to w as yearly aaiaij, those In the large cities are not enough aboe those figures to make up lh relative differences In Incidental ex penses of living. The Utter mounti ... ..ia n r.nn from ll 000 to S1.20C yearly. Certainly the average doctoi must do better than tnis, otnerwise n must either run In debt or look foi nth., nomination. If the doCtOf In practice must make any living at all he II bound IO riicunu on " third more and perhaps double thai i-i-i. u ,oshM ran a-at. We ST now speaking of the average man la both professions, It being well known that special skill and recognised ability Is either calling always command pro porUooatsly increased remuneraUoft, "So Miss PjBer's got to go to the poor farm," said Mrs. Green. "I'm surprised that she's kep" out of It bo long. "Yes." said the portly, pompous Mrs. Barker, wife of the chairman of the selectmen, "my husband told me thifc noon that she had applied to the town for help, and of course they can't sup port her In h-r own house." "I said 'twus flying In the face of fate when she took those two children to bring up; one died and t'other tan away, and now she's all alone." The vinegar-faced dame who had thus delivered herself Bottled to her work with a Belf-congTatulatory look, as if she thanked the Lord that she was not as others were. Mrs. Barker croesed her hands In stately Idleness; It did not become the wife of the richest man in Bayvllle to sew at the fortnight circle; her pres ence was all-sufficient. Mise Berry, who sat beside her, look ed up from her seam. Her sallow face was a trifle pale. "You don't mean to say that the Willowdale people are going to allow Elizabeth Pyser to go on the town after all the good she's done?" she asked. "Why not?" returned Mrs. Barker. "It ain't their fault that Bhe's wasted her money. She's shiftless always glvln' something to somebody; and meek meek as Moses; you'd think she daan't say her soul's her own; but she's deep!" And with a sigh of com miseration at the unworthlness of poor little Miss Pyser, she closed her mouth with a snap. She had never forgiven her for being Mr. Barker's first love, and Riie half suspected that he would be quite willing to exchange his energetic and short-tempered wife for the sweetheart of his youth. "But you mustn't whisper that I told you this, for Mr. Barker says women never know enough to keep anything to themselves." "I'm sure we never gossip here," said Mrs. Green. "Where are you goln'. Miss Berry? Ain't you goln' to stop to tea?" "No; I gueEB I'd better be gettln' home early tonight; Bessle'll be wait ing for me." "Now, I'll bet Clarindy Berry's gone straight over to the millln'ry store to upread the news; so afraid she won't be the first to tell It Thank heaven, I know enough to keep things to my self!" But Miss Berry was not going to the store nor to spread the news; she knew that It was unprecedented for her to leave the sewing meeting be fore tea time; but as she listened to the talk the days of her girlhood rose before her when she and Elizabeth Pyser were "chums," and told each other all their secrets; then came u foolish little quarrel, and they had not exchanged words for twenty years. She walked straight down the street turned the corner, and without giving herself time to change her mind, en tered Miss Pyser's garden and went up the walk bordered with bouncing bets, or "old maid's pinks.". When, in answer to her knock, Miss Pyser open ed the door, neither knew what to say, but straightway fell Into each other's arms and began to cry. The door closed on them. An hour after when Miss Berry left the house to go to her own home, there waa a springiness In her ste?, and a smile playing about the corners of her thin lips, that betokened unusual excite ment Her pretty niece, Bessie, was about to sit down to her lonely tea when MIfs Berry made her appearance. "Why, auntie, what brings you home so early?" she asked pleasantly. "Oh, I couldn't stand the clatter of those old women. Now you needn't laugh, Bessie Berry; I know I'm no chicken myse-lf; but if I'm aa heartless as them I left behind. I hope I'll die before morning." "Well, what's the matter? Tou seem to be excited." "No. I ain't! I'm Just as calm as you are. But I've been makln" calls this afternoon. I went to see Betty Pyser. I kep' questlonln' her till she told me all about how she lost her money in the bank that failed over to Coveton; the man that owned the house, be let her stay In It out of pity; first Bhe earned a little by sewin'. but lately folks didn't seem to want any work done, and Bhe Just shut herself up there to starve. But human nature got the best of her, and she had to go to the town. She's always been hop ing that that good-for-nothing John nie would come home, but Bhe's about glv' him up now. I asked her how much of the furniture was here, and kep' a hlntln' and a hlntln' till I found out everything she could tell me; and I enjoyed every minute." She paused, out of breath with ex citement and remained for some time in deep thought Bessie, too, wat silent She divined what was passing In her aunt'B mind. "Say, BeBsle," said Miss Berry at last, "do you think we could contrlvt to keep another? I can't bear the thought of having Elizabeth go to the poor farm. There's that back cham ber with nothing In It, and she's got her own furniture " She looked appeallngly at the girl, who did not Immediately answer. To undertake the rare of another meant additional sacrifices, more rigid econ omy. She sighed a little; life was hard enough for her already. Should she add to her burden? would sne De just to herwlf In doing so? Then she thought of the days when she and John Pyser were boy and girl lovers, and made wonderful plans of whnt they would do when they grew up. She had never lost faith In John; some day If he lived, ahe knew he would come back to them. A light sprang Into her pretty blue eyes, and she met hr mint's look with a smile. "Miss Elizabeth mustn't go on the town, auntie. There's plenty of room for her here, snd we'll drive over this very evening snd bring her nome. After her kuest had departed, Miss Elizabeth sank to the old lounge that had witnessed so many confidences. and the tears flowed down her thin cheeks. Bhe thought she had hard' aned herself for what the morrow would bring; but now she wss a for lorn old msld, crying because she must harome the companion or craxy jane and Witless Will. How little she had dreamed of this In the days when she was young and pretty, and every one called her Bess. One there wss who swore she wss the apple of his eye but he would not undertake the cart of her ornhsned nephew snd niece snd she would not desert them; so ht left her for snother. Now he was an Important person In the town, a select man: and she gave a little gasp, and honed he would not be the one chosen to rime for her tomorrow; she really didn't think she could bear that. TTils wns the last night In her own home, and she could not swsllow the morsel of bread that formed her even In repast: something would rise In her throat and choke her every time aha tried. the gate; could It be that the last night at home was to be denied hv1 A loud knock brought her trembling it the door. A burly teamster sioot there, and by his side Miss Berry ano BeBsle: what could It mean? "Betty, you are coming home wltl Bessie and me. TtU us what furnltur. to take, and lot this man get H." sal Miss Berry; and she drew the dumb lounded woman aside and In a fe words explained matters. Almost dozed. Miss Elizabeth sanl on the old lounge, while Miss Berry went from room to room selecting thv artlrles needed. Then liissle brough the bonntt and shawl that lay read) tor tomorrow's Journey, and jogethei she and MIfs Berry led her to her new borne. Could It be possible that the poor house was a thing of the past? She must be dreaming. By tomorrow, sure ly, she would wake up to the awful reality. But It waa no dream, and the next mornign Miss Elizabeth awoke with the feeling that an awful catastrophe had been averted and the sword which had been hanging over her head for so long had been pi evented from falling by the kind Intervention of her old time friend. As Bessie had anticipated, the com ing of another into the little home circle meant more self-denlai for her self. New frocks and hats were out of theiquestlon; but she ripped and sponged and remade her winter drees, and her nimble fingers and good taste Boon brought out of the ruins of last season's wardrobe a brand new out fit In which she looked as pretty as a pink. As for the two old friends, they fair ly worshiped the girl who was the Joy as well aa the sunlight of their home. So this happy family dwelt to gether In peace and harmony, Inde pendent of outsiders, until an event happened which broke up the horns circle. One day a stranger strode Into the town father's office and asked In a voice that commanded instant atten tion: "Where Is Miss Elizabeth Pyser?" The clerk answered that she had become somewhat reduced In circum stances, and had applied to the town for aid: and bo and so "And you Bent her to the poorhouse! Was there no one In this God-forsaken hole to pay her back a little of the kindness she had always Bhown oth ers ?" "Yes," the young man said. "Miss Berry took her in." And he told the stranger where to find her. It was Miss Elizabeth's turn to be electrified when a prosperous looking man Boon presented himself at Miss Berry's house and Inquired If his Aunt Be? lived there. "I am Elizabeth Pyser. sir," she an swered in response to his Inquiries. "Why. auntie, don't you. rememoei Johnnie?" he exclaimed. Miss Elizabeth had grown very white, and slipped Into a lifeless heap on the floor; out joy never nni. mm when Bhe recovered It was realized that her troubles were over, for John nie waa well-to-do and able to take care of her for the remainder of her days. The old house was bought back and refurnished, ana Johnnie and his aunt soon settled into the old life. She petted him, to her heart's content and he alternately fondled and teased her. Just as he had done years before when he wore pinafors, and she had sent him to bed without any supper, mu then carried him up sandwiches for fear he might be hungry. And Bessie Berry also returned to the old routine, and waj as busy and cheerful as ever though her aunt thought she seemed rather quieter than of yore, particularly when John Pyser came to see them, as he did more frequently at time roiled on. "Aunt BeB," said John one day. In rather a thamefaced manner, "don't you think you should have some young person In the house to do the work?" "Oh. Johnnie!" cried the little woman In fear and trembling. "Don't I please you? I know I am getting old, but I thought you was used to my ways and we could get along. I don't want a girl botherln' 'round. "Of course I'll do anything to make you happier. Johnnie, though I don c see how a servant can make home any pleasanter for you. As for me, I should Just rust out and die If I didn't have something to do." The dear old lady waa umuw ia tears. . , AunUe, It Isn't exactly ft servant want: It's In fact" Jnhnnle really couian l say mo r,nti' he hardly dared think them as yet; but he crossed the room to Aunt Bess and wnispereo in ner i. "Oh. John!" Bhe cried aengnieaiy, how stupid of me! It's Just the thing! And I never thought or it Deiore: Miss Elizabeth was in a nuiier pleasure. She urged ner nepnew w go at once on his errand. I'll Elt UP till you conm iiiinc. Won't It be like a story If Bessie De- comes your wife?" Perhaps she won t nave me. uui Bess." . . Pshaw! Go along! wnais worm having Is worth asking tor. nnv you? Of course she will! She's sensi ble, Bessie Is." Anrt Minn Elizabeth looked wun pride on the utalwart young mm, who, although he was not handsome, had an honest manly face that a woman could trust. Aunt Bess was right. Ana now me two families are one, anu wic maids vie with each other In petting and Bpolllng their grown-up children, who In return for the kindness shown them In their youth, make their lives one long happy dream. MassachusetU Ploughman. LAUGHING MATTERS. Detroit Journal: "Are you familiar with the music?" "Tolerably. I know most of the places where a person should stop breathing." Indianapolis Journal: "They say mu sic will cure the blues." mats so; when I hear some kinds of music I quit feeling sad and get mad." Chicago Record: "Julia, you oughl to see the doctor about that cough." "Bo near Christmas as this? No, in deed!" Chicago Times-Herald :'The man who expects to get something for nothing." said the moralist, "is oouna to De ais appolnted." "Oh. I dunno," said Tired Tread well. "I sln't pan-handlln' fer me healf merely." Cleveland Plain Dealer: "Bom phil osopher ssys that real worth requlrei no Interpreter." "Well, that's right; II doesn't If It wants to alt sround un noticed while the fellow with ft presi agent Is getting there," Judge: "Isn't It od dthst whenevat Mr. Dlnsmore makes a present Jt al ways consists of gloves?" said Mist Goldthorpe. "He wants his presents tc be slwsys on hand," replied Miss WII berforce. Indianapolis Journal: "I can't under stand why women enjoy seeing foot ball." "I'll tell you; It la because the th men look as If they Had bees cleaning house." Religious Notes. London churches raised over IM.MV on "soldiers' Sunday" for the benefit of British soldiers' families. Dr. A. H. Strong, president ot Ro chester Theological seminary, an nounces that John D. Rockefei.er hag lust made a conditional pledge it Sl&eV 000 to that institution. In 1H53 out of every 1.900 j laniagea in England and Wales, fifty-one were performed by Roman Catholic priests. In 1SU7 the number had decreased to forty-one In every 1.000. BlBhop Tugwell of the Church of England is about to go aa a mlsnloaary to Haussaland, Africa, a country of 15,000,000 inhabitants that has never been effectually touched by English missionaries. The decision of the archbishops ol England In requesting compliance with their decision in the ritualistic cases has Induced nearly all the vicars some 300 In number to yield obedience by giving up Incense and processional lighta The young men of Dr. Meredith church In Brooklyn have decided to meet Just before Sunday evening serv ice and discuss the morning sermon. Nothing, It Ib said, so pleases the wide awake clergyman as to know that bis sermons are being discussed. Rev. Dr. Edward McGlynn Is lying la a state of great weakness at Newbursj having been prostrated by two alarm ing attacks of heart failure within twenty-four hours. It Is thought he may. after a period of ret, get around again and live a year or two without another attack. , The Baptists of Brooklyn are going I to build a 1150.000 church, which will y have a roof garden where serri(-es may' be held during the summer evenings. There will be four elevators to carry people up and down. The pastor, Rer. A. C. Dixon, says no drinks of assy, kind will be sold. Two trotley car motormen of Boste have been suspended from the congre gation of the Broadway tabernacle church of that city for running their cafs on Sunday. When the young men got their Jobs they were warned by their pastor not to work on Sunday, They applied for that day off and wens' refused. Both men have families. The late Erastus Lathrop of West field, Mass.. left his entire estate, amounting to about 112.000. to Dwight L. Moody of Northfiid. "for the promo tion of Christian principle-, for the up building of the caiu-e of Christ trust ing to his care, fidelity and good Judg ment to place the same where It will do the most good." France Is said to be the most Im portant as well as the most promising Protestant mission field. Congregation of 200 members, not one of whom was brought up In the evangelical faith, and Sunday schools of fifty children, who a year ago had never heard of the bible, are a common occurrence. NO movement of such proportions has been wltneroed elnce the time of the refr matton. . Some time ago It wna announced the sirdar was to allow missionaries to set tie In Khartoum In September, and ac cordingly the English Church Mission ary society made complete arrange ments for taking advantage of the per mlcclon. Since then, however. Lor Kitchener has changed his mind, and will allow only the establishment of ft depot of operation, with a view to active work among the heathen In the southern Soudan. Th workers of the society are greatly disappointed, af they say a medical mission has alwajrst been found acceptable, even among thO Moslems. Traders are freely admitted to the city and missionaries ars anx iously awaiting their turn. The Old Timers, Adolph von Plchler, the Tyrolese poet has Just celebrated his eightieth birth day. He Is hard at work upon a com plete edition of his writings. Isaac Wardwell and his twin sister, Mrs. W. C. Hoyt of Stamford. Conn., celebrated the eighty-fourth anniver sary of their birth at Mrs. Hoyt's rest Hena December 19. They are of tha sixth generation of the family whs have lived In Stamford. Mr. Wardwell has lived practically all the time 1ft Stamford. In the matter of continuous service as an editor, Perhaps A. E. Burr of the Hartford (Conn.) Times Is the oldest In the counuy. Mr. Burr purchase an Interest In the Weekly Times sixty one years ago January 1 next and turn ed It Into a daily two years later. Sine his firBt connection with the paper ha has had editorial control and is still In active service, bearing well his K yesrn. Dr. Charles F. H. Willoghs of Doyle, town, a. who Is the oldest practicing physician In the Buckeye state, cele brated his ninety-sixth birthday recent ly and Is still 'bo well preserved that he has good reason to hope for the com pletion of a century. Very few of the male members of his family have died before reach!. ig the age of 0 and hi grandfather lived until he was 100. Ambrose Hanchett of Maryvllle, M, Y., celebrated the 100th anniversary of his birth November 25. Mr. Hanchett was born In Worlhington, Mass., on November 25, 17S9, coming to the then thinly settled Chautauqua county early In this century- He has lived for near ly ninety years within two miles ol Maryvllle. He haB always been hal and hearty,' sleep well and eats heart I'y of anything for which he cares. Caleb Baldwin ot Newark took an active part In the celebration of nis 100th birthday at the home or nis daughter. Mrs. Caleb Nagles, at 4S Or chard street. November 29. A number . .v.. ,.ium- were surnrlKed by him opening the front door to admit them when they rang. When one visitor aa kln hntu ha felt, he said, with 'ft smile: "Oh. pretty well for a young fel low." A large proportion oi i.i were aged men, many being over M and two or three over 90. It was fesred that the excitement and exertion migns have a bad effect upon him, but he wa apparently as chipper at nightfall as he wss In the morning, ana mis in spite of the fact that he did not nave his customary punch at noon. He said he had been too busy to think of IV Indianapolis News: In Loganspw .here seems to be a. rivalry among 1 m preacher to attract large congrega tions, and It Is said that they hay idopted means to this end, among them tha selection of a series of "catching" topics." In this way one clergyman has announced a sermon "for man only." He will tnen have a servlc "for women only." The obvious resem blance of this kind of notice to thing of less sweetness and light need only be alluded to. With full credit for th purity of purpose that animates the preacher In using this kind f ftn-V nouncement to attract popular atten-T tlon, we cannot help but feel that there! I something of the kind of sesl In ir that eats on up. W can hardlf Mark) a wagon was rumpling up to aglow taw bhw "H