Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, December 21, 1899, Image 8

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Buainas Local, eu'b insertion ;.
UUplv, gtututiue Ail: prices ioj mm
vnwte known on application.
Stock Brand ua! the I'bess Jocsxjir., one
year 3.Wi.
Foreign atJ vertlainii mim be 'A In ad
vance. JTor larther information AI!res,
J'tttsS join- AL,
Harrnoa, Nrbr.
V. E. i H, Y ii. K. lime table.
Gotnff West. Goir.fr Kant.
So. 5. raized.- 11 r2t No. 9. mixed 8:5C
5 North-Western
T. E. M. V. E. R. ia the best
to and from the
F. E. & 5. Y. R. It.
One way.
Second class Colonists Tickets to Port
land, Seattle, Tscoma. Spokane &,. n
-sale no at $23.00. Order tickets few
,Uay ahead.
F. Avery, A?at.
f. e. IlTo. r.
Tickets on sale Dec. 23. '24,
-25, 30 & 31 & Jan 1, 1900, to
points within 200 mile, at one
fare for Round trip. Good re
turning until Jan. 4, 11X50.
F. Avert, Agent.
Go to the Ranch Si-pfly HorsE for
"fresh canned goods.
There was a large turnoutat Grand
tpa Wrijfh Cs funera! last Sunday.
Will Wright, came up from Alliance
to attend the funeral of hi father on
Bert Etrnest, has gone to work for
Oawford Bar., at tilth saw mill, this
There will be Mass atthe Court
House on Sunday, Dec-. 31st, at 10 30
oV Iok.
Mr. Garner, of Whitney, was in
town over Sunday to atteud the futjeral
.f James Wrijrht.
--Geo. W. Hester expects to leave for
:J5tockton, Mo., on next Tuesday to visit
.Bt tbe home of his daiiglrter Mrs. Geo.
dinger, during a week pr two. Mr.
Jdester deserves this well earned tnp.
Geo. Noland, Rockland, O., says,
-My wife had piles forty years. l.e
'Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cured her. It
1s the best salve in America." It heals
.everything and cures all skin diseases.
There is to be a Christmas tree and
.-entertainment at the 21. E. Church on
.jieXt Monday evening, All are most
c ordially invited to be present and see
. old Kris Kringle.
-Dr. W. Wixon. Italy, Hill, X. Y.,
iPiivR, "I heartily recommend One JIui-
' Cough Cure. It gave my wife im-.l...-li;itM
relief in suffocating asthma.
Pleasant to take. Never fails to quick
ly. cure all coughs, throat and lung
troubles. J. E. FillNXEV.
Elmer Siuitn and his friend Lyons,
who have been at Rusliville, during the
past two wteks, returned to Harrison
last Tuesday.
LaOrippe, with its after effects,
jtnoually destroys thousands of people.
It may be quickly cured by one Minute
Cough Cure, the only remedy that pro
duces immediate results in coughs, colds
-croup, bronchitis pneumonia aod throat
trouble. J. E. Phwket
Tbe little boy of Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Lewi, wbo ltaa been sick at Grandpa
McOmley'a during the past week is up
and around attain all o. k.
"I had dyspepsia fifty-seven year
and never permanent relief till I used
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. Now I am well
sand feel like a new man," writes S. 3.
Fleming, Murray, Nab. It is the . best
.digeatant known. Cure all forme of in.
.digestion. . Phyniciaot everywhere pre
acribt it J. E. PHunrKT,
-0r. Piiinoey'i new well is finished,
the wind mill and tower raised, the pump
y tocaA tod everything ready for purap
f water,
Yo a never know what form of blood
poMoa will follow constipation. Keep
the liver clean by using De Witt's Little
Earl ItHwra and you will avoid trouble.
They are famous little pills for conatip
m and liver aod bowel iroubleo-J. E. '
w-. '.'! tM at t:e.t t Si. ;.; .,', iv'Jn-
ty t loi i. M K.trj.n, 1 ;y,
'JH, l.-?yy, for the transaction of ordinary i
county business.
M. J. Di-euttt,
County Cleric.
w Year's Dance.
We are requested to announce a prand
Ball to be fiven at Harrison, Friday
night. Dec. 2), iyt'J. G.xkI music ili
be furnished. Every bodv are invited to
come and have a ood time.
Chas. Coffee, shook hands with his
Sioux County frinds yesterday.
John Herman, of Indian cteek, spent
a couple of days in town this w etik, oa
business. (he lir.t of the week to attend the Bible
Attorney Guthrie, will l ave hi nw ! Institute, but exctt to return to Bo
olliie ready fvroccudancy by the first of I darc and hold iuting5 for a week after
next week. a while. ClJo.
Mm. Zimmerman, 'uni 'Irs. Thayer, I
of B(lan:, greeted us ycfiterday, with a
pleasant call-
Remember if you want to buy a suit
of clothes, lie sure you go to the Ranch
Scivly Hoite for them.
Sheriff Holly has a force of mechan
ics at work on his new dwelling and will
soon have it ready for occupancy.
The RanTH St rri.Y HorsE handles Stale, v, h. re he grew to man's estate
tbe best full patent flour in town. Buy j ar,d was married to Miss CiU.erine P ut
a sack cf it and you will have no other. , n-,an ou Lc. 4 it K"?. The companioa
Owing 4o lac of space, we hav ben ! of his youth pre -tiled him to the other
obliged to lay over wvm interesting S thore, only a few hh-rt mouths atro, and
mattvr, wbicli will aj.pear in our next is- J since that time Grandpa tms'tetmed W.
sue. j soma and anxious to break tho bords
You can buv G ;ri and Dry hich held liim caiitive here, in older
Good at tbn R vN-;.'! SlITt.Y Horse
4'iieaper than ut any other store iu ilirri
scn. Chas. U.inoo rommencctl filastering
his new res.dcnre on last Monday after-
noon and will have it finished by the last
of the week.
The two sons of Mr. Wright, who
were here to attend th-iir father's fnner-
al, returned to their respective homes oa
last Monday evening.
There will lie mass at the Court j
House, in Harrison, on Sunday Dec. 31st j
at 10, 30 O'clock. All are cordially j. '
vited to attend. i
-George Turner returned from Oma-
ha, on last Saturday, and brought the
good news that his wife is getting along
very nicely ana the attending physician
gave him the assurance that Mrs. T. will
soon be all right.
"1 wouldn't be without DeVviU's
Witch Hazel S.ii ve for any considera
tion," writes Thomas B. Rhodes, Center
field, O. Inf.-uUble for piles, cuts, burns
and skin diseases. Bware of counter
ed. J. E. Phissey.
The new Brand Laws requires all
parties that haT their Brands recorded
with the Countv Clerk to make applica
to the Secretary of State on or lfore
theSlst of Dec. I'j9. Parties making
application after that date will lie allow
brands in tbe order filed with th-i Secre
tary of State.
Dr. II. IL Huden, Summit, A 1 a. ,
says, -I think Koilol Dyspepsia Cure is a
splendid medicine. I prescribe it, and
my confidence in it grows with continu
ed use." It digests what you eat and
quickly cures dyspepsia aud indigestion.
John Stmt ton w now comfortably
settled in his new house winch he just
recently completed on his claim in the
canyon. We are glad to we John doing
so well.
J. E. Rridges, Elitor "Democrat,"
Lancaster, N. II., savs, "One Minute
Cough Cure is the liest remedy for croup
1 ever used." Immediately releivesand
cures coughs, calds, croup, asthma.
pneumone.1. bronchitis. gripp and all
throat anu lung troubles. J. E. PiHN
EY. Through the Chadron News, we
learn that George Walker a former j
Sioux Co., resident during its earlier!
davs. Is now a resident of Man.Ha, P. I.,
where he is at present engaged in tbe sa- j
loon business. We were never acquaint-1
t -- . - . ..li.- i-.. .mi. :
eiiwnu mm, oui otu ymers no sioi ne
he;e knew , and can testify to his char
acter. Not koowiiig Mr. Walker, except
from hearsay, we refrain from comment
ing on his past life an far as it relates to
bis residence in Harrison, or Sioux coun
ty. Mr. Walker has a wife and three
children living 10 miles south of town
the oldest dauchtea is the wife of John
Ardi'rson, with whom Mrs. Walker and
the other two children make their home.
Montrose Clipping).
Herman Konrath commenced work
at a dam last week.
Neal Jordan returned from Dakota
lost week where he has been working
during the summer.
The Montrose and Squaw creek Reboot
teachers will spend the Holidays with
friends at Crawford, Neb.
Mrs. Dan Jordan is staying with her
parents for a couple of weeks
BORN. On last Saturday Dec. 16th,
t Mr. aod Mrs. Jake Wasserburger an 8
Ibsgirl. v
M. J. Gaybart has been rounding up,
and branding bis horses.
Henry i'iekeabrock made a htiinss
trip to Crawford Saturday. . time.
We Mi jutj have repoi U-j (i.H firn'
of a littl-t daughter at the home or Mr
Mrs. J. li. BuuJ alout two wet'ks an.
Anothrcow boy put in an appear
ance at tlie ranch of J. E.JHc I lings worth
on Indian creek on the Olh. As the boy
appeared perfectly destitute and helplew
they will keep End do their !"t by h.m,
j but we are sorrv for them that it did not
hapfien t. ls a uar little gil Iwbv.
Miss Myrtle Bryan, is "itmliug the
firt of the .ve visiting Miss Ciat k at Z.
The voting people practii-wl singing at
the church on Wednesday evening.
Jese Hill iias been juite ifk for some
time but is reported oa tlw iir.-nl at tins
lief. Wraight went to Cottonwood,
DIED. At the home of bis daughter,
Mrs. W. B. Wright on Kn fay lte-i. ."
lU!t. Junics Wright aged G yearn.
The deceased was born in Yorkshire
England Aug Sotli but emigrated
with his fMirt-nU to this country in his
earlv childhowl aud ielllvj in New York
' that the v ma v be re-uuited in tbe letter
lurid where parting i no luore and as they
had walked faithfully for 85 year tjw.
anis Hie "gate' logetlier .Grand a soou
i found tho voyage cf bfe devoid of ch irm
; to his lone worn out body, must natural
then for him to hail with j jv thu in vita-
lion of him who has said"c-om to all ye
who labor and are heavy burdened aud 1
will refresh you". The funeral obsequies
j were held at the M. E. fchun h, on Sun-
day Ia-j. Kin, and were conducted by
the pastor, Rev,; Smith, why had known
the drt-Ms,d during U years' taking as
sul:j" t "-'JrlaDty a.,d imortahty"
lu oup v'"n"m lhe "msi ,H!!lutiful tri"
hul tt''"tn l'aid to t,w "5""r.v
tliis patient sufferer, is that he wished to
teach all w)io ai)roached his led of sulT
enng, the true spint of christian forti
tude in bis dire agony, he had striven to
teacb hisii Siiidren how to live, it now re
mained for him to teach them how to
die, hich be did as only a true deciple
of the "Master" can. "fJrandpa is gone;
but the sweet odor of his virtue will
cause bis memory to live not only in the
hearts of his cbiMren. but likewise with
all those who came in cot: tact with him.
He was always the same, patient, and
Charitable to all.
He 1 not 'len'l, the orw we mourn
In deep ,tit c!i o.teiiel w,rro-.T,
Ills spirit IlaS iitt K lllf lolvei
'Uere tjurn may Ik' to niorrow.
Th re coumieth ever in'our ifrief,
Amid our feigtts and we'piiir,
Tbe 1)1-jsw1 null e'jiiMjiinj? tlioiight.
He in not dea'J, but kleeuinx.
To our many friends and neighbors,
who kindiy assisted us during the fii k
ness, death and burial of our father, we
sincerely thank them and take this hv
of making it knowcu
Mil Mks. and W. B. Wrk;ht.
Ill Memory ofP, P. Miller, LMol
Nov, i-'iJ, 1S19.
(Contrlbutvl by It. L. at AnJmore., S, 0.)
n more dear friend i f;lled ay
t r rom tne worid of srrow aal tare;
j fie Uiw foiie to a lupjier home ab,ve.
And wl.i know no orro tliere.
Till Me:;r oriel known to all an (rrHOdpa,
Will iiiis-""1 by umuy here;
but le bus eroded ilie nhuifng river,
Jiritfhter fur tlmn Ibis earih detsr.
7',,f,on,r lo,!,s 'V M'""t'i
strivliia to lu inn tKt,
,, Ul .1(r llt f,,,ath nhu,m eiilne , !lwt
Aiul bM liim to ut rut.
Tho imtlert hand luv folded
('pun tlie Htil! Cfild breast,
We Ul lieitr no more that voiee we loved
Till we too, meet Willi tile bioitt.
od,bs culled away onr lovod one.
We have wea tatui leave our side;
With our savior we shall meet htm,
Whaa we, too, have croeU tbe tide.
We all know how nart the purtinir,
Wben one I numbered with tbe dead,
lint we lutve one blessed assurance,
We ahall meet UK'iin tut Uod ha n.iid.
May God be near to cheer tbe hj! and lonely
IbroiiKh the dark and lonely way,
Helping them to bear their burden,
Till there xball eoine a brighter day.
Yes, Grandpa him gone to that Hear'nly land
Where whlty-robed Mii(reU ro;
We know at lat he's mitbeied safe
From pala and toll and care,
Wnen we sre called from sorrow and care,
Anil we atfind with file atitfeln of IlKhl,
Oh what a meellnif In Heaven there'll be,
In that land without nbodow or nlnbt.
We shall sleep but not forever,
In the cold and xlle.nl (rave,
lileswd.be the I-ord that tuketh,
HleMed tie thd Lord tliut g4Vo.
ldur4 15 M p'lvntfg fr m"Bfh. Jfo
larrlBg, no tiif uciiuk, po l.d temiit, no naiKiieiM
rinirt. Jm,IkiwI prrfolr slid frleltr
blil, O'ir,;ion fcl , ttl if ow. rail or wrlin.
bk. M. U. OCTT, iu I'.u aunt, at. UaM, 1
Professional Card
e. r;ir;rxM. d.
I'fcj l-rian and Snri'eon.
All rail given prompt attention.
Office in Urn store.
Trompt attention given to all legal
matters in Justice, County and District
Courts, and before the United State
Land Oilice.
Fire Insurance written in reliable
gLcgal iiers carefully drawn.
Haiuukon. - Nebraska.
3. J. O't'cuiull, - - Co. Attorney,
Will I'rartiro In AH Courts.
Special AtbMitlun Gireu to Laud Of
lee Ilusiness.
Collections anil all bttsinr-ss pntTst
sdtoiM'will receive prmnpt attentkMi.
Huiiasox - Nkiikaska.
M.chael R.ffing, 'T;iLRV,;ton.
I am prepared V do nil kinds o( ("Kjl
Kiiglms rinlf ork.
When in n'-ej of the Surveyors Servw.
give me a cull as I have a full V.n I eatrr
pleto otiUll. together witli eT rien to
do the work vflth neatocsb and dispatth.
di:i:ss makixc pahi-oi:.
The undersigned just locatad
in lower north-west corner room
prepared to do all kinds of dress
making and sewing in her line.
The patrouage of tho public is solicited.
We guarantee wtisfailion and that
our charges will lie reasonable.
Mits. Ma;oie Riiso iians.
WANTEi-Ord..-r for Holiday Books
Bibles and Alburns. Prices reasonable.
Satisfaction guaranteed. No money re
quired until delivery is made. Mis Elsie
Merriam my assistant agent w ill carry
a full line of samples and catalogues, or
samples and catalogues may lie nwen at
Bartells str in Harrison Neb. at any
time by dropping a card to the tinderhign
ed ages' at Harrison Neb.
Mits. A .nx a Thornton.
$2.50 REWARD.
For recovery of the following horses:
One Bay gelding, branded P on left
I IT. W. I'cfl.'T!.
T 'o 3iv (l!!ie. no fin! 'wo V?u-OiU
brun..;-d 37 ou lelt Miouiiier.
J. J. AlJ'ons.
Otip rnwn gelding, branded tri-nngle
I', :i I fl !, ulder. "( II. It.MkM).
(li e lurgt Sorrel gelding, branded 2 on
h it Jaw. Davb Col-VILIX
EstruyiMl or Stolen,
From my ranch on White River one
mile above Glen, ntte large white cow,
with red neck, either muley or dehorned,
branbed fe-Jon right or left fide.
One large white heifer, with blrn k
neck, one year old fast, brant-fed -"rjrT.i
on right ide,
One red tcer calf, with white face,
branded $ dollar mark.
Were last w.-en about six weeks ago.
A liberal reward will be paid for in
formation leading to their recovery, or
their return to the ranch. If stolen, 1
will pay f:500, reward for the conviction
of tbe thief.
Leisoy Haix, Crawford, Neb.
St. Joseph's Academy '
& Boarding School,
The Kdiool is conducted by
and under the auspices of the
Benedictine Sisters of St.
The Scholastic year consists of two
sessions of 20 weeks each, and begins
Sept. 11, 18i), and Feb. 2, 11)00; conduct
ed in three departments Primary, Pre
paritory. Academical and Commercial
Primary It. Preparatory per month, ft. 00
Academic & Commercial ' " 2.00
Board, Tuition, Bedding, Washing
4c. , per month, in ad vance 1 10 and $12.00
St Jokkj'ii'h i:AtKi(v,
Vkumillios, - - So. Dak.
U J V 25 ' 3 k a 1 i UiJ
fROHWER'S harness shop,
All kinds of Harness Good. Also, Flour and all kinds of
Grain and Feed for sale. I.esides the above I have ftuikl
ing material, such a? Lumber, Lime, Hair, Cement fcc. &c
IU" Call and get PRICES before buyinp elsewhere.
Manufacturer and dealer
In Harness, Saddles, Bridles &c
Send in 30111- Harness rind Shoe re
pairing, and a first class job is
K jx) Drugs,
i 'd Drugists Sundries,
( lairits, Oils, VarnisiieS,
I Q) J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor.
P t
ine Line of
Ladies l Gentlemen's
S g
Ctiildreii & Youth's
Call and look our Stock over be
fore Purchasing as we can SAVE you
Of Case.
A. HOSPE, Omaha, lic.
orrif:r: tais iwin!.. ii,
' fACTOUYl ltfl4 lurd Htreih
W Cvlcbrute Our Oui.'i ";i,tw,s
tv i,n tn f nril-h li Ixm .'nn i u se..
Me. Blul Ui Ii i, m ti.e., u.,Mlb,e
p m. '
l'enp,iri of uur HtJi (JblO
I Ii H'i:
7 ! -!liV-s,
IS t ii!- ,,s; u.. r.trnnv P is
t'lh Irji. I'nw, itrohud and Ome-n-iii
1 y
1' uiui" lN-re.ilrt A'loiv
l -Uii-,- V peered Cjsrf.
) ' i-i-rev ii.o U, l ,l...nyand Wilerrt.
I. !-eg n. 'rv.-. p.B.-u
p V-rt"""'" kus"! ,Kuk'- ""II1" Pall
Ni.i.l Han! Ooultnit'-n, llnigxn hej
1 Vii li.,i.M i
T'oe- i'. flii, ..iB ;;i,-. p,ji
Itoaitihunjr I .iil,. i,0j 1'oll.ih.a,
lle'srut; 4 t et. H lne..
).ib; ft l-t. 4 li-i,i
l'ei In a feei. 3 1 l le. liea.
Hnl In fur, v VV,,,-,i Veneer. QnP
toreu Onk, AotlitUK J.ikaiiJ ilalionauy,
W'ili f,,r l'eriri nml PrUsM.
K ery ft.WW PI in I. mi ,Msieel f
jr--rs ep-li,i Oefe-.. hi looe, acka.
,i.i kiiiunJti nr rnnierbtl. ,
Y.'J I'rvinenta,
A liw'l e.. i)'.rrti ,rt mn'h.
If t' V"i. in. .ill re i M i, ,,
k.leiill,l il.,nn. I r y,ir bow. t
A ier.iio l,..er rvili.(.f o"rl
Prl "'"I f'i'l 'le-ipt V nil.
tll V ill I'll 1 tli. ,4 t .... ... .. . W