1 if"." hi ' - i. ; - ' f t X)CTORv rVBsy foASfts BENSON. CHAPTER L THE MOUNTAIN CABIN. Two horsemen slowly toiled up tbe Grinding mountain road. Night was meaning on and the threatening clouds Ung low, seeming to rest upon the Mountain top. Lightnings were be ginning to flash. Distant muttering Of thunder could be heard certainly warming to any traveler to hasten B hi way. ...But the horses seemed to trudge tiently on. One had a tired, jaded k a of having traveled fast and ig. The other was fresher. One tf the men waa equipped with a Mackintosh a ad all the necessary ac coutrements for stormy weather; the er waa roughly clad in woolen rt, pants, tucked in boota, large lOmbrero, pulled down orer the ayes. ' Both of the travelers seemed to be ftrepport with the gloom around toon, for hardly a word had been okB for the last mile. The noise 1 the mountain stream, as it dashed rocks and bowlders, came up to from the canyon below. i Fraoently, cams the question, "How ftuefc farther up the mountain, la JW little cabin?" Mm man in the sombrero started -nt af his reverie, and turning qulck fr ia his saddle, said: "About a mile, I) tor; we will come to a more level Nad soon, and then ws can hurry steeds. I hope we will be in to save her. I never thought I til sJekacse overtook our little BM hew I if as endangering my fam f. by living In the solitudes of these feat sombrs mountains. I Martod last night and have been wey, four and twenty hours, with no be to care for my poor wife but my lanffcter, Adela. But she has a brave Matt, and will do her best." i,Th Doctor, could not offer much -translation, for he knew nothing1 of tti oase. ' The storm, by this time was tipon hem aod the rain came down in tor- ftte almost blinding them, as they ftade their way on and up the ever Winding roadway. Suddenly, a turn in the road, re fVeled a little light, which twinkled far above them, and with renewed Igor Ihey pressed their tired horses At last, tbe barking of a dor was srd and they found themselves at se little meuatain hut, or cabin. HUH it seemed almost against tbe rock for protection from storms wind. the dog, a Mexican Shepherd, iaked and bounded around his mas- f with untold delight, but his ad- Jances were unnoticed, for both men ild quickly dismounted and, after The Door Was Opened Wide, firing the horses shelter in a sort of bed made their way to the cabin, at as the door was opened wide tting the light stream out into the darkness and showing the slender form of a young girl, enframed in ike doorway. "Oh! Papa! I am so glad you have one," ahe exclaimed. "Mama has haan asking for you," and she step fed back, to let them pass. Ones inside, tbe host turned and nisi, ''Dr. Hastings, this is my daugh ter, Adela Grayson who will attend to your wants, while I go to my wife I will come back for yon and then educt you to your patient," snd he disappeared through a doorway, .leading to another part of the cabin. The Doctor turned to acknowledge the hurried introduction and was iairlv startled, by the dazzling beau ty of the girl who stood before him. Che waa tall and slender, her face was refined and Intellectual, her oemplexion a rich brunette, the ante suiting her black hair, which fung in little ringlets around her forehead. And her eyes that was where her chief charm was they were blaek, but of the luminous, tarry kind, and Just now they were sg s intently at tne young Doe- to almost erente In him the lag of being charmed by some un- wn power. The silence waa broken at last by the girl uttering s half sigh and sob together, nod saying, "Oh! Doctor! jm eertalnly will help my poor Mother, but ahe is very sick, and has rom worse, since papa left her. But I Bast not forget to make you com fortable; so please take off your rub Mr eoat at once and come near' the fra. I will Mxr, prepare n little lunch in fom and rips-" ftho began 'to stir around the little Y Jy EL IT vT room, wbloh evidently was used both for dining room and kitchen. She appeared so womanly, and yet she could not have been more than four teen or fifteen. She hastily arranged the table, ami went to the door of the inner apart ment and called her father. lie came in, at once, and told the Doctor that bis wife was resting a little easier and that it would be wise to strength en nature by partaking of food, as they would probably have a night's vigil. The Doctor rather insisted up on looking at his patient first, but finally yielded to the wish of his host. aod they sat down to the repast, so delftly and quickly prepared by the young girl, while she went to sit at her mother s bedside. Let us now take a retrospective view of the characters in this little sketch, before going on. Leonard Grayson, and his family had only been residents of Silver Qulch about four months, and, of course, came for the eanie purpose that brought many others to the Black Range Mountains of New Mexico namely, to locate a claim, or mining property and work to gain a "for tune," which was as yet, hidden in the rocks and caverns. The other prospectors, who had staked claims generally formed little camps, and lived near each other, but they were aware that the new-comer, Grayson, was of another calibre from the most of, them. He was a very quiet, retl cent man, and did not seem Inclined to communicate his plans to out siders. When he first came, he, with his wifs and child, boarded at the only hotel in Kingston, which was the nearest town of importance to any of the camps. He hired a man and began prospecting out among the hills, thus leaving his wife and daughter alone, a good portion of the hue. Every one declared that Mrs. Grayson waa too delieate and nice a lady for such rough surroundings. And what wonder, for, of course, the scenes of every new mining town were being enacted over again drunkenness, gambling dissipation of every kind was running riot In the town. Saloons predominated. And the sharp ring of the pistol shot was so frequent, that it almost ceased to be alarming, but fortunately for Mrs. Grayson the landlady of the little hostelry was a hard working and respectable woman; she was very kind to the mother and daughter, and often shielded them from unpleasant encounters with some of her board ers, who thought they were "just as good as quality." When Mr. Grayson finally an nounced his intention of going up on the mountain to live near uis claim, everyone was surprised to think he prefered such isolation for his fami ly, to the lively "Burg." But he went on, unmindful of their remarks mak ing arrangements for supplies, and one beautiful morning the little cavalcade started. The purity, quietness, and peace of their new home was like unto "Oil poured upon troubled waters," after the turmoil of the mining town. From time to time reports would come back about the wonderful little cabin at the head of Silver Gulch. "Why Boys!" one old miner said, "she's pot white curtin's! and things is fixed up so beautifuller that you das'nt step inside the door, but only peep Golly, but it is fine." And so the rough compliments were continually made by tbe honest and good hearted men, who were so unaccustomed to any little feminine bits of refinement. The young Doctor, who will figure in this tale was a more recent comer a "Tenderfoot" as they used to term them in the Black Hills. He had been In Kingston only a few weeks and was ostensibly out ior a summer vacation. He had been of fered a temporal position as chemist and assayer for a mining syndicate and being quite practical, thought he would enhance the opportunity to earn a little money while his duties at the same time would allow ample time for hunting and fishing in tbe mountains. Dr. Hastings hailed from North Hampton, Mass., and his people were all sturdy New England stock. When Mr. Grayson tame down to Kingston, in haste, for a physician, the regular practitioners there were two of them in place, had been called to some of tbe adjoining camps, for there were numerous accidents from blasting, which kept them busy. Dr. Hastings offered to go when he saw Grayson's distress, and procuring a good horse, and taking his case of medicines, he was soon started on the trip, which brought him to this wonderful oasis of a home, in the heart of the Black Range, and where his star of hope began its ascend ancy. . CHAPTER II. STORY OP A SHATTERED .LIFE. While the two men were sitting at the table the Doctor questioned Gray son, as to how his wife had been taken ill, and from symptoms describ ed by him, came to the conclusion that she had a severe attack of mountain fever, combined witb some heart trouble. When be was ushered into the sick room his first sight of the patient confirmed bis surmises. Mrs. Gray son was propped up in bed with sev eral pillows behind her; her face was flushed, her eyes were unusually bright from high fever and her breathing waa painfully short, ahe was the counterpart of her lovely daughter who sat beside her holding one of her hands and caressing it tenderly, only of course she was older looking. Dr. Hastings, after carefully look ing over his case, prepared some med icines to be given alternately, and then told Mr. Grayson he would re- 3uire quantity of hot water imme iately, ne he wanted to try the ef fects of a steam bath. So, after every thing was in readiness, Mr. Grayson gently lifted hla wife into large chair, wrapped her in blankets, placed the water beneath, and. from it rose steam vapor. The faithful Vdela kept It at a certain tempera ture, while Mr. Grayson sponged tbe natient's temples and wrists with hot water. The Itoctor, meanwhile, gave bis medicines regularly. This process was repeated several times during the night, Mrs. Gray son being given an interval of rest as she was very much exhausted. no science battled against the terrible inroads the fever was mak - ing on the patient until just as th first streak of dawn began to creet .:j. .u- " , , ' nto the windows she seemed to ceas, her restless tossing and sink into a lethargic state, which frightened tnoee to whom her life wss so dear, But the Doctor told them not to be alarnifd for it waa th H ri n i i a change, which he trusts ... f. the better as her forehead . m, t- the better, as her forehead was qu.te mo,8t- "She will remain this way for sev - crai nours, ne saia, ana I will watch her. while vnn ran em mil a. tend to anything you have too." w r, .. , J . .. ... Mr. Grajson took the opportumtj of looking after the horses, as they had stood without feed, in the shed. all night. Adela slipped sway Intc tbe little living room, and the Doctoi could hear her stirring aoftlv amnnH busv with her work ousy witn her work. ne al lQere in me quiel sick room be began to think and form opinions about bis new acquaint- ences. He made up his mind that there must have been something in Mr Rnvmn'i 11 f. tt,. .asking .fur riches which had led turn to nury Himself snd fsmily so isr irom me Dusy woriu, ior Mr. parasol to signal a natty hansom drlv Grayson had every appearance of a er. man who had had good advantages oil "But I'm not deaf," said I, placing education and society. And, from the 'my arm so that her skirt should not taste displayed within their humble . t0"?h l,ne wj"e.el- ... . . . v , i j '. . , I We leaned back with a smirk of uuiue, ana ue presence oi several ornaments and pictures, the Doctor now concluded for the first time as the light permeated the apartment LUS t U1U HIBU II UUC UfUC VJVIU' manded some wealth. Dr. Hastings began to feel, ssthui he mused, that he would like to tin- tangle the mystery and help theGray- sons in their trouble, for he surmised there was a cloud resting over them, brewed in the time of Thothmes III and Mrs. Grayson's breathing now be-, rl Babylonian buns. I assure you Z?Lratl? nd,more ular' bi,;ie7dldyn'h. cried. "That's one Doctor, at last, knew she was sleep-I , ,, r n rn roi ing naturally, and that he could leave ucr wiiq pcrieci saieiv. ro ne weni outside to get a breath of the frenti morning air. What, the evening be fore, appeared storm swept and gloomy, now was brightened with beautiful sunshine. Tbe grand moun tains rolled away before the vision range after range until In the dis tance they took on a purplish hue. The place commanded a fine view oi the lower valley, and he could see the same road they had ascended wind ing, snake like, up the mountain. There were quite a number of pine trees, a few silver pine, which are sc beautiful. The young Doctor persuaded him self that it would not be so bad, after all, to make a hermit of one's self, especially if he could feast his even upon such beauty as his host's voting daughter possessed. He was inter rupted in his reverie by a call to breakfast. After looking at his pa tient, whom he found still sleeping, he sat down to a table, as dainty in its appointments as any could have been in the Fast, which proved that the young daughter was perfectly trained in household duties, but he gave the credit to the poor invalid oughfares, and after the first smack re who Jay, all unconcious, in the inner fused to touch his whip. A most exeel room. Adela went to sit with her ; 'ent aml tender-hearted creature. ,.t . I "Ynii leave vour naraaol here." said I. "7 C " , r ,n& lnem' . Naturally, the conversation re - verted to the sick woman and the Doctor told Mr. Grayson that he reared Xra. Grayson had some heart trouble, and the high altitude had a I tendency to Increase the rf stenw nH ! that a lower one would be much bet ter. He was astonished to note the look of distress, which came over Mr. Grayson's face as he exclaimed. "Yes! yes! I have been almost her means of death, all for me for my selfishness and cowardice, has she al most sacrificed her life. Oh! if God only spares her, I will be a roan and face any slurs and unjust remarks which the world can put upon me. Oh! Doctor you do not know what a noble woman she has been." After a moment of silence that seemed painful to both of them Mr. Grayson went on: "I feel impelled to tell you my his tory, for last night's vigil has banded tis together as brothers in humanity. My wife leaves a fortune untouched in the old couutry in France, (for she is French) simply because the conditions were that she should take her daughter anil come over the seas, leaving me behind forever. Hut, No! she says, like the Ruth of Bible times 'Whither thou goest, I will go. Thy people, shall by my people' but the last of the quotation, I am sorry to say, has been a bit of wormwood and gall, which has helped to embitter me to the world. For, my people, will not be her people, they have cast her off, and stand a loof with hearts as hard as flint and do not know whether she be living or dead. "For what! yon will naturally won der? Simply because she was not as they termed it 'high born;' but served my sister in the capacity of govern- ness to he three daughters. Well.J you know the usual result, when a young man falls in love I did not care for rank, or caste, or position in society. I only saw her beautiful face, and later waa attracted by her manners and disposition, which en tangled me more deeply In the meshes of the love net. And, In spite of her temerity and fears of offending my parents, we were married at a little country church near my home with only the old sexton for a witness. Then of course, the storm broke, in all its fury, and we were the recipi ents of denunciations, from all of the family. My father, who. by the way, was a rich banker, disinherited me. I waa the only son, and a senior at Yale. The cutting off of my portion, was the least of my troubles, for I waa not afraid to work and did not fear tbe future. ' (To be continued.) Antelope gloves are worn by the lest dressed women, and the undressed thicker sklna are also very popular. Wblte glace gloves are as much worn as ever for afternoons and evenings at the theater. a A Vomans' Way. "I won't have It," Mrs. Moray-Fox waa savin. "I won't have It. lie s a (etrlmenlal. Think of your papa." It was Just of Poppa, I was tbink Ing." Misa Nancy Power replied In a , one that would be a rod send on a July 4av m tne BUn- "PofPa stands th i reK J"y' "sement , Mrs Fox . And If I choose to go walks with Mr , Dam , waJkj, w)th Mr DameT. , thnu of vour remjtatlon. dear. In the sweet voice women use to gold the nauseous pill. ' And In a sweeter voice came the re- tori courteous: J ne repuiauon mm ! Cn be lot isn't worth the keeping." And- wi,n ever BUeh a 8U8Plllon of flu8h flnd ever wch a contemptuous cock of the noee, Misa Powell had 1 Joined me In the hall, where I was busy . siuaying me fiimpie Shaw. I "Have I kept you waiting;?" said 8he "Just long- enough," said I, "to let me dlgCOVer how good waiting can be." i was thinking of what I had heard. A few drops of rain began to patter ; on tbe pavement as we came down the , stfps. "I don't know where we are going. I L "but unless you wish your w drabbled, I should suggest the ' ft-eee table refuge of a gTowler." I "Oh, no," she cried, "a hansom, a bansom!" "Hansoms are wicked. Think of your , reputation." I "You heard?' and she flashed me a , ? ? Tid I "You're not." said she, holding up her laughter playing summer lightning about us. The eabbv couched uproariously and lifted the little trap with a good deal VI Ulllll-Uil, To the British Museum," said I. "Right, sir!" and he wripped up. "Why there?" said she. "Only fogies i ..oh 8aid I "the Assyrian rooms are 1 rather quiet, and they give you tea ' Bnythlng you want." -jjy the bye, said I, nave you seen Sir Timothy lately? Sir Timothy!" and she arranged some lace affair at her throat, with in finite care. "Let me see. Oh, yes! that baronet man. Well, he called twlc the day before yesterday, three times yes terday and twice again today. I saw him on each occasion." My face fell. "But he did not see me," she added reflectively. "Oh! Mr. Darner, he has the most disreputable bald sjot, and he has no stability of mind. At each denial he puffed away to his chambers in Charges street, and will you be lieve It changed his necktie. A thing that can't make up Us mind about Its necktie well. It oughtn't to be at larg' 1 lolil Mrs. Moray-Fox so." "And what did that Uelphic oracle reply?" ".She eald that the poor man la super stitious. If things don't turn out rtght Iv he blames his necktie and changes it lust as some ieop!e turn their chairs at whist. He carries his t-llc-f ,. far as to have three or four ties stowed away In odd pockets to b changed as opportunity offers.' ' The hansom pulled up with a jerk. I think I made one man happy that dav. He had a very discriminating mind. He avoided all crowded thor 1"They give you a metal receipt for It. ; wlth a number. It is customary to ' string it about your neck. That's to Identify you should you get lost among the other goddesses, or succumb to tne fascinations of Babylonian buns. With -.... .-7. What can t be lost isn't worth keep ing." she said in reminiscent tones. "it all depends how the thing was lost," said I. remembering the episode of the fan. "Now, for Instance," be ginning an exordium. "Oh! What a horror!" she cried, planting to an ugly black mask, grin ning with unutterable malignity. "Do not blaspheme," said I. "That Is the Egyptian presentment of love. Things are not what they seem." "It reminded me of Sir Timothy," laid she. "In that case," said I. "you are right. And now on closer examination I find this Is the god of deceit a partic ularly objectionable and'obnoxious dei ty." "Ah!" said she. "that Is better." "In fact." I went on, "If you stand at this angle you will see that a part of the god's habiliment simulates the modern necktie." "You promised me Babylonian buns," he cried vivaciously. "Presently, presently," I temporised. "You have not seen any of the wonder ful Greek things. Down this stair Is a julte comfortable seat, whence you may view Lyclan tombs, and other iheerful trifles." "Poppa would rave over that," said she. "He never misses a funeral. He often laments the decay of the wake." "He Is a true Irishman," said I. "The Hibernian soul still revels In a wake. The O'Hhaughnessy we have the same club tells me that when his tribes men grow mopish they kill a few tour ists and have a good time. The O'Shaughnessy's lands are situated ad vantageously near the great tourist track. Since this became known Immi gration from the other parts of the Island has Increased enormously. But we neglect the Greeks." We sat down under the shadow of a colossal chariot. "This Is very Impressive," said Miss Nancy Power. "Our Cerberus." said I, nodding to ward where the brmedaled keeper drowsed at guard, "shares your opin ion. Now I i flnd It rather frivolous." "Frivolous!" she cried. "Yes, Indeed." said I. "Carter and Hope and Sir Benedict Frer.ch wanted me to Join them at the bridge. 1 said I waa going to study at the British mu seum. They advised me to see a doc tor." "I. thought you didn't know wbere you were going?" "My forgetfulness." I parried apolo getically. "And to study," she murmured gravely. "It was quite true," said I. "The study of man Is woman." "Did you see the doctor V "I had the blues," said I. "So I took the doctor with me. Bafest, you know." She rose quickly. "And the Babylon Ian bun?" she whispered wistfully. "If yon come up those steps," 1 pleaded, "I will show you a head of Aphrodite all the world and hla wife would come to see If they knew of it. A, laajt ail the world would." "Oh I well, I'll come as I'm not 1n th world's wife.' " (h said. "Yet," said I, under my breath, Ishtng the sentence. But I think she heard me, for ahe ran up th stairs with all the lightness and tbouarhUesp nrw of fourteen. There la but one thing makes a woman young and young wo men younger. I followed more slowly as befitted my years, and I saw that Cerberus had opened one eye. "Aphrodite isn't quite the same," said I. "There's a change. She baa grown older." "Impossible," she cried, "love never grows old." "'All the same." I contended, "there Is a change. The last time I was here the halo of eternal youth hung abeve that glorious head of hair; the gravity of youth for youth has ever the most serious air lay on the Hps; and the perfect blindness of the eyes Invited abandonment to passion and servi tude.' And I sighed, not too regretful ly. "Do not laugh," said I, "Poor Aphro dite! I am sorry for her. Age baa touched her golden hair; Age has laid the rod of resignation to her lips; Age has opened her eyes to see before her something newer and fresher and more beautiful " "You are not English, I vow," said Miss Nancy I'ower. "You are too Im aginative." "You cannot talk with winged things without wishing to fly," said I. "Flying Is rather risky." said she, looking at the watch that winked on her lapel, "and a hansom Is good enough for me." So we walked silently to the entrance. "Give me your medal," said I, "and I give you back " I presented the parasoL "Your reputation." We went down the courtyard with Miss Nancy looking rather serious. I patted myself on the back quite im partially. "I'm going back myself," she apolo gised for barring my entrance with the sunshade. I bowed. "There are reasons." she said, touching that Babylonian bun. "Dreams are better," said I meaning ly, and she flushed. "Bldes," saia i, really, the buns are ratner siougy. "CrmHiv" said she. "I hope I haven't lost anything" her eyes showing she thought of Mrs. Moray-rox ana ner speech. "What Is lost." said I, "Is worth keeping sometimes," thinking of some thing else. Hhe was gone in a summer oi smues. -lilark and White. Talk About Women. Mrs. Phoebe Hurst says thai her plan for the new University of California will not be realized for ten or fifteen years. Mrs. Russell Page saia in a rrcern nti.rvle- that one of her first school girl compositions was on the evils of Mormonlsm. Mis Mavme Jester, a niece or liunaio Bill. Is said to be tbe only female press agent on the road. She left the news paper business to go Into this new field. Mm. 8. S. I'latt. president of the gen eral federation of woman's clubs, says the gi-neral federation biennial meeting, to be hfld In Milwaukee next June, will be the biggest of the kind on record, with over 3,000 women In attendance. Mrs. Arthur Kllot Fish Is the orig inator of the scheme for furnishing the poor of New York with fuel at a nom inal rate. The plan Is to be carried out by the Minerva club, an organization of fashionable women. ' Miss Florence King of Chicago is the first woman to hold a government office in Alaska. Governor John C. Brady has Just appointed her commissioner of dfed. She will be stationed at Cook's Inlet, one of the southern bays, ten days' trip from Seattle. It Is rumored in Paris that Amelia Rives, now Prlncest Troubetskoy, will settle there permanently and establish a literary salon for the purpose, pri marily, of securing a French transla tion of her literary works and such other recognition as she thinks they Mrs. Sarah Marshall Hayden, who died In Indianapolis last week, was one of the first writers to appreciate the literary capabilities of Illinois. Her first book was "Early Engagements." It had a great success and was written In 14'., when the author was only 1 years of age. ' Mme. Duse Is so much Interested In dress reform that she recently got her daughter to write a letter to the presi dent of the Berlin Society for the Im provement of Women's Dress, in which she declared that she herself never wears a corset snd has never allowed her daughter to wear one. Miss Emma Slbonl of Mllwaukee.who has been commissioned by the dowager empress of Russia to paint a miniature of her on ivory, was born in Denmark twenty-two years ago and came to America when her parents died. She first established herself In Chicago as a portrait painter, but latterly has con fined her attention to miniature work. Erich Slbonl, her father, was music teacher to the dowager empress snd her sister, now the princess of Wales, before iheir marriages. The Old Timers, Judge Wylle, for years one of the most prominent figures on the district bench, Is still living In Washington, and, though over 90 years old, is In vigorous health. Captain Henry Kelley of Milan, 0., Is the oldest living captain on the great lakes. He Is still on duty snd began his work at the age of 22 on the old steamer Superior In 1831. Florence Nightingale, now over 80 years of age and In feeble health, re cently wrote a noble letter upon the anniversary of Balaklava In aid of the Dally Telegraph shilling fund. James Lloyd, a prosperous citizen of Troup county, Georgia, still In perfect health, was photographed the other day In the midst of a group of his chil dren, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, numbering fifty-seven In all. Seven grandchildren were unable to b present at the family reunion. Miss Elisabeth Jones, who died re cently at Campbell's Creek, about twelve miles from Charleston, W. Va., would have been 104 years old had she lived until January next Her death Is the ending of a romance such as is seldom found In real life, and the story of her faithfulness to the memory of her lover Is one that is not often found outside of fiction. In her early woman hood she was engaged to be married to a young member of the Virginia mili tia, who went out In the service of the United States In HiZ. He was killed on August 23, 1814, In a skirmish with the British troops. This was a few days previous to the date set fur hla marriage with Miss Jones, She cherish ed his memory to the day of her death, and although would-be lovers csme In plenty, none found favsr in her eyes. Household Hints. I Macaroni, lx-lng easily digested, and I exceedingly nutritious, forms a wet come addition to the si k room's re Istrlcted menu. For the invalid. It rn be added to a custard ana aeucateiy baked, or boiled In salted water until lender and served with cream and lugar. An orange frosting can be quickly made by mixing together the yolk of Dne egg, a tablespoonful orange juice, i half teaspoonful orange extract uid enough sifted confectioner's sugar to make It thick enough to spread. A serviceable loop for hanging up heavy garments Is made by cutting a strip of kid from an old glove, rolfinc it into a string, and sewing the edges together. This loop will stand any amount of pulling. If tea leaves are to be used to collect the dust In sweeping, they should be put in a colander, well washed wvth cold water, squeezed dry and spread on the carpet only Just before begfn nlng to sweep. Irelv nosslble to make a tough steak tender, and it Is well l n... v. Tnk a. round steak, i to It well on a hot skillet, nearly eorer with boiling water, and let simmer for several hours. A nice flour grsrvy may be made to serve with the meat. Darn ing the cold days, when the range Is go n ih, iin, hia win be (oonS an economical way of using a tough steak. From National Stockman: Aa th season for cold is here a few hOSBO 1 ji.. in .miu IW taw ' Itrmeuica win ,w . .. . . - flammatlon or all kinds, especially l the throat and lungs, there la nothing better than an onion poultice, rare and slice four or six onions (aeeorOTng to size, fry tender In a little lard or butter. Spread on a very thfn oloth and apply as hot as can be borne; ever this put warm, dry flannel. One ap plication is usually sufhYlent.but should another be required prepare a fresh one and apply as soon as the first one begins to cool. If the Inflammation Is very acute add a little vinegar or a few drops of camphor Just before tak ing from the Are. f For Cough Peel and sllnce thin atx large onions and cook until tender In one quart of vinegar. When done strain through a thin cloth. After aft th Juice has been extracted add one cup granulated sugar and boll until re duced one-half. For a child, one tea ppoonful every two or three hours ac cording to the severity of the attack. Another home remedy for cough: Beat the white of an egg to a stiff froth. Into a glass squeeze the Juice of lemon and add as much sugar aa It will dissolve, then stir In the beaten white of an egg. Take a spoonful ev ery few minutes. For earache roost an onion and put a drop of the warm Juice In the car and cover the ear with warm flannel or a hot poultice made of hops and vin egar. There Is nothing better for colds than cooked onions. They act on stomach, liver and kidneys. Our children are very fond of a soup made of potatoee and onions boiled with a small slice of pork. When tender mash through the colander, and Just before serving add a little cream, and salt and pepper to taste. To be eaten with toasted bread or crackers. THE MORNING BATH. Experience has tauRht us that noth ing equals the morning bath for re freshing the body, clearing the mind and Imparling a feeling of general com fort. It Is. therefore. Important that every one should understand how to take a bath In order to derive full ben efit from It. The temperature of the water must be suited to the Individual wants of different people. A cold bath Is the moat Invigorating, but It cannot be safely Indulged In by every one. Lukewarm water Is, therefore, prefer able for the majority of people. A hot bath Is best taken at night, shortly be fore retiring, but if taken In the morn ing, exposure to cold air should be avoided for several hours after coming from the bathroom. Soft water is best for bathing, and a knitted washrag Is better than a sponge for rubbing the body. One should never stand with bare feet either before or after bath ing. It Is not necessary to c-onsnwie more than ten minutes In taking a bath, hence every one cart give the time to It, and begin the day with re. newed vitality and strength. A GIHL'S BEADING. From Trained Motherhood: A wise mother will be careful that her daugh ter's reading Is such as will not give her false views of life or foster any un natural sentiment or emctlon. The moral effect of so much sentimental reading Is frequently something to be grievously deplored, and as to Its In fluence upon the Intellect many per sons attribute their loss of memory to this alone. It seems almost unneces sary to state that one who Is an habit ual and confirmed novel reader will soon cease to possess a trained or cul tured mind, no matter how gifted an Intellect was given him to begin with. To the brain thoroughly besotted with sentimental fiction study, deep reading and deep thinking will soon become Impossibilities, and few habits are more conducive to selfishness. Irritabil ity and lack of punctuality, any of which traits will seriously mar the ha( plness of domestic life. CUBBY SOL' P. A curry soup that Is wholesome and delicious Is made In this way: Put a tablespoonful of butter In a frying pan. Add two onions sliced and stand on the bark of the range until the onions are soft and well done. Add a sliced sour apple, a smalt stalk of celery cut In . dice, a sliced carrot and two quarts of water. Cook slowly half . an hour, strain through a colander and return to the Are. Moisten one teaspoonful of curry and add to the soup, together with a teaspoonful of tumeric. Htlr to a thin paste In cold wster two table spoonfuls of cornstarch, add to the soup and cook ten minutes. Season with salt snd pepper. Strain, add a lit tle butter and serve with rice and croutons. KEEPING HONEY. From the British Be Journal: Th driest and -varmest place In the hous should be chosen for storing sections ;f comb honey In. A kitchen cuplmard close to the fire farms an ld-al storing place, and If !h sections are protected from dust. Insects, mice, etc., by care ful wrapping, the honey In them will keep liquid for over twelve months. In some seasons, however, honey In sec. lions will granulate In spile of every csre. Personally e have ninny time hsd sections In lh bent of r m Utloa after 12 to I months' storing. ;:'.-'s-' ;..! ''1..! ; t .