DULLER REPULSED ENGLAND'S MIGHTY GENERAL STOPPED SHORT IN HIS AD VANCE BY THE BOERS. British Suffer Heavy Los and Lose Eleven Cannon One English Regiment Cut to Pieces. London. (Special.) General Buller. In attempting to cross the Tugela riv er Friday, was defeated. Finding It Impossible to effect bis object, he or dered a retirement In order to avoid greater losses. He left eleven guns be hind. The following is the text of Gen. iral Buller' dispatch, announcing his reverse: "Buller to Lansdowne: Chively Camp, Dec. 15. 8:30 p. m. I regret to report serious reverse. I moved in full strength from our camp near Chively at 4 this morning. There art two fordable places in the Tugela river, and It was my intention to force a passage through one of them. They are about two miles apart. "My intention was to force one or the other with one brigade, supported by a central brigade. General Hart was to attack the left drift. General Hi Id yard the right road and General Lyttleton was to take the center and to support either. UNABLE TO FORCE FORD. "Early in the day I saw that Gen eral Hart would not be able to force a passage and I directed him to with draw. He had, however, attacked with great gallantry and his leading battal ion, the Connaught Rangers, I fear, suffered a great deal. Colonel I. G. Brooke was seriously wounded. "I then ordered General Hildyard to advance, which he did, and his leading regiment, the East Surrey, occupied Colenso station and" the houses near the bridge. At that moment I heard that the whole artillery I had sent to upport the attack the Fourteenth and Sixty-sixth field batteries and the six naval twelve-pounder quick-firers, under Colonel Long, had advanced dose to the river in Long's desire to be within effective range. It proved to be full of the enemy, who suddenly opened a galling fire at close range, killing all their horses, and the gun ners were compelled to stand to their runs. Some of the wagon teams got shelter for troops In a donga, and des perate efforts were being made to get ut the field guns. The two field bat teries suffered severe losses. BUT TWO GUNS SAVED. "The fire, however, was too severe and only two were saved by Captain Echofleld and some drivers whose name will furnish. "Another most gallant attempt, with three teams, was made by an officer whose name I will obtain. Of the eie-hteen horses, thirteen were killed and as several drivers were wounded, I would not allow another attempt, as It seemed that they would be a shell mark, sacrificing life to a gallant at tempt to force the passage unsupporx ed by artillery. I directed the troops to withdraw, which they did In good order. "Throughout the day a considerable force of the enemy was pressing on my right flank, but was kept back by mounted men under Lord Dundonald and Dart of General Barton's Dngaae The day waa Intensely, hot and most trying for the troops, whose conduct was excellent. We have abandoned ten sruns and lost by shell fire one. "In General Hart's brigade, the loss. I fear. Is heavy, although the propor tion of severely wounded, l nope, is not large. The Fourteenth and Sixty ninth field batteries also suffered se vere losses. We have retired to our camp at Chively." STARTLING NEWS FORI LONDON. Tendon. (Special.) The news of General Boiler's reverse was received so late that morning newspaper com ment today Is confined to perfunctory expressions of extreme regret and dis appointment. This latest check is re garded as the most serious event in Great Britain's history since the In dian mutiny. The Standard says: "General Buller's dispatch Is deplor able re Ad lag. It Is the now familiar story of concealed Boers and of British troops marching up blindly almost to the very muzzles of the enemy's rifles. It will be to aggravate our difficulties over the whole field of operations. The country has discovered with annoyance and surprise that subduing the Boers Is about the hardest work we have en tered upon since the India nmutiny. Their commandants have been shown sble to give our generals useful hints in modern tactics." The Times says: "Since the days of the Indian mutiny the nation has not been confronted with so painful and anxious a situa tion. Plainly General Buller's advance 1s paralysed for the moment as com pletely as Lord Methuen's and General Oat acre's." The depression over the defeat of Great Britain's trusted and Idolised commander is all the greater as dur ing the last forty-eight hours there had been no reports of Ladysmlth. Yes terday the war office allowed It to be understood that the position of affairs In Natal was entirely satisfactory- The reaction Is all the more pronounced cn this account. The gloomy Information etmt too late to reach the service clubs and only a few Journalists and strag glers were waiting at the war office, ft has hardly been realised until now. rcn after the experience of the week that General Buller could fall. Vir tually nothing has been allowed to leak through regarding his preparations.but the public waited patiently in the con fident belief that he waa taking such time aad precaution as would ensure Mo indaoandent report of the en gagement have yet been allowed to eon through, but General Buller's own tale tells the sad story In sufficient outline to show that the British have bee entrapped again by the astute Boar. It was not anticipated that Oeneral Buller would make a frontal Attack. No criticisms of hi movement are made, however, since apparently he offered a reverse rather than a defeat ud dM not push the attack home, but It OS in tne miaaie, so as v Mn aTl usilsss sacrifice of life. It la expected that be will renew the attack bortly. IiasMd lately on receiving the news, the- war otto decided to mobilise still Mother division and to replace the I Off artillery, Tne necessary rmm- wltl be hwrneo- on a soon Fifteen transports are do to arrive at Capetown between De cember IT and January It with about IS 000 troops of all arm, but unless) Oeneral Buller is enabled to renew the attack, which Is doubtful, the British Generals will be compelled for another fortnight or more to remain practically on the defensive. The latest dispatches indicate the continued bombardment of Ladysmlth, whose position is now perilous. Major General Sir Herbert Charles Chermslde has been appointed to command the Fourteenth brigade In the Seventh di vision, i The list of casualties among the noncommissioned officers and men in the fight at Magersfontein, just Issued, shows fifty-five killed, 253 wounded (twenty-one severely) and seventy-six missing. This, however, la apparently not a complete list. JOUBERT SAW IT COMING. New York. (Special.) " 'To Pretoria,' the British cry is on a level with the Paris cry of 1870, 'A Berlin." " This Is an extract from a letter writ ter by General Joubert from Lady smlth under date of October 27 to a contributor to the Berlin Gazette, In which paper it was published in full. Other passages which at this Juncture will be. read with peculiar interest fol low: "Ever since the infamous Jameson raid of 1896 our government was con vinced that some disreputable character would urge England to war. Its mean ing could not be mistaken. It could have for its sole object only the an nihilation of the Boer republic. We were equally sure that we would have to depend on our own resources, for although we knew that this war would meet with the unanimous condemna tion of all European powers we did not anticipate that any of them would summon strength to come to our res cue. DEPEND ON THEMSELVES. "England's arrogance and her strong navy have so cowed the European pow ers that they dare not bid her stop in her despicable land grabbing, not even where their own interests are Involved. Knowing these circumstances we depended solely on ourselves, Im proved our means of defense and tried to keep the English in the dark as to our real preparations. To this purpose we gave their disguised spies access to our antiquated guns and artillery, but were very careful to conceal from them our modern artillery parks. Our cal culations proved correct. The English public credited these misleading re ports. Their cry, 'To Pretoria,' is on a level with the Parisian cry of 1870, 'A Berlin. Your letter lays much stress on the numerical superiority of the English, but, In my opinion, the example is a different one. England cannot send mort than 85,000 soldiers to the Trans vaal without withdrawing all her troops from the colonies. This Is in Itself an imposing army, but only half of them will be available. Granting that England will have effected the landing of her troops by the middle ot December, she will have lost in tit meantime at least 10,000 through deaths, casualties, desertions and captures. Their number would accordingly be re duced to 75,000. We will try to pre vent the Junction of the English forces under Buller. but even If we should not succeed the English will be unable to put more than 35,000 men in the field against us. The rest will be needed for garrisons and protection of their bases of operations. LOCATES THE WAR. "The scene of the war will cover Na tal and Cape Colony, an area of say 70C kilometers. Our own camp Is protected by three mountain ranges, and 500 men are amply sufficient for Its protection. Our communication is excellent The outposts have command of and facili ties for destroying provisions in case their position becomes untenable, if the war should be carried into our own country, for which there are no prospects at present, our advantages would become greater yet. For while facing unknown conditions In the Na tal and the south, we art quite able to make use of the splendid opportunities of defense which our own country of fers. "The enemy will meet a very stub born resistance In the Transvaal and Orange Free State, and every Inch of ground will cost them dear. , You cor rectly suggest that we most likely would resort to guerrilla tactics. A few months will be sufficient to show to England the impossibility of the task she has undertaken. Her losses will be tremendous." ENGLANDE BIO ARM Y. London. (Special.) Of the army of Great Britain 75.500 men are now in South Africa. This is exclusive of all the colonial forces raised there and in Canada and Australia, estimated to number 20,000. The fifth division, com prising 10.000 men, is now embarking or ready to embark, the sixth division of 10,000 men Is mobilizing, orders for the seventh division of 10,000 to be mobilized have Just been Issued. The total reserve this year, according to parliamentary estimates, is 81.000. When all the above is at the front or mobilized. 40,000 of the reserves will have been exhausted. There remain of the British regular army establishment 121.000 men. Of these 45,000 are in Egypt, at Mediterranean points and other British garrisons throughout the world. Beyond this the war office figures show 112,000 militia. These men have one month's training each year with a few regular army officers scatter! through the regimental Starrs. Ten thousand of these have been called for home garrison duty. Next follow 232, 000 volunteers, with some regular army officers serving with them, but equal In all respects to the national guard of the United States. Military experts on all papers agree that Great Britain Is prepared In a measure for any foreign attack In this, that the only unsafe point is the Rus sian frontier in India. The regular force In India, exclusive of all the above figures, was In July last 73,162. Of these only 8,000 have been sent to South Africa. India, experts declare, is safe, and Great Britain's navy. If ready III be a Me to meet ana cneca any demonstration of any two foreign pow ers combined, even If It takes the form of an attack In Egypt In the effort to partition Morocco or provide Russia with a port In the eastern Mediterra nean. " OAGE3 TO THE! RESCUE. Washington. D. C (Special. Secre tary Gage has announced that he would anticipate the Interest due on January 1, 1M0, on registered and coupon 4 per cent consul of 1907, without rebate. Checks to the number of 20,563 will be mailed to holders of the registered bonds and Interest on the coupons will be paid on presentation of same. The amount of the former Is $4,306,505, and the latter $671,381. making a total of S.067.S80, less the interest on bonds al ready anticipated by the secretary' or der of October 10 to pay Interest due at any time during the present fiscal year, with a rebate of about 1.4 per cent. Application for Interest to be come due under the offer of October It must be made before January L STATE SCHOOL FUND Ml - ANNUAL DISBURSEMENT TO COUNTIES Amount Not as Large a the Last- Con Succeeds Allen Stat University News. Lincoln, Neb. (Special.) Stat Bu perlntendent of Education Jackson has completed the apportionment of the semi-annual distribution of the tern porary school fund among the coun ties of the state for the benefit of the public schools. The apportionment thi year show a larger number of chll dren of school age than last year. The Increase of school children Is 6,676 From decrease in revenues which have been shown heretofore, the apportion ment Is slightly less than It was last year, a falling off of nearly 68,000 being shown. This, with the Increase in the number of children, makes the amoun distributed per capita less than It has been for two or three years. The table here given shows the number of chll dren of school age In each county and the amount of money distributed by the state to each county. The certificate of the state superin Undent to the state auditor shows, as did the certificate of the treasurer sent to the superintendent a few days ago, the sources from which the temporary achoo fund is derived. Thi certificate shows that the fund come from these sources: tats tax f 77,336.72 Interest on United States bonds. 600.00 Interest on state bonds 4.500 latsrest on county bonds 72,ii ui Intsrtst on school district bonds. C77.4S Interest on school lands sold...... 66,317.06 Interest on school lands leased.. sl.3M.ii Interest on saline lands sold 1,465.(0 Interest on saline lands leased... 1,630. l Interest on slate warrants 12,5KB. 56 Pedd era' license K-4U Buffalo County National bank... 501.00 Total amount 6232,8a. 58 DISTRIBUTION BY COUNTIES. The total amount of money distrlb Oted this time is 6292,883.59. The total number of children of school age re ported is 372,715, thus making the per capita distribution or rate per pupil 60.7S5747. This is the distribution by counties: No. of County. Scholars. Adams 7,035 Antelope 4,134 Banner 381 felalna 163 Boone ... 4.033 Box Butte 1,542 Boyd l.71 Brown 1.22S Buffalo 8.150 Burt 4.504 Butler 6,83: Cans .. 7,670 Cedar 4,320 Chase 19 Cherry 1.641 Cheyenne 1.3S4 Clay 6.068 Colfax 4,464 Cuming , 4,452 Custer 7,727 Dakota 2.3S7 Dw 2,218 Dawson 4,664 DU 733 Dtxon Z,1 Dodge 7,870 Douglas 42,320 Dundy fl Fillmore. 6.673 Franklin 3,32 Frontier 3.387 Furnas 4,637 Gage 10.463 GarAeld 644 GoBper 1,98 Grant 198 Greeley 2.153 Hall 6,104 Hamilton 6.112 Harlan 3.5S8 Hayes 6 Hitchcock 1.774 Holt 4.252 Hooker 55 Howard ,. 4,091 Jefferson 6,630 Johnson 4,049 Kearney 3,867 Keith .' 715 Keys. Paha 1,070 Kimball 247 Knox 5,133 Lancaster 20,99,1 Lincoln 3.943 Logan 304 Loup 441 Madison 6,084 McPherson ...... S3 Warrick 3,046 Nance 2,782 Nemaha 6.2S7 Amount Due i 6.S27.73 6,248. 2S 299.37 128.06 1,211.63 1.648.71 i3.33 6,4"3.M 3,58.15 4.62 48 3.34 41 777.11 1,210 84 1,040.33 4.767.2 z.ttn.a 4.283.90 6,071 .47 1.781. 2 1,742.79 3.6M.87 575. n 2,iS.3 6.1S3 H3 33.2:.2.S2 6J 38 4,467 55 2.6.Z 2.661.33 8,643.51 8,2!1.27 6t. 03 1,562.07 156. 68 4.016.74 751.18 3,24 i.w 43.22 8.214 49 4.423.76 3,1 HI. 49 3,030.63 561.81 840.75 ISM. 08 4,033.34 16.445.6S) Z.'&s.'tl ati.ii 346.52 4,780. 4S 73.08 2.3WB 2,193.81 4.162.11 3,6.H 3.56.45 3.216.07 436.011 3,052.63 2.2C.08 6.148. 7H 3.187.76 2.724.97 6.X16.8I 814.04 Nuckolls 4,565 Otoe 7, Pawnee , 4,03 Perkins 555 Phelps ,. 3,8 Pierce 2.S17 Platte 6,554 Polk 4.067 Red Willow 3,48 Richardson 7,072 Rock 1,036 Saline 7,101 Sarpy 2,911! Saunders 8.236 Scott's Bluff 788 Seward ; 6,620 Sheridan 2,2)1 Sherman 2,641 Sioux est Stanton, 2,670 Thayer 6,246 Thomas 1W Thurston 1,78 Valley 2,666 Washington 4.676 Wayne 3.435 Webster 4,W Wheeler 527 York 6,U1 6,67V 59 ft 9w 10 463. 56 616.86 4,415. J 1,7.17. a 1,075.16 W 45 2.0W 95 4.122.UJ 141.44 1.554.31 2,253.53 3.674.16 2.6M.04 3.3Kj.U0 335.52 4.785.M Totals 372,745 $292,883. 56 CONES SUCCEEDS ALLEN. Gov. Poynter has appointed Doug las Cones of Plalnview, Pierce county, to be district Judge of the Ninth Ju dicial district to succeed Judge W. V. Allen, appointed to the United States senate. Judge Cones is a democrat and was born In 1865, In Scott county, la. He was educated at Oberlin college and studied law In the office of Sullivan & Reeder at Columbus, Neb., being ad mitted to practice In 1886. He removed to Pierce county from Columbus soon after and was elected county attorney of Pierce county, serving during 1891 to 16m. A. O. Williams of Antelope county, who has been court reporter of the district for eversl years, will be retained In that position by Judge Cone. The governor ha appointed J. C. Dahlman, R. M. Allen and Peter Jan sen to be delegate to the annual con vention of the National Live Stock as sociation, which meet at Fort Worth January ! UNIVERSITY AND ITS ROW'TH. In the report of Acting Chancellor Bessey of the state university some or the points which he dwells upon In his suggestions of future policy are of more than ordinary Interest. One sug gestion I that probably In the next generation most of the buildings of the university will be located on the state farm. This come a something of a surprise to many who have not kept track of the growth of the university, but It 1 probably a proper solution for h growing conditions of over crowding that has already been felt ob the campus. The erection of the new building on the state farm, the removal of the experiment station and agricultural school out there are but til beginning of what must come with the continued growth of the several de partment of the university. The chancellor's recommendation foe Improvement and strengthening of the agricultural school la la line with the plan of the progressive members of the board, and Is a continuance of the plans Inaugurated last year for a greater scope In the Instructional course. The Increase of the number of students is shown by the acting chan cellor to be a powerful argument In favor of perfecting plans for more room. The founders of the university never dreamed the big institution that now flourishes on the ground they laid out, and it has outgrown the clothes fashioned for It in its early youth. Act ing Chancellor Bessey, in his report, points out these things as necessary to be carefully considered In the future and the board of regents evidently ap preciates the welgrt of his recommend. ations. CALL TO THE POPULISTS. Chairman Edmlston Issues Procla mation to Stats Committee Lincoln. Neb. (Special.) The call for the populist state central committee meeting, issued bv Chairman Edmlsten. 1. hr. irivn- 'To the State Central Committee of 0 the PeoDle s IndeDendent Party of the Slate of Nebraska: You are hereby oIIaH tn rti cat fn lh r1 v e,f T .t 11 ml M l.ni.rv l ion t 8 n tn at the Un- fnr tha r,nr4r.u. nf meettns nnmKor' nf the national committee- men ft niir no r4 v frftm rl h.r Rtatpft and for tha ei.rthor nnrmu nf transactlna ajiv business that mav come befors rh.m ji....inir h future net Ion nf th mrt. n hnih .to t nnil nation, To this meeting is invited all of those who are interested in the future sue- n mi nt th na rt V " " . .. . . "On January 6 at 10 a. m. the staw committee will meet In executive ses- lighting system, Waukesha, wis., pop slon at the same place. All of the ulatlon 8.000, pays $78 per year for each leaders and prominent men of the par- t TnwtHi to attend these meet. Ings and take part in their dellbera- population 8,273, furnishes itself with Hons. The national committeemen of street arcs at a cost of $44.50 per an Iowa. Kansas. Colorado, South Dakota num. which Includes 7V4 per cent for and a number of committeemen or om- r atiita nra at nct i(4 to be rtresent. "ifinintinn. tn (Tinimnn Senator Marion Dutler of North Carolina, and Secretary Hon. J. A. Edgerton or Den- vav rvtirt rtf iha nntlnnnl committee. Vtnv hun nanf nnA it is hooed they will be present. We have no doubt but all who attend those meetings will feel well paid for their time and trouDie. Yours for a successful fight In th state and nation in 1900. J. H. EDM! STEM, Chairman. F. W. WILSON, Secretary." NEBRASKA NOTES. BOY SHOOTS A PLAYMATE. natrrttHo Voh While Clvde Pendar vis and Eddie Knapp were carelessly playing with a revolver, the weapon was accidentally discharged, tne nan penetrating the leg of Eddie Knapp. The boy was brought to town and the local surgeon cut the bullet out STABBED NINE TIMES. Overton. Neb. A stabbing affair oc curred at Overton Wednesday night The quarrel started between two young men, Harry Carr and Frank Hend richson. Harry Carr stabbed Hend- richson nine times in the back and side, causing him to fall from loss or blood. He was carried Into a barber shop close by. Dr. E. A. Bbardman was called and drensetl tne wounas. The injured man Is resting easy at this writine. Carr was arrested, naa hearing and was bound over to the next term of court. HELPED CATCH JEFF DAVIS. Shubert, Neb. This little town has within Its corporate limits as a citizen one of the soldiers who received the prize money for capturing jenerson Davis at the close of the civil war, j. "', " TT ,.t.,i: r r.;r ;,r,"7 five vears have passed away since the event, Mr. wneeier is sun nearly o.m - .... . . - .. --.a 1 bears ms years wen. mis minu is ciear and he tells with relish the events and Incidents preceding and after the cap ture. He denies the story so often told that Mr. Davis was draped In his wife's lothing. He is a very interesting talk er and will Interest any one who takes an interest in the Incidents connected with the great rebellion. SURVEYORS IN SOUTHEAST NEB. Table Rock, Neb. Surveyors are at large In this section. They are laying out a road south of Nebraska City, the iaea oeing mat a. new ium i n- plated by the Burlington & Missouri from Auburn to Nebraska City, and from Auburn to this place. The sur vevors passed Just east of Julian and near Paul, on the east. This road has lonar been talked about in thlo section, and some time ago surveys were made, the idea being for the Burlington & Missouri people to do away with the troublesome and expensive line along the river. It is also stated that a sta on will be laid out at Harney, not far from Paul. The proposed line will not only be a money-saver for the com pany. as It costs a small fortune eath year to retair high water damages, but will save several miles of travel and afford better and safer speed. HE MUST PAY A HEAVY POSTAGE Omaha. Neb. (Special.) John A. Llnderman, the Adams lumber dealer who pleaded guilty on Wednesday to having sent a scurrilous letter through the malls to a young wi man who work ed In a restaurant In his town, will hardly use the malls for that purpose again. Judge Munger would not affix a penalty to the offense last evening, because, he had not seen the letter upon which the complaint was founded, which was In the possession of one of the witnesses who was not In court. District Attorney Bummers managed to get hold of the letter, however, and the Judge sccordlngly got a, glimpse of Its contents. Ex-Kenator Murphy of Beatrice, who appeared for the defend ant, was anxious to get bark home In the morning, and Judge Munger got Into court about 8 o'clock to accommo date him. The defendant and his coun sel were doubtless somewhat abashed when the sentence was pronounced. It was that Llnderman should pay a fine of 1500 and costs. The court suspended execution of sentence for fifteen days to allow Llnderman to raise the money. SITS DOWN ON PETTIGREW. Washlngton, D. C Mr. Pettlgrew's resolution asking for Information as to nether the flar of the Philippine re- public had ever been saluted by the American forces In the Philippines came up. Mr. Chandler moved u lay the resolution on the table. Pettlgrew asked a withdrawal of the motion, but tes was declined. Chandler said that every work of the resolution and speeches made upon It would be cabled to Manila. Pettlgrew called for the ayes and nays on the motion to lay on the table. The vote resulted 61 ayes to 20 nays. The senate agreed to the house Christmas resolution and agreed to meet to receive report on the com- position of Its committee for thi cen- sus. I City Ownership, Under private ownership of electric lights, Vlncennea, Ind., population 12, 000, pays fM per year per street arc. Cost of coal per ton, 65 cents Under city ownership of electric lights. Bowling Green, Ky population 12,000, pays $56.03 per year (which in cludes per cent for Interest and depreciation) per street arc. Cost of coal per ton, $1.28. Under private ownership of electric lights, Racine, Wis., population 77,000, pays 398.50 annually for each street arc lamp. Under public ownership of electric lights, Decatur, II., with a population of 27,000, pays 650 for tne same service, which includes 7V4 per cent for In terest and depreciation of plant. London. O.. with a population of 6, 000. furnishes its own electric llghtln service at a cost of $57.58 per street arc per year, which charge Includes 7V4 per ceni ior interest aim uci.n Cost of coal, $1.81 per ton. Pomeroy. O.. doesn't do it that way, , . mutk AA .. ney pay a private vumiuj o.w street arc per year, coai, 01 cent per ion. Under nrivate ownership Danville, 111.. noDulatton 16.000. pays $80 annual rental for street arc lamps. Cost of I COal ter tOn. 60 CentS Under public ownership Hannibal Mo., population 16.000, pays yearly 1 140 79 for each street arcwhicb also In eludes 7 per cent for Interest and de preclation of plant Coal, $1.40 per 1 ton. I I . -1 1 i..t unaer private ownersmp ui cici-wiv street arc Under public ownership Marietta, O. interest ana aepreciauuu ui ymm- I 11 " I Under nrlvate ownership. Lebanon I Pa., population 18,000, pays an annual rental of $104 lor eacn street arc mmp. I fnn 1 ner ton. 3L65. I T .Ti tr;i n snort. Ind.. population 18,000, does It different, the city owns the plant and it costs them $24.44 per street arc per year, wnicn mciuues o per ten Interest and depreciation of plant charges. Coal per ton, $1.65. Under private ownership. Big Rap ids, Mich., population 5,200, pays 4i rr annum for each street arc. Plant nnernted bv water power. TTnrier nub c ownersmp tsrameru Minn nnnulatlon 5.701. Pays $12.50 lor the same service, which charge Includes 5 per cent for Interest and depreciation Water power is used. Under private ownership of electric lights Watertown. N. Y.. population 20,000, pays $S2.12 per annum rental for street arcs, water power is useu. Under public ownership, Hangar, me. nnnulatlon 20.000. pays $58.04 per annum for street arcs, which includes 5 per cent for depreciation of plant. Water power is used. Under private ownership Fulton, N Y nonulation 5.000. Days 660 per annum ront ner street arc Water power Is used. This price is too high, because Under public ownership Nlles, Mich., population 5,000, pays $26.48 for the same service, which Includes & per ni for Interest and depreciation of plant. Water power Is used. Under nrivate ownership, Sacramen to. CaX. population 35,000, pays $123 per annum rent for each street arc. Water nnwer is used. Tinder Dut c ownersmp ioic., Kan.. Dooulation 35,000, pays $53.73 for cent for interest and depreciation, coal - Per lu" ..,,.. ,, ,nrh!n Dallas. :,, tn nun novation ner ":l ni annum rent for each street arc. Coal ! 13.75 rer ton. Under public ownersmp oaiveston, Tex., population 50,000, pays $84.73, which Includes 5 per cent ior interest and depreciation of plant Coal, $4 ner ton. Under private ownersmp, unimcouie, O., population 15,000, pays $75 per an num for the light of eacn street arc Coal $2 ner ton. Under public ownership, Aiameaa, population 15,000, pays $56.08 for t),e game service, which includes 0 per cpnt for lnterPt and depreciation of plant. Coal, $6.25 per ton. (Six' dol lars and twenty-five cents per ton.) Under private ownership of electric lights. Elyria. O., population 10,000, pays $75 per year per street arc. Coal per ton, $1.40. Under city ownersmp, i;oiumous, jna. population 10,000, pays $59.42 for the same service, including 5 per cent in terest and depreciation charge. Coal per Ion, $1 69. Under private ownership the citizens of Bessemer, Mich:, pay $1 per monlp for Incandescent electric lights Under public ownership the citizens of Stanton, Mich:, pay 50 cents for the same service. The citizens of Greenville. Mich., be lleve in the private ownership Idea and pay a corporation $1 per month ror each Incandescent light they use. The company utilizes water power. People living In Marshall, Mich., practice city ownership and pay the municipality 38 cents for the same serv ice that Greenville citizens pay $1 for. The city plant at Marshall is run by water power. Citizens of Calcaska, Mich., patronize a private company purchasing electric lights, and an Incandescent light costs $2.50 per month. At South Haven, Mich., the munici pality owns the electric plant and fur nishes the same service to citizens at 35 per lamp per month. The electric lighting plant at Muske gon, Mich., Is owned by a corporation which charge $1 per month per incan descent light. At Three Oaks, Mich., the city owns the plant and charges 35 cents for the same service. Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 19. Governor Poynter has announced that he has se lected for appointment a auperintend- ent of the Industrial school for boys at Kearney, J, N. Campbell, who Is at present assistant superintendent, and for assistant superintendent, Obadlah Hull of Harlan county. -me governor, iwfmwr , receivea the resignation of C. W. Hoxle, the present superintendent of the institu lion, to take effect February 1, 1600. The appointment take effect at that time. ' Hull served in the legislature several terms, and both he and Campbell have been prominently identified with the populist party since Its organization In a suit to recover the price of a bicycle sold on the Installment plan an Albany court decided that a bicycle I not a necessity 10 a gin under age Lib d Irlitfrj. Baker used ,60.09 bread label la October. New York housesmlth and brtdge men get $3 .20 for eight hours. Button workers In Rochester, N. Y., have secured a substantial Increase la wages. St. Louis now ha a Tobacco Work ers' union made up entirely of colored men. Oout of 1,100,000 in Massachusetts en gaged In gainful occupations, only t,7M are employed pn tsunaays. Reporters and newspaper writer In Troy, N. Y., have formed a union sub ordinate to tle International Typo graphical union. Eight months ago there were but three unions In Niagara Fails, N. Y.; today that town boasts of twenty-two organized bodies. Twenty-eight railroad employes re signed at Auburn, Ind., on account of the careless management of the com pany, resulting In fatal accidents. Ten carloads of mule shoe and on carload of nails were loaded on the Manchester City at New Orleans last week fr shipment to South Africa for use by the British. Fall River cotton mills paid divi dends amounting to 5.71 per cent last year, the largest since 1892. Th item I completed with the advance of 10 per cent in the wage of 28,000 workmen. It Is announced that the steel rail workers In the South Chicago mills of the Illinois Steel Works will recelv an advance of 10 per cent on January L They are already getting $75 to $150 a month. De Moines. Council Bluff, Dubuque Davenport and Ottumwa are to hava, 40-cent fuel gas within three month and probably 60-cent illuminating gas, accord In gto the promises of the Iowa By-Product Coke company, capitalised at $3,000,000. The production of oleomargarine dur ing the fiscal year 189S was 83.130.474 pound, In contrast with 57,510.124 dur ing the preceding year. The record for' last year was the best In the history of the Industry, bringing receipts from the tax to nearly $2,000,000. The Iron Age reports that 28S.S2tont of pig Iron are produced weekly In th United States on November 1, against 278,650 October 1 and 243.510 January. 1. The last figures show what the work were prepared to do with Bessemer pig quoted at $10.75 at Pittsburg and an advance In the price there to $24.76 for early deliveries caused an Increase of 45.000 tons a week in the output The complications sometimes caused by the rules of labor union are illus trated In a case at Chicago, where the pier for the new tslllion-dollar Mar shall Field building after being for warded from Maine and after being put In place was found to encroach one inch on the street. The Chicago build er proceeded to cut the Inch off, when he was Informed that unless he stopped and got union men to do the work a general strike would be ordered. There upon he secured several members of ths Soft Stone Cutlers union and they went to work. But it appears the pier is of granite and as soon as they heard ol it the granite cutters of Maine tele graphed that if the soft stone cutters did not stop there would be a general strike ordered on the granite work be ing got out for the building in Maine. The soft stone cutters were accordingly stopped, and there for the present th matter rests. Some Late Inventions. An Ohio man has patented a street car floor which will prevent peopW treading on sitting passengers' toe, th edges of the floor being double, with lh upper thickness supported at iniervaif on brackets to lift It high enough to allow the passengers' toes to slip under. Liquids can be drained from hot ket tles without burning the hands by us ing a new apparatus, which is made of spring wire and has a number of ad justable clamps which grip the rim of the kettle, with a spring to hold tne cover on and a handle to tilt the ket tle frra the rear. To announce the arrival of carrier pigeons at the home nest a whistle has been patented for attachment to the bird, comprising a hollow ball of light material, with a clamp to secure It to the tall feathers, an opening being cut tn the front to let air into the whistle. Distribution of germs through the use of telephones Is prevented by a new attachment which has a metallic ring to At over the mouthpiece, with a cover hinged on one side, having a bracket on its inner race lor tne support ot a small bottle containing an antiseptic or germicide. In an improved filter the water can be made to cleanse the strainer at Inter vals, the filter being formed of a screw-threaded sleeve, with outlets ar ranged around the sides to pass the water through the filtering medium, a screw cap closing the straight outlet until the filter is dirty. A Pennsylvania woman has patented a machine for fluting or plaiting cloth, the aparatus being formed of a pair of boards hinged together, with Inter- meshing fiat strips of steel set on edge n eacn tmara, in oraer mat wnen they are closed over the cloth the lat ter will be folded and creased. In New York a company has been formed for the manufacture of an ar mor for pneumatic tires, using an un woven, fibrous material, which Is flat tened out Into a wide sheet and cov ered on oni side with a loose woven fabric to keep It In place, being then folded over until it attains the propel width. Domestic Pleasantries. Philadelphia Record: Nell Why did Maude get a divorce? I thought she and George got along beautifully. Belle So they did, but the cook took a violent dislike to him and threatened to leave. Cleveland Plain Dealer: "The fa mous young Russian violinist Petsch nlkoff has a Stradlvarlus violin that h calls his "fairy wife.' " "Say, It must be pleasant to has a wife who only talks when you take a stick to her." Chicago Post: "Women are aueer. What do you mean, sir?" "Before we were married you didn't like It If I bought you cut-rate presents, and now you scold me If I don'l!" Homervllle Journal: Miss Oldmavde Charley Llghtwalte says that be Is eepty in love with me. Mis Caust ou Nonsense! Charley Llghtwalte la too hallow to be deeply In loe with anv. body. Homervllle Journal: Hicks Jackson tell me that he courted that young widow six months before he married her. Wicks Yes, Jackson always waa fearfully near-sighted. Brooklyn Life: Him This adminis tration Is as utile snd Ineffective and useless as His Wife It Is, John, It Is. Why there Isn't a slna-le letterbox with a slit big enough for you to mall working out a a domestic Dunai oi pspers.