7 I J -' 1 'U 7T 1 ARRISON E21 vol. x:u. I-IIS03ST, IsTEBPuASEA, TI-3:TJIoS3DA.Y, IDIEC. 21, 1899 Oar ;To--f-;o QUESTION IS CVER CETTLED UNTO. IT 13 SETTLED RIGHT."--!!.,.,. WHIm, J. Rrjao. into ii J OURNAL. ' ....... . t V ",'Q i-j,'j7rj J "f" "."73 ' r'?- . ; 'is been c-id to l'.o v. til THE "NECESSARY" MAGAZINE Tb best-informed men and women in the world uro the AJCEKICAN MONTHLY REVIEW OF REVIEWS to keep well informed, and call It tha "necessary" and " indi!pnsable v msgazif-e. In t!ie busy rush of to-day ambitious men and women 911st know stout the important qoMtions ot the month, and not only this, they want to know about tbm at the right time. When the whole country u puzzled over the !l5?BiCCOlnbination of trusts- a well-informed article u printed in the AKSBICAN MONTHLY, giving the facts, and Its editor discusses the theory; when the Dreyfus aEair is in everyone's mouth, the best story Of Dreyfus and the great case comes out in this magazine. Every month, in " The Progress of thi World," Dr. Albert Shaw five a comprehensive picture of the world's history during the pre vious thirty days. In the departments, the valuable articles and bocks that have been published during the past month are reviewed and quoted from, so that the readers of the AMERICAN MONTHLY ran yet tie gist of them. Ia every issue nearly a hundred pictures are printed, Including the portraits of the men and women who are making the hiitory of the month. To be thoroughly well informed helps any man or woman in his or her work. A subscription to the AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIEW OF REVIEWS represents an investment for the best kind of profit, aa well as entertainment. One subscriber has just written : " Count me a life subscriber, and when you send me a number beyond the limit of my subscription and secure no renewal from me, consider it a notice of my death." Price 2$ cents per number, $2.50 a year. A aample copy will be sent on receipt often cents in stamps.' THE REVIEW OF REVIEWS COMPANY 13 Astor Place New York Harrison Press-Journal. (KSTAItUSHI-.n jNi.j SuliwTiption I'rice, 11.00 Of.flCJJ. PAPEfJ OF SIOUX COUNTY. ;k. 1). CniHin, - - lMHiir. Kutcri-d at thn Ilnrrlwiii pft oMIiu a MERRY XMAS The republican, gold standard finance hill passed the lower house of ong-"-s last Monc'jiy, by a vote of V.0 tor !') in;aiii.it, or majority of 40, elaVKn dem ocrats voting with th rfpubl icarm. The decision liiimkd down by the su preme court naiit t ho Addyson fiipe trust rect-ntly. thrusts the lie m Attorn ey fi?niral OriifV face when li says, tlio national government is powerless lo net Another hruve Boldier whuw lifo wax worth more than the ent.iro Philippine Arthipelego, bae succunieb as a nutrtyr to McKmleyism, militiarism and expan ftion, in th person of Oonl. IJ. W. Law ton. ' . Henatop Hoar, of Maine still maintains tin mind is unchanged relative to the dia lionorablo war in the riiilipities, adding if tlio administration had dealt with them it did with Cuba 00 war would have taken place. Tha Republican national convention, will be held in Philadelphia on June 19th 1000. Thus the politically corrupt city of tha nation ha Imen selected by the roost corrupt political party In the nation for ita convention. Douglas Cone, of Plain view, has been named by Governor Poyntor as thn sue casaor of Judge W. V, Alien of the ninth judicial district, who resigned to take his place in the U. &. Senate. Judge Cone 4s a democrat, and tha appointment is a merited recognition of his services to the laiio of fusion. On December 9, trm oflicial reports of tha government gave the total loss to the American army in tha Philippine war an 8,909.- This includes those killed in Kit tle, died of wounds, permanently disable.) or missing. Tha loss of 3,00it American citizens is but one item of the cost thus far of tha process known in the vocabu lary of tha present adrninistrsilien as efeaevoleat aasioiilation. Tir) I J.'i 1 1 1 .-r i t tc '.iiipiiii,lf ' i!i-i't ni I.infnHii, mi Jiiniiiry "i)i, l'j.lO to lllT.lll;;.! Inr tilt' l.'r-il ,;.',T"! I JU vt It IkJliS Tliu.HH viiiin Lnli-li o;!ii'cr, wlio pw.iih'iI to l.lioriniMy lo enjoy tlm 'lionvliuniiiif;" 11ml ",'ii-s; ickinj;" in South Africa i)i;ot. hwh t ) hii'i? th ir.uiiH s'l mticli. w ju tim Ii'iiiti'i's bxonii' tha liiintvd mid th htu kt rs lict'oruB the st lli:k. It. is now vtaieil, on .tii'i authority of Senator i !: ic, ili.it our l'-c. fctiv.- cho f xwilliv w:w not co:iVerU-il to lllipi l i ali.Mii on t h! reiir nnl it palace cir !fi-r 11II: lint that, the t;t-tut i 'fl was p T fonneii by tilts t!iiUh ;iinha!.iiior, Hir Julian I'auniMotii. "Hit' to IIaii;tl v' know. h.,h, Two national hunks in i'. 1-tun and one Port Jarvis, N. Y. have gone to thu wall within paM. four d iyn. The republican '4'jid tariilanl bill vvliirh passed the lower house of congress on lat Monday, bi,'iiiK to have tin early eMVet.. Wait till the bill becomes a law in reality ami ee how we hiw the little one lorse Innkiaad hn.-i-ricss toncerim fare. On last Friday, the lirilish forces nt the Tii;ela river iu Hie Transvaal, s:ii!' ered one of the worst defeats, under General Culler, since the war in South Africa commenced. In the l.s!tl re fered to at the Tu:ela ri v,.-r the Ib-iti sli is us follows: Killed H2, wounded BC7, missing S-IS. Total 1007, beside' the liriliMi lost eleven of their larj,-e field cannon and hundreds of horses and mules. Thus all Kngland is enveloped in lootn P.arron Hols.-rtsori and Lord Kirtcher have been ordered to take the Held and all the home reserve forces are to be trans ported lo the teat of war, for active Held duty. All, truly American citizens in the United States, and who believe in popu lar ''government of the people, by tha people and for tha people," can not help but sympathize with the Trans vaal and Grange Free States of South Africa, in their fight against English greed for gold, the extension and ex pansion of n. roblier empire, whose only and ultimate oblece is to perpotuatu roy alty and its sions in power iudellnately. God grant that the brave, patriotic Boers and their Allies, who are so heroic ly shedding their blood and lives upon the battle field for lilierty and independ ence, may teach England such a com.ly lesson, together with the utter defeat and rout of the English forces from South Africa, that other nalions too, may take warning that they must keep hands olf in the future. ' f OOM VA I) U C AN HIIOOT. They say Ooin I'aul can't reml nor irrlte, And wears a cow Mile boot; Hut he can ry nut lie run flKht, And, golly, can't lie dlioot? They uy Ooin I'mil cuts with bit knife, And has a bad repute; But lie ts (treat with Run and fife, And, golly, can't be shoot? They y Ooin I'aul is coarse am) rnucli, And loves to kill and loot; I5t enptlvn lliel h 1 in kind enough, Ami, K"i'J'i Can't lie lioot? They say (loin I'anJ Is badly whipped. Dill ho oiaken the llrltich scout; And when they get through with blia They'll find that h run itaoot. I ( 1 I I p ;. . . ...... 4..-.l 11'. . I I K -! i w'( VQh ;io(.I and Scarf : Vj " -ni ' w ! j 1 ?v ; ..-rr. .y.. , I Gen!. Lawton, Killed in Luzon. M;ii.il.i, 1. ., ie. l'J. Maj. Oinortil II nrv L iv t,ii lias brii !iot ami kilieil a:, ,S.ui fpj i!i. lit! was ktitixlius in front i.l Iws trm ;w, w.is shot in tli brtriiMt itnd il t l iiuiiKui;it'lv. ImAv v'or!d-Hci'ti.!d. CilODS p3 4 j II 'port i'f ili J1.k!,h: hi hool district ; niiinhtir mx, Sioux Cii'iiity IsVb: ! NuutU.'l' i.t tl.ivs t;iU"!il, 2.), 11:1 :i.1kt i of (MipiU .-iirolt''i.37, !ivrits tl.tily ut- I t Illlulll'C.ot 1 '!' 1 1 S t'l'B ll "!tl,'.T , lanly nor ibi'iit dunn Iho inmi'li: j Ciivi- 'in t tjecti inn , Julius Iiui'ki', Iui rt Antrim, Arthur Aiili'iin, M int iiiiik. i I' lth ZorU-. (icorgu Ii ji kc, M.i'it) ;''h:i- i I'uiiils not cl.wnt- hirinir h nmniH, : In h ltiii'ki', ijti.i'l Burkf, Wiilinni A11 jtriii, WilliH ( 1 i-i tii 111 , Joe (li'iuiin, llov,--I a ii Hni'kf, Ji'ili I'ni'kH, Tiicrrs.i C.'ar- uu3Suon as to ina ilD Century's Begining. The Sun has received so many eviden ces of confused minil regarding the be kiiMig of the-t.-wuiuth ceiitiiry that it will present a proof that a twentieth century liegin.- after t he year 1!)00 is end ed, m the hnpe d' a lit t h conversation : Question What is a jent' An lU'ov-Thr. e liui.iii'ed and sixty -five days. '.Vbat is a tsenltiry? One hutidrvd yenrs. Wle-n did 1 1" vear N" 1 end? 1 'e 'eiiiO' i' 31 of the year 1. When on! Hie Year No. 2 begin? January l,"of tne yeltr a. When ihd the ve.ir !!'.! end? 1 Vcemlier ot, A. I) 1 !:d that cumplett) a ceiiuiy ? No. When was the centurv completed? At the close of itn ear follow in: ' CO; or at the clos.t of the year 10'). When d.d the second century hey in? January 1 of I he year 1 of t he second century that is January 1, A. I). 101. Wlcn did the nin"teenlh cent iry end? At the cJosn of the nineteenth hun dretu year, or at tli" clo-ie of 1000. When does the twentieth century be ?in. It lieginson day Ni.l of year No. 1 of the twentieth him Ir l ye irxthat is on January 1, A. i. 1101. We must still see two Christ mascsi be fore the twentieth century dawns. The New YorK World, ThricG-A-Vieak Ediiicn. ALMOST A DAIY--AT THE PRICE OF A WEEKLY. The most widely circulated "weekly" newspaper in America in the Thic-a-week edition of The New Fork World, and with the Presidential campaign now at hand you cannot do without it. Hero are some of the reasons why it is easily the leader in dollar a year journalism. It is issued every other day, and is to all purposes a daily. Every week each subscrilier receives 19 pages and often during the "busy" season 21 pages each week. The price i.s only 51.00 per year. It is virtually a daily at the price of a weekly. Its news covers every known part" of the world. No weekly newspaper could stand alone and furnish such service. The Thrico-A-Weck World has at its. disposal all of the resources of the great est newspaper in existence the wonder of modern journalism "America's Greatest Newspaper," as it hae been justly termed The New York World. Its political news is absolutely iinpfir tial. This fact will be of cpeoial value in the presidential campaign coming on. ' The best of currrent liction is found in its col minis. '' These are only some of the reasons; there are other, Read it, and you will see thwrii all. We offer this unequalod newspaper and PlilfiiH jounNAb together for one year for $1.75. The regular subscription price of the two papers is 2,00. iT.AMACta Lut Friday n 75.000 (iro occured at I he state ja-iieteiitiury, destroying the entire maculae! imrs buildux. Stntu School Appartiuii!W!!!t. The total s mount of slats tchoI mon ey to lie apportioned to each county in Nebi-asl.a for the closing six months of of of l-Mi'.l, iu round numbers are 'J92, ?!'!'. The amount due Sioux County from state apportionment, is $-193.49 a Kiijiht decreasj over the preceeding a poitionment. THE CAMPAIGN IS ON! The coiiiiiig year, catling w lib the election of a iiiesMent in November, l'.OO, will fiirnl.-li to.- livelicrt and most iMler'.-.-tlni;, as it will tie oie of the most inipoi t oir conteHt.H ever decided l.i the ioii ileal arena of tnu United States. THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN NEWS will coritiiii! i:t fnrpu.H nil otlur WcsttTn notre ,(;! icr-j in Uh c jifipl' tMin of il pollt U'n l'i'V'Jj'i ;h v. t-M j'.s in- ritTiil WW a ftfftt.ilr' it:'! Si)-'i'!,ii til ti ;KM.iii:iR. VOL' CANNOT Ar i'OItl) TO UK W1TIIO0T IT. liV MAIL: D.l II. V (n lih siindaj-) r.5c iwr m'tlt I'AH.V (lt-itli su.ul.iy) ".:Vnjr year V KKKI.Y (with preiaiuturf) tl.ua per year Ad'tres-i Till-: ItOt'KV .MOCNTAIN XV.WK lienver, (,lo. In T!ie County Court, of Sioux County, Nebraska. l;i libit mattitr of the Estate of W. S. John sou, d'i'e:o-ed. Sot ice lor i'resentutloii and Hearing of (.'h'.im. Notaie ly horetty y, veil to all persons hav ing claims it m I Ueniatuls agalut W. S. John son. th-aeii-;ed, lull' of sionx county, that the time lined for lllliiK clulinsngainst sutd e.. .te is six iiionths fi-etn the 4th day ot Ue ','ei.iitier, 111.1. All .-tieh iit-rofs are rotinlred lojiresi'tit tleir claims with the vouchers to lite county Jie'tfc of said county at his oUiee therein, on or lt:for; tile 1 1th day of June, ti-oi, iiml all claims o Hied wil ho iicard belore the said Jadif'i oa t!ie '2nd thty of Jamitiry HhO or afterward on the llr-it dny uf each reg'tlar term of saul court dur ia Ihe time limited for films claims us uforci't. Konr.HT W'u so i-.ai.. (A Tr'l" ( opy.) 1 o. Judifc. Final Proof Notices. All persons IiivhiK final proof notices in this paper will receive u. marked copy of the paper and are requested to examine their notice mill if tiny error exist report the same to this ollice at ou..c. NOTK K Koit ITDI.K'ATIOX. U.S. Hand (inicenl. AlilHiice Ndh. Novemher, il, s:i. Jlotlce Is licreby (riven that the following nnuied seiner Iiuh lllcd notice of lit Inten tion to tank final proof in support or tils claim, and that said proof will he Hindu lxi foro Clerk of District Court at Harrison, Neh., on Dec. lsi'ti, viz: - KAN K 11, WiiHiHT, of Harrison, Keh who made If. K. No. 1 1 1 Ts for the Jl-K'i S;W'-i, P.K4 and 8-By 8-KVt Sec. lij. Township 81, N. KrnKO 97 w. lie names the f ollowinx witnesses to prove ills rmittunou rtwldcnce upon mud cultiva tion of siihl Uiiul, viz: AVllllnin 1.. Hoyt, Henry 'Wftrne.ko, Charles Cnmeiizliid and John L. Davis, ll of Iluril sop , Nth. J 1 Alsotli "t" KOBKItT WILSON, of Harrison,. Neb., bus fllotl notice of Inten tion to liniko final proof at the sumn time and place, on timber culler application No. ISH, for the N-Ksi of Sec. No. Li, in Town, ship No. 81, N. ftnugo c" w. He names ss witnesses: William h. llovt, Henry Warnckn. D. M. SiitUio slid Grant (Juthrle, all of Harrison, Neb. r. M. DOUUlNTON, Unglsler. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Ollice, at Alliance, Nebraska, November 11th, 1899. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make It n a I "proof in support of his claim, mid that mid proof will tie made belore clerk of Liistrict Court at Harrison, Nebraska, on December 23, lUi), ALICE FLATTERY of Harrison, Nebraska, who made H. E, No. nil for the Hi 8 Wi .Sec, 7 und NJ n wi of Sec. in, t. m n., n. on w. He mimes the following wilneses to prove his continuous residence residnnca upon and cultivation of 'said land, viz: Bamuel J. Lec.ling, Clem IiOiling, Richard Dunn and Joseph Dunn, nil of Harrison, Neb. , 1 (17 21) F. M. Uomiiw w' Hegister. INCORPORATED 1888. Harrison, - - V - Nebraska. (25CAPITAL STOCK PATD IN (D SUiiPLUS AND PR OK ITS DIBECTORS. B. E. Brewster, President. C. P. Coffee, Vice Presides. Chas. C. Jameson. D. II. Griswold, Cashier. CORRESPONDENTS: -"INTEREST PAID IN THE COUNTY COURT OF SIOUX COUNTY, NEBRASKA. In Ihe Mutter of the Estate of Franz Peter MSier, deceased. The .tatc of Nebraska, Sioux County. To All J'e.rsona Interested In the eatata of Traiiz Peter M iller, deceased. VVliereaa Frank J. Miller, of said county, has lllcd in my office an instrument pur porting to be the lust will and testament of ritANZ I'ETIOU MILLER, deceased, late of said comity, and a petition praying to have tne same admitted to pro Iwte, which will relates to both real and per.sonul estate, whereupon I have appoint ed, Monday the first day of Jonnary, lfW, at one o'clock in the Hfternoon, at my office in said county, as the lime and place for prov ing saitl will, at which time and place you and all concerned may appear and contest the probate ot the same. It is further ordered that said petitioner Kive notice to all persons interested in said estate of t he pendency of the petition" and tiie time and place set for hearing the same, by causing a copy of this order to be pub lished In tlio Harrison 1'kess.Journal, a newspuor published in Harrison. In diild county and slate, for three consecutive weeka previous to the day set for said hear-in:.-. in testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and -oflicial . seal thi Slth day of' December, ISM. f HUBERT WILSON, County Jndsro. jSeal. ( (A true copy) 122-371- NOTICE FOR PCISLICATION : U. 8. Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska. Nov. u, 1(.J9. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler lias flied notice of his inten tion to ninke final proof in support of his claim, anil that said proof will be made bo fore Clerk of District Court, at Harrison, Neb., on Dec. 2:1, ISM, viz: WILMEIl W. l'mLLIP.S", of Harrison, Neb., who made If. E. No 0f3, for the S", N-Eli und N',4 S-EW See. 31, Twp. 34 N Haiige54 W. He names the followinif witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Henry Corey, V'eis Engbritson, J. W. Hun ter and Walter Pitt, nil of Harrison, Neb. F. M. DDK KINGTON. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. T'.S. Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, November. 11, 1899. Not Ice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intent ion to make final proof in support of his claim and that mild proof will be made be fore Clerk of District Court at Harrison, Neb., on Lee. Kl, If'', viz: CHARLES l.I DWIO, of Glen, Nebraska, wno made 11. F.. No. 4114, for the S-E1 N-WI4 NKM8 W14 and xto 2 and 3 of Sec. IK, Twp. 30, N Range M, w. Ho name the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: David Dunn, Dedrlck Nelson, I'eter Nel son and Emorv Gilmorc, all of Glen, Neb. Also, THEODORE F. GOLDEN, of Adclia, Nebraska, who made II, F.. No. 10IW for the WH' S-E Sec. 18, and WJ' '-E!i, 8ne. li, Twp. s:i, N Kiinge 03 w. . Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residonce upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz! Andrew Procunler and Alva 8. fiaxton, of Crawford, Nob., mid Thomas Holly and Wil liam H. Davis, of Harrison, Neb. F. M.DOKIUNGTON, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska. Nov. 11th, 1899. Notice is hereby given that thefolow inu named settler has (lied notice of his intention to make (inal proof in support of his claim, anil that said proof will be made before Ulerk of District Court at Harrison, Nebraska, on Dec 211, 1899, MICHAEL BRUCK of Harrison, Neb., who made II. E. NO. 4 17.1 for the Sw of Sec.5, Tp. 82 N, R. 50 W. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Churl s Biehle. Lewis (Jorlach, Gustave Non inch and Rolmrt L. Keel, all of Har rison, Neh. V. M. l.'OWUNOTON, Register. tlanted-fln Idea SSS Pratoct ynar lAw, thor mar brlnr Tim wrslih Writ J6lllf WKllDEKBrlKN a CO., Pitjt AtKS- t. WMiiUMrum, 1) '.. r .r tMir tljin priH ar 1 Ibt oi (wo hua irmi luw'ou nM $10,000.00 8,UUU.OO CJ -o- a . MrHrvn-v WESTERN NATIONAL BANK, New Yoj:rv, OMAHA NATIONAL BANK, Omaha, Nua ON TIME DEPOSITS.- - Ji. ''jutrar TIMIiEE CULTURE, FINAL P1JOOF-NO TICK FOlt PUBLCATION D. S. Land Office at Alliance, Neb. Noverner. 21, 1891). Notice is hereby given' tba't VIRGIL H. STOVE, on behalf of the heirs of Jeffrey M. Stone, deceasre, has llled notice of hia iutenMo.i to malto final proof before Cleric of Distri.-t (.'ourt at his office in Harrison, Neb., o 1 tiie ritli day of Ilec. IS99, on timber cnl'n ' apjillcation No 1291, for the S-W14, of S- r. tiion No. 27, in Township No. SS, N Kaugo No oi)w. lie names as witnesses: Or.int Guthrie, George W. He"ter, Virgil . Hester and Otto Tietze, all of Harrison, Ne brasktt. F. M. IX ) ii Hi NGTOX, liegister STOCK P. HANDS. Tite Journal will publish your brand, 1! V. the following, for $2:00, per ver. Each ho' ditioiial brand 75 cents. Kvery rarmnr ,T ranchmen in Sioux and adjoining counties should advertise their brands in Tub Joe c KAi.ua it circulates all over the state. H may be the means of saving money for yoi. CHARLES BIEHLE. On left side or hir of cattle, ) On left shoulder of hor-aes. ( 1 Range on tbe heatl 01 Warboniut !crek: Address Harrison, Sloox Co. Nvt CHARLES UMPHENOI R The brand reprsented in this not iro aud branded any where 011 left si;M) of horses aud - . Also the L L brand any Where 0-1 j left side of cattle belongs to tt. lUnoersigncu. 1 1 r , u 1 1 -. t'.. .. ujirRcniit'it, ' liarrison, Nebrssk-i, CHARLES KEWMAN. The brand represented in this not.'c. and branded any where on left. (. of cattle, and over lap cut from is.t right ear. Also the game brand on left ihil- . horses, belongs to the undeiitn.' K Range near East Springs, noiitli part , Sioux county. Cbarlks Nkwhian, Harrison, Nebraska. FEANK NUT'JO. On left side of cattle and .011 !! t sbou lder ot horse. ' " Range on Antelope orck P. )., Ghllchrist, Sioux Co., Neb. JOHN A. HANSON Owns the follow lngbraud on eith er: Also HQ on cat- W-l tio nncl horses' 8lmuldor;. esmmdA Range on Silver Springs and east of s!ut- Inc. l'ostofllco Harrison Neb $100 KEWATM). FOr proof to convict any person of sli"V Ing any of lny dock. Cattle brim!. -.I an:n us out. Hoihos brand d same on l'1).:' iihouldcrsj ore on left thigh. Sheep, paint br 11 d same an cattle 11 it fire brand C 01. right side of nose. Address, David Coi.vrr.tF, Glen Nebr., n 112)10 Dyspepsia Digests what yon eat. 1 1 artl ficlally d I goats the food and a ' ' s Nature in stretiKtboning and rccr-. -struct! ng the exhausted d I Rest Wo r. -Rang. It Is the latest discovered dlfirt -ant and tonio. No other prepamtb, i can approacL It In efficiency. It t stantly relleres and permanently cid : i Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heart hi" . Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nniir.i , Bifk neadache,GastralRla,GrampK.iu, ). all ether results of Im perfect dtecsti Praporad by E. & DaMfUaCo . Cqtcr.. mi 3 j'. ii 1": 4V 1 y T 1 it'- I 'I "I I's..1 1 ft A 1 i 1 1 1 ,1 4