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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1899)
1 J. ? H ARRISON -J OURNAL. "VOL. XIL ECA.K.ISOIsr, IsTEBA-SKIA., THUBSDAT, DEO. 7, 1899. TO. 20 Our Jfotto- NO QUESTION IS EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT IS SETTLED RIGHT.' Hen. William J. Bryan. THE "NECESSARY" MAGAZINE , "The belt-Informed men and women in the world dm the AKXKTCAlf MONTHLY REVIIW OF REVIEWS to keep well informed, and call it the " necessary " aid " indispensablt " majaiine. In the busy rush of to-day ambitions men and women must know about the important questions of the month, and not only this, they want to know about them at tha ripht time. When the whole country is puizled over the Xigaatic combination of trusts, a weil-icformed article is printed in the MIKICAN MONTHLY, giving the facts, and its editor discnsses the theory ; when the Dreyfus aflair Is in everyone's mouth, the best story of Dreyfus and the great case comes out in this magazine. very month, in " The Progress of the World," Dr. Albert Shaw gives a comprehensive' picture of the world's history during the pre vious thirty days. In the departments, the valuable articles and books that have bean published during the pest month are reviewed and quoted from, so that the readers of the AMERICAN MONTHLY can get the gist of them. In every issne nearly a hundred pictures are printed, including the portraits of the men and women who are making the history of the month. To be thoroughly wall informed helps any man or woman in his or her work. A subscription to the AMERICAN MONTHLY REVIEW OF REVIEWS represents an investment for the best kind of profit, aa well as entertainment. One subscriber has just written : "Count me a life subscriber, and when you send me a number beyond the limit of my subscription and secure no renewal from me, consider it a notice of zsy death." Price 35 cents per number, $1.50 a year. .A sample copy will be sent on receipt often cents in stamps.' THE REVIEW OF BEVIEWS COMPANY 13 Astor Place New York Harrison Press-Journal. ItXTV.UJKHLI) , o ftuWri)tiim Price, M.OO OFRkOIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNT. . D. Cnnon, - KfllUru. Entered Mi the Harrison yot office a 4M'.Otld cIam ir.KlUtr. SENATOR HAYWARD WSSES AWAY. Nebraixa City, Nkii , Dec. 5. United states Senator Hayward passed away peacefully at his home in this city at 6:15 a. m., after a brave Strugs' for Jife sin- November 9, when he Buffered ok third Ktroko of paralysis as ha was go ing home from his oflke. World-Herald. THE GOVERNOR'S PROCLAMATION OUT OF BKSI'KCT OP 8E3TA TOK HAY WARD'S DEATH. Headquarters Nebraska National Guard, Adjutant General's office, Lin coln, Nab., Dec. 5. Ueneral order No. 34. First By direction of liU excellency, tha) governor, the following proclama tion is published for tha information and guidance of all concerned: "By the governor of the sIhIo of Ne braska: A proclamation to lite people sof the-stute of Nebraska: Monroe L. Hay ward, senator of the United Stales, diedat'tus home in Nebraska City, Nob., at 6:8C a. m., tliismoroing. In him the atata kaa lost one of its most illust rious citiwoa und faithful servants. Ilia (.rtiqpation iu Urn early organisation of our state government was marked by an uuswerving fidelity of a very high order and the care manifested by him in all matters of public importance showed the teal with which he guarded tha in ure ta of his adopted state. The clou of his too brief career ns ft senator of the United Status is ragrettod by all. Uis private life wa gentle an ooble, aad iii Hrmaaaa of disposition won toe ra sjjmci of all. In sorrowing Uatinony of the los which h w fallen upon our s ate. I airwt that on the d:iy of the funeral all flagi upon the armories and public build ing, of the state, school districts and niiiiiicialili( H shall le displayed at half H air until the day followmg the funeral. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my baud und caused to bo eflixed the treat seal of Nebraska. Done at Lin coln., this 5tli day of December, A. D.. 189ft. W. A. POTNTER," Hy tlie Governor: W. F. PORTER, Secretary or State. Second. The commanding officer of company C, second regiment, Nebruska Natioual Guards, Is direcied to render all services necessary as a. testimonial of resrwet anil esteem in Mia If of the state. Hy command of the commander-in-finer, P. P. BARKY, Adjutant General. There is a lively row down at the Uni versity at Lincoln among the of the athletic club members, which may in volve the faculty in tha trouble. Representative, James D. Richardson of Tenuessee was nominated by the Dem ocrats to represunt the pirty's interest in the lawer house during the presert session of Congress. Tha British army in the Transvaal are distroying wi.ole Boer regiments at one fell swoope. They aro compelled to light for every inch of ground they ad vanced over. The republican congress, which con vened on Monday, will use every means in their power before Its close to pass single gold standard measure in the in terests of the national Bankers, bond holders and trusts; then good by' to in dividualism. The National Executive Committee of the silver Republican Party, which met in 1 Chicago ten days ago, decided, in in their deliberations, to co-operate with the Democratic and Peoples Independent parties in the presidential campaign of 1900. They also declared, Individually, that Hon. W. J. Bryan was the true ex ponent of real reforms and of course was tlte proper candidate for the reform par ties next year. Following is a little of the McKinley-high-protectien-tsust prosperity, togeth er with the single gold standard and mil itarism: Nails in 189s.. $1.50 In 1899 $4.83 Barb wire in 1809.... 1.09 In 1809 4.25 Pump pipe in 1893... 9c In 1809 20c wheat in 1898........ 55c In 1899 45c Increase in, 10 percent. Increase iu trust profits, MO per cent. Increase lo cost to .consumers, 190 per cent. In another column we reprint port of an editorial from the Daily News, Den ver, suggesting the nomination ol Bry an &, Schley for President and Vice President, rent actively on thodemocrutic ticket in 1900. Tha PrmJocrnal rises to second that nomination. Yea, batter still, rospend the rules and nominate Ky acclamation. It would unite tha East and West democracy that no political ..combination could noxaibly seperate them in the .future. THE HOSPE PIANO. IN STYLt on Da-wan Of Oaan. uprise TT Heb. 1 1 a Street. II A. KOSPE, Omaha OFFICES: 111 Douglas FACTO&r: 1614 liard Street. Wo Celebrate Our 25th "Wnesa F. E. K. V B. A. lime table. Going West. Going East. Ko. 8, mixed, 11 :20 Ho. S. mixed 8:00 BRYAN & SCHLEY. IIow dofts that ticket look for all who favor the free coinage of hi I ver aud op pose the (jold standard, imperialism, gov ernment by injusction and the destruct ive rein of The Trusts. The News predicts that that will be the winning tit&et in 1000. It believes that Schley will concent to run with Bryan. He is a native of Maryland, and Maryland is his home. His name with Bryan's will make sure of Mary land, Delaware and Kentucky, while it will lift out of the doubtful column to join Colorado, Idaho, Nebraska and Kan nas, enough northen stales to over wtielmingly defeat McKinliyism in the nation. J'Brj an & Schley" is a ticket that can not be beaten. Every true American will take up the slogan and make it the battle cry for tfeedoru. Editorial from Daily Denver News. The Polite Little Girl. A little girl io England was asked out to tea. On her return her mother said: "I hope you wore very polite, Caroline." "On yes, mother," said she. ''The first time they handed the cake I said. Yes, thank you.' And the second time I said. 'A very small bit, please,' and the third time I said. 'Not asy more thank you.' But the fourth time I 'lid not know what to say. "Well," said her mother, "what did yon do?" ' "Oh, I said just what daddy says, 'Oh take the damned thin away!" Life. Some Racy Resolutions. "Rcsolvd, that we solemnly protest against the admission of Mr. Roberta of Utah to the seat in congress to which he is legally entitled, fer the reason that he has three wives, whom, he married whan polygamy was the recognized local cus tom of that territory, and whom he still supports and cures for, instead of turn ing them out homeles to tho cold charity of a heartless world. f f. Resolved that we cordially endorse tho action of our noble president in recog nizing and upholding the Sultan of Sulu in the possession of a plurality of wives, a job lot of concubines and a multitude of slaves. ' f Resolved, that while we reprobate an denounce polygamy in Utah we uphold it in the Philippines and this we do not from any consideration of questions of right and wrong, but because our great and good president will be put in ft hor rible hole if we don't do exactly tois thing. Resolved, that we hereby deliberately atuitifle ourselves in order to uphold the hands of our pioua president In his great work of benevolent assimilation. The religious associations and preach ers assemblies did not pas their resolu tions in the words above slated but they are exactly what they meant. El change. t I ' NOTICE. Anyone having lost two arra? on bay mare, and a black a-eldinc tail at Main office pay for this advertiaemant, ana learn of their whereabouts. WE DO JOB WORK, TIMES WILL SUI bU, aad to Mil IS at She lowest BoastM prlee. beacrtpttoa ef oar etyto M. OaMaa Flsao: Tl-SOetavea. ' Onlsoasi Overearatt Baee. Fall Iroa Plate, . BroBse4 sad -Orm- noubie ReeeaUaf i Itouol Veneered Oeee. rtBlsbsd InOnk, MahoeMyaad Walawa. Baie4 or CmrvM Psnels. Kxuosloa Masle Deaki KeUleff Fall Mtekel P1S.US1 OMUaoeae Hlafes cm Fall Board. Tares Pedals aad Pedal titaerd Plat. Basutifally Finished aad Polisaed. BelSht: 4 (est. S laebaa. Lencta: t feet, 4 laeaea. Depth: 3 feet. 1-3 Incase. Made In Corly Walnut Veneer, Qssf tared Oak, Antique Oak aad Mahocaay, Write tor Tents aad Prleea, ftverv Bospe ft a U naraataed far - " - ii A oerson rara, acaiast Minn la workmanship or material. asy Paysseats. oaah paratant aad easy will secure oaa af pwaoe rur yoor hvae. Dersoaal leetar eoatalalnf speetal and fall aanartBtkm nf mr mmmm i!"" hiuh nypivauuo. AjuUvcrsary Octobar 23, 1S99. WANTED Ordera for Holiday Books B.bles and Albums. Prices reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. No money re quired until delivery is made. Miss Elsie Merriam my assistant agent will carry a full ;Iine of.bmples and catalogues, or samples and analogues may be seen at Bartells store in Harrison Neb. at any time by dropping a card to the undersign ed agent at Harrison Neb. Mas. A nx a Thornton. BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE Mr J Taadc Mams Dcsions CewitiaMTa Ac. AnTfinn Mnoifw a sketch aid doMTlDtlon mnv euleklr ascertain oar opinion free whether an Invention ti probably patentable. Commantca- UonattrlctlTMHifldantfal. Handbook on Patent ant free. OldMt airencr for eeurlmc natanu. niai. 1 unn A C aaalol aotfct, without chars, In the raieuis taien tnronsn Munu m u. raneivn Scientific Haricaiie A'ham1aninMlv lllnatralMl wMktr. lAmat ir- mlaUon of any tcttntiSo VornJ. Term. $S air ; war moou, 91. 001a 07 tvii nvwiwwifjrv. O"'!. New Tort 4 aw r as, wasainctoo, u. v. In The County Court of Sioux County, Nebraska, -If' " In the matter of the Kfltuta or W. 3. John son, deceuMitl. Notice for rrcsentutlon nntl Hearing of Claims. Notice Is hereby given to nil persons hav ing claims and demands against W. S. John son, doceused, latti of Slonx countj-, that the time llxd for tiling claims against said es sute is six months from the 4th dny ot De cember, All siii h persons m o roqnlred to present thrlr clulms with the vouchers to tho county Judgo of said county at his office therein, on or lwfore the 4th day of June. I'JOO, and all clulmS so tiled wll be heard before thn said Judge on the 2nd dny of January 1SU0 or afterward on the trst day of each regular term of said conrt dor tug the time limited for filing claim as aforesaid. , . TtOHXBT Wilsou I SKAL. I (A True Copy.) co.Judgo. ' je-aj AGENTS WANTED KOU ..THE I.IFK AND Achievements of Aclmlrul Dewey," the World's naval boro. I'.v (Murat Hiilsteart. the life long friend and admirer of the nation's Idol, lllggest and birst book ; over MM pages SxlOlnchcn; nearly 100 pages halftone Illust rations. Only $1,110. Enormous demand. Itlg Commissions. Outfit free. Chance ot a lifetime. Wrttequlck. The Dominion Com pany, Srd Kloor Ca.xtou Blkg., Chicago. FOR SALE CHEAP; -One good small heating stove, will burn coal or wood. ,i ... Apply at this office. HARRISON PRESS-JOURNAL Final Proof Notice.. All persons having final proof notices Is this pmjer will receive a marked copy of the paper and are requested to examine their notice and if any error exist report the naiiie to this office at onee. NOTICK fOll PUBLICATION. U. 8. Dand Office at Alliance Ndb. November, 21, 1SW. Notice Is hereby given that tho following named settler has filed notice of his Inten tion to mnke final proof In support of ills claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Clerk of District Court at Ilurrlson, Nob., on Dec. 30, 1KH4, vis : f RANK 11. WRItillT, of Harrison, Neb., who made 11. E. No. 1115, for the N EH S-W14, N'i 8.16 and HK 8 E!4 Sec. T, Township SI, N. Rrnge A7 w. He iiamin the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence, upon and cultiva tion of mild I and, viz: William L. Hoyt, Henry Warnckn, Charles Cametizind and John L. Davis, all of Harri son, Neb. Also th vt nOlllCUT WILSON. of Harrison, Neb., has filed notice of Inten tion to make Snal proof at the same time and plane, on timber cnlter application No. IMA, for the N Kt, of Sec. No. It, In Town ship No. SI, N. Itsnge No. ti w. He names as witnesses'. William L. Hovt, Henry Wsrneke. D. M. fmttoa aad Grant Outline, alt of Harrison, Neb. t. at. PORHIN9T0N, Rff'strr. The Commercial Bank. INCORPORATED 1883. Harrison, - - - - Nebraska. A PIT AT . STfiPK PATH (d surplus and profits - -o- DIEECTORS. B. E. Brewster, President. C. F. Coffee, Vice Preflident Chas. C. Jamesox. A. McGinlev,. D. H. Geismold, Cashier. 4)fnRRFPnNnFMK' WE3TERN NATIONAL BANK, Xew Tow. I'bUnnCorUi1ULH IO. omaua national bank, ojiaua, Nu. 'ID INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. TIMlSEIt . CULTURE. FINAL PKOOK-NO TICK roil PU11IXATION U. S. Land Office at Alliance, Neb. Noveiuer, 21,1899. Notice, is hereby irlven that VIRGIL H. STONK, on behalf of tlie heirs of Jeffrey M. Stone, deceare, has Hied notice of his lutcnilon to make final proof before Clerk of DUtrict fmrt at his office In Harrison, Neb., on the 3(ith day of Dec. 18W, on timber .culture nppllcatlon NO. 1291, for the 8-W(4,of8c- tiioa No. in Township No. St, N Itange No. SOW. v. He names as witnesses: Grant Guthrie. George W. Hester, Vtrgll A. Heater and Otto Tlotze, all of Harrisfcii, Ne braska, r. M. DOKWNGTON, K(giter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, November lltli, 1899. Notice is hereby gsven that, the foMow ing named settler tuts tiled notice of his intention to make Uoal proof in suptiort of his claim, and that said proof will , be made before clerk of District Court at Harrison, Nebrat4:a, on December 23, 1899, ALICE SLATTERY of Harrison, Nebraaka, who made H. E, No. 4251 for the &i 8-WJ Sec, 7 and Ni N-Wf offlec 18,1. 88N..K. 66 W. Ue names the following witneseea to prove his continuous residence residence upon and cultivation .of said .land, viz: Samuel J. Leelintr, Clem Lee ling, Richard Dunn and Joseph Dunn, all of Harrison, Neb. (17-23) F. M. DonniNOTON, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION U. S. Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska. Nov. 14, IbW. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof In aupport of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Clerk of District Court, at Harrison, Nob., on Dec. 23, IHfj, vlss : WILMKIl W. PHILLIPS, of HarriMon, Neb., who made II. t. No 43, for thoS'i N-K'4 and N',i 8-EH ficc. 31, Twp. SI N Itange H W. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous revldoncc upon and cultivation of said lima, viz: Henry Covev, Scls Kngbrltson, J. W. Hun ter and Walter Pitt, all of Harrison, Neb. F. M. DOIUUNGTON, lu-glster. NOTICE PGR PUBLICATION. IT. 9. Land Office at Alliance, Nebrnska, November. 11, 1840. Notice Is hereby gives that the following named settlor has filed notice of his intent ion to make final proof In support of his claim and that Said proof will be made be fore Clerk of District Court at Harrison, Neb., on Dec. 23, 1KM, vis : CHAHLES l.l'OWIO, of Glen, Nebraska, wno made It. K. No. 4144, forthaS-E N-W'4 N'KfiSWK and lots 2 and 3 of .Sec. IS, Twp. 1, N Itange (3, w. He names the following witiiesms to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: .,, David Dunn, liedrick Nelxon, Peter Nel son and Emorv Gilmore, all of Glon, Neb. Also, THEODORE T. GOLDEN, of Adella, Kcbraxka, who made 11. E. No. WJH for the Vili H-E4 See. 18, and Vl N-E!, Sec. 19, Twp. Si), N Range W w. He names the following witnesses to prove hts continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, vis : Andrew Procunier and Alva H. Rszton, of Crawford, Neb., and Thomas Holly and Wil liam II. Davis, of nanison, Nob. '. M. DOKKINGTON, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska. Nov. 11th, 1890. Notice ia hereby iriven tbat tho folow- ing named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in aupport of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Clerk of District Court at Harrison, Nebraska, on Dec. 33, 1899. MICHAEL BRUCK of Harrison, Neb.i who made II. E. NO. 4475 for the Sw of Sec.B, Tp. 83 N. R. 58 W, He names the following witnesses to prove 'his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vie: Charles Biehle. Lewis Oerlach, Oustave Noreiach and Robert L. Keel, all o f Har rison, Neb. F. M. L'OitlUNOTftN, Register. - SIO.OOO.OO2. G) - ' . 8,000.00 - 8T(K'K ll It ANUS. The JornwAL will imbltHli yonr brand, like the following, for $2:00, per Each ait ditioiial rnund 75 cunts. K.vnry ranuer or runrhiiHtn In slonx and adjoining counties siiouliladvmrtlse their brands in TKKJotia KiLus it tlrculntuN all over tho state. It may be the means of saving money for you CHARLES BIEHT.E. On left side or hip of cattle, ( -On left shoulder of 'rmre. I ! Range on the head ol Warbonnet crek Addresi Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb. CHARLES UMPHKNt'R The brand reprsentei in this notice and branded any where on lrft side of homes and Also the L L brand any where on left side of cattle belongs to the undersigned. CUAU1.ES UMPHEnOUB. Harrison, Nebraska, CBARLES NEWMAN. The brand rcareaented in this notice nd 'branded any wherein bift side f cattle, and overlap out from tho eight ear. Also the same brand on left thigh of aorsns, belongs to the niKlrrsiirned. Range near East Spring, math Bart to -6ux eoanty. . Nb m, Ifasrisoa SaMraska. PRAVIT VlVTTTi jkSl n ,,-ft side of cattle and en left ySaWaj shoulder ot hones. E"1 Range on Antelope creek P. O., Ghilchrlst, Sioux Co., Nob. JOHN A. HANSON Owns the follow InKbraud on eith er: Also HQ on rat tle and horses rattle on leftshlo horses on loft shoulder. Itange on Silver Springs aniloant ofsluli Inc. PoKtoffico li&rribon Xefr $100 ItEWAKI). F0r proof to convict any jierson of stesl lug any of my stoek. Cattle branded same cut. Horses branded same on right shoulder orC on lert thigh. (Sheep, paint brand sitme as cattle and fire brand C on right side of now. Address, IAvtn Coi.vii.i,r, Glen Nebr., LIVERITA THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL CURES Blllouanasa. Constipation. Dyspepsia, Siclc-Hoad ache and Liver Complaint. sum cosvno. 100 PILLS Hold by all trajrrUM 25 CT3. or sent or malt, KsrrlU IUcal Ca Ckkar SOLD BY DR. J. E. PHLNNET. Dyspepsia Cure Diaests what von eat. It artificially dlgcsta th food and aida Nature In strengthening and recon structing the exhausted algestlre or gans. It Is the latest discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approacL It In efflclency. It In 8jck Headach&QMtraldnmpa,a2 llotlier result oMpvtctd tioa. siaaiaseaaTaiajralM.alSjgli . TV W-l I Si -4 I Etfafttl mrnrn j mm i mm suiDuy relieves ana pernisDenuycarM Drspepsla, Indlgeattai, ileartbtrrn, Erfat.tilanM- Hon. HtnnaofA Hanmmm V. I v. i j I J : i'