SHORT STORIES. A STRAY LCTTKIt. The postmaster itniilel. a utile wh-n fee pasesd out the mail, tut Luther Wil kina did not notice. He was trying to remember whether It ai a yeast cake or a pound of cheese he had meant to get at the store. After he had got home and had eaten hi supper he thought of the mall lo hi overcoat pocket. He brought It to the table and sat down to examine It. There was the weekly county paper, a poultry Journal, an agricultural month ly, and, last of all. a letter. "Well, now," said Luther, picking It up, "I wonder who has been writing to me. i oon i Know when I ve had a letter." He looked at It eagerly, held it nearer bis eyea, they further off. "Mr Luther Wllklns." he said. "Mrs. Luther Wllklns. And I an old bachelor who never so much aa thought of getting married. Mrs. Luther Wll klns; why, where is she? And who is she?" "Well, I guess I II see what's In It." He Inserted the point of his knife un der the corner of the envelope flap; then he hesitated. "What business have I opening of her lettersT"" he asked himself. "1 never did open other folks' letters, and I guess I won't begin now." He ruse to hla feet and, carrying It to the man telpiece leaned It us against the clock. He settled himself to his papers, but thoughts of Mrs. Luther Wllklns kept Intruding on- what he was reading about patent nest boxes and under draining and the news of the village. But Mrs. Luther Wllklns was often In his thoughts. She even haunted his dreams at times. He wondered what he waa like, and he thought of the kind of woman he would wish her to be and enjoyed himself very much In Imagining how ' It would seem to have her meet him at the door when he tame In from the fields, and how nice it would be not to have to get his own meals. He worked doggedly, trying hard not to think of the disquieting subject. It was of no use, and toward the end of July It was observed that Luther waa getting very neighborly. He spent his evening at the houses of the different nelghbosr, he acecpted Invitations to tea, he went to church regularly and to all Sunday school picnics. And still he could not And a suitable owner for the letter. It was one cold, raw day In early No vember. Luther sat at a window mak ing clumsy attempts at mending a pair of very ragged socks. Happening to glance across the road he saw a wo man out in the Hammonds' yard. She waa very busy raking up the fallen autumn leaves. "Letltia Hammond," Luther com mented. "Bill Hammond's sister. We don't see much of her lately. She don't even go to church, there's so many of Bill's children to look after, and Bill's wife Is so took up with her clubs and things. It's hard on Letltia, but she never finds a word of fault The sock he was mending fell to the floor, and the wooden egg Inside It struck with such a loud bang that the cat started in his sleep. Luther did not notice. He was standing at the win dow staring out. "That Is the best which lleth near est," he said solemnly. "What a fool I've been." He found his hat and left the house, almost running across the road. He took the iron rake away from Letltia gently. "That's too hard work for a little thing like you," he said. Letitla's blue eyes were full of won der, but she yielded up the rake weak ly. "You'd better go into the nouw, too, ' said Luther. "It's cold out here." No one had been thoughtful of her before for a long time and Ix-titla couldn't understand It. When Luther returned the rake she asked him to let her do something for him. He carried her his beat pair of socks. She was horrified at their condition, and mended them In a very arllntlc manner. Luther looked at them In wonder and reverence. "I'll never wear 'em," he said, when he was at home again. "1 wouldn't have her do it only 1 knew It would make her feel better, and It gave mc a chance to see her, too." He found that It was an easy matter to Invent excuses for seeing her, and finally,, some time In the winter, he asked her In fear in trembling If she would be Mrs. Luther Wllklns. So It happened that In a little less than a year the letter was given to Its rightful owner. "Why, It s nothing but an advertise ment of some new preparation of cer eals." she said w hen she hud opened It. "left's keep It." said Luther softly. "Yes, we ll keep It," ' Bitid Letltia. blushing. Condensed from Cincinnati Commercial Tribune. THE COCHTINO COAT. Kverv woman could have wen thai Ned Moore ,,,wa drawing small pleas ure from hlit pipe, "t reckon the doctor spoke the truth and I've got ' to do it; but It's the devil's own luck." Ned slnwlv reloaded his pipe. "A fortnights holiday? Well, manage the time; but how money? Spring Lake will eat $f.O bill In less than ten days." Ilr nine was abandoned for , I can alio tit up a a mo- ment, while pockets were emptied. "What about clothes? I must have one new rig must; but how?" The pipe was resumed, and as the smoke curled In meditative ring above the smoker's head the lines on his forehead deepened. "I hate to do It, but. hang me If I see any other way. And the price was only W; dirt cheap. Anyhow, who II know the rig Is second-hand? And If any one does guess, what the devil do 1 care?" . When Ned arrived at the second hand shop he made the painful discov ery that the blue serge suit he wished to buy was built for a man twice his slse. It was his first experience, how ever, with a second-hand clothing mer chant and constitutions! bashfulness made him an easy victim. Ten min ute later he left that shop the owner of a tweed lounge suit, handsome, it l true, but a combination of yellow and black aggressively loud In color and pattern. . When Ned Moore caught his first view of the crowded -veranda of the Monmouth house he wished that he hadn't come. And after working h s , way through a bevy of pretty girls surrounding the mnln door, he decided to skip dinner In the big dining room ...I ... modestly In the small cafe. Later, as he finished washing I--..J .in. t from his pale face. the he olltoqulaed : ' "I'll christen mr new outfit tonight. There'll be nobody In the coffee room; and perhaps I II t reconciled to the vulgar thing after westing It In the n'almuB curious fashion the modest tapper Ned Moore had planned while Srffif developed Into a full-edged dSaSr He ' sstnsd to hare put on a ZeVMeptite with hi. new suit of old SSJeTAnd a i.;w WiM : . 1st ft i himself orderlaf PBI 01 n'.'tt! of wine ha T" 111 if lit d.ej I while he dined and there tame to the ex Invalid with the gathering shadnws. a strange lung ing for companionship. Through the o-n window came the heavy lt air waring to his ears the minted ta mm laugnier or the many people o me sanas. up was dominated by new oorn aeslre to draw nearer th neart of life to come In closer touci "m wihi crow a or pretty women aown by the sea. And no he paid hi bill, put on his hat, and was Boon on or tne multitude. Before he knew It one of the Drettl est girls he ever saw had sat down be side hlme and gave him a most affee. tionate embrace. He was too astonished to speak for several moments. I must say something," thought Ned Moore; and he was on the point of speaking when another man spoke ior nim: "Well, I'm darned And when Ned Moore looked up he saw lacing him a man about hla own size and build a man whose face was livid with passion. The Intruder dldn give Ned long to think, however, for he burst out: "What is this Nell? What In thun der He got no further, for with a shriek the young woman sprang away from Ned Moore. When she faced him. she looked an enraged tigress he waa too angry for words. I "Answer me, Nell; answer I1 -on, its ail a mistake, a dreadful mistake," cried the young woman, "Mistake? Nonsense!" "No, truth. Jack," and the pretty tear-stained face was lifted toward the angry man. "I waa sitting here," she ran on, her voice tremulous, "waiting for you. And I had Just dreamed my way back to last summer and was, so happy, living over those dear, sweet days; then somebody, so like you, pass ed between me and the sea, fitting In O so true, with tny sweet dream. Then an arm stole about me th same old yellow and black coat sleeve, and "Why, bless my soul, man," cut In the angry lover, eyeing Ned Moore In tently, you ve got on my old courtin rig. I see It all now. Nell, dear, don' say another word. It's all my fault I'd no business to sell that dear old courting coat; It waa rank sacrifice." Ned Moore found something more than health at the seashore found hi heart. And he returned to New York a new man. Something, time soon testified, had opened bachelor eyes to the loveliness of woman, the lonellnness of bachelor life; for In six months he married married and settled down to hard work and home life. But for reasons, the nature of which he did not explain to his little wife, he never part ed with his own courting coat, even when its days of active service had de. parted. Black and White, STORIES FROM REAL LIFE. Duluth Special to Chicago Chronicle It has remained for a Polish baron to awaken the United States governmen to aproper conception of the extent of timber depredations on the northern boundary of Minnesota. That Is, he was was a Polish baron before he was ex alted to the plane of American citizen ship through the agency of the natur allsatlon laws. Ills name Is M. A. Mey endorfT, and, though he takes no pains to cultivate the title. It will stick to him, and he is known here and else where as "The Haron. Millions of feet of government pine have been stolen annually In Northern Minnesota In recent years, and, It is claimed, sold to Canadian lumbermen The timber thieves, owing to the re moteness of the region from civiliza tion, have been bold, and. It Is said have taken small pains to cover up the Illegal operations. One or two special land agents had declined the honor of going up to the Little Fork and Lake of the Woods regions this summer, but "Baron" Meyendorft started at once when he was ordered thither. When he arrived In the vicinity of the reported depredations the Haron was met by fifteen rough, smiling fel lows, who extended the glad hand. They praised the Baron's nerve but slyly endeavored to shake his resolution to break up the gang. Whether the Bar on realized mat ne was pretty ciue to the gang at the time is not known The Haron finally discovered that he was being steered from accomplishing his mission. He arrested one man and told him that notice would be sent the proper time for him to jm to court, but the prisoner Insisted on go Ing with the Baron, and the latter could not shake him. The prisoner followed the Baron Into Canada when the lat ter started home via Rat Portage, and then came back. Soon after thlB the land department and United States .Senator Knute. Nelson were in receipt of letters protesting against the Baron It was said that he had Imbibed too freely, and had carried an American prisoner into Canada. The Haron am not ao so muc.n 10 awaken the government to the condi tion of iifTalrs un north, but he was the occasion of bringing much to light ODD INCIDENTS. "You fee many a strange thing ano funny incident," remarked Horace El lison of Chicago, at the Waldorf-Astoria, "when traveling abroad, but I suppose customs of ours also strike the average foreigner as queer, al though they seem to us as quite nat ural. One thing they beat us on, how ever. Is their tipping system. You pay there at the end of your stay, and It Is regularly graded as to what It will be; whereas In this country you put your hand In your pocket to get a tip If you draw an extra breath. "When I was at Alx-les-Balns last summer I saw a stout German woman sitting at another table eating with an enormous pile of plates. I thought nt first she was carving or doing some thing of that kind, but as the meal pro gressed and the pile became no less I made Inquiry and found out that she was extremely near-sighted, and the pile of plates exactly nineteen In number was necessary to raise her food lo a point where It would come within her range of vision. She was . than Ihi ftlirtlPRII no leSS a peinioRc -- Of Si'hlcswlg-Holstetn. in Jiaiy iney do not use glass In windows on ac count of the expense, and replace with wood or other material. In order to relieve the monotony, I suppose, they have a habit of painting household scenes on these blank spaces. In one window you see an old chap reading his paper, and In another a young miss doing up her hnlr. There are also scenes of even Intimate famll char acter, Whlcn I Will leave ui j"". Inatlon. In Atnens one uj to buy something or other, whlcn, i remember, cost five drachmae. For It I tendered a ten-drachmae note In pay. ment. And In order to make change the storekeeper tore It neatly In two and returned one-half to me. Conveni ent, wasn't lt?"-N. T. Tribune. Twenty-eight head of specially fed Aberdeen-Angus cattle, two-year-olds. alsed In Indians, near Terre Haute, by John MeTall. sold In Chicago recently at N U. th highest price paid for cat tle there since Christmas, INT and the highest in (September stnoe ISM. eriPfnpsgne. Tr en'-;, oil thurmiir WOMEMON THE FARM In every one of the 1OT counties of Kansas there are fine farms owned and operated by women without the aid of men. The owners are women of pluck and perseverance, who have overcome all the difficulties that con front the farmers of the west, and in most instances their labors are reward ed with complete success. The story of Mrs. Anna Lembach Neosho county's woman farmer. Is full of interest. Mrs. Lembach lives four miles northwest of Erie. She has comfortable home, a quarter section of excellent land and money at interest, All this represents the saving, scrimp ing and foresight of twelve years as a woman fanner. Mr. Lembach died In 1887. When his widow came to take stock of his available assets she found that they were a stout heart and quarter section of partially raw land mere was a mortgage of 1,700 on the farm and other obligations aggre gating more than $600. In the house were six little children, the eldest a boy or 11 years. Then it was that Mrs Lembach put her hand literally to the plow, and until her children grew to manhood and womanhood, she was ner own hired man and her own maid of all work. She sowed and planted, plowed and reaped, not by proxy, but wun ner own hands. She kept her chil dren In school, comfortably clothed and fed, and did double stint every work day of her life. She attended strictly to the duties of her farm, and In seven years the mortgage was a gTim recol lection. The mountain of debt has dis appeared from her perspective. She still manages the farm on which she ac cumulated 110,000, practically unaid ed. In twelve years. But she takes life easier now, the burden has grown light in in carrying. It Is doubtful If there Is a more sue cessful woman operating a large farm in Kansas than Mrs. Seretta Bucher, wno owns and personally manages farm of 450 acres, near Douglass, in Butler county. Nine years ago, after a successful period of seven years in Kansas farming, Mr. Bucher died. His widow Immediately took upon herself tne greet responsibility of the manage ment of her part of the extate, and her superior executive ability became man. Ifest. Things moved under her direc tion. Few farmers can operate hired help to better advantage. Everything runs like clockwork. She looks after all her business matters In person. watcnes the markets, directs the plant Ing, the cultivation and the harvest. In fact, she is the absolute monarch of her large farm and all her business affairs. One of the most remarkable young women of Kansas Is Miss Leah A Knlsely, who owns 160 acres near In- ousiry, uickerson county. She per forms the entire work of her farm without the assistance of a man. Miss Knlsely is 28 years old and was brought up on the farm where she now resides. In recent years she has been the main support of a widowed mother. About five years ago Miss Knlsely took active management of the farm. Her health was poor, but farm work proved of great benefit to her, and Bhe says it would now be Impossible for her to hold her good health If she did not re main outdoors constantly. This year she had eighty acres of fine corn. Then she had 1,250 bushels of wheat. She not only plowed the ground for this wheat, but she sowed the grain, culti vated it herself and shocked the corn She can husk corn with any man In Dlckerson county. In addition to rals ing a big wheat and corn crop thU year, Miss Knlsely raised several acres of oats, took care of about 2o head of cattle, attended to the little garden, looked after her fruit trees and did all the work connected with the farm. The whole county admires her pluck, and the neighbors admit that she can give any man pointers on how to run a. KansaB farm profitably. Mrs. Jane Peterson Is another pros perous farmer. She owns a good farm near I'leasanton, Linn eVunty For five years before his death, In 1893, her husband was an Invalid. During all this time and since Mrs. Peterson has managed the farm and made money every year. She Is Industrious and Is an excellent financier. Her farm Is well improved. Mrs. Peterson's principal source of Income Is from the sale of milk to the creamery and from hogs, which are raised and prepared for the market. Mrs. Peterson Is healthy and strong, and drives the best teams In Linn county. Eight years ago General W. B.. Brown, who owned 200 acres of land In Independence, died, leaving his widow alone. She took up the thread of farm work and has successfully conducted the estate. Mrs. Brown has made wheat growing a specialty, the greater part of her land being rich bottom. The upland she hus made very profitable for dairy fiirmlng and the grazing of stork of the adjacent town of Inde pendence, but she grows corn, clover and millet, as the seasons dictate. Mrs. J. O. Martin Is Kearney coun ty's most successful woman farmer. Her husband died In issit, and Mrs. Martin was left with three children o support. She took hold of the farm nd gave her whole time to the work. She raises cattle and grain and makes money right along. She has cleared the mortgage off her farm and lives well. Her far mis located In the Arkansas alley. Mrs. Martin owns two wind mills and an Irrigating plant. The leading woman stock raiser of Kansas Is Miss Mary IVst of Barber ounty. She came from England to Medicine Lodge ten years ago and soon fter engaged In farming and stock raising. With the possible exception of x-Congressman Jerry Simpson, Miss Best owns the finest farm In Barber county. She owns and controls 3,000 acres of land, 700. of which Is In cul tivation. She is dealing exclusively In cattle, and now has on her ranch near Medicine Lodge about 2,000 head, of hlch 700 head are her own and the balance she Is holding for other parties. Miss Best handles from 2,000 to 3,000 hend annually, and has always made money.. She also has a contract with he united States government to grow r,0 bushels of sorghum seed. The seed Is furnished by the agricultural de partment and Is, without doubt, the fin est grado In the world. Miss Best Is a young woman of more than ordinary Intelligence, and Is known all over Bar ber county for her good business sense and her ability to manage a large farm. Her good sense can lie attested by a number of young Barber county farm ers who have sought her hand and heart In marrlnge, but who have dis mally failed, The young lady says she can take care of herself. Near the Missouri and Kansas line, In Linn county, Mrs. Mary J. Beese owns and successfully operates a large farm of 260 acres. She Is a typical In dependent woman farmer. Her form Is worth $4,000 and she has 11,000 loaned out to the neighboring farmers. The Misses Martha and Carrie James are two Osage county sisters who are running a farm entirely without the help of a man. Miss Martha James Is J years old. and her sister Carrls Is tO. Both are natives of Kansas. Hundreds of women are operating farms In Kansas, and la every Instance tbejr bars prospered. GENERAL NEWS. ITerr Morris liusch, author f a "Life of Prince Bismarck, died at Leipzig. The Bapt'nt congress came lo a close at Pittsbuisj at'er two short sessions, at which papers were read. President Bl'ckensderfer of the Wheeling & Lake Erie railway has named No vein her 22 as the time for a conference with the employes regard ing the increase in wages required by them. The locked out piano workers of Chi cago have decided to appeal to the Illi nois state board of arbitration to make an investigation of the causes of the trouble in the piano trade. Major General Miles has carefully In spected the fortifications at Ballast Point and will leave for Galveston Ada New Orleans. He expects to reach Washington about the 26th Inst. Major Taylor secured two more world records at Chicago. He reduced the half mile record from 40 2-6 to 40 1-i seconds and the third of a mile from 27 2-5 to 27 1-6 seconds. Taylor was paced by a motocycle carrying wind shields. At th annual meeting of the Cleve land Terminal alley Railway com pany John K. Cowen was elected pres ident and F. W. Underwood first vlos president. Dr. Cowen is vice president of the Baltimore Ohio railway and Mr. Underwood general manager. Verona, Italy. There was a short but very sharp earthquake here. It threw the inhabitants of the town into pan! a. Colon, Colombia. Panama Is tranquil, but there is no telegraphic communi cation with the interior. The Bolivar rebels have been crushed. City of Mexico. Dr. Zaldlvar, Salva dorean minister to Mexico, who Is also generally accredited to European coun tries, has left for the United States, en route to London and Paris, and will for some time reside in the latter cur, Constantinople. It la authoritatively announced that the Turkish govern ment has approved the concession to the Deutsche bank of a railway exten sion to Baasorah, a frontier city and river port of Asiatic Turkey. 270 miles southeast ol Bagdad. Gibraltar. The United States trans port Thomas, with the Fourth regiment aboard, bound for Manila, was roundly cheered by the British channel squad' ron,. whose bands played British and American pieces aa the transport passed. San Francisco, Cal. The United States army transport Columbia has arrived here from Manila, via Naga saki. Eight government employes con. stltuted the entire passenger list, no sick or discharged soldiers beln aboard. The voyage was uneventful. New York. The transport Meade, with the Forty-third United States vol unteer infantry on board, sailed for Manila today. The Meade attempted to get away on Tuesday, but was stuck In the mud at its dock. Washington, D. C Chief Surgeon Woodhull at Manila, under date of Oc tober 12, sends Surgeon General Stern berg the following: 'A sharp and quite general epidemic of dengue has prevailed in Luzon for some months past and it appears to be spreading to the south. There have been few really severe cases. Dengue Is a species of fever with con tagious eruptions. It Is rarely fatal. Washington, D. C Recent mail ad vices from Manila received by the war department show that General Otis has established a medlo-ledlo-legal depart ment in Manila, in charge o two Fili pino physicians, Don Joee R. ldalgo and Don Giesorio Slnglan. An emergency ward and dissecting room has also been established for post mortem examina tions. The department is to be subject to the orders of the supreme court and the tribunals of justice in Manila. Washington. D. C Mall advices re ceived at the postal department show that the Filipino insurgents have adopt ed a new method of Interference with the military telegraph lines. This is done by attaching a fine copper wire to the line, running it down tne poie or through the foliage of a tree to the ground, where it 1b attached to a piece of iron driven Into the earth. This ef fectively cuts off communication, and Is not easily discovered when once ac complished. END OF "CORNCOB PIPE" CASE-. St. Louis. Mo. (Special.) After a hotly fought trial four of the defend ants In the celebrated "corncob pipe case" were tonight found guilty In the United States circuit court of using the malls to defraud. The four men are Henry Ringbeck, E. W. Northstein, M. McElhany and Arthur Miller. One of the defendants, William Ruff, has already pleaded guilty. No action has been taken in the cases of W. S. Daily and J. E. Wilhington, who were Jointly Indicted with the others named. Their testimony was of great value In the movement and a nol proa may be en tcred for them. The witnesses brought in by the government came from a dozen states, showing how widespread was the operation of the scheme to defraud. It was the plan of the defendants, as hown by the testimony, to write to the mayor or postmaster of a town tell. ng him that a corncob pipe factory could be established for $1,000 and op erated at small expanse, while the profits were represented to be large. The men, whose headquarters were at Washington, Mo., would then offer to sell suitable machinery for J700 to 1900. In each case where a factory was actually put In operation It was found to be next to impossible to dispose of the product at all, so overstocked was the corncob pipe market. The govern, ment alleged that the price asked for the machinery was so excessive as to be fraudulent and that the purpose of the defendants' letters waa to cause an undue and inordinate demand for machinery which really could not be profitably used.. The attorneys for the defendants will make a motion new trial. for a In addition to the work on the rail road from Keystone to Hill City by the Burlington road, sand from Rapid City to Mystlo by the Dakota Pacific,- these new lines have been begun or will be in a short while: The Burlington is pushing Its extension from Dumont on the main line down the road to Elmore and expects to have trains running by the first of January. This line Is be ing built to get around the heavy grade so the road can successfully handle the expected large traffic from the Spear flsh line on account of the proposed op erations of the American Mining com pany nenr the lntter plnce. The Fre mont. Klkhorn & Missouri Valley Is surveying for a spur to be put In for the benefit of the Dnkotu Mining com pany, whose cyanide plant is at Cen tral City snd has passed the experi mental stage, operating successfully on ores from the upper country. It Is ru mored that the Klkhorn road will build Into the Carbonate district soon, In or der to tap the recently discovered pho nolltlc district ahead of other compet itors. At Elkhorn headquarters In Omaha It Is stated that the Central City spur Is In contemplation, but that ha nimnnil f'srbonnte extension Is purely a rumor and without foundation. rillul'lilM IMILLI J.lrllMK I H II II II aj a "HIIH' iiMi t a a l i a s- r . i , i r.U I I ROHRBOUGH BRO'S. Proprietors, 1 6th and Douglas Sts. I i, PROF W. H. SADLER, of Baltimore, while making a visit st the Omaha Conierela t oliege a few days ago taid, "There are but five commercial schools worthy tbe nam be L"iee') "liltim"re and gan Francisco, and the Omaha Commercial College Is one of tares." w hy is tliis ibeoplulou of the leading business educator of tbe United States? 1. BBCAOBI of its equipments and facilities. 2. BECAUSE of its comprehensive courses of study asat irogrewive policy. 8. BECAUSE of its wise management and its success In locating SB (rraduutes in poMtion.. HFNFR1I IMEnRIIITinii Enrollment last year 1050, students. Present eU ULnLriHL InrUniYlAI lUlf, ment, the Urgent it has ever beeD. Over 300 stueeatl niaceu lo positions lust year an book-keepers, stenographers and telegraph operators. Ex perienced teachers are employed. Rigid discipline le enforced. Located in the heart of Use city. Employs up-to-date methods ot lnstrut-tion. Secures positions for IWgrsdustea. r vldes evei v student with work for board. Educates poor boys and girls. Caters Is al nationalities. Has no creed save that wbicb applies to a successful business career. Wm been run ofteen years under the same management. Fulfills iuobligatlons and redeem.ef promise. It is metropolitan In character and now but students fmm twenty-four states tne union, students enter any time. Work for board guaranteed. Tbe Winter Tern S gins January it. catalogue and elegant specimens of Penmanship will be sent free to sajssl sending name and address. Write ROHRBOUGH BROTHERS, 6th and Douglas Streets. OMAHA, NEB. Pilos-FistulolHKiDEnsDsO AMD III Clattsu f th Rtcfca CURED WITHOUT IUTE, LIGATURE OB C1USTI1 teatlnoalal: PROMINENT BUSINESS MAN CUR'D Kansas City, Ho., Oct 29, 1897. Drs. Thornton & Minor, K. C. Mo.: Dear Sirs I cannot recommend your treatment for piles too highly, you hav Ins; treated me very successfully. I was afflicted for years and you effect ed a permanent cure without a day's loss from my business. Very truly yours, J. J. BWOFFORD, Pres. Swofford Bros. Dry Goods Co. We guarantee to cure every case. Don't take one cent until patient 1 well. Send for free book to men; also free book to ladles. Address DRS. THORNTON & MINOR, Ninth and Wall Sts., Kansas City, Mo. THE MISSOURI PACIFIC R'Y Free reclining chair cars on all trains. Quick service; close connections. Two dally fast trains each way be tween Omaha and Atchison, Kansas City and St. Louis. Unexcelled time and accommodations to the Famous HOT SPRINGS OF ARKANSAS. Be sure to secure tickets via this line. For complete Information, descrip tive pamphlets, etc., address J. O. Phil llppl A. G. F. & P. A., or W. C. Barnes, T. P. A., southeast corner Sixteenth and Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb. PERSONAL AND OTHERWISE. Last week's engagement of star-gaz ing doubtless resulted favorably. A large crop of engagements may be looked for presently. Boston Is proline in color symphonies. Two black girls, named Green and Wnite, are in trouble there for steal ing from a white man by the name of Gray. Notwithstanding the critical Btate of affairs In the Blue Grass state, Colonel Jack Chlnn persistently declines to un- llmber his Jaw, Possibly he is handier with a gun. Mr. Andrew Carnegie is the boss li brary promoter of the land. He has offered the city of Louisville $135,000 to be used In constructing a free circu lating library. All that he requests Is that the city make proper provision for its maintenance. The authorities of the Flowery King dom have declared war on the most fe roclous of Chinese societies, known aa the "Order of the Red Fist." If the authorities mean business the O. R. F. might move to Coney Island and con tinue business undisturbed. Lieutenant Winston Churchill, report ed missing at Colenso, Natal, has pub llHhed a book on the Omdurman cam paign, In which he says Kitchener was directly responsible for the killing of wounded dervishes. Churchllls pic ture of the conquering general Is, in deed, most unflattering, describing him aa a man without feeling and one who looked upon a wounded man, even among his own soldiers, as an Incum brance. HALF RATES SOUTH via OMAHA & ST. LOUIS AND WABASH ROUTES. On the first and third Tuesday of each month the above lines will sell homeseekers tickets to southern points for one fare (plus two dollars) round trip. WINTER TOURIST RATES now on sale to Hot Springs, Ark., and all the Winter Resorts at greatly REDUCED RATES. Remember the O. & St. L. and Wa bash the Shortest and Quickest Route to St. Louis. Remember the O. A St. L. and O., K. C. & E. Is the Shortest Route to Quincy. Unexcelled service to Kansas City and the South. For rates, sleeping car accommoda tions and all Information, call at the QUINCY ROUTE OFFICE, 1415 Far nam St. (Paxton Hotel Block), or write Harry E. Moores, City Passenger and Ticket Agent, Omaha, Neb. BEWARE OF OINTMENTS FOR CA TARRH THAT CONTAIN MERCURY, as mecury win surely destroy the sense ofwiell and completely derange the whole system when entering It through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable phy sicians, as the demage they will do If ten-fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of ths system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cur be sure you get ths genuine. It Is taken Internally and Is made In To ledo, O., by T. J. Cheney a Co. Test I swmlais free. old by drack-iata, Prist ft par bottle sirs Ifcarilr nils an Um KAMIASCnT.1 Aattorissd by the Ms to west CfTMr Wmmtovm Airb srmciAL dimma I Cons faarsatsM sr seas ss sntC.O. D.,ocd7 brafTMmsnt. Cfcssv Over 40.000 nnd. Ass and aa sees are important. Stets yonr ess as4 s for tsnss, ConsnltaWoa foes sad eon pstsonally or by tester. Seminal Weakness nd sexual uebiiity. (u. inln IfMaaa t dnuu ne with "j li.v " i i a to the head, pains la back, eoafoatd ideas t fuiieUiilnsss, bashnilnsss, STsrskm to ssss loss of sexual power, loss of msnhood, SB teoes, etc, eared : ior uze. I eaa stop at Inns, restore ssxnal power, restore Bates Wak Drain power, smart ana swesfta sad auk yon fit t at maniaf. snd list of questions fas sis lea. MUCOCELE. HrDHOCELE.PHIM0$l$tma all Mssss Private Diseases 2!Z?32 BOOK u"f"S2v, C'ton disss, the effects and cm, seat fl plain wrappar for easts la, SUM & should read Qua book for ths iatoisutioa son tains. N. B. State ease and ask for list of quail JTre Jfomwrn QfAnmUnmy, tor men oas A 8kln of Beauty Is a Joy Forovtsr. DK. T. KFUX OOl'KAUD'H OKIRNTAS CRKA M, UK MAOICAL BEAD TIFIKB FURIFin as well as tMttUtifstBij No other cosmetic wflL do it Removes Tbbv Pimples, Mam Patches. KailL Freckles, ssa Skin disease a d every blemish oa Deauty, defies i tlon. It stood the east of 61 j yearaa . u urauiiBflB we tafue ir in rtA uim i i mm. perly made. Accept no counterfit of almuaS name. ur. L,. A. Sayre said 10 a lady of taa haul-ton (a nut lent.!: "Av l.H n them, 1 recommend 'Oouraud's Cream' as the least harmful of all the Skin preparations." For sale by all Druggists ftDi ancy-GooSs Oealers In the IT. 8., Cunadas, and Europe, frail. 7. HopMnt, Prop'r, 37 Great Jones St-TlIX OBSERVATIONS OF A WOMAN. Breakfast In bed Is a IllTiirv unfit you have to take It there. Hairpins are sometimes svnonvmon with a woman's reputation. The prettiest woman is alwavs mnaS particular about her tailor. A woman doesn't have to nnm-aa whiskers to be an expert at blowing. a ne piayer oi tne practical Joke al ways sees more in it than anv on else. .. ; Much of the ragtime music indulea in by amateurs seems to be coming un raveled. Why Is It we feel especially clever when we hear some one else repeat our own thoughts as original. The reason so many husbands refuse to go down stairs and meet a burglar Is not owing to fear, but because they must be careful of the acquaintances they make. FARM LAND IS THE SAFEST INVESTMENT Do you want a farm In Nebraska"? Then write me at once. I can fit yoaj out in any sized farm from 40 acres to 10,000. Write me, telling me where and what you want and give all partic ulars In first letter. I have lands at from $1.50 per acre up. I am agent for a great many eastern owners who de sire to clean up and will make prices and terms to suit. I handle all kinds ot sales and exchanges, and If yo want to buy or sell any kind of col lateral I can And you a customer, it have farms In Iowa, Kansas ad Mis souri, both farming and fruit lands. Real estate Is advancing all the time and the shrewd investor will buy now. Lyman Waterman, Real Estate and Fi nancial Agent, New Tork Life Bids. Omaha, Neb. Stammering ha, Neb. Julia E. Omaha Htanj- merers' institute, Dr. Soarles Si Searles Cure All DlaeasM of Private Nilin. No hi lures. Weak mea caused hy errors Of I yout h, exeeMes and at bllitatlng drains cured ' stay cured. Goaor II rimes nnd ayphllls cures I In earliest possible tints. I Wriie, if cannot call. 1 19 Ho. 14th St., Omaha, Ncfc. Or. Kay's Renovator, Xtt nample, free book and free adrlcs how to earn ihs very worst eases of dripepata, coaiUaa ilnn, bilious head aobe, liver, kidneys sad ! 'Ilaeases. Remedy by mall tot St coats end Z Or. B. J. Kay Msdloai t, saitoga, V. Y7 COUNTRY PUBLISH CHS COMFT OMAHA. VOL. , NO. -, Aeons naraatsM sr ssssar fandsdAUBMdkiBssfuBU jnrioas'nieaieinM S'lC I Untios fross baiinsss. Pasb stadisfwuMsWMtsdkvsssw KedieuM wlflwa irM lTMkfn shssswa E i-- Stricture iLtt MMl Oleei atraneBts, DO pain, no ds V Man fmn ImmIimmi. Cars anaraatseeU Saal mm