Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, November 30, 1899, Image 6

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Lib ted Industry,
Tel At::t kzs,
til Flammarion, author, aatron-
r im spiritualist, haa put an end
the controversy regarding hia be
ta gbosta and communcatlon with
do exist, declares M. Flam-
In the French Revue des Re-
Bat M. Flammailon'a argument In
tsjpport of ghoxts is cautious. Tele
pathy, he says. Is a fact. The action
JC one brain upon another, from a dis
tance, ia as certain as the action of
Sh aun upon the earth or of the mag
na apon iron.
Tea persons may tell you they have
Mp ghost. Nine of them may have
assa nightmare. It is not possible that
una af teem have.
smarion states explicity the eir-
under which he believes it
tble for an apparition to be ex
I away on the around of halluci
or auto-suggestion. Anybody
tnlnka be baa seen a ghost can
aunt Ma reality by com paring his cx
rlinc wUh those which H. Flara-
am describes.
K a (host appears in a costume by
ansae or which the observer would
Bast have recognised him. and which the
tksnd person never fore, there can be no
ejaestlon of hallucination.
If a dead person appears and begs
1 1 pay a dent which you have over
you may be sure you axe not
S you ae a ghoat reflected In a mir
snr. ar if hut touch leave an imprint
Vast a piece or furniture, nobody can
away his presence.
several persona are eye or ear wit
bsjbjb of one phenomenon It cannot be
sssaiiil aa a hallucination.
A ebUa of three, four or Ave years
Jk asea a ghoat cannot be the dupe
ax Ma imagination.
A ghost who leads a group of per
Swaa to place where a crime haa been
aassmltted cannot be dismissed on the
awasnMl of hallucination.
A person who while In a certain room
Sana aad describes a being correepond
tm exactly with a former resident un
to him, who died in the room,
attribute his experience to
Anally, M. Flammarion admits
"photographs of ghosts would be
Me evidence If they were sera-
la support of his position If. Flam-
presents a number of personal
which hare been sent to
recently from apparently honest
ces. Borne may be hallucination,
ays, but all cannot be. Many con
form, including the Instances quoted
here, to his own standard of determln
lng the actuality of ghosts.
One of the instances Is as fallows:
Two friends promised that whichever
should die first would appear to the
other after death. After the first died
the second waited unrewardfd for sev
eral days. But one night after she had
gone to bed. her chamber being dimly
lighted by a candle, she saw her dead
friend seated In an arm-chair and
wearing a hooded cape which she had
never seen her wear before. She con
cluded, therefore, that it was a hallu
cinatlon. But afterward the dead wo-
I man's daughter said that her mother
had been buried in a hooded cape. This
Is vouched for by M. Castex-Degrange,
director of Ecole Nationale de Beaux
Mme. Boniface, a school principal, of
fers the following:
"When I was thirteen years old my
aunt, who had brought me up, died of
smallpox. They did not tell me she
was dead nor permit me to enter her
room. In the middle of the night I saw
a white form reflected in the long mir
ror opposite my bed. I heard thia word
"Adieu.' I held out my arms for ar.
embrace but the form disappeared."
Mile. Potbier of Paris, writes that a
religious man, a friend of her father,
aaw in a dream his dead sister appear
to him. She was leaning upon a aide
board and seemed to be suffering. He
thought the experience waa a dream.
but at dawn he went to look at the
sideboard where his sister had placed
her hand. The Imprint waa plainly dls
Another writer vouches for the fact
that In November, 1883, at Brussels, a
little girl of three years had a severe
attack of croup. Toward 7 o'clock at
night the child, who had been In
comatose atate since morning and had
not opened her mouth, sat up, looked
straight before her, and recovering her
voice and pointing to the window cried,
"Grandpapa ia there. Make way! Make
way!" Her grandfather had been dead
eight month.
"Gosh all hemlock!" the horny-hand
ed agriculturist waa aasistlng in the
preparation of the holiday dinner "the
otd gobbler got It in the neck. It's
what you call an ax-l-dent, and"
His wife turned sharply around mora
her mince pie making.
Joslah!" ahe said severely, "you
bean't goln' to stuff that turkey wltl
chestnut again this year?"
By Elizabeth Cady Stanton: I think
there are more happy marriages
radays than in the olden time, fa
llen consider longer before enterl;.
marriage state. And the reason '
ia potent many women are no w
aetf-supporting and do not marry m n
tar a home and money, as in form ;
Manes, but solely and entirely for com
panionship and congeniality.
If the mothers of today would, with
es exception, bring up and educate
daughters exactly as they do
sons to support themselves and
some one thing which they can
k and do well, there would be even
ere happy marriages than there are.
When I aee a mother and four big,
healthy daughters all banging
depending upon one poor, weak,
man, who toils early and late
a keep them In clothes and candy, I
flsaf like aaklng the wan father what
tm thinks about self-supporting women
, aaar! It's an outrage! And if the men
aney looked at It sensibly, in Its true
gat, they would realise the value of
at " movement toward the emancipa
sjea of women.
I think that very often two person
) lore at first sight, just aa we very
flea make a friend for life upon being
tatraduced to a person. There Is at
eaaee a feeling of attraction which ia
aver lost, but as we know the friend
Better and discover new beauties In
tar character which we did not aee
faassdlli Ij we love her even more
bam tn the beginning. Sometimes, of
esssrse. longer acquaintance discloses.
She fact that she has many short com-1
fasti which do not please ua; then we
that our first Impressions were a I
a year, and in all cases where either
the husband or wife wishes a consulta
tion the other is called In to consult,
and they work together in every way
This lady has three children, who are
beautifully trained and well-behaved
and every morning immediately after
breakfast she devotes an hour to her
marketing, and her house runs like
clockwork, for she is able to pay com
petent servants to do the menial work
for which she is unfitted.
Why should a man want a woman to
devote her life to the washtub or the
dlshpan Just because they are domestic
duties? Some men are only fitted to be
office clerks, while others aspire to and
reach a far higher plane of endeavor.
Just so with women.
"How in the name of time are we
going to move the big bureau without
taking the drawers all out?" was the
doleful Inquiry. The family had been
moving and cleaning house; and just
a they seemed to see their way out
of the muss, there stood that bureau in
the way, with drawers stuffed so full
that to remove tbetn meant to spill
half their contents. Neither the tug en
tire nor the dismemberment and tedi
ous reassembling was very inviting.
and we stood and looked In despair.
That la. all but one of ua did. "Where
la that shelf?" waa his Inquiry. A
thick, stout board about three feet long
was brought, and he himself went for
the broom. Tipping the bureau first
forward and then backward he soon
had the board under the legs at one
end. "Now ahove the bald-headed end
SBSStake. But as a rule first impres-, ot tnat broom, under," said be. as he
are good stand by s. i tipped up the bureau and shelf together.
mm with love at first eight. It is ev-
sting, and ends in matrimony,
etlmes the happiest marriages are
in thia way those that are said
made In heaven for the two per
The smooth broomstick waa placed un
der the board, midway between the
legs. The assistant, who waa begin
ning to catch the Idea, took hold of the
broom by the bruah end. the man of
at once experience the affinity J science held up the other end of the
there is and always will be between bureau and balanced it on the? broom
Can a woman be a professional or
self-supporting woman after majri
aeay, and run her house properly, pay
attention to her children, etc? Most
aertamly, and better than many wo
men who are supposed to be domestic
hat who are in reality gadding about
attending to social duties, afternoon
tffs, receptions, etc., a good part of
their time, giving the entire charge
of their children and home over to the
servants and having no system about
My own physician is a woman, and
she is married to a physician. They
land an ideal life. She herself earns
about three or four thousand dollars
stick much easier done than one
would think and we were "off in a
bunch." In less time than It takes to
write this the heavy piece of furniture
had been taken through a long suite
of rooms, through?, side door and Into
a sleeping room, and by a few dexter
ous tilts shoved into its allotted corner.
"It's all In knowing how," said this
domestic engineer. "A colored man told
me that scheme; he's dead now, poor
fellow." He deserves a monuemnt.
The United States contain 8,000 pat
tern maker.
Factory work occupies one woman
out of every twenty-seven in the tier
man empire.
One hundred and fifty-five bakesfcop
In New Tork City have adopted tht-ten-hour
work day and union rulea of
the bakers.
The German Printere' union of Great
er New Tork ha established a school
for teaching the English language tc
Its members.
The Berkshire (Mass.) glassworks,
whose window glass has been made al
most uninterruptedly since 1853, Is now
running aa a co-operative plant. ,
There baa been great difficulty in
London In finding drivers for electric
vehicles and one company haa dismiss
ed Its employes and closed up Its plant
on this account.
The Carnegie Steel company (limited)
Is preparing to introduce labor-saving
machinery at the blast furnaces of the
Edgar Thomson Steel works that will
feed the ore automatically. When com
pleted flfty-four-ton Miller will be dis
placed. Cigar manufacturers have formed a
trust, whoae yearly output la figured
at 10,009,000 cigars. Speaking of this
trust the Clgarmakera' Journal says:
"Every one of the firms In the combine
Is nonunion and nearly all employ ma
chines and cheap labor."
The first cotton mill to be built in
Kansas will begin operation at Inde
pendence this week. Women will be
chiefly employed, brought from Massa
chusetts. It is expected that the mill
will drive the farmers round about
from wheat and, corn to growing cotton.
A summary of the work of the 1111
nola employment bureau from August 1
to October 21 show a total of K.083 ap
plication for work Bled and S.318 po
sttiona filled. Of the applications for
work 4,421 came from women. All but
141 were filled, which (.424 men who ap
pueo ror work failed to find employ
The supreme court of Georgia ha re-
fused a new trial In the case of Burke
Waters, who was convicted In Hall
City court at Gainesville for violating
the law in that be worked on Sunday,
He was sentenced to a term of six
month In the chain gang or pay a fine
or 96. waters la a Seventh Day Ad-ventlst
Automobiles are speeding their way
to the front as the coming mean of
transportation, A machine haa been
invented in Iowa, weighing only seventy-five
pounds, that can draw vehicle
at the rate of fifty miles an hour. Mo
tor carriages are being constructed to
take the place of mules In towing boats
on the Erie canal.
Locomotive engineers are agitating a
measure Instructing the executive
board of the order to investigate the
cost and submit some plan or method
whereby the brotherhood may be en
abled to erect a fine modern office
building in a prominent city, centrally
located, in the United States, and to
report at the next convention.
Mare Island navy yard has a strike
on hand, the first labor trouble in the
navy department at a government plant
in years. Recently the wages of the
workmen were reduced BO cents per
day without any reason being glvts
for the cut, hence the strike. Wages
In private establishments employing
shipwrights are higher than those In
the government's yard, and skilled men
are in demand ever there.
A bill has been Introduced In the
Georgia legislature providing that chil
dren under 10 years cannot work in
factories and those between the ages
of 10 and 14 only when the superin
tendent of the mill makes affidavit that
they have attended school for at least
twelve weeks for the year they are
sought to be employed. The bill will
be fought vigorously by the eotton
manufacturers of the slate.
The mysteries of the deep seas are
.'omlng to light. Scientists have meas
ured the mountaina of the ocean bed
nd their lead lines have penetrated
into valleys so deep that the sun' ray
ire lost miles above their bottom.
Some of these are more than 30,000
feet below the surface. If the highest
mountain In the world were set at the
bottom Its summit would be nearly
half a mile under water. A rope long
enough to sound their remote depths
would reach almost six miles.
Ia these valleys there are no plants,
weeds or vegetation of any kind, be
cause such forma of life need light, and
at these depths there la total darkness.
But animal life flourishes. Many of
these deep-sea animals are gigantic.
These animal are all, or nearly all,
without eyes. Moat of them eat mud
and altme. but there are other who
seek living prey, find it by mean of
great feelers and then grasp and kill
it with long tentacles.
It la strange that In these dark and
freezing abysses vast quantities of veg
etable matter are found that durlns
their lives were bathed In tropical sun
light and In water 10 degree above
rero. These deposit He side by- side
with other organiama which passed all
their Uvea in darkness, and at a tem
perature near to the freeslng point. The
vegetable organisms were originally ab
sorbed by animals and plants on the
earth's surface or In the shallow wa
ters, and It I estimated that three
fourth of the deposits now covering
the bottom of the ocean have at some
time passed through the alimentary ca
nal of marine animal.
The geography of the sea "oceanog
raphy" It la called began with the
laying of the ocean cables and was ele
vated Into a branch of science by the
cruise of the Challenger. Since then It
has been found that there are forty
three great deep-sea valley. The Pa
cific ocean, like the Pacific slope, is the
great mountainous region of the water
world; there are twenty-four vast val
ley concealed beneath It.
According to a paper read by Sir John
Murray before the British association
the area occupied by these deeps la
estimated at 7.152.000 geographical
square miles, or about 7 per cent of
the water surface of the globe. Within
them over 20 sounding have been re
corded, of which twenty-four exceed
14,000 feet. Including three exceeding
19.000 feet. Depths exceeding 24.000 feet
have been recorded within eight or tne
deeps, vis., in the North Atlantic with
in the Ross deep, in tha Banda Sea
within the Weber deep, In the North
Pacific within the Challenger, Tusea
rora and Supau deepa, and In the
South Pacific Within the Aldrtch and
Richards deeps. Depths exceeding W.
000 feet have been hitherto recorded
only within the Aldrlch deep of the
South Pacific, to the east of the Ker
madeca and Friendly Islands, where
the greatest depth is S.1U fathoms, or
530 feet more than five geographical
miles, being about 2.000 feet more below
the level of the sea than the summit of
Mount Everest, in the Himalayas. I
above it.
It I estimated that l per cent of
the sea floor has a temperature lower
than 40 degrees Fahrenheit The tem
perature at the floor of the Indian
Ocean is under tt degrees. A similar
temperature occurs over a large part
of the South Pacific, but at the bottom
of the North Atlantic basin, and over
a large portion of the Pacific, the tem
perature Is higher than St degree.
Thomas Johnston of Stockport, ha
been married twice. Both wives are
still alive. He placed a ridiculously
low value on the first wife, as the big
amy proceeding recently went to
how. He had not, he said, lived with
his first wife for thirty years before
he married the second, and he thought
the former had no claim upon him,
especially as he sold her for Is td to a
chimney sweeper at New Mill near
Stockport London Globe.
May Do you believe that man should
be clasesd as an animal? Fay Of
course. Aren't most of them perfect
bugbears? Philadelphia Bulletin.
ful. but In 1881 he discovered a rapid
road to fortune In the organixatlon of
the fraternal Insurance society known
as the Ancient Order of Forester.
When he set about the work the socie
ty had not a dollar In Its treasury. It
now has a reserve reaching nearly $3.
500,000. A the chief officer of the oclety Dr.
Oronhyatekha receives a salary of $10,-
000 a year. He lives in the style of an
English country gentleman. He owna
an Island on which he has built a mag
nificent mansion.
Hia wife la a arreat-sranddauchter of
! the renonwned chief, Joseph Brant
1 (Thayendanegea).
Oronhyatekha, a doctor of medicine,
fj the richest Indian on the American
alln rt and is without doubt the
hast educated.
This remarkable Indian was born at
saraatford, Ontario, 1841, and hia suc
aess in life date from the visit of the
prince of Wales to Canada in 1860.
When the prince reached Brantford a
tis r of Indians appeared before him
fa aboriginal attire. Among them was
Jrnhyatekha, who, by reason of be
ta the brightest youth tn the Indian
iM wlcted to .
to (Be pmn -
m Of the country.
i mttmr th Indian fashion. with
eA-m oroide red hunting shirt, and,
remiawra. w . ' I Elisabeth caay sianion says: i coo-
and a mantle oi aider old age the hey-dey of life, the
lies mm k I rrandest season that time allot to
mortal. We have learned to weigh
things by the right standars and to
Judge more correctly. Our. view are
broader, our sympathies at rouge r, our
knowledge of life' work deeper and
truer. Clearer vision coma aa the
rear go by- I say unhesitatingly that
no wemaa reaches the fsileet eantal
development nntil after she la flfty. Tht
greatest I easing of aid age Is health
ami withes that Hfe palto anon a at
aar Then m the hftsrnun as
Hfn sssjBM lilinri. We nw Vm to
Jn. IM4V e) was ttw sV.tjaajl
iii is; lasantan aa loeai btc
I MMitoal tt a ceremonial oeca-
d bo the prince re-
t JMC KM a agerw
a") aaaasssi af warns was w
y-zJzTZttto the versatility of tne
) i '"i!"sjt. 'toeing
X U M VteJw -
Out of the Ordinary.
A retired Mississippi steamboat cap
tain Intends to make hia will by talking
It into a phonograph and having the
receiving cylinder preserved so that In
case of contest It can be produced In
A swell masked ball la to be given
in Chicago at which the 125 Invited
guests will all be women and from
which all men will be rigorously ex
cluded. Some of the dancers will wear
male costume.
In accordance with her last request,
the ashea of Mrs. Peter Karl, who died
In New York last month, are to be
taken by her husband to the torch on
the Statue of Liberty and from there
ecatteted to the winds.
Captain C. Baettge of San Francisco
haa entered into an agreement to sail
around Cape Horn to New York and
thence to Europe in his thirty-foot boat
Mabel. It Is a centerboard boat, draw
ing three feet six Inches of water.
Kx-Senator Henry G. Uavls of Wem
Virginia will present to Hint state a
home for orphan children. There Is at
present no such Institution In Went
Virginia and detttltute orphans are
boarded at various places until horrnn
:an be found for them in good families.
Captain Leary, first American gov
ernor general of Guam, haa an eye to
business. Very few potae stanu's are
needed there, but whi-n he found there
was going to be a great demand among
stamp collectors for those w ith "Guam"
printed across the face, he ordered 152.
W0 of them. These stamps cost the
government about 110 and Captain
I-rf-ary estimates that the fancy prices
they will command from collectors will
yield the government about $10,000 In
J. L. Rellly, a city councilman of
Cleveland, O., who stopped a runaway
team In San Antonio, Tex., four years
ago, saving the life of John Wallace, a
wealthy farmer, has received notice
that Mr. Wallace Is dead and has left
him a legacy of 180.000.
First-class railway carriages have
been abolished In Belgium, except with
trains from other countries. In place
of them elegantly-furnished parlor cars
have been Introduced, with buffet, and
first or aecond-class passengers can
make use of these as long ss they
plea, on payment. In the car Itself,
of an extra sum.
go heartrending have become the
scenes enacted dally at the war office
In London by all claaaea of women, who
go there and wait for long hour for
new from the Transvaal, that a spe
cial lobby ha been set aside for them.
The west end modistes are finding auch
a demand for mourning and half
mourning costumes that their window
present quite a somber appearance.
Ktill the mourning ha not yet extended
far Into amart society, aa the swell
regiment have not yet been In action.
A severe storm visited English, lad.,
and after the storm waa over gwnhiip
pers, almost a plentiful a the rain
drops, fell from the sky. In the town
the pavement were covered to a depth
that made wnlhing nrlssmbO. It to
feared they wIM greatly tnjwre the
wheat erep tm this section, as it asesna
they iNrre eoane stay vntli awM
waxtker swan km them.
Although there are many things
about the brain which scientists have
not yet fathomed, still great strides
have been made recently In knowledge
of what the cranium contains. The
cerebrum Is the chief part of the brain
and Imemdiate source of all our mental
action. The gray matter of the outer
surface Is made up of layers of nerve
cells. These are the thinking centers.
Experiments on animals have shown
that eac hconvolutlon has a special
function, and If destroyed it cannot be
replaced. Also it is found that the
left brain Is more active than the right.
This knowledge has been most useful
In relieving suffering.
There are five large sensory areas
First, sight, which is the largcKt. at
the back. Smell, taste and hearing
have their positions at the side of the!
head, in the temporal region and inner
surface. Touch reiles'at the top of
the brain, while the laree motor area
occupies the bulk of the middle brafn.
The motor area Is so arranged that the
motor cells of the lips are In front, then
those of the hand, arm, and so on
backward to the foot. The simplest
brain action Is as follows: If a person
touched anything hot or sharp the pain
ful sensation would be telegraphed to
the sensory area. The sensory cell
which received the mepsage would wire
on to the motor cells to pull the hand
away. If the person was asleep, and.
therefore, the brain not acting, such a
simple act might be managed by the
spinal cord, or medulla. It is called a
reflex act
A person may be walking toward a
precipice, and the Impression of dan
ger Is telegraphed to the optic lobe,
and thence a message is sent to the
motor area to turn and walk away.
But supposing it be dark, how are the
motor cells to receive instruction and
guide the Individual in walking? He
feels with his hands and feet and the
sensory eel si receive messages from
them how to direct the cells. The Im
pression stamped on the brain cell will
guide the Individual under similar cir
cumstances again, and thia goes to
constitute experience and memory.
Those who photograph know well
that a good Impression requires correct
exposure. Underexposures are poor and
and do not last It Is the same with
our brains. We cannot learn without
drilling the subject matter Into our
brains frequent repetition when learn
ing by rote, and careful fixed atten
tion from the special guidance and en
ergy of the prefrontal or fore brain,
which acts as the commanding officer.
Many people are not trained to use
their eyes. A quick observes notes in
a moment what would escape the dul
lard altogether. It is Important to
train one's self to observe. Accuracy
and speed come with practice. The
brain is like a big album of photographs
and other sensory Impressions. It
should be stored with accurate Impres
sions, especially of the good. It is es
pecially wise in the training" of chil
dren to give them impressions of the
good and the true; the false and bad
will be forced upon them soon enough.
Not only the memory, but the atten
tion requires training; In fact, one is
necessary to the other. If we sit before
a preacher and hear every word he says
but cannot recall It a moment after
ward, It la because our prefrontal brain
has been at rest If we wish to re
call a subject the stlmulua muat pasa
to the prefrontalor regulatory office,
whence the stimulus is sent to the
brain cells containing the sensations to
be recalled. The great problem la to
keep the brain healthy and active with
out strain.
If the blood is not right the brain
cannot be, for it is nourished by good
blood. The chief enemies of the brain
are worry, which disorganizes the
machinery; shock, wheh paralyzes the
brain. Worry or excitement causes lr-
rcg'ular nerve action. We call it con
fuHion of idea or nervosity. The op
tic brain centers throw up a series of
depressing mental photographs, exag
geratlng existing trouble. This con
tlnues to depress the cells In the fore
brain, resulting In complete failure to
Judge aright or analyze correctly
Slight annoyances are likely to grow
Into quarrels In this way. for by brood
ing over them brain fatigue occurs.
Then the imagination sees exaggerated
views until spite and Hatred and kin
dred passions exhaust the fore brain,
and misguided actions result. The
stronger the quarrel grows the weaker
the finer perceptions become. This ex
plains the disease of the age worry
and Its results,
Miss Cecilia Beaux of Philadelphia
ha bay appointed a the only woman
on the I r to select exhibits for the
United! lea fine arts department at
the Paiwx position.
Mies Susan de Forest Day. a wealthy
southern woman, haa converted a
tramp steamer Into a yacht and has
Joined the New York Yacht club. She
is. the first woman granted a commis
sion as master of a ship.
It may not be generally known that
Mrs. Besant has founded a college for
Hindoos at Benares. Aa current talk
haa It she la "now championing the
cauae or Hlndoolsm." The "now" re
minds one of Mr. Gladstone's prophecy
that Mrs. Besant would complete the
cycle of religions and finish where she
began. In the fold of Anglicanism.
Three Pittsburg girl a Misses Mary
B. and Ella G. Maloney and Oertrude
McCaffrey were lately accorded an un
usual favor by the pope. They arrived
In Rome after the regular audience at
the Vatican and succeeded In obtain
ing a private audience. They describe
the pope aa seemingly In perfect health.
Mrs. Estelle G. Mapff. a beautirui so
ciety woman of Chicago, I suing to
have a firm of liquor dealer enjoined
from further use of her portrait a an
advertisement of fruit gin. The de
fendance profess Ignorance as to who
la the original of the picture they are
uslnr. Mrs Mauff ia not thinking of
going on the stage and it la not believed
that the use of the picture, the suit,
or the new of It conceal a scheme of
the press agent.
Mrs. Joubert. wife of the commander
of the Boer army, ia rather an edu
cated women for a Boer vrouw and a
a girl was noted for her musical ac
complishments. She Is known to have
possessed one of the first pianos ever
aeen In Pretoria. She, like her friend,
Mrs. Krurer. revels In domesticity, and
once boasted that she had always cook
ed her husband's Sunday dinner and
Intended doing so even If ahe became
"flrt lady of the land." General Jou
bert haa been mentioned a a succes
sor to the presidency. Among the
other Item of goealp afloat In the
Transvaal ia that neither one of the
women possesses more than one black
Ilk dress. Mrs. Kruger, for Instance;
has worn the same gown at her hua
band'a recentlona for upward of ten
years, and It waa only on New Year'
day last that ahe wore a gown mad
from a present to her husband of silk
from the Lyons Silk Growers' associa
tion. Mrs. Joubert. too, has the larg
est quantity of household and wearing
linen possessed by any woman In the
republic, and her favorite wedding
present to young Boer women of her
acquaintance Is so many sheets ana
dozen or more of various descriptions
of undergarments.
Frills of Fashion.
Self-control Is the key to right living
and thinking. An overindulgent par
ent allows the animal Instinct to pre
vail over the Intellectual control, to
the Injury of the child's mental devel
opment. The higher the intellect the
more these instincts are under control.
Euthanasia, or mental well being. Is
what all must strive for the body In
health and the mind at peace. Unreat
wears out the strongest brains. Worry
la poison to the brain; work develops
It. The facta given here are taken from
an Interesting volume on "The Brain
Machine; Ita Power and Weakness," by
Albert Wilson, M. D., Just published
by J. A. Churchill, London.
"That man, I think, haa had a liberal
education who haa been so trained In
youth that his body Is the ready ser
vant of his will, and does with ease
and pleasure all the work that, as a
mechanism, it Is capable of; whose
Intellect is a clear, cold, logic engine,
with all Its parts of equal strength
and In smooth working order, ready,
like a steam (eng1ne, to be turned to
any kind of work and spin the gossa
mers as well is forge the anchors of
the mind; whose mind is stored with
a knowledge of the great and funda
mental truths of nature and of the
laws of her operations, and who, no
stunted ascetic. Is full of life and fire,
but whose pi"lons are trained to
come to heel by :i vigor r.1 will, the
servant of a tend r ronm ii-n'"; wtio
has learned to li ve aff beauty, w heth
er of nature or of art, to hate all vl'e
nesti. and to respect others as hlmf If."
From Huxley's lectures, "A Liberal
Education and W litre to Knd It.' Ad
dress to South London Working Men'f
Military Rules.
The war with the Boers is likely to
prove far more effective than the re
cent circular of Lord Wolseley, the
British commander-in-chief. In putting
an end to that practice of shaving the
face clean, which haa for some time
past been fashionable, not only In Eng
lish aociety, but also In the British
army. For during the campaign
neither officers nor men will have
much opportunity of indulging In such
luxuries as a looking glass, a rasor, a
shaving bruah and shaving soap, those
being, I am Informed the Impedimenta
which the aterner aex stand In need
of In order to shave their physiogno
mies. The military authorities strong
ly object to clean-ahaven faces aa un-aoldler-llke,
and the recent general
order exacts that no officer nor private
ahould presume sny longer to shave
the upper Up, the hair on which be
longs. In official parlance, to the
queen. This rule was lint establish
ed about forty year ago, shortly after
the Crimean war, and several officer
who declined to obey the regulation,
on the ground that their wire would
not permit them t wear a mustache,
were given the alternative of letting (t
grow or leaving the army.
In the navy a different rule prevails.
There an officer to not permi t ted to
wear a mnntaehc. save In eonjnnctlon
with a twriaw ehln. Unless a fall
alM whiskers ay a pjann skir
I face are de rigeur. I believe that
the same rule prevails among the com
mon sailors of the royal navy. The
prince of Wales, so far as 1 know. Is
the only officer In the army who wears
a full beard, and General Kir Evelyn
Wood, who wore a beard when out In
Egypt, as well as other generals oi
foreign service, who indulged In simi
lar hirsute adornments, proceeded to
shave their chin as soon as ever they
returned home.
The Engllrh government Is not the
only one that attaches Importance to
this question of beards and mustaches.
It was but the other day that Emperor
William, - finding that a number of
naval officers were aping him by wear,
lng nothing but mustaches, fiercely
twlated upward, cavalry fashion. Is
sued a circular forbidding mustaches
to be worn In the navy, except In con-
Junction with a beard, and expressing
a preference for mere aide whiskers
or clean-shaven faces, pointing out
that cavalry mustaches were unsuit
able and out of place In the case of
It may not be generally known that
beard ar likewise forbidden to the
secular clergy of the Roman Catholic
church, an exception being, however,
made In favor of those wno are en
gaged tn missionary labor In coun
tries such aa China, Africa, etc The
only cardinal whom I can remember
aa bearded waa Mgr. Lavlgsile, arch
bishop aad metropolitan of Northern
Africa, while the into Cardinal Mortal
were sen wktokwa. Me wag, how
ever, net a nrtasi, nut aserely tam-
at we awn en vsiiegs
Some of the new heavy silks for the
winter are extremely soft and pliable
and have a lustrous satin finish.
Kilt skirts are pretty for small girls.
Children wear the half long straight
Jackets or the long cloaks similar to
those of their mothers, sometimes with
wide yokes of velvet edged with fur.
New ulsters are made of large Eng
lish plaids, a pale and a deep shade
of green, reseda and violet, fawn color
and Roman blue, almond, with two
distinct shades of brown, or three tint
In gray being favorite color mixtures.
Pretty party gowns for little glrla of
8 or 10 years have the fullness falling
from the yoke, where It is sometimes
gathered, or the little gowns may be
plaited. These may be of silk, but
nothing Is prettier or more suitable
than nun' veiling.
A cape which haa a more dressy ap
pearance runs down from a rather
short front at the waist line to a long
point In the back. The high collar I
edged with a band of fox, which out
line the cape and a second band I
placed at some distance above the first
The lining Is of quilted silk over an In
terlining of fur.
Among the new expensive novelty
weaves In dresa fabrics are those with
a rugh surface, but a firm underwemve
which prevents the material from
stretching or breaking, at the waist
seams The surface is broken by lat
eral lines of chenille or narrower velvet
woven in a raised design.
Evening frocks for half grown girl
are prettily made with the neck cut a
little low In a square, finished with a
few rows of shirring and a little ruffle
at the edge, the bodice Is full and round
with a yoke effect made. by a full ruffle
of lace, which has a ribbon bow or
some simple ornament at one side.
There Is a wide frill of lace, at the el
bow sleeves. A ribbon tied around
above It Is fastened with a bow at the
upper side.
The most popular hat for street wear
), as It promised to be, the toque,
either of fur, or fur and velvet, cloth, ,
!ce, or fur with any other of any num
ber of materials. When the popular
turban Is not of fur there are likely to'
be grebe festhers around It, and It
looks from the number of thrse worn
as If the birds were to be exterminated.
The turban Is becoming. It has a styl
iHh as well us a dre-HHy effect, arid It is
suitable for many occasions.
Very smart nnd striking are the new,
deep capes of Ruhslan red kersey, lin
ed with matelnsH Kilk and trimmed
with narrow bands of seal, otter or
mink fur. Sonvt of the models are
finished wllh hoods that reach to the
shoulders and are lined with tre mate
lanne silk and bordered with upturned
revers of the fur.
Boas of every sort are still popular.
Some of the new varieties are of a rich
shade of golden-brown ostrich plumage;
again, there Is a mixture of three col
ors, like mauve, w hile and black. Home
of the short boas are made of full os
trich tips In pink, cream or cherry-red.
dotted with bits of black marrabout,
while others of closely plaited chiffon
are edged with chenille.
Mrs. Dewey's wedding outfit com
prises the richest of heavy silk gown
In black, and black combined etrik
Inkly with white; violet, the lighter
and deeper shades of gray and white,
and the beautiful effects of Iridescent
designs of black spangles and gowns
veiled with lace, adding that charm
ing soft and most becawilng touch to
mo modern uinner ana aiiernoon tol
.etB. Her morning gowna are of the
loveliest of lavender and palest of gray
shadea In rrepe fabrics. These have the
bewitching French effects In the Ma
rie Antoinette fichus, which fall to the
hem of the gown and dividing open
over a petticoat of allk the shad of the
gown upon which the garment are
built Several handsome light ailk
waists are Included In th collection of
beautiful costumes Of white allka. with
hand embroidery aad narrow lacs, aad
artistic efreeta In black and whit com
bined, and of Uw lighter aad darker
hade In tray and in violet
Tne wswaa who owna no furs and
tne oaa whose eeal Ma to enspty rajala
with Tialag great lor aver the sew. ,