Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, November 30, 1899, Image 5

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Claims Mad That Force or Fili
pino Ar Widely Scattered
and Demoralized.
Manila, Nov. 28.-The new which the
Steamship Brutus brings from Dagupan
dlapela all doubts that the so-called
Filipino republic is crumbling like a
house of cards.
Agulnaldo is deserted or being aban
doned by the politicians, and the army,
which a fortnight ago was Intrenched
t Tarlac, and exercised a defacto gov
ernment over nine-tenths of the people
of Luzon, is fugitive In the mountains
with small hope of re-establishing the
machine. The army Is scattered In the
hills on both sides of the railroad, and
the separated detachments are within
the cordon which Generals Lawton and
Wheaton have cemented.
The ruling spirit in the cabinet is a
prisoner in Manila, a white elephant on
the hands of the authorities, and the
mall fry are tumbling over one an
other to get to Manila.
Three provincial governors have ar
rived In Manila to ask General Otis to
Install them In their old offices under
the new regime. Dr. Luna, a brother of
General Luna, and a prominent insur
rectionist, has arrived here, and him
self and many others are applying to
General "Otis for permission to enjoy
the luxuries of Manila, after months of
eparatlon fro mctvlllzation.
There were no demonstrations over
the victory here. The flags are flying
at half mast out of respect for Vice
President Hobart. The natives appear
to be unmoved and business Is unruf
fled. Friday night parties of Insurgents
made feeble attacks upon Imus and
Zapote bridge. The only large organ
Ised force of Insurgents known to re
main are those In the Cavite province
at Ban Mateo and In the Zambeles
mountains, though several forts have
large garrisons.
Agulnaldo began his retreat with 2.000
men under General Gregorlo del Pilar
That force was probably reduced to Its
present proportions by desertion.
do's whereabouts is that he passed thro'
Trinldsrd, Eastern Arlngay, toward
Bayambng, escorted by 2j0 men of the
Bulacan battalion, who dwindled from
WO within a week. General Mlno, who
fought the Thirty-third at Han Jacinto,
is supposed to have Joined him.
A letter from General Mno has been
Intercepted. In which the 'writer says
that 20 of his men had been killed or
mounded, that he had enough and was
going to the mountains.
General Young, with the Maccabebe
and Chase's scouts, Is still on the trail
of the fugitives. Men and horses are
badly used up. General Wheaton Is
trying to get reinforcements and sup
. Biles to them from the coast.
General Young left Tayug November
13. to connect with General Wheaton
with the Maceabebe and three troops
of cavalry. Two troops, commanded
by Captain Hunter and Lieut. Thayer,
pushed through to Aslgnan. From that
point Lieutenant Thayer, with twelve
men, started for San Fabian, taking
the chances of getting through the
lines of the enemy, who were suppos
ed to be between Aslngan and Fabian.
During a during ride by way of Mc-
Oeldan and San Jacinto, he arrived at
Sua Fabian November 14. dashing thro'
a considerable force of the enemy at
Magaidan. Ills undertaking was re
ported at Manila by courier from Gen
eral Young at Kan Jose. The fate of
Lieutenant Thayer and his companions
was not known until today and fears
prevailed here that they had been eith
er killed or captured.
Major Swlgert, with the other two
troope reconnoltered toward Pozzerublo
twice attacking a force which It was
afterwards learned was Agulnaldo'
rear guard. In the meantime General
Wheaton sent the Thirteenth regiment
to San Tornas. and at Rosarlo, two
launches from the Oregon, Lieutenant
Nlblack commanding, along the shore
The insurgents were found Intrenched
at Rosarlo. Buck's battalion and the
launcelis drove them from the trench
and routed them, the Thirteenth regl
nvnt losing one man killed and three
Cronan's battalion marched to Pozzc
rublo, there finding General Young's
force, which had Just learned that
Agulnaldo has passed Asingan on his
way to Bonalonan tne nigni oeiore,
General Young started to head off the
party at Pozzerublo, and might have
succeeded, but that he took the wrong
road, reaching Manaoag, where he hit
the rear guard of the Insurgent cnier,
captured a quantity of supplies, Aguln
aldo's wife's effects and thirty-five
Remlnrtons. Darkness coming on com.
pellet him to abandon the pursuit for
the night, and a heavy rainfall on the
two following days handicapped mm
further, otherwise Agulnaldo might
have been captured.
Buencamlno's endurance was ex
hausted. He had left Agulnaldo's party
there and remained among tne Ameri
cans a week until the natives betrayed
him. ,,
Agulnaldo Is on the mountain trails,
having twenty-five horses In the party,
and has a good chance of eluding the
Americans, unless he gets among hos
tile natives.
General Law ton arrived In San r a
blan November 15, after an exhausting
trip. He arranged the distribution of
troops In the surrounding country and
started for Tayug on Sunday.
The business men of Dagupan and
many foreigners have sent word to
General Wheaton that the Insurgents
had evacuated and requested that he
garrison the place. Captain Howland
took a battalion of the Thirteenth reg
iment and proceeded to Dagupan. He
found 2 500 people In a town, whose
. nominal' population Is 60,000, the re
mainder having ed to the swarnps.
Captain Howland reinstalled In office
the local authorities of Agulnaldo
government, all of whom took the oath
of allegiance. '
The Third cavalry had one man Mil.
4 and three wounded In the fight at
Santo Tom as.
The movement against the Insurgent!
In th Island of Pansy has resulted n
driving them to the mountains, twenty
miles inward.
The troop engaged were two bat
talion of the Nineteenth regiment, a
battalion of the Twenty-lth regiment
the Eighteenth regiment, Gordons
mounted couts and Brldgman s bat
tery of the Slth artillery.
The Americans. In all, lot Ave men
killed and had thirty-eight men wound
ad. Oeneral Hughe. Colonel Carpen
ter and Colonel F.dmund Rice com
manded during the various flghU.Thtr-ty-two
'Insurgent were killed m the
engagement and the native reported
thatnfneieen carload, of wounded
were taken away. I
tke urn ii mm,
Empror' Visit Bitterly Criticised
In Duthland.
Berlin, Nov. 28. The visit Of Kmner-
or William to England, although more
or less atseounted before hand, has oc
cupled public opinion this week abovi
all else. Even the most rabid Anelo.
phobes found little fault with the re
ports of his majesty's reception. Some
of the papers commented, in a friendly
way, on the evidences of good will and
sympathy shown the emperor, even by
the lower classes of English, and ar
gued well therefrom for a firmer and
clearer understanding between the
two countries.
It Is significant that one of Ger
many s noted professors publishes
strong argument. In favor of a Ger
man-Hritish-Anicrican alliance, whll
Herr Harth does the same. In the na
tion, however, there is no doubt that
the vat majority of the people an
press continue hostile to Great Britain
and disapprove of the Imperial visit.
well known poet In the pan-German
Deutsche Zeitung has written a poetic
warning to the emperor, beginning
Nach England, kaiser, gene nlcht.
While scores of papers have vented
meir antl-Hrltlsh feelings, signs are
discernible that opinion begin to veer,
Not only the. Cologne Gazette, which
has been friendly to Great Britain from
tha start, but even the influential
Kreuz Zeitung, often the barometer of
cold weather, and the leading center
organ, the Cologne Volks Zeitung, have
article this week condemning "the
senseless, rabid Anglophobia," the
Kreuz Zeitung saying: "Opinion in
Germany does not strive against the
re-establishment of better political and
commercial relations with England. On
the contrary, it favors both and be
lieves there Is room enough on the
globe for both nations, without either
obscuring the sunlight of te other."
The Cologne Volk Zeitung ridicules
the "unreasonable pan-Germans," say
ing they would have Jubilated If the
emperor had gone to St. Petersburg In
stead of England.
The comment on the South African
war, generally, is tinctured with ill
will for Great Britain. The Deutsche
Zeitung assumes the success of the
Boers and advises President Kruger to
Insist as the terms of . peace on the
cession of Dclagoa bay to the Trans
vaal, which It adds, will "lead to a
new and better German policy in
South Africa."
The Deutsche Tages Zeitung says
"If the English press continues In its
arrogancy to represent England aa the
paramount power ami Germany as the
vassal in South Africa, an Increase, if
possible, of the dislike felt here, for
our trans-channel cousins will bo the
Details of the czar's visit to Potsdam
are leaking out. The correspondent
here of the Associated Press learns
from a person who was present that
the czar was cool and reserved at first
This was due not only to his natural
disposition and abhorrence of scenes
and painful explanations, but also to
the fact that for some time past sto
ries have been circulated by go-be
tweens at both courts, of biting re
marks of the emperor to the effect
that the czar waa a "pantoffel," and
held to be averse to everything mili
tary about his "spellerol Hague con
ference, all of which was reported to
the czar In distorted shapes.
Owing to this the meeting was re
peatedly put off and finally took place
through the Influence of the-czarina
However, the emperor's explanations
were Irresistible, and the amiability
which he knows so well how to display
when It sules him, had the desired ef
feet, so the czar departed In a friendly
mood. He was not angry, nor aston
ished at the Samoa agreement and a
better understanding between Great
Britain and Germany.
Regarding the emperor's present feel
Ings about the war, the Associated
Press correspondent learns from the
same authority that his natural sym
pathies are altogether on the British
side, but he clearly realizes that the
complete wiping out of the Boers as
an Independent political element In
South Africa, would not subserve Ger
man Interests. He also disapproves of
what he term Mr. Chamberlain s in
sincere and provocative policy."
Although expected, the burial of the
antl-strlke bill came more swiftly than
anticipated by either the government
or the reichstag. The collapse was
due to the conviction of the centrists
that their amendments would no' be
accepted by the government.
The correspondent of the Associated
Press learns that there Is no Intention
to introduce another antl-soclailst bill
at present. Emperor William no longer
attaches the highest Importance to an
antl-strlke bill, and even the canal bill
for a time has given way to the naval
bill, the passage of wtlch engrosses
his thoughts.
In the meanwhile Count Posadowski
Wehner. the minister of the Interior,
and the Berliner Correspondence, the
special organ of the government's In
ternal policy, severely reprimanded tne
majority of the relchstag, which, on
the rejection of the bill, was made up
of the entire left, center and socialists.
HeVause of their lack of courtesy, the
high officials threaten that, as every
bill designed to restrain or repress so-
ciallsts Is defeated, the government
will have to find other means to ac
complish this end, as u is ciaimeu to ue
necessary to curt) tne growing inso
lence of the socialists.
San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 28. The
United States transport shermant has
arrived from the Philippine after a
quick trip, the vessel occupying uut
twenty-five days on the voyage from
Manila. There were eighteen cabin
passenger and 1!4 discharged and sick
men on board.
Of the sick, eight died on the voy
age, a follows:
Walter H. Guthrie, Twertn inrantry.
Peter Dougherty, Thirteenth Infantry.
William Halnslaw.
Jame F. McClanahan.
Jame C. Harrington.
Joseph Qulnn.
William L. Donwart
jonn iiurnes. ,
McClanahan was suffering
from a
did not
"omnllcatlon of diseases and
die until after the vessel passed Into
this hbraor. The bodies of those who
die don the voyage were placed In
sealed csket and brought to this city.
The bodies of nve or me somier wno
died In the hospital at Nagasaki were
also brought over. Their name follow:
Leslie K. Waterman, jnrst norm ua-
kota regiment; Richard H. Ilalphy,
Utah battery: Thomas Otsen, Wyoming
artillery; F. w. Tucker. Twenty-third
Infantry; Alex Lundslrom, Third ar
tillery. .
Tamra. Fla., Nov. . The Havana-
American Cigar company, capital 110,.
000,000, began business here today by
taking possession or tnree lactones re
cently purchased. It I announced that
the comrnv will remove to Tampa st
once the etabllhment of B. Hems-
helm Bro. Co. of New uriean. rcn
rene Valleen Co. of Chicago and D.
L. TruJIIIo at Son of Key Welt.
No Sign of Success Shown For Be
leagued Cities of Mafeklng
and Ladysmlth.
London, Nov. 28. The position in
Natal remains full of perplexities,
which the censorship his increased. Al
though a division and a half have now
reached Durban, that place Is prac
tically powerless until supplied with
cavalry and artillery -and until these
arrive the situation will undoubtedly
remain grave.
With three beleaguered garrisons in
Natal, besides Kimberley and Mafe
klng, and no signs of succor in the
immediate future, it Is no wonder that
the outlook Is rega riled as distinctly
gloomy, and that the most possible Is
made out of General Methuen's success,
such as It was. That battle decided
nothing, and It seems certain that
many experts are of the opinion that
the Btory of the return of the pursuing
cavalry without getting In touch with
the retreating Boers, indicates that the
cavalry discovered In time that If it
had gone on it would have been In the
Pretoria race course with Its comrades
of the Hussars.
It will not surprise any one If the
Boers are shortly again discovered In
an entrenched position near the spot
from which General Methuen has Just
evicted them.
From no other point can even a sem
blance of success be reported. Mafe
klng la apparently In a worse plight
than the Britishers have hitherto cared
to admit, and It is difficult to see how
It can be relieved for some time. While
the official dispatches from the Boer
head laager outside Ladysmlth, dated
November 24, showed that the town
was still flying the Union Jack Friday,
the cheerful tone of the message and
the evident anticipation of the speedy
reduction of Ladysmlth is not calcu
lated to cheer anxious relative.
The reported silence of the British
guns also again arouses fears of a
shortness of ammunition, and the fact
that the Boers have Just placed In po
sition another siege gun, shows that
they have not yet done their worst.
The -arrival of the German officers,
some of whom, it is learned, gained
large experience In reducing fortifica
tions in 1870, has caused a change or
tactics which will add to the suspense
of the sorely tired garrison.
The situation In the northern portion
of Cape Colony la about as unsatisfac
tory as it can be. Boers are turning up
In all directions. The Capetown dis
patch received at a late hour indicates
that the enemy have blown up a rail
way bridge between Rosmead Junction
and Mlddleburg, with the object of
preventing an advance from Port Eliz
abeth. This was effected by a small
commando which, it Is slated, remains
In the neighborhood. The effect of the
blowing up of this bridge will be to
tend to Isolate Naauwpoort, which was
recently reoccupled by the British and
must delay the advance of troops Just
arrived at Port Elizabeth.
New York, Nov. 28. A cable dispatch
from Mool river tells of reconnolssance
in force from Mool river camp and
ends as follows: "The mounted in
fantry Is still out."
It will be remembered that the nrst
intimation of the capture of the men
f the Eighteenth Hussars, who are
now at I'retorta, was found In an offi-
ial dispatch reporting that "they had
not returned."
The loss of Carleton's column in
Nicholson's Nek was first Indicated In
a dispatch from General White In sim
llur terms.
London, Nov. 26. A special dispatch
from Durban Friday, Nov. 24, says:
The Times of Natal has received news
by way of Delagoa Bay that both Ma
feklng and Kimberley have been re
lieved. This Is not only Improbable,
but Is discredited by a special dispatch
from Capetown, which states that Gen
eral Methuen Is In hellographlc com
munication with Kimberley, which In
dleates that the relieving forces pushed
forward after the battle at Belmont.
If this be true stirring news may be
expected shortly, aa the Boers are In
force at Modder river and spytfonteln,
Pretoria, Nov. 25. An official dis
patch from the Boer head laager out
side Ladysmlth, dated November 24,
'The garrison at Ladysmlth was
strangely quiet yesterday. The cannon
ading today hardly evoked a response.
The balloon no longer soars. The third
big cannon, which the Boers have bap
tized Suzerainty, was placed in posi
tion today. The German officers ar
rived last night.
The Boer generals think they will
encompass the fall of Ladysmlth at
he end at this week.
"There was a terrific thunderstorm
ast night. Four Boers guarding a can
non were seriously struck."
Atlanta, Ga,, Nov. 28. General Miles
has arrived here from New Orleans on
an official tour of Inspection. Since
he beginning of his tour in the south
and west General Miles has found the
army posts In good condition and is
pleased with his visit. When asked
what he thought would be the probable
result of the British and Boer war he
did not hesitate to say that England
would eventually win, but emphasized
he fact that the victory would be
bought with a great sacrifice of lives
and property. "BrltlBh arms In the
Transvaal will be carried to victory,"
he said, "but there will be many lives
lost, much property swept away. If
the Boers had a many soldier and as
many source of supplies I would not
undertake to say what would be the
result. But while the British possess
11 these supplies and have an unlim
ited amount of men, both at home and
In the colonies, to draw on. It must be
remembered that the war Is far re
moved from the base of supplies. A
and communication of 500 mile I al
ways a great hardship and an uncer
Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 26. Recruit
ing for the Boer army, It Is alleged,
IE being conducted here under the di
rection of an organization known a
the Irish National society. It I as
serted that last Thursday night 450
men left this city en route to the
Transvaal to join the Boer force. Re
cruit In much larger numbers are ssld
to have been shipped at numerous In-
erval lnce the beginning of the wr,
It I also asserted that recruiting I go
ing on In all part of the country.
Writers and orators, like soldiers, make it a practice to overshoot the
people they are aiming at. It Is said that It takes as much as a ton of lead
in bullets to disable one man. So it is In writing books. As an Illustration,
a certain gentleman has one copy of "Coin's Financial School," and stack
ed around this little book are thirty-odd other books which were published
as attempted answers to the little schoolmaster's lecture. Tens of thou
sands of newspapers, magazines, periodicals, secular and regillous, pub
lished In all languages and In all countries known to mankind, have been
wrestling from the day the book appeared until now with the simple truths
so plainly explained by Mr. Harvey in his remarkable work, "Coin's Finan
cial School."
The American people will be rejoiced to know that this gifted writer, so
powerful in stripping mystified propositions of their seeming mystery,- and
restating them In manner and form that we all can comprehend, is now en
gaged in writing a new book entitled "Coin on Money Trust and Imper
ialism," which will be sold at 25 cents a copy.
Much the same direct and simple school room style which gave to
"Coin's Financial School" an unprecedented hold on the people, Is fol
lowed In this new work. The young schoolmaster has grown sufficiently In
the past few years, and since he lectured on the silver question, to exchange
his knee breeches for long trousers, but that does not alter his style of
teaching. Think of the hundreds of thousands of men, women and chil
dren who will attend "Coin's School on Money Trust and Imperialism," and
familiarize themselves with these great questions before the winter months
are over.
Coin Publishing Co., No. 5 Studio Building, corner State and Ohio street,
Chicago, are the publishers of Mr. Harvey new book. The work will be
sold exclusively by agents, who will agree to begin work at once and take
subscriptions In their counties. Those who will give this matter their
prompt attention are requested to send in twelve cents (six two-cent
stamps) for prospectus, terms to agents and other valuable information,
which will fit them out for Immediate business. Address air communica
tions to Coin Publishing Co., No. 5, Studio Building, corner State and Ohio
streets, Chicago, 111.
"Coin on Money Trust and Tmperlalism" will be ready for delivery to
subscribers about the 10th of next January, and the agents should put In
the entire month of December taking subscriptions and send in their orders
as rapidly as possible.
British In North Africa Kill a Khalifa
and Many Emirs.
Cairo, Nov. 28. -Lord Cromer, the
British minister here, has received the
following dispatch from General Kitch
ener: Wingate's force caught up with the
khalifa's force seven miles southeast
of Gedid and attacked it. After a sharp
fight he took the position. The khalifa,
who was surrounded by a body guard
of emirs, was killed and all the princi
pal emirs were killed or captured, ex
cept Osman Digna, who escaped.
The dervishes were utterly defeated,
their whole camp waa taken and thou
sand 'of women, children and cattle
also fell Into the hands of the Anglo
Egyptian force.
General Kitchener also wires:
"Wingate's Arab scouts located the
khalifa's position at Omdebrlkas. Our
force marched from Gedil In the moon
light and frequently had to cut Its way
through the bush. It arrlvecf before
dawn on rising ground overlooking the
camp, which was hidden In the tree.
We heard their drums and horns be
fore dawn and at 5:15 the dervishes
attacked. Our guns opened fire and
soon the action became general. Half
an hoar later the whole line advanced
and swept through the dervish posi
tion for over two miles till the camp
was reached.
"The mounted troops pursued and
captured most of the fugitives. The
khalifa, with most of his men, and the
emir's body guard, made a gallant
stand. Among the emirs killed were
the khalifas two brothers and the
Mahdl's son. Osman Digna left imme
diately after the firing began and Is
probably concealed somewhere In the
vicinity. I hope, eventually, to get him.
We too kthe entire dervish camp. All
the dervishes not killed surrendered. 1
cannot speak too highly of the excel
lent behavior of the troops and their
endurance during the long, tedious
marches' preceding the final acjtion.
From 4 o'clock In the morning of No
vember 21 until 5 o'clock In the morn
ing of November 24 they marched sixty
miles and fought two decisive actions.
Boston, Mass., Nov. 28. The New
England Antl-Imperlallst league held
Its annual meeting In Wesleyan hall
Saturday night, at which the principal
speech was made by ex-Governor Geo.
8. Boutwell. Wlnslow Warren presid
ed. Ex-Governor Boutwell roundly
scored the McKlnley administration for
Its policy In the Philippines. The point
In hi address, and it was punctuated
with applause, which aroused much en
thusiasm, was when he declared If
President MoKlnley Is the candidate
for the republican party he will be a
surprised man on the day after elec-
. i . , , 11 ..... n ...n In 1BJA' aik.n
won, urn vnn eurrii w in ,.,,..
he thought he was elected, while he
had received the votes of only five
Gamabriel Bradford presented a reso
lution, which was adopted, to the effect
that ministers should be asked to pre
ncnt the topic of the war In the Phil
ippine In their Thanksgiving sermons.
Sex of Sentenced Forger Discover
ed After Reaching Pen
Chester, III., Nov. 28. Ellis Glenn
until today believed by everybody in
Southern Illinois and Missouri to be a
man, turns out to be a woman.
Glenn, who came from the east,
was arrested and .pleaded guilty at
Hlllsboro, 111., on a charge of forgery.
It was alleged that he endeavored to
obtain money on a forged note. He
was sentenced to serve an Indefinite
period on parole at the Southern 1111
nols penitentiary at Chester. This Is
an Institution for male prisoners only,
Today Glenn arrived at the prison in
charge of Sheriff Cassldy. A few min
utes after the pair arrived the prison
walls shook with a sensation, Glenn
was regularly turned over to Deputy
Warden Dowell, who receipted for him.
The prisoner was ordered, as is cus
tomary in such cases, to have his hair
clipped. This operation performed, he
was assigned to the bath room to un
dergo a good washing, as is also cus
tomary before being allowed to com
mingle with the cleanly birds In the
Chester bast lie.
The sex of the prisoner was discov
ered before the Immersion. It was a
surprise to the officials. Glenn was
hustled into his clothes again without
any delay and sent off to the hospital,
where an examination by surgeons
proved conclusively that the new ar
rival was not a man, as had been sup
posed, and as it had led everybody to
believe, but a real live woman.
As there is no ward for women at
Chester, Glenn was placed In charge of
Sheriff Cassldy and forwarded back to
Hlllsboro. Deputy Dowell questioned
her closely and the story she tells is
that she Is from Ohio; that she has
been In Texas. The offense she was
sent to prison for was committed by a
twin brother from whom she could not
be distinguished when in men's attire;
that she met him In Paducah, Ky.,
changing clothes with him, that he
might escape; that she resembled him
so strongly that she deceived acquaint
ances and even deceived the girl that
he was to marry.
-The deputy regarded the whole yarn
as a fish story and Is of the opinion
that the sending out of her photo
graphs will lead to the discovery of a
dangerous crook wanted in more places
than one.
Hlllsboro, III. Like a thunderbolt
from a clear sky came the news today
that Fills Glenn Is a woman, not a man.
The most startling feature about the
case Is that he or she was engaged to
be married to Miss Ella Duke, of But
ler, a pretty little town near Hlllsboro.
When apprised of the startling devel
opment In the case Mis Dukes refused
to believe that her fiance wa of her
own sex.
For legache and the "growing pain"
of which the children complain, wrap
the leg In salt water and then In flan
nel. .
Impressive Funeral Service Over
Remains of Late Vic President.
Paterson, N. J.,; Nov. 26. With the
Impressive religious services of the
Presbyterian church and with the dig
nity due to his high office, all that is
mortal of the vice president, aGrret A.
Hobart, was committed to the earth
this afternoon. The president, Secre
tary of State John Hay, Chief Justice
Fuller, former Vice President Levi P.
Morton, former Secretary of War Al
ger, Secretary of the Interior Hitch
cock, the supreme judges, member of
the senate, members of congress and
the vice president's personal friends
filled the beautiful Church of the Re
deemer and with moistened eyes and
bowed heads testified silently and elo
quently to his worth as a stateman,
friend and neighbor.
Through the west window from th
center of the stained glass Maltese
cross pierced a shaft of crimson that
shed its light around the catafalque
and covered the orchids, narcissus blos
soms and roses In bright tints. The
eye of the clergyman traveled along
the shaft of light to the cross as he
repeated the words: "The Lord gave
and the Lord hath taken" away; -blessed
be the name of the Lord."
The chief magistrate , of ., the country
bowed his head in his' hands. He was
visibly agitated. There was scarcely a
dry eye in the crowded edifice, and the
widow was, apparently, the most com
posed. ;
All the pomp of an official pagehtr'
which was omitted In deference to the
wishes of the deceased, could never
have equaled In lmpresslveness the
scene In the church. The Imposing and
solemn strains of Chopin's funeral
march filled the edifice with Its solemn
melody as the casket was borne up the
aisle on the shoulders of the stalwart
members of the capitol police and plac
ed upon the bier prepared for It in
front of the pulpit. Following It came
the pall bearers, members of the sen
ate. Following them came the family,
the widow and h?r son, President Mc
Klnley, the government dignitaries and
intimate friends. They all- sat close
around the casket.
On every side of It the floral offer
ings were banked in a wealth of beauty
and color. The funeral services were
opened by Rev. Dr. Charles S. Shaw,
who read a portion of Psalms xc, 1-4
and 10-12. This was followed by a
selection from Job xiv, 1-2 and 7-12,
and concluded by a reading from th
fifteenth chapter of Corinthians. After
a prayer sixty male voices filled the
church with the beautiful melody of
"Nearer, My God, to Thee."
Paris, Nov. 28. The performance at
the vaudeville on Thursday of M. Abel
Hermant's new play, "Le Faubourg,
was pre-eminently an eventment Par
islen. This young author has a reputation
for writing comedies in which the char
acters are drawn from life. His "Le
Monte" led to a duel with the Prince
de Sagan.
His new play was said to be based
upon actual and rather candalous Inci
dents in the lives of the present social
leaders of Paris, consequently they
were all at the vaudeville on Thursday,
and all disclosed remarkable acumen
In picking out traits that fitted their
friends. The whole play hinges upon
the marriage of the Prince D'Entra
gues with a young Hungarian, the au
thor's Intention being to show the in
evitable unhappihes of mixed marri
ages. The prince and his wife drift further
and further apart why, It is Impossible
to find out he devoting himself to
philanthropy and she to consoling her
self with a volcanic flirtation,' that later
develops into a passion for Eddy, Mr.
Brother-in-law. her husband broth
er, the Duke de Verneull. The play
ends with the separation of the hus
band an dwife who recognize their In
compatibility of disposition, an ending
that Is neither very logical nor satis
factory. Is
In fact, M. Hermant new comedy
made an impression more by tt subtle
air of lifelike acucracy than by any
real dramatic strength.
Knoxvllle, Tenn., Nov. 28. The Carter
Iron and Steel company ha been or
ganized here, with a capital stock of
$600,000, and the privilege of Increasing
It to $5,000,000. The new company ha
absorbed the Blue Springs Mlnlnr, corn
pany, ine neien mauo iron conpany,
the Stoney Creek Iron company and e
cured valuable Iron mint In. Carter
county, thla state. - ,
.,.r, " pi, .,1.7 - j.