m i Harrison Press -Journal. 4! VOL. XII. HABBISOIT, IsTBBISKZA, THTJISIDJL 30, 1899. 3STO. Oar JUtto-'NO QUESTION IS CVCR SETTLED UNTII.W 18 SETTLED RIGHT."-Ho. Willi J. Bryae. IB llzrrison Press-Journal. mttMumm Sub riptioa Print, fl.00 fo ietproveaseat in senator Hayarard's physical eonditioa is reported by tite dai ly papers of hioeoia aoJ Omaha, up to tint of eoinjf to ares. Tliey do, how ever, continue to wy the Senator is a vtry nick man. OFFICIM. or ttOWX OOUMTV. liro. II. CuHMh - - - Kdltor. Littl change m reported in the British and Boer war ia Mm Transvaal. Lady luith, Mafakintf and Kimberly, ar till holding out against the Boers. May Ood bleas tha Boers in their ttTort to uetaia and maintain their freedom. JCntered second elai t Uia II a lit attar. m I TheLouMvilla(Nab ) Weekly Kicker, prohibited from being entered a second claase matter at the local post c ly ( neaawiitoaers rrwMiBft. Harrison, Sov.1t.IIM. I, Board f County Coinmlsvlouars laet a per call of Clerk. Present, eemmissloner Meag, Proeuaier and Bdhwer and Clerk. Un motion Hoard adjourned UJI a. as. Nov. -a, law. , M. J. TILE WITT. Clerk. ilarrtaan Nuv.C. Ne4, law. 4 IWnr4 met pursuant to adjourn-sent. frmeat commissioner Meat, rroeaaier sue BVAwer and dirk. On motion thecouiity Treasurer Is hereby ordered and iiiHtrncted to transfer the sum ef II71J1 from tlit! IlrMgu fend ef 1WS, and VUUM I -. frnm th fMHnttf M. .till partisan republican J"""". "'" tani ot lvm, a..;i.w from the serial Debt fundi to the General fund of 19f. The following claims agtlnt Siuux tn- ty were audited ami ai:wed and on motion warrants orderAe drusa on the General fund of H for same: Geo. D. Canon, printing pnbUklng .' help of a partis in post office department at Washington, til after election,; and thereby compel liag iU editor to pay 16c a pound in order to have his paper go to the readers of the Kicker through the U.S. mails instead of lc a pound as other papers. Uowever, since Hon. W , J, Bryan is a birder man in Nebraska, than president Murk Haam is in Ohio, the postal authorities at Washington have consented to jiermit the Kicker to pass through the nails on a pur with the g. o. p. lederation, country news paper. The renublicaa miijoritr in State of New York, in im. was 240,00 1997 80,00 19, SO im 9, 30 Tta majority in 4 years 3S3.M Or, an average yearly loss to the g. o. pa iu the four year, HH.i& ten. In reatity Ohio was lost to the repub lican party by 50.000 votes, aot witli standing the iidinioistration candidate for ajoveraor was elected., ICeaiaeky, even though the retmhli. rui caaftdate (or gaveroor should he de clare' electee' aai inaaperated by Qa.. Bradley aa4 bis state malita, whether right or wrong, there in a loss of near 35,000 vote to tlte Mcllanna gold stan dard, high protection wava trut treating p;rty of imperialism aaa" fureio ag g vision. a Maryland, well, there is a dear loss to ttte part) , who are opposed to the Dec laration of Independence, of 20,000 votes. Pennsylvania, Boss, Q'lay's own state. where republican corruption in politics rains supreme, are short U,00 repab-i,.-.n i-t. si no ItMno says honest Jvtse Waaaeniaker, . The very thing the republican party condemned ex-president Cleveland for, under his administration; the pardoning of criminals and seeking to destroy and debase our silver currency, president McKinley and his cabinet is now emulat- s. iibbct AuKust Meier, wood far rasper rreniont Tribune, Stutlaaury Tbeuuis Holly, services as aaeiit M. J. Rlewctl, delivering ballots postage ' J.B.Tucker, Judge of election 1 L. Ktaudenmuler - retarn T. C, Iswls " L.C, Lewis Clerk Wlter Smoke " " ft i. Leuling Judge of election YtkA Stnmnier " " o. '. Story " " A. I, King Clerk BeUrns 8. it. Blory " " J. It. Buruill Judge " Ueorga Uerlach ' " There sessis to be lots ot tiekcei-g around tuaoountry tla's faii. 9mall pox seems to be rafr'asg in the eastern states this fall; something like 500 cases ig reported in oae town in Ken- tacky. Montroite Clipping. 4Ji SOS UK, 3 00 600 2m 10 sat am Henry Piekenbrock took a business trip ta the county seat last Tuesday. Martae Gay hart Jr., canw flown from Eldgeiaont last week where be had been working with Johnson's bridge gang. Eewrett Stuart the Sqauw creek school teat jar went to Crawford Friday to visit wMb relatives there, he returned on Sun- Theo Piekenbrock left for the Pine Si4 Agency Tuesday . Willie Marking has been over in Wya. taking some cattle over for Chris Ruf fing which h id eorod back to their aid raaipe. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Ruffing spent a few days with their parents last week. DIED: Monday the 2Mth at the home of Peter WiedenOeld Frank; Miller Sr. of typhoid fever he leaves two daughters sad one son. They have the heartfelt sympathy of their many friends here. Saaa. Old Massachusets, th-t seat of learning and the birth-place of Faneiiil Hall, Call tl, "t be Cradle of American Librrty. were shurt; election day to the g. o. p. trust and nr.ilitiary party of J5.000 votes which, of course must be significant to that the people of Mjtssachutes are sickining 4 the party arha are opposed, to freedom and the dec- iaraUua af Ind. peii'lence. a a a lawn. 4(4 not n ake T g' over lias 194M election and on account of Sen ator Gear, wishing to succeed himself, and a Mr. Cummings. who was making a liard fight for tlie election to weed Mr. Gear brought out erery republican vote in tha stata, on the other hand candi date White, the Democratic candidate was a defeated candidate once before aud benca was an uapopular candidate, a a Houth Dakota, of course made repuWi irains. (Hit the reform parties d ine little or n.i campaigning and lost the stte by an eg party voU. a Colorado, stands pat,' and will lie on hand in 1900 with her usual oiajority for Mr. Bryan and free silver. Nebraska, every laaly knows about It and will be all O. K. in 1900 look out for Wrger majority than ever. a IVatocracy afUr all have great reason to be thankful for tlie bright prospects that luome up on the political horizon iu luOO, Every true reformer should stand ly principal, and net yenr assist in a glorious victory for tlia people. i ing that unique freak ot tlie Jersey auck swamps. Every body knows liow the president and his trust cabinet are work ing to denionitize half of our metallic curenfy and in less th in three years. Mr McKinley has Pardoned 19 criminals of every description and commuted 128 of every description. Mr. McKinley is helping Wall Street Gofincially just like Mr. C evelunil dsL Thus it h a paralel policy, excepting, probably, Mr, Cleveland would have oijHed an Anglo- Siiion alliance with KagbMid. and the Phihpine war, hence, the choice if any would be in favor of the ex president. There will be more gobbled up dinners today than for the past yenr. Tlie Knights of Labor, In their General Assembly meeting held at Boston, on the tl inat, ptisaed resolutions condemn ing the national administration for its Philippine, policy, also censureing the president for his enmity against organi zed labor. Following is the resolution: RgBOLVgo-That, The General As sembly of the K- of U condemns the fori ign policy of thi National Admin istration in its effort U subjugate the Phlipinos by conquest, and op poses tlie extention of our teritory or government beyond tlie limiu of this continent as contrary to Anwri cao ople's interests and the inter ests of the great mass of working people. Daily Cincinnati (O.) En quirer, t W.H. Oavls Clerk W. It. Marateller" Harry Hrowu Jadge 11. S. 1-urks " B. O. Stuwurt A. L. Saxtou Clerk ChKs. U.Urove " l.ouU Wolillteter Judge V. M. Hall S. J. Schaefer " Henry WerU Clerk AlUsrt Hill " John Henry Judge M.J.Oayhart " Herman Konruth" J. J. Waerborgtr elk J.J.Ahton " MiloCorblu Judge Chaa. Jlemun " J. H. Cook W. A. Nation elk J. r. Cook " . gwlnbank Judge W.ACotman " p. 1. IUenburg " Kobart tlnrrlson elk II. O. Jordan " A Irori J a retarua k, returaa " a re tarns " I returns a returns Crocker Says M Kinley Is M Head of Trusts Judge " V. ljicrone " rr,uro" aiaesWllran " Shlply elk " W. S. Mcolson " Prank Strutton Judge ' 4 returns .. 1,. Wllwn " " John I'lunket U Kay elk A. liarton " " J. Weber Juilge " A. K. Gate. " " returns Dennis Mornn " " Chan Ulppert cia W. II. Johnson I). H, Grlswo'.d John I. Davis " M.J. Hlewett " " O motlou Board adjourned till 8 a. m 14, M. M. J. Blewett, ciers. WASHINGTON, D. C, Nov. 24.- Richurd Crocker, on the eve of his de parture for Europe todav, made some rather serious charges against president McKinley. The Tammany leader said that Mr. Mc Kinley is at the head of the greatest trusts in the United 8tates. Tlie recent Gage deal in bonds was cited to bear out this statement, Mr. Crocker roosted the trust geoer ally and asserted that the president's cabinet is nothing more nor less than a L'igantic trust comistny. Daily (Denver) New AtiKKT WAMTKD-IOlt ..THE 1.1 Yf. AND ,.,,i..i..,.,..t. ur Admiral Dewey' the world's naval hero. Bv Murat llalstead. the iire lonu friend aud admirer of the nation a iii.ii. ii, vMt and iM'at book; over faW pages ariotimbe: nearly 100 pages Uulf lone must rations. Only Knoruioua uemaiiu. iiv I'm.iuiliuilouB. Outfit froe. Uianceota lifetime. Write quick. The Dominion Com piny, anl KUwrCaxlon Blkg., Chicago. FOR SALE CHEAP : -One good small luntinir alove. will burn coal or wood Apply at this ofllce. HARBISON PRESS-JOURNAL canvassing Roard JUS 30 aue 300 am so m lea 3e i J00 30 100 100 7 80 3 00 300 300 3 00 7 80 800 300 300 800 3 00 7S0 300 SOU 300 300 300 300 100 300 300 300 6 00 100 300 3 SO 300 3U0 7S0 3 00 3 00 300 2 00 200 200 Nov. ONer ef Hearing on PetlUoa for Ap- ( pointmrnt of Administrator or i Adatlnlstratrlx. iJhe Commercial Dank. 1 INCORPORATED 1888. Harrison, CAPITAL STOCK PATH IN - - SURPLUS AND PROFITS - - Nebraska. $10,000.00 8,000.00 -o- DIBEOTOBS. H. E. Bev.wster, President C. F. Coffee, Vice President. Chas. C. Jamesoit. A. McUinley, D. H. Gbiswold, Cashier. CORRESPONDENTS: WESTERV NATIONAL BANK, Ntw Youic OMAHA NATIONAL BANK, Omaha, Nm. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS.- State f Nebraska, Hloux txjunty. 1 At. n i!oimtv Court, held at the County ftmrt lUom, in and for suld County, Nov. j Mtii, A. I. W.'J. Present, Uoliert Wilson, Coaaty Judge. IU XllK MATl'KK ul' TI1K KSTATK OF ( I W. 8. JOHSSOS, IJIvCEASKD. Ob reading and flllnK the petition of J AUKS B. JOHSiiON. praying that Administration of said Kstate may be granted to him as Administrator. Oli'JKKKK, Tlmt IKiceniberHh, A. O. ISW. at one o'clock 1". M..U a signed for hear ing said petition, when all persons Interest ed In said niitter may uppeat lit a County Oourl to be held in and for said County, and show cause why the prayer of the peti tioner should not be granted ; and that pen dency of said petition and the hearing thereof, bo glvea to all persons Interns MM in said matter by publishinaa copy of this order In the H Kisos I'Kgss-JoUKiUL, a weekly newspaper pilnted in said Coauty, for 3 iid-eeetye sweas, srlor to said day of Her. -Ing. ;,' . ' . BoRlliT Wll O-, liiKAL. I county Judge, ' (A true copy.) NOIJCr rX)M PUBLICATION. Lino orncr at AM.IANCC, Neb. Oct. 41, WS. Notice is bereur gtvun that the following nituied settler has filed notice of aU intetion to make Bnul prof In support of his claim and that said proof. will be made Cleik of District Court at Hurriaou, Neb., ou Dec. L IHyj, via: BIUNEY WILLIAMS, of Arxlinore. 8. D., who made H. K. No. 4107. fortlie ImIh 1 aim 2, aud bi N Eii, Sec. 13, Twp-33, N. Uange 55 w. He names the fwllowing witnesses to prove IiIn continuous resideuc upon aad cultiva tion of snid land, viz: William Bretty, Joseph Asbton, Alfred Lin berir aud Kuen Cullstoaw, all of Arduiore, Neb. T. M. DOKEINUTON, Keglster. 17-ia. Final Proof Koticei. All persons having Bnnl proof notices in this paper will receive a niurked copy of the paper and are requested to examine their uotlce and if any error exist report the same to this office ut on. c. STOCK BRANDS. Taa Jocrval will rmolisb your brand, like the following, for g2:00, per re.ir. Kach ad -ditiouul urauU 75 cents. r.very tanner or ranchmen iu Hioux aud adjoining counties should advertise their brands in Tllx.lols- SSLas it circulntCH all over the state. It way be tau means of saving money for you. CtfAltI.F.8 ill KH I.E. On lei t side or hip of cattlo, j On left shoulder of horaes. i I Range on the head ol Vfaruonnet screek A4lress Harrison, Slour Co. Neb. TIM II Kit CUI.TURK. r I N A Ij ruwf-Jo- TICE FOB PUI1LCATIOX NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Alliance, Neb. Oct. 24th 1899, Notice is hereby given that the fol-lowiug-camed settler has Died notice of his intention to make Haul proof in sup port of his caim, and that said said proof I will be made before clerk Of district! court at Harrison Neb, on Oec. 2nd, 1818 viz: ALFRED LINDBEBG. of Ardmore 8. D. who mode H. E. 4124 lor the 84 NEi Sec 20 & Si NWJ, Sec. 21 Twp, 6, N R 54 W. Ue names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upoa and cultivation of said land, viz: August Ring and Peter Peterson or Story Neb., & Claus Christenaen and Jens C. Meng of Montrose, Neb. F. U DORR1NOTON, Register. ID yy A CIALTCU ATTAU BTA1S3 ' hat btta rnidad to thm wll knows Hasp Tl ess ciuTcr) cniT. WHh Stool Ml hut. EAnntJUwurncjatsijff WHt Fr Fturtawslara. lltrnson Neb. ( Nov. Mill, lH'JV Hoard met pursuant to adjournment. I'rcsent eoniinlssloner Meug. JTocunier ml Rohwcr and Clera. The claims of Jess and Sant Crawford oi 12 J.'. for bridge lumber were audited and si lowed and ou motion warrant ordoreo drawn on kridce fund ol lavs lor amount of same. The claim of Um Xnrelsch for use ol scnooi house lor ejectiou purposes was ou motion reiected. Tbu claims of John riunaew auu uu Noridsh for services on coroners Jury was on motion laid over till next meeting. The following claims were audit- d and al lowed and on uiollon warruaia ornereu rfm.u on tienoral luud of lsW, for ainouni of same: E. Eoliwer services as Co. Couihmoticr I2 00 A. I'roeuiiier " " " J.C.Mei.g " " " 600 Ibo aRldavll of It. Oompart relating to his taxes was presented en on motion re jected. The aindavlt of (J. J. Martin, sauioru nni, U. II, Hodge, Ernst Buuge, Joe l.udwlg and I. r. Antrim relative to their being Illegally assessd, snd showing that they had pal said taxes under protest, was taken up and on uiOtln the county Treasures it hereby ordered and instructed to refund to tach of said partlea the amount shown to be Illegal. The Koad petition of Uraut Uutbrte and others K.klng that Couaty Koad No. 44 be vacated from the North west corner of Sec. II, 1'wp. 31, U. W, to a point tarda uorth of the North west corner or the South west quar ter of said section II, and tlmt a public road be established, commencing at ald last mentioned point and running due west to rods thence dse north to connect with flrst stret't Iu the Village of Harrison. Also thst a county road tie established commencing at the north west eorner of Sec. II, Town ship 31, Range M, running thence due norih to the right of way of the V. K, A M. V. H. It., thence North west parallel to said right-of-way to a point intersecting the road peti tioned for above was taken up and after due consideration the Hoard flud that all the land owners along tbu line of said road to bu vacated and established havo consent ed to ssbl petition and there being no objec tion to the wine:-On motion It Is hereby ordered that the prajrer of petitioners be and the saroo ishsreby granted. r' On motion JeS Hewetl Is hereby author ize to furnish Nloui county with 14 ions of Coal nta.MIper ton. On mot on hoard adjourned without day, , II. J. BI.KW KIT, Clerk, l 8. Land Oltlce at Alliance, Neb. Novem er, ill, Sr9- Notice is hereby given that VIRGIL H. 8TONK, on behalf of the heirs of Jeffrey M. Stone, deceasru, has nied notice of his luteiulon to make final proof before Clerk of District Court al his offlee in Harrison, Neb., on the SBth day of Dec. IsW, on timber culture application No. for the 8-W . of Sec tilon No. Tt, In Township No. , N Range No. Mw. lie names si wltnflHc: UrantUutbrie, George W.Hester, Virgil A. Hester und (llto TIetze. all of Harrison, Ne braska. V. M. DOUIUNUTOS, Register. CHAKLKS L MPHENOl'R The brand reprsented In tbls notice and branded any e here on left side of horses and Also the L L brand any where on left side of cattle belongs to the undersigned. Chabi.es CaraEsoua. Harrison, Nebraska, CIIARLKS VKWMAN. The brand represented in this notice and branded any where on left side of cattle, and over-lap ut from the Hgfttear. Also the same brand on left thigh of horses, belongs to the aiideralgne4. Range near East Springs, soot port le Sioux county. Cbaklbs Nbwmar. Harrison, Nebraska. r. o. FRANK NUTTO. On left side or cattle and on left sbou Ider ot horses. Range on Antelope creek , Ghilchnst, Hioux Co.. Neb. NOTICE rOli PITIH.ICATION. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION V. 8. Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska. Nov. It, ln. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his iuten tlon to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Clerk of District Court, at Harrison, Neb., on Dec. 43, 1899, vix : WILMKR W. 1-IIILLTPS, of Harrison, Neb., who made ll. a.. o ts, for tbeS'4 N und N!i 8 E Sec. 31, Twp. n N Range S4 W. ii.. ........ tua followlnr witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of suld land, viz: Henry Covey. Kels Kngbiitson, J. W. Hun ter and Walter Pitt, nil of Harrison, Neb. T. M. DORRINGTON, Register. V. S. Dand Office at Alliance Ndb. Novemlier, 21, lew. Notice is hereby given that the following named seltler has filed notice of his iuten tlon to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Clerk of District Court at Harrison, b., on Deo. . 1"W, vis : FRANK II. WRIGHT, of Harrison, Neb., who made II. E. No, 1115, for the H e's ", N 9.E, and E H E!, Sac. tT, Township 31, N. Hrnge w. , He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon aud cultlva tlon of said Ijind, viz: , William L. Hoyt, Henry Warneko, Charles Camenslnd and John L. Davis, all of llarrl son, Neb. AlNOth t KOIIKBT WILSON, of Harrison, Neb., hits filed notice of Inten. turn to make 0 nal proof at the samo time and place, on timber culter application No. IMS, for the N-E'4 of Sec. No. II, in Town ship No. SI, N. Range No. 67 w. He names as witnesses: William I.. Hoyt, Henry Warneko. D. M. Sutton and Grant Guthrie, all of Harrison, Neb. V- M- DORRINUTON, Register. JOHN A. HANSON Owns the follow- lugbrsud ou eith er: Also HQ on cat tle and horses cnttlo on leftside horni-s on left shoulder. Range on Sliver Springs and east of stat Postomce ll arnson no Inc. WEDOJOBWOHK. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Office, at Alliame, Nebraska, November 11th, WW. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has Hied notice of his Intention to make nnai prooi in siipcon of his claim, and that said proof will lie utiide before clerk of District Court at Harrison, Nebraska, on December 23, 18V9, ALICE 8LATTERY of Harrison, Nebraska, who made H. E. No. 4351 for the 8 8 WJ Sec, 7 and Nt N-Wi of 8ec. 18, T. 88 N,, R. 5(1 W. He names the following wilneKsea to prove his continuous residence residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Samuel J. Leeling, Clem Leeling, Richard Dunn and Joseph Dunn, all of Harrison, Neb. 17-) F. If. DotiUNCiTON, BT'tr. NOTICE roB PUBLICATION. ' U. S. land Office at Alliance, Nebraska, November. II, I8W. Notice Is hereby glvea that the follewlng named settler has filed notice of his Intent ion to make final proof in support of his claim sad that Said proof will be made bo- fore Clerk of District Court at Harrison Neb., on Deo. 23, W, vlz:- CHARLKS LUDWIG, of Glen, Nebraska, wno made H. K. No. 4144, rn. ih. t-yii N-WU NK'ilWU and lx)ta 1 and 3 of Sec. I, Twp. tfl, N Range fig, w. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion or said land, viz: pavld Dunn, Dedrlck Nelson, Peter Nel son snd Emorr Glltnore, all of (Hen, Nob. Also, THEODORE V. GOLDEN, of Adella. webraska, who made H. E. No. low for the WH S-E'i Sec. IX, and W N-E'4, Sec. 19. Twp. S3, S Range 53 w. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, vis: Andrew Procnnler and Alva 8. Saxton, of Crawford, Neb., and Thomas Holly and Wil liam II. Davis, of Harrison, Neb. V. M. DORRINGTON, Register. " NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska. Nov. llth, 18W. Vntira Is hereby Ifiven that the folow ins; named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Clerk of District Court at Harrison, Nebraska, on Dec. 23, MICHAEL BRUCK r.t Tl.rriann. Neb., who made II. E. NO. 4475 lor the Sw i of Seu.5, Tp. 32 N AA W. He names the following witntaaeg to prove his eontinuoitii rwiMence upon uoil cultivation of an id land, vie: Cliuriea Biehla. Oerlacli, Ouatava Noraiach and Rohart L. Kael, all o I nar rieon, NU F. M. uoWHNtrr-n. Uugittar, flOO REWARD. FOr proof to convict any person of steal- ng any of my stock. Cattle branded same aa cut. Horses branded same on right should S orC on left thigh. Miecp, paint brand ssme as eattle and fire brand C oa tot right side of nose. Address, David colvillr. Glen Nebr., LIVEKITA THC UP-TO-DATC LITTLE LIVER PILL CURCS Blllousnost. Constipation, Dyspepsia. Ick-Head-achs and Liver Complaint. MMetR COMTBD. old by all arnggtstt I or sent by mall jNarrtU IMM Ce CaMaf SOLD BY DR. J. E. PHINNEY. 100 PILLS 25 CT8. M0 Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Itartlflcially dlifotU tb food and aid! Nature In trenKthenlnf and noon trtietlng the eihauited dlgeetl o gaoe. ItlatbelateitdlaeoTereddlgatt ant and tonic. Bo other preparation can approacb It In fllclenojr. It In tantljr relleTes and permanently cure Dnpepila, Indlgetilon, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Hauaea. 8lck HedaclM,GMtraitiaiCmnM,aal all other reeulte of Imperfrdtfeetlos. rVaaarae ay . ft OeWtt aoa, chilli t