Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, November 23, 1899, Image 8

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    - , i - . - - . , , ;
P. B. BIGELOW, Prop.,
Jcandies, Nuts. Tobacco, Fruits, Dates,
.Figs, Cakes, Pies. Bread, Stationary
J jj) Drugs, I
Jjrugists Sundries,
(( Paints. Oils, Varnishes, 6
C)J J- E- PHINNEY, Proprietor. I
A Fine Line of
Ladie's di Gentlemen's
r?TA Good Lunch Counter in Connection and Every Thing
Sold at Living Prices.
POST OFFICE BUIL.I)IU. Harrison, jor
V. r-
V- . ' " lllt llffi
SrOHWER'S harness shop,
All tinrla nf Harness Goods.
Grain and Feed for sale. Besides the above I have Build
ing material, such as Lumber, Lime, Hair, Cement &c. &c.
ZST Call and get PRICES before buying elsewhere.
Thubsday. Nov. 23 1899. -Uao.
D. Canoi Editor anil Prop.
BuiineM Local, eueh ingertioo 5c.
Dlapluy, itaudlnif Ad: pricei lor m
. Jaml known on application.
Vck 9ran4 and tiie fkM JoOBal, one
Foreign adrertiiinK mait.lM paid ln,d'
.JCipr, t.ortier luirmtion AiWress,
Prms Jolbnal,
i HarTlon, Sfcbr.
jF. E.A M.T.B. .
.One way.
8coodclftColoDintsTickaU to Port
riaod, Seattle, Tacoroa. Spokane &c, on
Ml now at 25.00. Order ticket! few
F. AVDtT, A(Snt.
E. & M. V, B. B.
Excursion Bates.
'Excursion to Hot Springs 3. Dak.,
' Tueadar Nov. 81st and Dec 5th and 19th
1809, at ooe fare plus $2,00 for rouod
itrip. F- Ave?, Agat
' . Anyone havioy lost two gray mare,
.dm bav mare, and a black gelding call
. at this office pay for this advertiiMuneat,
. and leant of their wAereatoiHS.
The county fathers are in our caidst
. this week. .' !;.
tise Dicksoswas up trotfi Soake creek
,an business last Monday aod Tuesday."
Mrs. Jastes Johosoo mother of Frar k
. Johnsoo has been quite sick, and is still
very poorly.
Mrs, Patterson has been quite ;nJi
, posed during the past week or two, but
now improving.
Blind Boon at M. IS.
. evening Dec. .1, 1890.
church Friday
The Bank of Harrison, that is the
, new "bank7 seems to be most popular
..with alL A new bank did you say?
Why yes, the bank around the house.
Quickly cure constipation and re
build and invigorate the entire system
iievertfnpeor nauseate Ue Witts little
, ivHy Risers. J. If. PHiKjnfT, Agent
' NOTICE On Thanksgiving, all the
ho si newt houses in Harrison will be clos
. ed from 10 o'closkuunUl I, '"' ring
business will be suspended in
f nersJ, in order to giye the general
public an opportunity to attend services
at the ,M. E. Chorcb, to which all am
most cordially invited. Services will
commence a 1030.
Blind Boooe will be in Harrison Dec 1.
One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures
. obstinate summer coughs and colds.
"I consider it a most wonderful medi
, cine. quick and safe." W. W. Me r ton,
Maybew, Wis. J. E. pHUnrtT, Agent
Considerable wheat has been hauled
to Harrison this week for which the
small amou nt of flfty cents per bnshei
.aria paie. This indeed prosperity
' Don't yon think to? ,
w ak tku immediately three men
to cot logs at the Five noiaU flaw milL
whi pay good WAfea.
f, M. Basra.
Bli od Booo's masical ciea at Xush-
vilJe last Monday a-hi a wpak ago, was
. wonderful loeoiaV mf the sUndard
of that town snejitkHj jHke $90 people
is attosdajM-t, awktof 1130,00
. Ha ie asm to w We, sod we
.wait to say to fartody aad especially
Irewaf mwtfZmi fcoi fail to take
,HJstMO of s iTmh of a lifetime.
Isryaafy tftoaii w ismber. Blind
ttaiUa Cantoas Trioayavw
ACM. l.tr st tba M. Mm Church.
,, rDsct fete (Ae
- tXbcaazj oiUssr tear from M ,
Eoetosjbet t7eoaeeasy eveaing
CTJ tascot Willi fcaart attach
jrr"1 il swtreMy rewar-
,-'1 Jk tcpa?:i
Also, Flour and all kinds of
f . E. M. V K. R. time Utle.
Going West. Goingfiairt.
So. S. mixed. 11 'JO I So. 6. mixed 8.-00
. E. M. V. R. R. is the best
to and from the
Call for Commissioners.
The County Commins'ooers are hereby
called to meet at ttie office of the County
Cerk on 6U 22ad day of Nov. 1399.
M. J. Bixwrrr, Clerk.
Thanksgiving Dance.
The undersigned will give a dance at
Harrison, Thursday night Nov, 30 1899.
A good time is anticipated. Every body
are invited to come. Good music will be
furnished, Ac.
. - (Emet Lyons,
"S- Bourett.
WANTED Orders for Holiday Books
Bibles and Albums. Prices reasonable.
Satisfaction guaranteed. No money re
quired until delivery is made. Miss Elsie
Merriana my assistant agent will carry
a full iioe of samples acd catalogues, or
samples and catalogues may be seen at
Bartells store in Harrison Neb. at any
time by dropping a card to the undersign
ed agent at Harrison Neb.
Mrs. Anna Thorxton.
Real estate in Harrison is looking
-T. O, Williams, who is drilling a
-ell for Dr. Phinney, is now w)n
about 20 feet of water.
-Irritating slings, bites, scrattsbes
wounds and cnts soothed and healed by
DeWitU Witch Hazel Salve, a snreand
safe application for tortured flesh. Be
ware of counterfeits. J. E. PuiNT,
We understand Mr. Gerlacb has just
purchased 40 acres of land, east of town
and intends to have a colonial mansion
erected thereon. Good. Who's next?
Mr. John Debene.and son, woo have
employed on the new R. R. down toward
Alliance, during the past several months
passed through town this week on his
way home. No John did not want com
missioner on the republican ticket. He
is a Democrat.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure throughly
digests food without aid from the ttora
ach, and at the same time heals and res
tores the diseased digestive organs. It
is the only remedy that does both of
these things and nan be relied upon to
permanently cure dyspepsia. J.,.E.
Phi sky, Agent.
Blind Boon, st M. E. church Friday
evening Dec 1, ISM, '
Mrs. A. L. Staudenmeir of Andrews
who has been dangerously sick for about
two or three weeks is still in a very
oritioal condition. She is under the
are of Dr. Phinney. The lady is suTer
lag from Neutaligia of tba heart
.Hamilton Clark, of Cbauncey, Ga,
be suffered with itching piles twenty
yean before tryiog DeWitts Witch
Hazel Salve, two boxes of which com
uletely cared bim. Beware of worthless
aod dangerous counterfeita. J. E. Pm
KIT, Agent.
The Pwcse JociCfAL, this week is in
receipt of the i. C. Ayer Co. 30th ceo
tury almanac, published at Lowell
Mass. The almanac -1 a complete in
eve'y respect and is replete in knowledge
of almost every diacriptioa; condensed
paragraphs of ibistory running back al
moat to tba birth of tor republic. The
book .ia oueaarshaaslTe aa a calendar.
Every family sooald have ooe; they
aaaaeawi for about what it Mate to
to.y saatoga, ay aaa-fliaaj Co aajtLyosr td
.a ass to J. Vf Aytr, Cov LowaV Casa
Manufacturer and dealer
In Harness,
Send in your Harness ana snoe re
pairing, and a first class job is
Professional Cards.
rhjrbtCkaa and Surron.
All call givon prompt attention.
Ofllce in Drug Store.
Trompt attention given to all lepal
matters in Justice, County and District
Courts, and before the United State?
Land Olfice.
Fire Insurance written in reliable
C3T Legal papers carefully drawn.
Harbison. - Nebraska.
NOTICE All County aod Precinct
Officers elected at the last general elect
ion, are requested to file a (statement of
expenses with the County Clerk before
certificates of election can 'be issued.
M. J. Bijwett, Couft'j Clerk.
FOR SALE: A nice heater in good
conditioc, will burn coal or wood.
Cheap for cash. Apply at this office.
Highest marktt prit paid for hides.
' Eggebt Rohwer.
How did you like the tbow on last
Tuesday .evening?
Mass will be celebrated at the Court
House in Harrison on Dec. Sth 1899.
If you have popcorn for said, go to
l). H. Griswold; beJbuvs it by the sack.
Dr. Meridith, ,of Crawford, was in
town Vfrstirday o corwulwhon with
Dr. Shiifer, in Grndpi Wrights case.
-Awfrew McGinley, reports the new
house which he is building out on Char
ley Lewis place rapidly neanng com
Ejjff'ert Rohwer has purchased of
Graot Guthrie, 80 acre-i adjoining bis
ranch on the south. Gradually Eggert
is increasing his land estate.
Mrs. Chas. Wright, of Fort Robin
son, and children nave oeen at trie nome
of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wright this week
helping to care for Grandpa, and abo to
cheer him by their presence,
Leslie Crane, has invested in some
Harrison town lot property, and is locat
ed North-east of the Court house, or rat
her just north of Dr. Phinnays re.ii
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, cures dyspep
sia because its ingredient are such that
it cant help doing so. "The public can
rely upon it as a master remedy for all
disorders arising from imperfect diges.
tion. James H. Thomas, M. 11., in
American Journal ef Health, N. Y.
E. PhtwbT. Agent. ,
Don't forget that a week from today
is Thanksgiving day ; tbe day set apart to
worship God and rive Him thanks for
all the blessing showered upon tlie peo
ple of this nation for the past year.
Sheriff-Holly, this week has been
busy building an addition to the Guth
rie property, which he purr-bat-d a week
ago. Tom expects to have the building
ready to move bis fauily into course of
a couple of weeks more. '
"Oor baby was sick for a month
with sever cough and catarrhal fever.
Although we .tried many remedies she
kept getting worse until we used One
Minute Cough Cure, it relieved at once
and cured her in a few days." B. L
Nance, Prin.v High School, BfulTdale
Texas. J. E. PwsXBT, Agent
Charley Hanson's new house, which
ha is now building out in the rhenharbs
ia rapidly assuming shape. Should the
weather remain pleasant for another
month, Charley wilt no doubt, have it
finished and ready to move his family
into. The house is a .neat little struc
ture and will be a credit to our town.
Frank Moravek, came home from
Dead wood, 8. Dak., last week oo a visit
to hie parents. Mi. and Mrs., Anton Mor
avek oa the east side. Frank ia. now a
fall fledged engineer, and) expects to
aaafcl taa ran out of Dmw oa tba Santa
Fa B. It i is the tear f itoa, ,
Saddles, Bridles &c
JI. J. O'Connell, - - Co. Attorney,
Will Practice In All Conrt.
Special Attention Vlreu to Land ON
fee nuln9.
( olloctioiis and all bnsinMS entrust
ed tome will reoeive prompt attentlufl.
Hahuisok - Nebraska.
The undersigned just located
in lower north-west corner room
prepared to do all kinds of d-ess-making
and sawing in her line.
The patronage of the public is solicited.
We guarantee satisfaction and tlat
our Charges will be reasonable.
Miss. Maooik ItosKCRAKS.
Mr. E. F. Pontius, formerly utation
ajjent hue but now of R-i id city B. lmk.
fH--nt a couple of days in Harrmon, this
e-k. Mr. Pontius has a host of friends
here and all were aolijchtiHl to pee him
aam nnil to know that he is uoin -.l.
Blind boon at JL E.
church Friday
evening IXc. 1, 19.
-Mr. Kendall, brother-in-law of Frank
Johnson will, soon as stwnff Holly
move his faiulv out of his dnwn town
building move his family into the
vacated house.
-Last S-iturday. D. II. Griswold,
purchased the quarter sctiou of land
ust North-west, and joining the town-
sight we could not learn what the consid
eration was.
Attorney Onthri", has puri'lnwd fi e
pit-:e of lurid Jimt .it .jf l.jwn bIiii Ii
tends south to and including 11. ceme
tery. So, there is no reason why the
cemetery grounds put in proper anJ res
pectable shape tin a title can now be ob
tained. -"De Witt's Little early Risers d,d me
more good than tl blood medicines all
other pills." writes Geo. II. Jacobs, of
Thompson Conn. Prompt, pleasant,
never gripe, they cure constipation,
arouse the torpid liver to action and
give you ciean moou, steady nerves, a
clear brain and a healthy appetite J. E.
PHU5KT, Agent.
Ovos Ii Wyoming.
Mrs. E. E, Christian is quite sick at
mis writing.
Mrs. Boyles has her new house about
finished. It will be ready for occupancy
in a lew uays.
O. E. Jennings and Lee Zum Bran en.
returned from a four days hunt tbe first
oi last wees.
Hill Shatto has been doing a land
office businsss in his line of work lately.
ue nas aniied several wells in this vi
cimty. He is now drilling a well for
r raocis Dyel.
The new school house is nearing conr
tion and will be ready for school next
Mrs. J. 11. Hewim has put in ore
month school in the west school bouse.
She has a four months tern). '
Chas H. Andrews, of Exira Iowa, ha
been engaged to teach in the new school
house. His will be a Hve months term
and he expecta to begin on next Monday
Tbe 6o0 District bonds were sold at
private sale to George E. Abbott, state
treasurer of Wyoming, the bonds have
been delivered and tbe money is now ia
the hands of County Treasurjr Adams,
and District Treasurer, Eva E. Christian
Mrs. McDermott is staving at New.
no s wtnie J. a., works oo the new
school house.
Mr. Church expects to build a new log
house just as soon as he can get a car
penter to help him.
Htuiilin, Andrews and Nwand.ireth
builder and have made good time con
sideriog the short day a
ine lurniture lor tlie new school home
is in Harrison, at Ihlt writing nr.d
perhaps before this ia In r
win in baulded out and placed in tie
building. The furniture ia from tl 0
standard school furnishing company
Chicago several firms put j.i bids for the
fnrnlturef. o. !.. cars Marrisno. but this
wusby fur the cheapest firm.
Children & Youth-s
Call and look our Stock over be
fore Purchasing as we can SAVE you
Marsteller BROS.
Unbouallbo in Stylb on DaaiaN
or Cabb. . ..
We Celebrate Our 26th "Wneea
Mr, T. B. Tatnvin is building a cozv
little house near his old one. It is 14 x 24
feet with 13 feet "U and will be quite
warm when llnitbed.
t 'hris Christian expects to plaster his
bouse tins fall.
Moktof the farmers here have been
hauiugoatsto the V. T. ranch, where
they get lc a pound.
Report of Bodarc sihool district num-
bersix for month ending Nov, the seven
Number days taught 10
Number pupils enrolled. , 30
Average daily attendant, 29
Pupils neither absent or tardy during
tlie month, Mary Carroll, Mabel C. Thay
er, Arthur Antrim. Laura Antrim,
William Antrim.
Pupils not absent during month.
Edith Burke, Ethel Burke, George
Burke, Mille Eberspeche, Nellie Scott,
Mary Scott, Elsie Hill. James DeBock
Roy DeBock. Mabel L. Zerbe, Frank
Zerbe and Ruth Zerbe.
M. C. PocifDS, Teacher.
Montrose Clippings. -
Montrose Nov. 21 1860.
What is tbe matter with tlie corres
pondents? Oh! it mm h of anything
they are something like an editor's Pay
slow a coming.
They. Piekenhrock is at home this
week, helping his brother Henry at his
pasture fence, ha will return to the Pine
Ridge agency next Saturday.
M. J. Gayhart and sons are busy hauling
hay from their Duck creek ranch.
J. J. Wasserburgwr is doing some plas
tering for his parents tills week,
Miss Lena Nuttn. has been helping her
sister sister Mrs. W, M. Oayhert, with
her winter's sawing the last two weeks.
Tbe Montniae school started last week
with Mias Nettie Rains as teacher, and
also tba Squaw creek school, with 'Mr.
Stewart aa teacher, with eight scholars
There will be mass at the Montrose
caareajMit Bandar, and every ooe
jairftad to attf ad. Sa'IK.
- ""Salsaixaafc
! - rr""
B n.Ui.i Uiil OliiUiUdC II Easy Payments.
f 11' ""all cah pavment and saay mowth
r A, HOSPE, Omaha. Neb. splendl'd'planns 'fur your ume.
' FACTOHT: 1614 Ixard Street. wv vmJm9Dt pu frM Upoa appllcatloav
Wa aim tn f nmlsk ih beat iriane I
bl, aad to Mil It st toe lowest eoialtilo
'lirarrlptlon of our style E. Oablae
7 1-1 Ortares.
I Untwns; Overstrwot BM.
mil iron Plau. Broeaed aad Ore.
man ted.
I km hi Repealing AcUoo.
Iory K-y.
Jtoiihln VHnred Case.
Flnlrhwl InO.k, Mitboaanyaad Wefeot,
liaised or Carved PaiiU. ,
t.Twinlon Mtulc Desk; Boiling rail
Doarrt. ,
Nickel Plated Coatlnsmtu Binges oe
FTtorM Pdala and Pedal Guard Plate.
!lautlrullv rinubed aad Polished.
Hethf. 4 feet. 8 lnrbaa.
bngU: 6 (mt, 4 laches.
l)pth: 2 feet, I 1-2 Inches.
Mads In Curly Wslt.ut vaaeer. Qeer
tartd Oak. Antique Oak aad Mahogany,
Wrlto tor Terms and Prices,
Every tlnaps Piano Is gnaranised for i
Anniversary October 23, 1899.
The undersignod ia a?
ent for the celebrated
David Bradley, Wind Motor,
Improved Wind Mills,
the best made. I am
also prepared to fur
nish, on short notice
flrat class
ruatpn, Pipes, Hood Ktecl Towrr.
Tanks or anything in tbo Una
of pamp repairs, AT L0WEt
Write me for estimates be
fore contracting elsewhere.
You will save money by it.
Aril more, 8. Dale.
Cures Impoteacy, Night Collisions and
Wasting disease, all effects of self-
abuse, or exceaa and Indis
cretion. A nenre tonic and
blood builder. Brlnirs the
pink glow to pale cheeks and
restores tbe fire of youth.
. UBy mall oOe per box, O boxes
for $'AJiQ; with a written gusrsn
t6 to curs or refund the uioney.
Send for circular. Address,
CftrSon A Jackson Sta,, CHICAGO, IU.
Hold By Dr. 1. R. Phlasey.
Acnelvonienta of Admiral llewr jr," the worlds
greslmtt ns, a', herik lly Mnmt llaaUad,
Hie life long friend and adnilrar of the natl.
iin'alitol. UlgKeal ami ba( book; over MB
PHfrn, SslO inches; nearly W psgee half tone
lllnatratlon. Only 11.90. Rnurinoasdemaadi
Big Commlaalmis. oalflt free, fhanei
lifetime. Write quick. The Dominion
tmnr.Jrit riort'asmn W'lg., Obh
TNeew ' pw(h',
"st' . i- .