Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, November 23, 1899, Image 5
b AT OUn GATES RITISM STEAMER PROM BRAZIL IN QUARANTINE. Startling Reports of a Ship' Crew Investigated aa the Boat Cornea Into Quarantine. . Mew Tork, Nov. 21. The British steamer J. W. Taylor, from Santos, la stained at Quarantine under suspicion at having bubonic plague among the erew. One man died at sea November ?, With very suspicious symptoms, and , Captain Watera and the ship's cook are both ill and showing symptoms of bu bonic swellings. The J. W. Taylor left Santos, Brazil, October 24, with a full cargo of coffee and sailed direct for this port On No vember 1, Robert Hope, aged 22 years, the steward, was taken sick snd on the Ith died. His remains were burled at sea. He was a native of England. Hope was In the hospital at Santos for about two weeks suffering from erup tion thought to be eczema. He returned to duty before the ship sailed, and after seven days at sea com plained of pains In the head, limbs and back. He was put to bed In an ex hausted condition, and on the second day developed fever. The captain treat ed him with Buch remedies as the ship's medicine chest afforded, and nursed the man with care until he died. On arrival at Quarantine the cane was reported to the health office, and In view of the fact that the captain U and cook, who were in constant contact if with the sick man, were both ailing, the steamer was detained at Quaran tine for disinfection. The sick men will be transferred to Swinburne Island for treatment. All of the crew will be sent to Huffman Island for observation. In view of the possibility of sickness on board the J. W. Taylor and In the absence of Dr. Poty, health officer of the port. Dr. E. B. Sanborn, chief deputy In charge, decided to call to gether the advisory board of physi cians appointed several years ago. The board members are Drs. K. G. Junewuy, T. H. Prudden, J. D. Bryant, G. I Peabody, W. M. Polk, N. XI. Biggs, W. H. Draper, J. H. Glreiner, It. H. Derby and J. W. McLane. The quarantine of ficials will consult with the board and carry out any suggestions which they may make. In the meantime the disinfecting steamer, James W. Wadsworlh, is alongside the Infected craft, steaming all the clothing and other textile fab rics. The crew of the J. W. Taylor numbers twenty-eight persona. The captain's wife Is also on board. The captain and the cook are the only per sons affected as yet and they are not very 111. Officials of the New Tork board of health boarded the Taylor and made a complete examination of Captain Wa ters and the cook, who are supposed to be suffering from bubonic plague. Both were suffering from glandular swell ings under the arms and grain. On the groins of both men are large swell ings, which are said to be quite charac teristic of the bubonic plague. Dr. Parke, with the aid of ft hypo dermic needle, succeeded In extracting a quantity of pus from the swellings on them. This will be carefully exam ined In order to determine the nature of the disease. The result cannot be .learned for several days. Shortly after being examined by Dr. Parke, Captain Waters, accompanied by his wife and Charles Allison, was transferred to Swlneburne island for treatment. Both patients are quite comfortable and will no doubt recover. Dr. John B. Cosby, commissioner of the city board of health, aid: "Un der no circumstances will 'the ship be allowed to enter port, even after It has been disinfected. The coffee will be al lowed to be landed If the bags It la now In will be burned and the coffee loaded In bluk and then placed In new bags. I believe that the roasting through wnicn the coffee must pass before It Is used will kill the germs. It Is almost lm- nosslble to disinfect a ship, and should there be any danger of the spreading of the disease l would miggest the ad- visabilliv of burning the vessel, no matter what the rout mlKht be." SOUTHERN FLOUR TRUST Two Big Mills Have Closed Since the Chattanooga Agreement Nashville, Tcnn., Nov. 21. A number of the larger flour milling companies In the South have perfected a combina tion to regulate prices and control the output of flour In their district. At a meeting of the southern millers held at Chattanooga recently this agreement was entered Into. The con ference was sec. , and the majority of the leading ci,...panles of the south were represented, Including the Cum berland and Liberty mills of this city. Others represented were: Morrtstown Milling company, Sweetwater Milling company. Mountain City Mill company of Chattanooga, Shelton Mills of Chat tanooga, Raht Bros, of, Tullahoma. Es till Springs Mill, J. Allen Smith of Knoxvllle and the Atlanta Milling com pany of Atlanta. It is understood that W. F. Hutchinson, president of the Mountain City Mill company, engineer ed the deal. It Is understood that the millers alBo agreed to curtail the production of flour In order that the market might not be overrun. It is also arranged that each company should supply a certain ter ritory. NO SHOW FOR SILVER imperialism. Says Senator Money" Will Be the Issue In Congress Jai kson, Mlss.,Nov. 21. United States Senator H. I. Money, senior senator from Mississippi, says that there will be no chance for silver legislation In the next congress, and but little for any other general legislation. "Imperialism," said Senator Money, "Is going to overshadow everything els In the next congress. It is the dominant Issue snd the republicans are going to force it to the front In such manner as to make It a partlssn measure. It Is going to divide the two parties and the sheep and me goats must separate. "On the qusrsntlne question 1 cannot see any necessity for further national legislation. The present national law is adequate to all the requirements of the situation. Thers does not appear to me to be any conflict between the state snd national sanitary officers. There Is no wsy by which congress can reach the municipal authorities, ss their po lice rights sre Invincible. When the quarantine bill was before the last con gress I offered severs! amendments to the bill which Burgeon General Wymsn concurred In, but the advocates of ht bill refused to accept them. "I think the present wsierways con vention will have a marked Influence In congress. So far at 1 can see It If s perfectly harmonious body and there will be no opposition to the adoption ol resolutions declaring for national con trol of the terete." PLAGUE Gathering About Estcourt With Ap parent Intention to Assault uuikkiii, mov. zi. i ne latest new s from the seat of war In Houth Afrl'-a is, rrom one point, fuvuiahle to the British, showing that Kimberlev is able to hold Its own against the Boers, and tnat fcjtteourt is able to beat back an attack by the Boer forces now arouna that place. The reports pay testimony to the ceaseless activity of the burghers from the Free State frontier, and their de termination to cut off relief for Lady smith, and, if possible. Isolate or cap turt Estcourt, which is the nearest city to Ladysmlth still held by the British. A number of small Boer commandos from the east and west are converging on Estcourt and the railroad Just south of that place. The Boers already aggregate at least 20,000, with a few guns, which they ev idently Intended for the Intrenchments they are throwing up, to mount on hills, dominating any advance north from Estcourt, where General Milliard is still commanding. Even with the strong relief column now hurrying up from Durban, the British will have a tough Job to pierce the Boer forces thrown . across the roads to Ladysmlth, while crossing the Tugela river on pontoon bridges in the face of the Boer artillery and rifle fires from the northern ridges commanding the rivers. The full story of the armored train has brought into relief a number of cases of Individual gallantry. Among them Is that of a crack rifle shot named Cagenhead, who furnished the range at three different points for the crew of the armored train and kept firing away until his trigger finger was shot away. An old Black Watch vet eran named Crow was conspicuous for oravery In helping to clear the de railed trucks. Winston Churchlll.amld a hall of bullets, turned to him and shook his hand, calling him a brave old man. Another case was that of a volunteer named Wright who, during the firing, knelt In the regulation posi tion, remaining cool and collected and cracking a Joke with every shot, thus keeping his comrades from becoming flurried, while all the time he was suf fering from a wound, his right ear having been shot away. Corporal Dick ey, though wounded and lying on his back, encouraged the men by shouting, "Give 'em beans, boys." From the Free State frontier cornea news that reinforcements are near, a party arriving at Orange River camp, where Lord Methuen Is hurriedly pre paring to push a relief force on to Klmberley. The Scots' Guards arrived from Cape town on Thursday and the relief force ought now to be almost strong enough to tackle the Boers besieging the town. IS.OOO MEN MAY CO ON STRIKE. Conclusion Reached by Mine Workers' Exeoutlve Board. Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 21. The ex ecutlve board of the United MlneWork era adjourned at the Oclcdental hotel at noon. Before closing their session they voted to order a general strike in the southwest, unless certain railroad and coal companies consider demands made upon their presidents by wire. President John Mitchell at noon said that he had sent the telegrams to the presidents of the following coal compa nies, asking the executive officers to meet In conference the officers of the United Mine Workers and settle the trouble existing: Central Coal and Coke company, Kan sas City, Mo.; Missouri Pacific Fuel company, St. Louis; Kansas and Texa Coal company, St. Louis, and South western Coal & Improvement company, Parsons, Kan. These companies are owned and operated by the Missouri Pacific, Missouri, Kansas & Texas, Cot ton Belt and Iron Mountain railroad companies. The mines Involved are those In Indian Territory, Arkansas, Kansas and Missouri. The contemplat ed strike affects all coal miners work ing for operators shipping coal over the railroads named. There are now 8,000 miners Idle In these mines, owing to the trouble between the men and the coal com panles. "The companies will not pay the un ion scale," said President Mitchell, "and we have derided to bring the trouble to an end. If the presidents to whom I send telegrams Ignore my messages thai Is, refuse to answer them or de cline to meet us In conference I shall at once order a strike and It will take 15.000 men out." President Mitchell said this afternoon "The companies have to meet us or the strike will come at once. No coal will be mined for shipment over the roads mentioned. I will give out a statement on Monday regarding the anthracite mines In Pennsylvania. My statement will Include a resolution we adopted before adjourning. I cannot anticipate in a talk the contents of the statement, as I do not want the mine operators to know what we shall de mand. If a conference Is held with the railroad presidents I wired, It wll prob ably be in St. Louis. "The Illinois situation Is greatly Im proved. I hardly think the West Vir ginia miners will meet with us as a body In January. Affairs are worse in that state than elsewhere. The miners are poorly paid and their unions are weak and scattered. The southwestern strike, If It comes, will be Important, and will tie up several railroads, so far as handling fuel Is concerned. I hardly expect an answer today, as I think the coal company presidents will have a conference themselves before answer ing my message." GIANT GRAIN CARS New Ones Received at New Orleans Carry 80,000 Pounda New Orleans, La., Nov. 18. The Illi nois Central road Is receiving the first of the new grain cars which were or dered built early In the spring. These cars are Immense, so large, In fact. that there Is danger that the elevators hert will not be big enough to handle them. Considerable difficulty was experienced yesterday In handling theBe new can at the Houthport elevators. These new grain cars have a capacity of 80,000 pounds, while the old cars which were used by the company had a capacity oi oniy iu,vw. ine new cars, however, are capanie or carrying even more than the 80,000, because they are built of the strongest material and are put together with mechanical pre clslon. They are pronounced by rail road people to be about the prettiest haulers of the kind ever seen here. Yesterday there were over 300 car loads of grain reaching the city over the Illinois Central road, snd yet the officials say that there Is not so big a movement of grain Just now as was ex pected, snd as will start In a short time, i Det Moines, Is., Nov. . All cltfsens are prohibited from walking Che street after II p. m. by an ordinance recently passed by the city council, unlets thty give good snd sufficient reasons there for. The law sppllet to adultt at well at children, and (he penalty le flietf at II. ROBERTS MAKES REPLY CONGRESSMAN ELECT FROM UTAH REPLIES TO CRITICISMS. Says United States Never Made Compact With Mormon Church, But With the State of Utah. New York, Nov. 21. The Tlee Sun day published a three-column article by Congressman Brlgbam H. Roberts, discussing the effort being made to exclude him from the house. Mr. Rob erts says. In part: "Those engaged in working up a pub lic sentiment sgainst the representa tive from Utah demand from the house of representatives either that he be net allowed to take his seat, to which It is admitted that he was legally elected. or, after being admitted, that he be expelled. That the house can do either of these two things Is extremely doubt ful. "As many well-meaning people and Christian ministers outside of Utah are misled by the falehoods of those at the bottom of the religio-polltlcal scheme to unseat Utah's representative, and thus defeat the expressed will of the people of a sovereign state, I point out some of the false charges on which the agitation is based: , "It Is falsely charged that the Mor mon church has broken faith with the government of the United States In regard to polygamy; that is, it is charged that the practice of polyga mous marriages has been resumed by the church. In the first place it will be remembered that no compact ex isted between the Mormon church and the United States on the subject of polygamy. The only compact on that subject Is between the people of Utah, acMng through their representatives in tne constitutional convention and the people of the United States, represented by the president and congress. I affirm positively that that compact hat been kept on the part of the people of Utah. There is no attempt made to repeal or annul the parts of the con stitution prohibiting polygamous or plural marriages. There Is no desire to disrupt that compact with the United States. The Mormon church has nut violated the compact and has no de sire, to annul it, but, on the contrary, the venerable heud of the church has officially avowed his determination to adhere to this question. , 'The representative to congress from Utah has not violated this compact, the assertion of his enemies to the contrary notwithstanding. When the little co terie of sectarian ministers and disap pointed would-be political bosses In Utah, who began this agitation, say that the Mormon church or Its mem bers violate the compact between our state and the people of the United States, because a few men In Utah feel normally bound to fulfill the obligations to the women they married under sanc tion of the Mormon church, previous to the Issuance of the church manifesto In 1190, discontinuing polygamous mar riageswhen they say this is a viola tion of the compact with the United States, they say that which they know to be untrue. "Disrupting and discontinuing these polygamous relations was no part of the compact. It was not demanded by the enabling act It was not any part of the action of the constitutional convention, but en the contrary, steps were studi ously taken not to disrupt those rela tione by constitutional provision by discarding parts of the anti-polygamy law which would have brought about that result. What good would come to the people of the United States by a disruption of these plural families? What good would come to either mor ality or religion, to turn those plurol wives and their children adrift? What Christian woman's home would be se curer for knowing that a Mormon plu ral wife's home was now destroyed? "Let It be remembered that the fam ily and home of that plural wife were established under the sanction of to her a holy church ceremony, and with the approval of all honorable people. The fountain of the evil was dried up; the people of the United States can be generous enough to allow the streams that flowed from It to take their course until lost In the oblivion of death. Some men the number Is few and rapidly growing less who entered Into plural marriage relations previous to 150, when the church formally and officially discontinued Buch marriages, and hence, of course, previous to the settlement of the question by the com pact of our state constitution, have felt It morally binding upon their conscl ences to fulfill the obligations of their marriage vows to those polygamous families. This Is the only 'polygamy' that has existed In Utah since the ad mission of the state, or since 1890, in fact. "It Ib falsely charged that the Mor mon church controls the politics of Utah, and that the representative from Ntah was nominated and elected by Mormon church Influence. It Is falsely charged that the Mormon church lead era have sought to have Roberts elect ed to test the sentiment of the people of the United States as to whether Utah would be held to the agreement In the matter of the abandonment of pol ygamous of plural marriages. This Is too silly for refutation. It Is falsely charged that Roberts was elected to crowd polygamy down the throats of the American congress and people, to fulfill an alleged prediction of Brlgham Young that It would yet be done.. It Is falsely charged that the congressman from Utah was elected to represent polygamy; that If he Is seated and re tains his seat It will mean that con gress Indorses polygamy, and that there will be an Imemdlate revival of the Mormon plural marriage system In Utah." Des Moines, la., Nov. 21. Attorney General Remley has applied at Mar shalltown for a receiver for the Mar shalltown Accident Insurance company. The company Is only two years old and has $331,000 Insurance In force. The company was about to consolidate with the Imperial Accident of Des Molnet. The state auditor objected to the plan of consolidation and under his direc tions the application for a receiver was made. Toledo, O., Nov. 21. Two of the three Toledo bicycle factorlei recently ab sorbed by the American Bicycle compa ny were closed down today. They are the Cotton and Viking works. On Mon day the Work of dismantling will be gin, at the suspension It to be perma nent. Machinery will be taken to the remaining trust plant In Toledo the Losler workt. The .change affects 600 workmen. Amertcus, Gs., Nor. 11. E. J. Mc Math, a Christian Scientist, was sen tenced here to Imprisonment at the city hall for thirty day and a flae of $11 In the mayor's court. McMath and other members of the Christian Scient ist church refused to be vaccinated. Five ladlet of the congregation were given fifteen days' confinement and fined IS each. All are leading ladlet of thla city and McMath It a prominent merchant. WAR HELPS OUR TRADE. It Causes Orders for Almost Kindt of Goods All New York, Nov. 2L The war In the Mouth of Africa is beginning to tell on the export trade from this port to that country. While there is no such rush of exports as that preceding the Jameson raid three years ago, still the need there for American products is making itself felt. The whaleback ship Clan Cummtng of the Clan Line of Glasgow, is loading for Barber & Co. at the foot of Congress street in Brooklyn. She registers 3,107 tons, and will be able to carry 8,000 tons of cargo. This is of the most widely different kinds of goods that this country produces. "Of what does ber cargo chiefly con sist?" asked a reporter of one of the custom house officers in charge of the ship. "Try and mention some product or manufacture of the United States that is not mentioned In her manifest, rath er," he replied. "There Is a large quan tity of agricultural machinery, but a dearth of the mining machinery that for years past has formed no small part of the cargoes of the ships of Barber & Co. and Norton & Co. There is a vast quantity of Armour's canned beef, park, lard, kerosene and lubricating oils, canned fish, canned milk and can ned fruits and vegetables of all kinds. A large quantity of lumber is included In the cargo, as well as several thou sand packages of cut horse feed. There are cigarettes and playing cards ae well, showing that even grim war will not stop the circulation of these re sources of civilization in South Africa. A great feature of the cargo ' Is tha quantity of hardware carried, Including stoves, tubing and tools of various Ainds." It is known that all or most of these supplies are for the British Boldiers, but there appears to be considerable delay about the receipt of shipments from brokers. Judging by present ap pearances It will take two weeks more to complete the loading of the Clan cumming. She draws, loaded, twenty seven feet of water, so that she will take from twenty-five to thirty days to reach cape town. Her cargo is consigned to nine dif ferent ports, including Cape Town, Al goa Bay, Mossel Bay, Port Elizabeth, Durban, Delagoa Bay and others. From Cape Town to Delagoa Bay, the nearest port to the Transvaal, Is some 1,300 miles. This would require over four days' steaming at the rate of 300 mile a day, without counting stops for the discharge of cargo. Few freighters of the Clan Cumming class can make more than ten knotf an hour day In and day out, so it li probable that nearly two months musl elapse before the ship can reach Dela goa Bay, when the time lost In dis charging cargo at the ports named if taken into consideration. So far no mules have yet been ship ped from here to South Africa slnct the Jameson affair. This time the ship. ments of these animals seems to t going from New Orleans and Galves- ton, which are clearly better situate for their export than New York. 13,000,000 ACRES RECLAIMED 920,000.000 Would Accomplish Thlt Retult In Lower Mississippi Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 21. The call Ing of the Waterways Convention, and the national Interest in the levee ques tlon may be ascribed largely to the un tiring efforts of Hon. Charles Scott of Bolivar count. Miss., who was made permanent chairman of the convention. and who Is president of the Interstate Levee association. Mr. Scott says: "I am very much pleased with the outlook for national levee control. The present convention is a representative body, made up of delegates from every section of the country. I have not the least doubt that congress will be brought to see the widespread interests at stake and be made to realize that the levee question is not only a nation al question, but of vital national 1m portance. "We have the report of a competent engineer that $20,000,000 spent in the building of a system of dykes from Cairo to the Gulf of Mexico will re claim 13,000,000 acres of the most fertile lands on the globe, and lands which would contribute vastly to the volume of the business of the country. "We have made careful estimates, and we can produce facts and figures to show that the reclamation of the lands now suject to annual overflow will add $200,000,000 to the annual bunl ness of the country. This country which we propose to protect and re claim trades with the great markets of the east and the middle west. The wealth, therefore, which would be add ed to the country would not be so much a local blessing as It would be a great national benefit. "I feel perfectly confident that gov ernmont control of the levees Is not only assured to us, but I believe that It will be an established fact In the very near future. We have established a system of correspondence which has developed most surprising results. Un der our system we have reached every part of the country. Our local mer chants and Influential citizens have written merchants and business men In other cities, . and they In turn have reached others until we have covered the entire country, and from every where have poured In upon us replies promising support and giving encour agement to the movement. There seems to be a general sympathy with the moveent In every state, not ex cepting the Pacific states, which have, of course, little Interest except that of fellow-feeling and patriotism." Mr. Scott said that the great Mis sissippi Delta was all right. The cot ton crop had been made at a remark ably small expense, and that all the delta had to ask was an equal show with the rest of the world and Immun ity from overflow. It may not be generally known that the by-products of fruit stones are ol considerable value, says the Chicago News. The pits of peaches, apricots, nectarines, plums and prunes, which have heretofore been thrown away or used for fuel, have a matket value. This Is especially true of the peach and apricot pits. There Is now a strong do. mand for them at IS and $10 a ton, delivered In Ran Francisco, The ker nel is of course what Is sought. From the kernel of the apricot Turkish "nut candy" Is made which has almost dis placed the almond. The same sub stance is used for the adulteration of cinnamon, allspice and nutmeg. Prus slc acid and essence and nil of almonds are made from the peach and prune pits and these flavors are used In many ways. Tne nuts are cracgeo in Han Francisco and the kernels are then tent east. A shipment of American blark bass was made to trance ana tney nave flourished so marvelously that today they are common articles of diet In the hotels ind restaurants. When the bass were Introduced the French stream? were practically deserted. SENATOR STILL IMPROVES. Paralyalt Continues Receding From Hayward-Doctor Encouraged. Nebraska City, Neb., Nov. 2L Sena tor Hayward has rested easily all day and is feeling much better this even ing. His pulse and temperature are normal. He has better use of bit lambs and seems more cheerful. Senator Hayward's case may now be decided as hopeful. A week ago pro gressive paralysis threatened to end hit life within ten days. On Wednesday, however, the progress of the disease was arrested and now day by day he seems to be recovering lost ground While he can never expect to be free from future attacks, it is quite possible that he may not have another for some time and it is quite within the possi bilities for him to live for a year or more. Mr. Hayward is rapidly regaining the use of his right leg and arm. It comes slowly, but the members are coming back Into activity again. His speech is slowly returning and he is able to con verse considerably when short words are used, but he Is far from being out of danger yet. He is allowed to see visitors, that is. his relatives and per sonal friends, but no outsiders. It will be some time, even if he continues to improve, before anyone outside will be admitted for fear of exciting him. He is kept very quiet and is constantly at tended by a nurse. The change for the better was noted best Saturday morning and has been very rapid since then, considering all things. Dr. Ross, who was called to consultation last Saturday, contended that he would recover from the attack. but laid great stress on the matter of keeping him quiet, and said that If he ever got well that he must lead a quiet life, free from all excitement, with his diet well regulated or his re covery would be of a short duration. He is of the opinion that another stroke would be fatal and that one could be superinduced by a violation of the above admonitions. The senator passed a fairly good night, but not such a one as the night before. His pulse and temperature was above normal last night, but is some better this morning. It is thought that the hemorrhage in his head was stop ped several days ago, but all fear is not as yet removed of a relapse. He taJtes nourishment, which Is assimilat ed. He is brighter than he has been since he was first stricken. The senator had the furniture that he expected to take to Washington all packed and his wife and daughter were at Kansas City having additions made to their wardrobes .when the senator was stricken, and they had to hurry home to attend his bedside. They had secured rooms at the Portland hotel at Washington, D. C, and had expected to leave for there the first of next week, so as to get settled down before the opening of congress. It Is not likely that they wll lgo there this winter, If at all, so all arrangements will be made to spend the winter here or if the sen ator Bhould recover sufficiently to trav el he may be taken to Southern Cali fornia or some warm climate to spend the winter, but from the present out look the family will past the winter at their hoe in this city. DEMOCRATS HOLD MEETING Gathering of Importance Held In Chicago Chicago, 111., Nov. 18. Democratic pre-convention policies will be consid ered Monday In a conference of twenty or more leaders of the party and their silver republican allies. Many of them, headed by Chairman Jones of the na tional committee, will be here tomor row. William J. Bryan, it 1 announced, is not coming, on account of a previous speaking engagement; neither is Wil liam J. Stone of Missouri expected. The following members of the national ex ecutive committee have positively promised to attend: Senator James K. Jones of Arkansas; Judge Johnson, the chairman of the .executive committee; C. A. Walsh of Iowa; H. D. Clayton of Alabama, Thomas Gahan of Illinois, D. J. Campan of Michigan, W. H. Thomp son of Nebraska, J. M. Guffcy of Penn sylvania, George Fred Williams of Massachusetts, T. D. O'Brien of Min nesota. Other leaders who are expected at the conference are: Senator Pettigrew of South Dakota. Senator Rawlins of Wy oming, Congressman Bailey 0f Texas, Former Congressman Ch( les A. Towne of Minnesota, Senator Cockrell of Mis souri, Congressman Champ Clark of Missouri. Besides a general discussion of the work to be done prior to the national convention, the results of the recent elections and their possible bearing on the election next year will be consia ered. The policy to be pursued by the mi nority In the coming session of congress . I W I .... .ttantlnTt OO wall flfl will Minn lit k 1 1 1 n aLni..i".M - r hn lanrieriihin of the minority. Onl, .aoinr. niece of business Is formal ly scheduled, the calling of the national convention meeting, wnicn win u time and place of the next national convention. G. O. P. COMMITTEE EXPENSES. Omaha, Neb., Nov. 21. The statement if P. H. Mullen, treasurer of the repub lican county central committee, nieu with the county clerk, shows assess ments aggregating $3,432.75. Among those who contributed were a number of persons "not In politics." -n,a ovnonrittures were for procuring registration and for salaries of Secre tary Tucker, $135; Assistant Sescretary Sundblad, $79; Joe Morrow, as "door keeper " $80; and other amounts run ning from "Janitor" to "stenograph- . too eA ers, ranging irom w i" The report snows mat in contributions Herman Kounize $200; Mayor Moores, iu; umrBe Tzschuck, treasurer or tne wee tju- llshlng company, 1200; "ur. vie water $150; national republican com mittee. $357.75; and other republican candidates aim uuitcn'Muti. ...... - to $5 each. , MOURN THE LOSS ON APPLES. Chicago, Nov. 21. South Water street commission men mi , ., apples. Three weeks or. except!""""' hot weather In October, when the cream nf the winter stocs wm nmpycu Michigan, New York and Indiana grow- ers, "cooKea me hijihj slgnments so badly that even cold stor age could not save them from decay. The national loss on spples alone, due to the summer weather which pre vailed between October 10 and Novem ber 1, according to some of the u Water street aeaiers, wm - $1 000.000 mark. Shipments to fcrigiana nnnHnental ports, they tay, turned out to badly that In many catet con tlgnmentt did not get freight charge! from orchard to me wrmn. 4 kM ittsmnt waa made to rob the Deadwood Loan company's Jewelry es- ..wii.i.. mi T street ueaawoou . The robbers broke through a plate glaut window, but were rrignieneo fore they got much. There la no clot to the thlevet. CECEfUl KEWS. Herr Morris Busch, author of a "Life of Prinoe Bismarck," died at Leipalg. The Baptist congress came to a close at Pittsburg after two short sessions, at which papers were read. President Bllckensderfer of the Wheeling & Lake Brie railway ha named November 22 as the time for a conference with the employes regard ing the increase in wages required by them. The locked out piano workers of Cbi cago have decided to appeal to the Illi nois state board of arbitration to make an investigation of the causes of the trouble in the piano trade. Major General Miles has carefully in spected the fortifications at Ballast Point and will leave for Galveston ado. New Orleans. He expects to reach, Washington about the 25th Inst Major Taylor secured two more world records at Chicago. He reduced the nair mile record from 40 2-5 to 40 l- seconds and the third of a mile from 27 2-5 to 27 1-5 seconds. Taylor wa paced by a motocycle carrying wind shields. At the annual meeting of the Cleve land Terminal & alley Railway com pany John K. Cowen was elected pres ident and F. W. Underwood first vice president Dr. Cowen is vice president of the Baltimore & Ohio railway andf Mr. underwood general manager. Verona, Italy. There was a short but very sharp earthquake here. It threw the Inhabitants of the town into panto. colon, Colombia. Panama Is tranquil. but there is no telegraphic communi cation with the Interior. The Bolivar rebels have been crushed. City of Mexico. Dr. Zaldivar. Salva dorean minister to Mexico, who is also generally accredited to European coun- tries, has left for the United Statee, en route to London and Paris, and will for some time reside in the latter city. Constantinople. It Is authoritatively announced that the Turkish govern' ment has approved the concession td the Deutsche bank of a railway exten sion to Bassorah, a frontier city and river port of Asiatic Turkey, 270 milea , southeast of Bagdad. Gibraltar. The United States trans port Thomas, with the Fourth regiment aboard, bound for Manila, was roundly cheered by the British channel squad ron, whose bands played British and American pieces as the transport passed. Ban Francisco, Cal. The United States army transport Columbia has arrived here from Manila, via Naga saki. Eight government employes con stituted the entire passenger list, no sick or discharged soldiers beln aboard. The voyage was uneventful. New York. The transport Meade, with the Forty-third United States vol unteer infantry on board, sailed for Manila today. The Meade attempted to get away on Tuesday, but was stuck in the mud at its dock. Washington, D. C Chief Surgeon Woodhull at Manila, under date of Oc tober 12, sends Surgeon General Stern berg the following: A sharp and quite general epidemic of dengue has prevailed in .Luzon for some months past and it appears to be spreading to the south. There have been few really severe cases." Dengue is a species of fever with con tagious eruptions. It Is rarely fatal. Washington, D. C Recent mail ad vices from Manila received by the war department show that General Otis has established a medio-ledlo-legal depart ment In Manila. In charge of two Fili pino physicians, Don Jose R. ldalgo and Don Gregorid Slnglan. An emergency ward and dissecting room has also been established for post mortem examina tions. The department is to be subject to the orders of the supreme court and the tribunals of Justice in Manila. Washington, D. C Mail advices re ceived at the postal department show that the Filipino Insurgents have adopt ed a new method of interference with the military telegraph lines. This It done by attaching a fine copper wire to the line, running It down the pole or through the foliage of a tree to the ground, where It is attached to a piece of Iron driven into the earth. This ef fectively cuts off communication, and is not easily discovered when once ac complished. END OF "CORNCOB PIPE" CASE. , St. Louis, Mo. (Special.) After a hotly fought trial four of the defend ants In the celebrated corncob pipe case" were tonight found guilty In the United States circuit court of using the mails to defraud. The four men are Henry Rlngbeck, E. W. Northstein, M. McElhany and Arthur Miller. One of the defendants, William Ruff, hat already pleaded guilty. No action hat been taken In the cases of W. S. Daily and J. E. Wilhlngton, who were Jointly indicted with the others named. Their testimony was of great value in the movement and a noi pros imay be en tered for them. The witnesses brought in by th frovernment came from a dozen states, BfiowimTi.iJvf 4 was the operation1 tit the scheme to" defraud. It was the plan of the defendants, at shown by the testimony, to write to the mayor or postmaster of a town tell ing him that a corncob pipe factory could be established for $1,000 and op erated at small expense, while the profits were represented to be large. The men, whose headquarters were at Washington, Mo., would then offer to sell suitable machinery for $700 to $900. In each case where a factory waa actually put In operation it was found to be next to Impossible to dispose of the product at all, so overstocked waa the corncob pipe market. The govern, ment alleged that the price asked for the machinery was so excessive as to be fraudulent and that the purpose of the defendants' letters was to cause an undue and Inordinate demand for machinery which really could not be profitably used.. The attorneys for the defendants will make a motion for a new trial. In addition to the work on the rail road from Keystone to Hill City by the Burlington road, and from Rapid City to Mystic by the Dakota Pacific, these new lines have been begun or will be In a short while: The Burlington It pushing Its extension from Dumont on the main line down the road to Elmore and expects to have trains running by the first of January. This line Is be ing built to get around the heavy grade to the road can successfully handle the expected large traffic from the Spear fish line on account of the proposed op erations of the American Mining com pany near the latter place. The Fre mont, Elkhorn & Missouri Valley It surveying for a spur to- be put In for the benefit of the Dakota Mining com pany, whose cyanide plant It at Cen tral City and hat passed the experi mental stage, operating successfully on ores from the upper country. It Is ru. mored that the Elkhorn road will build Into the Carbonate district toon, )n or der to tap the recently discovered pho politic district ahead of other compet itor!. At Elkhorn headquarter In Omaha It It ttated that the Central City tpur It In contemplation, but that th rumored Carbonate extension la purely a rumor and without foundation. i I I i I ! 1 f 1! si l.f , 4, 1 $ , .1 4 ' v i u v-.. y'. : ...... ,. . . i.- 'U. .