Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, November 23, 1899, Image 2

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OBO. D. CANON. Editor.
Albert Verner, who was triad foi
fcorat stealing In the dlatrlet court aj
Mtmr, was acquitted by Jury.
Hog cholera, is becoming quit prev
alent ta Burt county. An insurance
ay that tnaurea swim against
haa several herds In chars nd
la treating them with some success.
No duo has been obtained to the per
petrator of the lire at Fort Sidney and
the tract la being thoroughly guarded.
Many be Iter it was dooe la a spirit
of spite work. These grounds were
PsraMriy too attractive feature of that
la Taylor, charged with criminal
tiiet court at Tefcamah holding that
Taylor was lawfully married trader the
laws or a aeignnonng inn. ray tor ran
way with a 14-year-old girl named:
Avert U, eroased the Missouri and waa
sarrlsrt la Iowa. When he returned
ha was arrested upon complaint of the
girl's parents.
Too bloodhounds sent for br Law.
rone 'Welch to trace the barrlar who
robbed his drug store la Etm Creek
ran down their man in abort order.
Aa soon as they were brought upon the
aecae they took the scent sad went di
rect to the house of a well known res
ident of that city, who waa taken into
David Bthertoa waa arrested at Fre
atoot on a charge of stealing hay from
P. H. Sweet, a farmer residing north
west of that dty. He waa found guil
ty by PeUee Judge Com an and sen
tenced to pay a One of $19 aad costs.
Bo will go to Jail. Bthertoa haa served
two terms In the penitentiary for grand
larceny and Is thought to have been
Implicated In a good many small thefts
from farmers near the city.
The second lecture of the Presbyter
laa ladles' course at Hebron was given
to a well Ailed house by Prances wood.
M. D. Her subject was "Red Cross
Work in Manila." She gave aa Inter,
sating descriptive discourse on the
Philippines and the life and customs of
the people. She used by way of Illus
tration two young women who were
dressed m Philippine costumes that the
speaker had brought back with her.
At the pablic sale of the old Fort Sid
ney military reservation, the Union Pa
cific railway purchased 20 acres, near
Its right of way for $1.27.12. Butler a
Jones of Sidney bought the grounds
containing the old barracks, officers'
quarters aad hospital, for $4,000. Owing
to the fact that he did not produce the
cash by noon the sale was declared off
and will be held again. The Burling
ton Is also anxious to secure this valu
able piece of land, which contains forty
acres. The other 330 acres will be sold
at the same time.
A telephone war is in progress at
Falrbury. The Nebraska Telephone
company has reduced the rate from $3
to W cents per month. The Falrbury
Telephone company, a new organisa
tion, will have their system ready for
operation in a few days. The stock
holders of the new company. Including
nearly all the business men. have sign
ed an agreement not to use or permit
In their places of business) the instru
knents of the Nebraska Telephone com
pany and will make a rate of one-half
Of that charged previously by the Ne
braska Telephone company.
The Inability to perceive objects at
ay distance through the fog at Omaha
a few mornings ago was the cause of
an accident which, was serious for A.
Johnson of 1907 Dorcas street. He was
driving in his lumber wagon on Thir
teen in street, Kiwtea nmimw wiu i
... . . I
cine, wnen ne attempted i cr- .rum
7T . . -I..- ! -v-..in
xno earn w -m ww -..
.v- . -- . ..Mh.knni.1 nnrnr
over the tracka a north-bound motor
mmmmA intn th w.FQii and whirled It
around on the other trick in front of
a train going south, jonnson was u
ken from the wreck with Ms left arm
broken above the wrist and severe In
juries on his bead and hip. He was
assisted to his home. The wagon was a
complete wreck and one of the horses,
which waa suffering from a broken leg,
was shot by a policeman.
A trifle of romance and a yt
" amount of foolishness that waa fixe UD
by two young people on thaw""
Midway in September was "
far .. it could be by Judge "
the Douglas "2Zt o
O. -Tee. an is-yesr-wra ""
to the Midway one trenday Z
t-tood "STy displayed
was delighted with f' . , Vim
'3' -v MsrnrM mm in-
Veemed to Hks
'Sh'"Tv Wla. Before
o t down
A .,?. h an over to
, wiucn
called to
who then la
marriage aa-
i granted by
made no re
tr died aome
he allegations
rbo testimony
eeMod life of
t ao barriers
X at naught
6&m -ES-Raa.Jav.-to
A A "JVPfl
Sattle ship
be Inter
30 effective
Moment of
r ear. Tbe
ted by all
.bargee bo
(diacaas.Bg JVcial says:
sly a tech
L ao partic
le raUroed
btb to the
availed la
se the nrs
r ear iwt
stactkm is
s to speak
a different
tated that
in-1 '
i;i coxa of w. ii. "com" iiarvevs work
W. J. Bryan, Governor Poyntor, Su
proma Judge-Elect Holcomb,
Chalrmana Edmlstonand Dahlman
National Democratic Commlttoo
man Thompson, Attornoy-Oonoral
Smyth, Congressman Robinson.
G. M. Hltohcock of the World
Herald, and Others Heartily and
Fublloly Testify Their High Ap
preciation of Mr. Harvey and His
Exceptionally Good Work Done In
Omaha, Neb. (Special.) One of the
moat delightful dinners ever given in
Omaha was that tendered Saturday
evening by Mr. J. B. Kitchen at the
Paxton In honor of Mr. W. H. Harvey,
the author or "coin s moanciai Bcnooi.
i - v nt ii, Hamv'a d.
It was on the eve or Mr. Harvey s ae-
parture from the state, having com-
'". - -., . -T ..i.inj
rhlch rc-lee.n
wlX . .Voh,T te r vei
While a thoroughly prlyete Bw. Jtl
K waa m in very nature ui
'.f KlVtSI
the occasion and the fact that the
party was made up of mea who are to
S numbered among the -moat Poi2
ractors in .?f.VTi
with the campaign Just dosed.
Covers were laid for twenty-three
. a !,!
socsuL ana u wu hkwji wnfroiw
Prior to descending to the dining room
an inrormai reception waa ueiu m u
hotel parlors, where Mrs. J. B. Kltche.
jars. ft. jseicaue,jars.iF
Mrs. W. C. Heaton, Miss Lula Ruble
una mum x:lb wm.n- "
the guests.
TrHUtsm wuu w.ij --.x-5-.1-.
, ,.h . -,k. th
W. J. Bryan, with a number of the
Those who made up the party which
occupied seata at the table were: Mes
srs. P. B. Kitchen. W. H. Harvey, W.
J. Bryan. Congressman J. S. Robinson,
Judge Edgar Howard. O. M. Hitchcock.
Judge William V. Allen, Governor
Poynter, Judge Silas A. Holcomb. At
torney General C. J. Smyth, Richard
L. Metcalf, J. H. Edmlsten, W. M.
Maupln, J. C. Dahlman. T. J. Nolan, W.
H. Thompson, E. C. Hunt. F. T. Ran
som. William Hayden, Walter Molse,
W. a Heaton, C E. Fanning, Warwick
Saunders. ,
The long table was prettily laid,
roses being lavishly used In the deco
rations, and a seven-course menu was
perfectly served.
There waa no toast card nor were
there any set speeches, but after clgarc
were lighted an Informal program. If
such it could be called, was Indulged
until after midnlght.the host calling on
everyone present for a verbal contribu
tlonn to tbe pleasant exchangee of the
Governor Poynter started the oratory
by proposing the health of the host,
which was drunk standing. Mr. Kitchen
expressed the gratification he felt at
meeting bis personal friends 00 this
occasion and thought It well to join In
expressing approval of the result of the
recent election, which had been the
manifestation of the unlimited confi
dence of the people of the state In Judge
Holcomb. The speaker said he felt that
a debt of gratitude waa due Mr. Har
vey ror nis enecuve w. "-
reason for the Indifference that had
---i 1 tt,i thlnn nolltical to get In a
pvnniiivu ""m - ,
. k .Ma. . thC BW
Daa way m " " , : v
--.!. , atiiAv the Issue or me aay
i ui -c w - j - -- ,,.-,
T ..- nt -Ottlnff -. OOmmOn peO-
t th. w.r of settlns 'Mmmon peo
ple to thinking ,r- ;h rreat j"cJ
MiiMtinn and at- to bow they can help
teesdvesf Vf Harvey had done more
thin any-- d was proper to ac
cord hr-- eenr expression of honor tor
the sy &t good he had accomplished.
Governor Poynter was called on, and
he spoke of the work of organisation
that Mr. Harvey had accomplished In
the state. He urged that the work be
kept up to Increase the fusion majority
another year, for thla year s contest
was but the preliminary skirmish for
1)00. Next year, he said, will be the
-innU Th arnvernment la
MJ.tim wv from the Drinciples on
I - 1 - . -n ninjnU ftijv are
lira w ... . r- - -
opposed to militarism and empire. The
campaign 01 uw snouia oe uirmcu
pointing out to the people the danger
of establishing an empire on this con
tinent. The speaker said he trusted
Mr. Harvey would remain to assist In
the campaign of next year.
Mr. Bryan was next called upon, and
aid be was glad to be present and do
honor to tbe guest of the evening, and
to the genial host. He felidtoualy de
clared that Mr. Kitchen had been a
great help to him, for when people had
criticised some of his views ss visions
and charged (hem up to his not being
old enough to know better, he had
looked at Mr. Kitchen and said: "There
la a man who Is old enough, and he
thinks that way." And when they
bad charged that he had nothing at
stake, be had found In Mr. Kitchen a
man who had financial interests at
man WHO naa nnancuu mierra- i
stake, and still persisted la thinking
that way.
Speaking of the work done by Mr.
Harvey, Mr. Bryan said It demon
strated bow a truth, when placed be
fore tbe people, would spread Itself. It
waa Impossible to tell what aa Idea
woaM ao- ere waw
families apen ana orew uw nw"
along different lines. It was devotion
toaa idea that had given the demo-
ratio party force aad had made It to-
, - - -. - . . Tha
party bow means something mors than
aa organised effort to get odtoe.
Ko book over wrlttea sa a partly
eoaossle basis bad ever bad each a
droalatioa or exerted. 10 much lada
aaoe e tbe book pat eat by Mr. Har
vey. Tl-atgetiaaa had come to Ne-
jiai inw wm - -
ana aaassiea m turn wvn n mm
tad tbe apm
-p-arv ta the
iH to ljfe
tSr. I SVP.
ma pm ox n. ? la also making a est te MJssosn river
.? trS bat rwlUUfbt trava!
ITt tt had. tryte te Ss re.
t y ta am IH are awmc
V lr rt.rr-f.ra
". r ii . ail
all over the country It would mean tht
speedy triumph of the principles foi
which they were battling.
Mr. Harvey was the nest speaker,
and he outlined somewhat In detail the
work that had been undertaken la the
'way of organisation In this state. He
mmlA It Ham, -tfTaotlv. tkllt th thine
worth more than all waa the perfect
harmony In the fusion ranks. The
first principle of harmony is co-operation,
and this he had found everywhere
to a surprising degree. In placing the
credit, he said it should be shared with
the magnetic leader of the party, with
the committees, with the foreign-born
voters and with the press.
He spoke particularly of the work of
the World-Herald, which he said h
had found to be a fortress, a veritable
Gibraltar, la the work In this state. The
speaker declared that no superior Jour
nalism had ever been manifested any
where than In the conduct of the
World-Herald In the campaign just
closed, aad said that without Its effec
tive co-operation the work on organisa
tion would have been out of the ques
Mr. Harvey also paid a handsome
-(Ht,t ia -Hat wnrk nt thj MuntrV DrCSS
and of the assistance of Mr. Warwick
i - -.r
I Saunders,maaager of the Country Pub-
..,. . JTt?, Tn ..uu.. h
-7 'Ttr-rr-" v. r- .
stated that he would leave the state to-
?hitf' wort'wU "tl" tne
ne.t year would register a mi-
' .
1 - u -.m i. . of Ne
brbaahiih tribute HTsild he had
,, . i.ni-.nt broad-mlnd-
j"JT, .T, I ,h .tateo and
strong class of people.
Mr. Harvey spoke In high terms of
the state committees 01 uie iwpu"i.
I jMAMotla an4 f r a a all Vr TwDUblttAIl
1 wmwi ..- ssU ------ ---
the Z"
-- - -
purpose in view.
uon. 4. n. wimiBirii, m-..
I populist state committee, said that the
juug 1 t-ui uvui -
I could not be overestimated. That In
I M.r A-n-ti. which Mr. Harvey
---v . . j ,i
bad visited and inaugurated his plans
,.,,, ,h for self belD
i"0 "he raising of campaign funda he
u irimienk fnund the most ener
getic and efficient work ana tne most
pronounced gains In the votes on elec
tion day. In addition to this, said Mr.
Edmlsten. the Harvey plan does not
cease the day after the ballots are
counted. On the contrary the wonder
fully simple yet exceedingly effective
machinery set in motion by Mr. Har
vey Is stronger and better and Is keep
ing everlastingly at work. Mr. Edmls-.-.
mat a h-,.1 found In Mr. Harvey
one of the shrewdest advisers, and that
during all the time ne was nere me
most perfect understanding and har----
nntvaiiM. between Mr. Harvey
and his army of co-workers and the
state committees ana tneir co-woraem.
"In fact," said he. "oftentimes when I
would attempt to do some organising
in the counties throughout the state
the fellows would write back: 'We have
the national ways and means plan of
organisation here, as Instituted by
"Coin" Harvey. It takes In the school
house precincts and all the county
why can't the state committee use this
organisation r " To such letters. Mr.
Edmlsten said, he replied: "All right,
boys. Use your organisation for all the
good you can. Here is some work 1
would like to have you do. and If the
populist state committee can be of any
service to you, please let me know."
Mr. Edmlsten said he had been out In
the Beld with Mr. Harvey for neat'
two weeks, and took a persp- 'u k-dit
in his work, therefor- " - ad been
taught by f" nence, observation,
hearsay an results, how exceedingly
valual'' s this feature of the work of
ts national ways and means com
mittee aa applied by Mr. Harvey, and
hat he regretted very much the de
parture of Mr. Harvey from the state.
Hon. Jamea C. Dahlman, chairman of
v.A ffomrwratlc committee. Dald o
glowing tribute to Mr. Harvey and hi
work in this stale, ne oeciareu i
effectiveness was remarkable, and he
tgreed with Mr. Edmlsten that the
good results from It were Just begin
ning to be realized and that now since
we are Just entering tbe 1900 presiden
tial campaign In dead earnest this
branch of tbe national ways and means
committee work would be of Inestima
ble value. Mr. Dahlman expresaed a
great desire to see Mr. Harvey's hands
strengthened in every way possible by
our friends at home and abroad.
Hon. W. H. Thompson, democratic
national committeeman for Nebraska,
and upon whose shoulders the work of
Mr. Harvey now falls, said that he too
had personally attended a number of
the meetings of Mr. Harvey through
out the state and had participated In
the detail work of the organisation and
had felt and seen the good results of
the work: that the reform forces were
under lasting obligations to Mr. Har
vey for his good services, and that all
Nebraskans who are marshaled under
the banners of democracy and populism
are his warm and steadfast friends.
That Mr. Harvey's presence In the state
had been of great assistance to the reg
ular committees and old time workers,
and that tbe plan had developed thou
sands of actlce working men who had
heretofore practically taken no active
part in politics whatever.
Others spoke in the highest praise of
U. I-J - n, - ar mnA hta wnrk. AmOU
them were ex-Governor Holcomb, su
preme judge-eiect: ex-nenator w. v.
Allen, O. M. Hitchcock, proprietor of
w wrfit.unM' fun-1 1 aa 111 a n John
g, Robinson, Attorney uenerai v-.
Smyth, R. I. Metcalfe, editor World -
I T ll XnAmm S4arml Howard.
9. RnMBion. Attorney uenerai .
Herald': Judge Edgar Howard.
AH of tbe speakers dipped Into the
prospective campaign of 10 and had
more or leas to say about tbe results of
k. -i-tinn luat nassed. the reasons
why and the signs of the times.
"V 7Vi .rdth.
The remarks of all tne aisttnguisnea
"-"-,- - :
gathering was tiot only blghly compll-
mentary to Mr. Harvey, but was also
beneficial to all those present
. . . a.. h Am Miwalaa Iff
I g9ngm inn wmttg " ' " T
Harvey left ror i-nicago, wnnw mm
week or tea days be will take a much-
ded rest before cscxiing sews w
tbe oMnaoas amount of wora wnics
be has Mapped oat for the tatara.
tattle. Wash. The Chicago ticket
Mia tevohrad la tbe transcontinental
I fate war dropped to ttt and the SL
f, 5So to ttt Tbe Oreet Northern
la alee making a est te Mlssosri river
I r!?tka a head. aKhoegh both
have erdera to re say rati
id pree-
bv ttrnl
at ua.-Wto WV o.
a rears nsT.
John W. Oatee Tried to Form It In
Wire Business.
Waahlngton, D. C (Special.) In giv.
Ing his testimony before the Industrial
commission, Mr. John W. Gates, man
aging director of the American Steel
and Wire company, gave an Interesting
account of his efforts to effect a con
solidation of all the wire producing
companies, including those tn Europe.
He said he had visited Great Britain.
France, Germany, Belgium and other
countries for this purpose. Germany
he found to be the principal competitor.
England work In that respect not be
ing sufficient to deserve serious con
sideration. In Germany the one source
of fear in manufacturing centers was
competition with the United States, and
bounties and subsidies were given on
every hand to hoia up tne m--iui-ing
Interests of that country.
rx,--MM -,.n,if.it nr... flrat nrooos-
ed that, in case of an international con
solidation, the United States should be
content with 3S per cent of the product
This he had decunea, ana iu-t
creased the allowance to 65 per cent.
Ho had run away from Berlin to avoid
accepting this allowance. He had him
self represented the possibility of in
creasing prices to the extent of about
$10 per ton. In case of proposed amal
gamation, but found that the Ger
mans had In view an Increase of about
120 per ton.
In this connection Mr. Gates com
mended In high terms the German
method of encouraging the exporting
and producing Interests, saying that If
the United States government would
adopt the plan there pursued they
would soon be doing SO per cent of the
Iron and ateel business of the world.
He advocated subsidies to steamship
lines and to national corporations of
15,000.000 capitalisation and over. He
would have the corporations pay lib
erally for such charters In the begin
ning, and then have them pay large
sums annually for the continuance of
the franchise. Increasing the amount
as tbe capitalization Increased until the
......1 -ki,M t -in leaa than tl -
000.000 for a company capitalized at j
1100.000.000. He advocated government
supervision or such corporations.
He said the protective tariff had
much to do with building up the Iron
and steel Industry, and that the con
tinuance of the policy was necessary to
the future of all such corporations.
He Bald that his consolidation had
been effected last January. The num
ber of plants that could not be oper
ated profitably had been shut down.
The company employs 36.000 men and
wages had been Increased an average
of 40 per cent. The company did not,
he said, recognise the trades union,
dealing with Its men as Individuals,
and would not recognize the unions at
such. He said the company controlled
all the barbed wire patents and had
a monopoly In this respect. On this
product a higher charge was made
than on other products because of the
monopoly of the patents. This was be
cause of the money spent In their ac
Generally speaking, the advance In
wire producta had been only propor
tionate to the Increase In the prices of,
the raw material and of wages. Ha
considered that all these advances had
been due to demand and supply, and;
not to the combination. Indeed, he as
serted that the American company did
not seek a monopoly of the production
of the unpatented articles, or seek to
control the selling price of Its prod
ucts. On the contrary, the disposition
was to encourage other organizations,
rt was not true, as people seemed to
believe, that the trusts controlled the
,w inil..l-l hiialnoaa nt the COUntry.
As a matter of fact, they only controll
ed about 40 per cent.
Mr. Gates deprecated the present high
prices of Iron and steel products, prin
cipally because of the high prices of
raw material. He, however, expressed
the opinion that tbe present price
would continue for the next two or
three years, predicating the opinion on
his knowledge of the demands of the
railroads, the ship yards and the build
ing trades. He said that his company
was exporting no less than 7,000 tons
of wire per day, supplying Sngland, for
Instance, with 60 per cent of the wire
products purchased there. He admit
ted that the goods were sold at lower
rates abroad than at home, but for the
present this was necessary to hold the
outside trade.
He had found that In Germany all
14 , V, a I -.i, ,n i(mI lnduatrv
, were syndicated. He had procured cop
ies or me agreemenia, uui n? un
to produce them, laughingly saying he
had stolen them. He said the Amer
ican company had earned a dividend on
Its common stock as well as on Its pre
ferred, although none had been declar
ed, the directors considering It wiset
to lay aside something for a possible
! rainy day.
I Other witnesses of the day were Max
1 Pam, counsel for the American 8tel
and Wire company; James C. Pearson,
' organizer of the National Shear compa
: ny. and Frederick C. J. Wlss, vice pres.
Went of the last named company.
Tho Difficulties and Cost of Keeping
Up Our Navy Dally Increaolng.
New York. (Special.) A syndicate
has been formed to buy the five larg
est shipbuilding plants In this country
and combine them in a single com
pany for controlling the building of
warships. The concerns which tbe syn
dicate intends to absorb are: William
Cramps ft Bona' Ship and Elnglne
Building company of Philadelphia, the
Newport News Shipbuilding end Dry
Dock company, the Union Iron Works
of San Francisco, the Columbian Iron
Works of Baltimore, and tbe Bath (Me.)
Iron Works.
It Is not the purpose of these direct
ing the combination to overcapitalise
the new company. The five concerns
represent about 120,000.000 of invested
capital. Compared with their earning
power the capitalisation of two or
three of them Is small. The capital
isation of the Cramps Is 15,000,000 stock
and $1.-00.000 bonds. The profits of that
company for the nscal year ending on
April JO last were t707.M2.
The banking Arm of J. W. Bellg
man A Co. was said to be conducting
the financial part of the deal, bat this
Is not so. The Sellgmano are Interested
In the negotiations, bat only as the
financial representatives of tbe Cramps.
A genuine case of killing by kindness
has taken place at Sboredltcb. Sarah
Hack, a child about five years eld,
daughter of a laborer, was exceedingly
popular la tbe locality, aad eoatlaaaHy
received gifts of oute and sweets. Af
ter sating a hearty meal ofgtewed eeto.
meat pie, and kippers, see was reward
ad with a quantity of meeker eats aad
plume; aad thM J let broaewt ea ladi
gastlea. from whksh e eaplrt
Leadea Teleeygpk. ,
Ohio Repudiates McKlnley and Hen
na By 60,000 Majority
How the States Went.
Elections occurred In twelve states
n the 7th Inst., namely, Ohio, Penn
sylvania. Iowa, Massachusetts, New
Jersey, New York, Kentucky. Mary
land, Virginia, South Dakota and Ne
braska. In Ohio. George K. Nash, republican,
was elected governor by a plurality of
about fifty thousand.
In Nebraska, ex -Governor Bliss A.
Holcomb, fusion 1st. was elected to the
supreme court by a majority ranging
from fifteen to twenty thousand.
In Kentucky, Goebel, democrat, and
Taylpr, republican, are both claiming
the election. It may require a contest
to decide tbe result.
In Maryland John Walter Smith,
democrat, was elected governor by U,
00 majority.
New York and New Jersey elected
republican legislatures.
W. Murray Crane, republican, was
elected governor of Massachusetts, and
Leslie M. Shaw was elected governor
of Iowa.
In Pennsylvania the republicans
elected a state treasurer and Judge or
the superior court, and the democrats
elected H. D. Green In the Ninth dis
trict to All the vacancy caused by the
death of Congressman D. M. Ermen
traut. In Mississippi A. H. Longlno, demo
erat, was elected governor.
Virginia elected a democratic legis
lature. In South Dakota the fuslonlsts are
reported to have elected their candi
date for governor.
In Ohio, George K. Nash.' republican,
received a plurality of the votes, and
- mlmmA mmuir. hut fell fifty
thousand short of a majority of the
total vote of the elate. The campaign
was from Its inception one 01 ine mui
exciting and fiercely contested in the
history of Ohio. The democratic
standard bearer, John R. McUran, rais
ed aloft the banner of the party. stand
ing firmly upon the Chicago platform
and against Imperialism and treats.
His success In Hamilton county, noted
as being the republican stronghold of
Ohio, Is a great personal triumph for
Mr. Mcbean, showing beyond a question
the popularity of the democratic can
didate In hla own home where he Is
well known.
In striking contrast to this, however,
Is the election In Cuyahoga county, In
which the City 01 Lieveiana is i-u--ed
and which la the home of Hanna.
Here Hannalsm was repudiated by an
overwhelming vote. The vote of Jones,
of Toledo, the Golden Rule candidate,
represented In the most striking degree
opposition to everything that Hanna
lsm stood for, made the people general
ly irunii an well as republicans,
decide to vote for Jones, believing that
by so doing they would aaminisier a
more stinging rebuke to Hannalsm than
k. Hrn in an v other way. Jones'
vote reached the enormous figure of
over one hundred tnousana. orwn
from both parties, drawing of course
more heavily from the republican party
h.n trnm th dMnOcrStiC. If the VOtC
caat for McLean and Jones had been
cast for either or them ne wouiu nave
been elected by a majority of fifty
This result In the presidents own
state. In spite of the fact that he and
bis cabinet participated In the cam
paign and that Hanna and Dick had
unlimited money at their command,
which waa used with a lavish hand, at
taches great importance to the result
In the Buckeye state and clearly fore
ihadowa a democratic victory In Ohio
next year. The audiences that gather
ed to hear Jones cheered for Jones and
r-a n tkt mama aa the A llrifpnrpft thai
attended the regular democratic meet
ings cheered for McLean and Bryan.
Thus It will be seen tnai isryan rep
resents, as against McKlnley, practical
ly the combined vote of McLean and
lones. which would give him the atate
by fifty thousand.
The appearance of Senator Hanna
upon the stump contributed materially
to the defeat of the administration In
Ohio. Hanna's defense of trusts was
probably a necessity on his part In or
ler to raise the funds necessary for the
-amnalo-n Hut the result of BUch de
fense caused the loss of more votes
than he was able to procure tnrougn
the lavish use of money. Again, Han
na, true to his natural brutal instincts,
inaiilted his audiences and BDDlled op
probrious epithets to them and un
doubtedly drove many republican
worklngmen out or tne republican par
tv Mmttnuntlv hecatiae thev were able
for the first time to realize the estima
tion hi which they were held by the
republican boss.
In Nebraska a national campaign was
-.nflti-t,1 In which the renuhlican learl-
rrs of the nation actively participated,
intHhntlnar an enormous fund In the
iope that the state might be carried by
tne repuoucflun pany anu xry&n uis-
Teauea in nis own name.
fn(M.I Ihrmirhriiit thA whnlo rmin-
rv centered upon the elections In Ne
braska and Ohio. In the parlors of
every banking house In America and
Europe, and In the offices of the great
trusts and corporations, whose enor
mous profits are derived from special
privileges granted to them by tbe re
publican party, the canvass in Ohio
ud Nebraska was a constant source of
anxiety. McKlnley and Hanna used
the power of tbe federal government
to Its utmost limits to compass repub
lican success In these two states, as It
l good bowing in Ohio In order to hold
kls prestige ana receive a renomination
it the bands of bis party. It was
tqually Important for him to secure the
tefeat of the fusion ticket In Nebrsska,
tr possivie, noyina inui 10 cumiMic
Bryan, hla dreaded competitor.
m. all,,ta tn rlv a ra.mhtlan
kidorsement In Ohio and Bryan's trl
imph In Nebraska brings dismay to the
scans or ine money ainga, trusia ana
nonopolles and the news Is received by
ik rannU of t ha countrv aa tidlnea of
rreat joy. Bryan's triumph In Nebras-
ta is complete ana aecisive, ana aem
mstrates beyond question his master-
..1 ia4lMfili- a rA t ha aahlltn trtlat
ind confidence that the people of Ne-
irasaa nave in meir nu .niuuin,
irblle tbe reverses In Ohio are dls-
teartenlng to tne money Kings aao
Tbe democrats started la tbe nee la
rntnrJtv tstadicaDeed br a sertoas
veue ranaiosTS was caaigee wa nav
hg received Ms Bomlnatloa by aatalr
railroad deMatle la the stats. Um
A -taia-.tvla Ilia ttMr
to whale tone lato toe trtt to widea
order to secure the defeat of OoebeU
Tbe party platform was one of the beet
ever written ty tne anvucrmBj v.
state. The regular ticket had the sup
port of ex-Senator Blackburn, aad Mr.
Bryan went Into the state aad made
a three days' trip, speaking for the reg
ular ticket. And while the result as to
who is elected governor remains In
doubt, being claimed at thla writing by
both parties. It is known that the dem
ocrats have a large majority on joint
ballot which secures the re-el ectlpapt
Blackburn to the senate of the United
States. The democrats of tbe country
generally feel a deep Interest In Black
burn's success, because "Jo," as he Is
familiarly called. Is known to be torsi,
brave and true, and one of tbe pro
gressive members of the party and aa
able and efficient senator.
In Massachusetts the republican par
ty refused to Indorse the presidents
policy of imperialism and thus made It
possible for Senator Hoer. -,v.rnor.
BoutweU and the antl-lmperiallsU or
that stats who number In their ranks
all of the old-time republicans of prom
inence, to support the ticket. This re
sulted In holding together the republic
an party, which la the dominant party
ia that etate and preventing a split
which certainly would have taken place
If the president's foreign policy had
been Indorsed by the state convention.
Tfce Maryland democrats have been
cowardly In the matter of affirming tbe
principles of the party, which has beea
chiefly due to the party leaders and has
been distasteful to tbe rank and file of
the voters. Senator Gorman, who has
dominated the party In tbe state, is
noted as a political trimmer aad com
promiser who seeks victory for his par
ty with apparent Indifference to its
standing upon the great questions be
fore the country. It happened, how
ever, that in the late session of con
gress In the expiring weeks of bis term
as senator, Gorman arraigned himself
on the side of the people against the
president's foreign policy and bitterly
denounced the Imperialist program and
the proposition to burden the country
with an expensive military establish
ment As Gorman has been regarded aa
the personal representative of democ
racy in Maryland, whatever position he
takes upon public questions Is general
ly regarded by the opposition as the
position of the party and to the utter
surprise and astonishment of Mr. Gor
man himself, as well as the republican
leaders of the state. Intelligent repub
licans by thousands abandoned the re
publican party and Joined with the
democrats upon the Issue of Imperial
ism. Of course, if Senator Gorman had
not taken the stand that he did in op
position to imperialism this might not
have occurred, but the further fact
Senator Wellington, the republican sen
ator from Maryland, was a rabid anti
imperialist and was perfectly willing to
have the democrats win the election
this year upon that Issue contributed
largely to the result. Nevertheless It Is
accepted aa a foregone conclusion that -Maryland
has returned to the demo
cratic fold permanently and that the
electoral vote or the state win do cast
for Bryan next year.
John K. Cowen, a gold democrat and
president of the Baltimore Ohio rail
road, undertook In the last weeks ot
the campaign to organise the gold
democrats and line up tbe banks and
the wealthy men of the city of Balti
more and the state In general In oppo
sition to the democratic ticket. But be
found that many of his colleagues who
acted with him In 1S6 aa gold demo
crats and voted for McKlnley coneld
ered the financial policy of the demo
cratic party harmless In comparison to
the foreign policy of the republican
party snd refused to work with him
this time.
In other states where elections have
been held there was no particular In
terest attached to them. In Iowa no
special effort was made by the demo
crats to overcome tbe great republican
majority, and the people of that state
were left to watch the "results in Ohio
and Nebraska. One thing waa in evi
dence, however, In tbe election In Iowa,
which was that the Germans very
largely refrained from voting or voted
the democratic ticket, and the Indica
tions plainly point to a democratic vic
tory In. Iowa next year If the work of
educating the voters upon the Issues
before the country Is properly attend
ed to between now and next year.
In Iowa the democrats did not under,
take to force the fighting upon national
Issues and bring out their votes,, but
nevertheless everything points clearly
to the fact that the foreign voters of
that state know the meaning of Im
perialism and militarism and are dis
pleased with the president's policy and
have begun to distrust the republican
party, and that It Is within the range
of possibilities that this class will
abandon the republican party perma
nently upon this Issue.
One of the notable things In connec
tion with the election was the success
of the democrats In electing their oftl
siala In such a large number ot cities
throughout the country. Several large
cities In New York slate elected dem
ocratic mayors that have usually been
republican. The city of Detroit, Mich.,
and San Francisco, Cal., also elected
democratic officials, also the city of
It Is Interesting to note the attitude
of the commercial press; that portion
of It which belongs to the republican
party and a large portion of that which
Is nominally democratic. In their efforts
to make out that the election Is a vin
dication of McKlnley'. administration.
By carefully reading their editorial
notes ajid their dispatches, and all the
dressing that Is put upon the news by
the various news editors, one can eas
ily detect the labored efforts and the
seeming struggle against the Impos
sible to make a defeat appear like a
victory. If the democrats of the coun
try fully realised that the metropolitan
press of the eastern states, particu
larly those nominally democratic, Is
really subsidised and working In the
Interest of the gold combination and
monopolies, they would hesitate before
accepting the liberal offers that -are
made to the public by these papers.
Several New York papers, nominally
democratic, have paid advertisements
In the democratic newspapers all over
the country, offering their weekly edi
tions at a price representing about one
fourth tbe cost of furnishing them.
These papers are not public charities
nor altruistic enterprises. The publish
ers of them would not offer them at
such a price If the loss was to corns
out of their own pockets. The facta
are that the great banks, corporations
and trusts give them advertisements
and la one way and another make It
a matter of enormous profit to tbem to
circulate these papers cheaply among
the people In order that It may be
tbe medium of conveying the virus ot
their false doctrines unsuspectingly to
tbe minds of the honest country people.
If, however, tbe democrats of tbe onitn
try at large eoaid have tbe opportun
ity of perusing the columns of the
great metropolltaa dallies of the east
ern citiee aad lean the Insidious meth.
ode Med by them la their efforts te
mske It appear that a repabileaa do-
rsai a repuancaa vietery aad
braes e the party, they weald
leara tae eorreet statue er seek 1
aae nve tasai a wide berth.
. ... nil'
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