Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, November 23, 1899, Image 1
JM1ARRIS ON JOURNAL -vox,. XII. Ifemzcn Press-JournaL fBSTABlJSUED 18W. ftahsvrintion Trice, f 1.00 orioML of aioux county. io. D. Canon, Kdltoc. Entered at tbe Harrison pott office as serul slsss tsattstr. VICE PRESIDENT HOBSflT IS DEAD- Patkilson", N. J., Nev 21 Vice President Hobart died at 8:30 a. m. The family and physician were at Mr. Ho bart's ide when he expired. Daily World-Herald. S -nator Thurston, for the second becomes a Benedict. time According to 11 daily papers of the state, Senator Hay ward is very much improved. Latest reports from the bedside, of fcstator Hay ward are almost discourag ing, little or o hope is entertained for his recovery. A case of Bubooiu fevor is reported on board a merchant vessel in N'vv York harbor just arrived from the port of Rio d Junsro, Brnzill, 8. A. Vice president llobart, who has been seriously ill for the past two months, Is according la metropolitan dailies, grow sog weaker every -lay. 8pecial via London to nhe United Sfat os, report hard fighting it Lndy smith .and that the Boers had lost heavily, also that the British were not far behind their opponents in casualties. The war of the Transvaal, in South Africa, between Die Boers and British still continues. , The Hoers, as far as we can learn &y reading the daily dispat ches, are holding their own, and a little better. .", - , The Democratic national Committee wiet in Chicago, Monday for the purpose of deciding when , and where tbo next nieetng will be held, at which: time the committee will name tat Convention city for 4M0. .Cincinnati Kansas City Milwaukee and Chicago, are bidding for the convention.' The Phihpwn island, it is said, by shoos who claim to know, contains 70,001 000 acre of land of every description, whila the "amd regions of the United Ststea covers an an a of lM.OOaOOO acres If the 1500.000 a dar. H takes to carry n tba war in the Philippines, say noth ing about the precious lives already sacrificed and probably thousands mors to suppress freedom, wars used to build reservoirs for watering those hundred million acres, then the desert, as Isaiah declared 710 years befors tbe birth of our Lard, ''end the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as tba rose," it would be ors like "benevolent assimilation." Neat year is presidential' year. Al ready, -lbs hvrgs cities, some of them in the great, central west are bidding for .one, or both of tlie irreat party conven tions. Why the citixeos of Omaha, or Lincoln, or both, have been enterprising enough to sgitats and bavs built l ng be ton Uiis an Auditorium building, large .enough to accomodate national con ventions, both religious and political, 1 beyond our finite comprehension. Oinaha is ceotrallv located .nod; is a, , jrreat railroad centre; can he rearlttJ. from all points of ths compass and with I I Is so an Ideal convention city. Tak- into conldsratios) the fact, that Nvbi Ska has less illiterscr than any other state in ibs union and eonsoqasnty trsossnds ths world, or at least it should, for its tors of bars ng, no, nolWn.'i.i too aod for the mtlseos of Xr.br.islu. A . J Uir Ktli-. Mrt AuritTinM Ht run arm m i.u... .. . AS TO "MTIIW a air J There the issue was Bryan. Tba Hannaites sent gold without stint, and spent treasure ik water to to win Nebraska. Next to clenching Ohio for McKinly. trw best hope of tbe black party was to beat Bryan in hit own State They argued, that to overthrow him now would remove him utterly in 1900. And with that the Haooa-Eastern nullum went to Omaha. Republican, working on a Haonaamurance, were go aura of Nebraska that on Election Day they offered 3 to J in thouaaods Uiat Bryan would loae the Stoto. And you know the rest of the story.' Bryan will be the one name mentioned in the next Democratic convention. The (New York) Verdict. HERE IS A MERRY JEST. This s is not a parade ground of humor ' Hnt r then one meets bo etout a joke, one breaks a rule and find a place for it. Some Lack-brain wrote the Journal a letter and asked sapiently: Why should men marry? The Jour nal answered as follows: . , A man should marry because unmarried he is a left-hand glove with the r ght-handglyve missing. Ue is a door without a bome. an empty birdVnest, a Marker of responsibility, an exile from happiness self-expatriated, an icicle on the eves or time. A man should marry because until he marries he is not a man at all. Yon might Just as well ask why should a hen lay an egg. She should lay an eg? because that is what she is for. Man is put here to marry and push along tbe race. You don't suppose that nature would have troubled to create you for .your own rake? You are just one of the little m.lestones on the road to civilcAtiou and your first duty is to supply other little milestones to keep the good work go' ing on. Kipling wrote: '.;' i "Down to Gehenna or up to the throne, He travels the fastest who travels alone." "Down to Gehenna" describes the bachelor dxactlv. but "ui. tn tt thiv,.'' I. j a very tJifTerent proposition. It's hard work ''' juu. iiii,.tew loraj veroict. Reports from Manila, P. I., is lhatons of Ajruinaldo's cabinet oflicers Secre tary of the Interior lias been captured by theU. 8. army. In round numb rs, govereor elect Nash's vote in Ohio was 845,000; John R. McLean's vote, was 801,000; Golden Rule Jones' vote was 110,000; Or the combined Democratic and "Golden Rule" vote 411,000 Naebes Vote deduced 345,000 majority over Nosh, Is thata republican victory? 9,000 How would Bryan and Aguloaldo sound fer the 1090 national democratic ticket.? It would be miKBty popular among nagal rebels. Laramie (Wjro.) Repulicaa. Well, whats the matter of McKinley and tbe Sultan of Sulu as the head of the republican ticket, in 10')0. The republi can party are apposed to the "Declarn of independence," and with the polyga mous Sultan as a ruiimn? mate to presi dent McKinley, would lend respectabi lity to tlw party. The votin nmcliKie in ufe at Buffalo was an entire success. The vote was counted and the result given out in forty five minutes after the closinif of the pells That kind of machine will hardly do in Ktntuiiy.-Laramie (Wjo.)Repub- lican. Not as long as Governor Bradley with bis state Militia can intimidate, tbe voters at the polls. Companion stories for 1900, The stories published in The Youth's companion portray the manly and wom anly virtue with no sacrifice of interest or vitality, and they appeal to the sym pathies of old and youns alike. During 1900 the companion will offer special aeries of storis among them being stories of Former Political Campaigns and adventures of Linemen. Besides these there will e a score of stories for girs by such writers ss Sarah Orne Jewett, Mary E. Wilkwis, Margaret Dslaod, Elizabeth Stuart Phelps, Edith Wharton, Kate Chopin and Margaret Sangster. There will be four serial stor-ies-"A Praris Infanta." by Eva Wildsr Brodbead running a merry-go-round. ' All new subscribers will receive the companion for the remaining weeka of (800 free from the time of subscription aod then for a full year, fifty -two weeks to January 1 1901: also the companion new calendar for 1000, suitable as an ornameat for the prsttiest room in the houss. . Illustrated Announcement Number containing a full prospectus of tba vol ume for 1000 will be ssot free to any ad drees. THK YOUTH'S OOMPAJIIOM, JOB Colnmbns Arena, Boston, If ass. IVIHVTHIN9 MUIO s a" IN .w WfcJI , wi-w vii getting up there without a good wife SIOUX COUNTY TEACHERS ASSOCIATION. The' First Annual Meeting. The Sioux Connty Teacoers association assemblea at the church in Cottonwood rrecioct at tlie appointed time, Aftociution meeting called to order ny the presidential 31 & 4th members of tlie morning programme not present. The meeting was opened with the reading of a very interesting paper on too growth of American industries and tneir influence. oa educaiioa," by Mrs. EllaLHalea. A general discussion of asms, by M, J. OVonooli followed. esoed Mrs. HatUe Walpoks road a very b Urtstiog and iostroctivs discussion on tne subject, JBo oMy Psychology b- spplieit to the art of Uachiag." x I Mr. Alexander Johnson lead the gener al dismi-Mion of this paper and a nucnbVr of helpful thoutghs were hrought out. 1 Morning session adjourned until after dinner which whs served in the church after partaking of a bountiful repast association was ugain called to order. M. J. O'Connell, M. C. Pounds, Miss Katie Bretty and Mrs. Ella L. Hales was appointed committee on Resolu tions. Hartley Sxton Secretary Mr. C. E. Rice led a discussion of the subject "Does Science tench temperance'? aod proved to ail present that Science does emphatically teach temperance." . In the absence of a paper on a Rock bels educational laws. Mr. M. C Pounds gavs a short but very .clear and inWesttug explanation of some of Greo bel's educational ideas and methods. A question box was substituted for No. 12, 8, & 3 of afternoon programme and several interesting topics were disc uwwd. The leading thoughts .brought out in the days, meeting were: That to be successful teachers, ws must be co-operative, we must be pro gressive, we must give more attention i piunry renuinK, w must impress on the minds of our pupils tbe blighting effects on the whole nature caused bv ine use or narcotic poisons, we must study the nature of our pupils, we must control wnispering. we must leacti our pupils that to steal aoother pupils time is as much of a sin as to steal from his money. Business meeting Of association, TL. : . Km luiiuwinK motions were voUd on ann carried unnmousry. Motion made and seconded that the next, meeting ne nam in Bouarc precinct the 2nd Hat. in April. Motion made and seconded that M. C. Pounds be elected vice president of as sociation. Motion made and seconded that the present officers constitute on committee by laws for the association. Motion made and seconded thst the present officers constituted a -committee to arrange programs for next meeting. Motion mads and seconded that the teachers send in topics thev wished dis cussed by Feb, 1000 from which tlie pro gram may be selected. Motion mads and seconded that a uopy of the minutes of this meeting I sent or published In some paper circulating In this county. i- turn basm adlod to tbo ml koow Hoay 3!&TrrmrtSmt,, AT. I THITJSl)A.ir, NOV. 23, 1899. 3STO. lO i ii. 1 1 is stTTLED RIGHT.' Ths following resolution were read by chairman of Comroitte on Resolution and adopted by tba association. Resolvo. That wo extend to the good people of Cottonwood our sincere toaoks for tbe nearly welcome extended to us, for their kiodness in providing a bountful repast, a table loaded with the most delicious viands, and for makiosr every effort to make our stay among them both pleasaot aod profitable. .BsbolvD). That our special thanks are due the Rev. Mr. aod Mrs. Rice for their untirinir efforts to make our stav pleasant aod for their kind assistance and co-operation in the Work of our as sociation. RMOlYkd That we extend Miss P.lin Merriam, president of the Teacher's as sociation of Sioux County our approval for her earnestness in the work and good judgement in conducting this meeting. Resolved. That our evmnathies are exteaded to those teachers, w ho, through absence, have missed an oDoortunitv to mprove their, minds for schoel work. and what is fnlly as important to con- IHDute Ihfir share to the improvement of those present. Association adjourned to meet 2nd Sat. in April At Bodarc precicct. H. W. Saxton, Sec. Protein. Order ef Hearing on Petition forip. polntment of Administrator or ' - , Administratrix. Mate or 'elraskft, I u Slim x County. ( At a Connty Court, held at tbe County Court Boom, In and tut mid County, Nov. lath, A. y. 19. Present, Bobort Wilson, County Judge. IS THE MATTKE Olf THE F.STA'i'ifi OF W. S. J011.NSOS, DKCEASKO. On reading and ailna tlie petition of JAMKti It. JOHNSON, praying that Administration of said Estate insy foe granted to hliu as Administrator. OUDKKEI), Tluit liecnuibcr 4th, A. O. tsao, at 0"0 o'clock 1'. 31., is 'assigned for bear ing said petition, when all persons Interest ed In wild matter may nppeui at a County Court to lie held la and for said County, Slid show cause why the prayer of tlie peti tioner should not be grunted; and that pen- dency or said petition mid the hearing thereof, be given to all persons Intnreited la mud matter by publUumit u copy of liiis order lit the Ha skisom 1'i:ksS-Jouk:au, weekly newspaper JiHnU d in said Coaaty, tor i successive weeas, prior to said day f lieariug. ' Hoaa st WtL'O", ) ik true copy.) lT-ia. jl' i.'iu -L-uijia.aaj..Hfsri final Proof Notices. , Ait persons saving anal proof notices in Mi le paper will receive a marked copy of tbe -'-'ind ate resaeeted to axarolue their notlM'Vrfh any error extat repe'rt Uw tame to ibis omc.. V'M. T1MDIB CVLTOBE, FDIAL fKOO. TICK FOB PVBLCATIOX KO- 17. 8. Land Office at Alliance, Veto. Novenier, 21, 1839. Notice l herdby ptiven thst VIRlilL M. RTONK, on behslf of the heirs of Jeffrey M . Stone, deceasre, has filed notice of bis intention to make final proof before Clerk of District Court at tils office in Harrison, Neb., on the SOth day of Dec. IsM, on timber culture application Mo. 1201, for the 8-WH. of Sec tilon Bo. 27, tn Township Mo. O, M Range No, 66 w. He names as witnesses : (Jrsnt Uutbrir, George W. II ester, Virgil A Hester and OMO Tletze, all of Harrison, Se brass. f. M. UOKIUNUTOX, Keglster. NOTICE rOIirCIlMCATIOM. V. S. Dand Office at Alllsnce S'db. Kavember, 81, 1S99. Motlee is hereby given that the following named settler hag filed notice of his lntcn tion to make final proof In support of his Claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Clerk of District Court at Harrison, Neb., on Dec. 30, 1W, viz : FRANK II. WKIQHT, of lUTiisoo, Nb., who made H. E. No. 11 IS, fjr tbe N EH 8-. VH S.K and 8 E 8-EH rW. B7, Township 31, N. Itrnge 57 w. He names tbe f ollnwlug witnesses to prove his continuous residence npon and cultlva tion of said Land, vis: William I.. Hoyt, Henry Warnekn, C'barles Camenshid and John h. Dsvls, all of ltarri ton. Neb. ; HlsutUU ItODKUT WIT.'-ON, of HantWn, Neb., has filed notice of Inten. Jtusn to make final proof at the same time Hi J place, on timber culter upplloutlon No. law, for tbe M-Hi of sec. No. 12, In Town. ship No. II, B. Range No. 67 w. He name as witnesses: William L. Hovt, Henry Warneke. D. M. Button aad Grant Guthrie, all of Harrison, Keb. r. U. DOBB1NUTON, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Land Office, at Alliants, Nebraska, November 11th, I860. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler hits Died notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will lie made before clerk of District Court at Harrison, Nebraska, on December 'Z', 18110, ALICE 8LATTERY t'ti Hurrison, NidniMrku, who marie H. E, ASi fer the S S U'j Kif, 7 and.IS :wi t-rsiH' u, t. iis n., r. mi w. '..i'i..t.("s r.)i 'olluaiog wilnrsses to -.i u s Ciilit nunii , r.''iirtiiCM reiii-ri- u,x)b aqd cultivation ol said land, Tic UMtf.J. Iisellng, C'Um Lee I ing, Rieatnl Dunn and Jowph Dunn, ail of Karri mm, Ns. ' Hob. William J. Bit. The Commercial INCORPORATED 1888. Harrison, - - S' - Neta CAPITAL STOCK PATD IN - $10,000.000 SURPLUS AND PROFITS - - SOO.OOSi - B. E. Brewster President. ChAS. C. JAME30if. 7 " " "l" D. H. Griswold, CaBhier. -! CORRESPONDENTS: INTEREST PAID ON NOTICF FOB PUBLICATION. Laud orsicr at alliance, Neb. Oct. 24, 1809, Notice is herebv glvan that the following named settler has filed notice of bis lntetlon to make filial proof In support of his claim and that suid proof will be made Cleik of District Court at Harrison, Neb., ou Dec. 2. Jass, vir: BIRSKY WIJXIAM3, of Ardmore. S. D., who made H. E. No. 4107. rortlie Lots l an n 2, and Si N K)4, Sec. 22, Twp. yj, N. lianire 5S w. He names the f Allowing witnesses to prove his continuous restdenu upon end cultiva tion of suljl laud, vis: William Bretty, Joseph Asb ton, Alfred Lln berg and EbenUolUbaw, ail of Ardmore. Nob. , I'. 11. tHJRRINGTOX, ReKister. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. Lund OUice at Alliance, Neb. . , Oct. 24th 18W, V Notice is hereby given that the following-named seuler has Died notice ol bis intention- to make final proof in sup port of his cairn, and that said said proof will be made before clerk of district court at Harrison Keb, on Dec. 2nd, 1S99 viz: ALFRED LINDBERG. vv' of Ardmore S. D. who made II. E. 4124 for tbe NE Sec 24 & Si N W. Sec. 81 Twn,5, N R 54 W. Hs oames the followinfr witnesses to pro? bis oootiouous residenc unnn and owltrtatkui of said land, viz: AftftlsVBifaBd Peter Peterson of Dtory Nob., AV Ciaus Chnstensen and ;tr C. Meng of Montrose, Neb. V t.OBBIUOTON, Register. I II. I . 1 90T1CK FOR rVfc, 'CATION f-a Land Offlce at AlUaaci , Kevraska. Har. u, H0. i Notice is hereby given that the foliowia named settler hss filed notice of his lotei' tton to maka final proof la snpport of bis' claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Clerk of District Court, at Harrison, Nob., on Deo. 13, 1STO, vis : W1LMEII W. PHILLIP?, of HarrUeu, Neb., who made !(. K. No 40, for the 84 X-K'i and N(4 8-E'i Sec. 31, Twp. 32 N Range 54 W. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vli: Henry Covey, Sels RnRbiitson, J. XT, Hun ter and Walter Pitt, all of Harrison, Neb. F. M. DORKIStJTON, Register. NOTICE rOB PUBLICATION. IT. g. laud Office at Alllaneo, Nebraska,' November. II, IBM. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler lias filed notice of his Intent Ion to make final proof in support of his claim snd that ssld proof wilt be made be fore Clerk of District Court at Harrison, Neb., on Dec. 23, 1S09, viz :- CHARLES LUDWIO, of Glen, Nebraska, wno made II. E. No. 4144 fortheS-EK N-Wm NESWl, and Lots 1 and 3 of Sec. IS, Twp. SO, N Kan go fa, w. He names the fol lowl ng w I tunsses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz : David Dunn, Dedrlck Nelson. Peter Nel son knd Etnorv Gllmore, all of Glen, Neb. Also, THKODOUK F. GOLDEN, or Adella, aebraska, who made II. K. No. WW for the WW 8-E! 8ec. 18, and WJi N-E. See. 1, Twp. S3, J! Range 63 w. He names tbe following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz : Andrew Proeanler and Alva 8. Sox'on, of Crawford, Neb., and Thomas Holly and Wil liam H- Davis, of Tlarrlson, Neb. F. M. DORKINtiTON, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska. Nov. Uth, 1809. Notice lit herebv given that the folow inic named settler has filed notice of his intention to males final proof in support of his cam, and that said proof will be made before Clerk of District Court at Harrison, Nebraska, on Dwj. 23, 1899, SllCilAKL BRUCK of HnrrtRoti, Neb. , who made U. E, NO. 4475 for tbe Hw i of 8sc.ft, To. 83 N. R 6 W. Hs names the following witosssas to prove his ontinuous residence ttpoo and cultivation of said land, siai Chefta Biohlo, Lswia Uor teb, Oostats Not hash and Robert t Kosi, all o f Har rison, Neb. , F. M. UouasfrTwlt, BssjiiUr. C F. Coffee, Vide President A. McGlnlit, WESTERN NATIONAL BANK, Ksw Yow. OMAHA NATIONAL BANK, Omaha, Na 9 TIME DEPOSITS.- STOCK BRANDS. Tars Joual will publish vour brand. llki tbo following, for K o, per year. , Caeta ao dltional brand 7 eeiita. Kvery tanner or ranchmen in Slonx and adjolnlns eoanties saouia auvertise their brands in TBE Joes - NAi.as it circulates all over the state. IS iujr im iu means oi saving money for yon. CHARLES BIEHLK. ; On lef t side or blp of cattle, i On left shoulder of horses. ! I Range on tbe bead ol War bonnet Jcreek -. Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb, CHAHLES f MPHKNOUB Tbe brand reprsented in this notice and branded any where on leftside of bosses' sud Also tbe L''Lt)ran1 any wber on left side of c.ittle belongs to the undersigned. uaiLE.s unretyiica. Barelaon, Nebraska, tHAnLtS KKWMAN. Taebrassj represented in this notice and branded any whereon left aids f est tie, and ftver-lap'out from tbe rlsrhtear. Also tlie same hrsnal 4eft thlgb nf Horses, belongs to tbe anflerslgised. linage ncsr East Springs, south part to Stout ounty. Chahlss Newman, - ; lTaiTiemi, Nebraska. FRANK SUTTO. On left side of cattle and on left shoulder ol horses. c RangS s Abtelope ererk P, O., G hiloltnst, Sious Co., Keb. JOrlN A. HANSON Owes the follotr- luirbraiid on eith er: Also HG on cat- e ana aorses on teft r '4llver Hprinss and east of state In. roa-irce HarrlMm Neb JM) RBWA11D. in uiijr vi "rvtock. branded. 100 PILL S6CT w s Itartlficlallr', Nature in itc ttruoUr U c lUf. Itloi.- en r-rr.ti 1 sntsMLiarni' Em TVs, J ''m Cattle ssi, v' " 1 right side of noso. I " , Add res V LOW r THf I LITTLrf SOLD BY) w Rs atV 1 L- -A i mmJ J (1 J-W) F. M. "'oRBrraTOic, R.gisur. .es...i.i,W..