BON TON RESTAURANT. P. B. BIGELOW, Prop., are! THE PIONEER PHARMACY. Candies, Nuts, Tobacco, Fruits, Dates, Drugs, Drugists Sundries, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, BOOkS and STATIONARY. J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. ?Figs, Cakes, 1', Bread, stationary ?etc. A Fine Line of Ladies ft Oentlem -em a 1 T 1. "V .... J l"'m,nor.4!nil null V tnrv rPl 1 1 n cr Sold at Living Trices. POST OFFICE BUILDING, Harrison, Xe-li. r h I I- i -I: ' I' 1. ft 4. f I' J ''ft 1. V- JUST ARRIVED f -AT Jrohwer s harness shop,? All kinds of Harness Goods. Also, Flour and all kinds of 4rain and Feed for sale. Besides the above I have Build ing material, such as Lumber, Call and get PRICES Thchsdait. Nov. 16 1899. tteo. D. Canon, Editor and Prop. READ THIS WEEKS, PRESS-JOURNAL ADVERTISING RATES. Bualnegs Locals, each insertion 5e. Display, standing Ads: prices for sam rort known on application. Ktock Brand and the Fhkss Jocshal, one tTesrU- Foreign advert lain mut,.be j,ftiil. In nd wanee. For lart,heT information Addict, Pbess-Joobsai., Harrwa, Sie,br. jp.. E. A M. T. R. One -.Sscood class Colonists Tickets to Port land, Seattle, Taenia . Spokane &c,, on .sals now at f25.00. Order tickets few , days ahead. F. Avehy, Agsat. NOTICE. -Anyone having lost two gray raare. kOM bay mare, and a black gelding ,call . at this office pay (or this adyertiseoient, . and Isarn of their whereabouts. Marco Valdez, aod family Suodayed 3at tbeir home ia th cap yon. t WANTED Immediately three ' men - to cut logs at the Five jtoiDts Se.w mitt. Will pay good wages. F. M. Smith. Miss Catherine Haw of Gilchrist, , left for Chadron on last Saturday, wven- jjog where sl.e will enter th e employ of t Uw proprietor of the Blaine. Quickly cure constipation and re V.bnild sost iovigorate the entire system never gripe or nauseate DeWitt's little aarly Risers. J. E. PhiNXEY, Agent , Now that elect oi is over all little feelings of enmity aud bttterne- s should Jbe cast aside and all should get down . tn the sa,e friendly terras as before ..election. The Blind Boone, musii ale will take . place at the M. E. Church. Friday even ing December 1 1399. Tickets will be . on Sale at the Post Oflice. Admission, iH t 50c oV 35c. Hiv. Sinith imJ Dr. Piiinney hive both bear Blind Boone ting and play, vry body may rest assured the coming , musicals will b a treat to the people in -Northwest Nebraska. Every body should IXIT Ingoing either to or from Mr. J.;h Davis' on last Wednesday evening ..a STokf band hracnlet with heart attach' Mstt ' i6r will be suitably re war Ad I iftdtfng same with Miss Mabel JU3U. Harrison 5abraska. Smith received a letter last Mas tnm the managers of Blind Boone .Mftalt tkal they would surely be here ONMtw 1st. Everybody within raaUMaf 50 milef, around ubould ot fait .to o6eM out and bear the world's famed fiaatil chance of a lie time. (iood things never jtome alone, at Wat we prosuma Judge Westover thinks rso, for the day he was re-elected Judge of this ;Ath Judicial district, his wife IWpanuit him with a bran new baby 4pf . ffe wonder if this applies to Judge UMriawtoa Um? How is it J. J? wDsWttt's Littie early Risers did me food (baa all blood medicines all pilla. writss Oeo. Q. Jacobs, of Oona. Prompt, pleasant, grins, they curs ooostipation, to torpid liver to action and fm asjMi mooo, steady narvee, a jOm btnsi and banlthy apaUtJ. X. Rat:ar, B. L. siick. and Ms fam & ra4snfrnsBtsnsgwt wsats visit ijtfjm Kilty Man, Bswt nports ,wtf wf. alsan vftdla hara. nwt, hs lCUNffliatMii nan MPwsaiMMftafn. Gssnysthay gut Mwmtlmmnr m O mm Zy a4bi ackt IVosBtte wftJ3 ,C'eyS1 tuw JS4iwaJ' (fcinW hnlnt ? rt trac d O J Kv:r3 rr?J'-s wo. Cm, Lime, Hair, Cement fec. &c betore buying eisewnere. EGGERT ROHWER, Prop. F. E. 1H.VE.IL Iwe table. Goinfc-West. Ctfiog East. So. 5, mlxd. H :20 1 So. 6jUed 8:00 u Narth-Western LINE F. E. M. ,V R. R. , is the best to and from ths PLACK HILLS, ..OEADWOOO ASD HOT SPK1SG3. SOUTH DAKOTA. Call for Commissioner. The County Commissioners are hereby called to meet at the office of the County iCerk on the 22nd day of Sov. 1S99. M. J. Blewptt, Clerk. Thankagirint: Dance. The undersigned will give a dioce at Harrison, Thursday night Nov, 30 1899. A good time is anticipated. Every body are invited to come. Goo.i music will be furnished, &c. ( Ernest Lvons, Mgrs- John Bourett. WANTED Orders for Holiday Books Bibles and Albums. Prices reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. No money re quired until delivery is made. Mws Elsie Merriaoi my assistant agent will carry a full line of samples and catalogues, or mple aod catalogues may be seen at Bartells store in Harrison Neb. at any time by dropping a card to the undersign ed agent at Harrison Neb. Mrs. Av'n a Thor.hton. Did you see the meteoric shower this morning? Jo.-SHirdivant, Joseph Jacobs, and John Corbin are among our latest suv- scriters. If vou want to bav lumhor, eo to Marcos' Valder.s. He has 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 foot lumber for sale. Earnest Lyon is busy helping Mr. Gerlach make some much needed im provsmnts around the store building re Qotly purchased bv him. The olflcial canvass of the election votes was made at the court house on last Monday evening. The following named centlemen a-sited M. J. Blew- ett: D. II. Oriswold and John Davis. One Minute Cough Cure quickly cures obstinate summer eotighs and colds. "1 ramnder H a roost wonderful meoi cine. quick and safe." W, W. Merton, May hew, Wis. J. E PrrrssEY, Agent. W. J. A. Raum reports a very inter esting Teaf hers nssociation meeting down in bis precinct Cottonwood last Monday, and a good attendance. Ed, (Conner who has been at work on the ranges for the past nine months, returned to Sioux county yesterday. He will make his home here during the winter, unless he concludes to go away to school again. Ed looks as hearty as vsr. Blind Boom will be in Harrison Dec. 1. Kodsl Dyspepsia Cum tfcrougbly digests food without aid from the atom ach, and at the same time beats and res tores the dieenead digestive organs. It is the only remedy that doss both .of thsss things and can be relied upon to parmnnently cars dyspepsia. J. S. Panrarr, Agent. - Cd las, who has bsanat New Castle Wytsduring the pant ynar, amptoyed as hsrdar, and who by the way was ader for a month last winter mtornsd to Harrison last Saturday and white bars sands a short.caU on ye editor Oallngaw Ed. whsn in town the latch stria is vsr out. . Onr haby was sJek for ,n month wtth nmrconfh and caterrtwl fever. AHhoiH vs triad many rsensdtes she hsntf4ttc woras uctil ws usdOa t3st Ossjgh Cnrsr-ft rsliavad at ones Mat naftd 'Jaar m n fsw dnyi."-B. L. saV-J& TCXZt, Afct J. W. SMITH, Manufacturer and dealer In Harness, Saddles, Bridles &c Send in your Harness and Shoe re pairing and a first class job is guaranteed. FIXE WORK STRICTLY CASH: Proffessional Cards. J. E. PH1NKEY. M. D. Pbyiitdan and Surgeon. All caU given prompt atteatU-. Office In Draff Store. -HAEKISOH - NEBRASKA. GRANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention pven to all legal matters in Juntice, County and District Courts, anJ before the United Stater Land OiTias. Fire Insarauce -written in reliable 3ompanies. papers carefully drawn. HaemsoK, - Nebraska. What's the mtter with our corres-! poo4mis? Buy jour lumber at Marcos Valdez's saw null. Clias. Jamsson, fo Chadron was in town this week on business. Marcos Valduz keeps lumber for sale try his lumber once. Harry Chistenseo of Montrose, was in town a dy or two tliis week. - Commissioner Meng. was in Harri son this week to file his expense state ment in the county clerks office. County Clerk elect Ram was io Har rison this week to file his expend) "state ment with clerk of court Blewett. Rev. Smith is buv putting a fence around the M. E. church property acapK tol jdea. Mrs. Hanson who U in town wilh the children o ,t!n Ut(-r cf.ii Bilml school, is quite' iodisrwwed this week. FOR SALE: A nice heater in good condition, will burn coal or wood. Cheap forcanh. Apply at this office, Mrs. C. II. Grewell, of East Spring, accompanied by her son and daughter Mr. and Mrs, Henry Rose was in town over night this week on businea. Mr. Holly lias purchased of G. Guth rie the house recently moved from Burt Smuck s claim ars placed buck nf the court house. He will have it Utted up soon as possible so the family can live in it. Irritating sting", bites, scratches wour.ds and cots soothed and healed by DeVitU Witch HhzI Salve, a wire and safe application for tortured fleb. Bit-Ion ware ot countcneits. raissEYj, Agent. A Postal card to M. J. Blew ett, from his brother, Henry, who is attending the law school at the University, at Lincoln, thought the fusionists in Sioux county had done the other fellows up brown. Rev. Smith delivered a lecture at the M. E. church on last Thursday even ing, to a large and interested audience, and all gave the strictest attention to to the speaker. It was a decided suc cess. County clerk, elect Raum, will come up to Harrison in about ten days to assist M. J. Blewett the out going clerk, aod thereby become acquainted with the business preparatory to taking full charge of the oflice at the begtnaig of the year. Hamilton Clark, of Chauncsy, Gn., he suffered with itching piles twenty years before trying DeWitts Witch Haasl Salve, two boxes of which com pletely cured him. Beware of worthless and dangerous counterfeits. J. E. Phin- mnr, Agent. A Dumber of youeg .people drove to the aatchelor mansion of Frank Dele ter on last Monday evening, and took possession of things in geoornl for an hour or two. A goad time was spent by at). Yes we approve of parties but not during school tints. Do you? Kodol Dyspepsia Curs, cures dyspep sia bausons its ingredient are such that it nant help doing so. "The pubito can ral upon it ass master rsensdy or si I wlswf ;rap impsrfsct aMget aoa H ThosMS, M. D.. io feMMl of C?sJtn, !l. Y.-J. A;SPKCTALTY NO EXCEPTIONS. X. i. O'ConnclI, - Co. Attorney, Will Practice In All Courts hntM'ial AUcution Glvcu to Land-Of-flce iluxluc s. Collections and all business entrust ed to me will rewi ve pioinpt attention. Harrison - Nebraska. IIKESS MAKING PA II LOU. The undersigned iust located in lower north-west corner room or AXuuF.ns hall, h prepared to do all kinds of dress making and sewing in her line. Tiie patronage of the public is wlicitl. W e guarantee satisfaction and that our charges will be reasonable. Mrs. Maiwik Roskcranh. Hear what Arch-Bishop Ireland of St. Paul says of Democracy: ''Democracy is civil and political lib erty." Democracy is civil nd political equality. "All men are i'rpntJ, "as isdecliired in tiw authoiilive doumnt, the American Declaration of Indepen dence. Don't Forget the Show. Tnfisday I'vening, Jiov. 21, 190. A Grand, Moving Picture, Lantern and Talking Machine exhibition will bo given nt A"!r-v,-i H,iM, in Harrison, Tuesday tveuitir. fuiv. 21,.l"i33. The Show U ownef and opptrated by Van Ilosen A Zigler Co., of Crawford, who have jut orK'amz;d nnd will give their lirst exhibition at lb; place arid we h''j every biy will turn out and give thru a good audience. The genilenn-n have a new $200 talk ing machine, also a S-'iOQ Calcium Lant ern which displays moving pictures life si 19.. Tlmt Jccturc, Dr. Harlier of Lincoln, assistant State veterinarian to Dr. A. T. Peters, was in Harrison Saturday and filled the apoiot ment of lir. Peters, who was to give a lecture to the stockmen of Sioux county black leg,itcurs preventation &.. As Dr. Peters family were sick, he was un able to ba preea aod hence, Dr. Bar ber's presence. Dr. Bartwr, delivered an Interesting ana comprehensive lec ture to an appreciative, and attentive audience of seventy-five or one hun dred representative stockmen from dif ferent parts of Sioux county and a few from Converse Co. Wyo. Mr. Barber showed conclusively that the disease was not caused bv becoming too fat or over feeding, but that the disease was a con Utgious 0114 and, that every ammal die ing with black leg shomd be burned up in order to effectually stamp out the disease. Dr. Barber declared that vac cination was lite only true remedy that would cure the dreaded cattle diwaie, and he advised if cattle had been w.n sled before they were six months old, Uiey should be inocculated the second time, when he was ghurs the animal would become an immune. No doubt the people In the county who listened to Dr. Barber Saturday will profit very much as a result w'r'Mls'Whit'tyn&rt. snd fOssnfl ve will r.r-n i yt t;, Ui.l.(ul Ii.bmi lire i.--. lit t. u sv l M rop a.T'U'Ti tmi tj,n i y .,; j, i i Ht'l. v I '.l.diri'. t p r. 'M la. tee 0 .$, or i' J .'1 fXi-frm i iisit' . Hi! Is a rJul.r l.yx, lnri'(osi r.s'iild rnwi MvK, fan yi rl si.ii K'txif iiH". l fje, Dentil I'd pesrl I tUfvHj guatd i V'jijv,j4 r.erfr. psraukinic.jiiii Wre. Y,.,-. rjt ij&iliiirr h M&do.Ii'- 1tT llr.u,r-rV.u!IU nl'jOn RV wrl ft f r. . '. r n'iji 1 1 n at Ad. r,s A IIm... Oin ttin, fttihv . . A A A A A mi wan irw mm LIGHT & iu in AND THE Cnildren CELEBRATED LIBERTY BELL SHOES HAVE NO EQUAL; Call and look our Stock over be fore Purchasing as we can SAVE you money. Marsteller BROS. THE HOSPE PIANO. UnaQUALLSO in Stvls on DbsiOn o Caan. 7fT Wn Celcbrnto Our 25tr wMiness Jlie CoBipBiiiun for th? ltnt of 1B!3. rjuring Urn remaining wek of 1'j9 The YoVTHsCoiirisiot will iubIjUIii Us fre!i ud varied Ittrmt tor yuun snd old by pre- a?iitln(r article from ih pens of e.ulnent man and women and lories bf the jiot gllted writer, of Action. AtuonR these eon'rlbntors will 1 Trnnk R. htocktou, who prewiitu a droll sU-ry, "The Wolf snd the Wheelbarrow June ISryee, author of, "The American t o.nmou wealth," wn offer "Hint im Heading;" W. U. I'owelln snd June Burlow, e-h of whom cuutilbules awTliil siory; BretlUrte ! who recalls sit ejrly ( 'liliroriila etperlenre In How I went to the Milieu;" Mnry E. Wllklns, who lellsif'Sereny Sla,t t Hrhool ;" sal llf nry M. sianlej , ho undsr the title, ''Por Ufe or JJIierty," re!uta thrl!llri( adven ture of Ills travel la Darkest Africa. The Jfoveinlier and lieciinilK-r numbers containing lus feuturea sre Klven to every uew iilicrllir for the I'JOO volume free from the lime nubwipllon U ret-elved. In luldltlon to the Cottipstilon's emln'.tf, Cal endar fur !0-The Isnl calendar of the cen tury siul the niot beautlf at one ever given to Companion subscribers. llluatrateil Announcement lumber eon t iliiuijt a full prDMiwetu of lh vo'uu;e for VjU, will Ije ei,t fri-e to ny sdtlrwu. TIIK XirTII StXlMI'AMOX, 20J Coltmbuii Avenue, lumlon, Mass. SS CCNTS lesc lilOWTHlV The iOnd.HrNaTIv OUclsl Hslds est) M.-.nd liouU t,Js jlsliKi, ttu4 wiii a,f 14m f Hi Cnuod MjUt, IamiWu r CHK-M, Mil MexKt'. ttfvtr4 MMvK-M'iv lo trn,fimlfllne Hik, In itw itl Hit-1 M,H' n .d Utulwlppl I t, nut ! t"nm, liu 'l Unrm iunr: il l.jr tirf tlnn f lb' vmt iTiifii il 4-nfiiM w,wf-l ihpi. ai, rnrt ; x-rn.f ; liavlmt lt'i r'.lt uwd utt4 llii(najh Uuw. uim- iv all oUu-r cdona, vacm,rr, t co mm ri'.n, lo ,a ptn ,,n. Hie AifCflCAH IIAILWAV ftt'lUB CO frhHrrv ami Prnrt I la m In in Awt strM, cv-, Wr" 't 4, T f - i?ini!sjS" -T if"! fimfcpf TT o.inljip or murlaL ri,uLi Ui-L CwliffiiwL I I Esoy Psyments. r I A smsll ish pymni bJ ey rnmth- A. HOSPE, C.naln, Heb. I! OFF1CKS: 151S Dtiz'm Ptreec priFrll Slld fl)11 s.MpU's nt rmr eeef FACTOETi 1614 Iwrd Street. p vmeut plun Ires upon application. mm HEAVY i & Youth's tT Aim fnralih lh bMt DiaBO bin. and to mil It at U towt pMSit)te Description of our style E, OsblaeO PlkBo: 7 1-S tletsres. S Calwms: f)rstrinf Bsse. Full I run PIsUi, Ilruoaed aod Oroa Dinnird. . , Ituobl Bepeatlnff Actlon. virr Keys. u6ln VeiMiered Cn. ' finished In O, U. Huboffaej sad Walnut, IUUed or CarI rol. .. ,, Kiwn.lon Moslc Iesk; Uollloj Fell Board. , Nlekel Plated Cootlnoous Binges oa ThrSe Pwisls snd Pdl Oosrd Plss UKXitiruliy riitlobed sod 1'oll.bod. ll.lit: 4 J"t t Inch. linstJi: 6 1ml, Incses. 1 lepih : 2 Iwl. S 1 -3 Inches. Mud in Curlr Walttut" Veaeer. Qaae- tered Oak, Anikjne Oakaad Mshogaaj, Write for Terns aad Price. Every Bfispe PI n li ffnsrsDteed for a y,r, ssn oripcu, i ui w, Anniveranry October 23, 189 -mm MILLS.- The undersigned is ag ent for the celebratt;d David JJhadley, Wind M itojj, Improved Wind Mills, lite l)eit m&dfjf 1 am also prepared to fur nish on short notice first class Pumps, IMpes, Wood t Mteel Tower Tanks or anything in the lino of pump repairs, AT LOWKST PlilCEM. Write me for estimates t3 fore contracting elsewhere. Yon will save money by it, Ai-i6J-.IOI!N H. A8IITOV, Arilmorf, H. Duk. (IERVITA PILLS! itore VilAUlf. LOST VtOOR AND MANHOOD Cures Im potency, Night Lniissionnand wasting diseases, all effects of self m abuse, or excess and indlf I t!LACTetion- A nerve tonic And Vdriblood builder. Hrings the oCfplnk plow to pale cheeks and jAp restores the Are of iouth. riVly mall HOe per boi, n boxes Tor $2.AO; with wrlUra rnnrnit t to cure or refund the money fiend for circular. Address, NCR VITA MEDICAL CO. airtton Jnckxon otx. OHIOAOO, ItL. Hold By lit. i. P.. Phlaoer. AllKMTS WANTKIi i-UR-TIII UFK Al Ac Iwlveim-tit. of Admiral iwry," the world treaUwt naval krrn. Ily Muni MsUMd, the lite Ion friend and admirer of the nstl m'sldol. Ulssr.tsn l bt Iwok; ov, r m pits', x in meh; nearly SI n( naif Ions lliuauafloti. (iill.6o. Knormoiudeniaiid . Dig tiiiml.lon. twtnt free, nisse eof i Iti" il , i riienni.'k. The tMmlwMm Can wi'Mv,.:t.l i'luri'iMon Rldg., "sissfQ