Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, November 16, 1899, Image 1
r 1 ! J i " ' --' V ' t Harrison I .V VOL. HA.K.ISOlsr, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, NOV IB -899 !Nrn Or M- 'NQ QUESTION IS EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT fS SETTLED RGHT."-Ho. W1UM J. Brru, ' ' V" iT Harrison Pressoumal. fwTABuniD 1988. . I i "I' GREENBACKS or Government Money. The Commercial Bank. . t. RESS JOURNAL 'I.' f"; A i v fr. I f J Subscription Price, fl.00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF IOUX OOUHTY. ro. . 1. CniMW. . Editor. Enter at tbe Harrison post ofllce M , aK-oiitl class natter. Toe warship, Charleston is a wreck on tlie coral reef of the North count of Luic ob Island.- The craw und marines ware II lauded wifely. Oovernor-elect George K. Nash of Ohio Ua minority governor by "3,000 Ot s. Not much consolation in that ioe president McKinley and Doss Uanna. The election, Nov. 8ih, without doubt deckled for certain lLat Hon. William J. Iiryan, and president McKinlny will again be tlie standard bearers of their respective parties for president in 1800, Trusts, capitalized to the enormous amount of 5,0OQ,0,)6.00O, have material ized since the advent of William McKin ley into the White House at, Washing ton. Uood record for the money power. Should the republican turadJtLfaUb. ing tbs state etffelion in Kentucky by fair or foul means, the governor elect, like Judge Nash of Ohio wilt be a min . ority governor and will grant littl eoa r aviation to the national administration. We see by the World Herald 14th inst that Judge Westover find J. K. Alder, Republican candidal of this 15th Judicial district in their post election expense ac counts, filed with tlie Sec. of Slate are respectively $24,40 and $27,05. Not so -expeosive. The Boers are still bombarding , Lady smith, with some show of a suceesful capture of the city and the British sol itary that sow occupy it Ood igrant thai the Boers may succeed in routing tlie entire British army from the (whole of South Africa, The latest report is, that Congressman elect Neville has earned the "Big 6th .district by 4,000 majority. Whereever -the campaign was made on nntioaal is. -eues and the Cliicosro Platform, there it was that the people got the victory or .tnads great gains. South Dakota and Iowa are the only two State holding state elections this fall that have made nny nins in the re publican H v, while New .York, Pen nsylvania, Kentucky Ohio, Mamuii'hucctts Colorado, Maryland, West VirRina and "Nebraska made ereat IVmoi ratic gsius. " The Aguina'io of tlie Transvaal and rtiis loyal subjecU, like the Philippine A g uinaldo and bis people are fighting for a vtriocipal, but the Queen, like president ilcKiffley prof loses to rob them of their freedom or shoo down every Mothers sou nf "em" not only that, but the govern tneot of these two great nations are guil ty of the death of every soldi rxy who lias laid down, his life in opposition to a (fieople fighting for freedom. President McKinley and his cabinet are also guilty At levying tribute from tlie people of tltiaaaalon, to carry on an un-Oodly war against a liberty loving people io tlie orient. Following are a few of the names cf gentlemen of national reputation io the councils of the Democratic party, who sent -congratulatory telegrams to Hon. - Wilataoi Jennings Bryan, over the sue eaful result of the election in Nebsarka: Chairman Danforth, of State Democ facy.of N. Y., Richard Croker N. Y. city Cong. Sulaer, N. Y. city. Norman B. Mae. Buffalo. N. Y., Clark Howell, At- laala. Ua. Editor Danels, ami pliuje; Mayor Phellan, Ban Fransisco; J. C. 8. Blaakburu, Ky. : Rodgers and an, Wis O. B. P. Belmoot, N, McKnight o( Mietk; J. D. wetmore. Ht. Unur; Alford WCUKtoraia; Callahan of ILtasacbu setts; Oaetteford of KentiMiky,; John R. BIc lm, Ohio: ("nto HelU. Iwa: N. Y. WorM a4 X. 1'. Journal and other. NOTK: The fusion Candidates spuoas above tabulated figures. rH. I Hinuck and ti. W. Tleotor, ware elected by large majorities as Justices of Peacf for Ilowea prootuut; Ed Mjins and l'rok Johnou ware cleetml Conatablcs for tlie same precinct. No Klectlfii rn bold In Snake Creole preolnct at loaiit no roturni have been in ado. -Total fate cant in Sioux County at tlie Toll tbsa itic csct In 1HM. J. Sterotype Morton, of the Conserva tive Nebraska city, who since, the pon derous Grover left the White Housa for tlie duck swamps of New Jorsey, has with the republican party in Nebraska gone into obscurity. It is safe to say that J. Sterotvpe, the Omaha Bee ar.d the Lincoln State Journal will not care to resurrect any more of those Bryan private letters to carry oo a national campaign, cither in Nebraska or Ohio. The f usionists made a gai n of -three additonal district Judges iu Nebraska and one of them was made in this 15th district. With the Supreme court out of the hands of coiponitious and trusts, and placed in the hands of honest and competent Judts there is'nt any doubt about honest decisions being rendertd in behalf of right und against wrong. One more effort next fall will clean out the g. o. ps., in the state administration or the law rum cellar to garret. Looking at the recent glorious victory in a gun'.Tjtl way, thti whole credit in due to the voters of .Nebraska, for the noble achetVements won for American principals, yet we must not forget the precinct workers, who without pecuni ary reward devoted so many duys. u ier- fectiog a most concise organization and brought to the polls every negligent voter. All honor to the precinct work- era Hut we should keep ever tmtare our minds eye, the tireless energy of our noble and matchless leader Hon. William Jennings Bryan, for wherever heard his magic eloquence aroused all lethargic voters from their slumbers and infused into thera renewed vigor. The democratic gains made in the varioes state elections this fall will crush president McKinley io 1900. The republican party sustained a loss of over 00,000 votes while ' Democracy made gains, Ohio shows a republican loss of 80,000, votes giving the republican -party a minority governor. New York ' stale shows a republican loss of 7,000 snort of Oov. Roosvelts vote; MassachuceUs re publican vole over the vote for govurnor two years ago indiraUa a d!crrae of 80,000; Maryland vote Nov 8th, indicates a lots to the republicans of that state 17,(10(1; (iov. Mraiiley, two years ago carriod Kentucky by 13.000, if the re publicans carried It it will be by les than one thousand votes, and oot that, if the IVtmocracy h.td not been divided, thus show ini; a republican loss of near 11,000, ImiiiiH racy rvery wlu re .should be juhilnnl, 'ndsboul I renew IjcritfTcrts in ISO) with r.l iuItfJ.yi4 r. flrst before their respective opponent iu the r Norembcp 8, 1x09, were 3, or 92 more votes Order of Hearing on Petition for Ap pointment f Administrator or Adniinistratrix. State of Nebraska, I bloux (kjuvity. ( At s County Court, hild st the County Court Boom, in . and fwr suld County, hvv. istti, a. v. m. Present, Bobert W'ltson, County Jnd:e. IN Tilt; MATlKIi ot THK LsTAl'IS OF W.8. JOHN.SON, UKUEAMEI). On n-adlnt; and flllnit tlie petition of JAMKS 11. JOHNSON, praying that Administration of said EHtitte msy be granted to hlui an Adiiitniitti'ator. OitUKKt'li, That liuccinber 4th, A. U. tm, at One o'clock P. M , U iirolg-ned for hear liig Hulil ietition, who il all persona Intercut ed in mild ni tttor may sppcai at a County Court t be held in und for wild County, and shovr caoe a by the prayer uf tko peti tioner should not bo granted; and iChut pen' dency of said putltion and tli'.i hearing tlwrwjf, be (rl von to nil pi-rn lnterexted In sa d mutu-rby puhilghiuKS copy of this ordr In the Ha mison Psta-Ji,LH.AL, a weekly newspaper pitntttd In said County, for S ncvmive weeas, yrlor to said day of bearing. . . llOHBUT Wit O-, - j skal. I County J ndire. . ' ' (A true copy.) 17-lii. Traoc Mamts Dcmonb COWfRIOHTS C. Aorrnis Mading a net's and dmorlptkm enr iinklf iMertaln ar opinion fras wbeiber an iVMUon Is prohalHV patentahl. ConnuLlea. ttnna strletlr simB d Handbook on Paumu sent rres. oineet t ror aeoinnv pwnia. tmtiat mum. wttbosi ensnra. In rawnu laien usroon mumn m wj. n . raceiTS in scientific jinencatte A hxnittnrocly lllnrtraled wsokly. 1rwt rtr enlukrn of anr Ktenudn Journal. Tenna. ) a rear : foer BKnt&a, $L Mold brad nwnSln. jam irniUI 9am7 . at f easr w nifi Ijffianc. TrwiaMt MiaatlaL Oataf b- pH m il one. Tun law. Ojianiga Blank aad Ibahfna. GaU w wttta. 0 WMO IMTlTUTf . ttOa.ttk t..M.Uel.IM a BO YEARS' WMYTMIN IN IMMIO At dose of our Civil War in i86. there appeared in the London 'l imes the following:, , " If that mischievous financial pol icy which had its origin in the North American Republic during the late Civil War in that country, should be come iitdurated down to a fixture, then that government wiil furniih its money without cost. It will have all the mpney that is necessary to carry on its trade and commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of civilized nations of the world. The brain and wealth of all countries will go to North America. THAT GOVERNMENT MUST BE DESTROYED OR IT WILL DE STROY EVERY MONARCHY ON THIS GLOBE." The famous Hazzard circular, to capitalists in New York, and the Buell Bank circular to United States Bank ers, both emanating from London, and the fabulous corruption fur.d raised in England and Germany, estimated at $1,500,000, were the agents that se cured the closing of our mints against silver. The "walk into my parlor" policy of England," durinn and since the lSpanish War, is the latest evidence jpf English Diplomacy in shaping the Eesnny ot tne united states Uovern tent. . Notwithstanding the famine price f wheat, the Soanish War. and fa.hu- lous expenditures of money by our government during the past year, gold has increased in value eleven per cent and all other values decreased in the 'same proportion. For a thorough understanding of the money question, or silver issue, the Cincinnati Enquirer has uniformly given evidence of its ability to teach, explain and produce all facts and truth. It is a paper that ought and can be read by all classes with plea nre and profit. oil DvsDeosia Cure . - Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food and aids .Nature in strengthening ana recon structing the exhausted digestive or gant. It is tbe latest discovered digest ant and tonic. . No other preparation can approacL it in efficiency, it in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache,Gastralgia,Cramps,ana all ether results of impurfectdigestion. Prepared by . & Oeajlu &Co.. COlcofla. AGENTS WASTED-yOK TIIK L1KK A'D Achievements of Admiral Dewey," the world's nuvul bero. Bv Marat Halstead, the llfelomr friend and admirer of the nation 's Idol. Jlgg4'Ht nnd Inst book; ovi-.r ."i00 pages HxUlluches; nearly 100 paves hulftone Illust ration. Only SI.IW. Kuormous demand. Big UiuiinlHslons. Onttltfrne. Chance ot a lifetiiiut. Write ijuli-k. The Dominion Com p-tity, Urd t.loor Caxlou Blkg., Chicago. , . Fiuul l'rouf Xottces. All persons having final proof jiotlces In Utls paper will receive a marked" copy of the paper and are requested to examine thnlr notice and If any error exist report the same to this office at onoe. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. U. 8. Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska, November Uth, 1699. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of his intaiition to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before clerk of District Court at Harrison, Nebraska, on December 23, tw, ALICE SLATTERY of Harrison, Nebraska, who made IL E, No. 4251 for the Si S-W'i Sec, 7 and N N-Wl 6f Sec. 18, T. 83 N., B. 66 W. He names tbe following witnesses to prove his continuous residence residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Samuel J. Leeling, Clem Leeling, Richard Dunn and Joseph Dunn, all of Harrison, Neb. (17-W) F. M. LoRRiNOTON, Register. tUM to the wll ItMwa Hoape) Wtk Ctod 4 Ctarf. . , onnKicrdsiir mi Vfwtf rr IHutlMlara. JL" ' INCORPORATED 1883. Harrison, "! A PIT A T sTHPT. TJ A TH C9 SURPLUS AND PROFITS - DIRECTORS. B. E. Brewster, President. CnAS. C. JaMESOX. D. H. Geiswold, Cashier. CORRESPONDENTS: INTEREST PAID ON NortcF ron puhmcation. Lano OFKicrat ALLiAscif, Neb. n Oct. 24, 1899, Notice Is hereby givan that the following named settler has filed notice of his intetion' to muke tiual proof in support of bis olatui and that said proof will lie madeCleikof District Court at Harrieon, Neb., On Dec. 2. 1899, viz: BIRNET WILLIAMS, of Ardmore, S. 1)., who made H. E. No. 4107, fortbo JjOUI ami 2, and fyi E!i, Sec. 22, Twp. 35, N. Range S3 w. Me names tbe following witnesses to prove his continuous resident upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: William Bretty, Joseph AsWon, Alfred Lin berg and Eben ColUUaw, all of Ardmore. Neb. F. M. iiOURlNliTOX, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Oiilce at Alliance, Neb. v Oct. 24th 1899, Notice is hereby given tiiat the fol lowing-Gamed settler has died notice of his intention to make final proof in sup port ot his cm in, and that said said proof will be made before clerk Of district court at Harrison Nub, on Dec. 2nd, 1899 viz: ALFRED LINDBEEG. of Ardmore S. D. who made H. E. 4124 lor the Hi NEf Sec 20 & Si NW.J, Sec. 21 Twp. 35, N H 64 W. He names the 'following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upoa and cultivation of said land, viz: August Ring and Peter Peterson of Storv Nii., & i.'laus Chrsstenaen and JeDS C. Meng of Montrose, Neb. F. M DOrtRlNGTON,. Register. XOTICB KOK I'CBMCATION . S. Land Office at AUlance, Nebraska. Nov. 14, 1k9. Notice Is hereby givn that the following named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of bis claim, and thut said proof will be made be fore Clerk of District Court, at Harrison Neb., on Dec. it, 1S99, viz : WILMEIt W. PHILLIPS, of Harrison, Neb., who made II. K. No. 4063, for theSK N-K'4 and Xy, S K1 See. 81, Twp 3-2 N Range 4 W. - He names tlie following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said lami, viz: Henry Covey. Nels Kngbiitson, J. W. Hun terand Walter Pitt, all of Harrison, Neb. r. M. DOBKINGTON, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. V. 8. 1 And Office at Alliance, Nebraska, November. 11, 1809. Notice Is hereby givea that the followtnir- narned settler has filed notice of his Intent- Ion to make final proof in support of his claim and that Said proof will be made be fore Clerk of District Court at lUT.'son, Neb., on Dec. 23, i, viz : CHARLES LTJDWIG, of Glen, Nebraska, wno made II. E. No, 4144, forthS-E4 K-WM NE!4 8W ard Lots J ai d 3 of See. 18, Twp. M, N Range 01, w. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz : David Dnnn, Dedrlck Nelson. Peter Nel son ami Emory Gllmors, all of Glen, Nob. Also, THKODOBE F. GOLDEN, of Adnlia, Nebraska, who made H. E. No. 10 for the S-E14 Sec. IS, snd N-KJ4, Sec. 19, Twp. H3, K Range 53 w. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of snld land, viz: Andrew Procunier and Alva 8. Sexton, of Crawford, Ndi., and Thomas Holly and Wll' Ham II. Dnvls, of Harrison, Neb. - P. M. DORRINGTON, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. .. Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska. Nov. 11th, 18M. Notice is hereby given that the folow: mtr named settler has filed notice of his intentio- Io make dual proof in support of his c a m, and that said proof will be made huiore UI-'Ht of District Court at Harmon, Nebraska, on Dec. 28, lbW, MICHAEL BRUCK of Hnrrlsnn, Neb., who made H. R. NO. 4i7i for I he Sw i of 8ec.5, Tp. 82 N. R. j.l W. '' ' ' lie timnes ths following witness to (irovo Dm lO'itinuons residence upon and rulttvalUm of snid land, vl: ' Cln rbs Riehle. !' Uraoh. Gusla Noiclsi h and R'.bart L. Keel, ell of Har rison, .y F, Jo. LOJlRLVITivN. ' Ke;ister, Nebraska. TXT - -sio.ooo.oo1 - ' 8,000.00 C. P. Coffee, Vice President. A. MrflnttTv. WESTERN NATIONAL BANK, New York. OMAHA NATIONAL BANK, Omaha. Neb. TIME DEPOSITS.- STOCK BRANDS. THE JormfAL will publish vonr brand. Ilka .v.. w.v", troi rear. x.iw-ii au- ditional brand 7S cents. Kvery rarnier or runiihiiiffn In filmiv .in., ..I i.,i i i t)w f il 1 n i4-1 ii it f mo .m Mn i- ... saoulda-ivertise their brands In ThkJoiik- i.i.hb it. vni:uiau;s aii over tue state. J may be the means of saving money for yon. CHARLES BIEHI.K. On left side or hip of cattle, ( On left shoulder of hnraRs. t Range on the head ot Warbonnet orek Address Harrison, Sioux Co Selt CHARLES I'M PHENOL' R The brand reprsented in this notice and branded any where on left side of horses aud w Also the L L brand any where oa left side of cattle beloan to tha undersigned. usAuni osmEXOca. Harrison, Nebraska, CHABLJ58 NEWMAN. The 'brand represented in this notice and branded any where on left side or eattle, nud'over lap twtt tfrein -the right ear. Also tbe same torsade a left flrtafeot horses, "bolonrs to tha andaralaiM. Raaee near Kast Snrlngs. aowth vast ft Sioux county. -CKAltBS Nbwkak, Barrieoa. Mdbraska. FRANK SUTTO. On left side of cattle aad ou laf-t. shocldur ot borses. : -Riuige 011 Antelope creek . W., GUilchnst, Sioux Ce., Neb. JOHN A. HANSON Owns tbs follow iugbraud on eith er: Also HQ on cat tie and horses cattle on leftside horses oo loft shoulder.' . Range on Silver Springe snd east -at Stat Ine. Postoflice Harrison Neb 9100 REWARD. FOr proof to convict any person of steal ing any of my stock. Cattle branded! same a cut. . Horses branded same on right -shoulder B orC on left thigh. , , J Sheep, pain t bran A same as eattle and , tire brand C oa right side of nose. Address, David Colvilib, GleaHebr., THI OP-TO-DATt LITTLE LIVER PILL VUR3S9 BllloutnetDa Constipation Dyspepsia. tick-Head- ache Mtd Liver Complaint. HMR COATaO. IOO PILLB I 25CT3. Hold by all erngfUte vr seni oj mail. NsnttslasekslC,Cakt7 SOLD BY DR. J. E. PHINNEY. KSTKAT NOTICE. To Whom It Mat Cokckbit: That T. J. Witt, the Undersigned dll fi the 6th day of August, IMe on his eneloesd land situated In Warlsinnet precinct, la sioux county, Nebraska, take up twe bay Biars as sstraye1, said marcs Ijeluf Suore particularly described as fellows: Two bay mares branded left lisimlst Harrison this I" Kin uay ui wpwjiwi it. rasnrf. niTr. r ULl W-l I mm oa POP. SALE CHE VP 1 -On food amll beat m' u, will bum era! or woo. Af(f at (kit oScc i in, ' M ii I" ' IF -.1 i' . or 't J ,7 i- ...