niiBON TON RESTAURANT. P. B. BIGELOW, Prop., m SHOES!! ' THE PIONEER PHARMACY, j Jcandies, Nuts, Tobacco, Fruits, Dates, Drugs, Drugists Sundries, Paints. Oils, Varnishes, BOOlcS and STATIONARY. J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. jFigs, Calces, Fies, Bread, stationary ooooo A Fine Line of Ladle's & Gentlemen's LIGHT & HEAVY ?etc. tWA Good :Lunch Counter in Connection and Every Thing Sold at Living Prices. POST OFFICE BUILDING, Harrison, Neb. 3 V JUST ARRIVE! AT SROHWER'S harness SHOP.J y0O000400O0000OOO0O000d All kinds of Harriet Goods. Grain and Feed for sale. Besides the above I have Build ing material, such as Lumber, Lime, Hair, Cement Lc. &c. J5T Call and get PRICES before buying elsewhere. EGGERT ROHWER, Prop. Thpbsdat. Nov. 21899. foo. . Canon, Editor aul Prop. F. E. t M. T. E. It. Special Excursiou to ITot Springs, 8. Dak. F. E. M. V. special Excursion to Hot ;Springs S. D. Tickets on sale Oct 6 A 17 at one fare pi u $2.00 for Round trip .Good returning SO days from date of JiEADTHIS WEEKS PRESS-JOURNAL ' ADVERTISING RATES. Jtaolnoss Locals, each Insertion 5c. IJUplay, (Undine Ads: prices for sam &ade known on application. Stock Brand and the Pbess-Joubhal, one year Foreign advertlalnK most be paid . In ad --Tanoe. Wot further Information Address, ' PKSSS-JoUEXAL, Harrison, Nebr. NOTICE. Anyone haviorr lout two zrav niarw, t jooe bay mare, and a black gelding call ''at tbia office pay for this advertisement. I earn ol their whereabouts. FOB SALE: Two store?, one a small Jjeatar in first claws condition, will burn jcoal or wood, the other a cook stove, just the one for a claim- Chap for cash. Apply at this office. WANTED Orders for Holiday Books bibles and Albums. Prices reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. No money re miirerl delivery in nB(k Mifis Elfie Merriam my assistant agent will carry a full line of samples and catalogues, or -samples and catalogues may be seen at kartells store ia Harrison Neb. at any lime by dropping a card to the undersign jt& agent at Harrison Neb. Ma?. Anxa Thornton. Cbas. Glaze, of Crawford, was in -owoa day or two this week on business.. Carl A. Larson, moved his family oto the room formerly occupied by the cress on last Tuesday, It is amusing to notice how desper ate the republican are in their local fight knowing only too well bow utterably " impossible it is to Hind one of their party to beat commissioner Mcng as a last re source they have put up lie. Ueogs neighbor, Mr. Debeno, who by the way is a democrat- Dont pay any attention to the slan .dereiu tales which some republicans are .circulating about our fusion candidates this In our estimation is very poor logic ; to say the least. The gentlemen on the fusion ticket are all known and respected '.pad further more they are qualified for be poaitioos to which they are aspiring, and anything which their opponent may ay against them wilt only serve to get them more vote, so we invite our re publican friends to talk all they can the nor they say, toe fewer votes they themselves witl get Hi excellency Governor Poyater, .arrived in Harrison this noon and was at nn escorted to the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Marsteller, on the east side where a few invited guests were enterta- Joed at Dinner with hU Honor, at 230 .Jill repaired to the court houses, where . .the governor spoke to a large crowd, who gave rapt attention to the distin guished speaker, be discussed the Issues of the campaign, in clean clear and con icting language for a period of an hour ad a half, after, which a reception of flfteea minutes was held daring which ,. all present, were given a cbanos to meat aaa shake with the cbeif of state's hand The governor left immediately, for 'hadru, on a special aooompanitld bf a .jfclegatioa from Harrison, to hear Host. VT. J. BryM at CWroo, in the eveain k w wnuld like to onW into detail and ivkfauial saenttoo and Uvwike to all .' dueaaa who were so untiling w f Xctr Cta to Bate the goyeraora visit . caoirahle owe hot we be to bo as Also, Flour and all kinds of F. E. & if. V B. it. liaie table. Going WwV GolnK East. So. S. mixed, 11 I Ho. . mixed :00 I North-Western LINE '. E. M. V. a R ii the best to and from tlie BLACK HILLS, .llEADWOOD AND HOT SPK1NUS, SOUTH DAKOTA. WANTED: Good girl for general housework. Good wages. Write Mrs. J. T, Williams, Douglas, Wyo. Prof. Lindeman, went to Crawford on last Friday evening and returned Sat urday. Chris. Buffing, onJ his better half were down from Hat Creek, one day this week on buisness. -r-Tbe town boys on hallowcne biht piled up a fewed boxes and barrels up in the streets and turned a few things up side down. Henr? Eose, Clias Grewell and Chas. Newman Yassed through town yesterday on their way to the valley with a lrge bunch of cattle, which they have had at their East Spring ranches, during the summer. -Will Tatman, son of T. B. Tattnan, of Pleasant Bulge, left via Ilarrieon for Prescott, la., on last Monday evening. Before leaving Mr. T. wade a pleasant call at this sanctum, and ordered the PREtS-JocnSAL sent him while away. Thomas Dunn, who moved his fami ly to Boulder, Colo., about a jear :.t where he has been farming since came down from there Tuesy evening to stop in the couoty for a day or two. Tom is looking up a stock ranch and has abou( concluded to locate one at Gienco Wyo., where be will probably move his family in the Spring. Omaha Bee, October 12th, 1839: The tfroadway a;, k. church was crowded at the Blind Boone concert last evening. The marvelou skill of th gif ted genius attracted many who bad beard him before as well as liuodreds of others. Tlie program was very interest ing and was admirably rendered, and the player responded to several hearty en cores. Blind Boone will be in Harrison Dec. 1. -Robert Gillmure, sou-in-law of Thomas Davenport of Glen, died at (free ly, Colo., a week ago last Monday at 4 o'clock p. ru., of Typhoid fever. Mr. Gilmore was married to Miss Edith Davenport about 'ii months ao at Glen and be with his wife went to Gredy one year ago wlwr Ihsy have lived since. xtr. Gilmore !i, es a wife and baby daughter to mourn bis early and untime ly demise. Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore have a best of friends io this county who will sincerely sympathize with Mrs. C Ml more io her hour of sorrow and sadness. NOTICE. Dr. A. T, Peters, State Veterinarian from Lincoln, will, be inljarrison, Nov. 11, 1899, and will give a lecture at the Court House at 1:30 p. In. on diseAse of cattle and horges, more particularly cattle, hia principle theme being black leg. At the cloae of his lecture he will ans wer any and all questions relative to animal diseases. Every body is invited to come the lecture is free. XT v - 1 J.' W. SMITH, Manufacturer and dealer In Harness, Saddles, Bridles Sc. Send in your Harness and Slioe re pairing, and a first class job is guaranteed. FINE WORK STRICTLY CASH! Professional Cards. J. E. PHINNEY. M. J). PhyLsrian and Sartrcon. AH uUla ttlTen prompt attention. Offlce In lruu Stare. -HARH1S05 NEBRASKA. GRANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-al-Law. Prompt attention given to all Itgal matters in Justice, County and District Courts, and before the United States Land O.fice. Fire Insurance written in reliable sompanies. , CSTLegal papers airefully drawn. HiRiasfis, - , Nebraska. Public Saieof Cattle. I will sell at Public Auction, at Har rison. Neb., Saturday, Nov. 11th, 1899, the following personal property, to wit: 37 head yearling steers, 41 head Two-year-old steers, 40 head of yearling heifers, 20 " two and three year-old heifers, Some of these heifers have calves. TERMS of SALE:-12 months time with approved note, at 10 per cent interest per annum. V. A. HESTER. Mr. and Mrs. Avery, are entertain ing tlx latters mother. T. O. Williams, bo Iiji been dril ling wells uti summer in and around Manville, pulled his ou'Ct east of Lsk yeslerlay to finish up some work he haseogaged ahead. The Lusk (Wyo.,) Heraid, -Mrs. E. J. Wilcox, of .whom we made mention in our List issue 1-ft for Los-Anglrs, "al on la-it Friiy evening, and judgicg from the crowd who were at the train to see her olf Mm. E. held a warm spot in the hearts of a great many of our people. BORN To 5fr. and Mrs. Will Davis, nn last hiiurditr, the 2StIi, a eirl. Mothr and little :liild are d-ir f nicelv. and Will is under the cam of our local phytilcin, who siys lie can iring him out all o, k. Mr. and Mrs. 0o. Umpltenmir Slid little girl a brot'wr of our on ( liarley arrived on a spcial last Sunday, the family were looking for tlietn on last Saturday but they did not come until Sunday. They expect to make their until the wee small hours of the morn home in Sioux county, i i g-. 1 '' A SPECIALTY NO EXCEPTIONS. 31. J. O Connell, - - Co. Attorney, ii Will Prtrtice In All Conrt. Special Attention Girru to Land Of fice I'usliie. Collection and all hnsines eatrnst ed to me will rccelrc prompt attention. IIabiupon - Nebiuska. dress making; rAltl.MU. The undersigned just located in lower north-west corner room liT ANDREWS HALL, IS prepared to do all kinds of dress making and sowing in her line. The patronage of tlie public is solicited V e guarantee satisfaction and that our charges will be reasonable. Mrs. Maj,ik Roskcrans. Citizens of Nebraska who lived here anJ v.U?i trior to the time the election law of 1S97 went into effect, will have no difficulty with the new ballot wbitL will tw used for the firwt time this full. Silas A. Holcouib's name will appear but once on the ballot, and will be followed by words, J Pra.E'8 Independent. - CKJIOCHATIO, I hn.vE. Uzn ULICAS. The voter should take care that his X is niii'le in the sijuare at the rirlil of the three party resignations. Io oilier words, in the square fit the extreme right of the Una on which appar the - fit IV , t n mi iii r:ii,is yv. u iconii). jne sun e sbO'jM Ixi ol,. rvtl (! voting for lit; oih -r i. iiiii i e. A moi . ngn nl.le sur,r.s- v .- ten dred llr. Frank 1 owls ut i, nJe ,.f h's parents at A n ire w on la-: ! r. ".ay uveniig A nuniher of young people went out fr ni town, and all made nierrv A tSAKCSVL ATTACZZsT bM ksta adde4 to tba wall know Hoapa With Ctool aaal Baarf. . ITrtto Far Turitmimn. ' SHOES AND THE Children & Youth' CELEBRATED LIBERTY BELL SHOES HAVE NO EQUAL; Call and look fore Purchasing' as money. Marsteller broS. NOTIf'K JOB JTBUOATIOX. UMiOnlCfot A1.UAM I. Ntl). (let, SI, 1K9, Notice i herebv irlvun thai the following named waiter tinm filed notice of His lutelioa to make final pi oof in aujiport of tits elaiin stiil tljat uild proof m ill b made C"l.-i k of lstrlci Court ul Harrisun, Xt-.X)., ou lec. 2. iif.'J, viz: HIIiNEY WILLMM.a, of Artlmore, 8. I., who made li. E. Ho. 10". for the Ixi ts 1 aim 2, aud h',j S tec. 'A Trp. 3S, K. I1juik IS w. . 1J names tUe f tliu lug w It.ieasee ui prove his comlnaous renideuc ujijii and cultiva tion of said land, viz: William Breity, Jow-ph Anhtou, Alfrwl l.iu uTg and Ebcn CoiUliir, all of Ardmoro, Neb. r. M. Ut)KKINoTO,,'( Keglsier. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Gillie ut Alliance, Neb. Oct. B-U'i lsrD, Notice is lierel.r svi a U.t tne f il- iort lli-Ciul hettler il:ut lii'rli notice of Ins intention to mako hunt pn.ol in iup port of hid Ciiiin, and that said taiil proof will be made bcfui'o clerk of district court at HarriiOO Neb, ou Iajc. Sod, 1S90 viz: ALFREU LIN I 'BERG, of Arduiore 8. D. who made 11. E. 4124 lor the SJ NEJ Sec 20 & Si N W J, Sec. 21 Twp. 85, N RM W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resideW upon Autl cultivation of said land, viz: August Ring and PeUr Peterson nf Story Neb., & Claus -Christcnseo and Jens C. Meng of Mont row, Neb. F. M DOKRLNGTON, Register. ; tvli Y."ti A. VVOHKUR Vi " Vtod (,- nml f If ae ."'.' CK .'.ACHINBRY. lVi,r,!rc!, 5 Won if. rurabl, V F. !t Juho i'jmrnm Co., ir, PubvSt., R-K.ord, lillaota. SYPHILIS -MfclprmO..-.. Tiulaail amtdal r. N tart mail or ,f oCl. T. raul". oaMUva m, S4 lit. WASM INITITUTE. 120 H. Ola hwk ina. CaU f rll. THE HOSPE PIANO. UMMWaU.10 IN TVkB OR OalN op Oaaa. ;r3 tii CMti JTTMCl-. t$t awegtoe Meeaa I - - - li ! r our Stock over be we can SAVE you (4ERVITA PILLS! RKteret VHALtTT, LOST VIGOR ANO MANHOOD Cures Impotency, Night Emission! and wastintr diseases, all effect ot self- abuBC, or excess and lndis- r ret ton A nens tin!e and mj&Vi.i .i i... ii.i T.i. u A rpinK glow io paic cdccki ami fjni restores the Ore of youth. i isy man oic prr oox, s ouxes for ftiTO; wltli a written ernararv. Ue to care or refund the mones Send for circular. Address, " NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton A Jackson &ts CHICAGO, ILL. Mold By Dr. J. K. Pblnney. ttlHD HILLS.- The undersigned ia ag ent for the celebrated David Bradley, Wind Motor, Improved Wind Mills, the best made. I am also prepared to fur nish ou short notice 9 first class Pumps, Pipes, Wood A Steel Tower Tank or anything la tba line of pump repairs, AT LOWEST PUICES. Write me for estimates be fore contracting elsewhere. You will pave money by it. Address-JOUN 8. A8IITON. Ardmore, 8. Dak. AGENTS WANTED FOR "THE LIKE AND Arhelvementsof Admiral Dowey," the worlds greatr-ai navai hero. By Murxt llastead, the HfedoiiR friend and admirer of the nati on'! Idol, lilififeat and bent book ; over tut pH-oa, ftxlO inches; nearly 100 hks halftone lllnitratlons. duly tl.CO. Knorniousdninaod Ills; Conirutiuilons. Ontnt free, (hanoeofa life time. Wrltequlck. The Horn lnton Com Puny, 3rd riourCaxton l)ld(., Cbieayo We alva to raraM the best aUasa ale, aa4tosell H at tie lowest aeastae rlre. Deaerlttoa ef ear style X, Onaatta rlaoo: f 1-1 Oetovea. Unlaoaa; Overstrnaf Baas, rail I run Plate, irusweaad Oraa Biaaiod IkculiU rtepraUof All.m ' J'ji Kc liinlr Vfirrt Cs J!rc..hi tnd.k. Miti'sjaeraad Walaat. I lMd r Cur, i d H.wl.. asMHialoa Maate Ieeki BalUaf Tail taa4ak.Aa b!iaeOaVaaAiT's Write for TeroM as very Bocfe Pt e Is eaaraitssi I I aweofJ laer ssoulslM r-" J tsteee aaeT, few aaasHsiaaa t-4 w yVeksnruua Oeatlaaeat Wanes Laegtei Ifeet lM1.hl IBML iiUI4JLUlJlD ., t , . f l