Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, November 02, 1899, Image 1
, rt I 1 HIarrison Press - Journal. J. i I. 1 VOL. XII. ec-a.:r,:rIsoet, Nebraska, Thursday, into v. 2, 1899. iro. 15 Our Motto-.-'NO QUESTION IS EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT IS SETTLED RIGHT." Hon. Willlrra J. Bryaa. Harrison Press-Journal. ESTABLISHED 1888. Subscription Price, $1.00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. Gee. D. Canon, Ttlltor. Entered at the narrison pott office u second clue matter. FUSION STATE TICKET. For .Supreme Judge, HON. SILAS A. nOLCOMB. For Regent, State University, EDSON RICH, J. L. TEETERS. For congress, 6th District, HON. W. II. NEVILLE. For JudTes. 15Wi District. Win. H. Westover. James J. Harrington. hOTICE. Notice That Uncle Sam Will Protect England. Fusion County Ticket. For Co. Clerk : W. J. A. RAUM. 'J"or Co. Treasurer : JOHN SERRES. For Co. Sheriff: THOMAS HOLLY. -For Co. Judge: JUDGE WILSON. For Co. Superintendent: J. B. BURKE. Tor Co. Coroner: . J. E. PHINNEY. For Co. Surveyor : MICHAEL RUFFING. For Coniinx'r 1st District, JESS C. MENU Washington, October 27. The position of the United States ia described in these propositions authoritively. Translated, the attitude of the United States is that no "compensation" shall be found elsewhere, no matter what Great Briton does in South Africa and is as follows: It will participate in no effort at mediation. It will participate in no note of interrogation as to Great Britiarts ultimate intentions in South Africa. It will regard interven tion by European Powers as a men ace to the well-being of all nations, and as likely to disturb general commercial relations. It believes that intervention would lead to conflict among nations, thus involving all the questions of national supremacy disturbing the balance of power and injecting the Chinese ques tirni, in which the United Slates has important interests. It will not consent to a change in the conditions of China without consultation. . It "will stani at the gateway of Chind"1 as a matter of national duty to preserve the status quo there. It cannot be indifferent to any demonstration of interfer ence in South Africa by any nation not directly involvedin the Transvaal war. Daily Cincinnati Enquirer". Vote for Silas A. nolcomb "the best governor Nebraska ever had." A vote for Holcorab means a vote for the declaration of Independeuc. Vote for John L. TeetErs and Edward "Rich for Beeents. The University has been run too long by a republican ring. Fusion Forces in Sioux County Take Warning. The Press-Jotjii.sal, wishes for the last time, before election, to warn every Democrat, Populi3t and Silver Republi can to go to the polls on election day and do your duty, manfully for the re form ticket from Supreme Judge, down to the last man on the county ticket Pay no attention to fake stories that will be circulated for effect by the ad ministration party leaders, who, by their foreign war of conquest shows them to be opposed to the principals of the Dec- -claration of Independence. Jhere has already f 68,000 been sent into Nebraska by the republican Na tional committee to carry this state for tbe National administration and a man on the bead of their state ticket who has filched money from the state, has withdrawn from the stump in this campaign on account of his record. Pay no attention to fake political stories which will come from the gold standard republicans to divide our ranks. Ex-Secretary Sherman's Sentiment's, Columbus, O., Oct 28. The Columbus Press Pout wired Hon. John Sherman today when there had been doubt expressed by republican papers as to the authen ticity of the interview with him. published in the Cincinnati Enquirer, Mr. Sher man replied as follows: "To the Fditor of the Prrss post: I am strongly opposed to enforced annexa tion of the Phillipine islands. We co operated with Filipinos in driving the Span ish out and should now help them to form a republican jfMvernnient of tlie:r own. The seizure of any part of the Philipines against their will is a gross violation of the laws of the nations. Liuily Cincinnati Enquirer. We wish to warn the voters against all false reports which the political ene my may try to circulate against our fu ioa candidates, pay no attention to any slanderous story, but go to the polls on ltxt Tuesday, and register your vote'in opposition to Mt: H.i nmiisru, and trusts, Tbe foreign born citizens, in this coun try having left Uieir native country to get rid of imperialism and militarism, will not vote this fall to sustain the policy of the republican party in carry out the European plan of oppression of its wealth producing clans. If there ever were a peoople in this country who si ) fc Id believe in tha principal of the ileoluration of Independence, It is the Germans, Norwegians and S weeds, Danes English, Irish &c &c. The administration's Sulu Treaty, en dorsing poligainy and slavery and pro viding an annual anility for the SulUn and his polijf amous retinue of royalty in maintaining his vassal kingdom, just so our old glory, the stars and strips may float over his runjostys dominions, to gether with the presidents war of con- qoest and "benevolent assimilation," and militutrism, which is imperialism, will cause Ohio to go Democratic, in this year of our Lord, besides the fusion vole of Nebraska will reach at least 20.UUU ma jority. Among our latest, from the Transvaal owns the news that 1000 English soldi er bave surrendered to the Doers, and ae now prisoners of war at Ladysosith, The treaty entered into between his reyal highness the Sultan of Sulu, Uadgi Mohatnid Womolol Kiran, rulerof 75,000 slavei and 23,000 freed men, and Presi dent William McKinley of the United State does not recoup. ze the emancipa tion) proclamation issued by President Lincoln on January 1, 1903, guarantee ing freedom to the slaves in the United Slate. It has been expressly authorized by President M.:Kinlev, although it is iUirrant violation of the constitution of the United States, which declares: Article XIII: First neither slavsry floe involuntary servitude, except as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have len duly convicted, sriull ex isi within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. As this's to bo (Air lust issue before election we wish to cull the attention of ail tbe voters to the fact that all hoi ltd make strenous efforts to get our to the polls on next Tuesday and register their vote against inilliluristn, Imperii! Ism and t rusts and in the interest of s-nod rovernmont and this you will do n - - w - by voting for the fusion candidate, aunt .scratch any out, vole the ticket straight. lira, M. J. Blewett, and children, loft for Fondulae, Wis., on laat evening. tn saenfl the winter at the home of M. J's paresis, Mr. B., oetoni pawed then stkru tliadroo. Some Gems From Hanna. "No nsan in" public office owes the public any thing." "We know our business." "Do I look as though I wear horns?" "We carried every county in which I addressed the voters." "The English Government is as good as oura. " "Large combinations of capital have existed for 200 years in England." "The great commercial success of England has been due to those same trusts." "These combinations known as trusts are not a political question at all. They are simply and purely a business question." "The trusts have the best men in the country at their head. I believe in their organization." "I think the trusts will result beneficially to the men who work in. the factories." "What harm can these trusts do to the people of this country?" "The formation of trusts is a step forward." "They are not intended to increase profits, but to reduce cost." "Trusts! There's no such thing!" "I dont know of a trust in the United State." "I say they are not trusts. If they are, prove it.' "There is not a trust left in the United States. There never were more than about a half dozen, and they all have been dissolved and conrerted into large corporations." "Before I came out here I was told that I would find a lot of hoodlums. Now I believe it!" Com ments on a meeting of Cleveland workingmen. "Go outside and soak your head." A clever epi gram aimed at a workingman who had asked him a question. Daily Cincinnati (Ohio) Enquirer. tThe Commercial Bank. INCORPORATED 1888. Harrison, - - - - Nebraska. (OCAPITAL STOCK PAID IN - -6 SURPLUS AND PROFITS - - $10,000.00 8,000.00 -o- DIRECTORS. B. E. Brewster, President. C. F. Coffee, Vice President. Chas. C. Jameson. A. McGinley D. H. Griswold, Cashier. CORRESPONDENTS: WESTERN NATIONAL BANK, Nw Yobs. OMAHA NATIONAL BANK, Omaha, Nk. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS.- BIOHAR CHOKEtl On BRYAN. "The first time I saw Bryan," remarked Richard Croker recently, "le snid something Ive remenitrei. It was two years ago at a dinner in Washington. 'Uroker,' siiid Bryan, as we stook talking, 'ever since Lin coln's time, no matter who was president, Wall Street tins run the coun ry. It has passed laws that vetoed laws, and repealed laws. It has had its way almut everything. Absolutulv! as I tell you, Wall street has con trolled the country. Up to the death of Lincoln, the Washington question was: Men. Ever since the questioa has been: Money. We have lived under Wall Street rule for the last third of a renluiy. And I tell you now went on Bryan, 'that should it ever chance that I'm made president, the one first thing that my mind's mode up on, never to change, is that Wall Bireet rule shall cease,' It's true," continued Richard Croker, "that until Bryan spoke of it, I'd never realize the fact of Wall Streat domination. But what he said was the truth. And the moment I thought of it I saw it. That was tbe first thing that Bryan said to me, and it's the foundation o my respect for him today. He's right. Morel tie's wise enough to see, with the strength and courage to do what's right. Bryan will take place with tbe greatest of the Presidents." Tbs Ntw York Verdict Remember tbat you Cannot vote a straight party ticket by making one X, as you did last year. You must make your X at tha ax- tremo rgl f of the line whereon appears the nam j of each person for who m you wish to vote. Do not scratch out names of persons you do not wish to vote for. . . , Get a Sample ballot before you vote and study it until you see exactly where yours Ts should be mode. If in doubt about how to mark your ballot, ask one of the election board to explain. GREENBACKS -or .Government Money. L eegit close of our Civil War in 1865, thre appeared in the London Times the following : If that mischievous financial pol icy which had its origin in the North American Republic during the late Civil War in that country, should be come indurated down to a fixture, then that government wiil furnish its money without cost. It will have all the money that is necessary to carry on its trade and commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of civilized nations ot the world. The brain and wealth of all countries will go to North America. THAT GOVERNMENT MUST BE W. -t-r-rTi T r r ? N t-k T llTIT T T" T? U f.J IKUiIjU UK 11 WILL, JLJV gTROY EVERY MONARCHY ON THIS GLOBE. The famous Hazzard circular, to capitalists in Nev York, and the Buell Bank circular to United States Bank crs, both emanating from London, and '.he fabulous corruption fund raised in England and Germany, estimated at Si.Soo.ooo, were the agents that se cured the closing of our mints against silver. The "walk into my parlor" policy of England, during and since the Spanish War, is the litest evidence ot English Diplomacy in shapmg tne destiny of the United States Govern ment. Notwithstanding the famine price of wheat, the Spanish War, and fabu lous expenditures of money by our government during the past year, gold has increased in value eleven per cent and all other values decreased in the same proportion. For a thorough understanding of the money question, or silver issue, the Cincinnati Enquirer has uniformly given evidence of its ability to teach, explain and produce all facts and truth. It is a paper that ought and can be read by all classes with pleas- ire and profit Final Proof Notices. All persons having final proof notices tn Mils paper will receive a marked copy of the pupcr and are requested to examine thPir notice and if any error exist report tlie same to this office at once. STOCK BRANDS. Thf journal will publish your brand, like the following, for 2 :00, per vear. Each ad ditional Drand 75 cents. J5vnry farmer ot ranchmen in iiionx and adjoining; counties should advertise their brands in The JoLB mal as It circulates all over the state. It may be the means of saving- money for you. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Itartiflclall v d Is-cuts the food and aids Nature In strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gansltls tbe latest discovered digest ant and tonic No other preparation can approach it In efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures DyapejMla, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea. 8lckneadache,Oaatralgia,Crarnps,and Ml other results of imperfectdlgestlou. , Prepared by L& OeWrUC.CQteigo. , NOTICE FOB PtTBLIOATlCN. V. S. Land Office at Alliance, Nebraska. October, 2nd, 1899. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has fliod notice of his intent ion to make flniil proof in support of bia claim, and that said proof will be lnnde be fore Oierk of District Court, at Harrison, braska, on November, lltli, 16C9, JO.SEi'ii JACOBS of Montrose, Nebraska, who made H. E. No. 37(58 for the 8W Sec. 9,Twp.S3 N.E.54W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of Said land, vis : John Scrres, and Stephen Serres, of Bodarc Neb. Paul Serres, of Montrose, Neb. and Dominique Haas, of Gilchrist, Neb. Also at same time and plitce, DOMINIQUE II A AS of Gilchrist, Nebraska, who made H. E. No. 3876 for Lot S N E S Wtf E N W 4 Sec 7 Twp. 33 K. K, 64 W. Ho n mies the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon And cultiva tion of said land.viz: John Serres, and Stephen serres, oi isoaarc Neb. Paul Sertes, and Joseph Jacobs, ot Montrose, Neb. F. M. dokrinoton, Register. (10-11) CHARLES BIEHLE. On left side or hip of cattle, On left shoulder of horses, i I flange on the bead oi Warbennet Jcreek Address Harrison, Bloux Co, Neb. CHAKLES liMPIIENOUH ffT? The brand ieprsentod In this notice acid branded any where on left side of horses and Also the L L brand any where on left side of cattle beleags to the undersigned. Chasms UmfbEhouk. Harrison, Nebraska, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. TJ. S. Land Offlce, at Allianoe, Nebraska. October 2nd, 1899 Notice is hereby given, that the following named setfiler nas filed notiee of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made bo fore Clerk of District Court at Harrison, Ne braska, on November 11th, 109. S A It AH M. MONTGOMERY Formerly SAHAn M. PAItSONS.of Bodarc, Nebraska, who made H. E. no. 3732 for the 8. W 21 Tp. 33 N. It. 53 W. He names the Collowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Henry Zimmerman, Dan Jordan, Chas, F. Coffee, and William Miller, all of Bodurc, Nebraska. Also that JOHN COItBIN, of Harrison, Neb. has died notice of Intention to make dual proof, at siune time and pi ace, on TimlKT CHARLES NEWMAN. The brand represented in this notice and branded any where on left side of cattle, aud over-Jap nut from the right ear. Also the same branA'eaa MTt Iblgh of horses, belongs to the undersigned. Kaage near East Springs, south put fe Sioux coanty. Chablks Newman, Harrison, Nebraska. FRANK KUTTO. On left side of cattle and on left shoulder of horses. Range on Antelope creek P. O., Ghilchrist, Siour Co., Neb. JOHN A. HANSON S?t Owns tbe follow- inRbrand ou eith er: Also HG on cat tlo and liorsei cutMe on leftside horses on left shoulder. Ranfre on Silver Sprincs xnd oast of slats Inc. 1'oslotlice Hiirrlsun Nell W-l i Si -va $100 REWARD. FOr proof to convict any person of stent- 3ulture application o. ioui ior mesn a oi lnR any o my aJOCLm sec. NO. su, in l wp. ko.oi J. u. s . He mimes as witnesses: L. C. Lewis, David Bartlott. William C. O'C'onner, Chas. Cauienzlnd, ell ol Harrison, Neb. F. M. DoRMNO on, Register. Contest Notice. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, Alliance, Neb., August, 29th, 1899. A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by George W. Leake, con testant, against Frnk R. Smith, entry No. 6280, made 2nd September, 1830, lor S-W N E 8-EK S-WX N-EX S-W&, i, N-WH 8E'4 Section 19, Township 26, Range 57, by Frank B. Smith, Contented, in which it Is alleged that: Frank R. Smith dtd not break any part of said land, nor cause the same to be broke, nor did he at any time plant any trees or seed, or cause same to be planted, and tbe said contestant is ready to prove at such time and placo as nmy be named by the Register and Receiver for a hearing in said case; and he therefore asks to be allowed to prove said allegation, he the said contentant paying the expense ol the said hcuring. Said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond aud offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on Oct. 94, 1899, before the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Office in Alliance, Nebraska- r. M. DOKRINUON, Register. Cattle braude same hs cut. Horses branded same on right shoulder - orC on left thigh. Mieep, paint nrurA same as cattle and fire brand C on right side of nose. Address, David coi.villp, Glen Ncbr., LSVERITA THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL l CURES 'JBIIIousness, Constipations Dyspopeia. Sick-Headache and Liver Complaint. SQtiAR COATBO. m 100 PILLS 25 CTS. Bold by all arnrgtsts UL or seat by mad. SOLD BY DR. J. E. PHINNEY. rantPfi-fin Idoa AGENTS WANTED FOR THE LIFE AND Achievements of Admiral Dewey," the world's naval hero. By Mnrat Halstead, the life long friend and admirer of the nation 's Idol. Illggnst and best book ; over 800 pf es gxlOlnehes; nearly 100 pages halftone Illust rations. Only tIJW. Enormous demand. Big Commissions. On til t f roe. Chance ot a lifetime. Write quirk. The Dominion Com pany.ard Floor CaJton Blkg., Chicago. HARRISON PRESS-JOURNAL , ESTRAT NOTICE. To Whom It Mat Conc.rn: That F. J. Witt, the undersigned dtd ot the dth d!iy of August, 1899 on his enclosed land situated in Warbounet precinct, la Sioux county, Nebraska, take, up two bar mares as estrayed, ald mires being more particularly described as fellows: Two bay mores branded shoulder. Dated st Harrison this 14th day et September IsM. raauJ. Witt. left FOR SALE CHEAP: -One goo4 small heating stove, will bum coal or weed. Apply at this one. v i i; A, 1 1 5, '1 5 Y Si ,v. j 1 l -)