Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, October 26, 1899, Image 8

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1. 13. DIGELOW, Prop.,
Drugists Sundries,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor.
Jcandies, Nuts, Tobacco, Fruits, Dates,
?Figs, Calces, Pies, Bread, stationary
VWA Good Lunch Counter in Connection and Every Thing
Sold at Living Trices.
POST OFFICE BU1XDIXG, Harrison, 'cb.
A Fine Line of
Ladie s & Gentlemen's
All kinds of Harness Goods.
Grain and Feed for rale. Besides the above I have Build
ing material, such as Lumber,
J3T Call and get PRICES
Thcksday. Oct. 26, 1899.
tieo. D. Canon, Editor and Prop.
F. E. & M. V. H. R.
Spct-ial Exeursdou to Hot
Springs, S. DuJU-
F. E. ft M. V. special Excursion to Hot
. Springs S. D. Tickets on sale Oct 3 &
; 17 at one fare plus $2.00 for Round trip
Jood returning 80 days from date of
Anyone having lost two gray -mare,
one bay mare, and a 'black gelding call
.at this office pay for this advertisement,
-ana learn of their whereabouts.
m()clTp ., ,. c, .
x o-u wu ovu.c,
-ems a Cox a&d the other an upright or
acanncn stove, CHEAP for cash.
Mr. S. V,". Cary, of Cottonwood,
was a pieasant cjller at this office one
day this week, and while here took oc-
-casion to renew his allegiance to the
Judge Wilson who has been at
Wbetland Wyo. helping his son's with
their fall work and incidentally visited
Denver, returned to bis duties the first
Of tbe week.
We are pleased to announce the
'fact, that Grandpa Wrigi.t "ho has been
at deaths door during tbe past week, is
now very much better, and while he is
yet very weak, his many friends feel
iiopeful for the ultimate out come
Political speaking will take place at
the White River school bouse east of
Glen Thursday evening, at 7:30 o'clock
Nov. 2nd. Good local speakers will be
there to address the voters presence.
"Every body invited.
MARRIED: At Crawford, Oct. 25th,
Jliss Minnie Boroughs to Ezra Tucker
both bride and groom lieing residents of
ilen this county. The PrkssJocrnal
-extends congratulations to the newly
jnarried couple and wishes for them a
long, prosperous and happy life.
Indirectly, we learned thnt Burt
f-'miick and family will not be home for
fome time yet, on. account of Johnny
lHting hurt quite badly at the stock
vards where the family are visitiug
while some horses were- lieing roped.
('has. Ilin-ion, who just recently
purchased ft bouse of Grant Guthrie,
which tlie latter had moved in from his
claim, and placed on a lot on the east
kide, is now busily engaged having the
same fitted up and gotten ready for occ
upancy. Messers Maine and Patterson
are doing the work.
Hon. W. J. A. Rum of Cottonwood
wood, came in from the valley last night
where he has been doing a little cam
jaign work; he reports everything o. k.
or tbe fusion ticket . He says some of
the g. o. p. candidates are trying to de
fine the reputation of tbe fusion candi
dates, which will react upon the deflner
to tlseir sorrow.
Sioux county voters are again urged
to mm not im untnruuiiui rumors
which art being circulated by tbe politi
cal enemy, in regard to fusion candidates
Brand tbe bearers , as blackmailers and
would be libelees, ad remember our fusi
on nominee are above reproach, tbey
suv all well known and worthy of your
hearty support, do not alight any, the
fact of their being on tbe ticket is suf
ficient cause to entitle them to you vote
-rspa blicoo are ever ready to support
their candidates, no matter who they
are let do likewise, for remember,
"in union there is strength". Again we
two you
ftehool Report.
Report of scbeol district number six
if or BMBtfa sndisg October 20th.
dumber days taught M. Number
pupils enrolled 20, Average daily attend
.neal. Papils neither absent -or tardy
.laws Antrim, Arthur Antrim. Pupils
ZJit Barks, KtbSl Burks,
) Burks, Halite Scott, Eddie Scott
C aaJi, Psts BHI.
. tt a Pomm, CsMbtr.
Also, Flour an! all kinds of
Lime, Hair, Cement ifcc. &c.
before buying elsewhere.
f. E. k V. V E. &. Ism table.
Going West. Going East.
So. 8, uiLied, 11 0 1 So. C mixed 8 :
F. E. M. V. n. It. is the beet
to and from the
vvA.MLD: uood girl lor general
housework. Good wages. Write Mrs.
J. T. Williams, Douglas, Wyo.
timer Smith came home on a visit
. hlg rareritJj on ,ast satimiav. We did
not learn iust how ioi.t? he exacts t-t
I . - a i
Among the many pleasant callers
we have entertained this week, we ac
knowledge a most agreeable one from
Mrs. J. A. Thayer, of Bodarc.
Estrayed from the place of G. W.
Hester two heifers branded with bar,
fresh brand on left hip. Will pay re
ward for any information of their where
abouts. V. A. Hestek.
Mrs. Asa Davis, of Lead City, S. D..
came in on the west bound train, last
Tuesday noon and will be a guest at the
residence of Mr. and Mrs. D. LL Griswoid
on the east side, during her brief sojourn
in town.
The Joins AX. family are especially
indebted to Mr. and Mrs. DeBock and Mr.
aadMrs. James Bourette, for a bountiful
and choice gift of the various products
of their garden, ami we wish to ex
press our thanks; when we raise garden
we will returh the favor, you may be
Have you called at the Ranch Sup
ply House since the latest iavoice of
goods have. ben rect-1 ved? If not then
you should do so at odcb as you are
missing the opportunity of a life time.
Why everything is going to be sold at
the lowest prices ever heard of in Har
rison, and you should remember that we
carry a complete line of everything
which is required from childhood to old
ae, come and see. Lewis GsnLACU,
Harry Chritensen, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Claus Chistensen of Montrose precinct,
who has just returned from tlie Philip
pine Islands, where he has been doins
duty for Uncle Sam f-r two years and a
half, was in town last Friday, visiting
his sister Miss Tillie, who is employed at
the Harrison House. In another column l
of the PKtB JotltNAL will he found a;
clipping from the Sunday World Herald
of an interview with Harry, by its siecial j
correspondent from this pUce, in wl k-hl
the young man ives his opinion and id- j
easof tbe Philippine war. Everybody
in Sioux county ouht to read his state- i
merit, which sustains the fusiouisU -f I
this state, in their stand at'siust the pre
sidents foreign war policy.
With a great deal of reluctance, we
chronicle the fact of Mrs. E. J. Wilcox's
departure on tomorrow evening, from
our midst, as her friends(aQd they are
legion)wiH be deeply moved to learn of
her ioteution to make her home perman
ently in "bmutitiful sunny southern Cal
ifornia", the land of perpetual sunshine
and flowers. Mrs. Wilcox has decided
pen this step after much deliberation, is
hopes of regaining liar health, which sbe
has not been able to enjoy for some time
we have known Mrs. W. but a short
time eompertively speaking, but during
tbe brief period which we have had that
privihge, we have learned to esteem and
admire her many beautiful virtue and
her lady-like attributes, and while we
hasten to offer our enconi urns af praise,
how many more mauifold may be those
off ered 4y her friends of years, still we
fesl she was one, all could dearly prize,
and while we say (au re voir) we feel that
with our friends presence, California will
liave acquired another ray of sunshine
and a flower, though it blossom unoticec
yst will shed around it the swset odor
ef her many virtues, which are known
west "wbsrt tbe lilliot ttoom".
Manufacturer and dealer
In Harness, Saddles, Bridles &c
Send in your Harness .and Slioe re
pairing, and a first class job is
Professional Cards.
J. E. rilLN'XEY, M. P.
l'hjisrian and Surgeon.
AH calls (riven prompt attention.
Office In Drue Store.
Fromnt attention given to all legal
matters in Justice, County and District
Courts, and before the United States
Land Office.
Fire Insurance written in reliable
ETjTLegal papers carefully drawn.
j There will tsj mns at the court bouse
it Harrison, on Saturday. Nov. 4th at JO
:(), a. m.
FOR SALE: Two stoves, one a small
heater in first class condition, will burn
coal or wood, ine otner a cook stove, is
just ttw one for a claim. Ch-wp for cv-.lv.
Apply at this office.
Oscar Story returaed from Omaha,
yesterday, where he lias been with two
cars of cattle.
Be Sure you all turn out to see ar,d
bear the Governor. Honor the chief of
state by ycur presence.
Iont fail to show your appreciation
of Governor Poynters presence, by com
ing to hear him on the 2nd.
Mrs, Henry Lindeman, came up from
Crawford, yesterday for a short stay at
the home of her daughter Mrs. Plewptl.
ML J. Biewelt Lad his herd from
Running water driven in yesterday, and
will ha vet h in t lion imhi l.cnr.
Governor Poynter, will speak at
Harrison on Nov. 2nd at 2i'IO, in the
afternoota eomeone; come all, and hear
We have just a few words to say in
behalf of our county nominees, and while
we feel that our candidates are all men
who are above reproach yet a word to
the wje is not lost. Jud-e Wilson lias
been tried anl found equal to all emer
gencies and he is a man wei! qualified
for the judgeship. Vote for Judge Wil
son, by all means. And as to John Ser
res, all know where to find John, what
his principles are, and that he is a man
more tlun deserving of your support
vote fur John Serres for Treasurer, by
all means.
Thonj-i Holly is one of our old timers
and a man who has not an enemy he is
most deserving of your support every
voler should consider a vote for Holly is
one worthily betowed.
In a word the whole ticket is made up
of men who- record is without blemish,
and we feel Unit our candidates are
more than entitled to our hearty Sup
We understand some of our republi
can brelhern are using the lame argum
ent in regard to Hon. W.J. A. Itauro,
viz that he is an old soldier, and is now
drawinff a pension which is enough for
him. Wel let us together investigate
matters, what does Mr, Raum draw a
pension for? The answer comes most
forcibly and clear; which is th loftiest
and most noble cause, the defense of our
CofSTRT and Flaj, be gave his health,
and his life if nes,essary, for both;
and now that his life has been spared and
his health broken, will begrudging repub
licans and office-seekers envy him his
well earr.ed pension? Let us reverse
matters a little, would tboe parties wiio
are foremost in circulating such slander
against an old battle scarred hnro, should
an occasion prent itself, by way of sud
den uprising of Red Bkins.or even Whites
would those parties we repeat, fly to the
aid of our country and flag, or would
tbey not hie them away to more congen
ial surroundings? We leave this question
for them to answer. Mr. Runn. will bt
elected by tlm larst majority on the
ticket we predict, and he is most dt-sef v
ingofthe honor and confidence tfall;
tomdett lie is both oorupetent and iikjifl-od.
M. J. 0 Connell, - - Co. Attorney,
Will Practice in All Court.
Special Attention GiveutoLand Of
fice Business.
Col lection and all business entrust
ed to inert ill recehe prompt attention,
The undersigned just located
in lower north-west corner room
prepared to do all kinds of dress
making and sewing in her line.
The patronage of the public is solicited.
We guarantee satisfaction and that
our charges will be reasonable
Mrs. Mauoik Rusecrans.
j Mr. and Mrs. Grant Guthrie, went
to Omaha, on last Saturday evening on
business and pleasure combined.
Henry Blewett, left tor the Univer
sity at Lincoln, on last Sunday where he
expects to enter the law department.
L. Karlen of Monroe, Wis., cousin of
tbe Knori boys, arrived here on the 21st
on a visit for a month or six weeks.
Among our latent readers we added
the following names: Peter Wielenfleld
Elwn Colishaw, Bulla Mkrtin, V. M.
lxok here, if you are building call
on E. Rohwer, he keps all kinds of ine
terial, such as lumber, shingles, windows
boon &c, &c.
Mrs. Thornton, and Co. Superinten
dent, Elsie Merriam are associated to
ppiber in the )ok rur"ncy business.
When in need of any ti:il ol a h-it; (five
them a call, tby will do tue fight tiling
by their customers.
WANTED-Orders for Holiday Books
Bibles and Albums. Prices reasonable.
Satisfaction guaranteed. No money re
quired until delivery is made. Mtas Eluie
Merriam my assistant agent will carry
a full line of .samples and catalogues, or
samples and catalogues may be seen at
Bartells store in Harrison Neb. at any
lime by dropping a card to the undersign
ed agent at Harrison Neb.
Mrs. Ansa Thornton.
If the pnnpla of this county prefer tliat
Nebraska should have the honor of fur
nishing the president of the United States
for the next four years after March 4,
1001, every voter in Sioux county should
support tlie fusion state ticket, also the
congressional fusion ticket, and thereby
sustain Hon. W. J. Bryan in his courag
eous fight to carry the state for home
rule honest government and in the in
terest of the people. We earnestly hoe
every fusion voter in our county will
go to the polls on election day and do his
'My I-teniocrtic prayer will ever lie
that God above will give to those Boers
the power to show the world that the
principles of free government are not to
1 trodden under foot." A paragraph
from the speech of Gov. Thomas. .
The publication of the letter of Mr.
Bryan's fcy Morton, will not change one
single vote, in our opinion. The olllce
winch Mr. Bryan was desirous of obtain
ing was nothing but a clerical position
simply secre'ary of the Biard of trans
portation um! Mr. Bryan stated thst ns
lis was just Itegining In business, then,
at Lincoln, it was the money, not honor
that attracted him, and would assist in
tiding him over until he could get his
business on l paying basis.
Builneis 1Ocaln, each Insert ion Sc.
mil.iy, Handing Ada: prlmi for aam
rnttn known on application.
hun k I'.riml and tbe I'Sswt Jol'BK!.. one
Tear 3 no.
Forftlgo a4rrtttDir must ha paid tn al
For farther iaformatlon Addrcas, ,
Tumi Jot's a i.,
aWMhou, Ncbr.
Children & Youth's
Call and look our Stock over be
fore Purchasing as we can SAVE you
Marsteller BROS.
vomer ron itbucation.
let. it, WJ),
Notice 1 herl)T iftvan that the following
naiiii-il saltier hus (li-it notice of tils lutetlon
to ins ke fliiui iroof In upiort of til claim
ami that alfl proof will I rii!e Ciet X of
IMatrlvt Court tt Harrison, .Neb., on fee. 2.
IM, viz:
of Artfumrt', H. I)., lio niiuie 11. E. No. 4107,
fur tlie ton 1 aun i, mid h, M fxic. ZJ,
Twp. a, N. Itange 15 w.
lie names the fniloa l.m vltnot-ies to prove
hi? coDtluuoaa ri-llKUO ujkiii audcultiva
linn of satl lanj.sri:
WlllSntu Crctty, Jour pit Aphloii. Alfred l.ln
licrK aud LU in oll.li iw. Ml 1 1 ArJuicie
Land Ol'ice at Alliance, Neb.
Oct. 2-lth 1S99,
Notice is hereby given tii. t lh fol-lowing-ranifcd
w-f.'.ir n..s liUd u itice .
his inteiitii'U to make final prKf in su
port of his cairn, and that said said proof
will be made before clerk Of district
court at Harrison Neb, on Iec. 2ud, 1899
of Ardmore S. L. who made II. E. 4121
for the Si NEi Sec 20 & Hi NWJ, Sec. 21
Twp. 35, N R 51 W.
He names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land, viz:
August Ring and Peter Peterson of
Story Neb., & Claus Christensen and
Jens C. Meng of Montrose, Neb.
F. M LOHR1NGTON, Register.
kH YOU A W'Ottkktt
jk. In or ftetAl t If to
moj lur Catai,fb of
) varst:? Foot
' Power ilUcittNncY.
iTactkal, .Strong, Curafcla,
W. F. U Joho Kama Co.,
114 Ph St.,
f , . . , r i ! 'mm m
V D LJ I I C Tlia nBpofl-
I I II I L.I OtU.ljr ni.a. a
S-i-i.il its it oPim. tiluUw. UMk Kl.nk aad
Uvmh um. tali wiU. U II. wAKO IMSTITUTC,
UON.tth tL.SLUaK.Me
utwouallso in tvls or obsion
op Oass.
'1 'a -li t
1. UfTTOF flmahi Mah .
emtW: lUf vMiu St.a
f FAOTOJtTl 1414 taard SaraM. W
1T Gslesrato Our 86th Boaiawtt
Cures Impotency, Nijht Emisaionaand
wasting diseases, all effects of self-
abuse, or excess and indis
cretion. A nerve tonic ami
blood builder. Brings the
pink glow to pale cheeks and
restores the .fire of youth.
By mall BOc per box, boxes
for f 'J.aO; with written guaran
tee to euro or refund the uiouey.
Send for circular. Address,
Clinton A Jackson Sta., CHICAOO, ILL.
Sold By Dr. J. E. Phinney.
Tbe underBigned is ag
ent for the celebrated
David Brad-lev, Wind Motor,
Improved Wind Mills,
the best made. I am
alno prepared to fur
nish on phort notice
first class
Pumps, Pipes. Wood A Steel Tower,
Tank or anything in the line
of pump repairs, AT LOWEST,
Write me for estimates 1
fore contracting elsewhere.
You will save money by it.
Addhess JOHN 8. A8IITON
Ardmore, S. Dak.
Arhrivcmentsof Admiral Duwey," the world
lfreutet naval hero, liy Murxt Ilaiteail,
the llfr-lonK friend and admirer of tho nati
on' Idol. lliKireat and txt book; over 900
pajrea, Silo inches; nearly 100 mte halftone
lllmtratlona. Oulyll.SO. tnormotii demand'
Dig Coniuilr.Hlouii. Outfit free. Chaoeeofa
lifetime. Wnteqnlck. The Dominion Com
pany, 3rd tloorL'axton Bldg., Chicago
We aim to furnlah the hwt slaas saaart
hl, aad to eell II at Uta ttnraat bmsIMs
IMweHpUoB sf ear stele E,
7 I -I Ortavmi.
L'nlaona: Oaarttrunajtaas.
Full lroo Plata, HrJiawt aa
itnuhl Repeatiag Actios-
Ivory Kaya
uble WoMiei) Oa
rinlahad In Oak. Mahogany aas Walaw.
Kalaad or Oarvad f '
glteoaloo m sale LmA Becllag taU
vN.'.eial ZlaM4 Oassisassn Bisgss sa
rail Board.
Tkrea Mth and Pedal Oaard Plata,
ftoaoilfatly Plnlabe aa4
llollht: 4 fwt, 8 lacbea.
LnngUi: t feat. 4 laehea.
tiestb! 3 frat, t 1-2 Inrba.
Made In Curly Walnut Teseer, Qnar
Urad Oak, Antlan Oak aad kUbogaay,
Writ for Tenu aad Prkas.
Ivery floape Piano la rraatse4 tst
r"'" .tMm w.ira 1
vorhBiaaahtp at MiafteJ.
Raay PaaMta.
A mail caaa payama aa any moatb
ly pkTrnann will amtra uaa of thee
yUiiHiH piMwa fur yoar be. 0
praa aao rail sa.nrlpM ml oar sesf
pay Mat piaa f fas asoa asfjEaUos.
Anniversarj October 1, 18m j