TEE TRANSVAAL WAR. OEMS CAPTURE TWO CITIES PROM THE BRITISH. Rumor, Howover, That Boars Wer Ropulsed at Mafeklng with a Loss of 1.500. London. Special.) Last week waa ae of the most exciting known at the War office since the crowd gathered there to learn the fate of the expedition to Gordon's relief. The news that the Fifth Landers had been engaged brought many ladies and Other friends of the regiment to in quire for news. The gravest intelligence seems to be the report of the capture of a train with officers at Elandslaagte. for it is un derstood that the whole line was pa trolled. No reporters were allowed at the front and It Is Impossible to gain in formation, and it is learned that Gen eral Sir Stewart White has been mak ing extensive movements in that di rection and developments are hourly expected. The news that Commandant Joubert's northern column, with twelve guns, is now at Dannhauser Is startling. Al though the Boers have shown consid erable activity in Natal, there Is noth ing to indicate that they are yet pre pared for a serious combined attack, and the general belief here is that un less something unexpected happens General Sir George Stewart White will remain on the defensive. Maf eking news is still confined to a repetition of the stories that Colonel Baden-Powell mowed down 300 Boers with his Maxims. WHITE MAT RETREAT. The surrender of Vryburg is not of treat Importance, but It will be re garded throughout Boerdom as a splen did triumph over the British. Some military critics think it not im possible that General Sir George Stew art White may be able to withdraw his forces from Glencoe and concentrate them at Ladysmith, there to await de velopment. The latest advices here say that the Natal carbineers, who were engaged with the enemy at Bester's station, had six men wounded. An armored train has been sent from Ladysmith to bring In the wounded. Several spies have been arrested at Ladysmith. The admiralty has made large con tracts for a supply of coal to all coal ing stations on the way to the Cape, so that any British squadron will be able to coal without delay. It is said that several British cruisers from the channel squadron will escort the transports to the cape. VRYBURG SURRENDERS. The Copetown correspondent of the Daily Mall, telegraphing Thursday.says that Vryburg surrendered Sunday. Dis patches from Kerch man, ninety miles south of Vryburg. say the police have withdrawn from Vryburg, the town sur rendered the the Boers, the Inhabitants fleeing In all directions, mostly toward Kuruman. When the police withdrew t he Cape Boers notified the fact to the Boers, thus inviting them to take possession. There was a fearful panic. The British are wildly indignant at this scuttling. The Ladysmith correspondent of the Times, under date of Wednesday even ing, says: "The situation on the east border is developing a more serious aspect. The Vryheld and Utrecht commandos, after looting on the Zululand border, are re ported to be in the Umslnga district, threatening communication between here and Dundee. The situation at the front la reported to be growing more acute. FIFTEEN HUNDRED KILLED. The Dally News' Capetown corre spondent says: "It is rumored here that news has reached De Aax Junction that the Boers attacked Mafeklng In force, but were repulsed. The defenders seeing the enemy retreating, pursued them for some distance. Then a feint was made and they commenced to retire on the town, allowing them selves to be driven in by the Boers, Who, eager to retrieve thir position, again advanced to the attack and were drawn ever Lyddite mines, laid for the defence of the town. It Is reported that 1,500 Boers were killed by the explosion. It Is reported from Delagoa Bay that the Swazi king, Bunu, is collecting his forces with the object, presumably, of attacking the Boers. It is stated that .the Portuguese forces at Delagoa Bay ..will be raised to war strength. SHOT AS A SPY. It Is announced from Petorla that an tccentric person known as Baron De glnsberg has been court-martialed and shot as a spy. Plans of the local forts were found in his possession. The Pletermaritzburg correspondent of the Daily Mall in a dispatch dated Thursday says: "The brunt of the fighting at Bester's station yesterday was sustained by the volunteer patrols The fighting was brisk. The Boers numbered 2.000. The volunteers at one moment were in great peril, being near ly cut off, but the officers handled their men solindldlv and the Maxims effec- tivoiv atoDoed the Boer rushes. The Rnrs shooting was wretched. The volunteers lost their kite and altogether the eperience was a pretty iiveiy one. BOERS MAKING BOASTS. "Our men were in the saddle three days and two nights with hardly a rest. Basuto natives were fighting with the Boers. It is reported tnai sixteen w mrm war killed. "The cavalry are still bivouacking out and slight skirmishes are frequent, t nfflrlallv that Commandant Jou- haa moved his headquarters to rwMhaiiwr." The Capetown correspondent of the ik.ii. mii mmrm : "The Boers are boast- lac that they will hold fancy dress balls 5i masouerade In British uniforms at Capetown and Durban by the end tC2Z- another I12S.0OO of Trans vaal gold has been seised aboard the atsaajer Avondale Castle, at Delagoa It ' Is rumored Id London that the gaiwi squadron nas oeen wwreu to Queeastown. ACTION HOMES FALLS. London.-(Pcll )-hM dispatches L...i. MMMftiiRi the military situ - If BMfTIBJ UU1 I mwnuciii. Som in Natal are published by the r. ii-w f Ugi'pa: i.h Wednesday afternoon- Hews arrived this afternoon that the Been have again T2V -iam nf our lines, and are now occupying Acton Homes, our patrols taring reureu p . nftiMM have come down iM Dundee. The banks have moved tv books anil pews. say that the Boers JLh.. have twelve guns. near goods from th place to hi cart. The culprit waa placed In the Dundee Jail. It Is reported that Dlnliulu, the Zulu chief, ha held an 'Indaba' near Isan dula. HI attitude la loyal to Great Britain. The latest Intelligence la to the effect that the Boers have approached Beat er's station. Firing waa begun and our irregulars replied. The enemy brought up cannon, but the volunteers held their ground. Up to the hour of wiring few had been wounded. General Joubert arrived In Newcastle yesterday. SOME SLIGHT SKIRMISHES. Orange River. (Special.) The Boers suffered a reverse on Sunday at Sphuit fonteln, ten miles south of Kimberley. An armored train went out to bring In a train went out to bring In a train reported to have been captured by the Boers near Sphultfontein siding. A party of Boers who were camped nearby, lowered the railway signal and displayed a white flag, presumably with the idea of Inducing the train to pro ceed. The driver suspected that the Boers were In possession and stopped the train, whereupon the Boers Issued in large force and opened fire, but with out any effect The soldiers replied from the train and about half a doren Boers were killed. The British were unscratched. Seven hundred Boers surprised a party of thirteen Cape Colony police who were guarding the railway at Rlv erton road, eighteen miles north of Kimberley on Sunday morning. The po lice retired. A terrific explosion was heard later and It is believed that the Boers blew up the station. A relief party of twenty-five police sent from Kimberley met the Boers near Riverton. The enemy displayed a white flag to Induce the troops to fall into their trap, but the police were or dered to retire. Then the Boers opened a heavy fire upon them, discharging about 400 rounds. A bullet struck the horse of Surgeon Major Sullivan who, with a trooper whose horse had stum bled and dismounted him, was cap tured. CAPTURE A BRITISH TRAIN. London. (Special.) The Dally Tele graph publishes the following dispatch: Ladysmith, Thursday afternoon The Boers have captured, near Elandslaag te, a train which left Ladysmith at half past twelve. There were in it several officers and a few men, all going to Glencoe, or Dundee. Fortunately the 10:30 train, which contained one of your correspondents, got through safely. The enemy have cut the wires, sev ering telegraphic communication with Glencoe. The news was first received from the station master at Elands laagte, who wired: I see Boers near the line, wnai shall I do?" Ladysmith answered: Let train run ahead at full speed." It did so, making for the north ot Elandslaagte. The official said: Boers are mustering ana nnng to stop train and have stopped It. What shall I do? Must I go?" "Yes, go," was the reply. Thereupon . the messages ceased Since then the line has been blocked. Probably the station master escaped. ATTACK GLENCOE CAMP. Glencoe Camp. (Special.) A report reached the camp today that the Boers had been sighted seven miles out. A squadron of the Eighteenth Hussars, under command of Major Laming, rode out, an dthe advanced officers' patrol, after reaching the brow of the hill be yond Hattlngsprut station, discovered strong advance party ot Boers. Ine Hussars retired on the main body, which had been moved under cover and made ready to fire had the Boers continued their advance. The wily enemy were not to be drawn out. In fact, having met men who were their equals, If not their superiors, in swift tactical movements, they, alter delivering their fire, hesitated, aparent- ly staggered at their poor success wun the rifles, and perceiving that the Hus sars had maneuvered out of range, they turned quickly and retired. The fail ing light alone prevented the Hussars from following up their advantage ana the enemr falling to make a further advance the Hussars returned to camp. Tendon fSoeciaL) Natal again lays claim to a share of the attention which, during the last few days, has been fo cused upon the beleagured garrison at Mafeklng. The comoinea aavance i th. nnr forces uoon the positions held by the British general commanding in Natal, Sir George Stewart White, has already occasioned a sharp affair of outposts, which possibly has since de veloped into a pitched battle. The Boers, according i ue micoi in formation at hand, do not appear to hn driven back. Perhaps, how ever, their movements are only part o( a general plan to isolate and Glencoe from the south. The sim ultaneous Boer movements from Acton Homt-s, from the west and from Rorke's drift and Helpmakaar from the east, may indicate a projected attack upon the railway pew ..... ',.i from the east also suggests an attack on the railway at Wasch- bank between Laaysmun uu BOERS TO ENTER NATAL. Durban, Natal. (Sepcla!.) According to Information obtained from an au thoritative Boer source it Is Intended that i 000 Boers shall enter Natal by way of Isandhlvana, in the direction of the Umvotl country. The Boers oo nui Swaslland. as in the event of victory they could easily return there, and all the Boers are nu -- present. Patrol slrmlshes are reported near Glencoe and Ladysmith. OTIS' LATEST REPORT. Washington. D. C Oeneral Otis re ported to the war department the fol lowing casual"-. Kllled-Slxth infantry near CebuJsN and of Cebu, September II. A. Charles U Cotay. Daniel E. Adams. Seven teenth Infantry, st Angeles .October I L, Wl llsm Karaer. imry ry, at Porac October 17, H, Willard Winters. Wounded-October la, at KAngeies, Acting Assistant Surgeon H. Eugene Waffordreast, .light;! Sixth Infantry, near Cebu, Islad of Cebu. Sept. II. A. William Biovau, .' .7u Horace Hutchinson, nates, severe; 4th mraTtry, near San Nicholas .Vct ' , James O'Reilly, hand, slight; Ninth In fantry, t Angeles, Oct. Is, D (tori. K. Webster, head, moderate; H, John Kelly thigh moderate; I. Albert Du rand I back, severe; Charles 8. Wilson, a Heventeenth Infantry. A, Corporal Henry Kosser head, B William Crosby, thigh, slight; H, Joseph B. Thockery. larynx, severe; Thomas E. Scully, thigh; Sixteenth in f.ntrv. at Oulgulnto, Oct. II. F, Thos. Lunch, side, severe; Leslie Shores, foot severe: Fourth cavalry, near Arsyat ZZri n rirst Sergeant Oustav Will arm. moderate; Matthew Klllon. leg, moderate; Thlrty-sUth Infantry, at Po SZoctober 11, M, lam Wllllams.cheek, HAHIJA FAVORS TRUSTS OPENLY DECLARES THEM TO BE A "COMMERCIAL NECESSITY." National Boss of Republican Party Gives Notice of Its Support of the Monopolies. Cleveland. O. (Special.) Senator M. A. Hanna in a speech before the Fifth District Republican club, defined his position regarding the trusts. On this subject he said: "The democrats say I am afraid to talk about the trusts. That settles It. I'm going to talk about them. This combination of capital for one purpose or another Is not a political question at all. It is a business question and ought not to have been brought Into politics. When our industries were In their infancy England and other coun tries came along and sold goods In this country at prices less than asked in their own country. Then followed the protective tariff law, enacted by that friend of the workingman, William Mc Klnley. Having setuied this protection American manufacturers went abroad. They are making rapid strides, and successfully competing with the whole world. Jt Is evident they cannot con tinue to do so unless they have com bined capital. We ought to own and control our own merrhant vessels. We would then be In shape to make our own rates and compete with other na tions on an equal rating. We have leached a stage where we are doing more exporting than impo ng. The last year was the first year hi the his tory of the country that this was true, but we must look to the future. We must stand prepared for the changes that are bound to tome. "This formation of combines is sim ply an evolution In business methods. Should railways own their own steam ship lines there would be a marked change in the rates. All this requires capital, and such a tremendouB amount that no ordinary corporation could stand it. The so-called trusts are not new. They have been found in Eng land and Germany as far back as 200 years and are increasing. "Therefore, from a business point of view the formatton of these combina tions In one sense is one step forward. The democrats would have you believe that they are terrible anacondas and will swallow us up. "However, if the trusts are a menace to the country what party better than the republican can give you relief? WThen it comes down to plain facts the various labor organizations are a sort of trust, and I believe in them and al ways have. They are, I believe, for the purpose of helping the Individual members. The employer should go hand In hand with the organizations of the employed. In that way much good could be done." GENERAL NEWS NOTES, New Orleans. La. One case yellow fever; no deaths. Sydney, N. 8. W. The New South Wales assembly has decided to dis patch a contingent of troops to the Transvaal. Cleveland, O. Chas. Westley one of the veteran hotel men of the country and proprietor of the Weddeli house, is dead. New York. Leslie McLeod. editor of the Trotter and Pacer, and one ot the best known writers on the harness horse in America, is dead, aged 37. ri!iiitihi n The fourteenth annual convention of the Brotherhood of SL Andrew openea ii tns cuy. ure than 600 delegates have arrived and others are expected. I ...Unn Lv Rlohard Prnlrer ham 1A . ' . B -,J . - J ...v . - - - . through correspondence, purchased of Clay at wooarora, jiiusru, a wurouiu- r Ha will shin her to England. The price is private. lnaon. A provincial yayer 10 au thority for the statement that If the ct.aMvvis.ir foil tn t&.n trip America's cup Mr. Lever, a millionaire soap man ufacturer, inlenas to issue a cnatienge for a series of races tn 1900. Washington, D. C Surgeon General Sternberg has received a dispatch from Gibraltar stating that the transport Missouri with a large quantity of med ical supplies and a number of nurses, sailed for Manila after having been detained for some days for minor re pairs. Washington, D. C The Haytleirgov ernment has nominated Judge Day as the sole arbitrator In the pending Metz gar claim against Haytl, for damages sustained through the Infringement of a certat concession. The nomination has been confirmed by the state de partment. Washington, If. C Comnglssloner Herrman of the general land office has decided In a case In Colorado that It is unlawful to take coal from public lands under a coal declaratory state ment and the parties purchasing the coal thus obtained can be held respon sible for the sapie until the government . I ri full TUlUfRKllin si Paul Minn. The Evangelical As sociation convention adopted resolu tions protesting against me aommaiitc of Brlgham H. Roberts of Utah to membership In the house of representa tives, deploring the existence of the army canteen and calling on the presi dent to enforce the law for Its suppres sion. Chicago, III "The adulteration oi n nl (hA enfnrrpment of the iw. " " . ' j.im .nrl fnrwt laws" were the subjects of general discussion at today's session of the National Associauuii ii oiv Dairy and Food departments. Nearly forty dairy and food commissioners of thirteen states were in ii(non. Savannah Ga. The British steamer MK4riM hit hrn nnsted at London t ruivi va - . as missing. She cleared this port Au gust II In cbsrge or capisin Wortloman and twenty-four men. Her cargo was phosphate rock. Savannah. Ga. The British steamer Laic ham has been reported as missing. uk. .l.ararl from Pensacola August I and sailed one day later. Her cargo consisted of timber, one camea a crew of twenty-four, inciuaing .spiain Geary. xr. Turk Henrv O. Hilton has be- gun a contest to the probating of the ..m r hi father, the late Judge Henry Hilton. Mr. Hilton asserts his father was mentally Incspacltated from mak ing such a paper as he was under un- Millnn la rut off with S provisional bequest of $11,000 out of the $5,000,000 estate. Canton, Miss. (Special.) The family of J. O. Oambrlll, consisting of Mrs. Gambrill, two grown daughters and two little boys, were found dead In the ruins of their home at St. Anns, Leak ..r.t this state. At first it was thought they had been suffocated by .i.. whiti ripai roved their home, but evidence was found leading to the belief that they were murarrea nu .. ih hmia was robbed and then burned to conceal the crime. There Is no doe to the murderers. PERSONAL AND OTHERWISE. It costs New Tork state $4,000,000 a ear to care for Its Insape. A new brand of whiskey is called "The Dewey." It must be an eye-opener. Nevertheless and notwithstanding, the lion's roar has not yet curled Oom Paul's whiskers. The latest German census shows the population of the empire to be 51,770.000 of whom 25,410.000 are males and 2,- 360,000 females. The leather and shoe trust has gath ered in the patentees of shoemaklng machinery. Unlike most trusts, this one cannot be classed as without a sole. Vandals and souvenir hunters have not taktn all of the Arch of Victory at Madison Square. New York City. Some of It was nailed down and the nails held. For want of a live subject, some of the shouters are exercising their lungs on the Sunday question. There is no question about Sunday beir.g with us. It has become a fixture. Swearing In Camden, N. J., under certain conditions, costs 12. 50 a word. That is the price fixed by a local court when the swear words are hurled at the court itself. Usually swearing is cheap In court. An Item Is going the rounds telling an anxious world that "Marcus Stone, K A., began to draw when he was only 4 years old." Only four? Most youngsters draw long before that nge. A Missouri Inspector who sought to inspect a St. Joe brewery was en Joined by a local court. Things have come to a pretty pass when a Missouri official cannot tap the fountain head for a load. TV. r9 Ttirkd flU ! W h (a tO 1 MC It ' ' 1 1 111- . - ....-, I hold a patriotic celebration. It len't noMMaara at all Thl cm 1 11 1 T V I H readV to admit from the evidence at hand that Three Oaks has strong, neauny lungs and a foghorn voire. Hut a good thing can be overworked. .J rt iiiai .. . . . - home for a day or two the deep mut lerlnes of treason nearly ought to be stifled forthwith. A resident of the Empire state published his wife as a deserter because she rebelled and went to New York City to welcome Dewey. The case calls forth strenuous endea vor to vindicate patriotism and stamp out domestic tyranny. CONNUB1ALITIES. T ! .1 . . m a n n.Virt tlflR been 8U- A v.ircitt"i wv.ii - - Ing for divorce has been ordered to pay $4 a week alimony to her nusuana pending the aecision oi me a i Y.ar n a at not Included in the n iiv win - 1. 1 . . . .i ii. r.f a'aHillnr oresents re- uuuiinucru " . - . - - - - ' ..i Jt Kr . nonrlv married M ssourl couple was a receipt for ten years' back subscription aue iroro m . ... .v.. noitrnhnrlnir county pa- ii unc vfc v.. - - pers, the generous contribution of the big-hearted puDiisner. . i-- j...i. Minri nf Mlnneanolls in uir uiDuii.1 " - - ,r-. a in. u rooonilv irlven a dl- nitie 1 1 " " " . !, iv. rirht to resume her maiden name, which was Kate Scha- frankowa. in rendering - . i .. . "ru0.a r.f divorce will be entered with costs assessed to defend- and, and plaintiff is anowea 10 iuo the name or or me one one urv-tn-rlate allegation as ground for asking for a separation from her husband is brought by Mrs. Sam uel Goldfarb of New York, who sy Mr. Goldfarb Is too ugiy w .' rVu... ..,-., married In 1S90 the husband has spent a small fortune, It Is said, in complexion iroiiu -v ...in. hut til ithe woman says he urauuiiw. - ----- ----- does not come up to her Ideal. .i,i in v.w York that Charles Belmont Davis, brother of the novel ist Is paying martteo auenuou .. ....I i ii.rn.mnrc at whose shrlns Richard Harding Davis was once a worshiper. The reason ior vrr.ir.... that a matrimonial engagement may be the outcome appears to be that Miss Barrymore ana sr. j.. -" -ml . ik..i matinee lastTues- logeiner i . 111 " ' . . . day Instead of being at the yacht race with everybody eise. ii-. ...ot Mortrvman SflVS AH Clgll" ..r..r - that In his parlih It was q u t e he - k. man when giving the ring In the marriage ; ceremony to say to the woman: v mi uu - . itv ail mv hurdle goods I thee and thou." He said the women were better up in ln'"m" .1 . v.. men One day. how ever, the bride startled him by prom ising in what sne suppor w -" - rvravor book, to take ifer husband -to 'and 'old from this day fornl't for betterer """" ' ; er power. In siggernes health, to love berries and to bay." What mean ng this extraordinary vow conveyed to the woman's own mind, the incumbent said, baffled him to conjecture. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. tv,o treet car conductor Is a way faring Individual. vioat thine- come to those who hustle while they wait. Th. miiiiiulication table furnishes the miser food for thought. A eruard chain should always be on the watch. l .-a arllrlfd COlnS Of DIbUS- blllty from the mint of deception. y-.i... rwnnie half a chance and they'll take the other half. It Is easier for a man to forgive his enemies than to forgive his friends. . . t. i.... .aV that matrimony Is one of the blanks In the lottery of love The more a man in w he Isn't a fool the more he proves he Is. Shots from the pulpit usualy psss over the heads of the sinners In the front row. A clock keeps right on working when It goes on a strike; that's where It gets the bulge on a man. A Kentucky man recently married his aunt As he Is now his own uncle he will probably wear his watch regularly. The man who can afford love In a cottage st the seashore can afford a brownstone front la town with the ad vent of winter. There are two reasons why some peo ple fall to mind their own business; one Is that they haven't any business and the other Is they haven't any mind. BLASTS FKOM RAM'S HORN. No time is wasted In oiling the wheel of life. Tou may oppress th truth, but yoa cannot suppress it. The wires of the prayer telephone are safest In stormy weather. The preacher who starves his head cennot feed lil people's hearts. SUaIIAGEUEIIT 03 A LIUI History In Regard to the, Regents of the Nebraeka Stato Onlvar. . . . . i & . . I DiiaMaii. Slly ana anguiui mi The republican party of Nebraska In Its state platform makes the following dtclaration regarding agricultural ed ucation In Nebraska: "The republican party recognises the importance of agriculture and the ne cessity of promoting agricultural edu cation. Through the foresight and wis dom of honored members of the party the Nebraska university enjoys the benefits of national appropriations for this purpose. We have pride In the work along this line now being done by our chief Institution of learning and pledge continued and faithful efforts to the end that all such funds shall be properly administered." This plank of the party platform Is an undisguised bait for fanners' votes, nd since two of the three state offi cers to be elected this year are regents of the state university, It Is pertinent to Inquire "what is the good work now being done by our chief Institu tion of learning" In which "we." the republican party, "have pride?" To get at the facts It is necessary to go a little Into the history of the Nebraska state university, the custodian of the national funds entrusted to Nebraska for agricultural education. A LITTLE HISTORY. In 182, the late Justin Morril of Ver mont secured the passage by the Unit ed States congress of a law granting certain public lands to all the states to provide for the "endowment, sup port and maintenance of at least one college, whose leading object shall be, without excluding other scientific and classical studies, and Including military tactics, to teach euch branches as re late to agriculture and the mechanic arts." The land granted to the state of Ne braska under the "Morrill land grant to colleges," as the law is sometimes call ed, produces a revenue of about $40,000 per year. This land is popularly known as 'agricultural college endowment land;" money derived from the sale thereof Is placed In a permanent fund known as the "agricultural college en dowment fund," and Invested so far as possible In registered county bonds and 1 late securities. Interest on the Invest ed fund, and Interest and rental from the lands under contract of sale and lease, go directly into the fund known as the "temporary university fund." Assuming that this Morrill land grant haa produced about $40,000 per year since 1875, the Income from It has been MS0.000 for education In agriculture and the mechanic arts In Nebraska. HERB IS MORE MONEY. To supplement the original land grant In W0 congress passed a new agricul tural education aid bill, creating a fund known as the United States Morrill fund, but which Is known at the state treasury as the "agriculture and me chanic arts fund," by which each state having founded an agricultural college should receive $16,000 for the year 1SS0 and 1.000 additional each year until the grant shall have reached $25,000 per annum. Under this Utter grant the Nebraska state university has received la cash from the United States treas ury, for education In "agriculture and the mechanic arts," since isao, $1S5,000. In addition to the tumi above named th state of Nebraska has received $15,- OOO per year since 1SH7 from the na tional government to conduct agricul tural experiments, or, all told, including the year 1899. another $195,000 to aid agricultural education. The law pro vidlng this last named fund was not passed by "honored members of the republican party. It was passed by lernoorata In President Cleveland's first administration, under the leadership of a democratic congressman, the late Mr. Hatch of Missouri. AN IMMENSE SUM OF MONEY HOW EXPENDED? From the sources above named, Ne braska has had a total sum of $1,350. 000 donated by the United States in aid of education In agriculture and the mechanic arts and for agricultural ex periments. How has this money been expended? The republican party In Nebraska, through Its board of regents has had control of the expenditure of this vast sum of money, most of which It has spent within the past fifteen years. Let us investigate this good work (?) which the republican party crows so much about. BLEIGHT OF HAND PERFORMANCE The state university has five depart ments which are presented to the peo ple of Nebraska, in the official reports of that Institution, as covering the field of agricultural and mechanic edu cation. These are (1), the school of ag riculture; (2), the sugar school and chemical laboratories-; (3), the school of mechanic arts; (4), the industrial col lege; (5), the agricultural experiment station. The first of these Is a twelve weeks' winter school for farmer boys. In the hlBtory of this school, down to the last published official report, it has bad 89 students. The "sugar school" "chemical labarotorles is tacKea on or sensational effect every college has chemical laboratories) had eight stu dents In 1898-9. The third branch, the school of mechanic arts, had 49 stu dents. The "Industrial" college shown by the last official report,' had an at tendance of 484: but this attendance Includes all students before counted, all preparatory students of whatever grade and all students seexing a college ae rree with the least amount of study ad mlsr.lble under modern educational methods. In fart the name, "Industrial eollesre." as used In "our chief Instl tutien of learning." Is a fraud and a nretense. The Industrial college of Nebraska state university, up to 1889, when the United States government was on the eve of making large appro prtatlons for education In agriculture and mechanic arts, was canea -me sci entitle course of Nebraska state unl rerslty." Every college has such i course and makes no pretense thst such eollesre course Is "Industrial education. The name industrlsl college" was giv en to this department of the slate uni versity In lis In order to get for the university such money as should be appropriated tor agricultural education In a bill about to pass congress. The character of the scientific course wss mat changed. It has not been cnangea. flie name "Industrial' 'Is used to cheat the United States government and to deceive the farmers of Nebraska, who kjMw that the united mates nas pro rlded liberally to aid them In agrlcul tural development. Over a million and a quarter has been given to aid agri cultural education, and a yearly ap propriation of about $80,000 Is now being received for this purpose. What has been done with It? ONLT NINKTT-NINB STUDENTS The fruits of all this expenditure of money In the name or education and agriculture and the mechanic arts, and In asrrlculturai experiments, is ninety nine students all told, who since the beginning have been enrolled for twelve weeks' study In sericulture, and the trifline- attendance in the sugar scnooi M1 school of mechanic arts. This Is DISHONESTY, WHICH? what the republican party of Nebraska has to show as the result of republican regents spending $1,150,000, appropriated to aid agricultural education. A SAMPLE OF REPUBLICAN PRIDE. These are the results which the re publican party has "pride In the good work along this line now being done by our chief institution of learning." How much pride have Nebraeka farmers In the "good work?" Those who study the official report of the regents of the state university, find therein long courses of study laid out for agricultural students, and a long string of eminent professors In walling (?) to g,'ve Instruction. WHAT'S THK MATTER.FARM BOYS? The question may then well be asked, why b"- Nebraska's university no agri eul'ral students worth mentioning, while In 1X9S-9, with the same amount amount of money from the general government which Nebraska receives, lowa had 290 agricultural students;" is consin 326 and Minnesota 490? The answer may well be taken from the offi cial report of the regents of Nebraska's state university. The answer Is in the language of Prof. II. H. Nlcholdon, di rector of the sugar school and chemical laboratories, who says In his report to the regents: "The laboratory for the school of ag riculture Is equipped for the purpose of giving instruction to students in agri culture, and the school of agriculture, AS THERE IS NO PERSON REGU LARLY ASSIGNED TO THIS WORK. WHEN THESH CLASSES COME UP FOR INSTRUCTION. AN INSTRUC TOR IS FOUND FOR THE TIME BE ING." This shows fully the spirit of tho in dustrial college in which Nebraska re publicans have so much pride. PULLING THE WOOL OVER OUR EYES. The regents print long courses of stu dy for agricultural students. They give out long lists of names of eminent pro fessors. Rut when the agricultural classes come up for Instruction, any old thing Is "found" to teach them. THE AFRICAN IN THE WOOD PILE. The facts regarding agricultural edu cationor the lack of It In Nebraska may be told briefly as follows: The board of regents controls the university and directs the expenditures of the gov ernment appropriations for education In agriculture and mechanic arts. Ana for many years this board of regents has been controlled by ones Charles H. Morrill of Lincoln, an active member of the republican ring In that city. Mor rill, as regent of the university, poses as a great friend ot education; but as a politician his chief claim to notoriety lies In the fact that he was charged fer- 7 pint bottles of whiskey for campaign purposes, as shown by the sworn state ment of treasurer Barlow of the 1IM republican campaign. He Is a leading member of the state house lobby every session of the legislature. He Is senior member of the board of regents, and Its president. In addition to this, whether by accident or design, the other mem bers of the board have been residents of parts of the state remote from Lin coln. They serve without pay, and as a rule, these regents attend only reg ular sessions of the board. They are not familiar with the details of uni versity management, and their work consists mainly In ratifying actions ta ken by President Morrill and the offi cers of the faculty. Thus It Is that C. H. Morrill, republican ward politician and rlngster. has for many years had control In the government of the state university. It is because of this that the republican party of Nebraska is re sponsible for squandering the enormous sura of $I,i50,0O0 to educate 99 farmer boys. A.V OLD-FASHIONED WHITEWASH. It Is to whitewash Morrill's record and to cover up the fraud practiced on the fanners of Nebraska that the re publican convention "have pride In the good work along this line now being done by our chief Institution of learn ing." To perpetuate Morrill's control of the state university, the republican party nominated a pair of weaklings at the Midway convention. One ot these Is Dr. W. B. Ely, a physician residing In Brown county (about as far away and as Inaccessible to the university as a Nebraskan can get). The other, E G. McGllton, Is a practically un known attorney residing In the Mty of Omaha. Should these men be elected this fall, on a platform pledging them to continued effort along the line fol lowed by President Morrill for the past ten years, what hope have the people of Nebraska that their Interests will be regarded In the state university? WHAT TO EXPECT. Farmers' sons who go to that In stitution in 1900, or In succeeding years. with Morrill at the helm and weaklings to assist him, may fairly expect noth ing but long lists of eminent teachers for the lawyer and doctor classes and 'an Instructor found for the time be ing" for the farmer boys. There Is no other hope, If the republican nominees for regent be elected. FUBION1STS PLEDGE TO REMEDY THOSE EVILS. On the other band, the reform forces are pledged by three several resolu tions to "administer the Morrill land grant fund, the Morrill special fund for agricultural colleges, and the Hatch ex periment station fund which have been entrusted to the state of Nebraska for education In agriculture and the me chanic arts and for original research In agriculture, strictly In the spirit of the various United States laws crest-' Ing the same, and to use all other rea sonable means to bring agricultural ed ucation In Nebraska up to tbe highest standard." The reform forces nominated two men eminent for public spirit, courage and loyalty to. duty. Men who on two hours' notice any day may meet In the council hall of the university. These men are Hon. Ed son Rich of Omaha, a graduate of the state university, and Hon. J. L. Teeters of Lincoln, a gradu ate of the Iowa state university. They sre picked men, selected for their abil ity to execute a difficult work. They can be trusted to wipe out the blot up on the educational escutcheon of Ne braska. They are men who understand the needs of a great Institution of learn ing. They will see to It that every cent appropriated by our general govern ment to aid In education In agriculture and mechanic arts, Is expended for such education. The fusion nominees for re gent will "use all other reasonable means to bring agricultural educstlon In Nebraska up to the highest stand, ard." The statistics of the China mission connected with the Episcopal church show thst for the year ending July, ISM, there were 100 congregations, I.M1 baptlard church members, Ml oom-muncant. moderate.