Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, October 26, 1899, Image 1
i Harrison OURNAL. Press TT A T?,T?.T!?r--KT -rv-r-cn-p-p a .-r- , -ui xuaoa.A, -L'JdLTJKSID-V- OCT1 Our Motto-' wo QUFSTinN l ruro erm pn . ' W J-1 "-wmii. 1 1 IS SETTLED RIGHT."-Hm. WillUn. J. VOL. XXL Harrison Press-Journal. (KKTABUSHKD 1888. Bryan. 26, 1899. HO. 14. Subscrtirtion Price, $1.00 OFFIOIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. (eo. I). Canon, ... Editor. Entered at the Harrison post omce an wcona claw matter. FUSION" STATE TICKET. For Pttprrm J m J k , HON. SILAS A. IIOLOOMB. For Regents, .Statu University, ElJSOX RICH, J. L. TEETERS. For congress, 6th District, HON. W. II. NEVILLE. Forjudges, ir,th District. Wni. H. Weslovwr. James J. Harrington. FiiMmi County Ticket. 1 or Co. Clerk : W. J. A. 1IAUM. for Co. Tritii-r: JOHN SERRES. Kr o.MierlfT: THOMAS HOLLY. ViT Co. Judge: JJDOE WILSON. For Co. Superintendent: J. IS. BURICE. For Ci. Coroner: J. f. PHINNEY. l-Vir Co. Mirveyor : MICHAEL RUITINO. For CnmniH'r 1st District, JENSC. MENU England, is not having1 (hp walk awav 1n theTrnnsvna! war that she might have It is to be hoped i hat find, who ruleslln destinies of nations as well us of men may intervene nr.d assist the Transvaal republic if their cause is a r gl t-ous one. H in our honest opinion that V.ngland is engaged in tin unjust war. The republican giress is try ing to sow discord among funion candidate ond "their friends as a last hope of winning the election next month. Tney would like o much to say something to defame ;iiid sully the. unblemished career of onr fusion nominees, for Supreme and Dist rict Judges. But their attempt is an ittcr failure, Hon. S. A. Holcomb mai!fl an excellent record as governor for four years, and he will make a lwtter upriris judgo than he did governor. mi ine nominees ror regents are the best could have been selected. How about Judge Westover? Ahem, well, well, we have nothing to say agaast him; nay they even admit that "Westover" will run ahead of his ticket. But J. J. Har rington him they would snow under, we mean if they could, because of his brilli ancy, but we predict when the next wint er snow fall, t will be on the blighted hopes of Alder, and the judges mantei will be worn, most gracefully on Mr. IPs. shoulders. Senator John M. Thurston, Nebraska's Senior Senator, in a campaign speech at Akron, O., Oct. 21st placed himself on record as being the special friend and chapion of trusts and monopolies, fay nothing about the other republican poli cies advocated by the administration, Siiiator Thurston and all its lev.lers. Senator Thurston must be given credit fer the counire of hi eon. victions against the interest of the labor er and the business man with small cap ital. Of trusts he said: 'THEY OUOJIT TO HE ENVOI 'R AOEI), FOSTERED ANU APPRO V ED, AND THE MAN WHO MAKES AN ATTACK ON THEM IS NOT JUST OR RIGHT." "YOU ALL WANT TO GET INTO Till-; BIG SHOW THIS FALL, ANU I'ON'T LOITER ABOUT THE JONES srCESHO'.V. LET THAT SHOW ALONE."' iimiK it over, voters of Sioux county The leaders of that party stand committ ed to the money power ami fraudulent combinations voters, you can not afford to support the republican ticket ill this year of our lord. O i 1 1 oeuaior iianna. wun ai unfit, ciuln.m. , Stat. ba.w h nhai:r:vr.rr:: rpw,ca py the united , --.- . , uJuiiuH wmm IW, MVS' T IPM fnmhin-illmj known as trusts ar not . .,, m. ' combinations business question. I behei, "r"; 'P'J and purely a in h. linn :-y cpuoiii-aiis am in ins statements sustains dernocra n.:h.8.r ' shtagamt monopolies and trust,, wni.h have been produced hi ,m.u. ,es enacted into law, that now bears heavily on the consumer an, VrTnt. nop,iVlllsto .he produce of the raw material. FoUa i,' Washburn has to say relative to the trusts; ; is woat nao ist who tT2T ?n!tnF!! but - "" -pita!- Then n,f -. ' "' 6 "" mvenLs in trust Mocks, men, uiai prosperity is Uctilious. If it eiriutu it. proposition is absurd. Tn,u.., t.... '. .7. '"y. tne ar, but for the mir.r.f ni. i .mip.og uie iauor- t . -i i - i,ci - iruui. out oi in vestment. -....,,,,,,, us uSamss comuinations, r-iust survive or the Rem.hlin iii have lost its meaning and its mission. No , . .h..u V.!..? ..1..P, ,lic w,n "The fall.ei t.7t J, ' V y """:r, " n wuht or what they wi 1 do.' Ihe falU. es tuat are being preached by some of the party leader, to the effect mat lanor wi II nrosner hv n nf u. .: .. bliodin the nul lic r. thH: VL ' ' ' " .w,' have. ,he of .cumulations of aJtualVnd cuUoU.Zwta U,P0Ugh vast accot. "Sometime and somewhere there has got to be a process of liquidate at time comes the workmen under the trusts will find their apparent th. uisappear, ion. vVhon Waes will be cut with unsparimr hand in tl, nt. .ir i,, ,i, good showing on the trust balance sheet, Strike, will ensue the trusts will be cr.pp ed and the stockholders and workingmeu will be engulfed in the same sea of distress. ; Every voter in Sioux county should work and vote for the fusion ticket, state, concessional and County, as every Candidate are committed to oppose trusts and and all other fraudulent combinations of capital, NEBRASKA CANDIDATE FLIES BRITISH FLAG Briton lio IUrusos to Tir-- noiincc AHfg'iii'co to Queen Tries to Kesumo Ofllce. CRAWFORD, Neb., Oct. 21. The re publicans of L.ivves county have nomin ated for dark of the district court Frank R. Wingheld, an Englrnhnida who has not yet become a citizen of this country. Wingtield, who is making an energetic canvas, boasts of tha fact that he rofuses to renounce his native country and keeps a large English (lag floating in the olllce 01 the C rawloru UaZ"tt, oi w hich paper he is editor. In Denver Dailv News. GOV. W. A. POihTEk, Will Be in HARRISON, THURSDAY OCT- 2nd, 1899, at 2:30 p. m to address the voters of Sioux Co., upon the political issues of the fail campaign. Every body should turn out and give the Governor a hearty welcome whether you agree with him in poli tics or not. Every man, woman and child in Sioux & Dawes counties are invited to be present on that day and participate in the festivities. GEO. D. CANON, Chm. Co. Cen. Com. J. E. MARSTELLER. Secretary. Sir Kenry JrTiug devoted part of his summer holidays to writing an article, vrhich he has given to The Indies Home -Journal. It is called "Shakespeare in Small Communities," and tells how the study, reading aloud and acting of Shake speare's woiks may lie followed in com munities away from the larger centres. On last Thursday afternoon as an nounced by the Press-Journal, Judge Westover of Rushville, Judge Selali of O'Neill and lion. J. J. Harrington of O'neill were on band aad .addressed the -fusionisU of this town and vicinity upon the political issuee of this falls cim peiifn. The con retion while not )arg, hut an appreciative one which gave xc jal attention to the orators. M.J. Olewett presided over tho meet ing and introduced the speakers, Judge Vtwlovtr making the first speech, fol lowed by lion J. J. Harrington, and .Judfl 8laji closing. Not a speech wan made that did not how eiaeusiirjly and withiutdouht Jitai Uki futtoBi'ts were ocrect in t eii-J advanced idia of a just govern ment "of the people, by the people and for the people." Judge Westover, who is asking for a re-election to the distriet bench again and J, J. Harrington, who is a candidate for tho same position in formed their hearers that they were hi metallivts, anti-Monopolists, anti-imper -alists.unti-militarism and anil -expansionists. They were applauded repeatedly and esecially so when the name of that matchless statesman, Hon. W. J. Bryan was mention!. Judge Helah's d iflnation of a fusionist was a unique one and as he explained it, by fusion the reform parlies had len able to 1st, olect one of the best men to the U. 8. senate, thero was in that national body of law makers, 2nd that by fusion an honest governor had been elected for Ihr e success ve terms, also a full state ticket for the last two tern , which had taved the taxpayers thous ands ef dollars, and now believed we should stand shoulder and electthe entire ticket from too U bottom, both state and county, Wages fin Unholy War. Member South Dakota Volunteers Speaks Freely of Conflict. Tlie Commercial Bank. INCORPORATED 1888. Harrison, - - . - Nebraska. CAPITAL STOCK PATH TNT - - SURPLUS AND PROFITS - - SI 0,000.00 8,000.00 DIRECTORS. B. E. Brewster, President. C. F. Coff Vi TiAi IHAS, O. JA1IE30IT. A irr 1). H. Geiswold, Cashier. ;: CORRESPONDFNT?- WESTERN national bank, new 1 UUIUItOrUIIUCIl 1 0. OMAHA NATIONAL BANK, Oicaha, Xm. INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS. Harrison, Neb., Oct. 21.-A son of C. Christensen of Montrose this coun ty, member of company A. First regiment, South Dakota volunteers, who has just returned from tho Philippine islands aud has been honorably dis charged, reached the home of his parents, iwenty-flve miles north of here last Sunday. Mr. Christensen, whose father is an honorable and respected citizen of this (Sioux) county, is a gent leman in even sense of the term and for hones ty and veracity, his statement, which follows, cannot be questioned and he will verify it personally, should anyboJy so desire. He iaid: "For myself, personally, I fell that our government it pursuing a dan geroin and wrong policy in attempting to jmbjogate tho inhabitants of the Philippine islands, with the ultimate eipei tation of making them colonial possessions of the United States. In fact, I believe if those brave people over thero were given to understand that &.y "would ?e granted an tnde Isn l-nt government, the samo as we have,' JTtoed to the Cubans, the war in those islands would cease in less than one month, or as soon as the formation could be imparted to them in un official manner, Would I enlist to fight tho Filipinos again under the same circumstan ces? Nevpr. Money could not tempt, not-sition induce me to re-enlist and take up arms against those people, wlio are fighting for a true princi ple, and who I believe can kep the war going on for an indefinite period. Of course, I do not feel that way should the United states be threatened with a foreign war of invasion. Should t..at time ever come I would offer my services and my life, if need be, to protect my country from a real enemy. "There isn't a doubt but that Atfuina'.lo and his forces were our allies until the fall of Manila, and would be still if the powers that be at Wash ington had recognized their independence, as I believe it should have doDe. Yes, Aguinaldo and his cabinet, together with his army ofllcers, are smart intelligent gentlemen, who have the iotetrst of their people at heart and, in my opinion are asking nothing but what is just and right. "I am confident in my own mind that this government is making a serious and most gevious mistake in its fo -cign war policy and cannot be justified on any grounds whatsoever. Cerlainly those people who havo been governed by the most tyrannical poveron earth for the past 200 or 800 years, are of right entitled to 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happi ness.' A government founded upon the principles of the Declaration of In dependence, as our iw, and which has stood the test for nearly a century and a quarter, ought not to be engaged in a war for the express purpose of pre venting other people from enjoying tho sf.me privilages and blessings of freedom as we do ourselves." Sunday World-Herald. BO S$ HANNA. Deliberately Turns Down the Platform Adopted By the Republican State Convention. ,,We commend the action of the Sev enty-third General assembly of Ohio in passing the stingent law now on our statute books, prohibiting the organiza tion of 'trusts' and we denounce such unlawful combinations as inimical to the interests of the people. Paragraph from Republican State Platform af Ohio, 1899. "Ttnse combinations known as trusts are not a political question at all. They am simply and purely a business ques tion. "They have the best men in the countrv at their head. We all believe in co-operation. I believe in their or ganization." I (anna's Speech at Cleve land, October 18, 1899. Final rroof Notices. All persons having final proof notices In this paper will receive a marked copy of the paper and are requested to examine their notice and if any error exist report the same to this olTIee at once. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Clllee Ht Alliance, Nebraska. October, 2nd, 1899. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intent ion to make flnal proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Clerk of District Court, at Harrison, Nebraska, on November, 11th, 181)9, JOSEPH JACOBS of Montrose, Nebraska, who made H. E. So. 37ii8 for the SW & Sec 9,Twp.33 N.E. 64W. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resldeuce upon and cultiva tion of Said land, ytx : John Serres, and Stephen Serres, of Bwdarc Neb. Paul Serrea, of Montrose, Neb. and Dominique Haas, of Gilchrist, Neb. Also at same time and place, DOM1S1QUE HAAS of Gliehrlct, Nfcbrapka. who randeH. E. No. N76 fof7t SNBfcUWKAEKSW.M ec 7 T p. 33 N. R. 54 W. He n tnidg the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said lund.vix: John serres, mid Stephen Serres, of Bodarc Net). Paul Ferrcs, and Joseph Jacobs, of Montrose, Neb. F. M. dohhisoton, Keglster. (1011) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Office, at Alliance, Nebraska. October 2nd, 1899 Notice is hereby given, that the following named settiler nas Bled notiee ofjliis Inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made be fore Clerk of District Court at Harrison, Ne braska, on November 11th, 1X89. SARAH M. MONTUOMKRY Formerl y 8ABAU M. PARSONS.of Itodarc, Nebraska, who made II. K. no. 3732 for the 8.W & 21 Tp. 33 N. R. 03 W. He names the 6ollowingwitnessesto prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Henry Zimmerman, Dan Jordan, Chas, F. CofTee, and William Miller, ail of Bodarc, Nebraska. Also that JOHN COCHIN, of Harrison, Neb. bus (lied notice of intention to make final proof, at same time and place, on Timber ijtil tu re application No. 1007 for the SW H of Sec. No. 30, in Twp. No.31 N. R. 55 W. He names us witnesses: L. C. Lewis, David Burtlett, William C. O'Connor, Chas. Camenzlnd, all ol Harrison. Neb. F. M. Dokuinoion, Register. i n I i uiu M 1 1 i it in IN Iff VERVTHINQ MUtIO A EEAUIIR1 ATTACSSSfT ELTAITO ST1KD EUTCtKBfTS ' baa been added to tha wall known Hoapa laiSi 125 CASS, S2t EOrTnClT. With Stool and Scarf. 1 BAN VH t AI WAIKUT and IAE96AIVT Writa For Particular. I mr Contest "Notice. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE, ALLIANCE, Neb., August, 20th, 1699 A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed in this office by George W, Leake, con testant, against Frnk R. Smith, entry No. C!WS, made 2nd September, isdfi, lor S W,V N-F.l 8-KK K-WKN-EJtS-WK.AN-WJiSEK Section 19, Township 28, Range 87, by Frank H. Smith, Contestee, in which It Is alleged that: Frank R. Smith did not break any part of said land, nor cause the same to bo broke, nor did he at any time plant any trees or seed, or cause same to lie planted, and tho said contestant la ready to prove at such time and place as may be named by the Register and Receiver for a hearing in said case; and ho therefore asks to bo allowed to prove said allegation, he the said contestant paying the expenso of the BHid hearing. Said parties aro herrby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock ft. m. on Oct. 24, 18B9, before the Register and Receiver at the United States Land Office In Alliance, Nebraska. F. M. DO It RINGON, Register. 8TOCK BRANDS. Thb Journal will publish your brand, like the following, for 2 .00, per year. Kach ad ditional brand 75 cents. Every Tarmer or ranchmen in Sioux and adjoining cbantieS should advertise their bramU taL at fcAL as it circulates all over the state It may be tho means of saving moiey for yo" CHARLES BIEHLE. On left side or hip of cattle, f On left shoulder of liorKcs. ! "Range on the head ol Warbonniit Icrenk Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb. CHARLES UMPHENOUB The brand reprsented in tbls notice and branded any whsre ea left side of horses and , 3 Also the L t brand any where on left side of cattle bcloaga ta the undersigned. CUAK1.I8 UMPHElfOCB. Harrison, Nebraela. CHARLES NEWMAN. . t The brand represented In this notiee and branded any whereon left side of cattle, asdl over lap eat front the right ear. : Alo the same brand en left tnlfb. of horses, belongs to the undersigned. RuKge near East Springs, south part fo Sioux county. Charles Nhwman, Harrison, Nebraska. FRANK NUTTO. On left side of cattle and on left shoulder ot barsM. I ml Range on Antelope creek P. O., Ghllchriut, Sioux Co., Neb. JOHN A. HANSON Owns the follow inRbrand on eith er: Also HG on cat tle and horses cattle on leftside horses on left shoulder. Ranfre on Sliver Springs and east of state Ine. Postotlice Harrison Neb $100 EE WARD. F0r proof to convict any person of steal ing any of my stock. Cattle branded same as cut. Horses branded same on right shoulder S orC on left thigh. Sheep, paint brand same as cattle and Are brand C on right side of nose. Address, David Colvillx, Glen Nebr., e m LIVERITA THC UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL I CURES Biliousness. Constipation, I Dyspepsia. iSlck-Head- laclie and Liver Complaint. 100 PILLS Sold by all anmat. 9K rTC I or sent by mail. 80LD BY DR. J. E. PHINNEY. AGENTS WANTED-FOR THE LIFE AND Achievements or Admiral Dewey," the world's naval hero. II v Murat llslsteud, the life long friend and sdmlrerof the nation 's idol. Biggest and best book ; over .V pnges f xlOluches; nearly 100 pne Imlf lone lllitxt rutlons. Only ,M. Enormous demand. Big Commissions. Outfit free. Chance oto lifetime. Write nulck. The Dominion Com piiny, 3rd Floor CuxUmi Blkg., i hlesgo. ESTRAT NOTICE. To Whom It Mat Concsrx: That F. J. Witt, the undersigned d!1 on the 6th day of August, IW on his envlowHt mini suasion in wsrbonnot precinct. In Slmn county, Nebraska, take up two bay mure, an estriiycd, sntd wares being more purtleularly doscrllied as fellows: Two hsy mare, branded shoulder. Dated at Hurrl.xn ihl. Hill dy of Septemlmr 1H. rsiuj. WiTr G on left FOR SALE CHEAP: -One rood amall heatinu stove, will burn coal or wood. Apply at thli offle. 'I HARRISON PRKSS-JOURN'Af, t' a" Vm-;v;-f f- " fV