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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1899)
IB!E!! vHBON, TON RESTAURANT, P. B. B1GKLOW, Prop.,, oooo oo oo occc oc ' o 000 XHCWHOO o THE PIONEER PHARMACY. Jcandiex, Nuits. Tobacco, Fruits, Dates, iFigs, Cake, Pies, Bread, stationary fete. ' " fSgTA Good Lunch Counter in Connection and Every Thing Sold at Irving Prices. P08T OFFICE BUILDING, Harrison;, Jfeb. A Fine Line of Drugists Sundries Paints. Oils. Varnishes, BOOkS and STATIONARY, J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor, Ladie s & Gentlemen's S409OHOOO4O0O0 JUST ARRIVED AT LIGHT & HEAVY T f ROHWER'S HARNESS SHORf All kinds of Harness Goods. Also, Flour And all kinds of Grain and Feed for sale. Besides the above I Lave Build ing material, such & Lumber, Lime, Hair, Cement efcc. &c. JgT Call and get PRICES before buying elsewhere. EGGERT ROHWER, Prop. Thitwdat. Oct. 12. 1803. I). Canea, Etlltor and Prop. F. E. . . I K. Special Exeurslou to Hot SprlngH, 8- Dak. F. E. ft M. V. special Excursion to Hot 3pringHS. ft Tickets on sale Oct 3 & Vi at one fare plu 3.00 for Sound trip tiood returning 30 days tcato 4ate .of FOB 8AXf : ?5 hMd of one and to year old heifers. Also 40 head of year JinK steers. Call on, or uddrena, . V. A. Hester, fiarriort. Neb. j NOTICE. Anyone having lost two gray mare. Mt bay mare, and a black .gelding call t this office pay for this advertisement, juM learn of their whereabouts. The ticket Dominated the 30th, vWtll be elected Nor. 7th next, without doubt and "don't you forget it" Virgil Hester returned from the east last Tuesday, with three far of young ittock which he will dispose of here. Grandpa Wright has been quite sick dor the past week or ten days, but be is w better aod ready for work again. Monday's west fcound regular train -was nix boiirsilaLe out of Chadron but m,Aa nn fthnul n n anA tilf 4 -that time. BORN Saturday evening Oct TU. m to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dunn, a daughter weight A , Ainda. Dr. Shafar wporta mother and daughter doing nice ly. A letter from Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bow fur, of Blade, this state informs us that Mrs. B. is fMich pleased with her new twsne, mad send, her regards to ali bar Irieods here. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. UstraoJer. were 4ver from tiev bom near Ardmore. fL D., Monday and Tuesday Mr. O. and ilia eatiniaoie wife spent a pleasant even ing; with ye editor and family while bare. John cam aver on buiioess. Judge W, W. Wood of Rushvills, -was in towa yesterday, presumably oa a V'lectioaeeriog tour, wonder if he haare atounced bis free silver views and endors ed the the gold standard the, president's foreica policy of subjugating a propte fighting for liberty? The KAScff SnayLT Hccsc has just received a full line of the latest styles in FALL and WINTER goods, and will vsll tbem at rock bottom price. Call pad sea them, whether you wish t pur haas or not, oa we shall be pleased to how at any time. L. GEaLACH, Prop. Bonder evening about 9 o'clock rain -ommeocad faeling aad continued most the oUrht. Monday at short iaterrals it rained from 9 minutes to a half hour ll day and during tfta night turned to oow, about two Uahe covering the ground in the moraiag to remind our inbabitaaU to lose ao time ia getHag rnody tor aaothar eyiatar how fast p- CSfsrt Bob war iatforme us this wwefc daaamMeaaa4 letter (rem Ore asaa a wee ago iaforssiag aim at his tir stasis death aod aakiag him to go oat thaw aad act aa administrator of the es tate, but Eggert evtdootJy thinks bis omaBut there la aHO. C aad he will fMkUaUbehs attainted adminietrator, liia brother was aaasarrisd aad had bass) to jmmlid for aosne tune, lataatMv)B. white lav Daaa, Mrs. , W. tbsrtn, ai Dr.. Chafer, war on their sraravwa t Ek DwmyS( to the i wife, whaaaaigMbasa ItotoaaartosMaetammt oalf tm tClmu$l Uw hwraaa toak ptoos k CMUCm. Taragoadrafsied ito far at, bwkamg them mrly aittly. $, bans aad rig want a fear ba ha isMavaad oat aad t )CaoraM g waa barfc la V i eaasi aaa wsawaam, lor f ;:7J teiy wm) aawt. lltaaaM tst Cla farthar wbaa taa rfcf was F. E. a M. V B. JL 1MB leble. Going West. Going EuL So. I. mixed..., jl : 1 Ho. . mlied 1 :00 r K North-Western LINE '. JB. M. V, B. R is the hest ' to and from the BLACK HILLS, UEA.UWOOD AKD HOT SPRINGS. SOUTH DAKOTA. FOR SALE. Ittuvyeattla for sale, yearling steers & heifers, cows and calves, at niy place on the beaJ of Antelope creek, Neb., P. O. address Harrison, Neb. Geo. W. Davb. WANTED: Good girl for general housework. Good wages. Write Mrs. J. T. Williams, Douglas. Wyo. Henry Biewett will leave for Lin coin University the last of this week o the first of next Mr. and Mrs. John Ostraoder of Ardmore were Harrison visitors this week. Mr. Marcos Valdmt moved his family to town on but Saturday so the children .can attend school. For lack of space we are unable to publish the very creditable report of school, district No, 1, Miss De-Witt teacher. Pat Lacy, ha been quite sick this week, being obliged to call in Dr. Phiav ney, but at this writing be S reported on the mend. Carl. A. Larsoo will move his family into the room formerly occupied by the Press, so his children can go to school. He expects to move Saturday. Abraham Lincoln in 1958 referring to the Declaration of lodeodeace aad Its authors said: "My couatrymen, if you hive been inclined to believe that ail men are not created equal, in those individual rights enumerated by our charts' of liberty, let me entreat you to come back return to the founuia whose waters spring close by the blood of the revolutioa. Think nothing of ate; take no thought for the political fate of any man whom soever; but com back to the truths that are ia the Dadoratioa of Independence." Bhocld ApHvY To-Day. How forcibly should this appeal of Lincoln's come to those who are to day waking war upon a people who ware our allies against our common enemy, and who would still be our frieodr, if we would bit assure tbem that they should have the right of self gorerameat. Like the United States government has dooe ia the Phillipine Ialaade, the English government are pouncing onto the Transvaal republic in South Africa, without even declaring war. simply bo- caue the Bears will aot let them rob them of their property right aod indspsadsaos How preaidaai McfCiokry aaold be in duced to use the good offlcne of the United States to bring about peace be tween England aad the Traoavaal repub lic aMd be consist sot ia beyond aur raaton- iag powers, while we as a nation are en gaged ia the same business. Fusion mmm By Hon. J. J. Harrinfjton, and Judse Selah of O'Neill. Hon. J, J. Harrington of O'Neill, Fusion nominee Ut Judge of tbli 15th district, and Jodsa Selah of the iarae city, will 4dreo the people of thb county, on the political iaueiof the fall earapaiyn at the court hotwe at 2.-C0 charp, Thursday Oct 19, 1899. Brery. fccijr tboxldl ixake a a pecial effort to come oat and fcrth dLxticulxhed gentlemen expound demo J. W. SMITH, Manufacturer and dealer lii Harness, Saddles, Bridles Send in your Harness and Shoe re pairing, and a first class job is guaranteed. FINE WORK STRICTLY CASH: Professional Cards. J. E. PHINNEY. M D. rkjUclan tad Sargeoa. All calls given prompt attentlae. Office In Drug Store. -HARXffiON KEBRABKA. GRANT GUTHRIE. Attorney-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all legal matters in Justice, County and District Courts, and before the United Stater Land Office. Fire Insurance written in reliable zompanies. fJfLsgal papers carefully drawn. ' Hauubok, - Ni A vote for ex-Governor Holoomb. means a vote for honest government in this state and for a supreme court which will aot be owned or controlled by cor porations and trusts. It means a vote for home rule and AmericAo ideas; for 4 ul taxation, rich and poor; fort he elevation of labor rather than its degra dation. That you prefer republic to empire, dem ocracy to militarism, peace to wan . '' WIND MILLS. T1a undersigned is ag e-nt for the celebrated David Bhadlky, Wind Motob, Improved Wind Mill, the best made. I am also prepared to fur nish on short notice first class Paaipi, Pipes. Wood Jt Steel fewer Teak or aaytalag In the Ma er anna repairs, AT LOWEST PB1CE& Write me for estimates be fore contracting elsewhere. You will save money by it. Addrkss-JOIIX 8. A8HTON, Ardmore, 8. Dak. AUKXTH WAKTBD FOB "THE Lirt AS AclMttvesMOMof Admiral Itowe." Uieworkl TMtmit naval hero. Br stent Hanlesd the llfe-loof friend and admirer of tlie nll un'tklol. Biccestand beat book; over aot psave, iib iscnea; neaj illaitratkina. (inly l .50 nearly 10 paan balf tone i.ou. iLnormaueaantmnn Bl Commtwrtona. Oatflt free. Chmmm ear lifetime. Wnteaalck- The Uotnlntan LkMo paav, m floor uuiiod Blag-,, ciileaco flERVITA FILLS maim. LOST VIGOR ANO MAN HOOD Cgrea la potency, Might Emissionj and waatlaff diaeaaea, ail cflecta of aelf abuae, or excess and Indis cretion. A nerve toale aad blood builder. Brings the ink glow to pale cheeka and the fire of voath. mail ffOe per box, 0 boxea wwb written nanuv or refand the moner. a a ' . , . " sew tor ciroiuar. Aoaress, NERVITA MEDICAL CO. kewawOTea0aCAOO,IU Sold By Dr. J. t Pklaaay too to core A SPECIALTY NO EXCEPTIONS. M. J. O Caaaell, lo. AtUrory, Will Practice In All Coarts. Special Attention Uivea to Land Of flee Business. CollecUoas and all aaines entreat ed to nte vJ II receive prompt attention. Harrison - Nebraska. DREttS MAKING PAHLOR. The undersigned just located in lower north-west corner'room Or ANIMtKWH HALL, 1M prepared to do all kinds of dress making and sewing in her line. The paisonage of tlie public is solicited, W e guarantee satisfaction aod that our charges will be reasonable. Mrs. Mauuib Rokecrakk. (Continued from editorial page) v 13 SIM 37 5 nw aw ne aw nw n blf ne, se ne, nese ae 1J MM 16 02 blfse liau W7I n hlf ue 23 tl H 28 S7 M m see. 23, s hlf aw 24 OSS S 08 aw nw aec.Si a blf ne nar ae 2Ca 111) nw 17 39 53 I-ot3A7, ehlf aw 3 27 54 w blf uw, w hlf w2S 17 34 w hlf ae, aw u aec. 11 nw He 13 93 54 aw ne, w hlf se ae aw 13 28 54 w hlf ir, w blf aw 15 S3 54 e blf no, e blf ae M 1S 54 Lot I 4, s hlf nw 1 30 53 aw 1 30 S3 ae 1 30 53 n blf iw nw ae sec. 16, ne as St X T 17 ne ne 3 S3 V, V, a blf ae !f7 S3 67 17 Lott4 SM I gy ne naaec. 34, nw nw SBH an aw II ;a 67 611 blf nw. n blf aw 1 93 ST 107 3 Lot 3 a 4. t blf nw 1 33 67 111 04 Lot 1 2, a blf ne 1 33 97 17 24 a 3 33 37 U01 n Blf iv, see. 2, se ne ae ae 3 33 57 107 M lxt 3, a blf nw lie aw 3 33 57 1 0X a blf aw, a hlf ae 8X167 It) It, nw iw accrue aw, n hit ae 4 33 37 35 IS Lot 4, 3 A . se nw 4 33 57 6 34 Lot 7, a aw a hlf ae 4 33 57 oja whlf ne. w blf ee 3 33 57 7 n hlf ne. n blf aw 10 83 37 23 7v neee.e blfse, aec.iO DWIW 11 33 57 7 35 aa nw, e hlf aw 11 33 37 4303 anlfee, aec. 1J, n blf ne 13 33 37 41 S3 hlf aw 13 33 87 4 35 ne nw 14 33 67 11 30 a blf ae, se ne, ne nw IS 33 37 5032 w nlf nw, se aw. Lot 1, 2, 3 4 a blf ne, n blf a blf ne, n blf Lot I aw aw ut t 11 w aw aec. 4 e neae w blf ne w blf Lot 8 A 4, se ne sw Lot 1, 1 A 1, Lot 4 AS, aw ae nw e sw aec, 6, ne aw tw se see. 3, n ne, sw ne n blf nw, se nw ehlfsw.w bit ne ablf nw, aba nw aw 15 33 57 e hlf nw, e blf aw 33 33 67 ablf ne, ebifnw 3 33 u a blf nw, n'blf sw is K 56 hlf aa, ae aw 1 38 53 hlf se, lot 7, se nwC 3 53 s blf ne, n blf as 7 27 S3 110 31 3 37 S 56 3 73 C3 07 319 319 330 193 13 03 1333 1133 317 136 4 53 ehlf ae awnw, nhllaw, se sw 15 30 S3 sw ee IS 80 S3 Lot 1 18 30 S3 LottAS,senw, na aw s bU ne, n blf ae Lot 3 A 4. s blf nw t S3 1 23 M aa sw SbC. Is, nw, aw ne n hlf ne, sw e hlf sw, w sw sw senesec.f, sw nw ne, nese, w t S3 33 Let lat, a hlf no 3 39 53 ae 7 39 53 10 23 31 w blf ne, e hi nw M 23 S3 tJVM Commlaalonare Proceedings. Hsrrlsoa Keb. Oct, 8, UN, aoara 01 onontv nnn in.n. ..... rjaaant eoinralsatoaer aad Hotawer and clerk. mens;, rrocunler, Josepa Aabtoa appeared before the board and made a asowla where be bad been 11 legally ssannd. and that be had paid Said taxes nnder protest, and on notion Mm eaaatv treasurer be aad be Is hereby or oereo ana instructed to refaod toe earn of 2,70. The ejBdavtt of a. i, MartU and Dan Slat terv aliasing that tbev bad beea Illegally "sea a to school tax was taken ap and mottoa the Ooaaty Treasarer be and be here by Is ordered to refaod the asnoabt tUegaliv On aaouea the eoanty fraaenrer be aad be hereby Is ordered and Inati acted to tranf er the of atSM from the bridge funds of law sad prertooa rears to the Uewaral feada efltts. On mottea the Ooanty Treeearer be and ba hereby la laetrneted to par last spec . ial debt fsnd warrants oat of the 1883 Oesjer- BlfBBd. On motion Board adjourned till a. m. Oat 4th IS83. U.M. niawarr.elera. Rarrtsea lab. Oat, 4th. ISS3, bVmiw ate waraaanl to sdoaraaMaL Preseat OoeAMlaatoaer Man. rYucaaler aad Mwer aad Olarfc. The foil ewlng sUIsm sgsiast 8taax aoaaty ware aedtted aad allowed sad oa ntetlea w smuts erasrad draws oa the Beaaral faad af Mat fee aweoat ef esaaa. Ohes. . askUt, ssi 1 1 sea sa imrwr 9 u U.t. 8Mwet,Jsa3fy seaialllagux lit 8SMI atorrlsai, asOo pt. - m'M HO AND THE Children & Youth's CELEBRATED LIBERTY BELL SHOES HAVE NO EQUAL; Call and look our Stock over be fore Purchasing as we can SAVE you money. Marsteller BROS. 1,133 1181513 Lotl,2,etaimw U3I83 lxt3, nw ae, ae ae 14 31 53 i blf aw 13 31 33 aw ne, w hlf ae ne aw 22 31 53 Lot I A 2 21 H 53 aw nw, w blf aw, se aw a 31 51 Lot 1, ae ne, eH e 25 31 58 nw ae, se aw. aw 14 19 A3 14 tt 53 15 23 53 IS 19 53 17 29 53 1143 1150 29 37 1511 5 47 M 42 44 6 7 500 '4 44 317 8J 97 07 337 25 43 39 94 39 94 144 81 859 137 1170 19 70 t0 3 75 W S3 17 13 58 ne, ae nw w4 sw,ae sw, sw 35 81 53 15 81 58 ss 28 31 53 15 31 S3 Ml 31 53 T, 31 63 37 3k tt Lot 2.SW nw aae. Lot 1, aa na aw aw ae aw a blf ue, ae nw, ne aw n blf nw se 2 90 53 1 30 53 t 30 A3 4 30 53 4 30 SJ 4 30 53 ae 17 31 S3 sw aw aeo. 23, n blf ae, ee ae S3 31 53 a blf ne, nw ne, ne nw 29 31 tt w w ant', a hlf t too. ah, uw ne 313153 ae ne 6 30 51 ft 53 ae nw, ae ne Ue, aean aac. aw. a hlf aw n hlf ae. se ae aw ae ne ne ae nw w blf nw, aa sw w blf sw eatfsw 32 31 58 t 80 53 30 53 33 81 53 38 81 58 34 31 S3 85 31 tt 35 41 58 35 31 53 36 31 S3 15 31 58 35 31 53 30 63 133 lot 1, hlf ae J 30 53 ICS 7 30 51 98038 9 30 S3 12 80 58 11 30 .'4 11 30 53 3133 185 13 03 3SS JO 34 40 318 11 10 95 Lot 4 a 5, a blf ae 33 33 S3 a blf nw, w blf sw 35 33 M nw 38 31 53 M 38 31 53 e blf ae aac. 1, w blf sw 8 83 53 VILLAGE OF HARRISON. Lot, 1 s 5 7 13 1 8 15 4 Block 1 1 I 1 1 2 2 t a 13 80 58 403 e blf It 30 tt ne a 30 53 blf se 26 S3 A3 3 81 58 awsw 10 81 68 Lots' 34 58 81 47 1264 84 4 5t J. W. Kmith, Arrvloa se Ballhr 4ieo. D. Cannon' Printing 4 Matloosry Jae. r. Young, wltneas free St . J. O'CoonellHelerv ss Co. Attorney W. O. Pattereon eervtone aa deputy Lewie Gerlscb supplies for paupar Omaha prtnttna l. statlonarv. 7J 43.8 1: a 73.00 a so 11.08 1.13 O. W. Heater repairs on court houai etc 17.41 a Moagers naiping earvay vu. roads Vatharlne Cottmsn saMatlng nonpar John Moarlay at. l. Jordan supplies for ' J. K. Hartwell iiwdlcal attention" 8.09 a s. 4J8 15.1 Robert wllaon IVxltitr Voori oott Thoinaa Hoi I j Aherlv feae - Win Caaablrr witness fees Annie Usaebler " Sadie Caaebter " " k Robwer arrvlcea aa Ooonty Tom., JensU. Meng - A. Frocunler " SO 90 S9 73 3JS SAO 3A0 to un 00 4.46 W 8.M Barnard feller Wltneaa fees Scott Mats " He flawers T. r. UoUleu " IMalel Pabiow " John Howard " 4 4A0 too Oeotgeklllot Jobs rerria The claim of M.J. Hlewett for recording oCaelal hoods was taken ap and oa motloa allowed and warrants ordered draw a for amount of as ma The claim af O. B. Douglas for witness fees wss on motion IsM over Mil Best wasting- The overseers anneal setttemeat of H. a. Ctoagb was priwemot and on motion an. vad sad eertl Beats urdarad leaned a. galaat Bead IMstrlet So. 9. for amoaat of The following stale were p reseated and i asotioa werraata ordered drawn oa the BtMea faad of I888 for sssoantof sam. Marsiatier wros. Brldgo sathe .Ml John L. atrsAtoa, " tambsr ASS Jesa Crawford, - - 1M Jas. T. Mason. - 87 J0 7 70 1 2 1 6a 10 5tt6 13 2 1 64 14 2 1 itt IH 2 154 20 S 1 55 22 2 154 24 2 4 4S 17 2 16 2-4 13 3 974 8 1 83 63 0 t SOS 12 5 10 07 15 6 l 16 6 80 21 21 6 5 31 4 7 in 6 7 64 01 7 7 71 6 9 Nil 26 2 I 55 1 3 16-1 5 3 1 54 7 154 0 3 1 39 11 3 1 54 IJ 3 1 54 ltf 3 1 t0 21. 8 154 2.1 3 1 26 14 3 r,6 25 3 l1 07 7 5 1738 13 4 05 4 4 1 26 6 4 4 48 10 4 97 12 4 06 8 4 10 41 0 4 4 41 3 5 05 5 5 07 7 5 07 0 5 07 10 5 8 04 4 0 2 13 26 6 8 16 5 6 17 8 7 6 18 20 0 6 165 11 6 165 28 6 1 2 25 6 136 27 7 5 86 10 7 1 65 18 7 165 14 7 165 16 7 IM 1 7 16. W 7 1 6.5 W 7 14 50 0 7 ; 166 20 7 1 U 81 7 15 04 13 H 41! 8 i34 7 8 1 36 1 36 11 8 in 18 8 134 3 17 4 4 06 10 0 t7 tt 371 6 0 18 06 3 10 SSf 4 10 16 8) 10 IT 10 10 7 13 10 IT Uadividedrwiriateroat: A. B, C 4 D Out lata 4 33 4 14 Oodatjr Traaeuror. 729 KM 19 30 733 WW 7 02 51 30 880 73 ISO 11 13 74 18 JIM 80 330 30 J 10148 47 80 17 807 5598 M 17 53 19 51 1877 364 7 71 (its ties use 911 Amt. M 7 M 7 2 at 1 74 1 66 $80 443 165 CO cn 1 O a BBWaWJaf Rcf d Tho Journal - laatjuteacawases 4SA8 friiawat Trl baae ftue IMT raeerds St,74 Oa motion botrd adjooraad wlUtoat day. aM.snawBr ,w Clerk.