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About Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1899)
I CAPTAIN COW III JAIL -PUBLIC OPINION FINALLY GETS THE NOTORIOUS CARTER. Army Offloer Long; Tim Ace Con victed of Stealing; Nearly 92,000, OOO I at Last Jailed. New Yor.k Oct. 2. Acting upon the uvice 01 Attorney ueneral Griggs President McKlnley baa formally ap-' proved the sentence of the court-martial which tried Captain Oberlln M. Carter, corps of engineer. United State army, and that officer m ar rested In thla city Saturday morning; anu is now connnea In Castle- William, Governor Island, awaiting; transporta tion to the military penitentiary In Fort Leavenworth, Kas. Captain Carter was convicted of con spiracy, with others, by which the gov ernment was defrauded of 11,700,000, while he was In charge of harbor Im provements In Savannah, O. This ends the military proceedings In what Is regarded as the most remarkable criminal case In which an American officer has been Involved in time of peace. It Is the blasting of Carter's hopes for acquittal and restoration to the high place he held In the confidence) of his fellow officers, the prominent men w ho have vainly tried to prove his Inno cence and the world at large. It is the vindication of Captain Cassiug E. Gil lette, the engineer officer who relieved Carter at Savannah and Cumberland Sound, who discovered the .'rami 3 and notwithstanding the tremendous pres sure exercised upon him . brought the facts to the attention of Brigadier Gen eral Wilson, chief of engineers. Ths verdict et the Court was aa fol lows: , ... "And the court does therefore len ience the accused, Captain Oberlln M. Carter, corps of engines, United States army, to be dismissed from the service of the United Stated, to suffer a fine of 15,000, to be confined at hard labor at such place as the prop;r au thority may direct for five years, and - the crime, punishment, nam and place of abode of the accused to ba published In the newspapers In and abjtit the station and the state from which the accused came, or where he usually re sides." Charges were preferred against Cap tain Carter by General John M. W'l son, chief of engineers, December SI, 197. Thepe charges were made after the Investigation by a board of engi neers of the river and harbor works at Savannah. On., and other points In that district, which had been under the su pervision of Captain Carter. The charges mainly consisted of a declara. tlon that Carter had entered Into a ronsplracy with other persons to dp fraud the United States. It vas al leged In the charges that Carter and certain parties had defrruide.1 the United States of from $1,400. 000 to $2. mono. The trial of the charges by 3 court martial, over which General Otis, now commanding In the Philippines, j re sided, lasted several months. The judge advocate of the court was Colonel Thomas F. Barr, and the court Itself consisted of officers In nearly every branch of the service and of his?h rank. The trial resulted In the verdict nnd sentence which was approved. The cam has attained widespread notoriety on account of the financial and nodal . connections of Captain Carter. No such consideration and such amount of time has ever been given previously In a court-martial. Appended to the orders Is the follow ing: "By direction of the Teeretary it war. Captain Oberlln M. Carter, corps of engineers, United States army, ceases to be an officer of the army from this date, and the United States per,!, tentlary. Fort Leavenworth. Kas., Is designated as the place of his confine ment, where he will be snt by the commanding general, department of the east, under proper guard. "By command of Major General Miles. H. C. COR BIN, "Adjutant General. ' Among others who have supported ' Carter from the beginning of bis trou ble are Senators Piatt and Depew of New York, Hanna of Ohio, Quay of Pennsylvania and Sewell of N?w Jer sey. He was also supported by Former Senator Smith of New Jersey and all the powerful Influences Messrs. Gay nor and Green were able to bring to bear. Wayne MacVeagh was not only his principal attorney, but his warm friend. Mr. MacVeagh left no stone un turned In his efforts to clear his cllpnt. and he will decide upon and carry out whatever policy may be adopted in further efforts to obtain Carter's re lease. Full details of how the Infiii-mce of Captain Carter's friends nas been brought to bear on the president and his advisers will probably nev-;r be known. CORPORATION ANSWERS SMYTH Concern which Preys Upon Schools Seeks to Fly to Federal Court. Omaha. Oct. 3. Another of the great corporations, against wlilch Attorney General Smyth Is proceeding under the anti-trust law of 187, has come Into the district court with Its answer. The American School Furniture company admits that it Is a corporation organized under the laws of New Jersey, but de nies all the other things alleged In re gard to It. Specifically, It denies that it is doing business in Nebraska with out permission and contrary to the laws of the state, or that It has entered Into any sort of a combination with the other parties to the suit, firms engaged In the same business. It denies thHt It has set aside $500,000 as a fund with which to kill opposition and declares that it Is not associated with other firms with the purpose of decreasing the manufacture of school furniture and raising the prices. HIDING BEHIND TECHNICALITIES. The company asserts that the state cannot ask for an Injunction prevent ing It from doing business In the state until it has been convicted of the mis demeanor mentioned In the anti-trust law, namely, doing business contrary to the provisions of that same statute. No complaint has ever been filed, the answer says, nor any Indictment ever returned against It. The answer then attacks the consti tutionality of the law upon the follow ing grounds: That It permits the state to deprive persons of property without due process of law and authorizes unreasonable seizures' of persons and property; that It compels persons accused In criminal cases to give evidence against them selves: that Its operation would Injure defendants and leave them no remedy; that It Is an eg post facto law and Im pairs the obligations of contracts; that Its title) doss not mention all the sub jects the law treats of; that It seeks to control and regulate and even to Intarfsm with Interstate commerce, contrary to the United States constltu- PLEADING FOR GOLD. England' Speculators Have Faith In Our Secretary of the Treasury. London, Oct I. The prospect of stringency In the money market occu pies serious attention In financial cir cles. There has been an Immense drain of gold to South Africa since the crisis. Altogether from London and Australia about 5,000,000 have been drawn, while It la Impossible to ade quately gauge the future requirements in the same direction. This, together with American competition for gold and the need of gold to move the crops in Egypt and South America, makes promise of a greater stringency than has been experienced for years past. HELPS THE BANKERS; The Statist comments on the serious prospect, especially with reference to America, and says: "Some means may perhaps be found whereby the United States government may make excep tional disbursement from the treasury, although it is difficult to forsee how It will be done. Were the stringency of the American money market removed. one of the most Important factors pointing to high rates would disappear. Fortunately, the secretary of the Amer ican treasury Is a banker of experience and ability. He has alrpariv irivn evi dence of his desire to assist the bank ers and may, therefore, if necessity de- iimnus, nna some rurther means of re lieving the market and reducing the pressure upon London." Severe Storm In India. Calcutta. (Special.) The ereat Unrm of Sunday and Monday, which caused destructive landslides and floods, rath. ered at the head of the bay of Calcutta ana men moved north, giving heavy rain In Calcutta, Dlnajpur, Kangpur and Jalpalgurl. Its greatest fury was felt at Darjeeilng. Simultaneous! v an other storm gathered at Rangpur and passea westward from Purnea to Mon ghyr. The usual weekly reports have not been received by the government and there is reason to fear that the district named is flooded and communication Interrupted. It is estimated that be tween Darjeeilng and Kurseong alone 300 persons have lost their HveB. The line between Darjeeilng and Sonada will be blocked probably for two months. A number of bodies have been recovered on the Happy Hollow estate The soldiers of the Munster regiment and natlveB are searching for bodies and clearing the roads. It Is reported that the Teesta suspen sion bridge has been broken away by tne noofis and that Kallmpong is there fore cut off from communication. The storm appears to have extended all over the northern portion of Bengal. At Sillgurl a nqmber of wooden huts ana the plague camp were destroyed. The subsidence of the hillside at Dar- Jeellng continues and Is causing alarm. as It threatens to destroy the whole Llazar. How It Benefits Labor. Washington, IX C (Special.) The In. dustrlul commission listened to a state ment concerning the operations of the Tobacco Workers' International union from Mr. EX C, Kvans of Louisville, Ky founder of the order, and Its sec retary and treasurer. He said that about 80 per cent of the tobacco man ufactured In the United States was pro duced by two combines known as the American and Continental Tobacco eompanles.and he expressed the opinion that such combinations were not benefi cial to labor. He cited one instance In which three manufactories had been absorbed by the American company, resulting In throwing 600 and 600 em ployes out of work, in another ease the wages had been reduced from $2.50 to $1.25 per day after consolidation. Mr. Evans said that women stood on the same footing as men In the union, vot ing and holding office and drawing the same wages. He considered the Indif ference of the negro to regular hours or to a systematic scale of wages as the greatest obstacle in the way of or ganization In the southern states. The commission will not meet again to tak testimony until October 5. Complaln of the Americans. London. (Special.) The Times prlnta a dispatch from Cork, which says ther Is much Indignation among the fisher men and exporters on the south and west coasts of Ireland at the appear ance of American fishing boats, "which compete unfairly with the local men." The dispatch adds: "A few years ago cured mackerel were exported to the United States, af fording remunerative employment at a period when employment was most scarce. The McKlnley tariff killed the trade, and the appearance this season of American flshboats, which are enp turing autumn mackerel In large num bers, has, therefore, caused great Irri tation among the local fishermen, who complain that the new arrivals are tak ing their old trade. The Americans, moreover, use small mesh nets, which scoop up Immature fish. These nets, and sling nets even, are prohibited In American waters. It is feared mor boats will come next year." Standard Oil Answers. Columbus, O.. Oct. 3. The Standard Oil company filed Its brief In the con tempt case now pending In the supremo court. It claims that In pursuance of the order of the court entered March 2, 1RD2, It had a meeting of Its stock holders and that a large number of In dividuals surrendered their trust cer tificates In exchange for stock In the defendant compuny, those who have not done so being excluded from the man agement of the corporation and no div idends have been paid them. The de fendant stockholders are not partl-'S to any trust agreeement, nor have they become such since the decree of the court. The rlKht of the stockholders as In dividuals to hold stock In other compa nies Is Insisted upon and the Standard company demands to be treated In the hearing of the contempt case as If there were no other companies engaged in the oil business. Hanna WHI Not Quit. Columbus, O. (Special.) Senator Hanna denies with characteristic em phasis the report that he will resign the chairmanship of the national re publican committee. He said: "I cannot Imagine what has given rise to such a report, unless It Is my physical condition, reports of which have been exagKcratcd. "It Is necessary to the perpetuation of the present glorious reign of the re publican party that President McKln ley be Indorsed In Ohio this fall and returned to the white house next year. I expect to participate actively In the former endorsement, and I do not an ticipate that I shall be asked to stand aside In the latter. I know of no dis position on the part of the republicans to ssk me to do so. We are closer to gether today than ever." 'CAPTURE THE VILLAGE MAC ARTHUR AND WHEELER MAKE AN ADVANCE. After a Short Enoounter In Which Five Americana are Killed the Filipinos Retreat. Manila. (Special.) General MacAr thur entered Porac after half an hour's fighting. The American loss waa slight and the insurgent loss is not known. The army fled northwardly. When the Americans entered the town they found it practically deserted. The attacking party moved on Porac in two columns. The Ninth infantry, with two guns from Santa Rita, was commanded by General Wheeler, and the Thirty-sixth infantry, under Colonel Bell, with one gun, accompanied Gen era MacArthur from San Antonio. Both columns struck the town at o'clock and opened a brisk fire, which was re plied to by the enemy for half an hour. Then the insurgents fled and the Amer icans marched over their trenches and took possession of the place. Just be fore the fight Smith's command, at An geles, made a demonstration by firing artillery up the railroad track. Llscum reported one casualty and Bell reported four men of his regiment wounded. The artillery did not have any men injured. The movement was a strategical suc cess and resulted in the possession of Porac and the clearing of several miles of country thereabout. The columns, one from Santa Rita and the other from San Antonio, united before Porac, ac cording to program, stretching around the place for some miles. The Insurgents are estimated to have numbered 600 men. Ten dead Filipinos were found and the captain and com missary of Mascarno's command were taken prisoners. The American loss is five killed, but there were many pros trations from the heat. The Englishmen from the Insurgent lines report that the Filipinos at Bam bam have 7,000 new Japanese rifles. The insurgents recently entrenched and garrisoned the town of Paeto, on Laguna de Bay, in the province of La gun a. Subsequently Captain Larsen, commanding the gunboat Napldan, landed for a conference with the citi zens. As he was proceeding up the main street of the town with a squad he was received with a volley from a hidden trench. The party retreated to their boat under cover of the buildings and regained their vessel. The Napidun then bombarded the trench for an hour, completely destroying it. AMERICAN PRISONERS FREE. Are Released By Filipinos Say They Were Royally Treated. Manila, Oct. 3. The Filipino peace commission, which arrived at tha American lines Saturday morning, brought a request from Aguinaldo that he be permlted to send a representative of his government to negotiate peace. General Otis refused the request. There will be another conference. Manila, Sept. 30.-5:15 p. m. This has been an eventful day with the northern outposts of the American army at An geles. Early this morning the Filipino peace commission arrived. The Amer lean prisoners followed, then a commls slon of three Spaniards to negotiate for the release of the Spanish prisoners, departed up the railroad with a retinue of servants and buffalo carts carrying their baggage. The American prisoners are Corpora Otto Scheu and Privates Albert Ku beck. Otto Wagner and Peter Rilllnga all of the Third Infantry, captured near Flalinag, July 28: Joseph Macidralh James Boyle, William Miller, John Crlnshaw, Thomas Daly and Ell Drew of the Sixteenth Infantry, captured at Caloocan. August ; Paul Splllano and LoulH Ford of the Fourth Infantry Charles Wllander, a discharged Third, captured by bandits? while boating near Malabon, and George Graham, colored, an orderly of the Sixteenth Infantry, who was put off a train near Malolos and imme diately captured by the Insurgents A party of correspondents and pho tographers waited in the trenches of the American outpost beyond the wrecked bridge across the river sep arating the two armies and at 9 o'clock 1 group came down the track waving handkerchiefs on a bamboo and halted before the bridge. A bugle then sounded the "attention" and Major Shils of General Whoaton's staff and five sol diers, with a raised handkerchief picked their way across the bridge. The Filipinos Introduced themselves-- General Alejandrlno, a slender, brlght- ooklng young man of 32, a veteran of the rebellion against Spain; Lieutenant Colonel Ortno and Major Ortes, the lat ter of German blood and speaking En glish fluently. There soon appeared a second party t fourteen Americans, marching be tween files of Insurgent soldiers. They looked the picture of health and were dressed in new Filipino uniforms of blue ginghams and were carrying mon keys and other presents from their Fil ipino friends. Then General Wheeler, being anxious to see the Filipinos ford the river, with correspondent mounted behind and one of the staff officers carrying double, shook hands with the Filipinos and there was a general exchange of greet ings while the photographers plied their trade. The file of foot Filipino sol diers surveyed the line of stalwart Americans, whose physique contrasted strongly with the little brown men, who looked too little for their guns. General Wheeler, who had no official connection with the Incident, returned to General MacArthur and General Wheaton appeared at the other end of the bridge. The commlslsoners and prisoners forded the river, dismounted tnd saluted. General MaeArthur's first Inquiry wss for Lieutenant Gllmore's party and General Alejandrlno replied vaguely that they were "In the north." General MacArthur asked If they would be re leased and Genera) Alejandrlno said: "I must consult with my government before answering." The prisoners unanimously praised their treatment. One man said: "We have been given the best the country affored, fine houses or quarters, ser vants, good food, plenty of wine and a mop-v nlWiwnnce Arulnaldn visited us and shook hands. Three of the boys refused 10 Shane hands with him." Judging from the stories of the pris oners, they have been lionized by 'he people. They report that live sailors, survivors of Naval Cadet Wood's party, arrived at Tarlac Wednesday. Though small Importance Is attached to their Judgment they agree In saying that the Filipinos all say they are "tired of the war, but will fight for Independence to the last." The released soldiers also say the tdta of Independence has taken a firm hold of the Filipinos and they threaten, If conquered, to exterminate the Amer icans by assassination. Aguinaldo seemed popular among all the people the prisoners met. The country, they say. It full of rich orops. TRUST EVIL IN THE WEST. Senator Harris of Kansas Gives an Instance of It. Washington, D. C (Special.) Sena tor Harris of Kansas is in the city and will remain a few days before returning home to take an active part in the fall campaign. The senator is In excellent health and was welcomed heartily by his friends about the capitol. He said to a St. Louis Republic correspondent: "There is great dlssatlsfectlon In the west with the prolonged campaign and meager results achieved by Otis in the Philippines. The people are not a tall lacking in patriotism, but they are greatly disapopinted with the tedious and inefficient, as they believe, conduct of the war, and not at all satisfied with the burden of taxes laid on them be cause of it, the duration of which can not be foreseen. "In Kansas the trusts have been at work, as elsewhere, and the people of the state are becoming a unit in their protest against this menace to legitl mate enterprises. A good example of the manner in which Kansas is suffer ing from these monopolies can be seen at Lawrence. At this place was a fac tory which made all kinds of barbed wire, employing 250 men. It was merged Into the trust, controlled by men in an other state, and closed up and its 250 employes thrown out of work. Shortly afterwards Its products were advanced to the consumers in Kansas and else where, 60 per cent. "That was not all the Injury done the state in this Instance. The assessors attempted to tax the Lawrence plant on something like a fair valuation. The trust sent on its representative to protest and finally dismantled the whole plant, removing the machinery and practically wiping the Industry out of existence at Lawrence, either for production or taxation. Practically the same course has been pursued in other lines, such as oil mills and paper f ac tor! e a "The people are aroused on the sub ject and they believe In spite of the re publican orators that the present high tariff was the main cause of this dan gerous element in buslress. In fact, many of the men who profited by sell ing to the trusts are howling against the latter In hope to gain popular sup port. Not only are we suffering from extortions of the trusts, but we want the revenue lost through the high tariff. A 10 per centum duty, instead of 59 im posed by the Dingley law, would not only kill the trusts, but give us an abundant revenue. "The people of the west are very tired also of the exactions of the internal revenue law, which are likely to be In creased rather than diminished by the course of the administration in the Philippines. The business men who are harassed by all kinds of stamp tax es are specially' indignant when they see the express and telegraph com panies transferring to their customers the internal revenue tax on packages, in addition to the regular charges. Not half a dozen men In the senate under stood when the law was passed that the telegraph and express companies should escape taxation. But this In justice may In the end secure a re form, In the way of extending the par cels post system. This would be of great benefit to the people and the conduct of the express companies will impress upon their customers more firmly the need of this reform." GENERAL NEWS. Berlin. The United States embassy and consulate are decorated with flags In honor of Admiral Dewey. Blakely, Ga. Jim Hall, colored, was executed here by hanging. Hall com mitted rape on a white woman in July, Knoxvllle, Tenn. It Is announced here that all the local companies will make an advance of 50 cents a ton on October 1. London. Mrs. Langtry announces her Intention to write her reminiscences The idea was suggested by a friend and warmly taken up by Mrs. Langtry, who will deal with matters relative to the distinguished people she has met and also her association with the turf and her theatrical experiences. The book, It is expected, will be ready by Christ mas. Sioux Falls, S. D. The campaign for the betterment of the moral tone of the town begun by the Sioux Falls Minis ters' association has borne good fruit, and Mayor Lien has taken the Initia tory steps toward ridding Sioux Falls of vice by ordering gambling stopped and notifying all saloons to comply with the state liquor law. Questionable characters will also be compelled to remove from business blocks. St. Louis, Mo. At the session of the United States Railway Mall Service Mutual Benefit association a number of changes In the constitution and by laws were adopted. The salary of the secretary and treasurer was reduced from $1,500 to $1,200 a year. The rec ommendatlon of the legislation com mlttee that a sinking fund be created out of two annual assessments to be made In February and August and held for the relief of the benefit fund caused a vigorous aeoate. Chattanooga, Tenn. Miss Julia Mor rison, the actress, wait indicted by the grand Jury in the circuit court for the murder of Frank Leiden, or Lelden helmcr, of the "Mr. Plaster of Paris" company, at the opera nouse in tnis city Friday evening, September 22. The name of George J. Antz of New Or leans, brother-in-law of Leiden, appears on the court papers as prosecutor. The case Is set for hearing Tuesday, Octo ber 3. Denver, Colo. In the rock drilling contest, which has been one of the most Interesting features of the festival of the mountains and plains, a new rec ord for double handed drilling was made by Roy McGllvey and Joe car borenu of Ictor, Colo., who won first prize. They drilled a hole tnirty-nve and three-fifths Inches deep In solid granite In fifteen minutes. Lima, Peru. The Inhabitants of Can- derave and Poclata, about 150 miles southeast of Arequlpa, Peru, have ben kept In almost constant alarm since August 15 by seismic disturbances In that district. In a territory about a league In circumference the crust of the earth Is sinking. At many points there are wide cracks, and It Is feared that the hill, on the side of which Can derave Is situated, will collapse. Columbus, O. It is announced that the Manhattan Oil company has been purchased by the Standard Oil com pany. The Manhattan company was the largest competitor In the Lima field, had an immense refinery at Walk er, this county, and controlled extensive pipe and tank lines. The stock of the Manhattan company was quietly pick ed up by the Standard company, and It was definitely announced that a ma jority had been secured. The amount Involved was not stated. LANDS Oil U. S. SOIL NEW YORK'S GIGANTIC RECEP TION TO DEWEY. The Conquering Hero Finally Lands on American Soil and Finds the People Wild to Do Him Honor. New York, Oct 2. The land parade Saturday capped the climax. The city, state and nation united In one vast demonstration worthy of the hero of Manila, The earth trembled beneath the tread of 50,000 and the air was torn with the snouts of millions. The naval parade of Friday was a magnificent and superb spectacle, but the wonder of modern times was the great land pa rade. Thousands of proud men of our land and sea forces, militia of the states and veterans of the civil and Spanish American swelled the procession and gave It dignity in size that it boasted in sentiment. Walls of people miles, long stretched down the line of march on either side, a dense impregnable mass. Seventeen aerial bombs from the top of the Waidorf-Astoria heralded the ap proach to the reviewing stand In Mad ison square. Several companies of po lice, mounted on glossy, well-trained Worses, brought up the procession. When the head of the column appeared the Jackies of the Olympta, marohlng rank on rank, with an easy rolling step, and Souaa's bluecoated band playing as only it can play, It was a poor Amer ican whose heart did not beat higher. The people did not have to give a second glance at the man whose fea tures have been blazoned everywhere for weeks. He was recognized on the Instant and the oheers and hurrahs that had greeted the Olympia's men seemed tame cornipared with the shout they raised. It seemed fairly to lift the sky. There Is no conceivable kind of noise they did not make. Everybody waved and cheered and nearly every body Jumped up and down as enthu slaslc as boys and Just about as noisy. ine tnree admirals. Howlson, Samp son and Philip, as they rode by with their brilliantly accoutred staffs, were easily recognized and) got flattering ap- j plause, as did many of the popular offi cers of the North Atlantic squadron. The governors of the several ptates, who rode in carriages, though many of them were popular and would have re ceived big demonstrations at any other time, passed almost unnoticed. Both Major General Miles and Major General Merritt got big ovations. SCHLEY BURIED IN FLOWERS But It was Rear Admiral Schley who divided the honors with the central figure of the day. He received a dem. onstratlon second only to that cf Dewey. People along the line of march fairly rose at him. shouting their al ready lacerated throats to the breaking point. Hurrah for the hero of San tlago," "There Is the man that smashed Cervera's fleet," "Hip, hip, hurrah for Schley," and kindred cries came from all parts of the line. In Unaer Fifth avenue some en thuslastlc lady threw him a handful of roses. They landed fairly In the car riage. The admiral leaned forward, picked them up and lifted them to his lips. Instantly all the ladies in the bal cony seemed possessed with the deflre to have their flowers similarly honored and he was fairly bombarded. Many of the flowers fell Into the street only to be caught up by the eager spectators and carried to the carriage. Before ne got to Madison square Admiral Schley was up to his arms In flowers. NEBRASKA DATES FOR BRYAN He will Speak Again In This State In October. Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 3. The state com mittee has arranged for speeches by Mr. Bryan at the following places after his return from Ohio: Stromaburg, Oc tober 24, forenoon; Osceola, noon, Oc tober 24, Schuyler, October 24, evening; Syracuse, October 25, afternoon; Weep ing Water, October 25, evening; Falls City at 12:30 p. m., October 26; Pawnee City, afternoon October 26; Humboldt, October 26, evening; Cortland, fore noon, October 27; Beatrice, October 27, afternoon; Wymore, October 27, even ing; Superior, October 28, forenoon. After the latter a number of appoint ments are being arranged. Mr. Bryan, after finishing his first tour In Nebraska at Wllber, left Sat urday night at 10:25 for Texas. The latter part of this week he will open his campaign in Iowa, going thence to Kentucky and Ohio. Garcia Reported Weary, Washington, D. C, Oct. 3. The war department has received the following: 'Manila, Sept. 30. Adjutant General, Washington: Communication dated 12th Instant from General Garcia, command ing all Insurgent troops in Eastern Min danao, expresses desire to turn country over to United States authorities and surrender insurgent arms. OTIS." War department officials are today very much encouraged regarding the situation In the Philippines as conveyed by the official and press dispatches. The dispatches relative to the Intended surrender of the eastern portion of Min danao Indicates, it Is said, the disposi tion of the southern islands to accept American sovereignty. These people heretofore made offers of surrender, but have coupled It with a provision that the United States should relinquish ts right If Aguinaldo should be sue cessful In Luzon. Furniture Firms Combine. Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 3. A Journal special from Oskosh, Wis., says: Rep resentatives of eight of the largest fur nlture concerns In the state met here for the purpose of forming an organi zation to advance prices. The move- ment Is made owing to the advance ment In raw material, which has gone up from 10 to 35 per cent. The firms represented are: Overbeck Furniture company, Ceniralla; Kemmltz Furniture ompany, Green Hay; Winnebago V ur- nlture company, Fon du Lac; Pioneer Furniture company, Eau Claire; H. G. Andrae Furniture company, New Lon- lon; Lpham Manufacturing company, Springfield; Uanderob & Chase, Osh- kosh; and the Oshkosh Furniture com pany, Oshkosh. Representatives of the national association are forming iho organization. LaSalle, III., Oct. 8. James Newton and Mary Roberts of Spring Valle) drove to La Salle and asked Rev. A Lincoln Shute of the Methodist church to marry them. The discovery was made lhat the license carried by the groom was Issued in Bureau county and tvii not good outside its limits. The preach, r and the couple were driven to a point four miles west of La Salle, where the ceremony was performed at the roadside NAILS A FALSEHOOD. Colonel Vtfqualn's Reply toth Ne braeka State Journal. Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 23. Hon. Charles H. Gere, Lincoln State Journal, Dear Sir: In re. of an editorial In your Issue of the 23rd Inst., under the caption of "How He Raised It," you are doing a great Injustice to Colonel Bryan, and I beg you to publish the following: I waa authorized to recruit company A of the Third regiment, Nebraska vol unteers, by Governor Holcomb. I com menced on May It, 1898, at the Lincoln hotel in this city, and that very day I enlisted men enough for the company. Mr. W. J. Bryan was the first recruit I enlisted. A few days afterward I got the men together for the election of ofllcers. Mr. Bryan was elected cap tain. But he declined. Then Charles F. Schwarz was elected captain; George S. Ralston, first lieutenant; and Edwin R. Morrison second lieutenant. Sub sequently, Mr. Bryan was appointed colonel of the regiment, and proceeded to Fort Omaha, for its organization. If he has not raised and organized the regiment, then no regiment was ever raised or organized In the United States by anybody. Captain Dudley was mentioned as colonel for an artillery regiment, but was never mentioned as colonel of the Third regiment, Nebraska United States volunteers. Mr. Bryan and myself had a talk about this colonelcy. The fact is that he and his friend Bride were on the point of enlisting in the First Ne braska. I told him that a man In his position could not very well afford to become a private, and gave him rea sons therefor. He told me, "But I know nothing about military matters." I then told him that I would help him; that if he who had received . 500,00 votes for commander-in-chief of the army and navy of the United States could afford to become a colonel, I could afford to come down a peg or two and become lieutenant colonel. Colonel Bryan resigned after the peace protocol was signed in Paris, and ' I am in a position to know why he re signed then. We all knew at the time, that there would be no more fighting in Cuba; If there had been the very slightest chance for a fight he never would have resigned. Colonel Bryan resigned because he wanted the treaty of peace ratified: that treaty was in danger, he saved It; ' and this has been acknowledged by the leading papers of the country. He also " went to work while in Washington te ' get those men who had enlisted for two years sent home, as the war with Spain was over. He again succeeded, and a ' bill for a new army of occupation be came a law; and thus instead of re maining In the service for two years, the volunteers who had enlisted te ' . fight the Spanish, but not to do gar rison duty, were mustered out one year sooner than they otherwise would hae been. I may mention the fact that before he resigned, as well as after he had re signed, his regiment was the equal sf any in the service. These are facts au thenticated by the records and the fl eers of the Third Nebraska can bear witness to the same; I do! Yours re spectfully, VICTOR VIFQUAIN. OHIO ORATORS FOR NEBRASKA Scheme to Swap Republican Talk ers of Nebraska with Ohio. Cleveland, O., Oct. 3. A conference was held today between E. Rosewater, editor of the Omaha Bee, and Senator Hanna. Before the conference took place Mr. Rosewater said it would be held for the purpose of reaching an un derstanding regarding the campaign in Ohio and Nebraska. He said that in view of the fact that a prophet Is sel dom honored in his own country it had been deemed advisable to import Ohio speakers to Nebraska and export Ne braska speakers to Ohio. He said further that he personally expected to make speeches in his state during the campaign and that perhaps Senator Hanna might be Induced to go to Ne braska on a similar mission, When pressed for reasons for this novel ar rangement Mr. Rosewater said: 3 'The wave of prosperity that has struck the west as well as other parts of the country has knocked the wind out of William Jennings Bryan's sails. His arguments, in a figurative sense. have been knocked galleywest. He evi dently realizes this and in consequence is at present very active. He is seek ing to counteract the effect ths good times have had on the country. A prophet Is never honored in his own country, therefore it was deemed expedient to swap speakers. A few Ohloans of prominence could very ef fectually dispense logic to some of our Nebraska people. Good common sense arguments would go a long way toward dispelling the fallacies enunciated by Bryan. Another reason for this move would be that Ohio has very little trou ble In holding her own. Conditions have only to be normal for republicans to secure success. In Nebraska It Is different. Republicans have to work hard to secure victory; In fact, It is necessary for them to make large gains. As a rule little attention is paid to a home speaker. When one comes from abroad, however, great heed is usually paid to his words. DELEGATES FROM NEBRASKA. The National Farmers Congress to Be Held In Boston. Omaha, Oct. 3. Nebraska's delegation lo the national congress of farmers, to be held In Boston October 3 to 10, gath ered In the city Saturday afternoon and left at 4:60 over the Northwestern for the east. Nebraska has always taken a prominent part In these annual meet ings and although the distance to be traveled Is great, almost a full dele gation will attend. The meetings will be held In Faneull hall and the dele gates will be welcomed on behalf of the city by Mayor Qulncy and on behalf of the state by Governor Rodger Wolcott. Among the responses will be one by W. B. Whltmore of Vallley, Douglas county, chairman of the Nebraska del egation. Mr. Whltmore has been a del. egate to two previous congresses and was chosen by Governor Poynter to head Nebraska's representation this year. Another member of the delega tion from this state, W, S. Delane of Lee Park, Custer county, will read a naper the second day of the meeting on "Problems Confronting Farm Life." The Nebraska party, made up of dele nates and their wives, was composed of the following: Mr and .Mrs. W. O. Whltmore, Val 'ey; Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Fllley, Fllley. Gage county: Mr. and Mrs. M. M. A. Penter, Bancroft; Mr. and Mrs. A. T, Heath, Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Delnne, Lee Park; Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Isham, Irvington; Isaac Noyes, Water- loo; J, E, Ankeny, Laurel; R. N, Day, Tekamah; P. M. Morse, Bralnard. Mr, Heath, editor of the Nebraska Farmer, is a member of the national executive committee.