-BON TON RESTAURANT. P. B. BIG BLOW, Prop., THE PIONEER PHARMACY. Drugs, Drugists Sundries, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Candies, Nuts, Tobacco, Fruits, Dates, jKigs, Cakes, lJies, oread, Stationary A Fine Line of Ladie's '& Gentlemen's LIGHT & HEAVY $etc. BOOUs and STATIONARY. g tTA Good Lunch Counter in Connection and Every Thing Sold at Living Prices. POST OFFICE B CI LDIXG, Harrison, Neb. J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor, o JUST ARRiVi AT , . Irohwer's harness shop.5 All kinds of Harness Goods?. Also, Flour and all kinds of -Grain and Feed for sale. Besides the above I have Build ing material, such as Lumber, Lime, Hair, Cement ifcc. &c. tW Call and get PRICES before buying elsewhere. EGGERT ROHWER, Prop. .HARRISON PRESS-JOURNAL Thcbsdxt. Sept. 2e, 1839. Geo. D. Canon, Editor ami Trop. ADVERTISING RATES. oex Bnatness Locals, each insertion 5c. Display, ittundtiig Ada: prices for same ,made known on application. Stock Brand aud the I'rissJoebkaI., one .year $3.00. Foreign advertising moat be paid in 3 .vance. for iartber information Address, I'acss-Jou; it, Harrison, Note. r. e. jr. t. s. b. Special Escuraiou to Hot .Spring 8. Dak. F, E. tM. V. special Excursion to Hot ;6prirjgs S. D. Tickets on sale Oct 3 & 17 at on fare plun 2.00 for Round trip .Good returning 80 days from dale of Special Excursion to Lincoln Neb. account of Street Fair. Ticket oo sale Sep 19 to 22nd ioclumv- ly at 110,75 for Sound trip and oo Sept 20 & 21st at ft.00 for round trip. Good neturnin? until BaDt 25. Speeiel nieimlon to Omaha on account of the Ak-Har-Iten Festivities Tickets oo sal Sept 36 & 27 t 16.00 for round trip Good S days from date of sale and on Sept., 28th at $21,60 for round trip good returning 0 day from date of sale. F. Avery, Agt Mr. Gerlach left for Omaha, last ..evening on business and pkeure combin ed. Mr. and Mrs. GrantsGuthrie, are en terUiniBjf Mrs. G's. mother, who arrived here on last Saturday, from the soittb. Commissioner Men);, left for Omaha en last Tuesday eveojng, to take in tbe raod sights during ak-sar-ben week. There will be mam at tbe court iiouse, in Harrison, on Saturday Oat, 14 at 10 o'clock. All members are requee 1d to attend, Ctias. Sliilt. of Warbonnet. who bas been taking io the si;hta at Omaha, dur ing a week or ten days, returned tbe first of the week. James Wright, is now busily engag ed puttiog himself op a shop, on tbe lot u?xt to where Miss Merriams bouse stood which was destroyed by fire last winter. F. J. Witt, Patrick Lacy. John L. Strettoa, were elected at tbe Democrat ic caucus in WarVjanet precinct to at tend the Democratic convention to be i-M in Harriann Kant. 90th. -W. J Mrs. W. J. and A. J. Pogart will sail at public Auction Oct. 7 1890, commencing at 10 o'clock, a. m., 109 havl of cattle, 40 tons of hay and tl Joals notbreshed wheat Since our last iasoe tbe following aeroed Dersoa bve added tbsir names to our list of readers: Miss Dora B. Christ ian, William Miller, Mrs. Btgelow, the mother of our Bigelow boys, W. J. Lacy John Plookett, and L, J. Eeert. Mr. M. Baml'm, aad bar dauebter . Mrs. C C. Hawk of Exisa, la., who have been visiting at the borne of Burt Ham lin, sasiPlsHHt Bidf (tbe former .". Burt's saetkw aad too latter Ms sister) durior tbe peat time iseefca, toefc tbe train aere oa last Koarssf svsaise;, for flrssafsle, B. where they C1 visit with pr. aei Ere. B. F. Tniasmij stbe tetter ie dauffbtsr ef fife, EaasUat eiWwfctab Ibey wiUfetswetetaeirlewaaeeM. -Oerlaeetsiri away? Ke,be bfetl Ks hae asealaesp te locate BesesseeeUy aim. meet saMsatfallr iafoesa Mm emat. pmnmi Ike peenri jmWc teat bs bas fxti ,tie rilrbstsie bslf "sj aed OcscJ&Jwb ieaebert thsw, trstjxriea la' mewl fro tbe t trzrJk t" V will thee es tmij ' ( farter trad, al will .::.c-.-rrt T. E. i. M. V E. K. lime table. Going Went. Golnir East. So. 6, mixed, II 20 1 No. t, mixed t :00 North-Western H LINE F. II. V. K. R. is the best to and f rom the BLACK HILLS, JEAUOOI A5D HOT SPRINGS. SOUTH DAKOTA. FOR SALE. I have cattle for sale, yearling steers & heifers, cows and calves, at my place on the heai of Antelope creek, Neb., P. O. address Harrison, Neb. Geo. W, Davis. For sale one ood Potato Plow and nearly new P. B. Bigelow. The Board of County Commissioners will meet in regular session next Tues day. : Got tleib Knori, left Omaha on last Tuesday Evening he has not decided just where he will locale yet. j Frank Miller and son from Montrose were In town yesterday doing business stopinover till this morning. STJLL BORN: To Mr. and Mre. James F. Bo j ret t, on Sunday Sept. 2-ltb a son, j weight 3 pounds. -i-Burt Smusk and Gene 'Wohlheter, j accompanied L. Geriiicb to the Greater j American Fx position at Omaha, last! night. L J. Blewett and family drove to Crawford, on last Sunday, and remained over Monday to bear the speaking, retur ning Tuesday. BOEN: To Mr. and Mrs. Ludwijr, six miles north -east of town, on Sept 24th a son, weight 14 pounds. The little one together with its parents are doing very well. The three children of Mr. and Mrs, Plunkett who have been so very sick of mountain fever are now on a fair way to ultimate recovery, tbe mother is still very weak but she too is slowly regain ing her strength. W. J. Lacy, of Danbury, la., who has been here during the past week with a view ta locating left for his home on last Tuesday evening but will return next spring to make his home in Sioux county. W. H. Davis who has been doing tbe exposition, as well as attending the re publican state convention at Omaha dur ing tbe past two weeks returned to the family hearth, on last Saturday, and is now employed as assistant cashier in the bank. Will snakes an Ideal cashier, and we an glad ts a him bar the pos ition. "' , For some time, Lew Gerlach bas been negotiating for tbe Reichtein store property now occaoied by the post office end P. B. Buielows candy snap since last spring. Monday Mr. Ricbstein came up from Crawford and closed op the deal whereby Mr. Gerlach becomes the ow ner of one of the best business corners in Harrison. Lew informs us that if be wished be could take immediate posssss ion. Tbe coBsieermttoe we learn is 1000,00. G. W. Hester, yesterday morning tent to the bank to make a deposit of seiy aed checks, having pet bis pass keek in bis poket just before leaving for the beak, bat -when be arrived there and reaebiejr for tbe book aad money discov ered was gone. At tbe time tbe wind was ery high and ia some way it had wttehed 1 out, thus scat Urine; becik.ebsclrs aad money Aaout (400 to tee winds. With tbe help f a nam toofMr citbsee all tbe moaey was foeee, oeiy two checks are missing oee fertltMaeeeeefor (1.17. Thus Mr. .Carter eras unlucky, aed lucky as wstl. J. W. SMITH, Manufacturer and dealer In Harness, Saddles, Bridles &c- Send in your Harness arid Slioe re pairing, and a first class job is guaranteed. FINK WORK STRICTLY CASH: Prcffessional Cards- J. E. PHINNEY. M. D. Phyi.iriae and Snryeca. All call Riven prompt attention. OlHce in Drug More. -HARKISO.N - NEBRASKA. GRANT GUTHRIE. tttornsy-at-Law. Prompt attention given to all leal roatturs in Justice, County and District Courts, and before ti.e United States Land Oilice. Fi-e Insurance written in reliable companies. SiT Legal papers carefully drawn. Haeeison, - Nebraska. Card of Tlianks. To those who so kindly assisted us during the sickness, death and burial of our beloved daughter, Mary Agnes, on tbe 25th of September, 1899, we take this way of publicly thanking theni all for their acts of "a friend in need, is a friend in deed." Mr. &Mrs. Jous Plunk ett. According to the buffalo N. Y. Ex press tbe general government is paying out as a result of the war 4 to $1 for civil government expnKSf. V.'ar is not only bell, as Genl. Sherman Kiiid but it is expensive and dangeroue to life and property. Gn the 21st inst the Massachusots Iwrn- ocracv in their stale c.tovejetino at Bos ton nominated a state ticltet, tiecl.3.n.d for Hon. W. J. Bryan for president in 19 00; Bimetallism 10 to 1 without waking for auy other nation; anti trusts; aoti militarism, anti expansion; income tax Ac. &c. The gold democracy were rout ed root aud branch. The republican party, in their state conventiou on the 21st inst in their dec laration of principals commends the loy alty of the gold democrats, notwithstan ding they are almost without an excep tion opposed to militarism, foreign ex paotiion and trusts, What consistency anything that endorses the republican financial plaok as against bi-meta'lbni and the interests of the common people is to them a mark ol bright statesman ship. A republican farmer' came to tow n with 70 Bushels of oats. He got tlO.SO for tbe load. We asked him If that was prosperity for him. He said it was sound money and that was all he wanted. Tbe man wanted wire enough to put' two wires on one side of his quarter. He went into Hunter' and figured on wire. He got wire there last year at 2 centa a pound and was mad when be bad to pay 44 cents this year for the same kind of wire. Tbe wire costs $14.80. The man gave the 70 bushels of oats and ft. 39 for the wire. last year 70 bushels of oats bought the same amount of wire and the farmer had $5.10 left The money. is very sound when it buys farm products Splendid money then. Takes lots of oats and wheat to get a little of iU The seme money is not so good and sound when it buys manufactured goods Takes lots of tbe mooer to get a little wire and a few nails. Teller. AgirPa Experience In Boeton. A sparkling serial of Boston life, under the title of "Her Boston Experience," will begin in ths next issue of ZA La4ie$ Home Journal. It it written be Msrjra. et Allison, a vivacious well-bred girl wbo spent a winter io Boston frith those living jo tbe Back Bar and was taken everywhere io the most exclusive social, dramatic literary and musical circles. She sew the beat and the worst of Bostee Ota, awl tells both as she saw them, aW te a bricht bt sudaciously frank ssee- ear, eetil the picture becomes a perfect biornpb ef BotP ' aed people of day. A SPECIALTY NO EXCEPTIONS. 31. J. 0 Council, - - Co. Attorney, ATM Practice In All Court. Snwlal Atti'iitiou tn'ireu to Land Of fice Business. Collections aud all hnslnw? rntrcht ed to me will receive prompt attention. Habrikox - Nebraska, JRES5 MAKING PAULOIl. The undersigned just located in lower north-west corner room (.IK ANDUKHS HALL, 1 prepared to do all kinds of dress making and sewing in her line. The patronage of the public is solicited. We guarantee satisfaction and that our charges will be reasonable. Mrs. MaO'.ie IfrjSErjUN-K. Nominating a Blander, Election a Crime. Tle Omaha Bee refers to 11. B. R ,;t s , the republican nominee for supreme judge as one "who has often been tritd, but never found wanting." Io 183:$ Mr. Reese was a candidate for supreme Judge in Nebraska. In its U sue of October 6. 183, the Ike saki: "Mr. Re!,s nomination was a blunder. His election would be a crime. 'V-World Herald. M.-a.-mnm.... ur-- -imirrfn Obituary. DIED; At the home of her parents in Warbonnet, of mountain fever, Mary Agnes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Pt'jtuoU, oii Monday nioriiiit S-'pluMiu- er U'jili, at 2 o clocK a. iu. at;td U ears. Rev. O. A. Garton preached the funeral sermon at the home of the parents at 9 o'clock on last Tuesduay morning and the remains were laid to rest in the Har rison cemetery until the rooming of the 1 resurection. The grief-stricken parents win imva uie sympathy of the entire community.. IX J1EMOUYO -JIAHV AGtfKH. Murr Agues now has left From tbli curtb no ad and Jresr, lione to Jive with Christ oar fcavlor To tbo !a.-l where Is uo tear. "rw? from sin la oar loyel one, Krt-e from all this world of woe, lone to Heaven and forever With tbe Angels a they eo. rsther, Mother, Sinter, Brothr, tjOmK to meet me with the rent; In our home of true pleHnure And with God forever West. Ves, Mary A(rne we will meet tfeee And where parting U no more; Where our trl il, and tMnptjitlon Are bnnlthcd from the other shore (ulrltotMl. aettsvnPRieaBu&.ijKjv arKVKszzaazm PRE -INlT CAUCUS. The republicans of Andrews precinct are hereby called to meet at the school House in said precinct Thursdav Sent 2H th at 3 o'clock p. m., to elect delegates to tbe county convention and to nomin ate candidates for precinct offices. C. CniiWTENsxw, Comroitteemjn. Hf'WlND HILLS.ii:- The nndersigned is ag ent for the celehratf1 David Bradley, Wind Motor, Improved Wind Mills, the best made. I am also prepared to furn iah on short notice first class Fumpa, pipes. Wood A Steel Towers. Tanks or anything In the line of panp repairs. IT LOWKsT PKICE8. Write' mo for eBtlmfitf ho. (are contracting elsewhere. SkHta ioti will gaVc money by it. ABBWsj-JOHX H. AUUTOS. Ardinoi-r, H. Iult, h AND Children CELEBRATED SHOES HAVE HO EQUAL; Call and look our Stock over be fore Purchasing as we can SAVE you money. Marsteller BROS. . r . " " W i I , - a , .... ?. " Mj ,y eVEYTHINCl IN MU8IO GREENBACKS or Oovsrnnisnt Money. At close of our Civil War in 1865, there appeared in the London Times the following : " If that mischievous financial pol icy which had its origin in the North American Republic during the late Civil War in that country, s-hould be come indurated down to a fixture, then that government wiil furnif.h its money without cost. Jt will have sit the money that is nccesssry to carry on its trad.: and lorsmcrie. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of civilized n:.tioi;s of the world. The brain and weclth of all countries w'ul 0 to North America. THAT GOVERNMENT MUST IE DESTROYED OR IT WILL DE STROY EVERY MONARCHY ON THIS GEO 11 E." The famous Hazzard circular, to capitalists in New York, and the Euell lunk circular to United f-'tates Bank er:;, both emanating fioni London, and the fabulous corruption f.ir.d raised in "n.jhnd and Germany, i-stim.itid at $f, 500,000, were ll.c ag'-nts lliat se cured ilie do .inj of our mints against silver. The "walk into my pnrlor" policy of England, during and bince the Spanisli War, ix the latest evidence of English Diplomacy in shaping the destiny of the United States Govern ment. Notwiihstandins the famine price of wheat, the SpanEh War, and fabu lous expenditures of money by our government during the past year, gold has increased in value eleven per tent and all other values decreased in the same proportion. For a thorough understanding of the money question, or silver issue, the Cincinnati Enquirer bas uniformly given evidence of its ability to teach, explain and produce all facts and truth. It is a paper that ought and can be read by all classes with pleas ure and profit. Mmk Jiaw OaU t rtt. rw. TMtaM mM, Stmlcx tali ,M,(ir nm. tlCuTi sw;iAiriaHi1M.uU-k t.i i isb r - i i THE & Youth's LIBERTY BELL A CEAITIFU, ATTACliKEPrT baa been added to the well known Qoape TESH3I $25 CASE, 120 B0RTEIT. Wit It Ktlr,! mlA Hmvl BASE IN OAkV ffAUdTaad BAEdeAirrp Write For Particulars. Republican County Convention. The republican eloctors o! Slou county .".'I r., rrt r-'ijiH'ntMl to xeiid rieleifutr from tljinr rtij"t tiY prcciuctK Io inret in conn, ty i-onvi'iuloti t llnrrinoit, on Monday, Octolmr S, at one o'clock p. in. for the pur pui of placing In noiiilnnlion candidal for tno following unlit-: Onn Comit y Clerk. One ( omitv 1'Tiamri-r. Ouc County siwrlff. One ( twtn'y JnUp. line iiity fmjwcintcudeiit. One (Vjiliity Survt-ror. One County Coroner. And tlin trammeling of ucliJ!herbmr!nes no muy prprlr come before tttfti-oitventlun. Hie several preclma nre entliled to rep ri'wntntlou a follows, the apiKirtlonruenS bclnj foaiiwl upon tbe vote cait tor tbe Hon, M. L. llayirrd for Kt,y,.rnor. In lhW, f1ln(f eiich precinct one d-Wifai at luru, nnit one for euch ten votes or the major tract.on thereof; -Amlrcwj Antelope 1 iiotviMi 4 Cettoiittool 1 lltttcn-plc 2 Montrows 1 Hnukc i-rni k uur lAnt t Wnrljoniirt 2 WhUtlu en rk 1 White Klvet S . HuniiingWHter I Tntul 24 It Is iHflonimeiided thittr no proxies be nl nilu.1 but tbitt the delrgt present cnat the full vole to which tbe precinct U entitled. I'lcctnct caucnuea will be hebt on Rept, 2. at the hour and places dculyuated by tho recprc.tlve comuilttuemen. I, n. litusuiw, Chairman, W, II. Oavis, RecreUry. Want Column. AOK.VTS WASTKD KOK "THK 1,1 FE AN'W AchelvcmenUof Admiral Dewey," the worlds Bretirt naval hero. V.j Mnrnt llantead, tho llfc-lnnff friend and adnilrt-r of tbe unll on'n Idol. IllKrcntand lxwt book; orr MO purea, KxlO liiclirv, nniirly 100 pn.nr half tone llluatratious. Onlyll.M. Knormoniotpuiand! Bl( Coiriiniioos. Outflt free. Cbanoeofe llle tlme. Write quick, The IioinlnlonCom ' puny, 3rd Kloor Co toil Bluff., Chicago fiERVITA PILLS! RstlSfes VITAUir. LOST VIGOR ANO MANHOOD Cures lm potency, Nigbt liImUlonand wasting diseases, all effects of self. abuse, or excess and Indis cretion. A ncrvo t.nn!rj aad blood builder. IMnc;g the pink glow to pale cheek and rcrtrirca thn ilre f vnnth. mall fiOc per box, O btttee for VJJiOi with R written traarsUi i toe to car or refund the money. . Bend for circular. Address, I NCR VITA MEDICAL CO. ' COnton aVJackeon eta CHICAGO, IU, Held By Or. J. E. Poleee. ve ec aa ttfma SWI ., . . V7T.T 5 . ' 1 " "V0" a dstay. itnrvoas uablUleaad 5(.K DiWAJlBLIaT. 1 l.fra H. lj, CJ 2&