Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, September 28, 1899, Image 1

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Otr (ilt(',NO QliFSTiriM ic rwro erm m nuvn ... -. .. .. .
UTO. lO.
' wis iilm ia aL i i Ltu RIGMT. ". nuiiam J. jfryan.
Harrison Press-Journal.
Subscription Price, $1.00
cmioial pa pen or aioux county.
Ilsao.' D. Canon. - Editor.
Bntared at the Harrison pout office a
stood elae tier.
JPor Supremo Judge,
.-Tor Regente, State (utvcrslty,
Toreongrea,6tb District,
(For Judfes. Uth District.
Win. 1J. Westovor.
James J. Harrington.
5 "What shall it profit a nation." hej
Jlhuodered, "If itgaiothe whole work) J
rand low the spirit which prize li bertv 1
fas the heritage of alt men in all laodVT
"I would not trader single sentence
tot the Declaration of independence
(for all tho g-old that could come from
fill. PhilliDine in l'.00t years." From
a 1 1 T? T - .t. C2ian -A Vk
8apt 25th '
A sweeping victory i predicted by
.prominent democrat of Qhio, for Demo
cracy in that "t1 thi f,L Even chaU"'
.man Dick of tli Ohio Republican state
ittea has notified the ad
ministration that it is going to be
mighty close deal. Well, what's the
matter of Nebraska making a sweeping
victory thii fall. Tho Piwh-JoibnaL
.does not doubt for one moment but that
"we will lick em, and don't you forget
I want to start with the declaration
that monopoly in private bands is inde
fensible from any standpoint and intoler
able. One trust may be 1cm' harmful
than another. Ono trust magnate may
be more benevolent than another, but
there is no good monopoly in private
hand, and I do not believe it is safe for
society to permit any man or group of
roan to monopolize any article of mer
chandise or any braooh of business. W.
J. Brvao, at te Chicago Trust Confer
nee. .
TKm Ra.irin TlmM fRcn.. in a. recent
editorial on the reconviction of Dreyfus
under the caption of "A Beastly Rapub
lic," says-'Krance is a republic only in
fha mraacution of Dreyfus has
not affected tha atony hearts of the des-
poU who are standing up for the military
a. itfafnat tM civil authorities." But
the Times eeeme oblivious to the fact
4hat the t'rritad States has even now star
ted on the road to militarism. If woilo
4ot turn back, it may not be many years
bsfora we can witness, nght here at
hoot "stony-hearted despots etaodmg
up for tlm miliUry as against Uia civil
atuthorlUsa." In tbo very nature of
(things, an army must be governed In a
.despot I ci manner. There is bo help for
it, It is a great macbioe operated by tlia
.ofBoere, who vary naturally drop Intodt a
potie ways. Militarism must not be al
lowed to grow in the Uailed States. It
is a ooniooe weed, a pamiu that saps
the life of 4ba body on which it lives.
afilltarMm has brought Franco to the
.point w Iters then ia soma ground for
calling bw a "beastly repnblic" 11 can
Ao the soma thing far the United Huts.
There has been soma little talk that
4nara would he a kaock-down and drag
.oat time, both im Democratic and pop
ulist MwvoaUoaa here day arter lomor
w. Whether thera will be, or not, wa
.cannot any. But believe If the dele-
jrntaa st the two eonventloos have tlta
tat iaUretU of tho fusion aUU tkbat
nt heart, whose prinoip)as ata ioontioal
with yvaty Uu popalitt, Wrat, and
frta stiver rvpubltcaa ia t oMty, t
Democratic Prlociplcs 1830.
Little by little, but steadly as man's
march to the grave, we have been giving
up the old for the new faith, nearly
e'f?hty years ago we began by declaring
that all men are created equal but now
from that beginning we fcave run down
to the other declaration that for some
men to enslave others is "a sacred right
of self-government." The principles
cannot stand together. They are as op
posite as God and mammon. ,- Our ropub
lican robe is soiled and trailed in the
dust Let us re-purify it. Let us turn
and wash it white. Jn the spirit if not
the Moo J of the revolution. Let us turn
slavery from its claim of "moral right"
back upon its existing legal right, and
its arguments of "nessiy," Let us
return it to the position our fathers gave
it and there let it re.,t i'i peace. Let us
re-adopt the DeciarV.imi of Independence
and the practices and policy which har
monize with it Abraham Lincoln.
Iiet every American rememlier that
to violate the Daclaration of Indepen
dence is to trample on tha blood of his
fathers arid to tear the character of his
own and his children's liberty. Abra
ham Lincoln 1840.
All men are created eijiial. They are
endowed by their creator with certain
unalienable rights, among which are life
liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
For the attainment or these ends gov
ernments have been instituted among
men, deriving their just powrrs from tbo
consent of the governed. .Republican
platform, 1876
The Republican Federation of papers
go to their republican readers, and think
publican papers with Democratic or Populist papers. Bead the following which
shows plainly that their political lituratore is not such as will stand the tsst of
universal public opinion.
It is the Custom of sonw. mtmlxr of 'the
fusion papa for clMiinp L'trjmes all in
part; fur repuclican paper to engag in
thejicvplc and should we believe, be disvtnragcdfir it must dirtc'Jy tend to the in.
jury of Republican editors who do it.
The chairman of the republican state central committee indorses inn plan lor
the work of the' republican papers asd pledges his own and the committer's h. arty
co-operation. Assuring you that there nave beei many evmences 01 npp.-eci.uion
of the power and usefulns of the federation and commending you to be vigilant
-and dUicent. we remain fraternally,
W, E. Dayton-, Secretary.
in the state for that matter, will strive
to harmonize differences and put up the
best men, morally, socially, intelect
ullay and every other way. then tliere
will be no trouble whatever. On the
other hand if every delegate who mav
attend the conventions is coming to rule
or ruin if his, or tteir candidates are not
nominated, thon't is more in the inter
ests of their own selfish motive than the
good of the party princi)i-s. Of coui e
we do not mean Unit thuro hhoiild not bo
spiriUd contents for nominations, but
when defeated by the msjonty then all
dilferences ought to ceare and the suc-ce.-sful
nominees should be supported
gracefully and manfully. Our dt-vice
im get together and unile, in "Uuion
there is strenith" otlwrwiso it mean.
defeat Dot a alone for the local ticket,
hut it will have a tendency to cripple
the state ticket. Hhall we unite and
win? or, shall we divide and lose because
some one ha not been aid to carry his
point iu the convention und propos-s to
carry his individual light to the polls.
Vll i" '"
The rfpiiuiicun uty in their state
convention, at Omaha last wetk, tore
off the mask which they wore during the
presidential campaign of 1H9C, and de
clared openly aud without equivocation
for the single gold standard, sustained
the president In his foreign war policy
of "criminal agression," (but denominat
ed by Mr. McKinley as a "benevolent as
similation:) and added au ambigous plank
which means anything or nothing that
appears all things to all man (voters)
ia opposition to trusts.
Every voter in Nebraska should read
that platform and then make an honest
comparison twtween the democratic,
populist and Free Silver Republican plat
forms annunciated b y the fusion stte
conventions August 23nd last Of
ceurat the republican party were com
palled o declare for the gold standard j
af tha jmrty dvcaiveu thn voter in i'i) una
and hence could not do th Kt-ne triolr
twkaia tutwssloa.
Republican Principles 1899.
Rev. P. S. Heiisoa of Chicago, who
in addressing an adminstration mass
meeting held ia that city ou September
14, said:
Today there are those that wave the
Declaration of Independence in our face
and tell us that the thing to do is to del
iyer over those islands of the archipelago
in the east to the people who are their
rightful masters, for "all governments
dotive thsir own just po wers from the
consent of the governed." So wrote
Thomas Jefferson. Do you remember
that tha lord said to Joshua. "My ser-
vaot is dead?" And so is Thomas Jeffer
son. ' I do not believe that Thomas Jef
ferson was infallible. I believe that a
live president in the year of grace 1809
Ls just as much of an authority as a pres
ident that lived and dU-d 100 years ago.
I am no worshiper of a saint just because
he is dead. Let the dead bury the dead.
Also that hallowed document, that dec
lares that ail governments derive their
just powers from the consent of the gov
erned, if that is to be literally construed
there never was a greater falsehood
palmed off by tho devil upon a credulous
Stephen A. Douglas declared:
I tell you that this Chicago doctrine
of Lincoln's declaring that the negro
and the white roaa are made equal by
the declaration of Independence, and by
divine provideoce Is a monstrous hersey
The signers of the Declaratiou of indepen
dence never dreamed of the negro when
they were writing that document. They
referred to white men, to men of Europ
ean birth and European descent when
theydeclare the equality of all men. y
in Nebraska, are afraid to have the truth
it is detrimental to the party to club re
Federation to make cxmbimlwniHth
all it is obviously a dixadvantige Id the
the circulation of J union literature among
, ,,
Rosa L. IJammo.vd, president.
How to Make "
a Famine.
Take a trust doing bussiness nt both
ends of u great industry, a protective
tariff designed to help tlie industry to
live, a plentiful demand for the trusts
product, and a determination on the part
of the promoters lo fimke a million dol
lars a minute if they tan, and if they
cant, then as much as the public will
pcH-mit, mid you have all the ingredients
of ns complete famine ns nature ever
brought ubout by d, ought or pest.
There is such a famine now in the iron
and steel trade. Tho demand for iron
:tid Keel in this country at present may
to raid to be unprecedented. Prices
have cone una hundred per cent within
a year, nd ship yaids and railway con
tractors that might employ thousands
of nion re behind in their work und del
inif their orders because they cant buy
the miiter.als they need. . '
The Carnegies, the Fncks. the Rocke
fellers, and the rest of the iron kings say
their mills are running avertime to sup
ply the demand, and that there is a shor
tage of iron ore, Who made the shor
tage? Reside controlling the mills, these
men control the mines. They can get
all the ore they want. They can build
new mills. Not they. Their mills are
making them profits of a hundred ppr
cent and - they are in a position to
hold up the market until they get ready
to relieve the situation as their owp' fig.
uras. They have a "corner" at both
Tliere is no enconrngeroent to ! other
capitalists to build competing mills, tor
they have to pay a Dingley tariff duty
of 40 conts a ton on ore and $4 a ton oo
pig, while the Carnegies, the Rockefel
lers and the Fricks can scraps ore off the
mountain sides for nothing, They have
been "protected," and now they are re
paying tl people for it, The 'train is
so great that a little ore it coming ia
over the tariff wail but jttt much, and
any competing mill ower who triad to
rely on a foreign upiy would be at too
great a dis;irtvntig to keep it up long.
The trust woifdrci'hr get bis mill ot
ruin him in shirt order. e,turaiy IsOl
cago L.lgr
Ex-Senator, Wasbburn, at Minnesota
and Haveymer tlie great sugar king, two
prominent republicans, now openly and
pobiioiy declare that protective tariiTs
are responsible for the trusts.
The republican state convention which
convened in Omaha last Thursday nom
inated for Supreme Judge Hon. M. B.
Rpeseof Lancaster county; E. O. M.'
Oilton, Douglas county and Dr. William
Ely, of Brown county regents of the
state University.
Peoples Independent Commiss
. oners Convention, 1st
, District. ,
Tne peoples ln'tependest electors of the.
flrst commissioners dlstrltc are requeHted to
meet In delegate convention at Gilchrist
r. ()., on the lltu day of October, 1899, at 2
o'clock tr the pu rpove of numltuUiiK a can
didate for coininlMioner of the above named
district. .
Kara precinct will be allowed the same
number of delegates as at the county con
vention. t'Lics Ohbisteksex, Chairman,
V, W. Ksott, Secretary.
Democratic t'onnty Convention.
, A coanty convention of tho Democratic
party of Slonx county, Nebraska, is hereby
called to meet st JIurrison, In said county,
Batarday, gept. 30, 1899. ut tbe Oonrt House,
at 1 o'clock p. m., for tlie purpose; of plac'ng
In nomination candidates for the following
tfne County Clerk,
One County Treasurer,
One County ttherllT,
One County Judge,
. Ono County Superintendent of Schools,
One County feurvayor,
One County Coroner.
AIho, to tranmnct snrh other business as
nisy properly come before the convention.
Tlio several precincts In mtiit county
will be entitled to representation In the
convention based on the vote cast for Hon.
C. J. Smytthe nt the general election of 1B98,
beliiKone delegate for each 10 votes or minor
frai.-iSon thereof, which makes tbe appor
lionpient as follows:
hugar loaf
whistle Creek
Hut Creek
liunniiiK Water
Snake Creek
White Kiver
It it rei om mended tbat no proxies be al
lowed. It 1 recomended that tUe diffensiit rr
clmt pltnaries tn the county be held on
Tuesday tf-ut. 2,;, ls.
M.J. Bl.CWF.TT, Secretary.
I M-J. i-rHAB-, ehslrmsn.
Final Troof Notices.
All persons having fliuil proof notices In
thl paper will receive a marked copy of the
paper tt'id sru reijnuKted to exmnine their
notice and If any error exist report tbe
same to this ofllue at oiilc.
DrrtRTMEXT of Tne Interior.
Jl.und Ofllc tit Alllanco, Neb., Ansr.22, 1890.
1 itotlce is hereby Kivcn tlmt tho following
muned settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support ol his
claim, and that said flnal proof will be mnde
hefure Clerk of District Court at Harrison,
Nebraska, on September an, lHtW.vlz:
of Rtorv, Ncbrsska, who made II. K. 0. 3934,
for the S-K'i of Sec. 21, T UN.!ie W,
Ihi names the following witness? to prove
his rontiniioUH residence upon and cultlva.
tlon'of sidd land.vlz:
V'lKUHt Ulng and Frederick Snmnor of
Story, Neb., and Jacob Henry, Sr., and Ja
cob Henry Jr., of Montrose, Nebraska.
' K. M. DokBiNUToN. Hegieter.
I,ml OlDce t Alliance, Neb., Aug 22, IM.
Notice is hereby given that the following
natuPd settlor has filed notice of his Inten
tion to make final proof In snpportofhls
olslm, and Uiat said proof will ba mode be
fore Clerk of Ii.itrict Court at Harrison,
Nebraska, on September 30, ISM, viz:
of AilSiln, Nebraska, who made II. K. NO. 9S1,
for tli S-K'i of Ken. 13, T. 33 N. R. 54 W.
I In names tbe following Witnesses to prove
tils continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion or aald land, vis:
Kobert Harrison, John Moseley, Henry
C. Hunter and tdward J. Telran, all oi Ade
lis. Nebraska.
F-M. DOKHi.NOTON. Keclster.
IT. g. lAnd Office, at Alliance, Nebraska,
i Augusta, lsw.
Notice la neraby gtran that the following
natied settler has filed notice of his intent
WrLu nihke final proof In support of his
uk iSf, sill thf said proof will ba made be
fore Regtater atio Reeeiver at Alliance,
Nebraska, on October 21, 1809, via: Charles
Ll hllllpsof Bodarc, Nebi-aska, who made
II.a;No. 444S, for the 8Vi 8 of See. It,
Twp. 32, N. ltango It .
Ila name the following witnesses to
prove hi continuous residence upon and
cultivation of said land vis: .
Mlefcani A. Bannmn, Moan B. Hovay and
John W. Hunter of Bodare, Nebraska, aud
Bdgsr fWUips of Hyannls, ttebraak.
AlaotSoali B. Hovcy, of Bodarc, Nebraska,
who a4o . K Solum, for tbe N-WV tWk
and a-ft'K B.Wt fcic's, and KM at S-K Dee.
,Twtt.it.aaai Mw. '-,.,..
, tie' oaatea the following t witnesses to
prove l( ooaUnttoas resldcnos upoa and
i"ivUoeoCealdlad. ttst
' f!1-1 Bsaaan.olm TV. Ituot-r and
Cbey.. Phillip; Bodare, Mnbrsska and
.J.;sV.lMliMis of ll'yaiMia. N.hreaka.
! f u. imiuiaTiiv. aw.ii.e
The Commercial
Harrison, - - - - Nebraska.
a urT a r OTirTr nun
i-j Mil unuoiuvn j flip ia -
B. E. Brewster, President.
Chas. C. Jamesox
D. H. Griswold, Cashier,
rbunncoruriucnid. omaha national bank, omaha,
r.S. Land Ofilce, at Allianee,
September li, 1B99.
Notice is hereby given that the fol
nuned settler has filed notice of his intent
ion to make final proof in support of bis
claim, and that said pi oof will be made be
fore Clerk of Uistrict Court at Harrison, Ne
braska, ou October 21, 1H9,
heir of Arthur L. Delaney, deceased, who
made H. E. No. 3037, for the Sft S-KM, N-W!4
S-E!4 una 3-WJ N-EJi of Ste. 13, Twp.34,
N. liange .A w.
He names as witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz:
Kobert Harrison and Theodore T. Golden
of A deli a, Nebraska, William H. Davis and
Julian K. Phiuneyof Harrison, Nebraska.
Also, JOSEPH L.DIBOCK, ot Hodarc, Ne
braska, who made II. . No. 3G04, for tbe 1
S -WJ4 of Sec. 14. and V7K N-W of See. 23,
Twp. J2, N., liange 85 w. ,
He names as witnesses to prove his con
tinuous residence upon and cultivation, of
sold land, viz- , , ,
Henry Covey aud Nels Englebiet of Hir
rUnu, Nebraska, John I,-.ck and Hermaa
Ilibler oi Bodurc, Nebraska.
C&-13) V. Hi IJOKUINUTOK, Heglster. '
Notice Is hereby given to all persons hav
ing claims and demands against Patrick
Murphy, late of Sioux county, deceased,
that the time fixed for tiling claims against
said estate Is six months from the 4th of
September, 1899. .,;
All such persons are required to present
their claims with the vouchers to the coun
ty Judge of said coanty, at his omce therein
on or before the 4tn day of March, 1900, and
all claims so tiled will be beard before the
said Judge on the 2nd day of October, 1899,
or afterwards, on the first day of each regu
lar term day of said court during the time
limited for filing claims, as afforsald.
Dated this 4th day of September, 1898.
, . Robe .t Wilsow,
j seal. ! A True Copy.J County Judge. ,
To Whom It Mat concern:
That F. J. Witt, the undersigned did on
the 6th day of August, 1899 on his enclosed
land situated In Warbonnet precinct. In
Sioux county, Nebraska, take up two bay
mares as estrayed, said mares being more
particularly described as fellows:
Two bay mares branded (4V
shoulder. ryJ
on left
14th day of September lMW.iv&w
ache and Liver
(Sold by an tnmfitta
wrmii oy mau.
Aavaae aaadiiai a saaMi and i
s jar
alv patewsMe. poBiaaiaa
SSatrrUL KauMlM aa Pal Ml
(Mast anaay or aanaajssiaaM.
sctont Jiaricao
A aandanmetf fltrtad wsttlr. Inrratt h.
rmlnlnn rf wit aiitmiuue lonmal, T'roui. M a
t : fnnr moriUU, 1. gold tr all mI1i
I 28CT8. I
. a.aA.
wv" "-v arvDn-ana-aiw
- $10,000.00
C. F. Coffee. Vice President
" A. Mrfimi.pv
The jonKAL will publish your brand, like
the following, for S :0O, par vr. Each ad
ditional brand 75 cents, Kvery farmer or
ranchmen in Sioux and adjoining counties
should advertise their brands In The Jotit
ma Las it clreuistes all over the state. It
may be the means of saving money for you.
On left side or hip of cattle, I
On left shouldpr nf linr..H I
Range on the head oi Warhnnnt
Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb.
The brand reprseated in this notice
and branded any where on left aide
ef horses and
Also the L L brand any where on
left side of cattle beloan to th.
and aralgned.
- Harrlaoa, Nebraska.
The brand represented in this netlee
niid branded any where on ; left side
of .cattie, and over lap iat from the
righear, j ,H ' ,J '.
A'Uo the Mm brand on left Vhl?.
Yioriw. H'1j-.h tA th. -
Kaace near East Snrtnn. amiti a :
Sioux scanty. " CmAniMmnr&i!? f
I On left shoulder f cattle nd
'O. ., Crawford Nehr. ,
On left side of cattle and on left
shoulder ot horses.
Range on Antelope creak
P. 0.. Ghllchrut, Sioux Co., Neb.
Owns the follow-
ln brand on eith
er: Also HQ on cat
tle and horses
cuttle on leftside
horses on left
Range on Sliver Springs and east of state
Ine. Postoffieo Harrison Nab
100 REWARD. ;
For proof to convict any person of steal
ing any of my stock.
Cattle branded
same as out. .
Horse .branded
same on right
ore on
left thigh.
Sheep, paint brand
same as eattle and
. Are brand C on
right side of nose.
Address, David Oolvilu, .
Glen Mabr
Contest Notice.
Alliamce, Neb August, 29th, 18W.
A infflcient contest sJBdavlt having baasj
filed la this office by George W. Leake, eon
testant, against Fr nk B. 8nlth, entry Mo.
M, made and September, last, tor S-WK
S-EK4 -WS4N E!4 8-W!4,N-WH84
Section IV, Townshla at, nange (7, by
Frank a. Smith, Con tea tee, In which It ta
alleged thatt Frank B. Smith did not
break any part of aald land, nor eausa tha
same to be broke, nor did he at any time
plant any trees or seed, or cause eame to
ba planted, and the said contestant Is ready
to prove at such time and place as may ba
named by the Regtater and Beeelver for a
hearing In aald eaae; and he therefore aaks
to be allowed to prove said allegation, ba
tbe aald contestant paving th expense ot
Mm aald bearing.
Aald parties are berby notified to appear,
respond and offer evidence touching said
allegation at 10 o'clock a. ni. on Oct. M, WMy
before the Heft-later and Beeelver at th
United States Land Offlcs la Alilatica, He-'
braska. ; ' i 1
f. at . DORRIXOoy. Regtater.
AohlevamenU of Admiral Deway," Sko
World's naval hero. Uv Mnrst rfalat'HHl. '
life-long ftlnnd. nml iidmlrer of the ns'.lan'a,
I lol. Il'airiat and "iieokiovel ll pes
Mllnnliesi nearly 10 psgoa lisltluiii' film k
r'tnmis. Only ,;'' Knornions ilsmai-
Big cinmi-ii. iiutfi'fT" rii-ne A
IfiWno. Wriugeiek, Tha Dou"' t J
pany.trd nowlXrln
k ii .1. ' '
! ' v,,.,, A