' nr, Harrison Press -Journal. VOL. XII. IHZRISOItT, EB-A-SKA,, SEPT. 21,-1899. Our otto-. 'NO QUESTION IS EVER SETTLED UNTIL IT IS SETTLED RIGHT. "-Hon. William J. Bryan. Harrison Press-Journal. gRTABI.ISHKD lrW.J Subscription Price, $LAO OFFICIAL PAPER OF eiOUX COUNTY. rGeo. 1. (anon, .... Kdltor. Entered at the Harrison pot oMce a m.-oud class taattur. FUSION STATE TICKET. For Supreme Judge, HON. SILAS A. IIOLCOMB. For Regents, State University, EIWON RICH, J. L. TEETERS, for cngres, th District, HON. W. II. NEVILLE. For udtc. Uth District. Win. II. WeUvr. James J. Harrington. The German Press with scarcely an .exceptioc comments on the Dreyfus judg. ,tiient with severity, rep.rdinj.' It as evi ,ieuce of deep national degradation. Hon. II C. Harrington of North Platte the democratic nominee for Congress in -tbis hi "sixth" district withdraws from ,the ticket in the interest of harmonj which means Judge Neville's election. . Capt. Alfred lh-eyf us, who a couple of weeks ago was rs-seuteneed to a term of ten yearn peaal servitude for high treason is to be jardoned. Thus anoth r instance and prooff of the injitstiix and military farce in condemnation ol an innocent man. England is now about to try president MtKinley's "benevolent assirnulatioii1 policy on the South African government At the Boers. But, like the Kiilipinos, U.i Boers propose to soenfice life, property, borne and all that is dear to a liberty loving people in order to mantain theii independence from the iron rule England. Regarding the Democratic victory in Bland's old district, a dispatch from St. Iuis to the New York Herald says: "The result is a distinct victory for the anti-expansien forces, as the battle as mainly fought along that line. The republican candidate, John W. Vosholl, in his speeches strongly upheld the re publican policy m the Philippines. The democrats vigorously opposed theexpan--sion trend. The skirmish, which ended bo disastrously for the administration aJvocates. is t nt fought along that line in the United State and has a sig nificance national in scope and interest, it was noticed in the votes that where tt most canvassing was done along the anti-expansion line" tnra repub beans lost Uie heaviest." Up in the Big Sixth district of Nebraska a similar tettln i v now beil '0USht and the result will be the same as in Miss ouri. Judge Neville shake hands with Judge Shack leford. DAIILMAN LETS 'EM KNOW. Xcw York World Want to Know whether Nebraska Is for Irynn From ill New York World Sunday cam. this telegram to James '. Uahlman, . i ii.- ,lmocratic state central committee: .rrt'. ('.Dahlau.. Omaha-. - uuu. . mi the followiuK questions: 'ITbrtr-Would Dewey, ir no,ir:atd by dem ocrutie convention r, inles? would he not surely beat McKmleyf ITwRrvai,' own ,Ut. .hould wouW. li.ly to win a. Daw.y in . t.Lranhad this reply: v. Vrk World; ncinles. He will not be Kinl.v or any otUr republican next year. KOTKAY NOTICE. MWWMltMaT tOSCN: Tnair. J. Wilt, the underamned dli on th.nhd.rof Auu.t,isw on Ms enrlod land tltliat! Warlwnnct precinct. In gtotticoanty, Nebraska, take up two bay mar fay"t. d nRT' ,",ln" ",or" yaftitularly dcrlbd as fallows: sika mij-ns tran'lrd 00 ift l2r., ...rrlson thi. The national Hanker aiwociu I inn which met in annual convention, in Tol edo Oliio a couple of neeks K declared without reserve in favor of the gold standard and the retirement of the green back. Tlials tlie linnl iilliiiintuin from the money power and if possible propose to have it that wav. 'lee? The Long Pnia Journal, publishad by L. M. Bates), its new editor, but former ly under the old title Republican Jour nal by B. B. Smith is now before us and indicates very plainly that Mr. Bates understand) how to run a country news paper jtiHt the name. It will be conduc ted along t:ie line of republican princi pals, whatever that may mean in this day and age of the world. However all the newspaper boys of Neb'-aska, wish him a hearty success in future, . That antiquated, hunk of administra tion patriotism, Grandma Otis., now commanding the U. S. forces in the Phillioine islands against the Iitierty lov ing insurgents who were Admiral Deweys allies during the war with Spain, has shown his friendship for his soldier hoys by having one of the privates in the 2-"tb Ohio volunteers arrested, court martialed sentenced to one years imprisonmeut in a militiary prison, and dishonorably dis missed from his regiment for the crime of writing a personal letter to Ins mag esty, grandma Otis, asking for an exam ination for promotion to the 1st Lieuten ancy of his company. The young man, whose name is Charles Hoon, is now lan guishing in durance vile for that awful and malicious crime insulting the pom- pus Otis, The army of the United States like her sister republic France in the Dreyfus case must whether right or wrong must be maintained, -even though the accused I? innocent. The white miners of Carterville, Ills., have taken up the black mans burden again and have shot seven of them down in cold blood, so the daily Denver News of the ISth inst says. The only reason being, that the colored men were miners and were non-union laborers, . hence the murderous crime. To us it would be the proper thing for the state authorities to apprehend the guilty ones and punish them to the full extent of the law. In our opinion, there is no crime where the ,eopla are justilied in taking the law in to their own hands and punish this .(Tense of working witkout having join il some particular branch of the labor inioos. The Preis-Jouiwai. is honestly ind candidly in favor of laborers organ zation at a protection of their interests. Jut they should not be used as a menace to life and liberty. If Brer Broom of the Alliance Grip who is owned soul and body by tho B & SI road and who is an ardent gold it audard owl vocate would come out op .nly and above board for the republican party he would then, be eonsistant, and besides from the republican point of view be justified in laudin,Tex-president Cleveland, and president McKinley to theHkies. All the difference between Hon. W. J. Bryan, and president Mc Kinley is that the former is free and independent he has the courage of his convictions; stands for a principal which represents democracy and the common interests of the "plain people". The latter is owned soui and body by Mark Hanna, the money -ower and the trusts who holds a $11H,000 mortgage against him as a persuader to compel him to act at oil tirnrn in their interests, which he does gracefully. Hon. W. J. Hryan. is now busy cam oaiKnine in the big "sixth" congressiona district, immense crowds goto hear the champion of.the people. Will ou please telegraph at our ex,-ense plendidly defeat hi. ticket and platform this year 1900? NEW YOI in my judgement would not represent nominaUad N.bmska will indorse Uryan Me CYPHILJS At M - . ... . Tn.tMl iMUMtbl. OaffM bok ln.Ull vflta- DR. WUO IMlltUTt. KOH.tUl l- IUMM.H Saetcag fit out eatment for waakness ftl.15 decay, nenrov decay, nervous (lr.blllyaa lortTHalttT sent free for 11 ets. pontes :. ML WARDU3T. 120 1.Jli it. ST. LOUIS. IU PAT IOTvir rljif, n- li.-.!!.'"., l l'"'t rt'llv ttt pnonrvt HIUH 1 flniMit "tly ttrnim tf. Mf n.nU tmfitt. 4.wMin B"l.,i W.H in: nrmr.lt 1H. IX. it. tAli,tu l.nr tiiM.m ttui, lio. GREENBACKS or Government Mcney. At close of our Civil War in 1SC5, there appeared in the London Times the following: "If that mischievous financial pol icy which had its origin in the North American Republic during the Lite Civil War in that country, s-hould be come indurated down to a fixture, then that government will furnish its money without cost. Jt will have all the money that is necessary to carry on its trade and commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of civiUzcd nations of the world. The brain and wealth of all countries will go to North America. THAT GOVERNMENT M UST EE DESTROYED OR IT WILL DE STROY EVERY MONARCHY ON THIS GLODE." The famous Ilazzard circular, to capitalists in New York, and the ISuell hn!; circular to United States Dank er:;, both emanating from London, and '.he f.ibuloii3 corruption ftr.-.d raised in England and Germany, estimated at $1,500,-000, 'weri the agents that sc turetl.ilie closing of our mints against silver. The "wall; into my parlor" policy of England, during and since the Spanish War, is the latest evidence of Ent'lish Diplomacy in shaping the destiny of the United States Govern ment. Notwithstanding the famine price of whe.tt, the Spanish War, and fabu lous expenditure of money by our government during the past year, gold has increased in value eleven percent, and all other values decreased in the same proportion. For a thorough understnndirg of the money question, or silver issue, the Cincinnati inquirer has uniformly given evidence iof H .ability to teach, explain and produce all facts and truth. It is a paper (hat oti"ht ar.d can be read by .all classes with pleas ure and profit. . 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Tradc Marks OcaiQNS Copyrights 4c. Anrrmft emlir a efh and dMicrlrU"" mar qnicJilT aswrtaln jir opinion free whelbfr an liirenllon l probl,. pnUntJiWe. f Vinununiea ttoiwiitrlotlroonaiU'lttlal. Hanrthnoknn I'alenta ent fn-e. Oldest ao-nrr for M-unii iau-ne. Hntnia taken tbmuali Mumi Jt to. receitre iprcial tvitla, without charge, in luo Scientific American. A hamlanmPly llluntrntrd waoklr- I.anjeirt ctr-c-illat-lon of any urientiflfi journal. Tarma. fx a year i four nuint&a, L Hold by all nawadealen. MUNN & Co.a8,B New York Itraach Oil! CO, 6S& F Ht WaaMngton, D. C The Davis Machine Co., Ghicaoo. Baby Carriages 125t7lMto elect frsn. From $3.50 Tb cheapen kouH iq tuts 11 aa on earth. nWIND MILLS. The undcrwigned ia ag ent for the celebrated David Bradley, Wind Motor, Improved Wind Mills, the best made. I am also prepared to furn ish on fdiort notice first clans romps, I'ipes, Wood & Steel Towers, Tanls or anjrtliinif In the linn of psmp repairs, AT LOWEST PRICES. Write me for estimates be fore contracting elsewhere. Yon. will nave money by it. Addrghh-JOUX h. asiitox. Ar-flmore, 8. lak. LIVERITA THE UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL I OURU iBillouaness. iConstlpatlbn. I Oyspepeia, Sick-Hoad- locho and Liver Complaint. tUsAK COATSO. Sold hy all Ornifetsts or rent by tnuil- KcrUu MrUr.l Cs. Ckalf . LOLU BY tilt. J. K. 1'lUSl-i.W i Sand Stamp for Special Catalogue. J If cng rr- rr. Final Proof Notices. ' -. . .' ; . ,,.-- All person having final proof noHma Jn tills paper will receive a marked copy of the paper and are requested to examine tli'-tr notice and If any error exiiit report tlie same to tuls oflioc at once. 1-- - mt. NOTICE fOU J'l'BI IlEl'ABTMKST" Of TllB.lNTF.KIOa. , I.nnd Ofllo st Alliance, Neh., Aug. 22, 1SP9. Notico Is hereby given that the following named settler lias flled notice of his linen Hon to iu ike tlual proof in support ol Ii1 claim, and that said final proof will be made before Clerk of District Court at Harrison, Nebraska, on September 3D. Wl9,viz : JOHN WE1SKR, of Storv, Ntiiriwka, wlio made II. K. N'O. 3034, for tlieS K'iof Hen. 21, T H.N.M1 W, lie names tlie following witncssr.s to prove his continuous resldnuce upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: August UlnR and Frederick fuinner of Story, Neb., mid Jucoh Henry, Sr., and Ja cob Henry Jr., of Mou trove, Nebraska. V. M. DouuixoTtix. Keginter. NOTK K VI) K ,1T I! LIGATION. I)KPBTMENT of THE lNTKUIOH. Land Office st Alllauce, Set)., Aw? '2 ISOT Notice Is hereby Kiven that the following named stftller lias lile'l notluc ol his inten tion to make Anal proir in support of Ms claim, and that saUl'proof will be mtvrte lio foru Clerk of District Court Rt Harrison, Nebraska, on .i"pleinlcr :so, , vi.: . JOIIH W. T1DI), of Ad.'lia, Xebrnskn, w ho made If. K. NO. 981, for tho 8-Ki of .See. 1;!,T. :tf N. II. M w. lie names the following wltneaaes to prove his continuous resilience upon anil cultiva tion of sakl land, viz:. Koliert Harrison, John Jlosiley, llcnrv C. Hunter and Kilward J. i'elrju, all ol Ade liii, Nebruxka. F.M. Dorrinc. '(is, HeKlster. NonCii l'Olt I'CUI.ICATION. 1'. S. J.anif Ofllrw, at Alliance., Nebraska, August?', IHH-.I, Notice 1 liereby given tliat tlie following named s 'ttler has lllod notice of Ills iaWnt- ion to umke fliml yroof iu support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made be fore Register nud 'Receiver at Alliance, Nebraska, ot tb-tjer i!l, 18W, viz : C.liarles I. . Phillips of Hcslurc, Nebraska r. li made II. K. 'o. 444.'., for the !, S-Wli of see. 12, Twp, :?2, ii. Kune ;0 w. Hk nanus the following witnesses to prove his contlinioiiH residence upon and eultlvatiSu of said land viz: MIuphA WUasin" Soah B. llvey and John W. -ntr of Modarc, curaska, aud Kdirsr I'liilps of Hyannls, Kebrasfca. Also,'S- '-' " llovey.of Bodare, Kebraska, who inai.v 11. K. Xo. 407S, for the N-WH S-WH and 8 W i S.Wi Sec. 5, and X!,' of 8-K4 Hec. 6, I wp. Si, S. Itiigo &4 w. He nunn-s the following wituesses to prove bin continuous residence upon and eultivallon of said land, viz: Miihn-il nauman, John W. Hunter and tUmrlws U I'hillipi of Ilolarc, Vebraska and Kdjjarl'llUUpsof llynnnts, Nebraska. (M-l:i) V. .M. IXKUINT(IN, lleglstcr. . SII'ICK VOll ITBI.IfATIOX. XT.n Lund online, at Alliance, Nebrnsku. September li, IsW. Notice la hereby given that tho following mined settler lms tiled notice of hU intent iun to make fluid proof in support of hl eliilm, and thut said pi oof will benmdo be fore Cierk or Hislrict Uonrl tit Harrison, Ne braska, on October 21, IHWi, i)AVIf I'KTTY, heir of Arthur h. Dulam y, deccntcd, who made II. K. No. 3037, for the rt'i S-K.i S-W ana s-WU K-K! of Sco. 13, Twp. 34, N. Kairsc .A w. He name as witnesses 1 1 prove hl con tinuous residence upon and cultivation of aaUl laad, viz: Uobort Harrison and Theodore F. Golden of Adelia. Kebraska. William H. Davis aud Julliin E. Phlnney or Hnrrlson, Nebraska. Also, JCSKl'H 1.. MlIKIC'K, ol Itislnrc, Ni braska, who made II. K. No. H'101, for tlie.S'i H of Sec. 14, anil W'J K-W!i oflw., Twp. Si Jt., Itange 55 w. Ue iiamea as wltneHes to prove his con Unnous residence upon aud cultivation of all land, viz Henry Covey and Nela Englnbtet of liar rlaonr, Nebraska, John Mack and Hernuui Illbler of rio'larc, Nebraska. (8-13J y. U. UORKlNtiTON, Kegister. Content Notice. CNITKI) 8TATK3 LAND OKr'ICK, Alliance, Neb., August, )th, 1W, A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed Iu this office by George W. I.eake, con testant, against Kr .nk R. Smith, entry No, ewn, made 2nd September, lssc, lor S W I N-K'i -n-K4 s-kh s-wm. & k-wi sr.-i Section IU, Township 2(1, Kango 07, by frank . Smith, Contesteo, In which it is alleged that: Krank R. Smith did not break any part of said land, nor catiso the a:n to be broke, nor did ho at any lime plant any trees or seed, or cause same to be planted, and the said contestant la ready to prove at such time and place as may be named by the Register and Receiver for a bearing in said caae; and he therefore asks to be allowed; to prove said allegation, ho tba said contestant paring the expense ol the said hearing. Maid parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m. on Oct. 84, 1MU, before tho Kegister and Receiver st the United Slates Land Office In Alliance, Ne braska. , - r, M. DORRINUON, Heglsler. AUENTS W ANTED KOK,, THE UKK AD Aiblevenioiits Admiral Pewcy," the '.rld's naval hero. Bv Murat Halste.ad, tho lifu-long friend and admirer of the nitlou's, I4ul. Biggest and best bonk f over WW pages Xil)luches; neartyJiO pagi-s halftone lilu-it tftions. Only 1.M. Knormoin demand. tS'g Coinmisslo-H. Onlflt free. Chance of l: ii. W i .te mi, tit. TV. f'ominion font y,Jid riccrCaxtotv Blirg., tticsgo. Ti?e Commercial Bank. IXCOItPOKATEU 18S8. Harrison, - - - - Nebraska. -CAPITAL STOCK PAID IN SURPLUS AND PROFITS DIBECTOBS. B. E. J?rkw9ter, President. Chas. C. Jamkson. I). H. Griswold, Canjiier. 4 AAnnrivnAiiiipiiTA -r I.I KKt-M'l IN IhN I V INTEREST PAID ON IN THE DISTH1CT COUKT OF SIOUX COUN- Tt, NKIiKBSKA. SOT1CK TO NOX-KESIDENT OEF'ENOK'STS. Commercial Investment Company, a cor poration, J. S. Lawrence, whose trna chris tian name is unknown, Nebraska Security Company, a corporation, defendants, will take notice that on the 2nd day of August, A. I). 1H99, Joseph Hoffman, plaintiff, herein, filed his petition In the district court of Sioux county, Nebraska, against Commer cial Investment Company, a corporation, J. S Las rence, whoso true christian name is unknown, Nebraska Security Company, a corporation, the object and prayer of which is to foreclose a tax Hen npon the East half of Hie North west quarter, ."oath-west quar ter of the North-east quarter, North-west quarter of South-cant quarter, of Feetion twenty-eight (2H), Township thirty-three (ia), North of llange fltly-four (54), west of the Oth l'rinclpal Meridian, in Sioux county, Nebraska, that tbe taxes involved lh said cause of action are the taxes ftssessed and levied thereou.for state, county and school district purposes for the years 1893, lf4, .1S1A for which the -same was sold to said plain tiff .on theKlKtdayof May, A. 1). 1897, for the mm of tifl.U, to hnve an accounting of tbe amount due therefor, and or tbe taxes duo iWierton fcr the years l9, 1S97, 189S, paid by said plaintiff as otibeeqaent taxe:, and tacked to his certificate of sale. And said plaintiff prays to have said land sold for the payment and satisfaction of the amount found due upon the sfl - for said taxes and interest thereon t her w'th tho costs of suit and costs of sallind attor ney fee, to bar, foreclose and exclude the defendants and each of them from all title, lein, or equity of redemption In and to said puree) nf lund and for general relief. Ynu and each of you are further njtlfled and re quired to aiiawer said petition on or before the 11th day of September A. U. 18W. SI. J. O'C'ONSEH.. Attorney for plaintiff. NOTICE TO N0N-RKS1DKXT DEFENDANTS. McKinley I.anning Loan and Trust Compa ny, a corporation, Commercial Investment Company, a Corporation, Nebraska Security Company, a Corporation, defendants, will take notice that on tho 2nd (lav Of August, 1H, Surah Jordan, plaintiff herein, filed her petition iu the district court of Sioux Coun ty, Nebraska, against McKinley l.anuing Ixiau and Triint Company, Commercial In vestment Company, Nebraska Security Company, corporations, defendants, the ob ject and prayer of which are to foreclose the tax Hens, hereinafter described. In its cause of action stated In said peti tion the plaintiff seeks to forecloae a tax lien upon the south-cant quarter of Section twenty ('i0) Towuslilp thlrty-thrco (SI) north of range filty-flvo (5fl) west of the lith prln cipal meridian iu .Sioux County Nebraska, that tho taxes involved In said cause of ac tion are the taxes that were levied foi state county and school district purposes In the years lS'J.'i, 1S9-I, ls95, for which tlie same was seld to said plaintiff on the 8th day of Juno 1S(7, Xor the sum of VMM, to have an ac counting of tho amount dne therefor, and lor the taxes due thereon for tbe years, 1890 lS(7, ISM, paid bvsald plaintiff as subsequent taxes and tacked to her certittcateof tax sale and said plaintiff prays to have said land sold for the payment and satisfaction of tho amount found duo upon the same for said taxes and Interest thereon, together with tbe costs of suit and costs of sale, to bar fore close and exclude the defendants and each of them from all title, lien or equity of re demption Iu aud to tlie said laud and for general relief. And you and each of you are further notified and required to answer said petition on or before tho 11th daV of Sept ember A. I). 181)9. M. J. 0'CONtfKI.L, Attorney for plaintiff. NOTICE KOH JRESKNTATION TO AMI HEARING BEEOKE JI IK.IC. Notice Is hereby given to all persons hav ing claims and demands against Patrick Murphy, Into of Sioux county, deceased, that the time fixed for tiling claims ugalnst said estate Is six months from the 4th of September, I Kit. All such porsons aro required to present their claims with tlie vouchers to the conn ty Judge of said county, at his ofllce therein on or before the 4tn day ol March, 1900, and all claims so tiled will be heard beforo tho said Judge on the 2nd day of October, 1V! or iif tor arils, on the nrst day or eacn reau lar term day of said court during tho time Umlt' d for filing claims, as aJforsaid. rtntr.d thu Uli d:iy of September, H09. - 1(0 r.B T Wit. so, A 7i'JCv.Vr..J C'OJii!- J a Iga. $10,000. 8,000.00 C. F. Coffek, Vice President A. Mcfiivi.w' WESTERN NATIONAL BANK, New Your. OMAHA NATIONAL BANK, Omaha. Nfjj. TIME DEPOSITS. STOCK BRANDS. The Jophkal will pubiish your brand, like the following, for 82 :(. rjer vear. Kach ari- ditinnal brand 7H cents. fcvery rarmer or ranchmen in Moux and ailioininar ennui siiould advertise their brands iu TheJoub- a l as 11 circulates all over the state. It may bo the means of saving money for yoo. CHARLES BIEIILE. On left side-or hip of cattle, j On left sixralder ef horHes. j 1 Mange on the head ol Warbonnet creek Address Harrison, Sioux Co. Neb. CHAUX.ES UMMIO-OIjll The brand reprsented in this notice and branded any where on left side of horses and IU Also the L L brand any where on. left side of cattle belongs to tba undersigned. CU1BLE8 L'MFHENOUB. Harrison, Nebraska, CHARLES KEWMAN. The brand .represented in this notice and Branded an3 where on left side of cattle, and over-Jap -cat taom (In right ear. . Also the same brand -on left TMta( horses, U:lug to tbe uneralguad. Raage near fast Springs, sorrta fin fa Sioux county. Cbahlk NcwiiaK, Harrison, Nebraska. S. W. CAIfEr. JOn left shoulder -ef eatUe hfrsis. ant IKanKon Little COCtenwaa. i'O. ., Crawf ord Nebr. FRANK NUTTO. On left side of cattle and on loft shoulder ot horses. jjjjlj Range on Antelope creek r. O., OhilcbrJst, Siour Co., Neb. JOHN A. HANSON , Owns the follow inuhrund on eith er: Also HG on cat tle and horse cattle on leftslrte horses on left lihouldcr. Kanire on Silver Springs and east of slate inc. i'oHtoflice Harrison Neb , ?100 REWARD. FOr proof to convict any person of steal ing any of my stock. Cattle branded same as cut. Horses branded same on right shoulders orC on -left thigh. Sheep, paint brand same as cattle and Are brand C on right aide of nose. Address, David Colvii,i., Glen Nebr , Democratic County Convention A county convention of the Democratic party of Sionx county, Nebraska, is hereby called to meet at Harrison, lu said county. Saturday, Sept. 30, 18M, at the Court House, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of plac'ng In nomination candidates for the following olHces : One County Clerk, One County Treasurer, Oue County Sheriff, One County Judge, One County Superintendent of Schools, Ono County Surveyor, one County Coroner. Also, 1o transact such other business as may properly come before the convention. The several precincts In selcl county HI bo entitled to representation In the convention based on the vote cast for Hon 0. J. Smyttho at the general election of Jses, belngone delegate for each IU votes or minor fraction thereof, which makes the appor tionment as follows: Andrews llowen Montrose tW sugar I oaf Warbonnet Whistle Creek Antelope Hat Creek Running Water Snake Creek White Hirer Cottonwood It is rei oin mended that no proxies be al lowed. It Is rfconipiidod that tbe different Pre cinct primaries in the county be bold on Tonsil y Sept. 11, IS0R. M. J. Bwwrrr, Secretary. M. J. UATHAft-, Cbtlrmaa, fi ""I I it iff ,1 t 1