Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, September 14, 1899, Image 8

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1. 13. BIGELOW, Prop.,
Drugs, I
Drugists Sundries1(
Paints, Oils, Varnishes, jj
J. E. PHINNEY, Proprietor. 5
Jcandies, Nuts. Tobacco, Fruits, Dates,
$Kix, Cakes, Pies, Dread, stationary
?etc. ' '
ne Line
r7"A Good Lutk-.1i Counter ii Connection and Every Tbilisi
adie's & Sesitiemen's
Sold at Living Prices.
o 2
mT mmWm
All kinds of Harney Goods. Alo, Flour and all kind? of
Grain and Feed for pale. Besides the above I have Build
ing material, such as Lumber, Lime, Hair, Cement etc.
ST Call and get PRICES before buying elsewhere.
Thuksday. Sept. U. 1809.
Ueo. D. lauon, Editor unsl I'rop.
EBusiness Locals, each insertion Sc.
Display, staiKling Ails: prices for stymie
made known on application.
HUH-k Brand and tlie 1kks-Joi'bnl, tnie
year W 0.
t'oreigu ad vertlsinft mu.it be paid in ad
vance. VOT further Information, Address,
Harrison, Scot.
F. E. 31. X. R. R.
.6loclaJ Exicurniou to Hot
Springs, S. Dak.
Special Excursion to Hot Springs, S,
Dak., Sept. 19, 189930 days. One Fare
or round trip, plus $2.00.
F. A very, Agent
-Those who are wanting to buy some
A cattle, should not forget to' attend
kttlfcib lnori's auction sale, in tiiis
town next Saturday.
Mrs, Andrew Christian acd Miss
Christian of Pleasant Ridge were in town
last Saturday, to meet Mr. C. who came
in from the east at noon.
' Bev. Father Kroupa will celebrate
Mass at the Court house in Harrison on
-on Saturday September 18th at 10 o'clock
All members are requested to attend.
Mrs. Barton, sold her claim to Matt.
tStrawler, on last Monday, the consider
ation being $130 Mrs. Barton expect
to leave this county in the near future.
The daughter of Mr. Andrew Chris
tian, of Pleasant Ridire left for Lincoln
Saturday night where she wer.t to
resume her studies at the Wet layan Uni
iresity during thj scholastic term.
Mrs. Newlin, who went to Douglas
last Thursday noon to take teachers
.examination there returned on Saturday
-flay eveoing, and went home from Har
bison with "Mr. and Mrs. Christian on last
Mrs. F. M. Smith, of Boda.ro went
Hi I'badron, on last Monday evening
is connection with her art work she ex
jctH to he ftiiw a week or ten diys,
mem while F. M. will enjoy single b!es
Mdnetii. Mrs. Dr. J. E. l'liinney left for Se
ward county, thig state Wednesrlay even
ing on a visit to her parents. S!ie will
,l lubtless visit the exposition at Omaha
1rore her return home. She will be ab
sent three or four woeks.
Rev. Kendall left for jMarsland yes
terday, where be goes to make arrange
nMt preparrtory to moving his
family, where they will be located for
this conference year. He will doubtless
fill the pulpit there next sabbath.
Another 'innocent," the six-montlw-
4ld babe of 5f r. and Mrs. 'Will Bogart,
pa Med away Sunday afternoon of that
drmAtft. infantile disease, cholera en fan
tam Bit. it is a consolation to its
ftmti to know, that the Savior of the
wWM saiJ: forof such is the kingdom
of Heaven."
' Mr. CharWs Snyder and little son,
4j aoofl and war mot at the depot by
he buftfeaad, who ba4 been a resident of
Cm oouaty for the past thrw months.
V. Mtd Kn. Saydw will live on the J.
XT. CamMl raoca on Kuaning Water
If Ut aoatfi of towa.
' at Tneetriy Mae; the anniversary
f Cr. a4 Kra. Chas. Thomas, their
C"TJ tAtnU took MKaatag ef the op
l -.-tjr kffanW tbem by respooding
O V.3 IsTitaMoii aoeonM them and
;;JiJti baeptulMy of tMr yoang
-J kxK ; PueiH. iadalf;.
"' zdtsmtOM wmn mrrwi, aorf
1 '"'-tO.wI-' C nMi
' 1 ttM 'i ' '' i'''''-1
F. E. i 31. V E. it. 1 line U'jie.
Going Wwt. Going East.
So. 6, mixed. I) :30 J Xo. 6. mix?d 8:00
v, n, 8. is
to and from the
E. M.
the best
3 Preaching every other SaV.iutb
at 11 o'clock a. rn., and every Subbath
evening at 8 o'clock at the M, F church.
Every body invited to attend.
Rev. J. L. Kendall. Pastor.
District Court will
week from next Tuesday.
convene one
Frank Curry, shipi-ed 5 cars of cattle
to the Omaha market Saturday, Ura
Kirtley of Pleosant Ride and Ernery
Zimmermaa of Kodarc accompanied the
Rev. Kendall, who has loen station
ed at Harrison, during. the pas-t two
years, has been assigoed to Marsland.
They leave fer their ovvr field this
W. IL Davis, left for Omaha, on
last Saturday, to take m the siiiht as
well as to attend the republican state
convention which will be held in that
city on the 21st inst.
The other little cliild of Mr. and
Mrs. liogart, which has been sufferiog
with the same dise9 as the little oue
which died Sunday afternoon is some
what better, though it has been quite
seriously ill.
If any body tells our readers that
Hon. Lewis Gerlach is going to sell out
and leave Harrison this fall, just tell
them it is not so and for a proof of the
statement ask them when in town,
to go to the Ranch Supply Houpe
and see all the new cools put in this
week which are being sold at almost cost.
No UERLACH will b here all winter sel
ling goods cheaper than ever.
Charles liiehle, seetnel dreadfully
peiturbed the othar day, just because
his better half having had her teeth ex
tracted, he is no iorger able to unJer
stand her. lb; said or rather half said
something in an un ler tone alout den-
tihts; Harrison; and tlie JA'RAL, as be
ing the cau-M' of ail his presf nt dilema,
he also latin ate l that he and Lewis (-r
lach who l.y the nay is in the wrue pre
dicament, ors going to see about divorce.
County Commissioner, Rohwer,
went to Hot Springs, S. Dik. Friday
ast, and will enjoy tl e hot baths for a
week or ten days, believing that it will
eradicate rlieumatism from his system,
which be has been su.Terios witb for
the past six months or since his severe
spell of rheumatic fever last winter.
It is eroestly hop&i that Egffert will
come home physically a new man.
Mrs. Chat Unitt and little boy to
gether with her sister, who has been vis-
ting with ber for some time, left for a
month 'or nix 'weeks visit at her old
home in Seward county Saturday.
What about chat? Why he is one of
the boys now. Of "course, be has not
taken to hard drinking yet to drown his
troubles, but it is hoped Mrs. U., will
not leave him I o enjoy "single blessed
ness" too long, as ber other half begins
to look pretty seedy already,
Dont fail to read "permanent pros
perity" an article clipped from a Dead
wood, S. D. paper and commented on ed
itorially, by a a lady correspondent of
the PHKHS-JontSAL, in another column of
this issue. She handles the subject with
out gloves, tears aside tlie mask and dis
close to ber readers the utter fallacy
and deception of the single gold standard
and national bank not currency irsue,
a advocated by the republican party to
day. Her com meats also go to show
that tlie lady keep in touch with the
timet on all public, political questions
that araf iutng the mind of our people
ttteprVtMtdaaad that her soul U
I'rtenaery partieaa for raform as ad rocs. t
J by Democracy,
J VV. CiYIl 1 n,
Manufacturer and dealer
In Harness, Saddles, Bridles ic
Send in your Harness and shoe
pairing;, and a first class job i
Professional Cards.
J. E. FHINXEY. M. 1).
rhyitc-iaa and Surgeon.
All calk- (firen prompt attention.
Ufiice in Dniif .-store.
Prompt attention given to all le;ai
matttrs in Justice, County and Dihtrict
Courts, and befon the United State
Land OlHce.
Fire Insunitjiai written in reliable
O'Legal papers carefully drawn.
Harrison, - Kedhakka.
Martin Weber, of Glen, was in town
on buvi cfs ia.st Saturday,
J. W. Earnest, will make final proof
on a quarter section of land situated on
Running Water, day after tomorrow.
Owing to an unpardonable oversight
on the part of ye scribe we neglected t
mention the fact of Grandma DavU go
ing to New Kichlund Minn., ou an ex
tended visit in our lat issuti.
The state Brand Law require that
applications for brands now in use should
be mads to Uie Secretary of Mate by the
31st day of December 1SS3. Parties in
terested hhould see that their applica
tions are bled that time.
Miss Claudia Hester, was a passeng
er on the west bound train last Saturday
noon going es far as Lusk, where she
will be the gust of her sister Mrs. W.
II. BonselJ, be expects to return home
this week accompanied by the latter.
Sirs. J. L. Smtick sv-.-'onirxinied by
mai)A r johu itiul i.i: (i,,i;vK, m:-
driven to Crawford, bv their iietie Joni
and ma.str yesterday, where the' t-Xik
uie JtJl. tr.iin to JUncoIn, to spend a
lew nays witii iier brother Frof. Gray,
after which they will continue their trip
to Tingley, la. on a visit to her parents,
they expect to be gone a month or six
weeks. Mrs. Dr. Pliinney, will accom
pany Ihein from Crawford, to &eard,
where she n ill visit her people. Cour
age boys, your better hit! ve will come
back some "sweet day l.y and by",
The TittXiS-Joi'iiNAL, eroestly hop"
that every voting precinct in Sioux
county w,ll tee to it, that full delega
tions ara sent to the t o Democratic and
PojiuUht convention which are called
to meet at the court house in IJurrmon,
SeptfiOth, at 1 o'chxik p. m. Every ef
fort should be made by the several fe
cinct caucu-vts in the county to send the
most influential, honorable men asdfl ;-
gats to the conventions whi em li tru.v
Ud to tarry out thj w:li of th reform
forces in the county relative, to nomina
ting men for the various county vi'dces
to be voted for this fall, who will be an
honor to tlie democrats and populists,
anu who win onng erieci Harmony lo
tba fusion; sLs. Iurumny, with united
effort means sjwcm; diword and nelflsii
motives will causa defeaat. This county
should rot Mi p a larger majority for the
fusion ticket this fall from Holcomb
down to county coroner than we did
If gjine one would make complaint
to the proper authorities, and theruby
obtain an order to send Earl Archerd to
the reform school nt Kearnty, they
would be doing that bey a favor, that
he may possibly in after jears, thank
them for. It seems as D'-sr as we can
ascertain, that an estray horse came to
Alex. Lowrey's a mouth ago, and has
been kept in the pasture since that time.
The Lcy boy learned whom the horse
belonged to, and we underrtand hud writ
ten to the owner, informing him whem
the horse was; in some way Earl found
out who the party waii, procceeded to
Lowrey's pasture yesterday morning
caught one A. McGinley' horse and
corraled the herd, caught the horse in
question and was io the act of leaving
with it, when Sheriff IIjIIv hailed him
and compelled him t return the berse to
tlie pasture. Such act as that are lia
ble to lead to trior? sorioun one and ulti
mately land th boy in the penitentiary,
if permitted to go on without being
Unght a sever Icssoa,'
31. J. 0 ("omiol!, - - Co. Attorney,
- vCX- -
Will Practice in All OnrR
! Succial Attention CIveu Jo Land (If.
fice Iliisinosx.
ColIecUoiu aii'I all business r-nf rust
ed to me will rewire jn-oin5t attention.
HAliKl-oX - JCfW'A.sKA.
unless makinc; i'aim.ou.
The- undets'gncd just located j
in lower north-west corner room!
-F AMtUKK IIAI.l,, is
prepared to do ail kinds cf drew
making snd se'.vinp in her lire.
The patronage of the public is solicited.
V'e guarantee satinf action and tiiut
our charge u ill Ixs reaKonable.
Mas. Ma(h;;e IUisechaxk.
Mrs. Holly, mad a trip to Crawford
on last Tuesday evening.
Grandpa Wright is huty tips we. k
calcimining the inside waili of ttw Drug
W. O. Psttcrson is engaged in p'.qs
tt'ring the Warned resilience, on tlie
wet side this week.
County Treasun-r BifhU is having
his coumry residence undergo a throuli
renovation under the direct um of Henrv
Wortz. As Henry umiriands his
work thoroughly, we can vouch lor the
siatnuefit that I'verytliiag lie does in li.s
Ine will te all (). K.
A- X. Cannon, bus contended bin ser
vices with Frark Kotti, down in Sow
belly canyon, nnd will leave for Ouuiua '
t attend the Exposition about a week,
when he will leave for bis home at Al
pena S. Dak. j
Pat Lacy, request, ijk to jirmocrve
th;u U-,- wi! . a wmw lu-H i'i W;r-1
bouiiel St.U C'f, tr in. it:n;i" ! ;1..-i-;j
mg delegates to attend the 1 mioeratic '
convention at Harrison Sept. Z'hU.
Will G.iyhnrt and hm brother were
over from Montrose Tuesday doing some
trading, returning home the win.e eve
ning as far as Frank Nutto's, v. here his
wife and little ones were vmiting with
her parents.
DIEJ Of ChoU-ra-eii-fanluin on last
Sunday afternoon Sept. 10th, IH'j'j Ivora,
the infant daughter of Sir. and Mrs. Will
Bogart, at thiir home just north of
town, aged 0 months and 10 days. Ti e
funeril wrvic-'S were held nt the home
of the Urt-ftwd parents on last Monday
afternoon at 1 o'clock. Rev. Garton, of;
Warfxinrietcoiidui ting tliem and the iu
tcrment txik dace at the Harrison cem
etery. The grief Ktrii ken parei.ts will
have ttw sympathy of tlnir host t.fj
fricndH in their berevenu-nt and with!
the tiappy thought that their darling
which was permitted to brighten their
lives and home for a few nhort months
is now among the brightest Uur? wfiich
lldorn t(a tome" on tlie other shore.
Baby's left the cradle,
For the golden fchore;
0'er.e silvery waters she has flown,
- s gone to join the angels, peace
Emty is ths cradle; baby's gone.
lirvczcii Tram Tho Vnlley.
llerinun Ifonrath and sons of Montrose
passed through Gilchrist last Monday,
with 100 bead of cattle, which he purch
ased of Capt. Snyder, paying f 30, a head
for CO cows, and each cow had a calf.
Miss Li! lie Zimmerman, will begin. a
four months term of school in the fuel
ing district next Monday and board with
her sister Mrs. Myrtle Daut.
Real estate continues to change hands
but little is pun based by new comer in
tbi part of the country. II. Zimmer
man has purchased tlie Charley Grewell
iAstweek Messrs Wohlhetor, Miller,
McCann and Zimmerman, sold som rati
tie to Mr. Curry, that had been in the
heid at Slieep creek.
J. U. Burke Sundayed ot home last
Suwlay. He ha a job of making hay
forCpt Snydvr which will k,.p um
buy eevrral weeks yet.
' Tlte Wtr I'O'iiii.-js'oiier Mr. tj'il 'vflo
r. ti J n f it3 vi a
vuswuv sua il w
Call and look
- iforc Purcliasine as
Marsteller BROS.
D fit
- 1
was muktng rail nbtng Sowbelly and
Msiiiros creeks the l:c-t i" :t-t ww k,
cattle couij k$ w&u r to di .i.i, I r. .in
that two streaui. lie desires justice
to be done to hll mid Ins dcumij i.s reas
A letter from Mrs. Eli Smith of Elgin
Oregon, informs us, that they are well
pleased with the country and have pur
chased a quarter taction, Iwsides the
land they traded their Sioux county
prorty for. Their new purchase being
down in the vallsiy where the Know d.ies
not Jay quite so deep. I)n and George
have ninde 2!)00 lies and they can hardly
miss tho tinilier lak 'ii. ClJ'J.
At (cut hm CV inrudcs.
Tliere is a motion tK'fore t!io Post to
change the i!y of li.eeting on which
action will U tiKcn at our next meet
ing, a full attendance is desired.
E. E. LlVEWlu:, Commander,
Public Sale.
I will Mint public auction
at Harrison, Neb.. Haturday
tpi. Hi, IMi'J, at 'J o CiOCK p.
in., the following described
personal property to-wit:
11 cows and calves,
20 Ib-iftTK,
4 yearling Steers,
1 Hereford Hull,
(o'ni.Kiii Kxoui.
Terms of Sal-:-Casli.
The republicans of Andrews procinct
are hereby called to meet nt the school
house in said precinct Thursday Sept. 'J8
th nt 8 o'clock p. in., to elect delegates
to the county convention and to nomin
ate candidates for product ofTlcos.
C. CllltJHTESfKN, C'nmuiilleeni.in.
K st hay Nirrici;.
To Whom It ifr Coscbhs:
Ttml Y. J. Will, tbi oiiden-lKnecI (lit on
tlie nth d.iy of Auipiit, !MI on bis enclotwl
laml sllnntH In Wr.rboiinet prwlnet, t
flou cotuity, VrOrsnks, take np tiro twy
mrr lie pslrjjrod, mi I warps belli j nioi
psrttcularly dcwribwl s fullow!
Two liny msret brsndiwl I
on left
i'e.J v ir.:.o,i ti. f"
Hill Amu lit Peiitrmiev wj.'W!'.
I U...I J. um.
& Youths
rr M i- '
our Stock over be-
ve can SAVE you
has been added to the well
known Hosp
CAfcii. 2 rcmrcLT.
With Stool and Scarf.
Write For Particulars.
Gniml Dull.
At Il.irrison N!j-., Sept. 2 2nd 1H!KJ
vi ry Udy invittd to atier.d.
i M. J. O'Connel,
Committee.! G. L G-rlach,
( Henry Ulewett.
Hcpiililicuii t'ou nly Con vent ion
The re;nibllcn tlectoro il Sioux count
Jii'lir., sre requesletl tn-l i1ne(Jal- from
tlieir respetilve f reeuu ts to iti-et In conn,
ly convenllun M tbtrrin, on Moudiiv,
(HUilfr i. nt onr o'ciocli p. in. lor the pur
pose of pl.teliiif in mniiiaton eiuiduluU's
for tlie. folios Inir oHIwih:
fine County tlerk.
line I 4;uet Treii.tir.-.r.
(me I oimly s;,.ri;f.
One tuiii!.y .) ti'life.
Our ( utility ttUirl:it!iu!i:nt.
uie i b nt y Surveyor.
One Comity Coroner.
Ami tint trarisiw'tliiKof utieli other bnslni"
u limy properly mine btore lhi-eoiu rTillon.
llio aevrral piefliuti are entlded to rep-n-a(iii:itlon
n follows, tlie iipjs.rtloninent.
lln;f bjseii ujxjn tlie vote eust for the Hon.
l. I.. Ibiyward for (fovenior. In isim, glvlnif
Meh prerlnet one (Iciejfute ut hirgv, d one
for eueli ten voles or tho n.ajcr (ruction
tliereil ;
3 Aiitelnfw
4 Ct ton woo l
I'st ctw-k
S'laki? creek
2 Montrose
1 Snijiir Iaf
1 Whittle creek
1 Tot;tl
White Itlver
Uuniiingn liter
It I irwoMimend'xt that no proxies le nd
niltml but tbt the di(fti preent enst the
full vote to wbleli the precinct U entllled.
Pntclnel rsarunes will be bebl on rti'pt,
V, nt the hours nml places dislfnut by thi!
respective coiimiitteiinien.
, Y. II. HiiiiiLow, (lialrman.
W. If. Im vi, i i .ry.
Want Column.
Aelielvcimiitof t'l mlriil Imwi-jr," tlte vroi lli
irrenlt iihvhI lirro. Iiy Mun.t HnstMiil,
tlm life Ioiik f rteiiil suit wltulrer of the nsti
oics Idol. HlKf.t nn bet iHMik; ov r !
inures, svin inches; nesny liw puK.-n balllonn
IlliistrMtlons. only ei.Af. Kri(,rriiitiHJ.tMii'l
ItiK oiiiinlsslo'ix. (lulllt free. ( linne is.l
lllistline. W rileiilek, The Doiniiiloti Com
pnnv.Snl floor CuX ton UIiIk , Uilcnjo
Rettere VIULIIT.
Cures Ira potency, Night Emissions and
wasting dlseai.es, all effects of self.
abus-f, or excess and Indis
cretion A nnwtx lml.
-.-m ' 'swhwhiiii
sy'-wf.Wooa builder. Bring the
rpink clow to pale cheek and
TfSQf! restores the fire of youth.
JTT'Wuy mail ooc per box, O boxen
for frith a written iniarmn.
tee to c ure) or rcftind ih inmmv.
Send for circular. Address,
j Clinton at JmCuon 0t& CHICAGO, IU
!(! 11 Ir. i. C rhlnMy.