Harrison press-journal. (Harrison, Nebraska) 1899-1905, September 14, 1899, Image 1
I rr 1 1ARRISON n JOUfc r! r. UMAJL. i. S ' I h 3 SKJbJ : - s "VOL. ZSXI. HABBISOIT, UEBB "r Xull)""0 QUESTION IG EVER SETTLED Harrison Press-Journal. I ICSTAliUKUKB leSS. Subscription Tric.-e, $1.00 OFFICIAL PAPER OF SIOUX COUNTY. -"eo. 1). (nnon, - Keillor. Entered at tho Harrison post office as kCCOnd clss matter. Perry Belmont, i.n ultra, gold demo crat and political enem.v of Hon. W. J. Bryan, in an interview just lfor ing for thrj Unite Slates predicted Hint Mr. Bryan would bo sweopui-ly elected in 1000. o-i-CA., TI-IXJTpsiDjir, SEPT.14 1399 LED UNTIL 17 13 SETTLED RiGHT." .'fen. William j. Bryan. ' " ' W" W At the Valentine, repnblicnn Judicial Cf.ovention i;ist week, Attorney W. V. Wood or Kuhliville, and Judgu A'dor of Ainsworlb were nominated, and will compete with Jud-o Westovor and James J. Harrington, the fusion candi pate for election at the polls in Koveni-btr. ri tiiox ,stati: tickkt. For StirHin Jtu'jir, IIO.W SILAS A. IlULOOMB. for l:piinte, sU.t University, KHStJN i:i :;r, ' J. J TKEtKR-i. For empress, r.(h Hi,tr!et, HON. V. J I, NT. VILLI:. J' or Judjc,,, i;,h lii-trirt. Win. !!. WesUii-ur. James J. Harrington. Mior'Iy ln'fonj H.t ro!.,rv Aler retir! from thy war department Ice Pi-tma't-d wijuii, com r..; i.i,.'.Hi, i.. lint f.inre Herniary K Kit lias lfeti ensured the extra esp.'ii-a- incurred under hist admin istration, haa increased s, rapidly that the estimate now reaches SI, 001,000 per day. It will not ha Inns before another bond issue will is nee.!! to in yet Iieip 11111 the U. S. Treasury. I'apt. Dry f us of the French army l as tried Bj.rain and re-Koiem,vd for trwwoi) again,t bin country, Hit sen teuce Iieing for ten years. Thus, justice 0i Franco bus been ou 'lipid. It i a rt. hiilt ol an army ridden country, who aro terrorizing, Dot only the judicial branch of the government, but the exe utivj and legislative us well, (.'apt Lry fud is us much a martyr to justice, in -our opinion, as the crucillxiou of Jeur of Xaxerot.il. Since tho abolishment of tha hcrtn-.s m nan a few yearn ago, as pnictici.d by uhj aiorruan cnurcu, the prsn!jiit of timse L'ni ted States has treats will) a polo;ymNt chief in the Sulu inlands, iirantinB him J10.000 to maintain ,,(1) as a bigamist besidow yielihri!,' to t!w base principle ()r serfdom, or in other words slavery; in return for which the fitar:i and stripes are to float over the Sultan's domain unmolested. 'Cyclone" Davis or Texas, anj Lieut. F. J). Eier will hpeake for the reform forces at Cbadron, Sejit 2:jrd, Crawford September 24, Heminford Sept. TUh and Allianoj Sept. 2iilh. Wondtr v.hal-s the matter of Harriion. that svaUers are not billed to address the voters hurt? Undoubtedly tlie republicans of this Judicial district have put up a ivak tick et, as compared with the fusion ticket nominated by the Democrats uud xpu lists at Valentine on tho 2nd irist. I knee it will in our opinion be an easy walk away lor h,s honor, Judge Westover, nu Jion. j. j. llamnpton Nov. 7th. It is safe to say thut Hon. Judre Vood t and his runuintr mate J. K. Aider will not be in it ou election day. 'Watch. Final Proof Notices. All pcr-oiiR hsrhiir rinal proof notify i till" p - will riv.-ive a i,i;irk,-I copy of tlie . . nil, iriii-U1 io fCKIIIItlt 'i'i ii lifiv error smiie U UiIj ofliuo ut on. e. III!', exist jcjKirt tin "I do so onl.:r and declare that o 11 par sons hel l as slaves within vtid Jecipiat ed tatts an J parts of states uro am! henceforth shall he free, and that the ex ecutive Kovernmcot of th United States will r.x ognine and maintain the freedom of said h rutins. "And upon this act, sincer'v bcli'jved to bufin act ut justiie, wunanted hy the constitution upon military necessity, 1 invoke, tha coiisnieiatu jud,,'oieut of man kind and tho gracious favor of Almighty !od.'' Lincoln's Kin.uicijiation Procla mation, 5I..wsa','M and pipers of tho PrewilonW, Vol. VI. pages V)'i-9. Neither f1:i very nor involiintarv servi tuiicf, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall havo been duly J cimvioted, siiall e:iit in the United States j or any place suhjiH lo th.;ir jurisdiction." C'oiiKiitut.ioii of Hit Uoiliid States. Arti-1 -WIH0 HIllS. . The undersigned is at? cut for tho celfbrattid David H;:adli;y, W;m Motok. Improved Wind MWln, th best made. I am also prepared to furn ish on short notice first ciass Vampt, Pipes, V.'ood ,t S!e(. Towers, Tiinks cr nnytiiii"' in liio llnt nrt!iit, repairs, AT LUIVKM" VWL. Vrii'o rno for t.'stimates ho fore; contraetinsr elsevrliere. You will save money by it. AwmEss-JOlIN' H. A8HTON". Ardiiux-c, S. Dak. C.t! .11 iii'.T ix little doubt but, that the his- ion s'ate ticket in Nbra-.ka. this fa .-it i i ... , i win ie eieci.j i oy an overw lie! mm;; ma-j-jrilv. The record of x f;overoor Ilol nnnib, lis the chief executive t f the Utte for Sour years, is proof suCicient, of his h ('iicxty and inU-rit v as H public ser vant lo insure thi.t ho.ii r b e g n ele nun's rliidiun. And. uurjues! ionab'y the two candidates for regents of the slati University are educators of the first n,aftililudy mid of coui'so will com mand an equal vote with the head of the ticket. PERMANENT PROSPERITY. TKi UP-TO-DATE LITTLE LIVER PILL iV$MPJ SHIcusnoos, tiSsHift and Liver ' -NOTiCi; H)U I'l lU.II'A'J loN. tiV.VkJiT3flV.ST or TUB INTFKIOT!. l..oi: Olilre ut Alliance, .Wo., An::. 0, X)ti-i is liftojljy ffjveu thill the following iisTiicI ci tller lias llleil notice of bis ini,-;j, tiou to make final proof In supiioi r of -! itti , 1tlml mi 11 proof will be icmle ), f re Cli-,k f IiUI riot Court ut ILini-on .Ni'iiruikn.oii Sciiiciiiijer lu, ) viz : ' ' JOSKI'Jl VV. KAKNlisr, of IIrrlKt.u, Nclirnska, wlio wi;.!e II. K. Ko. w w. icr tun h'S-W U, S-r.'i s v ;.: N.Wti of .,-e. ri,lwp. a, N. Kimc, Ho names the following wltneyes to jn-ove Ills cotlinioas residence unou urid culiiva lion of :ti. I.md, viz: sunuiol ). Cotlee, John n. Mi-rsteiler, llwiKht If. (iriswold iinrl J.e is (ieriueli, nil of Harris-mi, Nebraska. F. M, I)ohi:is4.ton, Itcifistcr. Niie So la! iank. TV , ami s.l;i 4 .VOTIUK KOIt I'l - Hi,! CATION. DEP4BTM -VT OPTHR IsTrmoit. l.llU't tnliifcut Allliaiiee, scb., Aust. S, IU'rl. Not-o is liori-by given tlmt Hie folloivim; nioneit settler has nU::l notice or bis ifiTen tio:i t-.i riialre fj u n J proof in sn.iport of his claim, Kid tlmt sahl proorwill be iimde be foie Cleric of District Court lit Iltiirison, Nebraska, on September 1, istiil viz: I.I.OU'.K i I'll 1 1.1,1 S, or Ilan-iKon, KcbMska, who iiuulu II. K. No. for the m H K'i K-W'4 Hint Loi t, Sec. .I!, T,, :), s. Itanre A -es. He naines the fo!lon-int; witues.-es to prove hit, co'itinuont l-esiilence upon ami evlliva Hon of m.lij luml, viz: Peter 3V,.U(!r, Wultt-r Pitt, lienr;- Hose, nod Nel liujiebi-eeht, Hll of HiiiTiton., Neln-axka. - V. M. JionmsiiroN, Kcijister, JCOIIPOBATED 1SS8. Harrison, - - - Nebraska. 'capital stock pa tp i nt surplus axu phofits Sio.noo.oo3 8,000.00 -o- 2DIBECTOB: 15- E. IhiEwsxKi:, President. Cita.s. (J. Jawksov. I). II. GlilSWOLB, ( C. F. Coffkk, Vice President A. McGixley, isliier. - CORRESPONDENTS: WESTERN NATIONAL BANK, .New Yoiik. OMAHA NATIONAL BANK, Omaha, No. 'INTEREST PAID 0N.TIME DEPOSITS.- INTli : Ol.iTlMCT ClC RT (IF SIOUX COCN Ti, X EIIKBSK A. KOTICCTO NOX-IiKSJOLM DEKKNIik: TS. NOTIUK roit I'Clll.lCATIO.N. 100 PtLLS ; CT3. attics coT2o. iiold by ail rBtlr.ta or sent by lujti. IlltTTftn MJ.'cai Co., Cil:jri SOLI) BY I)Pw J. p.. PIUNNEY. KOTtCi; roil i'KKSKNT.VnoN TO AXI HEARING IlfcKoilB JfDIiK. DF.i'tBTiiENT of Tiu: iNrnmoR. l.nnd Oftta at Alilimce, N.'b., An.2'i, l.-i'J'l. Notice if her.'by fivpa lint tin- following iinmed settler has tlierl noilee of!il!i Inten tion to riftUe tlmtl proof In sapport ol bis clnlin, an l tlmt said final proof w ill be limde before Clerk of District Court at Harrison, Nehraalta, on M -ptHinlr-r :!, I'W.viz: .hjiin wtni-iit, of Slot-y, Nebraika, tvlio iniiati It. K. yo. S).U, lor tin- 3 K'i of :r. Si, T H.N.W W, It tuiritM f.hn following witnesses to prove bis Coutlntiiiiis residence upon and cultiva. Hon ofsi.fi luiid.vlz: Ail;,'yt ihiif and Frederick Sumner of Story, Sen., mid ,lncol" Henry, Sr., and Ja cob Itenl y . r,, of Mom rose, Nebraska. '; t. !i. llOMRlKUTiiK, lietrlxter. NOTICK KOIt I't.BI.IUATlOS. l KeAatvr:.T of -rnic Interioh. bund Ofiee at Alliance, Xnb., Ainf 22, Notice In herebc- irivpti hnt, tiu. f'ol iotvintr Notice Is liereby (pven to a!l TH-rsons Imv lnt clu'iiiM. unci tleniandu t.;nitist 1'nti lck .tiurpiiy, late of .Siom eoniily, a:eunt. ni.,.,.l .'t i.... i,i ,.ri.i ,.... that the lima ti.vcd for nihijr claim., (of.dn.t tlon to niske tlmtl proof in support of tils Hitjd estate Is sis; month. from the -Hlinf ' ,.i ,i, .....i .i., . .,,.. - - i ' ...in, ilii'I blltAtJ llllllll Kill 0 nillOCS UD' fore Ci.-rk of District Court. 'at Harrison Advice oy a Uankeb a-s How to JIakk it Lasting. j LKVELAND. ()., Sept. (5. Special. At tb annual onventiori of (he Ameri csm luiiiKers aest ialion l.slay, the most nolahlt) event 'as the adress of Will i, corntveil, president ol tho City National Lank of Buil'aio. lie said: lam Amontf other things "A wave of prosperity n sweeping: over this country. We want it to b as permanent as possible. It cannot l permanent or even assiir-dly iotiy-LiHt ii the basis of all business, the soundness of the currncy, is not delinitely Vslabbslv d lulverse crops, advorse elections, uny one of a numlier of things may liiit m in dan ger iiptiti as e were in danger in 'Oj-'S)-l-'(J. and 'U'l. W.'f.'i the cnrri ncy on un 'ultcAutvly n,d hii$, pvtttjurity i num luihle io continue and if it Uou alow vv Ike elanmt f r, at d'imjr uill not lie I aire to vvike. thimjn u-urnr.." . The voter will notice thut even tha Hanker himself tloes not eX(X'ft prospfiritv to continue after they put "the currency on fin absolutely Round basis". 11 thinks "prosperity will slow up." Ik sayi, that: "A low slight change in the law work fni,' harm to no one and benefit to all will put us out of danger," and proeccedn to call attention to the three main things that need to be done to perfuct our curren cy" "First to establish th gold standard by law." There is an udmission from one hiyh in the councils of the Lepubhcan party that the ,'old in not at present establsiheil by-law. It must then bo estahshed hv the Autocratic dictates of the Republican party. Voters tire especially requested to notice that the yold ttin.a'aid in t.ot (. IiJaii ly law. "Sjeond -To cancel or impound the green backs. 1 he greenbacks were Ikkiim,! hlmn fi,M ifi,v..rnii.i.iii lA r, . i 1 1 w - b. r, uimliil n..ll iiu niuiirj U1IJ UUT lilllil'.! Bkrtyred President Mid '.'th Bankerg Iiefuso to leud me any" In this sad Btnto of V atfairn when tho National life wan trenibliug in the ballance, when we had no .w-tmoney nod the B inkers refused to lend us any, when there wan an army in the - Held that muht be piovidwl with food clthing and munitions of war or surren- ler the atars and utrijios to tho utara and Hars, the green backH were issued and they did their part nobly, maved tho Ur.ion and made tha greatest wave of proi jierny tlmt lias evr bies-sed the United Slate of America. And tho man or set k of man that would destroy what wt have left of them have huarU block enough io ueniroy uiuir roomers marriage Certificate. "Third To retire bond neourtid bank notes and substitute properly safe guar- uea bank notes against assets. , We would like to have some of tho Rankers explain why bank notes, w hich re Dot tnonry and not even a legal under according to any law of the land, are better than the green backs. That are according to law. Legal tender for all debts public and private except dutioi on lnioru and intermit on the public debt.1 "If thetw two provision are made Into law, the republican sound mouev .pledges will have been redeemed." it'.. .:n i : t i. . .. l . .... ... " c tu in it-oiTiiiBr me urst congress Rince ijyn wtucti is republican in lioth branches, with majorities heco.ssary to mound moony legislation. The parly iiow has no ikceni reason for delay, in carrying out its pledges. It couldjnot have ucttd before, hut if It will receive and merit the tiondaiunation of the voiera that saved ii in irc.ro, and it will be in grave peril in 1U00. I believe we can rely upon the intelliirence of our neoule. exnrped in the 1, islators. to bring about this groat puhll c benefht, Mseutial to our ow n siioce nn io our uerlect ereuit-stanilinir among the nations to (Umand that tha verdict of Ifty'JM carried out in law. Wilhaui C. X)ruwull at American Bankers Con vention, Cleveland. If tin rwople have any doubts as to tha Intmtions of the Bankera jmrty in re gard to the money of this country Such utterances by their Uepresontali ves in tuonveotion 8ssmbld ought to be clear enough to define the intentiniis of the ooney oer and aim to locate tlie jarty that they expect to enact their wants Into law. I'opulists, Lemocrals, Free Silver republicans and every man that belioVes 1 - !...... .... ..( ti.... 1t..A..l. . t. 1 I C. ,1 1 . i . . jo a tiuTi-i iiiiii-iii. ui i hi i eopiu nil tut, pitopie uini tiy in, peoj lit Miouiil UrilW In a mighty effort to elect men to oflice that will not, fuither bilrav the Airierhtvn fyll into finaaciiil I!ond.tge to Hankers atid ImmkI holders small tirfftreutcs of oje If ion ran aJTord to wu it until after the money question 1 Set tried nml settled W' 3.U3LV. September, l.iiJ. All sueii pnrnoiis ere reisulnsl to present their clniiiiH wltli the vouchers to the conn ly Judge of said county, at his ollleu therein on or before the Un day of March, law, and ail claims so tiii-it will be h'vjrd before the said Judge ou the -lid day of October, IK'A or ul'tcrwiirds, on tin: lirst d.iy of each regu lar term ilny of saltt. court durlni: tho time limited for flliiiK cl.iinn, us afrormiid. i'lit- d thls4tl day of hi-pteinimr, IV.s). IJoliK- T WfLKof, UrUL. j A Ti ne Copy. j County J. nine. .MlTICK TO KOS-tlUMUrST bl'.KKN'llAN'i IN TJ1K DlsTlilCT ( ortil'Or- .sI()t:X CO CM I V, N KIHt ASIt A. J. V. Cus le. plnliitltT, iiirshist Metla I.. .Vliiinn, sibc I,, ii. l in, , i ,,.,,i v. Hester James O. - ,i S..-IJ' , HefeiiiiaiitH. To Mettil I.. Maine, Kiln I. lc. Maine, Hint James O. snriruiil. Von ami nicl) of vou v.ill take notiee that, the itbovii ii:iiiii-i iniiliiiiir hn, filed her pet lltlou in the distrh'f court id' Siou.t county .Nebi iiskn tlai object mid prayer of wlilc.n petition 1, the lorei insure of u . ert iln l ix lien on lots nuiiilrt r, id nud 'il of block nniii lr 7 of the viibi-reof Harrison. Kni.ru ii lor tlie ileliriiii,-r,i tuxes on mud lots for l.iie yesrs 1-s.i, s.si, Isvl, lvij, l k.h, tiy.i and pnld bv plulntiir and her bkhIkiioiw, mid thsl thnsuid lol lliuv lie mid to muki, r.oi. irui, II1III.JFOI1 UIIU f.;t('ll Ol "OU ui.iy im- iorecjose.it ami barren or ail rifjiil , lutereat, lien, ot rouily ol redomntion In or to wild preintc. Vou are riiiicd to Kimwer :no pemi'm ouoruciort! tljo nth day ol txtpluiubor ls'.d. J. V. (Jastik, pla In tin. Chast Ci.Tnmii, Attorney for plalntllT, Neliraska, on September '.'J), lsS!l, vU: JOHN W. TIDO, of Ad - iiu, Ni bra-ka, who made II. K. NO. (IM lor ia.i r-. i. i m sec. l.-j, r. :tl N. Ii. ".4 V. He imm:: tho following witnesses to prove his eontiiinoiM restdeuee upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: iiobcrt Harrison, John Mos. Icy, Henry C. Hunter tirul Kdward J. l'clrjn, all ot Ado lia, Nebrailia. F. M. Dorrisuton, lieyiatcr. (;ttit'Kt Xotico. CNITKI) hTATKS Jf.Ari H OFKICK, ,AU.M!cr., Neb., Augilst, LHith, 1WW. A ni-ftleient contest idlldavjt hni Ing beon filed In tills oltice by CeoiKii W. J.ealie, con testant, SRiilnst Kr nk K. Knilth, entry No. 6v5i, uisdo 2nd Hcptomlicr, Ihsfl, lor H-i( N K'i -K4 I-Wi4 N-EV,8-W',N-W48Ei Section 19, Township UanKO B7, by Fratik M. Riiilth, Contesten,' in iviilrli H i, alleifed thai: Frank. II. Sineih dm not i.nmK uny pari or sain lanH, nor eaiise tho sHiiiy to be broke, nor did h Htituythiie plant any trees or swi, or emise same to lie til hii led, and the wild oontesfnnt Is ready to prove ut such time and place its nisy tai named by the llefrlster nud Hecelver for a hearing In said ess; and ho therefore asks to lie allowed; to provn snld alleipttion, he the said contestant payliiff the expenseol the nld heiirlnu. ixahl parties are hereby Untitled to nppnnr. resiKind and offer evidence touching snld allegation nt 1(1 o'clock a. in. on (let. l, IS'i, neioro mo licirlster and Ilecelver t tho t'mteil Mtitu-s Litud Oflleo In Alliance, Ko- braskn. r. M. IM)HKlS(;0f, Register. 1-OX ICE KOIt I'l ULICATIOS. t.'. . l,iud (inice, tit Alliance, Nebraska, Au-ict ffi, jMfiii, Votlec la hereby (.fiveii tlmt the following named settler has I) Itsl riot lee of his Intent ion to make final proof in support of bis claim, and t'.iat a dd proof will bo innde ho foro Kffgistor and liiwelver at Alliance, Nebraska, on October Si, isoy, viz : Charles b. Phillip of llodarc, Nebraska, who made H. K. No. 1(15, for the M'i sV'i of sec. 12, Twp.,72, N. Ksu'e.6 v. lie names tho following wltneses to prove liis continuous residence upon and cultivation ol snld land viz: AilcliHel A. liuniiimi, Noali R. Hovey and John W. Hunter "f Hodarc, Nebruskit. and Kdgar I'lPHIpsof llyniinis, Submnka. Aiso, Xoati JJ. Hovey, of llodarc, Nebraska, who made II. Ii. No. 4C70, for tlio N-VJ H-W ami M V .V j fjt-.v. ;,, and N!, of H-U'n Soe. 6, 1 tvp. 33. X. Itttiige M w. Ho nauV'tftCr following witnesses to prove til -t-.itmuriehs reidt-Hco uiM,a and cultivation of said land, viz: Mleliael liuflman, John W. Hunter and Chsrlus Ii riilllliVof Ilodare, Siebraska uud Kdicar l'bl.'Ujm of Hysnnis, Nebraska. C-i:i) V.Jl. DOKU1.NUTON, lteglstor. Comrnerclnl Investment Company, a cor IMir.ttl.iii, J. 8. Lawrence, whose tvu e.brls- tmn fiuiiio is unknown, Nebraska Security c ompany, a corporation, defendants, will take notice tlmt on the 2nd day of August, A. 1). IS-.CI, Joseph Hoffman, plaintiff, herein, filed his petition in tho district court of u"tx county, Jfebrnskii, against Commer. chil Invetiiient Company, a corporation, .1 i; i -i- .. . ... unknown, .Vebraska aecnrttv (Xnnp-iuy, a corporation, the object and prayer of whicli ii to foieelco a t.,x lieu tiuoa ih l-Iusi h ,;f of tlie North wet quarter, Monllcwcst miar ter of the North-east quarter, North-west quarter of South-east quarter, ,of Section twHiityei;:bt (WJ, Township thirty. three (:, North of Unripe fifty-four (54), west of Hie 6th Principal Meridian, in Sioux county, Nebraska, that tho taxes Involved in said cnae of action are the taxes assessed and levied thereon for state, county and school district purposes for the year 1X83, s04, Jgfls, for which the same was sold to said plain tirr on the Slsttlayof -May, A. p. lstff, for tliosumof J.U44, to have an accounting of tins ti mount dne thurefor, and for the taxes duo tiiereou for tile years ISIiij, 1K'J7, 1998, patd by sold plaintiff as subsequent taxes, aod tacked to his certificate of sale. And said plahitifT prays to have said land sold for tho payment and satisfaction of the amount found due upon the same for said Uixm Cu. 1,1 tnret thereon together with the costs of suit and costs of sale and attor ney foe, to bar, foreclose and exclude the defendants and each of them from ail title, loin, or equity of redemption, In and to said parcel of land and for general relief. You and each of you uro further notified, and re quired to answer said petition on or before the 11 Hi day of September A. I. 1899. ii. J. O'CONNELI.. Attorney for plaintiff. STOCK JSUANDS. TMF-JoTiRNAT. will publish yotir brand, Hk the follow lug, for fS M, per year. Ech ad ditiou.il brand 75 cents (.very . ranchmen in Sioux and adjoining counties ' stiould advertise tWeir brands i , Tm Jo. ! ncivZ-tbC1fe,,,nt'!', aU S m..y be the means of saviug uioucy for yoa- CHARLE9 BIEIILK. . On left ido or hip or cattle, ) On left shoulder of liorse.a ( ?i:ange oa the head ot Warbonm.c ijcreek Address Harrison, Kioui Co. Neb. ClIABLIfiS Uail'HKSOCR The brand reprsented in this notice and branded any where on leftside ot horses and vS &ti ,J 13 rnn'1 ttnX wbero on I s- '.1 ieit siao of cattle hio.. .... ... . V . . .-! fcw IliJO undersigned. CHAKLES CMPHEnOCB. Harrison, Nebraska. '.. CHAKLKi EWikK, Tbo brand representea la tbisnottpa and branded an wherein loft of cattle, attd ever-tup Mut freaj tlie i-iKbt ear.. . . ' . Also the same brand on left tMgh caf horses, belonffs to the uurteiislis4 Kago near East Springs, south part f Bioux county. C04KLES Nbwmah, Harrleon, Nebraska. hors!'sft sll0ulder ot ettle autf Kange on Little nnttnna,nt i'U. Crawford Nebr. NOTICIi TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANTS, NCTiCE FOR I'l.'IH.tCATION. AliKNTM VV I NTKil Ff)K THR LUCK AVI) .its l i- or irsl llnvet nil! UnlM, the h Wotici s ,1' life Kirurl cir.i. r-o v snu Usui. nooK ; over ,' p:,K, m -,"ili.(:ue, u.-.iriy IKU psg.'S Ilii.ltllliH lllllnt. L'.M, Land Office, ut Alliance, Nebraska. yA September li, Isski. Notleols boi-Mby glvcu Hist the following mined settler has filod notice or his Intent ion to mako tliisl proof hi support of his claim, and that said pi oof will be made bo- foro Clerk i.f Histrlct Court at Harrison, Ne braska, oa October 21, lsw), DAVID PETTY, bolr or Arthur L. Delaney, doceasod, who made II. 1. No. 31137, for the Htj S-K, N-W14 H-EH KIKt (JOfU NE'i of Stc. 12,Twp.34, N. Uiingo Ho names as witnesses t i prove his eon tlnuous resideuce upon and cultlvsllon ol said land, vis: , HotM'.rt Ilmilaon and Theodore V. (ioldeu of Adolia, Nebraska, William II. Dnvis and Julian E. i'hlnney of Harrison, Nobraskn. Also, JOKKI'JI L. KbIIOUK, of Uodare, No bruska, wr.anisdo II. V,. No. :kkm, for tho si I Wliof tseti. !,Bnd N-Wli ofheo.KJ, Twp.K!, N Ratine rnw. ioii.H'9 Kittie,M to novo his con- -.--.I ..I I.,.-- IIUI. 1. I I... I .d. ti,.i I iliiiiiem J's.rlcfieeupou and cultivatit. Henrr- l.'ev and Sliclu 1. iivlil.,i ..t ir.... ntllonH, Oolv l,Mi. tucuriiious denisud. I rlsort. NultW.tra Jm.n 4i..i. . ... Illg Cmnml.slotis. .luttlifre. chance ot i Ul,"' r L Bnd ""'' iiieiii.ie. i rue qillCK. I n lloin (1 loll Cum . .-.ivrnsnit, pauy, ilid riuoi' Uatou HlKg., Uileago. j fM) - If. il. I'ORRINU'X'ON, teBlter, McKlnley Lnnnlng Loan and Trust C'ompa ny, a corporation, CoirtniercUl Investment company, a Corporation, Nebraska Security ompany, a Corporation, defendants, will take liolico that on the 2nd (lav Of AncniMt ISM, Sarah Jordan, plaintiff herein, Hied her petition in tho district court of Sioux Coun ty, Nebraska, against Sfc.lCiiiley Limning Loan and Trust Company, Commercial In vestment Company, Nebraska Security Company, corporations, defendants, tho ob ject ami niyerof which are to foreclosn the tax liens hereinafter described. In Its cauno of action stated in said peti tion the plaintiff seeks to foreclose a tax lien upon tlie south east quarter of Section twenty (-JO) Township thlrty-thrco (33) north of range fit ty.flvo (5) west of the 6tU prin. clpsl meridian In Sioux Oonnty Nebraska, uini. tue taxes lnvoived In said cause of ac tion are the taxes that were levied foi state county and school district purposes in the years ls-.i:), 18114, ls(, for which the same was smldtosald plaintiff on the Klb day of June is'.u, for the sum of r!6.92, to have an ae counting of the amount duo therefor, and tor the taxes due thereon for the yoars, 1896 I stii, Irfis, paid bvsaid plaintiff as subsequent taxes sun tacked to her certificate! of tax sale and said plaintiff prays to have said land sold for fho payment and satisfaction of tho amount found duo upon tho sumo for said tsxes and interest thereon, together with (he costs of suit nd costs of sale, to bar fore close and excludo the defendants and each of them from all title, lien or equity of re- ueinptlon iu and to the said land and for general relief. And you and each of you are further notified and required to answer said petition on or before the llth day of Sept ember A. D. 1809. M. J. O'CONNKI.l,, . Attorney for plaintiff. I FRANK NUTTO. . On left side of cattle aad on left shonlder ot horse. Range on Antelope creek O., Gliilelinst, Sioux Co., Neb. . JOHN A. HANSON Owns the follow Ingbrand on eith er: Also HG on cat tle and horses cattle on leftside horses on left shoulder. Range on Silver Springs and east ot stata Ino. PostofHce Harrison Neb Sheriffs Sale. Netroe Is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale Issuod by tho Clerk of the District Court of tho county of Slonx, and state or Nebraska, upon a decree rendered by snld Court In rnvorof AmoMoan Mortgage Trust Limited, Is Plaintiff, and Andrew J. Ilodgo, Desiro it. Hodge, wife or Andrew J. Hodge, Defendants; I will on tho Kith day of September, A. I). 1899, at Hie hour of S o'clock p. in., of said tiny, at tho Ksst trout door of the Court Honse, n Harrison, In snld county, offer mid sell the following described real estate, to wit: TtieB-W!a9.Kl,8o. 15, and NX N BJ4 and A-W! N-EVi Sec. 12, In Twp. 30, Itnnge Ss, In Sionx comity, Nebraska, at public auction, io the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy snld order of mil) In tho sum of (IRS, with Interest at ten per eciit. end cost and so truing costs. ' THOMAS HOLLY, sheriff, sioux county, Nebraska. $100 REWARD. FOr proof to convict any person of steal ing any of my stock. Cattlo brandod same as cut. Horses branded same on right shoulder a orC on left thi-h. Sheep, paint brand same as cattle and Are brand c on right side of noso. Address, David Colville, Glen Nebr., Democratic County Convention. A county convention of the Demoorstlo party of Sioax county, Nebraska, Is hereby called to meet at Harrison, in said county, Saturday, Sept. 80, 1899, at the Court House, at 1 o'clock p. in., for tho purpose of placing in nomination candidates for the following offices: One County Clerk, One County Treasurer, One County Sheriff, Ono County Judge, One County Snperin ten dent of Schools. One County Surveyor, One County Coroner. Also, to transact such other business as may properly come before the convention. The several precincts In said county will be entitled to representation In the convention based ou the vote east for Hon. 0. J. Smyttho st the general election of HUM, bolngono delegate for each 10 rotes or minor fraction thereof, which makes the appor- tlonmon t as follows : Andrews liowen Montrose Sugar loaf Wnrbonnet Whistle creek Antelope Hat Creek Running Water Snake Creek White River (Cottonwood it Is recommended that no proline be at-1 lowed. ' It Is rrooiiirndcsl that tho different Pre cinct primaries In the county be held ofe Tuesday Kept, SI, ISIKI. M. J. Hi.kwkTT. tcrntary. il. J, GAYHAK-, ChalruHMtu v s p -' si 1 cr , 4:' ,; '':t ':t'' A 4 : .-A. t.